Space Criminals Alienizer
is the generic name given to aliens that commit various forms of crime, on Earth and on other planets in the fictional Japan
ese Super Sentai
series Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
(a world that constantly rains, evident that Abrella needs an artificial environment of rain to sustain himself). The most sinister figure in the galactic black market, he is solely responsible for the outbreak of wars in seven galaxies, destroying billions of lives in the process. He is usually seen offering his services to the alien criminals there, providing Mechanoids and Kaijuuki for the right price. Acting behind the shadows, Abrella gathers info on the Deka base from his clients who made it in and escaped with their lives, setting up a plan over time to fulfill his desire for a "world of just currency and crime". Eventually making his presence known to the Dekarangers during the Faraway incident, Abrella starts taking their interference personally after the Browgoul incident, leading a campaign against the Space Police through Kruger's former friend Bisques and piloting a Big Drawer until he finally executes his master plan, busting out a quartet of Alienizer criminals and taking over the Deka Base while he used another Alienizer criminal Jellyfis to keep the Dekarangers busy. From there, he uses Deka Base Robo to rampage Megalopolis so to lure the bulk of SPD to Earth, using their own planetary forcefield against them. However, he meets his end at the hands of the Dekarangers, thus finally bringing him to justice through the D-Bazooka. However, true to his final words, his pupil Apollos would carry on in his stead. His name is a pun on the word umbrella
, which makes sense considering his planet of origin.
Abrella is voiced by .
). They sometimes use swords which are really re-colored versions of the Spark Vectors used by the Mirai Sentai Timeranger
. Jasmine calls them "Igaiga Kun"
forces.: From the Planet Reversia, they are wanted on 79 Planets on charges of marauding and murder. Their method is that Succubus and Bon-Goblin arrive on an ideal planet, then contact Blitz so they can have their way with the planet and its people before they get tired of it and destroys the entire planet to find another world to repeat the process. Due to their arrival on Earth, Deka Break appeared.
}: The eldest brother, the most evil of the trio with the title "Outer Space Grim Reaper". Cold and ruthless, he even uses/attacks his younger siblings, not caring if they die or not. Deleted by Riding Dekaranger Robo when he attempted to escape in God Pounder. Later on Pouchien Balipen copied his D.N.A. and took on his form and piloted a second version of God Pounder.
.: From Planet Diamante, he is charged with homicide of a child, vehicular homicide, and terrestrial resource burglary. Thought to have died in a carchase with Ban, Don Moyaida arrived on Earth disguised as a human to take back the control mechanism he deceived Balan Su to bring there. He managed to get Fan Crusher on the planet to harvest its resources for space jewelry. Deleted by Deka Red, but not before giving Abrella info on the Deka base's Anubisium. His name is an homonym of the word diamond
.: From the Planet Grorser. He is charged with kidnapping for profit-making and murder in Star-29. Under the employment of Kevakia, he piloted the first version of Devil Capture to kidnap Erika and distract the Deka Rangers. Deleted by Deka Blue.: From Planet Rikomo, he is a digital-based being that traveling through the internet to emerge from other computers, with a host PC as his base of operations. But once out in the physical world, his strength fades. As a result, he used Hell Heaven to keep the Deka Rangers from getting in the way of his kidnapping a girl from a rich family for ransom of the Wellness Stone. Though he is deleted by Dekared & Deka Blue, his transferred his data into 2nd version of Devil Capture, becoming its AI.: A rhino-like Alienizer from Planet Anri, charged with mass-murder on five planets. Working for Manomerk of Planet Doltock, he turns humans into a red liquid gasoline for a share in profits his employer makes. He even committed bank robberies to get the money Manomerk needs to perfect his work. His armored body is hard to penetrate until K9 Unit Murphy came to the rescue. Deleted by the D-Bazooka.: Though not a Alienizer, he is a scientist who attempt to deal with Beildon under the alias of Iwaki. But he is arrested for his part in Beildon's plan in the end.: Not actually Alienizer, but is made to look like one by Kersus due to his malice for cars, which played a part in his family's demise. He is enlarged by Abrella and is brought in by Deka Ranger Robo. Though he did wreck public property, his sentencing wouldn't be as severe due to the recent events that caused it.: Charged with murder and planet invasion, she and her younger sister Karmia are from the "once-water, now desert" planet Ridomiha as invasion scouts to steal the Earth's supply of water. But Karmia has second thoughts at the last minute, caring for Earthlings, and is killed for it. She has another alien, Braidy, take the blame until Sen-chan uncovered the truth. Like other members of her race, she can use water in various ways like using it to secrete healing liquid from their stalks to heal herself and others or use high-power water streams she emits to slice through concrete and steel like butter. Deleted by the D-Bazooka.: A 10,708-year old Alienizer from planet Quota, however he acts just like a child. His crime is turning people into dolls. Manipulated a lonely little boy with the power to teleport objects into helping him. He piloted the Enbarns. Deleted by Dekaranger Robo.: Arrested on the charges of mass-murder via explosives, he is a genius bomb manufacturer, as shown by his escape from prison. He piloted the 1st version of Shinobi Shadow. Deleted by the D-Bazooka. His name is a pun on the word snake
.: He was originally the , an old academy buddy of Hoji who retired from the Space Police out of disenchantment and lured into the life of a criminal by the money he is able to earn with his skills. Reconfiguring his body into a gun-for-hire with the ability of self-enlargement, Vino assumed the identity of Gigandes and committed acts of wide-area homicide before being hired by Ben G to assassinate Doggie Kruger. Though deleted by Dekaranger Robo, Gigandes revealed valuable Deka base info to Abrella.: From the Planet Kajimeri, Ben G swore revenge on Kruger for his near-death experience during a chase from the Anubinoid, undergoing cybernetic modifications to his body. Charged with mass-murder & infiltrating SPD, he kidnapped Swan as part of his revenge, but this only forced Kruger to assume his role as Deka Master. He has a Batsuroid pilot the 1st version of Terrible Terror to keep the Deka Rangers at bay. However, Deka master easily overcame BenG's army of 100, then deleted him. Ben G is briefly resurrected in Deka Ranger vs. Abaranger but is killed for good by Deka Master, AbareKiller, Deka Pink, and Deka Break. His name is a pun of the name, Benji
