Welcome to Tranquility
Welcome to Tranquility is an American comic book
created by Gail Simone
and Neil Googe
and published by Wildstorm
The series is set in Tranquility, a fictional town in Oregon, which is home to retired superheroes and supervillains (known colloquially as "Maxis") as well as their families. This town coexists with the existing Wildstorm Universe
, with frequent references to its heroes, such as The Authority and Gen 13.
start in December 2006
. A new story arc started in issue #7. Like Stormwatch: Post Human Division
, the series stopped at issue #12 and it then appeared as part of the Christos Gage
-written Wildstorm: Armageddon
crossover storyline, with artist Horacio Domingues.
Unlike Stormwatch: PHD, and other titles involved in that story, it was not one of those that has been announced as restarting in 2008
with World's End
. However, Wildstorm editor Ben Abernathy
has said Welcome to Tranquility would return in a six-issue limited series
, entitled Welcome to Tranquility: One Foot in the Grave, with Simone returning to write it and Domingues staying on to provide the art.
Sheriff Lindo is the granddaughter of a Maxi hero known as The Black Glider, and the sister of Seresa Lindo, local pilot and assistant to Minxy Minerva. Romantically, she has been linked to deceased maxihero Mr. Articulate, who she freely admits to sleeping with after a stay in the hospital, during which he provided her with companionship.
While Sheriff Lindo has been shown to have a quick temper, she is also an extremely courageous and compassionate person, placing herself in the line of danger to protect others, and showing more patience with the inhabitants of the town than almost anyone. To this end she uses a special energy-augmented baton made by Doc Tomorrow.
Colonel Isaac Cragg - Former member of the Liberty Squad, Colonel Cragg is the only man to serve in 3 branches of the U.S. Military simultaneously (Air Force
, Navy
and the Army
) and holds the record for most enemy planes shot down in a career. He bears a scar across the left side of his face, and a blinded left eye, from a fight with Nazi Giant during his former military days. His combat and piloting abilities are more than likely superhuman in nature, given his record-breaking service record, coupled with the fact that some portion of said record was obtained with the limited depth perception of having only one eye. Colonel Cragg is known to have fought in World War II
, but it is not known how far his service extended past the war's resolution.
Colonel Cragg is usually seen with his assistant Bad Dogg. Cragg was also a pallbearer at Mr. Articulate's funeral, implying that the two were probably friends. Cragg has demonstrated difficulty adjusting to the modern era's political correctness
Deputy Presley Duray - Former sheriff of Tranquility and currently a deputy for Sheriff Lindo. Presley lost his position as sheriff after a case in which a murder suspect in his custody committed suicide in his cell after an intense interrogation. After the suspect was found to be innocent and the real killer being caught the next day, with pictures of the murder found on his person, Presley was presumably fired or asked to resign. The guilt and shame from this event was discovered and thwarted by the newly appointed Sheriff Lindo, who deputized him.
Bad Dog - Bad Dog (real name unknown) was Colonel Cragg's topkick during their military service, and served with him on the Liberty Squad. He constantly wears a collar around his neck. He possesses superhuman "toughness," which likely consists of enhanced strength and endurance. He served as a pallbearer for Mr. Articulate, although he had a mild dislike for Mr. Articulate, due to his intelligence and expansive vocabulary. As this suggests, Bad Dog is known for having a temper, and has sometimes been shown to enter an almost feral mental state.
Emoticon - Real name unknown, Emoticon is a local teenager and grandson of a villain (and presumed Maxi) known as The Typist, and causes trouble for the citizens of Tranquility. He is disrespectful to most elders in the town.
Emoticon dresses in a flashy style, including a fur coat, several necklaces and assorted other jewellery. His most distinctive feature, however, is a mask he wears, which covers his entire face. The mask displays his current emotions via a LCD screen, which expresses said emotion as a text "smiley"
. This mask apparently translates Emoticon's true feelings at the given moment and does not allow any attempts at concealment (effectively rendering him unable to lie.) Emoticon also speaks in netspeak
, saying "lol
" rather than actually laughing, and saying "All caps!" before yelling.
Currently, Emoticon is being held on charges of being an accessory to Mr. Articulate's murder and possibly on the charge of assaulting a police officer.
Emoticons face is horribly disfigured and without his mask he cannot see, the mask itself has a pair of replacement eyeballs for him, apparently a "gift" from the Typist himself who blinded and disfigured him as a way to bring a bit of "tragedy" in his secret origins. As an act of kindness, Sheriff Lindo allowed him to keep wearing his mask even after his incarceration so as to spare him the shame and fear of being imprisoned without it.
Mayor Alex Fury - Alex Fury, formerly a Maxi Hero known as "Judge Fury" and Liberty Squad leader, is the mayor of Tranquility and husband of former actress/Maxi Hero Suzy Fury, also known as The Pink Bunny. Mayor Fury's top priority is giving former heroes and villains alike a place to live out their golden years in peace and keeping the town running smoothly. He seems well-equipped to this end, having seemingly limitless reservoirs of patience and diplomacy, having only lost his temper once.
Fury's known powers are superior combat ability, enhanced strength and near-invulnerability. As Judge Fury, he wore a black mask somewhat in the style of an executioner's mask,as well as a white suit with a black shirt and white tie. As Tranquility's mayor, he us usually seen in a similar suit, but with a smaller mask that only covers his face from just above his eyes to the bottom of his nose.
Suzy Fury - A former actress, pin-up model and super-heroine, Suzy Fury (maiden name unknown) was the Liberty Squad's "secretary" (an obvious poke at Wonder Woman's
position in the Justice Society
) under the Maxi name Pink Bunny. At some point in the past she married Judge Fury, and currently resides with him in Tranquility, where she runs a restaurant known as the Chik'n Go. She employs Leona Terrell as a waitress, and considers her to be like a daughter.
Her only known Maxi power is that of enhanced strength (it has been claimed that she can throw a tank), though she may have some sort of attraction-based power, given the theme of her Maxi persona. Suzy was apparently given her powers in a super-soldier project headed by the O.S.U. This also created her arch rival: Rosario Munez, also known as "Hellkitten".
