Teresina is the capital
and most populous
in the Brazil
ian state of Piauí
. It is located in North-central Piauí 366 km from the coast.It is therefore, the only capital in the Northeast that is not located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean
. With 814 439 inhabitants, it is the 19th largest city
in Brazil
, and the 15th largest state capital in the country. Together with Timon, in the nearby state of Maranhão the conurbation has a population of about 953,172 inhabitants, and the entire metropolitan region of Teresina has over 1,135,920 inhabitants. The only natural barrier that separates Teresina from Timon is the Parnaíba river, one of the largest in the Northeast
Teresina is the second capital with the best quality of life in the North-Northeast according to FIRJAN. According to IPEA it is the third safest capital of Brazil (second only to Natal / RN, and Palmas / TO) . Teresina is also the third city with the most lightning strikes in the world. For this reason, the region receives the curious name of "Chapada do Corisco".
Its motto is the phrase "Omnia in Charitatis"which means, in English, "All for charity. " The city is the birthplace of Torquato Neto, who belonged to the Tropicalismo movement, and Carlos Castelo Branco, a political columnist for the Jornal do Brasil.
Teresina was founded on August 16th, 1852 under the name of Vila Nova do Poty (because its origin is linked to the Poti river )as the capital of the state of Piauí. It was the first planned city in the country and the only northeast capital located out of the coast.
Until 1852, Oeiras was the capital of the Piauí Capitany, however due to difficulties in Communication and Trade, the capital was transferred to an area next to the Parnaíba River, to the other cities and to the sea coast.
The colonization of the place where Teresina is now located dates back to the 18th century.
The chosen place was a small community of fishermen, in 1760, nearby Poty and Panaíba rivers.Then the small fishermen dwelling grew up and became a village, which was called “Vila do Poty”, but because of the inundation of the Parnaíba River riverbanks, the the city had to be built in a higher position. In 19th century, it was inicially called “Vila Nova do Poty”, later the city was renamed Teresina, in honor to the Empress Teresa Cristina, the Emperor of Brazil’s wife, Dom Pedro II.
Teresina is the hottest city of the country and the third city with the major incidence of lightning in the world. Nowadays, Teresina’s economy is based on international manufacturing industries and trade.
The town is situated between the Poti River and the Parnaíba River. For this feature, Teresina is also known as the Mesopotamia of the Northeast of Brazil.
In the northern city, the two rivers join and flow toward the Atlantic Ocean. There is an environmental park with gazebos, so that the landscape can be appreciated up close. There you can also find some pieces of pottery, handcrafts and one monument which illustrates the legend of the Cabeça de Cuia (in English, it would be something like Bowl Head), a character of the local folklore. The two also join forces and flows directly into the ocean. Teresina is the largest capital in the northeastern territorial extension, with 1.755,698 km².
• Climate
Teresina climate is tropical semi-humid with two stations:
Characteristics: The rainy season (which occurs during summer and autumn) and the dry season (which occurs during winter and spring).
From January to May, due to the rains, the weather is cold and wet and it is likely to occur fog in the morning; from June to August the air gets more dry, and the nights get relatively cold; from September to December, the weather becomes more hot and stuffy, and several rain showers may begin to occur from November on.
A peculiar characteristic of rainfall in the city is that they are fast, hard, with gales, great strength of water and striking lightnings. The incidence of thunders and rays is also very common, as Teresina is located in an area which is known as the Chapada do Corisco. Rainfall per year stands around 1,500 mm.
Warm most of the year, Teresina has a temperature whose average is about 27°C, with minimum and maximum 20°C/35°C. The minimum ever recorded in Teresina was 14°C in some past February, as in the warmer months the maximum can reach 40°C, especially in the month of October. These oscillations are mitigated by the contribution of winds, that make the climate more pleasant. The air quality in Teresina is considered good, except in the dry season, when moisture of the air drops, and there are occurrences of fires. Downtown is located in a depression, and in the most part of the municipal area the terrain is fairly flat, with emphasis on the region of Monte Castelo district (in the south area), where there are higher altitudes, and the adjacent neighborhoods Satelite and Vila Bandeirante (both in the East), where there are many hills.
• Vegetation
Located in a transition zone between the northeast and the Amazon (Mid-North), Teresina is surrounded by forests of coca crops, savannas and cerradões where many carnauba, babassu, buriti palms, jatoba, shin guards, ipê, and many other medium sized trees can be seen. In the region there are also remnants of Teresina Atlantic Forest, which makes the landscape shrub coverage very rich and dense. In Teresina there are more green areas than recommended by the UN, which shows the city reconciles their progress with respect to the environment. That warrants to Teresina the title of 'Green City'.
• Hydrography
The city is crossed by both Parnaíba and Poti perennial rivers, whose junction can be literaly seen at the Parque Ambiental do Encontro das Águas (which, in English, is something like The Meeting of the Waters Environmental Park). At the vicinity of the rivers there are many lakes, especially in the "Mesopotamian” area.
with two seasons semiúmido characteristics: the rainy season (which occur in summer and autumn) and the dry season (which occurs in winter and spring).
