Tokara Pony
The is a Japanese pony
A pony is a small horse . Depending on context, a pony may be a horse that is under an approximate or exact height at the withers, or a small horse with a specific conformation and temperament. There are many different breeds...

 native to the Tokara Islands
Tokara Islands
The Tokara Islands is a group of islands in part of the Satsunan Islands, which is part of the Nansei Islands. The whole island group belongs to Toshima Village, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan....

, a group of islands in Kagoshima Prefecture
Kagoshima Prefecture
is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyushu. The capital is the city of Kagoshima.- Geography :Kagoshima Prefecture is located at the southwest tip of Kyushu and includes a chain of islands stretching further to the southwest for a few hundred kilometers...

 at the southwestern tip of the island of Kyushu
is the third largest island of Japan and most southwesterly of its four main islands. Its alternate ancient names include , , and . The historical regional name is referred to Kyushu and its surrounding islands....

. Its height is about 100 to 120 cm (39.4 to 47.2 in) (9.3 – 11.3 hand
Hand (unit)
The hand is a non-SI unit of measurement of length, now used only for the measurement of the height of horses in some English-speaking countries, including Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA. With origins in ancient Egypt, it was originally based on the breadth of a human hand...

s high), or larger than a Shetland pony
Shetland pony
The Shetland pony is a breed of pony originating in the Shetland Isles. Shetlands range in size from a minimum height of approximately 28 inches to an official maximum height of 42 inches at the withers. Shetland ponies have heavy coats, short legs and are considered quite intelligent...

. Its coat color is predominantly seal brown
Seal brown (horse)
Seal brown is a hair coat color of horses characterized by a near-black body color; with black points, the mane, tail and legs; but also reddish or tan areas around the eyes, muzzle, behind the elbow and in front of the stifle...

. The Tokara has a good tolerance for heat and is used for agriculture, riding and sugar cane processing.


In 1952 the ponies were discovered on Takarajima
, literally "treasure island", is one of the Tokara Islands, belonging to Kagoshima Prefecture. Population: 116. Area: 7.14 km²....

 by Shigeyuki Hayashida, a professor of Kagoshima University
Kagoshima University
, or is a Japanese national university located in Kagoshima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.There are three campuses:* Shimoarata: Faculty of Fisheries* Sakuragaoka: Faculty of Medicine...

, and designated the Tokara Pony. It was theorized that the ponies were brought to Takarajima
, literally "treasure island", is one of the Tokara Islands, belonging to Kagoshima Prefecture. Population: 116. Area: 7.14 km²....

 from Kikaijima
Kikai Island
is the historical island where Shunkan, Taira no Yasuyori, and Fujiwara no Naritsune were exiled following the Shishigatani Incident of 1177. It belonged to Satsuma Province....

 around 1900. In 1953, the Tokara pony was designated a natural monument
Natural Monument
A natural monument is a natural or natural/cultural feature of outstanding or unique value because of its inherent rarity, representative of aesthetic qualities or cultural significance....

 of Kagoshima. When Professor Hayashida first discovered the ponies, he counted 43. Their numbers gradually declined during the 1960s because of agricultural mechanization, however, and it was difficult to monitor the population on Takarajima. Therefore, some of the ponies were transferred to the Mt. Kaimon Natural Park and Iriki Farm, part of the agricultural department of Kagoshima University.

Endangered population

By 1974, there was only a single Tokara pony remaining on the Tokara Islands. This pony was transferred to Nakanoshima on the Tokaras, and was bred with Tokara ponies which were reintroduced from the mainland. Currently, about ten Tokara ponies are kept at Nakanoshima. A breeding farm is located at Takao, at the center of one of the islands. The pony population at Nakanoshima and on the mainland is increasing, and there is currently a total of 107 Tokara ponies. Tokara-Penn’s three mares are on display at the Hirakawa Zoo in Kagoshima. Due to its small stature, the Tokara pony is no longer in demand as a plow horse on the Tokaras or the mainland and has limited utility as a riding horse; therefore, finding a practical use for the Tokara pony is a problem which will affect its future protection.
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