Dr. Rachel Steel - Rachel Steel is the town doctor, and a Maxi. Her powers seem linked to perception, giving her the ability to see through objects and to enhance her eyesight to see small details. These powers are precise enough to allow her to perform a complete murder autopsy
without making a single incision, or even touching the body. Use of this power causes her eyes to glow, and seems to cause her enough pain to require the use of marijuana. She is not the highest ranking doctor in Tranquility, but is apparently the only one with powers.
Captain Cobra - Maxi resident of Tranquility (real name unknown) and sworn "Enemies to the DEATH!" with fellow Maxi and next-door neighbor, Mongoose Man. He has threatened to kill Mongoose Man for taking back apples from Mongoose Man's tree that fell on his side of the fence on more than one occasion. This argument has apparently progressed to the point where Deputy Troy expresses annoyance in being there again, and Sheriff Lindo has threatened to cut down the disputed tree.
Cedric - Collette Pearson's camera man. A young man with an inability to keep his thoughts to himself and a well-developed sense of humour. Has been assaulted and presumably murdered by an unknown assailant for his refusal to provide said assailant with the location of his boss, Collette.
Henry Hyde - Former arch-nemesis of Maximum Man, Henry (Maxi name "Henry Hate") has since reformed. He has a twin brother, and was considered the foremost inventor of his time. Currently spends his time playing chess with his former nemesis, Kyle Trueblood (which he wins frequently, presumably due to enhanced intellect.)
He created a HATE Bomb which destroyed only living people, yet left material possessions and buildings untouched, it was this threat that brought people to Tranquility in the first place. He also pretends not to know Maximum Man's secret word, though he later told him the word in a crisis.
Seresa Lindo - Minxy Minerva's assistant and sister of Sheriff Lindo. Despite the regular dangers of working for Ms. Minerva (frequent plane crashes being the most prevalent), she continues with the job because she's paid $20,000 a week for her services. She is in fact a skilled driver and pilot herself and seems to be quite competent in what is feasible for aerodynamics. She cares deeply for her employer as well and has a more personal interest in the job than she lets on.
Lisa - The town dispatch officer. She has a daughter and apparently no super powers.
Minxy Minerva - Former child aviatrix and aeronautics engineer, with the catchphrase "Yinkies!" Currently a resident of Tranquility. Despite her severe dementia
(possibly caused by Alzheimer's Disease
) she still has powerful friends in top positions in the U.S. Government because her plane designs are credited with a large part of the Allied victory in World War II.
Despite bouts of confusion, in which she thinks she's still fighting in the European Theatre (and that Seresa Lindo is her former sidekick Venus,) Minxy continues building and flying airplanes, which usually results in spectacular crashes, risking her life, the life of her assistant, Seresa Lindo, and anyone who happens to be nearby. Lindo has sought to revoke her license, or equipment, but Fury has vetoed this due to Minerva's years of public service and friends in governmental offices.
Mongoose Man - Real name unknown, Maxi resident of Tranquility and sworn "Enemies to the DEATH!" with fellow Maxi and next-door neighbor, Captain Cobra. Mongoose Man owns an apple tree, but takes back any apples that land on Captain Cobra's side of the fence between their houses, and feels they are rightfully his (a dispute Captain Cobra disagrees with.) This argument has apparently progressed to the point where Deputy Troy expresses annoyance in being there again, and Sheriff Lindo has threatened to cut down the disputed tree.
Sampson Twins - Obnoxious Maxi twins who presumably (due to their comically large physiques) have enhanced strength. After the death of Mr. Articulate they were arrested for starting a bar brawl by insulting him in front of Colonel Cragg, Bad Dog and Mayor Fury. One twin speaks in classical English while the other speaks in a drawl with bad grammar and slang.
Slapjack - Slapjack (real name unknown, presumed last name "Terrell") is the father or father-in-law of Deena Terrell, and grandfather to Leona Terell. His only demonstrated power is being a speedster
, which has been passed on to his granddaughter. He doesn't entirely approve of Leona dating "a boy named Sally" however her warms to the relationship after the confrontation at the Observatory.
Arnold Stipple - Arnold Stipple, better known under his Maxi name of Cosmos, was a member of the Liberty Squad. Though acquitted, he is considered to have betrayed the Liberty Squad to a villain known as Were-Lizard, which resulted in the death of Earth's greatest hero, Astral Man. This leads to his home in Tranquility being vandalized quite often.
Due to his status as a pariah, Arnold lives alone, save for several cats. He claims to have been blamed by then-Sheriff Duray for every major crime that happened in Tranquility. He was even briefly considered as a suspect for the murder of Mr. Articulate, due to his powers of teleportation
Deena Terrell - Daughter or daughter-in-law of Slapjack, and mother of Leona Terrell. Deena is a Christian Fundamentalist who is known for her abrasive personality and tendency to shout. It has been implied that these elements were contributing factors to Leona's suicide attempt.
Kyle Trueblood - Former member of the Liberty Squad, under the Maxi name of Maximum Man (possibly the origin of the term.) An homage to Captain Marvel
, Kyle was a timid accountant until he spoke a secret word which granted him the power of "Indian Fakirs", transforming him into a Maxi with enhanced strength, invulnerability and the power of flight. In his old age, Kyle has forgotten the word, and spends most of his time wandering around Tranquility, reading dictionaries aloud in any language to rediscover it. He is also fond of playing chess with his former arch-nemesis, Henry Hyde. As of the fifth issue, Kyle has found out the word, which is "Hecatean".
Deputy Troy Veron - One of Sheriff Lindo's deputies.
Zeke - An undead Maxi, whose status as a hero or villain is unknown. Zeke's "death" occurred some time in the 1960's, and it is unknown what his status was revealed much later the comics began. Zeke runs (and presumably named) Gate to the Underworld, the local cemetery and presumably the mortuary. He is also seen briefly in the tattler fending anti-Maxi protesters away from the cemetery gates. His bodyshape may imply some relation to Henry Hyde, and in fact, was a "punishment" brought by the same being who granted him a form of "immortality", the demonic "Host".
A struggling popstar, an Elvis wannabe, the Ezekiel bargained with a demon for eternal youngness and everlasting life, in exchange for "looking on a little property", supposed to be the Gate to the Underworld. However, as Ezekiel repented and tried to escape, the demon badly disfigured him, thus ending his popstar career, but without taking his immortality, leaving him to be as a half-rotted corpse for eternity.