.: From the Planet Cristo, he is charged on counts of burglary & homicide of many SPD officers. As his body could not take sunlight, he is after a mineral called 'Lunar Metal' so he could roam freely in daylight. He has a Batsuroid pilot Devil Capture to keep the Deka Rangers busy while he obtained his prize and ate it, enabling him to move freely in the light of day. But his victory is short lived as he soon meets his end at the hands of the Deka Rangers. Deleted by the D-Bazooka. Farley is later shown/used as a simulation training session for Deka Red and Deka Break, only this time, he is called . His name is a pun on the name "Christopher Lee
".: Calls himself the "Destroyer King". A brutal figure from Titan, who is after a little android girl named Flora in the Deka Ranger's custody, so he could use her to control a giant machine he created named Gigas. He used a Batsuroid to pilot the 1st version of Cannon Gladiator and attack the Deka Base while he went to capture Flora to try to control Gigas. After a later battle against the Dekarangers, Meteus fooled the Dekarangers with a hologram that he committed suicide and went after Flora again while the Dekarangers are fighting Gigas. However, Doggy came to Flora's rescue and Meteus is deleted for good by Deka Master. His name seems to be a pun on the word meteor.: Charged on medical violations and homicide, he posed as a restaurant master named Wang. His species could grow stronger when drunk, carrying a bottle of earth sake to use his drunken-fist kungfu. Umeko is able to drink some of the sake in order to keep up with his movements, but passed out shortly afterwards. Like Gigantes and Braidy, he could enlarge himself by self-groping. Deleted by Deka Ranger Robo, with Deka Master as the replacement driver for PatSigner.: Wanted in seven planets on charges of burglary and vandalizing, he tried to escape deletion by switching bodies with Hoji in order to take control of the Deka Base Robo. Piloted the 2nd version of Shinobi Shadow. Deleted by the D-Bazooka after he revealed Deka Base secrets to Abrella. Jinche is an anagram of the word change.: A destroyer of worlds, he set up a bomb to destroy Earth. Part of his MO is playing a game of 'find the bombs' with the SPD units in the worlds he destroyed, and became infamous because if it. Surprisingly, when no one else could find him, Ban found him inside a vehicle disguised as a walkie-talkie
. His species' greatest height is after all only about 4-5 centimeters. Piloted the 2nd version of Cannon Gladiator. Deleted by Dekaranger Robo. His name is a pun on the term "high score".: He tricked another alien into holding a city block ransom with a bomb by kidnapping his child and making him believe the Deka Rangers did it, allowing him to rob a bank on the block in the confusion. Piloted the 2nd version of Terrible Terror. Deleted by Deka Bike Robo.: A gas-based being is unlike any other spirit aliens, who possesses beings to commit crimes. He first possessed the man before secretly possessing Ban. Deleted by Dekaranger Robo and Deka Bike Robo.: Another fighter who consumed Megagesterine alongside Jeeva. Fought by Hoji and Tetsu. Resembled a giant lizard. His name is a pun on the name "Heath Herring
" another pro mixed martial artist.: A huge boxer in the illegal fighting club who has a 2,000 match winning streak. Upon consuming Megagesterine, he bulks up even more with large wing-like horns growing out of his arms and neck. His streak is ended by Hoji, who figured out his weakness. He's seen later in the series, reformed and working as an actor. His name is a pun on the name "Wanderlei Silva
" a professional mixed martial artist.: Murdering thief from Planet 48. He uses wind-based attacks. Has a partner named Niwande who helped him rob criminals to raise money to help orphans, until he became reckless. He is among the monsters could enlarge himself using his wind energy. Deleted by Super Dekaranger Robo. His name is a pun on the unit of atmospheric air pressure "millibar
". Milibar is briefly resurrected in Dekaranger vs. Abaranger, but is killed for good by Deka Red, Deka Green, Deka Blue, and AbareYellow.: A copycat criminal who not only committed the crimes of Kevakia, Beildon, Kersus, Dagonel and Sheik, but took on their forms as well, copying their DNA to assume their identity and powers. He committed these crimes to gain the appreciation of Genio, whom he idolized. He piloted another version of the God Pounder as Blitz and is deleted by Dekaranger Robo. His name is an anagram of Japanese faceless yōkai
, "Nopperabō".: A hitman charged with homicide. Hired to assassinate Princess Io Yonmerluicchi (who looked just like Umeko) by her maid. Deleted by Super Dekaranger Robo. His name is an amalgamation of the words "jackal" and "kill".: The scatterbrained underling of Sanoa, he is the first to acquire Muscle Gear, a powerful exosuit with the ability to turn its wearer invisible and invulerable to most attacks. Deleted by the five Dekarangers with the new S.W.A.T. armor. His name is a pun on the name of Japanese actor "Takuzo Kawatani
".: A profligate son who has command over Decho and Siroger. His father is a member of the government counsel. Murdered 456 countless innocents via Heavy Industrial Machines in a specialized 'game' they set up with a rare jewel. Deleted by Deka Wing Cannon. His name is an anagram of the name "Carnegie