From January to May, due to the rains, the weather is cold and wet (likely to occur when there is fog in the morning), from June to August the climate gets really dry with relatively cool nights, September to December the weather becomes more hot and stuffy, and may begin to occur a few rain showers from November.
A peculiar feature of the rains in the city
is because they are fast and very intense, with strong winds, large force of water and lightning striking. The occurrence of lightning is also very common, so where Teresina is located is known as the Chapada do Corisco. The annual rainfall stands at around 1,500 mm.
Hot most of the year, Teresina has an average temperature around 27 °C, with minimum of 20 °C and maximum 35 °C. The lowest ever recorded in Teresina was 14 °C in the month of February, as the warmer months, the maximum can reach 40 °C, especially in October. These fluctuations are mitigated by the contribution of the winds that make the atmosphere more pleasant. Air quality is considered good in Teresina, except in the driest period, when the relative humidity drops, and there are occurrences of fires.
Teresina has more green areas than recommended by the UN, and reconciles your progress with respect to the environment. This ensures Teresina to the title of 'Green City'.
In industry, there is the textile and garment industry, which exports to other regions and generates about ten thousand jobs. There are also manufacturers bicycles, drink industries, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, furniture and ceramics, among others. The building deserves to be a fast-growing sector due to the verticality of the city over the past 15 years.
Teresina also has one of the only shopping mall concept of Open Country Mall.
Back in the Nineteenth century, Saraiva, the President of the Province of Piauí, wanted to convince members of Provincial Assembly of the need to transfer the seat of the Capital from Oeiras to the areas near Parnaíba River, action implemented the following year. The first planned capital city in Brazil was Teresina. Because it is the State Capital, Teresina has the main public buildings and the headquarters of private institutions in the state. Represented in centenarians historic buildings or bold contemporary designs (such as Câmara Municipal, opened in 2009), the administrative nature of Teresina is an integral part of their importance and contributes to its economic importance.
Teresina is the focus of Piauí Government. The Palace of Karnak, construction, made in the late nineteenth century, is the office of the governor. The Legislative Power works in a public building that is an architectonic landmark of Teresina. The City Council works in this modern construction lifted in 2009, built by the Poty River, along Marechal Castelo Branco Avenue. The State Assembly, also situated at Marechal Castelo Branco Avenue, is one of the most beautiful public buildings in town. Designed by Acácio Gil Borsói, it was inaugurated in 1985 and is an iconic work of the famous architect, who died recently.
The Judiciary Power and its courts also symbolize the condition of Teresina as the seat of the State Government. They are mostly modern buildings, with audacious lines, like the State Court of Auditors, the Piauí State Court of Justice, on the Civic Center, famous work that Acácio Gil Borsói liked the most among all the other buildings that he had designed.
Private entities and their representations strengthen the role of Teresina as an administrative city. The high rise of the Federation of Industries of the State of Piauí, at Redenção District , and the eclectic house of the Regional Council of Engineering and Architecture, at downtown are examples of the participation of the private sector in the administrative area.
Among the structural issues relating to the economy, which stands out in Teresina, which represents the social relevance is the degree of involvement of people in the production process of their formal sector, which in relative terms has been raised. This means a significant share of people in the economy of Teresina in relation to its gross domestic product generated. It is possible to sau that there are more people producing a bigger amount of goods and services in Teresina than in any other capitals of the Northeast region, with the exception of João Pessoa.
What catches attention the most, when the bubject is Teresina industry is that this sector has the third lowest GDP among the industrial capital of the northeast in 2005, still puts itself ahead of 06 (six) of them (São Luís, Natal, João Pessoa, Recife, Salvador and Aracaju) in the employed population in relative terms (to total formal employment) in that sector and 03 (three) of them in absolute numbers: São Luís, João Pessoa and Aracaju.
The existence of an industrial sector with the predominance of activities that produce goods that meet basic needs - such as food, clothing, printing industry, construction, ceramics, and more - which are by nature less demanding on capital - the capital explains why Piauí has the largest share of personnel in the production process in this sector than in 06 (six) mentioned capital.
Another important structural aspect of the economy of Teresina is the meaningful participation of the public sector in productive activities, more specifically, the ability to generate employment and income, which results in a state of dependence on this sector, and it constitutes the key element for understanding of its operation.
The issue of economic dependence on the public sector is reality common to most of the capital cities of the northeast, which happens in a stronger way in Teresina and João Pessoa, particularly because of the stronger involvement of the employed population and labor remuneration in the public sector in the economy these two capitals.
Although the production structure installed in Teresina is conducive to employment generation, as prevails in the same activities more intensive than in personal capital, it appears that it hardly stands out any activity that carries a multiplier effect on its economy in order to raise several production units that will be complementary.
In Teresina, there is a set of economic activities that constitute a consolidated supply chain, these activities located in the same space are inter-related with a greater competitive power of its products in relation to other capitals.
and the world arrive in Teresina to conduct business, conferences, meetings, fairs, events, and seeking medical care quality and diverse, than those who arrive in Teresina to discover the beauties across the state Piaui, this causes people to take advantage to know the attractions of the capital, thus generating tourism in the city. Teresina has the privilege of being well served by spaces for the development of educational and cultural events, because in addition to achievements have facilities for fairs, sporting events, exhibit, among others, has 26 auditoriums. In the general context, the auditoriums offer satisfactory conditions of comfort and convenience. The hotels in Teresina and consists of 22 units, totaling 575 apartments and 1,129 beds.