Zeke is a very obvious homage
of the Crypt Keeper, speaking in bad, horror-themed puns, though he has made at least one (unsuccessful) attempt to branch out to "a general thing of Man's inhumanity to man
." As part of this homage, Zeke appears as a half-rotted corpse. He is seldom seen without his pet snake Hamnet, who is generally wrapped around his arm, and whom he talks to when no one is around.
Kevin Emils - Kevin, who prefers to be called "Sweet Sally" at all times, is the front man for the Liberty Snots. He possesses the ability to channel sound into forceful attacks, such as Black Canary
or Banshee
. He is the presumed father of his girlfriend, Leona Terrell's child. He is Kyle Truegood's godson, and is dating Leona. He hates being called Kevin and will always insist forcefully that his name is Sally.
Leona Terrell - Leona, who has taken the stage name of "Ajita", inherited her powers as a speedster
from her grandfather, Slapjack. Leona is pregnant with Kevin's daughter. She works as a waitress at the Chick'n Go. Her mother is extremely controlling of her life. Leona has been attempting to pursue an acting career since the Tranquiliteens was cancelled but to no avail.
Arson - Real name unknown. Power of pyrokinesis
. Seems to glean great satisfaction from the use of his powers and is seemingly the most temperamental of the Liberty Snots.
Freaksho - Real name and powers unknown. Thus far the only time he has spoken has been to level allegations against Deputy Durray. First about Police Brutality and then about sexual harassment, all within the space of a minute.
Mangacide - Jess dresses in a loligoth fashion. Powers involve psionic tentacles that grasp objects. Due to her strange method of speech during her attack on the hospital is could be implied this is spell casting from which her powers are derived. Her origin was somewhat featured as a back-up story in issue #11. She recently got a job as a waitress at the Chick'n Go.
M-T - Byron is the grandson of the Maxi Doc Tomorrow. Powers involve some sort of enhanced intelligence and/or technopathy; he invents things, much like his grandfather. Actually dislikes goth music. Had a brief relationship with Roxy Spaulding
of Gen13.
Silicon Stiletto - Real name unrevealed. Powers involve clawed fingers. She also possesses superhuman strength as she lifted Sheriff Lindo off the ground with one hand and traded blows with the super-strong Caitlin Fairchild
of Gen 13. In addition, she possesses a degree of invulnerability, taking an energy blast to the face from the Authoriteen's Kid Apollo without injury. Taking this into account she may be Carrie from the Tranquiliteens and possibly a relative of The Pink Bunny.
Arthur Hensford - An international detective during World War II, Arthur Hensford, better known as Mr. Articulate, was known for his chivalry, wit, elegant manerisms, and his signature sword-cane and blue rose corsages.
He visited Sheriff Lindo during her stay in the hospital and gave her small trinkets from his world traveling days, which eventually led her to reveal that he wasn't gay, as many of the townsfolk thought due to his nature, and even going so far as to quietly provide money for Leona Terrell to have an abortion
. However, after his death, the Tattler implied a past relationship with Midnighter
, an openly gay superhero.
After his autopsy, it was revealed that Mr. Articulate was in the final stages of cancer
and had he not been murdered, he would have had a month to live, at most.
After the meeting, Lindo takes Collette and her cameraman, Cedric, to Suzie's Chik'n Go for lunch. As the bill arrives, it is taken by another town resident, Mr. Articulate, a former detective who still carries himself with chivalry. Suddenly, a gang led by a villain's grandson, The Emoticon, enters and starts a ruckus. When Lindo ends the argument, Mr. Articulate has been stabbed through the chest with his own sword-cane and killed. The other present townsfolk include Cragg, Bad Dog, and Leona, the waitress at the Chick'n Go who is a former child star and Maxi.
Sheriff Lindo begins questioning suspects, while at the morgue, a tabloid reporter named Bug is caught photographing the body for an article. The prime suspect, Emoticon, reveals that he could not have killed Articulate, since his emotion mask cannot allow him to lie.
The funeral of Mr. Articulate is attended by the entire heroic community. After the funeral, Bug tries to blackmail Leona with knowledge that Mr. Articulate owed her a favor. Bug is forced from the restaurant by Cragg and Bad Dog, and Leona leaves to meet Kevin, her boyfriend, also a Maxi and child star. Bug, spying on the two lovers, is attacked and murdered by an unknown assailant. Lindo discovers Leona and Kevin in the park, and speaks with Leona, who was the first to Mr. Articulate after the murder. While the sheriff thinks Leona knows something, Leona claims she doesn't, and angrily shoves Lindo. Deputy Duray asks Lindo to leave the girl alone, and as she leaves, Lindo promises to stop by her house the next day and talk to Leona's overprotective mother. A distraught Leona rushes home and apologizes to her mother for not living up to her expectations, and takes a bath while reflecting on her connection to Articulate: she is pregnant and wants an abortion, which the elder hero offered to pay for.
Later, Lindo finds out that Bug was murdered and that Leona is hospitalized as a result of a suicide attempt. At the hospital, Leona improves, and Dr. Steel reveals that it was a genuine attempt and that Leona is pregnant. Lindo takes Mayor Fury aside and asks if he can keep the FBI off of the Articulate case until she can solve it. He gives her three days. After this meeting, Lindo goes to the scene of Bug's murder to search for clues, and discovers that Bug's equipment are missing, but she finds a book belonging to Mr. Articulate and his trademark, blue rose petals. Inside the book is written the word "DECAPITATE!" in someone else's handwriting. She has her deputies arrest Emoticon and place him in an interrogation room, where he reveals that he was paid to cause a disturbance, but didn't know Mr. Articulate was going to be killed. Lindo asks her deputies to find Collette and Cedric to place them in protective custody. Unfortunately, Cedric is kidnapped and beaten by an assailant, who throws him bound into a river.
