written by Neil Gaiman
, published by DC Comics
, and later an ongoing series under the imprint Vertigo. Since its original publication, the mini-series has also been published in a single-volume collection under the Vertigo imprint with an introduction by author Roger Zelazny
. It tells the story of a young boy who has the potential to become the world's greatest magician.
The Books of Magic began life when DC Comics decided to highlight some of their mystical characters across the range.
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblence to any real people (living, dead, or stolen by fairies), or to any real animals, gods, witches, countries, and events (magical or otherwise) is just blind luck, or so we hope.
In this film, this loony preacher says that there's love and there's fear. And that's what makes the world like it is. I think that's almost right. I think it really comes dow to love and fear. Sort of. Even though nobody ever talks about love and fear in science lessons.
Love is the stuff that keeps things moving so they stay together. Fear is the stuff that makes things hold so still they fall apart. And sometimes you can have both of them inside you pushing and pulling you around, and thats when you cry or laugh.
I don't know what holds the bloody world together. Unless it's Magic.
In Faerie, there is only one time : Now. Twilight.
The war has been shaping up quite nicely on all fronts, with no more than a nudge here and a tickle there. ... People do insist on making life difficult for themselves. Peculiar things people... dead certain they know what they need. Dead wrong, more often than not. Stubborn as goats in a herd. Still even the dissidents have their uses. No need to search far for viable offerings these days...