Tourism in Teresina is very rich by their peculiarities. Although Teresina is known by being the only capital of the Northeast that is not located on the coast, it stands out in other ways, for example, for being the only capital cut by two rivers and for being exotic by its hot weather that lasts for almost all year. It is a lovely city for its natural beauty, it is a city that maintains an extensive green area, so it is called Green City. Teresina is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in Brazil.
Many of its touristic points are extremely attractive. Below are the main ones:
Casa da Cultura de Teresina- There you will find elements of the culture of the city, where cultural events also take place;
Centro Artesanal "Master Dezinho" - There you'll find handcrafts made of various materials, mainly clay, decorated with paintings;
Teatro 4 de Setembro - Place to hold cultural shows, plays and others;
Mirante da Ponte Estaiada "João Isidoro França" - The newest landmark in the city, where people can see almost all the city in the top of the admiral. At night the view people have of the city is gorgeous when it is seen from above;
Encontro dos Rios - A natural place by the riverside Parnaíba and Poti, where we can see the waters of both rivers and notice the color difference between them. There you can find restaurants and boat trips to venture into the rivers.
Parque Zoobotânico - Another natural place, a zoo where you see typical animals of the Brazilian fauna and other countries. And there you can swim in the river or just having a shower. Children love to go there on vacation.
Feira do Troca-Troca - A business location in which you're likely to find what you need for a super cheap price. You can exchange any object with another, or sell them too.
Igreja de São Benedito- The main Catholic Church of the City, it is on the main avenue of Teresina.
Museu do Piaui – Is another tourist attraction in which there is a vast of elements of the history of Teresina and of Piauí, in general. There you will find antiques and furniture, and other documents.
This is a growing trend in the city, not only because of hosting a medical school that is among the most reputable of the country but also for the excellent quality of services provided by health professionals. In Teresina, today, are made cardiac surgery, organ transplants, neurological surgery, among others.
Thanks to good location of the capital of Piauí, Teresina became The Center for Medicine in the Northeast. In recent years the capital has been highlighted by nationwide, to receive more (percentage) people from other regions for treatment in hospitals.
And investment in the area are enormous, ultimately, the clinics have nearly doubled the number. According to statistics from City Hall, 634 are health institutions, eight hospitals, 181 clinics and 170 clinics, employing fifteen thousand people.
Moreover, there is a significant number of small "pension" that host people from the interior of Piauí and neighboring states in search of health services in Teresina.
Currently, Teresina consists of several centers, health centers, hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, being an important center of medical care in various specialties, and already considered one of the best in Northeast. This is because of the high quality of the services provided by health professionals of the city.
Although Teresina presents these relevant points, one of the main problems in the capital of Piauí is still the Health. The central residential regions of the are those that complain the most about the health problems (80%). The residents of the south-east and the northern residents point health as the most serious problem, with 68.09% and 64.64%, respectively.
Teresina could advance the process of humanization of public health in the municipality with the implementation of actions to this end. Among the programs included in the process of humanization of health stand out the constant training of the employees of municipal hospitals in order to provide better integration with fellows in the workplace and with the population, besides the creation of the local health councils, which would be comprised by the community, workers and managers, all of them looking forward to improvement of the sector. The councils are composed of community representatives, health units and the management and supervising public policy actions developed by the city for municipal public health.
In fact, there has been a great advance in medicine and public health services in Teresina, but it is not possible to say that problems don’t remain for those who need emergency care from public health in the capital of Piaui.
is the official national language, and thus the primary language taught in schools. But English
and Spanish
are part of the official high school
The education centers in Teresina stand mainly at the secondary and higher education, attracting people from other states and especially from the countryside of Piauí. Among the major centers, we can mention:
• Instituto Dom Barreto: founded in 1943, is a nationally recognized school for the excellent results it presented in ENEM (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio), by being the Nº 2 on the ranking, in 2010.
• Colégio Diocesano: founded in 1906.
• Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Colégio das Irmãs): founded in 1906, it is a tradicional school in Teresina.
• UFPI (Universidade Federal do Piauí): founded in 1971, it is the main university in the state of Piauí, with the largest number of courses. At UFPI campus there is a community hospital and a veterinary hospital, and also the largest library of the Estate of Piauí.
• UESPI (Universidade Estadual do Piauí): it was founded in 1984.
• IFPI (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e tecnologia do Piauí)
Private Colleges:
• Faculdade de Saúde, Ciências Humanas e Tecnológicas do Piauí (Faculdade Novafapi): they offer eleven courses.
• Centro de Ensino Unificado de Teresina (CEUT): was founded in 1994, ten courses provided.
• Faculdade Integrada Diferencial (Facid): founded in 2001, they offer eight courses.
• Instituto Camilo Filho (ICF): six courses.
• Faculdade das Atividades Empresariais de Teresina (FAETE): four courses.
• Faculdade Santo Agostinho (FSA): was founded in 1998, fifteen courses provided.
• Aespi (associação de ensino superior do Piauí): was founded in 1992, they offer ten courses.