At the hospital, Kevin arrives with the rest of the Liberty Snots, and demands to see Leona and his unborn child, or the group will attack the hospital. During this time, Henry is beaten by a shadowed assailant, who wants his deadliest weapon. Lindo asks Suzy to watch over Collette while she goes to the hospital. At the Chick'n Go, Collette mentions that she believes the water of Tranquility acts as a Fountain of Youth. Mayor Fury arrives and has a fight with Suzy, because he wants to protect Traquility's secret. He is scarred by hot grease, but punches Suzy, who calls Lindo, who has quelled the Snots' riot by letting Kevin see Leona at the request of Kyle Truegood. Wondering how she can go against Fury, Henry, who has made it to the hospital, reveals that he knew Kevin's secret word, something he lied about when asked days prior. Saying "Hecatean", Kevin becomes the much younger and mightier Maximum Man. However, Leona reveals that Articulate's killer was not the Mayor, and across town, Colonel Cragg approaches Bad Dog with Henry's bomb and tells him he has a heroic side and a darker one he can't quell. Bad Dog believes he has to beat some sense into his best friend.
American comic book
An American comic book is a small magazine originating in the United States and containing a narrative in the form of comics. Since 1975 the dimensions have standardized at 6 5/8" x 10 ¼" , down from 6 ¾" x 10 ¼" in the Silver Age, although larger formats appeared in the past...
Ongoing series
The term "ongoing series" is used in contrast to limited series , a one shot , a graphic novel, or a trade paperback...
created by Gail Simone
Gail Simone
Gail Simone is an American writer of comic books. Best known for penning DC's Birds of Prey, her other notable works include Secret Six, Welcome to Tranquility, The All-New Atom, and Deadpool. In 2007, she took over Wonder Woman...
and Neil Googe
Neil Googe
-Biography:Googe's early comics work include a Shotgun Mary mini-series and work on 2000 AD, including a number of Judge Dredd stories....
and published by Wildstorm
WildStorm Productions, or simply WildStorm, published American comic books. Originally an independent company established by Jim Lee and further expanded upon in subsequent years by other creators, WildStorm became a publishing imprint of DC Comics in 1999...
The series is set in Tranquility, a fictional town in Oregon, which is home to retired superheroes and supervillains (known colloquially as "Maxis") as well as their families. This town coexists with the existing Wildstorm Universe
Wildstorm Universe
The Wildstorm Universe is a fictional shared universe where the comic books published by Wildstorm take place. It represents an alternate history of the real world where ideas such as interstellar travel and superhuman abilities are commonplace...
, with frequent references to its heroes, such as The Authority and Gen 13.
Publication history
The ongoing seriesOngoing series
The term "ongoing series" is used in contrast to limited series , a one shot , a graphic novel, or a trade paperback...
start in December 2006
2006 in comics
-January:*January 1, 2006: Newsweek offer a look back at 2005 through editorial cartoons. *January 2, 2006: The Cincinnati Enquirer cartoonist Jim Borgman starts a blog to detail his creative process...
. A new story arc started in issue #7. Like Stormwatch: Post Human Division
Stormwatch: Post Human Division
Stormwatch: Post Human Division is an American comic book published by Wildstorm comics. It is the fourth volume to bear the name Stormwatch and was one of several comics used to reboot the Wildstorm Universe...
, the series stopped at issue #12 and it then appeared as part of the Christos Gage
Christos Gage
Christos N. "Chris" Gage is an American comic book writer and screenwriter.-Early life:Gage is the son of author and journalist Nicholas Gage. He was born in New York, and grew up in Athens, Greece, and then North Grafton, Massachusetts...
-written Wildstorm: Armageddon
Wildstorm: Armageddon
"Wildstorm: Armageddon" was a crossover event in the Wildstorm Universe, written by Christos Gage and drawn by various artists.Armageddon led into a number of bi-weekly series, Wildstorm: Revelations and Number of the Beast, which resulted in the relaunch of a number of Wildstorm titles.-Issues:The...
crossover storyline, with artist Horacio Domingues.
Unlike Stormwatch: PHD, and other titles involved in that story, it was not one of those that has been announced as restarting in 2008
2008 in comics
-January:*January 9: Teen Titans: The Lost Annual, delayed since 2003, is published.*January 23: Hellblazer #240, marking the 20th anniversary of the series, is released.-February:...
with World's End
World's End (comics)
"World's End" is a 2008-2009 comic book crossover storyline published by Wildstorm and taking place in the Wildstorm Universe. The event takes place in the issues of all of Wildstorm's Wildstorm Universe ongoing series.-Publication history:...
. However, Wildstorm editor Ben Abernathy
Ben Abernathy
Ben Abernathy is the senior editor at WildStorm Productions a comic book company that also acts as an imprint of DC Comics.-Biography:Abernathy has held editorial positions at both Dark Horse Comics and Marvel Enterprises before moving to WildStorm....
has said Welcome to Tranquility would return in a six-issue limited series
Limited series
A limited series is a comic book series with a set number of installments. A limited series differs from an ongoing series in that the number of issues is determined before production and it differs from a one shot in that it is composed of multiple issues....
, entitled Welcome to Tranquility: One Foot in the Grave, with Simone returning to write it and Domingues staying on to provide the art.
Major characters
Sheriff Thomasina "Tommy" Lindo - Sheriff Lindo, or "Tommy", is the town's sherrif. Her main duties seem to consist of keeping peace when old rivalries flare up or when the more unbalanced inhabitants, such as Minxy Minerva, cause trouble. Rather than use swear words, she frequently uses euphemisms such as "doody", "dang", and "poop".Sheriff Lindo is the granddaughter of a Maxi hero known as The Black Glider, and the sister of Seresa Lindo, local pilot and assistant to Minxy Minerva. Romantically, she has been linked to deceased maxihero Mr. Articulate, who she freely admits to sleeping with after a stay in the hospital, during which he provided her with companionship.
While Sheriff Lindo has been shown to have a quick temper, she is also an extremely courageous and compassionate person, placing herself in the line of danger to protect others, and showing more patience with the inhabitants of the town than almost anyone. To this end she uses a special energy-augmented baton made by Doc Tomorrow.
Colonel Isaac Cragg - Former member of the Liberty Squad, Colonel Cragg is the only man to serve in 3 branches of the U.S. Military simultaneously (Air Force
United States Air Force
The United States Air Force is the aerial warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the American uniformed services. Initially part of the United States Army, the USAF was formed as a separate branch of the military on September 18, 1947 under the National Security Act of...
