Warrington Cycle Campaign
Warrington Cycle Campaign is a cycling campaign group that aims to promote safer cycling and more cycling.
Although based in Warrington
Warrington is a town, borough and unitary authority area of Cheshire, England. It stands on the banks of the River Mersey, which is tidal to the west of the weir at Howley. It lies 16 miles east of Liverpool, 19 miles west of Manchester and 8 miles south of St Helens...

 in England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

, the Campaign has received international recognition, mainly due to its Cycle facility of the month feature.

The Warrington Cycle campaign has produced publications aimed at improving the safety of cyclists on the road. These include a leaflet encouraging better understanding between bus
A bus is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. The most common type of bus is the single-decker bus, with larger loads carried by double-decker buses and articulated buses, and smaller loads carried by midibuses and minibuses; coaches are...

 drivers and cyclists and a report on the design and use of cycle lanes.

Cycle Facility of the Month

The Cycle Facility of the Month is a humorous feature that highlights poor, unusable and absurd cycle facilitates. This feature has received international recognition in the media and from national governments.
The first facility the site featured in March 2001 was in Warrington, but the feature quickly went national, with the April 2001 facility showing a cycle lane in Camden
London Borough of Camden
In 1801, the civil parishes that form the modern borough were already developed and had a total population of 96,795. This continued to rise swiftly throughout the 19th century, as the district became built up; reaching 270,197 in the middle of the century...

 , then in October 2007 it went international and featured a cycle lane in France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...


Crap Cycle Lanes

Based upon Warrington's Cycle facility of the month, Eye Books produced a book called "Crap Cycle Lanes" showing 50 of the worst facilities.
Proceeds from the book go a the Cyclists' Defence Fund, a UK charity that provides legal representation for cyclists.


The British Parliament.

The Press

The New York Times

Cycling Organisations

Cyclists' Touring Club
CTC and the UK's national cyclists' organisation are the trading names of the Cyclists' Touring Club.CTC is the United Kingdom's largest cycling membership organisation. It also has member groups in the Republic of Ireland...


California - blog of Chico Gino http://chicogino.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_archive.html

The Netherlands http://www.baluw.nl/index.php?id=56

Switzerland http://velocite.ch/weblogtoo/?m=200603

Germany http://kaffeeringe.de/module-article-viewpub-tid-9-pid-374-title-Ja.mir.san.mim.Radl.da.html

Brazil http://blog.transporteativo.org.br/2007/06/07/dilema-ciclovias/

East Bay Bicycle Coalition - California http://www.ebbc.org/?q=node/1566


The British Medical Journal
British Medical Journal
BMJ is a partially open-access peer-reviewed medical journal. Originally called the British Medical Journal, the title was officially shortened to BMJ in 1988. The journal is published by the BMJ Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Medical Association...

. http://www.bmj.com/cgi/eletters/334/7605/1173

National Health Service (England)
The National Health Service or NHS is the publicly funded healthcare system in England. It is both the largest and oldest single-payer healthcare system in the world. It is able to function in the way that it does because it is primarily funded through the general taxation system, similar to how...


External Links and Bibliography

The home of the Warrington Cycle Campaign. http://www.warringtoncyclecampaign.co.uk/

Cycle facility of the Month. http://www.warringtoncyclecampaign.co.uk/facility-of-the-month/

Crap Cycle Lanes. Publisher Eye Books November 10 2007. ISBN 1903070589

See also

  • Segregated cycle facilities
    Segregated cycle facilities
    Segregated cycle facilities are marked lanes, tracks, shoulders and paths designated for use by cyclists from which motorised traffic is generally excluded...

  • Cycle path debate
  • List of cycleways
  • Utility cycling
    Utility cycling
    Utility cycling encompasses any cycling not done primarily for fitness, recreation such as cycle touring, or sport such as cycle racing, but simply as a means of transport...

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