Teresina is a student Center in the state of Piauí, and also receives students from all over the country to be lead in education in Brazil. Teresina, in 2008, won the award Gestão Nota 10, given by IAS ( Ayrton Senna Institute) to municipalities that have achieved significant advances in public education, becoming a reference in education administration in their states, and also in Brazil.
Also you can see in Teresina influences of modern architecture such as the Burle Marx's landscaping on the Palácio do Karnak, the Fórum da Cidade (1972), the Palácio da Justiça (1972) and the Palácio Petronio Portela (Legislative Assembly, 1984), all designed by Acacius Gil Borsoi.
Unfortunately, the historic buildings were not kept and gave place to contemporary buildings, but it is still possible to see a little of what the formerly Frei Serafim avenue was: the most valued residential street. It is also possible to check out the historical buildings on Praça Saraiva, Praça Pedro II and Praça da Bandeira.
. Opened on September 30, 1967, Teresina Airport has been administered by Infraero
since February 3, 1975. Teresina Airport is located four kilometers from downtown, roughly a ten-minute trip by car. It is 67 meters above sea level and the local temperature averages 30.9°C (87.62°F).
Teresina Metro now has nine stations, and the projected deployment of two more in 2010. One will be in the neighborhood and the other in St. John Piçarra. There are plans to further extend the subway to meet a growing number of people.
Vila-district - has its roots in a formulation made by the city of Teresina, in January 1997 and over the years has established a clear priority for investment in social infrastructure, sometimes concentrating efforts on decentralizing or actions directed to outlying areas. With this accumulated experience and confidence in dealing with the issue, another project approved by UNESCO.
Revitalization Center - This is another project that seeks the restoration of streets and old buildings and areas of Teresina taken by vendors, in addition to the revitalization of squares.
Teresina Polo Health - Its goal is the development of the hospital and other health care establishments in the last sixty years, accompanied by the growth of technological engineering healthcare, human resources at all levels and professions, or higher, technical, and administrative assistant.
Lindolfo Miller Stadium: The "Lindolfinho, " is known as the Municipal Stadium, opened in 1944. Since then, the stadium has just passed a reform in 1964. With the new restoration completed in 2008, the stadium has won 1,868 plastic seats in the stands, in addition to 768 seats within the standards of the best Brazilian stadiums. An electronic scoreboard 15 square meters has also been installed in the stadium which now offers good accommodation for 6,000 spectators.
Football teams Teresina:
Flamengo-PI, PI-River, Tiradentes and Piauí-PI CE
Rugby has grown a lot in the city harboring three times today: Teresina Rugby Club, Lions Rugby Club, Rugby Titans Clash.
Capital City
Capital City was a television show produced by Euston Films which focused on the lives of investment bankers in London living and working on the corporate trading floor for the fictional international bank Shane-Longman....
and most populous
-External links:*...
A municipality is essentially an urban administrative division having corporate status and usually powers of self-government. It can also be used to mean the governing body of a municipality. A municipality is a general-purpose administrative subdivision, as opposed to a special-purpose district...
in the Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...
ian state of Piauí
Piauí is one of the states of Brazil, located in the northeastern part of the country.Piauí has the shortest coastline of any of the non-landlocked Brazilian states at 66 km , and the capital, Teresina, is the only state capital in the north east to be located inland...
. It is located in North-central Piauí 366 km from the coast.It is therefore, the only capital in the Northeast that is not located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean
An ocean is a major body of saline water, and a principal component of the hydrosphere. Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by ocean, a continuous body of water that is customarily divided into several principal oceans and smaller seas.More than half of this area is over 3,000...
. With 814 439 inhabitants, it is the 19th largest city
A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement. Although there is no agreement on how a city is distinguished from a town within general English language meanings, many cities have a particular administrative, legal, or historical status based on local law.For example, in the U.S...
in Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...
, and the 15th largest state capital in the country. Together with Timon, in the nearby state of Maranhão the conurbation has a population of about 953,172 inhabitants, and the entire metropolitan region of Teresina has over 1,135,920 inhabitants. The only natural barrier that separates Teresina from Timon is the Parnaíba river, one of the largest in the Northeast
Northeast Region, Brazil
The Northeast Region of Brazil is composed of the following states: Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia, and it represents 18.26% of the Brazilian territory....
Teresina is the second capital with the best quality of life in the North-Northeast according to FIRJAN. According to IPEA it is the third safest capital of Brazil (second only to Natal / RN, and Palmas / TO) . Teresina is also the third city with the most lightning strikes in the world. For this reason, the region receives the curious name of "Chapada do Corisco".
Its motto is the phrase "Omnia in Charitatis"which means, in English, "All for charity. " The city is the birthplace of Torquato Neto, who belonged to the Tropicalismo movement, and Carlos Castelo Branco, a political columnist for the Jornal do Brasil.
Teresina was founded on August 16th, 1852 under the name of Vila Nova do Poty (because its origin is linked to the Poti river )as the capital of the state of Piauí. It was the first planned city in the country and the only northeast capital located out of the coast.
Until 1852, Oeiras was the capital of the Piauí Capitany, however due to difficulties in Communication and Trade, the capital was transferred to an area next to the Parnaíba River, to the other cities and to the sea coast.