": A narcissistic follower of Gineka. Deleted by Deka Wing Robo.: Gineka's loyal follower. Deleted by Deka Wing Robo.: He killed a detective's daughter 13 years ago. He also charged on 103 count of burglary with his Tenkao partners, Goren Nashi and Yam Tomukun. He piloted the second version of Night Chaser. Deleted by Deka Wing Robo.: Though not a Alienizer, he helped Abrella. He worked with Swan once and is jealous when she is chosen for the Police Scientific Criminal Investigation Laboratory over him. Created the Frankensaurus which moved with a remote control operated by him. However, he is confronted by Deka Swan and she is able to shutdown his dangerous Hymal Reactor after Agent Abrella set it to explode. Afterwards Hymal wanted to commit suicide by jumping of a cliff into hostile sea waters but Swan stopped him and after a stern lecture from Doggie Kruger, that Swan's mecha are superior to Hymal because of her selfless nature, Hymal is arrested by Tetsu for his crimes.: He is charged on counts of mass murder and inhuman experimentation, taking the nutrients from young women. However, unlike most Alienizers, he is not one who performs crimes for their own selfish needs. Clord killed the women in order to cure his elder sister Teresa of a deadly disease. He posed as a boy with a blue rose (which is a manifestation of the nutrients he has extracted from his victims). Teresa is in love with Hoji, which angered Clord. Hoji is ordered to Delete Clord in order to become a Tokkyou, but when told of Teresa's illness by Clord, he has second thoughts about his objective. Sadly, when Clord is about to kill another group of girls, Hoji instinctively shot him in the back with his D-Sniper, deleting him.: He is charged with burglary and child abduction, killing a child's parents so he could utilize her natural abilities to manipulate locks. He pilots the 4th version of Cannon Gladiator. He is deleted by Deka Red SWAT Mode. His name is a pun on the name "Jean Gabin
".: She creates a youth potion by stealing young women's souls through their dreams. Among the young women she targeted is Umeko. Mime pilots the final version of Megarolia. Deleted by the teamwork of Deka Yellow and Deka Pink SWAT Mode.: A white-tigerish member of the mafia, rivaled that of Don Blaco, he is attacked and killed by Jingi. Bianco means white in Italian.: A cactus-like rival member to Don Bianco. He hires Jingi to kill Don Bianco, and is deleted, as well, by him.: An assassin who has made more than 1,000 kills in his career. He is hired by Don Blaco to kill Don Bianco, but is insulted by his employer and kills him as well. Considers his skills far beyond those of a typical killer, and gets murderously angry whenever someone questions or insults his abilities. His chain on his head can send someone to another dimension - where that dimension leads nobody knows. Deleted by Deka Wing Cannon.: A Browgoul breeder, he sacrifices countless worlds to ensure the existence of his monsterous pets. On Earth he murdered the , feeding his corpse to a hatch Browgoul, and to disguise himself as him to redirect a meteor to Earth. Deleted by Dekaranger SWAT Mode.: An old friend of Kruger's, they trained together, but Biskes is/was out of control and is/was likely to abuse any powers he had, eventually losing out on inheriting his father's dojo to Kruger, because of this, thus stemming his anger towards the Anubinoid. Has a sword similar to Kruger's called "Sword Altair" in addition has an attack called "Altair Slash", the rival of "Vega Slash". He showed up on Earth during Christmas
to steal Deka badges for Agent Abrella as part of a smear campaign
against the Dekarangers. He is also charged with illegally challenging 999 fighters to duels to the death, winning them all. Ultimately, he is deleted by Deka Master's Vega Impulse, a secret technique taught to him by their sword-master.: A con-artist who marries 273 times under aliases and killed his wives by using Psycho Mushrooms to manipulate their feelings. He targets Umeko as his 274th wife and poses as a man named Hironobu. He uses the Psycho-Mushrooms to transform into a human male, but the effect only lasts for 60 minutes. However, a suspicious Sen-Chan uncovers his plan and when he confronts Mashu, Mashu's plan is foiled when he unknowingly brags about his evil intentions in front of her. Deleted by Deka Pink SWAT Mode.: An Alienizer who absorbs the lifeforce of ESPers and turns them into plasma batteries. He is confronted by Hoji and Jasmine a few years back when they are yet rookies and almost killed them (specifically wanting to absorb the lifeforce of Jasmine due to her being an ESPer) but they are resucued by their senior, Gyoku Ryou, the first Deka Red of the SPD Earth branch. This is the fatal accident that paralyzed Gyoku Rou and forced him to retire. Deleted by Deka Wing Cannon.: Jellyfish-like Alienizer who possesses human beings and took control of their nervous system, which is forbidden by space law. He has first possessed Ban, and uses him to attack the other Dekarangers. When Ban begins to beg for his friends to kill him in order to stop Jellyfis, Tetsu is forced to risk Ban's life in order to save him from the evil Alienizer. Tetsu used the "Super Electro Fist" against Ban (who's Deka Suit has been deactivated by Jellyfis), causing Ban's heart to stop. When Jellifis left Ban's body, Tetsu used his Electro Fist technique as an unorthodox defibrilator, successfully resulting in Ban's revival. Jellyfis is used as a distraction to keep the Dekarangers busy so Abrella could invade the Deka Base. Piloted second version of Million Missile. Deleted by Super Deka Ranger Robo. Jellyfis is a pun on the word jellyfish
.: An anglerfish Alienizer that Abrella saves from the prison Doggie sent him to and equipped with the powered Hyper Muscle Gear. He piloted Abutrex while Abrella and the others took control of the Deka Base. He is deleted by Deka Wing Cannon (Piloted by Deka Break) and Deka Bike Robo.: Urchin-like Alienizer that Abrella rescues from the prison Doggie sent him to and equipped with Hyper Muscle Gear to help him invade the Deka Base. He managed to take down Deka Master, but is deleted by the assembled Dekarangers. Uniga is the base model for the powerful Igaroids, and even performed the same sword attack. UniIga is deleted by Deka Break.: Crab-like Alienizer that Abrella breaks out from the prison Doggie sent him to and equipped with Hyper Muscle Gear to help him invade the Deka Base. Ganymede is deleted by Deka Blue and Deka Green.: She is one of the Alienizers that Abrella rescues from the prison Doggie has sent her to and is equipped with Hyper Muscle Gear to help him invade the Deka Base. Sukira is deleted by Deka Yellow and Deka Pink.: Giant mechanoid from Planet Chigukade. He picked up a restaurant that the Magirangers and Umeko are in and began eating it. Was captured by the Dekarangers' mecha, only to be eliminated by his partner Babon.
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
ese Super Sentai
Super Sentai
The is the name given to the long-running Japanese superhero team genre of shows produced by Toei Co., Ltd., Toei Agency and Bandai, and aired by TV Asahi...
series Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
is the twenty-eighth production of the Super Sentai television series produced by Toei. The action footage from the show was used for the American series Power Rangers S.P.D..The opening catchphrase of the series is .-Story:...
