Virgo (astrology)
Virgo is the sixth astrological sign
Astrological sign
Astrological signs represent twelve equal segments or divisions of the zodiac. According to astrology, celestial phenomena reflect or govern human activity on the principle of "as above, so below", so that the twelve signs are held to represent twelve basic personality types or characteristic modes...

 in the Zodiac
In astronomy, the zodiac is a circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude which are centred upon the ecliptic: the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year...

, which spans the zodiac between the 150th and 179th degree of celestial longitude. Generally, the Sun
Sun (astrology)
The sun is considered a very important part of astrology. It, as well as the Moon, are the most important of the astrological planets, and the two of them are often referred to as the luminaries. In Greek mythology the sun was represented by Apollo, the god of light, and Helios, the god of the sun...

  transits this area of the zodiac between August 23 to September 22 each year (sometimes the dates vary slightly). Individuals born during these dates, whilst the Sun is within this sign are called Virgos.

Key characteristics and definitions

Virgo is seasonally associated with the end of summer and the onset of autumn, when nature -having borne its fruit - recedes into conservation. Because its period indicates a change of season, it is known as a 'mutable sign
Mutable sign
The mutable signs are:* Gemini : - between the spring and summer seasons.* Virgo : - between the summer and autumn seasons.* Sagittarius : - between the autumn and winter seasons.* Pisces : - between the winter and spring seasons....

', which indicates an instinct towards changeability and an easy ability to let go of past situations in preparation for future needs.
The sign is governed by Mercury, the planet of dexterity, communication, interchange of ideas and study. Mercury is also exalted
Exaltation (astrology)
In astrology, exaltation is one of the five essential dignities of a planet. Each of the seven traditional planets has its exaltation in one zodiac sign...

 in this sign, which as an 'earth-sign' is marked by practicality and perseverance. This gives an ideal balance between ingenuity of mind, and sharp intellect, and the strength of will needed to see creative ideas through to completion. In the other elements a strong Mercury can indicate fickleness or unhealthy restlessness, but Virgo's earthy qualities steady this trait and gives an excellent eye for detail. Virgos are reputed to be adept at languages, to possess a love of literature, a deep interest in history and statistics, and a good memory for details.

Virgo is considered a negative polarity or passive (introvert) sign
Negative sign
In astrology, a negative, ceptive, dispassive, yin, nocturnal or feminine sign refers to any of the six even-numbered signs of the zodiac: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces....

. This gives the characteristics of being reflective and receptive to the ideas of others. This passivity, accompanied by a flair for discrimination and eloquence with words has given Virgos a reputation for civility and good manners. They are said to have a talent for projects which require precision and detail, and to excel at skills and crafts which require patience and exactitude. On the negative, they are highly sensitive to perceived criticism, and can appear to worry unduly about the need to make things as perfect as they can be. Joanna Watters (2003) defined a keyphrase for this sign as "I serve", and summarises the Virgo reputation for over-analysing emotions by saying:"One of the Virgo lessons in life is to learn that to err is human, to forgive divine, especially when it comes to love. Martin Seymour-Smith
Martin Seymour-Smith
Martin Roger Seymour-Smith was a British poet, literary critic, biographer and astrologer.Seymour-Smith was born in London and educated at Oxford University where he was editor of Isis...

 (1981) suggested that appropriate keywords for this sign include:
  • Discrimination, analysis, calculation, loyalty, tidiness, hypochondria, the cutting out of the useless and wasteful.
    Definitions and Associations
    Glyph meaning: () The letter 'M' combined with the crossed legs of the virgin.
    Quality Negative Polarity: inwardly reflective, introvert.
    Astrology and the classical elements
    Astrology has used the concept of classical elements from antiquity up until the present. In Western astrology and Indian astrology four elements are used, namely Fire, Earth, Air and Water.-Western astrology:...

    In astrology, a triplicity is a group of three signs belonging to the same element.-Trines:Western astrology assumes that each sign of the same triplicity is 120 degrees apart, forming angles to one another called trines, which are each equivalent to the 360 degrees of the circle divided by three...

    Earth (classical element)
    Earth, home and origin of humanity, has often been worshipped in its own right with its own unique spiritual tradition.-European tradition:Earth is one of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science. It was commonly associated with qualities of heaviness, matter and the...

    : sensuality, practicality, fertility.
    Mode (quadruplicity) Mutable
    Mutable sign
    The mutable signs are:* Gemini : - between the spring and summer seasons.* Virgo : - between the summer and autumn seasons.* Sagittarius : - between the autumn and winter seasons.* Pisces : - between the winter and spring seasons....

    : the element in its most fluid form - associated with change and the dissemination of energy.
    Body part Belly and lower intestines.
    Direction Southwest
    Traditional definitions Humane sign - signs represented by human figures (Libra is included on the assumption that the scales are held by a human hand). Renowned for social graces and intellectual skills, and sometimes referred to as 'manly' or 'courteous' signs.

    Mutable sign
    The mutable signs are:* Gemini : - between the spring and summer seasons.* Virgo : - between the summer and autumn seasons.* Sagittarius : - between the autumn and winter seasons.* Pisces : - between the winter and spring seasons....