The colonization of the place where Teresina is now located dates back to the 18th century.
The chosen place was a small community of fishermen, in 1760, nearby Poty and Panaíba rivers.Then the small fishermen dwelling grew up and became a village, which was called “Vila do Poty”, but because of the inundation of the Parnaíba River riverbanks, the the city had to be built in a higher position. In 19th century, it was inicially called “Vila Nova do Poty”, later the city was renamed Teresina, in honor to the Empress Teresa Cristina, the Emperor of Brazil’s wife, Dom Pedro II.
Teresina is the hottest city of the country and the third city with the major incidence of lightning in the world. Nowadays, Teresina’s economy is based on international manufacturing industries and trade.
With latitude of 5'20 5 ° south and longitude 42 ° 48'07 west, Teresina is located near the border with Maranhão, west of state, at an altitude of 72 meters on average. The city is separated from the city of Timon by the Parnaíba River.The town is situated between the Poti River and the Parnaíba River. For this feature, Teresina is also known as the Mesopotamia of the Northeast of Brazil.
In the northern city, the two rivers join and flow toward the Atlantic Ocean. There is an environmental park with gazebos, so that the landscape can be appreciated up close. There you can also find some pieces of pottery, handcrafts and one monument which illustrates the legend of the Cabeça de Cuia (in English, it would be something like Bowl Head), a character of the local folklore. The two also join forces and flows directly into the ocean. Teresina is the largest capital in the northeastern territorial extension, with 1.755,698 km².
• Climate
Teresina climate is tropical semi-humid with two stations:
Characteristics: The rainy season (which occurs during summer and autumn) and the dry season (which occurs during winter and spring).
From January to May, due to the rains, the weather is cold and wet and it is likely to occur fog in the morning; from June to August the air gets more dry, and the nights get relatively cold; from September to December, the weather becomes more hot and stuffy, and several rain showers may begin to occur from November on.
A peculiar characteristic of rainfall in the city is that they are fast, hard, with gales, great strength of water and striking lightnings. The incidence of thunders and rays is also very common, as Teresina is located in an area which is known as the Chapada do Corisco. Rainfall per year stands around 1,500 mm.
Warm most of the year, Teresina has a temperature whose average is about 27°C, with minimum and maximum 20°C/35°C. The minimum ever recorded in Teresina was 14°C in some past February, as in the warmer months the maximum can reach 40°C, especially in the month of October. These oscillations are mitigated by the contribution of winds, that make the climate more pleasant. The air quality in Teresina is considered good, except in the dry season, when moisture of the air drops, and there are occurrences of fires. Downtown is located in a depression, and in the most part of the municipal area the terrain is fairly flat, with emphasis on the region of Monte Castelo district (in the south area), where there are higher altitudes, and the adjacent neighborhoods Satelite and Vila Bandeirante (both in the East), where there are many hills.
• Vegetation
Located in a transition zone between the northeast and the Amazon (Mid-North), Teresina is surrounded by forests of coca crops, savannas and cerradões where many carnauba, babassu, buriti palms, jatoba, shin guards, ipê, and many other medium sized trees can be seen. In the region there are also remnants of Teresina Atlantic Forest, which makes the landscape shrub coverage very rich and dense. In Teresina there are more green areas than recommended by the UN, which shows the city reconciles their progress with respect to the environment. That warrants to Teresina the title of 'Green City'.
• Hydrography
The city is crossed by both Parnaíba and Poti perennial rivers, whose junction can be literaly seen at the Parque Ambiental do Encontro das Águas (which, in English, is something like The Meeting of the Waters Environmental Park). At the vicinity of the rivers there are many lakes, especially in the "Mesopotamian” area.
Teresina has a tropical climateTropical climate
A tropical climate is a climate of the tropics. In the Köppen climate classification it is a non-arid climate in which all twelve months have mean temperatures above...
with two seasons semiúmido characteristics: the rainy season (which occur in summer and autumn) and the dry season (which occurs in winter and spring).
From January to May, due to the rains, the weather is cold and wet (likely to occur when there is fog in the morning), from June to August the climate gets really dry with relatively cool nights, September to December the weather becomes more hot and stuffy, and may begin to occur a few rain showers from November.
A peculiar feature of the rains in the city
A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement. Although there is no agreement on how a city is distinguished from a town within general English language meanings, many cities have a particular administrative, legal, or historical status based on local law.For example, in the U.S...
is because they are fast and very intense, with strong winds, large force of water and lightning striking. The occurrence of lightning is also very common, so where Teresina is located is known as the Chapada do Corisco. The annual rainfall stands at around 1,500 mm.
Hot most of the year, Teresina has an average temperature around 27 °C, with minimum of 20 °C and maximum 35 °C. The lowest ever recorded in Teresina was 14 °C in the month of February, as the warmer months, the maximum can reach 40 °C, especially in October. These fluctuations are mitigated by the contribution of the winds that make the atmosphere more pleasant. Air quality is considered good in Teresina, except in the driest period, when the relative humidity drops, and there are occurrences of fires.