Agent Abrella
: The primary antagonist of Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger. An Alienizer agent who arrives at Earth from his homeworld, Planet RainRain
Rain is liquid precipitation, as opposed to non-liquid kinds of precipitation such as snow, hail and sleet. Rain requires the presence of a thick layer of the atmosphere to have temperatures above the melting point of water near and above the Earth's surface...
(a world that constantly rains, evident that Abrella needs an artificial environment of rain to sustain himself). The most sinister figure in the galactic black market, he is solely responsible for the outbreak of wars in seven galaxies, destroying billions of lives in the process. He is usually seen offering his services to the alien criminals there, providing Mechanoids and Kaijuuki for the right price. Acting behind the shadows, Abrella gathers info on the Deka base from his clients who made it in and escaped with their lives, setting up a plan over time to fulfill his desire for a "world of just currency and crime". Eventually making his presence known to the Dekarangers during the Faraway incident, Abrella starts taking their interference personally after the Browgoul incident, leading a campaign against the Space Police through Kruger's former friend Bisques and piloting a Big Drawer until he finally executes his master plan, busting out a quartet of Alienizer criminals and taking over the Deka Base while he used another Alienizer criminal Jellyfis to keep the Dekarangers busy. From there, he uses Deka Base Robo to rampage Megalopolis so to lure the bulk of SPD to Earth, using their own planetary forcefield against them. However, he meets his end at the hands of the Dekarangers, thus finally bringing him to justice through the D-Bazooka. However, true to his final words, his pupil Apollos would carry on in his stead. His name is a pun on the word umbrella
An umbrella or parasol is a canopy designed to protect against rain or sunlight. The term parasol usually refers to an item designed to protect from the sun; umbrella refers to a device more suited to protect from rain...
, which makes sense considering his planet of origin.
Abrella is voiced by .
The are android Foot Soldiers created by Abrella and used by the Alienizers whom he offers his services to.: The highest rank out. Use swords to attack, has an attack called Cross Burst. Able to speak human languages (including JapaneseJapanese language
is a language spoken by over 130 million people in Japan and in Japanese emigrant communities. It is a member of the Japonic language family, which has a number of proposed relationships with other languages, none of which has gained wide acceptance among historical linguists .Japanese is an...
). They sometimes use swords which are really re-colored versions of the Spark Vectors used by the Mirai Sentai Timeranger
Mirai Sentai Timeranger
is a Japanese Tokusatsu television series. It is the twenty-fourth series in Toei's Super Sentai franchise. The footage from this series was used in the American production Power Rangers Time Force. The opening narration of the series is .-Plot:...
. Jasmine calls them "Igaiga Kun"
- Batsuroids: Androids who lead the Anaroids. Can use hand-mounted gun to blast enemies, later on swords, which are re-colored versions of the Spark Vectors used by the Mirai Sentai Timeranger.: Androids that appear from the grenades thrown by an Alienizer or a Batsuroid.
Special Criminal Alienizers
Sadistic Alienizers who have committed high-profile crimes. The most evil Alienzers in the universe, these figures are pursued by SPD's TokkoTokko
', often shortened to ' was a police force established in 1911 in Japan, specifically to investigate and control political groups and ideologies deemed to be a threat to public order....
forces.: From the Planet Reversia, they are wanted on 79 Planets on charges of marauding and murder. Their method is that Succubus and Bon-Goblin arrive on an ideal planet, then contact Blitz so they can have their way with the planet and its people before they get tired of it and destroys the entire planet to find another world to repeat the process. Due to their arrival on Earth, Deka Break appeared.
- : He is the middle child, the strongest and always hungry (he could devour entire buildings and his hunger wouldn't be satisfied). Most of his body is unaffected by most blade weapons, including Deka Master's D-Sword Vega, but luckily he has weak spots amongst these rare muscleMuscleMuscle is a contractile tissue of animals and is derived from the mesodermal layer of embryonic germ cells. Muscle cells contain contractile filaments that move past each other and change the size of the cell. They are classified as skeletal, cardiac, or smooth muscles. Their function is to...
s. The only weak point is his throat, but if filled up enlarges into a "ugly body". He is deleted by Deka Bike Robo. Bon Goblin is briefly resurrected in Dekaranger vs. Abaranger, but is killed for good by AbareRed, AbareBlue, AbareBlack, and Deka Yellow. - : The youngest of the Hell Siblings, drains the lifeforce out of those she touches. She disguises as a human called Camille. She first wants to devour Jasmine, but then becomes interested in the girl's ESP and wanted her as a partner/pet instead. She is the first to pilot the God Pounder robot. Succubus is mortally injured by Blitz during her fight with Deka Break. Despite her injury, Succubus survives long enough to revive her brother by transferring all the life energy she has absorbed into him. Succubus is briefly resurrected in Dekaranger vs. Abaranger to gather lifeforce, but is killed for good by Deka Pink, Deka Yellow, and AbareYellow.
- : He is the middle child, the strongest and always hungry (he could devour entire buildings and his hunger wouldn't be satisfied). Most of his body is unaffected by most blade weapons, including Deka Master's D-Sword Vega, but luckily he has weak spots amongst these rare muscle
}: The eldest brother, the most evil of the trio with the title "Outer Space Grim Reaper". Cold and ruthless, he even uses/attacks his younger siblings, not caring if they die or not. Deleted by Riding Dekaranger Robo when he attempted to escape in God Pounder. Later on Pouchien Balipen copied his D.N.A. and took on his form and piloted a second version of God Pounder.
- Algolian GasGasGas is one of the three classical states of matter . Near absolute zero, a substance exists as a solid. As heat is added to this substance it melts into a liquid at its melting point , boils into a gas at its boiling point, and if heated high enough would enter a plasma state in which the electrons...
Drinkers (MovieTokusou Sentai Dekaranger The Movie: Full Blast Actionis the film adaptation of the 2004 Super Sentai Series Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger. The film was released in Japanese theaters on September 11, 2004, as a double-bill with the Kamen Rider Blade film Kamen Rider Blade: Missing Ace...