, Navy
United States Navy
The United States Navy is the naval warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven uniformed services of the United States. The U.S. Navy is the largest in the world; its battle fleet tonnage is greater than that of the next 13 largest navies combined. The U.S...
and the Army
United States Army
The United States Army is the main branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for land-based military operations. It is the largest and oldest established branch of the U.S. military, and is one of seven U.S. uniformed services...
) and holds the record for most enemy planes shot down in a career. He bears a scar across the left side of his face, and a blinded left eye, from a fight with Nazi Giant during his former military days. His combat and piloting abilities are more than likely superhuman in nature, given his record-breaking service record, coupled with the fact that some portion of said record was obtained with the limited depth perception of having only one eye. Colonel Cragg is known to have fought in World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
, but it is not known how far his service extended past the war's resolution.
Colonel Cragg is usually seen with his assistant Bad Dogg. Cragg was also a pallbearer at Mr. Articulate's funeral, implying that the two were probably friends. Cragg has demonstrated difficulty adjusting to the modern era's political correctness
Political correctness
Political correctness is a term which denotes language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, certain other religions, beliefs or ideologies, disability, and age-related contexts,...
Deputy Presley Duray - Former sheriff of Tranquility and currently a deputy for Sheriff Lindo. Presley lost his position as sheriff after a case in which a murder suspect in his custody committed suicide in his cell after an intense interrogation. After the suspect was found to be innocent and the real killer being caught the next day, with pictures of the murder found on his person, Presley was presumably fired or asked to resign. The guilt and shame from this event was discovered and thwarted by the newly appointed Sheriff Lindo, who deputized him.
Bad Dog - Bad Dog (real name unknown) was Colonel Cragg's topkick during their military service, and served with him on the Liberty Squad. He constantly wears a collar around his neck. He possesses superhuman "toughness," which likely consists of enhanced strength and endurance. He served as a pallbearer for Mr. Articulate, although he had a mild dislike for Mr. Articulate, due to his intelligence and expansive vocabulary. As this suggests, Bad Dog is known for having a temper, and has sometimes been shown to enter an almost feral mental state.
Emoticon - Real name unknown, Emoticon is a local teenager and grandson of a villain (and presumed Maxi) known as The Typist, and causes trouble for the citizens of Tranquility. He is disrespectful to most elders in the town.
Emoticon dresses in a flashy style, including a fur coat, several necklaces and assorted other jewellery. His most distinctive feature, however, is a mask he wears, which covers his entire face. The mask displays his current emotions via a LCD screen, which expresses said emotion as a text "smiley"
An emoticon is a facial expression pictorially represented by punctuation and letters, usually to express a writer’s mood. Emoticons are often used to alert a responder to the tenor or temper of a statement, and can change and improve interpretation of plain text. The word is a portmanteau word...
. This mask apparently translates Emoticon's true feelings at the given moment and does not allow any attempts at concealment (effectively rendering him unable to lie.) Emoticon also speaks in netspeak
Internet slang
Internet slang is a type of slang that Internet users have popularized, and in many cases, have coined. Such terms often originate with the purpose of saving keystrokes. Many people use the same abbreviations in texting and instant messaging, and social networking websites...
, saying "lol
LOL is an acronym or abbreviation of "laughing out loud", "lots of luck", or "lots of love". In medical slang, it is used as an acronym for "little old lady", a reference to the novel House of God.LOL or Lol may also refer to:...
" rather than actually laughing, and saying "All caps!" before yelling.
Currently, Emoticon is being held on charges of being an accessory to Mr. Articulate's murder and possibly on the charge of assaulting a police officer.
Emoticons face is horribly disfigured and without his mask he cannot see, the mask itself has a pair of replacement eyeballs for him, apparently a "gift" from the Typist himself who blinded and disfigured him as a way to bring a bit of "tragedy" in his secret origins. As an act of kindness, Sheriff Lindo allowed him to keep wearing his mask even after his incarceration so as to spare him the shame and fear of being imprisoned without it.
Mayor Alex Fury - Alex Fury, formerly a Maxi Hero known as "Judge Fury" and Liberty Squad leader, is the mayor of Tranquility and husband of former actress/Maxi Hero Suzy Fury, also known as The Pink Bunny. Mayor Fury's top priority is giving former heroes and villains alike a place to live out their golden years in peace and keeping the town running smoothly. He seems well-equipped to this end, having seemingly limitless reservoirs of patience and diplomacy, having only lost his temper once.
Fury's known powers are superior combat ability, enhanced strength and near-invulnerability. As Judge Fury, he wore a black mask somewhat in the style of an executioner's mask,as well as a white suit with a black shirt and white tie. As Tranquility's mayor, he us usually seen in a similar suit, but with a smaller mask that only covers his face from just above his eyes to the bottom of his nose.
Suzy Fury - A former actress, pin-up model and super-heroine, Suzy Fury (maiden name unknown) was the Liberty Squad's "secretary" (an obvious poke at Wonder Woman's
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman is a DC Comics superheroine created by William Moulton Marston. She first appeared in All Star Comics #8 . The Wonder Woman title has been published by DC Comics almost continuously except for a brief hiatus in 1986....
position in the Justice Society
Justice Society of America
The Justice Society of America, or JSA, is a DC Comics superhero group, the first team of superheroes in comic book history. Conceived by editor Sheldon Mayer and writer Gardner Fox, the JSA first appeared in All Star Comics #3 ....
) under the Maxi name Pink Bunny. At some point in the past she married Judge Fury, and currently resides with him in Tranquility, where she runs a restaurant known as the Chik'n Go. She employs Leona Terrell as a waitress, and considers her to be like a daughter.
Her only known Maxi power is that of enhanced strength (it has been claimed that she can throw a tank), though she may have some sort of attraction-based power, given the theme of her Maxi persona. Suzy was apparently given her powers in a super-soldier project headed by the O.S.U. This also created her arch rival: Rosario Munez, also known as "Hellkitten".