Located in a transition zone between the northeast and the Amazon (Mid-North), Teresina is surrounded by woods of coca crops, savannas and cerradões where you can see many carnauba wax, babassu, buriti, jatoba, shin, ipe, and many other trees medium. In the region of Teresina there are also remnants of Atlantic Forest, which gives the landscape a rich shrub cover and dense.Teresina has more green areas than recommended by the UN, and reconciles your progress with respect to the environment. This ensures Teresina to the title of 'Green City'.
The Gross Domestic Product of Teresina represents about 40% of GDP in the state of Piaui.In industry, there is the textile and garment industry, which exports to other regions and generates about ten thousand jobs. There are also manufacturers bicycles, drink industries, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, furniture and ceramics, among others. The building deserves to be a fast-growing sector due to the verticality of the city over the past 15 years.
Teresina also has one of the only shopping mall concept of Open Country Mall.
Back in the Nineteenth century, Saraiva, the President of the Province of Piauí, wanted to convince members of Provincial Assembly of the need to transfer the seat of the Capital from Oeiras to the areas near Parnaíba River, action implemented the following year. The first planned capital city in Brazil was Teresina. Because it is the State Capital, Teresina has the main public buildings and the headquarters of private institutions in the state. Represented in centenarians historic buildings or bold contemporary designs (such as Câmara Municipal, opened in 2009), the administrative nature of Teresina is an integral part of their importance and contributes to its economic importance.
Teresina is the focus of Piauí Government. The Palace of Karnak, construction, made in the late nineteenth century, is the office of the governor. The Legislative Power works in a public building that is an architectonic landmark of Teresina. The City Council works in this modern construction lifted in 2009, built by the Poty River, along Marechal Castelo Branco Avenue. The State Assembly, also situated at Marechal Castelo Branco Avenue, is one of the most beautiful public buildings in town. Designed by Acácio Gil Borsói, it was inaugurated in 1985 and is an iconic work of the famous architect, who died recently.
The Judiciary Power and its courts also symbolize the condition of Teresina as the seat of the State Government. They are mostly modern buildings, with audacious lines, like the State Court of Auditors, the Piauí State Court of Justice, on the Civic Center, famous work that Acácio Gil Borsói liked the most among all the other buildings that he had designed.
Private entities and their representations strengthen the role of Teresina as an administrative city. The high rise of the Federation of Industries of the State of Piauí, at Redenção District , and the eclectic house of the Regional Council of Engineering and Architecture, at downtown are examples of the participation of the private sector in the administrative area.
Among the structural issues relating to the economy, which stands out in Teresina, which represents the social relevance is the degree of involvement of people in the production process of their formal sector, which in relative terms has been raised. This means a significant share of people in the economy of Teresina in relation to its gross domestic product generated. It is possible to sau that there are more people producing a bigger amount of goods and services in Teresina than in any other capitals of the Northeast region, with the exception of João Pessoa.
What catches attention the most, when the bubject is Teresina industry is that this sector has the third lowest GDP among the industrial capital of the northeast in 2005, still puts itself ahead of 06 (six) of them (São Luís, Natal, João Pessoa, Recife, Salvador and Aracaju) in the employed population in relative terms (to total formal employment) in that sector and 03 (three) of them in absolute numbers: São Luís, João Pessoa and Aracaju.
The existence of an industrial sector with the predominance of activities that produce goods that meet basic needs - such as food, clothing, printing industry, construction, ceramics, and more - which are by nature less demanding on capital - the capital explains why Piauí has the largest share of personnel in the production process in this sector than in 06 (six) mentioned capital.
Another important structural aspect of the economy of Teresina is the meaningful participation of the public sector in productive activities, more specifically, the ability to generate employment and income, which results in a state of dependence on this sector, and it constitutes the key element for understanding of its operation.
The issue of economic dependence on the public sector is reality common to most of the capital cities of the northeast, which happens in a stronger way in Teresina and João Pessoa, particularly because of the stronger involvement of the employed population and labor remuneration in the public sector in the economy these two capitals.
Although the production structure installed in Teresina is conducive to employment generation, as prevails in the same activities more intensive than in personal capital, it appears that it hardly stands out any activity that carries a multiplier effect on its economy in order to raise several production units that will be complementary.
In Teresina, there is a set of economic activities that constitute a consolidated supply chain, these activities located in the same space are inter-related with a greater competitive power of its products in relation to other capitals.
People from various parts of BrazilBrazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...
and the world arrive in Teresina to conduct business, conferences, meetings, fairs, events, and seeking medical care quality and diverse, than those who arrive in Teresina to discover the beauties across the state Piaui, this causes people to take advantage to know the attractions of the capital, thus generating tourism in the city. Teresina has the privilege of being well served by spaces for the development of educational and cultural events, because in addition to achievements have facilities for fairs, sporting events, exhibit, among others, has 26 auditoriums. In the general context, the auditoriums offer satisfactory conditions of comfort and convenience. The hotels in Teresina and consists of 22 units, totaling 575 apartments and 1,129 beds.
Tourism in Teresina is very rich by their peculiarities. Although Teresina is known by being the only capital of the Northeast that is not located on the coast, it stands out in other ways, for example, for being the only capital cut by two rivers and for being exotic by its hot weather that lasts for almost all year. It is a lovely city for its natural beauty, it is a city that maintains an extensive green area, so it is called Green City. Teresina is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in Brazil.