    (double-bodied) - all the mutable signs are double-bodied - Gemini: two twins; Virgo: maiden and bird; Sagittarius: man and horse; Pisces: two fish. They represent the months that join the seasons and signify a dualistic nature that is easily adaptable and can be one thing or another. For this reason the mutable signs are referred to as 'common' signs in traditional terminology.


    In ancient Greek mythology two prominent figures associated with the constellation are Erigone
    Erigone (daughter of Icarius)
    In Greek mythology, Erigone was the daughter of Icarius of Athens. Icarius was from Athens. He was cordial towards Dionysus, who gave his shepherds wine. They became intoxicated and killed Icarius, thinking he had poisoned them. His daughter, Erigone, and her dog, Maera, found his body. Erigone...

     and Astraea. Astraea was the Greek goddess of innocence and the administration of law. Sickened by the wars of men, she was the last of the celestial beings to leave the earth for the heavens and is often depicted with the wings that allowed her angelic ascension to the stars. It is said that Zeus placed her amongst the stars as the Virgo constellation along with her scales of justice to depict the constellation Libra.

    Erigone was the name by which the first century astrologer Marcus Manilius
    Marcus Manilius
    Marcus Manilius was a Roman poet, astrologer, and author of a poem in five books called Astronomica.-Criticism:The author of Astronomica is neither quoted nor mentioned by any ancient writer. Even his name is uncertain, but it was probably Marcus Manilius; in the earlier books the author is...

     referred to the constellation. As the sign of the harvest, Virgo held strong connections with the time that grapes were gathered for the production of wine and Erigone represents an aspect of this association. She was the daughter of Icarius
    In Greek mythology, there were two people named Icarius or Ikários .-Icarius of Sparta:One Icarius was the son of either Perieres and Gorgophone or of Oebalus and Bateia, brother of Hippocoon and Tyndareus and, through Periboea, father of Penelope, Perileos, Thoas, Damasippus, Imeusimus, Aletes...

    , who received the secret of wine making from the Wine God, Dionysus
    Dionysus was the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy in Greek mythology. His name in Linear B tablets shows he was worshipped from c. 1500—1100 BC by Mycenean Greeks: other traces of Dionysian-type cult have been found in ancient Minoan Crete...

    , and was murdered by peasants who believed they had been poisoned by his wine. Erigone was led to discover his body by their faithful dog and hanged herself in grief. The gods were moved to pity over the tragedy and transported the family to everlasting glory in the heavens : Icarius became Boötes
    Boötes is a constellation in the northern sky, located between 0° and +60° declination, and 13 and 16 hours of right ascension on the celestial sphere. The name comes from the Greek Βοώτης, Boōtēs, meaning herdsman or plowman...

    , Erigone became Virgo, and the dog Maera, the constellation Canis Minor
    Canis Minor
    Canis Minor is a small constellation. It was included in the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy's 48 constellations, and is still included among the 88 modern constellations...



    Generally, the qualities of Virgo are considered to be compatible with those of the other earth signs: Taurus
    Taurus (astrology)
    Taurus is the second astrological sign in the Zodiac, which spans the zodiac between the 30th and 59th degree of celestial longitude. Generally, the Sun transits this area of the zodiac between April 21 to May 21 each year...

     and Capricorn, and to a lesser extent with the water signs: Cancer
    Cancer (astrology)
    Cancer is the fourth astrological sign in the Zodiac. It is considered a water sign and one of four cardinal signs. Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Individuals born when the Sun is in this sign are considered Cancerian individuals...

    , Scorpio
    Scorpio (astrology)
    |Infobox align="right" style="border:3px solid white;"||style="text-align: center;"|Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac, which spans the zodiac between the 210th and 239th degree of celestial longitude. Generally, the Sun transits this area of the zodiac between 24 October and...

     and Pisces. Sagittarius
    Sagittarius (astrology)
    Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac, which spans the zodiac between the 240th and 269th degree of celestial longitude...

     and Pisces are considered semi-compatible with Virgo due to their having the same mutable quality in that they are Mutable sign
    Mutable sign
    The mutable signs are:* Gemini : - between the spring and summer seasons.* Virgo : - between the summer and autumn seasons.* Sagittarius : - between the autumn and winter seasons.* Pisces : - between the winter and spring seasons....

    s. However, compatibility based on sun-sign alone is considered to be only a very general guideline. The branch of astrology dealing with interpersonal relationships is called Synastry. In this, astrologers analyse the horoscopes of both parties being considered with particular reference to the positions of the Sun
    Sun (astrology)
    The sun is considered a very important part of astrology. It, as well as the Moon, are the most important of the astrological planets, and the two of them are often referred to as the luminaries. In Greek mythology the sun was represented by Apollo, the god of light, and Helios, the god of the sun...

     and Moon
    Moon (astrology)
    The Moon is the Earth's companion satellite. The Moon is large enough for its gravity to affect the Earth, stabilising its orbit and producing the regular ebb and flow of the tides. The Moon is also familiar to us for its different phases, waxing and waning in appearance in an unchanging cycle...

    , and Venus and Mars.
    The dates that the Sun traverses the sign of Virgo according to the Sidereal system are therefore (generally) between September 16 to October 15 each year.
    The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.