Dr. Rachel Steel - Rachel Steel is the town doctor, and a Maxi. Her powers seem linked to perception, giving her the ability to see through objects and to enhance her eyesight to see small details. These powers are precise enough to allow her to perform a complete murder autopsy
An autopsy—also known as a post-mortem examination, necropsy , autopsia cadaverum, or obduction—is a highly specialized surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of death and to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present...
without making a single incision, or even touching the body. Use of this power causes her eyes to glow, and seems to cause her enough pain to require the use of marijuana. She is not the highest ranking doctor in Tranquility, but is apparently the only one with powers.
Minor characters
Acolyte - A World War II-era Maxi who possesses healing powers that she believes were given to her by God. Has her own line of "ouchless" bandages, and presumably other medical supplies (the case for which is used by Dr. Steel as a cigarette case for her joints, presumably to avoid drawing attention.) She was seen at Mr Articulate's funeral as one of the mourners.Captain Cobra - Maxi resident of Tranquility (real name unknown) and sworn "Enemies to the DEATH!" with fellow Maxi and next-door neighbor, Mongoose Man. He has threatened to kill Mongoose Man for taking back apples from Mongoose Man's tree that fell on his side of the fence on more than one occasion. This argument has apparently progressed to the point where Deputy Troy expresses annoyance in being there again, and Sheriff Lindo has threatened to cut down the disputed tree.
Cedric - Collette Pearson's camera man. A young man with an inability to keep his thoughts to himself and a well-developed sense of humour. Has been assaulted and presumably murdered by an unknown assailant for his refusal to provide said assailant with the location of his boss, Collette.
Henry Hyde - Former arch-nemesis of Maximum Man, Henry (Maxi name "Henry Hate") has since reformed. He has a twin brother, and was considered the foremost inventor of his time. Currently spends his time playing chess with his former nemesis, Kyle Trueblood (which he wins frequently, presumably due to enhanced intellect.)
He created a HATE Bomb which destroyed only living people, yet left material possessions and buildings untouched, it was this threat that brought people to Tranquility in the first place. He also pretends not to know Maximum Man's secret word, though he later told him the word in a crisis.
Seresa Lindo - Minxy Minerva's assistant and sister of Sheriff Lindo. Despite the regular dangers of working for Ms. Minerva (frequent plane crashes being the most prevalent), she continues with the job because she's paid $20,000 a week for her services. She is in fact a skilled driver and pilot herself and seems to be quite competent in what is feasible for aerodynamics. She cares deeply for her employer as well and has a more personal interest in the job than she lets on.
Lisa - The town dispatch officer. She has a daughter and apparently no super powers.
Minxy Minerva - Former child aviatrix and aeronautics engineer, with the catchphrase "Yinkies!" Currently a resident of Tranquility. Despite her severe dementia
Dementia is a serious loss of cognitive ability in a previously unimpaired person, beyond what might be expected from normal aging...
(possibly caused by Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease also known in medical literature as Alzheimer disease is the most common form of dementia. There is no cure for the disease, which worsens as it progresses, and eventually leads to death...
) she still has powerful friends in top positions in the U.S. Government because her plane designs are credited with a large part of the Allied victory in World War II.
Despite bouts of confusion, in which she thinks she's still fighting in the European Theatre (and that Seresa Lindo is her former sidekick Venus,) Minxy continues building and flying airplanes, which usually results in spectacular crashes, risking her life, the life of her assistant, Seresa Lindo, and anyone who happens to be nearby. Lindo has sought to revoke her license, or equipment, but Fury has vetoed this due to Minerva's years of public service and friends in governmental offices.
Mongoose Man - Real name unknown, Maxi resident of Tranquility and sworn "Enemies to the DEATH!" with fellow Maxi and next-door neighbor, Captain Cobra. Mongoose Man owns an apple tree, but takes back any apples that land on Captain Cobra's side of the fence between their houses, and feels they are rightfully his (a dispute Captain Cobra disagrees with.) This argument has apparently progressed to the point where Deputy Troy expresses annoyance in being there again, and Sheriff Lindo has threatened to cut down the disputed tree.
Sampson Twins - Obnoxious Maxi twins who presumably (due to their comically large physiques) have enhanced strength. After the death of Mr. Articulate they were arrested for starting a bar brawl by insulting him in front of Colonel Cragg, Bad Dog and Mayor Fury. One twin speaks in classical English while the other speaks in a drawl with bad grammar and slang.
Slapjack - Slapjack (real name unknown, presumed last name "Terrell") is the father or father-in-law of Deena Terrell, and grandfather to Leona Terell. His only demonstrated power is being a speedster
Speedster (comics)
A speedster is a fictional character in superhero fiction, particularly comic books, whose primary power is the superhuman ability to perform physical and/or mental acts at impossibly high speeds. The most recognizable such superhero is the Flash...
, which has been passed on to his granddaughter. He doesn't entirely approve of Leona dating "a boy named Sally" however her warms to the relationship after the confrontation at the Observatory.
Arnold Stipple - Arnold Stipple, better known under his Maxi name of Cosmos, was a member of the Liberty Squad. Though acquitted, he is considered to have betrayed the Liberty Squad to a villain known as Were-Lizard, which resulted in the death of Earth's greatest hero, Astral Man. This leads to his home in Tranquility being vandalized quite often.
Due to his status as a pariah, Arnold lives alone, save for several cats. He claims to have been blamed by then-Sheriff Duray for every major crime that happened in Tranquility. He was even briefly considered as a suspect for the murder of Mr. Articulate, due to his powers of teleportation
Teleportation is the fictional or imagined process by which matter is instantaneously transferred from one place to another.Teleportation may also refer to:*Quantum teleportation, a method of transmitting quantum data...
Deena Terrell - Daughter or daughter-in-law of Slapjack, and mother of Leona Terrell. Deena is a Christian Fundamentalist who is known for her abrasive personality and tendency to shout. It has been implied that these elements were contributing factors to Leona's suicide attempt.
Kyle Trueblood - Former member of the Liberty Squad, under the Maxi name of Maximum Man (possibly the origin of the term.) An homage to Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel (DC Comics)
Captain Marvel is a fictional comic book superhero, originally published by Fawcett Comics and later by DC Comics. Created in 1939 by artist C. C. Beck and writer Bill Parker, the character first appeared in Whiz Comics #2...
