comedy film
directed by Terry Gilliam
, starring John Neville, Sarah Polley
, Eric Idle
, Jonathan Pryce
, Oliver Reed
, Uma Thurman
, and Robin Williams
The film begins in an unnamed and war-torn European city in the late 18th century (dubbed "The Age of Reason"
in an opening caption), where, amidst explosions and gunfire from a large Turkish army outside the city gates, a fanciful touring stage production of Baron Münchhausen
's life and adventures is taking place.
Reality? Your "reality", sir, is lies and balderdash, and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
And that was only one of the many occasions on which I met my death, an experience which I never hesitate strongly to recommend.
Trust me, madam. Your underwear is in good hands.
I find on occasion that a pinch of snuff can be most efficacious!
The King of the Moon: Cogito ergo est. I think, therefore you is.
Berthold: Is there a doctor in the fish?
Baron Munchausen: The Sultan is going to cut off my head.
Rupert: And?
Baron Muchausen: And?
Sultan: What about the virgins?