): Living robots from the Algol star, they stole the deadly Golden Snow virus that transformed anyone infected into living robotic slaves, testing it on planet Leslie, in order to sell the vaccine for it at a high price, once they released it. Their names are puns on alcoholic beverages. In fact, Algolian is a pun itself in alcohol.- : The deranged member of the group, deleted by Deka Blue. Name is a pun on whiskyWhiskyWhisky or whiskey is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash. Different grains are used for different varieties, including barley, malted barley, rye, malted rye, wheat, and corn...
. - : She is the only female of the group. Name is a pun on ginGinGin is a spirit which derives its predominant flavour from juniper berries . Although several different styles of gin have existed since its origins, it is broadly differentiated into two basic legal categories...
. Deleted by Deka Yellow & Pink. - : He is the first of the Algolians to fight against the Dekarangers. Name is a pun on brandyBrandyBrandy is a spirit produced by distilling wine. Brandy generally contains 35%–60% alcohol by volume and is typically taken as an after-dinner drink...
. Deleted by Deka Green. - : Leader of the Algolians. His name is a pun on vodkaVodkaVodka , is a distilled beverage. It is composed primarily of water and ethanol with traces of impurities and flavorings. Vodka is made by the distillation of fermented substances such as grains, potatoes, or sometimes fruits....
. Like Ban he also uses the Juukundo fighting style. He easily damaged Deka Gold's license, intimidating her to help him when his lackeys lost the virus to the Dekarangers. When she has second thoughts, he infected her with Golden Snow to be its carrier on Earth. After his minions are deleted and he is defeated by Ban, Volka returned to Leslie to pilot a Killer Tank with intent on destroying Earth. Deleted by Dekaranger Robo Full Blast Custom. - : Buildjick's partner, he worked for Agent X so they can obtain the Flower of Heaven. He uses missile barrels on his shoulders and an arm mounted blaster. Barbon eliminated Buildjick for being captured. When the Dekarangers faced Barbon, none of their attacks fazed him, because of the Madou Circle on his chest that absorbed any laser attack, but the Magirangers could damage him and almost deleted him, if it aren't aren't for Ban trying to destroy him with his new Battlizer. Babon kidnapped Urara and Jasmine went after him. Babon is going to exchange the girls for the Flower of Heaven, when his thing for tall women is used against him with "Tetsuko & Hikaruko Ozu" (Hikaru & Tetsu in disguise). He and Agent X piloted Abutrex II before its destruction. He is beaten by MagiShine & Deka Break's "Deka Break Shining Fist" attack. He and Agent X are killed by the Fantastic Strike Out that is powered by the Flower of Heaven's Blizzard of Light. His name is a pun on bourbonBourbon- Food and drink :* Bourbon whiskey, an American whiskey made using a corn-based mash* Bourbon biscuit, a chocolate sandwich biscuit* A beer produced by Brasseries de Bourbon* Bourbon coffee, a type of coffee made from a cultivar of coffea arabica...
.: The owner of an illegal fight club gambling operation who is also selling an illegal steroid, Megagesterine. He meets his end at the hands of the newly-formed Super Dekaranger Robo. Tyler Durden is the name of a character who appears in "Fight ClubFight Club (novel)Fight Club is a 1996 novel by Chuck Palahniuk. It follows the experiences of an unnamed protagonist struggling with insomnia. Inspired by his doctor's exasperated remark that insomnia is not suffering, he finds relief by impersonating a seriously ill person in several support groups...
".: Charged with taking the freedom of over 1,000,000 people on 124 planets by trapping them in his own mirrorMirrorA mirror is an object that reflects light or sound in a way that preserves much of its original quality prior to its contact with the mirror. Some mirrors also filter out some wavelengths, while preserving other wavelengths in the reflection...
world as his "art works". He is also the one to murder Tetsu's parents, after they inadvertently surprised him during an attempt to escape the Deka s on Earth. Because of his immense power, he is fiercely hunted down by Tetsu and eventually captured on Crysto, placed on the Alcapo Prison in solitary confinement (away from any reflective surfaces, to prevent him from escaping) as his death would comdemn his victims. This infamy also made him something of a celebrity among criminals, acquiring lots of fan mail each day from riffraff attempting to gain his favor by committing crimes as lavish and grand as his own. Two years later, Tetsu would question Genio about a recent rash of copycat crimes, with the Alienizer revealing Balipen as the culprit in exchange for asking Tetsu if he remembered what his mother said at the time of her death. He managed to make Tetsu cry when he tells his side of the story about the final words of Testu's mother. Using the tear, Genio escapes confinement and heads to Earth with intend on fulfilling his vow to make Tetsu suffer. He has a Batsuroid pilot Megaria in order to abduct Deka Red in Deka Bike Robo as a cleverly setup trap. Once Tetsu learned how to break Genio's hold on the people he captured, he is finally able to delete him. Genio is briefly resurrected in Dekaranger vs. Abaranger to gather lifeforce but is killed for good by Deka Break, Deka Blue, Deka Green, and AbareBlue. "Genio" means a geniusGeniusGenius is something or someone embodying exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of unprecedented insight....
in Italian.: From Planet Ginjifu, Kazak is former director of the Minos from the Cosmic Violence Group. He attempted to resurrect Dezumozorlya and use its power to rule the world. He could take on the appearance of about just any kind of object, including the rug in Yatsudenwani's office, he also took on the appearance of Numa O and even took on the appearance of Yousuke Shiina as Hurricane Red in order to catch the joint Dekaranger/Abaranger team-up off-balance. Deleted by the team effort of the Super Dekaranger Robo and Killer Abaren'oh.: A mass-murderer who is head of the Zundaz Family Space Mafia. He possessed the Gyutanium Crystal with intent of using it to power a dangerous weapon, only to be arrested. But he escaped thanks to his underling Zootaku. Using the Muscle Gear, he took Deka Break and Deka Master hostage. Deleted by the five Dekarangers with the new S.W.A.T. armor. His name is short for the name of Japanese Jidaigeki-actor "Asao Sano".: An arsonist in 4,103 cases and with 3 charges of planetary incineration. He is of the Pyrians, flame-based beings who sometimes wear protective suits to move freely in places like Earth. The Dekarangers are unaware of this until Tetsu figures out his weakness from the girl he has saved and is able to strike Korachek with his Super Impulse fist attack. Korachek also has an Extra LL giant sized version of his suit called Flame Gear, provided by Agent Abrella. His body temperature is 2,500 degrees Celsius and then when he becomes giant, it increases by 500. His suit is deleted by Deka Wing Cannon, leaving his naked body to be extinguished by the coldness of space.