, Kyle was a timid accountant until he spoke a secret word which granted him the power of "Indian Fakirs", transforming him into a Maxi with enhanced strength, invulnerability and the power of flight. In his old age, Kyle has forgotten the word, and spends most of his time wandering around Tranquility, reading dictionaries aloud in any language to rediscover it. He is also fond of playing chess with his former arch-nemesis, Henry Hyde. As of the fifth issue, Kyle has found out the word, which is "Hecatean".
Deputy Troy Veron - One of Sheriff Lindo's deputies.
Zeke - An undead Maxi, whose status as a hero or villain is unknown. Zeke's "death" occurred some time in the 1960's, and it is unknown what his status was revealed much later the comics began. Zeke runs (and presumably named) Gate to the Underworld, the local cemetery and presumably the mortuary. He is also seen briefly in the tattler fending anti-Maxi protesters away from the cemetery gates. His bodyshape may imply some relation to Henry Hyde, and in fact, was a "punishment" brought by the same being who granted him a form of "immortality", the demonic "Host".
A struggling popstar, an Elvis wannabe, the Ezekiel bargained with a demon for eternal youngness and everlasting life, in exchange for "looking on a little property", supposed to be the Gate to the Underworld. However, as Ezekiel repented and tried to escape, the demon badly disfigured him, thus ending his popstar career, but without taking his immortality, leaving him to be as a half-rotted corpse for eternity.
Zeke is a very obvious homage
Homage is a show or demonstration of respect or dedication to someone or something, sometimes by simple declaration but often by some more oblique reference, artistic or poetic....
of the Crypt Keeper, speaking in bad, horror-themed puns, though he has made at least one (unsuccessful) attempt to branch out to "a general thing of Man's inhumanity to man
Man's inhumanity to man
The phrase "Man's inhumanity to man" is first documented in my balls]] poem called Man was made to mourn: A Dirge in 1784. It is possible that Burns reworded a similar quote from Samuel von Pufendorf who in 1673 wrote, "More inhumanity has been done by man himself than any other of nature's...
." As part of this homage, Zeke appears as a half-rotted corpse. He is seldom seen without his pet snake Hamnet, who is generally wrapped around his arm, and whom he talks to when no one is around.
Liberty Snots
Former child stars who have grown up and become a Goth band after recruiting additional members, the Liberty Snots are generally considered bratty kids. There are two main characters, Kevin and Leona. The original members were once the "Tranquili-teens", who solved mysteries on a Saturday morning children's show.Kevin Emils - Kevin, who prefers to be called "Sweet Sally" at all times, is the front man for the Liberty Snots. He possesses the ability to channel sound into forceful attacks, such as Black Canary
Black Canary
Black Canary is the name of two fictional characters, DC Comics superheroines created by writer Robert Kanigher and artist Carmine Infantino. The first Black Canary debuted appeared in Flash Comics #86 . The first Black Canary was the alter-ego of Dinah Drake, who took part in Golden Age adventures...
or Banshee
Banshee (comics)
Banshee is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero who operates as a member of the X-Men. Created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Werner Roth, Banshee first appeared in X-Men #28 ....
. He is the presumed father of his girlfriend, Leona Terrell's child. He is Kyle Truegood's godson, and is dating Leona. He hates being called Kevin and will always insist forcefully that his name is Sally.
Leona Terrell - Leona, who has taken the stage name of "Ajita", inherited her powers as a speedster
Speedster (comics)
A speedster is a fictional character in superhero fiction, particularly comic books, whose primary power is the superhuman ability to perform physical and/or mental acts at impossibly high speeds. The most recognizable such superhero is the Flash...
from her grandfather, Slapjack. Leona is pregnant with Kevin's daughter. She works as a waitress at the Chick'n Go. Her mother is extremely controlling of her life. Leona has been attempting to pursue an acting career since the Tranquiliteens was cancelled but to no avail.
Arson - Real name unknown. Power of pyrokinesis
Pyrokinesis, derived from the Greek words and , was the name coined by horror novelist Stephen King for the ability to create or to control fire with the mind that he gave to the protagonist Charlie McGee in Firestarter...
. Seems to glean great satisfaction from the use of his powers and is seemingly the most temperamental of the Liberty Snots.
Freaksho - Real name and powers unknown. Thus far the only time he has spoken has been to level allegations against Deputy Durray. First about Police Brutality and then about sexual harassment, all within the space of a minute.
Mangacide - Jess dresses in a loligoth fashion. Powers involve psionic tentacles that grasp objects. Due to her strange method of speech during her attack on the hospital is could be implied this is spell casting from which her powers are derived. Her origin was somewhat featured as a back-up story in issue #11. She recently got a job as a waitress at the Chick'n Go.
M-T - Byron is the grandson of the Maxi Doc Tomorrow. Powers involve some sort of enhanced intelligence and/or technopathy; he invents things, much like his grandfather. Actually dislikes goth music. Had a brief relationship with Roxy Spaulding
Freefall (comics)
Freefall is the code name of a fictional comic book character Roxanne "Roxy" Spaulding from Wildstorm Comics. She is a member of the superhero team Gen¹³.-Early life:...
of Gen13.
Silicon Stiletto - Real name unrevealed. Powers involve clawed fingers. She also possesses superhuman strength as she lifted Sheriff Lindo off the ground with one hand and traded blows with the super-strong Caitlin Fairchild
Caitlin Fairchild
Caitlin Fairchild is a fictional comic book superhero, who appears in the Wildstorm series Gen¹³. She was created by writers Jim Lee and Brandon Choi, and artist J. Scott Campbell.-Early life:Fairchild is the daughter of Alex Fairchild of Team 7...
of Gen 13. In addition, she possesses a degree of invulnerability, taking an energy blast to the face from the Authoriteen's Kid Apollo without injury. Taking this into account she may be Carrie from the Tranquiliteens and possibly a relative of The Pink Bunny.
Astral Man - Real name unknown, he is the former leader of the Liberty Squad, Killed by Were-Lizard. There is a statue in the center of Tranquility bearing his likeness, as well as an inscription of his last words: "We must do right." His powers are unknown.Arthur Hensford - An international detective during World War II, Arthur Hensford, better known as Mr. Articulate, was known for his chivalry, wit, elegant manerisms, and his signature sword-cane and blue rose corsages.