Many of its touristic points are extremely attractive. Below are the main ones:
Casa da Cultura de Teresina- There you will find elements of the culture of the city, where cultural events also take place;
Centro Artesanal "Master Dezinho" - There you'll find handcrafts made of various materials, mainly clay, decorated with paintings;
Teatro 4 de Setembro - Place to hold cultural shows, plays and others;
Mirante da Ponte Estaiada "João Isidoro França" - The newest landmark in the city, where people can see almost all the city in the top of the admiral. At night the view people have of the city is gorgeous when it is seen from above;
Encontro dos Rios - A natural place by the riverside Parnaíba and Poti, where we can see the waters of both rivers and notice the color difference between them. There you can find restaurants and boat trips to venture into the rivers.
Parque Zoobotânico - Another natural place, a zoo where you see typical animals of the Brazilian fauna and other countries. And there you can swim in the river or just having a shower. Children love to go there on vacation.
Feira do Troca-Troca - A business location in which you're likely to find what you need for a super cheap price. You can exchange any object with another, or sell them too.
Igreja de São Benedito- The main Catholic Church of the City, it is on the main avenue of Teresina.
Museu do Piaui – Is another tourist attraction in which there is a vast of elements of the history of Teresina and of Piauí, in general. There you will find antiques and furniture, and other documents.
Combined with its geographical location, for Teresina moving people from several states of North and Northeast in search of health services, up to 40% of medical care in public hospitals in the capital.This is a growing trend in the city, not only because of hosting a medical school that is among the most reputable of the country but also for the excellent quality of services provided by health professionals. In Teresina, today, are made cardiac surgery, organ transplants, neurological surgery, among others.
Thanks to good location of the capital of Piauí, Teresina became The Center for Medicine in the Northeast. In recent years the capital has been highlighted by nationwide, to receive more (percentage) people from other regions for treatment in hospitals.
And investment in the area are enormous, ultimately, the clinics have nearly doubled the number. According to statistics from City Hall, 634 are health institutions, eight hospitals, 181 clinics and 170 clinics, employing fifteen thousand people.
Moreover, there is a significant number of small "pension" that host people from the interior of Piauí and neighboring states in search of health services in Teresina.
Currently, Teresina consists of several centers, health centers, hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, being an important center of medical care in various specialties, and already considered one of the best in Northeast. This is because of the high quality of the services provided by health professionals of the city.
Although Teresina presents these relevant points, one of the main problems in the capital of Piauí is still the Health. The central residential regions of the are those that complain the most about the health problems (80%). The residents of the south-east and the northern residents point health as the most serious problem, with 68.09% and 64.64%, respectively.
Teresina could advance the process of humanization of public health in the municipality with the implementation of actions to this end. Among the programs included in the process of humanization of health stand out the constant training of the employees of municipal hospitals in order to provide better integration with fellows in the workplace and with the population, besides the creation of the local health councils, which would be comprised by the community, workers and managers, all of them looking forward to improvement of the sector. The councils are composed of community representatives, health units and the management and supervising public policy actions developed by the city for municipal public health.
In fact, there has been a great advance in medicine and public health services in Teresina, but it is not possible to say that problems don’t remain for those who need emergency care from public health in the capital of Piaui.
PortuguesePortuguese language
Portuguese is a Romance language that arose in the medieval Kingdom of Galicia, nowadays Galicia and Northern Portugal. The southern part of the Kingdom of Galicia became independent as the County of Portugal in 1095...
is the official national language, and thus the primary language taught in schools. But English
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...
and Spanish
Spanish language
Spanish , also known as Castilian , is a Romance language in the Ibero-Romance group that evolved from several languages and dialects in central-northern Iberia around the 9th century and gradually spread with the expansion of the Kingdom of Castile into central and southern Iberia during the...
are part of the official high school
High school
High school is a term used in parts of the English speaking world to describe institutions which provide all or part of secondary education. The term is often incorporated into the name of such institutions....
Universities in Teresina
- Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI);
- Universidade Estadual do Piauí (Uespi);
- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí (IFPI).
- Faculdade de Saúde, Ciências Humanas e Tecnológicas do Piauí (Faculdade NovafapiFaculdade NovafapiFaculdade Novafapi is a higher education institution located in Teresina, capital of the Brazilian state of Piauí. It was inaugurated in 2000 with the ordinance of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture....
) - Faculdade Integral Diferencial(Facid)
- Instituto Camilo Filho (ICF)
- Centro de Ensino Unificado de Teresina(CEUT)
- Faculdade das Atividades Empresariais de Teresina FAETE
The education centers in Teresina stand mainly at the secondary and higher education, attracting people from other states and especially from the countryside of Piauí. Among the major centers, we can mention:
• Instituto Dom Barreto: founded in 1943, is a nationally recognized school for the excellent results it presented in ENEM (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio), by being the Nº 2 on the ranking, in 2010.
• Colégio Diocesano: founded in 1906.
• Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Colégio das Irmãs): founded in 1906, it is a tradicional school in Teresina.