- : The deranged member of the group, deleted by Deka Blue. Name is a pun on whisky
Minor Alienizers
: A giant alien who held a bus and its occupants hostage in a fit of rage when the four Deka Rangers arrived at the scene at the beginning of the series. He is easily defeated and arrested, eventually revealed to have smuggled the Fan Crasher's control mechanism for Don Moyaida in his stomach, only to be betrayed. His name is pun on the word balanceBalance
- Equipment :* Balance beam, a piece of gymnastics apparatus.* Balance board, a piece of training equipment.* Balancing machine, a machine that balances mechanical rotating parts to lessen vibration.* Balance wheel, a watch component....
.: From Planet Diamante, he is charged with homicide of a child, vehicular homicide, and terrestrial resource burglary. Thought to have died in a carchase with Ban, Don Moyaida arrived on Earth disguised as a human to take back the control mechanism he deceived Balan Su to bring there. He managed to get Fan Crusher on the planet to harvest its resources for space jewelry. Deleted by Deka Red, but not before giving Abrella info on the Deka base's Anubisium. His name is an homonym of the word diamond
In mineralogy, diamond is an allotrope of carbon, where the carbon atoms are arranged in a variation of the face-centered cubic crystal structure called a diamond lattice. Diamond is less stable than graphite, but the conversion rate from diamond to graphite is negligible at ambient conditions...
.: From the Planet Grorser. He is charged with kidnapping for profit-making and murder in Star-29. Under the employment of Kevakia, he piloted the first version of Devil Capture to kidnap Erika and distract the Deka Rangers. Deleted by Deka Blue.: From Planet Rikomo, he is a digital-based being that traveling through the internet to emerge from other computers, with a host PC as his base of operations. But once out in the physical world, his strength fades. As a result, he used Hell Heaven to keep the Deka Rangers from getting in the way of his kidnapping a girl from a rich family for ransom of the Wellness Stone. Though he is deleted by Dekared & Deka Blue, his transferred his data into 2nd version of Devil Capture, becoming its AI.: A rhino-like Alienizer from Planet Anri, charged with mass-murder on five planets. Working for Manomerk of Planet Doltock, he turns humans into a red liquid gasoline for a share in profits his employer makes. He even committed bank robberies to get the money Manomerk needs to perfect his work. His armored body is hard to penetrate until K9 Unit Murphy came to the rescue. Deleted by the D-Bazooka.: Though not a Alienizer, he is a scientist who attempt to deal with Beildon under the alias of Iwaki. But he is arrested for his part in Beildon's plan in the end.: Not actually Alienizer, but is made to look like one by Kersus due to his malice for cars, which played a part in his family's demise. He is enlarged by Abrella and is brought in by Deka Ranger Robo. Though he did wreck public property, his sentencing wouldn't be as severe due to the recent events that caused it.: Charged with murder and planet invasion, she and her younger sister Karmia are from the "once-water, now desert" planet Ridomiha as invasion scouts to steal the Earth's supply of water. But Karmia has second thoughts at the last minute, caring for Earthlings, and is killed for it. She has another alien, Braidy, take the blame until Sen-chan uncovered the truth. Like other members of her race, she can use water in various ways like using it to secrete healing liquid from their stalks to heal herself and others or use high-power water streams she emits to slice through concrete and steel like butter. Deleted by the D-Bazooka.: A 10,708-year old Alienizer from planet Quota, however he acts just like a child. His crime is turning people into dolls. Manipulated a lonely little boy with the power to teleport objects into helping him. He piloted the Enbarns. Deleted by Dekaranger Robo.: Arrested on the charges of mass-murder via explosives, he is a genius bomb manufacturer, as shown by his escape from prison. He piloted the 1st version of Shinobi Shadow. Deleted by the D-Bazooka. His name is a pun on the word snake
Snakes are elongate, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales...
.: He was originally the , an old academy buddy of Hoji who retired from the Space Police out of disenchantment and lured into the life of a criminal by the money he is able to earn with his skills. Reconfiguring his body into a gun-for-hire with the ability of self-enlargement, Vino assumed the identity of Gigandes and committed acts of wide-area homicide before being hired by Ben G to assassinate Doggie Kruger. Though deleted by Dekaranger Robo, Gigandes revealed valuable Deka base info to Abrella.: From the Planet Kajimeri, Ben G swore revenge on Kruger for his near-death experience during a chase from the Anubinoid, undergoing cybernetic modifications to his body. Charged with mass-murder & infiltrating SPD, he kidnapped Swan as part of his revenge, but this only forced Kruger to assume his role as Deka Master. He has a Batsuroid pilot the 1st version of Terrible Terror to keep the Deka Rangers at bay. However, Deka master easily overcame BenG's army of 100, then deleted him. Ben G is briefly resurrected in Deka Ranger vs. Abaranger but is killed for good by Deka Master, AbareKiller, Deka Pink, and Deka Break. His name is a pun of the name, Benji
Benji is the name of a fictional dog who has been the focus of several movies from 1974 through the 2000s. It is also the title of the first film in the Benji series....
.: From the Planet Cristo, he is charged on counts of burglary & homicide of many SPD officers. As his body could not take sunlight, he is after a mineral called 'Lunar Metal' so he could roam freely in daylight. He has a Batsuroid pilot Devil Capture to keep the Deka Rangers busy while he obtained his prize and ate it, enabling him to move freely in the light of day. But his victory is short lived as he soon meets his end at the hands of the Deka Rangers. Deleted by the D-Bazooka. Farley is later shown/used as a simulation training session for Deka Red and Deka Break, only this time, he is called . His name is a pun on the name "Christopher Lee
Christopher Lee
Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee, CBE, CStJ is an English actor and musician. Lee initially portrayed villains and became famous for his role as Count Dracula in a string of Hammer Horror films...