He visited Sheriff Lindo during her stay in the hospital and gave her small trinkets from his world traveling days, which eventually led her to reveal that he wasn't gay, as many of the townsfolk thought due to his nature, and even going so far as to quietly provide money for Leona Terrell to have an abortion
Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is usually called a miscarriage, or it can be purposely induced...
. However, after his death, the Tattler implied a past relationship with Midnighter
Midnighter is a fictional comic book superhero, best known as a member of the rogue superhero team The Authority. Created by writer Warren Ellis and artist Bryan Hitch, he first appeared in Stormwatch #4, before appearing in various Authority books and series and his own eponymous ongoing series...
, an openly gay superhero.
After his autopsy, it was revealed that Mr. Articulate was in the final stages of cancer
Cancer , known medically as a malignant neoplasm, is a large group of different diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body. The cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the...
and had he not been murdered, he would have had a month to live, at most.
Mr. Articulate's Death, #1-6
Sheriff Lindo attempts to dissuade journalist Collette Pearson from doing a story on Tranquility and its inhabitants, when Minxy crash lands once more. After overcoming the initial panic, Pearson switches her focus to the heroic sheriff. Lindo later asks Fury if she can do something to prevent Minxy's actions, but he disallows this in lieu of Minxy's years of heroic service.After the meeting, Lindo takes Collette and her cameraman, Cedric, to Suzie's Chik'n Go for lunch. As the bill arrives, it is taken by another town resident, Mr. Articulate, a former detective who still carries himself with chivalry. Suddenly, a gang led by a villain's grandson, The Emoticon, enters and starts a ruckus. When Lindo ends the argument, Mr. Articulate has been stabbed through the chest with his own sword-cane and killed. The other present townsfolk include Cragg, Bad Dog, and Leona, the waitress at the Chick'n Go who is a former child star and Maxi.
Sheriff Lindo begins questioning suspects, while at the morgue, a tabloid reporter named Bug is caught photographing the body for an article. The prime suspect, Emoticon, reveals that he could not have killed Articulate, since his emotion mask cannot allow him to lie.
The funeral of Mr. Articulate is attended by the entire heroic community. After the funeral, Bug tries to blackmail Leona with knowledge that Mr. Articulate owed her a favor. Bug is forced from the restaurant by Cragg and Bad Dog, and Leona leaves to meet Kevin, her boyfriend, also a Maxi and child star. Bug, spying on the two lovers, is attacked and murdered by an unknown assailant. Lindo discovers Leona and Kevin in the park, and speaks with Leona, who was the first to Mr. Articulate after the murder. While the sheriff thinks Leona knows something, Leona claims she doesn't, and angrily shoves Lindo. Deputy Duray asks Lindo to leave the girl alone, and as she leaves, Lindo promises to stop by her house the next day and talk to Leona's overprotective mother. A distraught Leona rushes home and apologizes to her mother for not living up to her expectations, and takes a bath while reflecting on her connection to Articulate: she is pregnant and wants an abortion, which the elder hero offered to pay for.
Later, Lindo finds out that Bug was murdered and that Leona is hospitalized as a result of a suicide attempt. At the hospital, Leona improves, and Dr. Steel reveals that it was a genuine attempt and that Leona is pregnant. Lindo takes Mayor Fury aside and asks if he can keep the FBI off of the Articulate case until she can solve it. He gives her three days. After this meeting, Lindo goes to the scene of Bug's murder to search for clues, and discovers that Bug's equipment are missing, but she finds a book belonging to Mr. Articulate and his trademark, blue rose petals. Inside the book is written the word "DECAPITATE!" in someone else's handwriting. She has her deputies arrest Emoticon and place him in an interrogation room, where he reveals that he was paid to cause a disturbance, but didn't know Mr. Articulate was going to be killed. Lindo asks her deputies to find Collette and Cedric to place them in protective custody. Unfortunately, Cedric is kidnapped and beaten by an assailant, who throws him bound into a river.
At the hospital, Kevin arrives with the rest of the Liberty Snots, and demands to see Leona and his unborn child, or the group will attack the hospital. During this time, Henry is beaten by a shadowed assailant, who wants his deadliest weapon. Lindo asks Suzy to watch over Collette while she goes to the hospital. At the Chick'n Go, Collette mentions that she believes the water of Tranquility acts as a Fountain of Youth. Mayor Fury arrives and has a fight with Suzy, because he wants to protect Traquility's secret. He is scarred by hot grease, but punches Suzy, who calls Lindo, who has quelled the Snots' riot by letting Kevin see Leona at the request of Kyle Truegood. Wondering how she can go against Fury, Henry, who has made it to the hospital, reveals that he knew Kevin's secret word, something he lied about when asked days prior. Saying "Hecatean", Kevin becomes the much younger and mightier Maximum Man. However, Leona reveals that Articulate's killer was not the Mayor, and across town, Colonel Cragg approaches Bad Dog with Henry's bomb and tells him he has a heroic side and a darker one he can't quell. Bad Dog believes he has to beat some sense into his best friend.
Collected editions
It is being collected into trade paperbacksTrade paperback (comics)
In comics, a trade paperback is a collection of stories originally published in comic books, reprinted in book format, usually capturing one story arc from a single title or a series of stories with a connected story arc or common theme from one or more titles...
- Volume 1 (collects Welcome to Tranquility #1-6, 160 pages, WildStorm, December 2007, ISBN 1-4012-1516-5)
- Volume 2 (collects Welcome to Tranquility #7-12, 144 pages, WildStorm, May 2008, ISBN 1-4012-1773-7)
In 2007, Thomasina Lindo of was named Best Female Character in the Glyph Comics AwardsGlyph Comics Awards
The Glyph Comics Awards recognize the best in comics made by, for, and about people of color from the preceding calendar year. While it is not exclusive to black creators, it does strive to honor those who have made the greatest contributions to the comics medium in terms of both critical and...
External links
- Review of issue #1, #2, #4, #5, #7, #10 and #12 Comics BulletinComics BulletinComics Bulletin is a website with an emphasis on the American comic book industry, updated daily with news, reviews, interviews, and editorial content. Coverage ranges from mainstream to independent/small press comic book and graphic novel publishers.-History:...