Tlilpotonqui or Tlilpotoncatzin (died in the year 11 Reed
Aztec calendar
The Aztec calendar is the calendar system that was used by the Aztecs as well as other Pre-Columbian peoples of central Mexico. It is one of the Mesoamerican calendars, sharing the basic structure of calendars from throughout ancient Mesoamerica....

/1503) was the second cihuacoatl
Cihuacoatl (position)
The cihuacoatl was a supreme leader or advisor within the Aztec system of government....

("president") of Mexico-Tenochtitlan.

Tlilpotoncatzin was the second son of Tlacaelel
Tlacaelel I was the principal architect of the Aztec Triple Alliance and hence the Mexica empire. He was the son of Emperor Huitzilihuitl and Queen Cacamacihuatl, nephew of Emperor Itzcoatl, and brother of Emperors Chimalpopoca and Moctezuma I.During the reign of his uncle Itzcoatl, Tlacaelel was...

 and Maquiztzin
Princess Maquiztzin was a daughter of the King Huehue Quetzalmacatzin and Queen Tlacocihuatzin Ilama. She married Tenochca prince Tlacaelel and moved to Tenochtitlan with him. She bore him five children. Her eldest son was Cacamatzin. One of other children was the great warrior Tlilpotoncatzin. The...

. His father was a son of the second tlatoani ("ruler" or "king") of Tenochtitlan, Huitzilihuitl
Huitzilihuitl was the second tlatoani of Tenochtitlan, governing from 1396 to 1417, .- Family and childhood :...

. While Tlacaelel never became tlatoani himself, as cihuacoatl he played a significant role in the creation of the Aztec empire. His mother was the daughter of Quetzalmazatzin, king of Itztlacozauhcan in Amaquemecan Chalco
Aluminum Corporation of China Limited, also known as Chalco , is a multinational aluminum company headquartered in Beijing, People's Republic of China...

. Tlilpotoncatzin succeeded his father as cihuacoatl upon his death in the year 8 Reed
Aztec calendar
The Aztec calendar is the calendar system that was used by the Aztecs as well as other Pre-Columbian peoples of central Mexico. It is one of the Mesoamerican calendars, sharing the basic structure of calendars from throughout ancient Mesoamerica....


According to the Crónica mexicayotl
Crónica Mexicayotl
The Crónica Mexicayotl is a chronicle of the Aztec empire that was written in the Nahuatl language by Fernando Alvarado Tezozómoc around 1598. Given that its author belonged to the Aztec royal lineage, the manuscript documents the Aztec version of the history of central Mexico. It was written in...

of Fernando Alvarado Tezozomoc
Fernando Alvarado Tezozómoc
Fernando or Hernando Alvarado Tezozómoc was a colonial Nahua noble. A son of Diego de Alvarado Huanitzin and Francisca de Moctezuma , Tezozómoc worked as an interpreter for the Real Audiencia...

, composed around 1598, Tlilpotoncatzin was a great, brave warrior. In battle he wore the quetzalpatzactli, a crest of quetzal
Quetzals are strikingly colored birds in the trogon family . They are found in forests and woodlands, especially in humid highlands, with the five species from the genus Pharomachrus being exclusively Neotropical, while the single Euptilotis species is almost entirely restricted to western Mexico...


Tlilpotoncatzin took at least two wives, both from Amaquemecan: Xiuhtoztzin, the daughter of Yaopaintzin, quauhtlatoani of Tequanipan Huixtoco; and Quauhtlamiyahualtzin, a noblewoman from Acxotlan Cihuateopan. He fathered fourteen children, eleven males and three females. A son by Xiuhtoztzin, Miccacalcatl Tlatletecuintzin, was installed as the ruler of Tequanipan; and one of his daughters, Tzihuacxochitzin
Tzihuacxochitzin was a Queen consort of Azcapotzalco as a wife of the king Tezozomoc, who was very famous.She was a daughter of the noble dignitary called Huitzilaztatzin...

, married Moctezuma II
Moctezuma II
Moctezuma , also known by a number of variant spellings including Montezuma, Moteuczoma, Motecuhzoma and referred to in full by early Nahuatl texts as Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin, was the ninth tlatoani or ruler of Tenochtitlan, reigning from 1502 to 1520...

, and gave birth to Leonor Moctezuma and María Moctezuma.

Tlilpotoncatzin died in the year 11 Reed
Aztec calendar
The Aztec calendar is the calendar system that was used by the Aztecs as well as other Pre-Columbian peoples of central Mexico. It is one of the Mesoamerican calendars, sharing the basic structure of calendars from throughout ancient Mesoamerica....

 (1503). He was succeeded by his nephew Tlacaelel II, the son of his elder brother Cacamatzin
Cacamatzin (tlacochcalcatl)
Cacamatzin was a 15th century Aztec noble — the eldest son of the cihuacoatl, Tlacaelel — and warrior who held the title of Tlacochcalcatl.He had twelve children, only three of whom are known:...

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