".: Calls himself the "Destroyer King". A brutal figure from Titan, who is after a little android girl named Flora in the Deka Ranger's custody, so he could use her to control a giant machine he created named Gigas. He used a Batsuroid to pilot the 1st version of Cannon Gladiator and attack the Deka Base while he went to capture Flora to try to control Gigas. After a later battle against the Dekarangers, Meteus fooled the Dekarangers with a hologram that he committed suicide and went after Flora again while the Dekarangers are fighting Gigas. However, Doggy came to Flora's rescue and Meteus is deleted for good by Deka Master. His name seems to be a pun on the word meteor.: Charged on medical violations and homicide, he posed as a restaurant master named Wang. His species could grow stronger when drunk, carrying a bottle of earth sake to use his drunken-fist kungfu. Umeko is able to drink some of the sake in order to keep up with his movements, but passed out shortly afterwards. Like Gigantes and Braidy, he could enlarge himself by self-groping. Deleted by Deka Ranger Robo, with Deka Master as the replacement driver for PatSigner.: Wanted in seven planets on charges of burglary and vandalizing, he tried to escape deletion by switching bodies with Hoji in order to take control of the Deka Base Robo. Piloted the 2nd version of Shinobi Shadow. Deleted by the D-Bazooka after he revealed Deka Base secrets to Abrella. Jinche is an anagram of the word change.: A destroyer of worlds, he set up a bomb to destroy Earth. Part of his MO is playing a game of 'find the bombs' with the SPD units in the worlds he destroyed, and became infamous because if it. Surprisingly, when no one else could find him, Ban found him inside a vehicle disguised as a walkie-talkie
A walkie-talkie is a hand-held, portable, two-way radio transceiver. Its development during the Second World War has been variously credited to Donald L. Hings, radio engineer Alfred J. Gross, and engineering teams at Motorola...
. His species' greatest height is after all only about 4-5 centimeters. Piloted the 2nd version of Cannon Gladiator. Deleted by Dekaranger Robo. His name is a pun on the term "high score".: He tricked another alien into holding a city block ransom with a bomb by kidnapping his child and making him believe the Deka Rangers did it, allowing him to rob a bank on the block in the confusion. Piloted the 2nd version of Terrible Terror. Deleted by Deka Bike Robo.: A gas-based being is unlike any other spirit aliens, who possesses beings to commit crimes. He first possessed the man before secretly possessing Ban. Deleted by Dekaranger Robo and Deka Bike Robo.: Another fighter who consumed Megagesterine alongside Jeeva. Fought by Hoji and Tetsu. Resembled a giant lizard. His name is a pun on the name "Heath Herring
Heath Herring
Heath Herring is an inactive American Heavyweight professional mixed martial artist who attained popularity fighting for PRIDE FC in Japan and most recently fought in the Ultimate Fighting Championship...
" another pro mixed martial artist.: A huge boxer in the illegal fighting club who has a 2,000 match winning streak. Upon consuming Megagesterine, he bulks up even more with large wing-like horns growing out of his arms and neck. His streak is ended by Hoji, who figured out his weakness. He's seen later in the series, reformed and working as an actor. His name is a pun on the name "Wanderlei Silva
Wanderlei Silva
Wanderlei César da Silva , nicknamed "The Axe Murderer", is a Brazilian mixed martial artist, who has competed in Japan's Pride Fighting Championships and the American based Ultimate Fighting Championship . Silva is known for his aggressive fighting style with the majority of his fights ending in...
" a professional mixed martial artist.: Murdering thief from Planet 48. He uses wind-based attacks. Has a partner named Niwande who helped him rob criminals to raise money to help orphans, until he became reckless. He is among the monsters could enlarge himself using his wind energy. Deleted by Super Dekaranger Robo. His name is a pun on the unit of atmospheric air pressure "millibar
Bar (unit)
The bar is a unit of pressure equal to 100 kilopascals, and roughly equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level. Other units derived from the bar are the megabar , kilobar , decibar , centibar , and millibar...
". Milibar is briefly resurrected in Dekaranger vs. Abaranger, but is killed for good by Deka Red, Deka Green, Deka Blue, and AbareYellow.: A copycat criminal who not only committed the crimes of Kevakia, Beildon, Kersus, Dagonel and Sheik, but took on their forms as well, copying their DNA to assume their identity and powers. He committed these crimes to gain the appreciation of Genio, whom he idolized. He piloted another version of the God Pounder as Blitz and is deleted by Dekaranger Robo. His name is an anagram of Japanese faceless yōkai
are a class of supernatural monsters in Japanese folklore. The word yōkai is made up of the kanji for "otherworldly" and "weird". Yōkai range eclectically from the malevolent to the mischievous, or occasionally bring good fortune to those who encounter them...
, "Nopperabō".: A hitman charged with homicide. Hired to assassinate Princess Io Yonmerluicchi (who looked just like Umeko) by her maid. Deleted by Super Dekaranger Robo. His name is an amalgamation of the words "jackal" and "kill".: The scatterbrained underling of Sanoa, he is the first to acquire Muscle Gear, a powerful exosuit with the ability to turn its wearer invisible and invulerable to most attacks. Deleted by the five Dekarangers with the new S.W.A.T. armor. His name is a pun on the name of Japanese actor "Takuzo Kawatani
Takuzo Kawatani
Takuzo Kawatani was a Japanese film actor. He appeared in 56 films between 1967 and 1995.-Selected filmography:* Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Proxy War * Empire of Passion -External links:...
".: A profligate son who has command over Decho and Siroger. His father is a member of the government counsel. Murdered 456 countless innocents via Heavy Industrial Machines in a specialized 'game' they set up with a rare jewel. Deleted by Deka Wing Cannon. His name is an anagram of the name "Carnegie
Andrew Carnegie
Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish-American industrialist, businessman, and entrepreneur who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century...