• UFPI (Universidade Federal do Piauí): founded in 1971, it is the main university in the state of Piauí, with the largest number of courses. At UFPI campus there is a community hospital and a veterinary hospital, and also the largest library of the Estate of Piauí.
• UESPI (Universidade Estadual do Piauí): it was founded in 1984.
• IFPI (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e tecnologia do Piauí)
Private Colleges:
• Faculdade de Saúde, Ciências Humanas e Tecnológicas do Piauí (Faculdade Novafapi): they offer eleven courses.
• Centro de Ensino Unificado de Teresina (CEUT): was founded in 1994, ten courses provided.
• Faculdade Integrada Diferencial (Facid): founded in 2001, they offer eight courses.
• Instituto Camilo Filho (ICF): six courses.
• Faculdade das Atividades Empresariais de Teresina (FAETE): four courses.
• Faculdade Santo Agostinho (FSA): was founded in 1998, fifteen courses provided.
• Aespi (associação de ensino superior do Piauí): was founded in 1992, they offer ten courses.
Teresina is a student Center in the state of Piauí, and also receives students from all over the country to be lead in education in Brazil. Teresina, in 2008, won the award Gestão Nota 10, given by IAS ( Ayrton Senna Institute) to municipalities that have achieved significant advances in public education, becoming a reference in education administration in their states, and also in Brazil.
The architecture of Teresina resembles that of the other northeastern states, forming a very colorful collection of buildings, which stand out in the landscape.Also you can see in Teresina influences of modern architecture such as the Burle Marx's landscaping on the Palácio do Karnak, the Fórum da Cidade (1972), the Palácio da Justiça (1972) and the Palácio Petronio Portela (Legislative Assembly, 1984), all designed by Acacius Gil Borsoi.
Unfortunately, the historic buildings were not kept and gave place to contemporary buildings, but it is still possible to see a little of what the formerly Frei Serafim avenue was: the most valued residential street. It is also possible to check out the historical buildings on Praça Saraiva, Praça Pedro II and Praça da Bandeira.
To explore Teresina, you can take the subway, which can be taken at nine different stations, or can take one or several of the big amount of buses that go round the whole city. To come and go from Teresina, it is possible to get flights from Teresina airport, named Petrônio Portela, which was built by the north of the capital, in an area situated between the rivers Parnaíba and Poty.National Airport
Teresina/Senador Petrônio Portella AirportTeresina Airport
Teresina-Senador Petrônio Portella Airport is the airport serving Teresina, Brazil. Since December 22, 1999 it is named after Petrônio Portella Nunes a former Mayor of Teresina, Governor of Piauí, Senator and Minister of Justice who had a key role in preparing the end of the Brazilian military...
. Opened on September 30, 1967, Teresina Airport has been administered by Infraero
Empresa Brasileira de Infraestrutura Aeroportuária, Infraero in short, is a Brazilian government corporation created in 1972 and responsible for operating the main Brazilian commercial airports. In 2009, Infraero's airports carried 128,135,616 passengers and 1,114,754 tons of cargo and operated...
since February 3, 1975. Teresina Airport is located four kilometers from downtown, roughly a ten-minute trip by car. It is 67 meters above sea level and the local temperature averages 30.9°C (87.62°F).
Created on August 15, 1989, in order to deploy a high capacity transport for the urban agglomeration of Greater Teresina, Teresina Metro has become one of the most beautiful and modern in the country. The trains are new and each has the capacity to carry 800 people. The average flow of movement can reach 30 thousand passengers per day in 2010, and each train has a central air-conditioning system that ensures comfort and convenience to passengers.Teresina Metro now has nine stations, and the projected deployment of two more in 2010. One will be in the neighborhood and the other in St. John Piçarra. There are plans to further extend the subway to meet a growing number of people.
Urbanization projects
Lagoas do Norte Project - aims to transform regions located near the lakes in the northern area of the municipality.Vila-district - has its roots in a formulation made by the city of Teresina, in January 1997 and over the years has established a clear priority for investment in social infrastructure, sometimes concentrating efforts on decentralizing or actions directed to outlying areas. With this accumulated experience and confidence in dealing with the issue, another project approved by UNESCO.
Revitalization Center - This is another project that seeks the restoration of streets and old buildings and areas of Teresina taken by vendors, in addition to the revitalization of squares.
Teresina Polo Health - Its goal is the development of the hospital and other health care establishments in the last sixty years, accompanied by the growth of technological engineering healthcare, human resources at all levels and professions, or higher, technical, and administrative assistant.
The stadium holds 60,000 fans Albertão. Complete infrastructure for soccer, athletics and games broadcast on radio and TV.Lindolfo Miller Stadium: The "Lindolfinho, " is known as the Municipal Stadium, opened in 1944. Since then, the stadium has just passed a reform in 1964. With the new restoration completed in 2008, the stadium has won 1,868 plastic seats in the stands, in addition to 768 seats within the standards of the best Brazilian stadiums. An electronic scoreboard 15 square meters has also been installed in the stadium which now offers good accommodation for 6,000 spectators.
Football teams Teresina:
Flamengo-PI, PI-River, Tiradentes and Piauí-PI CE
Rugby has grown a lot in the city harboring three times today: Teresina Rugby Club, Lions Rugby Club, Rugby Titans Clash.