Thompson Courier and Rake Register
The Thompson Courier and Rake Register is a Thursday, weekly
Weekly newspaper
A weekly newspaper is a general-news publication that is published on newsprint once or twice a week.Such newspapers tend to have smaller circulations than daily newspapers, and are usually based in less-populous communities or small, defined areas within large cities; often, they may cover a...

, tabloid, newspaper
A newspaper is a scheduled publication containing news of current events, informative articles, diverse features and advertising. It usually is printed on relatively inexpensive, low-grade paper such as newsprint. By 2007, there were 6580 daily newspapers in the world selling 395 million copies a...

 serving the towns of Thompson, Iowa
Thompson, Iowa
Thompson is a city in Winnebago County, Iowa, United States. The population was 596 at the 2000 census.-Geography:Thompson is located at .According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , all of it land....

  and Rake, Iowa
Rake, Iowa
Rake is a city in Winnebago County, Iowa, United States. The population was 227 at the 2000 census. Its ZIP Code is 50465.-History:Rake was founded by Arent A...

  in Winnebago County, Iowa
Winnebago County, Iowa
-2010 census:The 2010 census recorded a population of 10,866 in the county, with a population density of . There were 5,194 housing units, of which 4,597 were occupied.-2000 census:...

Newspaper circulation
A newspaper's circulation is the number of copies it distributes on an average day. Circulation is one of the principal factors used to set advertising rates. Circulation is not always the same as copies sold, often called paid circulation, since some newspapers are distributed without cost to the...

 and advertising
Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common...

  fund the costs of providing the services of the Thompson Courier and Rake Register to and for locals and non-locals.

Adobe InDesign
Adobe InDesign
Adobe InDesign is a software application produced by Adobe Systems. It can be used to create works such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers and books. In conjunction with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite InDesign can publish content suitable for tablet devices...

 is the desktop publishing
Desktop publishing
Desktop publishing is the creation of documents using page layout software on a personal computer.The term has been used for publishing at all levels, from small-circulation documents such as local newsletters to books, magazines and newspapers...

 software used in creating the current issues of the Thompson Courier and Rake Register. Electronic paper
Electronic paper
Electronic paper, e-paper and electronic ink are a range of display technology which are designed to mimic the appearance of ordinary ink on paper. Unlike conventional backlit flat panel displays, electronic paper displays reflect light like ordinary paper...

s of the Thompson Courier and Rake Register as archives and current issues become available online
Online newspaper
An online newspaper, also known as a web newspaper, is a newspaper that exists on the World Wide Web or Internet, either separately or as an online version of a printed periodical....

  for those interested in obituary
An obituary is a news article that reports the recent death of a person, typically along with an account of the person's life and information about the upcoming funeral. In large cities and larger newspapers, obituaries are written only for people considered significant...

, research, and genealogy
Genealogy is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history. Genealogists use oral traditions, historical records, genetic analysis, and other records to obtain information about a family and to demonstrate kinship and pedigrees of its members...


The Thompson Courier and Rake Register is a member of the Iowa Newspaper Association, the National Newspaper Association, and the International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors.

Tom Theo Klemesrud, published the Courier from 1997 through 2001. He sold the Thompson Courier to Kim Norstrud. Gretchen Daniels bought the Thompson Courier and Rake Register April 2006.
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