": A narcissistic follower of Gineka. Deleted by Deka Wing Robo.: Gineka's loyal follower. Deleted by Deka Wing Robo.: He killed a detective's daughter 13 years ago. He also charged on 103 count of burglary with his Tenkao partners, Goren Nashi and Yam Tomukun. He piloted the second version of Night Chaser. Deleted by Deka Wing Robo.: Though not a Alienizer, he helped Abrella. He worked with Swan once and is jealous when she is chosen for the Police Scientific Criminal Investigation Laboratory over him. Created the Frankensaurus which moved with a remote control operated by him. However, he is confronted by Deka Swan and she is able to shutdown his dangerous Hymal Reactor after Agent Abrella set it to explode. Afterwards Hymal wanted to commit suicide by jumping of a cliff into hostile sea waters but Swan stopped him and after a stern lecture from Doggie Kruger, that Swan's mecha are superior to Hymal because of her selfless nature, Hymal is arrested by Tetsu for his crimes.: He is charged on counts of mass murder and inhuman experimentation, taking the nutrients from young women. However, unlike most Alienizers, he is not one who performs crimes for their own selfish needs. Clord killed the women in order to cure his elder sister Teresa of a deadly disease. He posed as a boy with a blue rose (which is a manifestation of the nutrients he has extracted from his victims). Teresa is in love with Hoji, which angered Clord. Hoji is ordered to Delete Clord in order to become a Tokkyou, but when told of Teresa's illness by Clord, he has second thoughts about his objective. Sadly, when Clord is about to kill another group of girls, Hoji instinctively shot him in the back with his D-Sniper, deleting him.: He is charged with burglary and child abduction, killing a child's parents so he could utilize her natural abilities to manipulate locks. He pilots the 4th version of Cannon Gladiator. He is deleted by Deka Red SWAT Mode. His name is a pun on the name "Jean Gabin
Jean Gabin
-Biography:Born Jean-Alexis Moncorgé in Paris, he grew up in the village of Mériel in the Seine-et-Oise département, about 22 mi north of Paris. The son of cabaret entertainers, he attended the Lycée Janson de Sailly...
".: She creates a youth potion by stealing young women's souls through their dreams. Among the young women she targeted is Umeko. Mime pilots the final version of Megarolia. Deleted by the teamwork of Deka Yellow and Deka Pink SWAT Mode.: A white-tigerish member of the mafia, rivaled that of Don Blaco, he is attacked and killed by Jingi. Bianco means white in Italian.: A cactus-like rival member to Don Bianco. He hires Jingi to kill Don Bianco, and is deleted, as well, by him.: An assassin who has made more than 1,000 kills in his career. He is hired by Don Blaco to kill Don Bianco, but is insulted by his employer and kills him as well. Considers his skills far beyond those of a typical killer, and gets murderously angry whenever someone questions or insults his abilities. His chain on his head can send someone to another dimension - where that dimension leads nobody knows. Deleted by Deka Wing Cannon.: A Browgoul breeder, he sacrifices countless worlds to ensure the existence of his monsterous pets. On Earth he murdered the , feeding his corpse to a hatch Browgoul, and to disguise himself as him to redirect a meteor to Earth. Deleted by Dekaranger SWAT Mode.: An old friend of Kruger's, they trained together, but Biskes is/was out of control and is/was likely to abuse any powers he had, eventually losing out on inheriting his father's dojo to Kruger, because of this, thus stemming his anger towards the Anubinoid. Has a sword similar to Kruger's called "Sword Altair" in addition has an attack called "Altair Slash", the rival of "Vega Slash". He showed up on Earth during Christmas
Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday generally celebrated on December 25 by billions of people around the world. It is a Christian feast that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, liturgically closing the Advent season and initiating the season of Christmastide, which lasts twelve days...
to steal Deka badges for Agent Abrella as part of a smear campaign
Smear campaign
A smear campaign, smear tactic or simply smear is a metaphor for activity that can harm an individual or group's reputation by conflation with a stigmatized group...
against the Dekarangers. He is also charged with illegally challenging 999 fighters to duels to the death, winning them all. Ultimately, he is deleted by Deka Master's Vega Impulse, a secret technique taught to him by their sword-master.: A con-artist who marries 273 times under aliases and killed his wives by using Psycho Mushrooms to manipulate their feelings. He targets Umeko as his 274th wife and poses as a man named Hironobu. He uses the Psycho-Mushrooms to transform into a human male, but the effect only lasts for 60 minutes. However, a suspicious Sen-Chan uncovers his plan and when he confronts Mashu, Mashu's plan is foiled when he unknowingly brags about his evil intentions in front of her. Deleted by Deka Pink SWAT Mode.: An Alienizer who absorbs the lifeforce of ESPers and turns them into plasma batteries. He is confronted by Hoji and Jasmine a few years back when they are yet rookies and almost killed them (specifically wanting to absorb the lifeforce of Jasmine due to her being an ESPer) but they are resucued by their senior, Gyoku Ryou, the first Deka Red of the SPD Earth branch. This is the fatal accident that paralyzed Gyoku Rou and forced him to retire. Deleted by Deka Wing Cannon.: Jellyfish-like Alienizer who possesses human beings and took control of their nervous system, which is forbidden by space law. He has first possessed Ban, and uses him to attack the other Dekarangers. When Ban begins to beg for his friends to kill him in order to stop Jellyfis, Tetsu is forced to risk Ban's life in order to save him from the evil Alienizer. Tetsu used the "Super Electro Fist" against Ban (who's Deka Suit has been deactivated by Jellyfis), causing Ban's heart to stop. When Jellifis left Ban's body, Tetsu used his Electro Fist technique as an unorthodox defibrilator, successfully resulting in Ban's revival. Jellyfis is used as a distraction to keep the Dekarangers busy so Abrella could invade the Deka Base. Piloted second version of Million Missile. Deleted by Super Deka Ranger Robo. Jellyfis is a pun on the word jellyfish
Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria. Medusa is another word for jellyfish, and refers to any free-swimming jellyfish stages in the phylum Cnidaria...
.: An anglerfish Alienizer that Abrella saves from the prison Doggie sent him to and equipped with the powered Hyper Muscle Gear. He piloted Abutrex while Abrella and the others took control of the Deka Base. He is deleted by Deka Wing Cannon (Piloted by Deka Break) and Deka Bike Robo.: Urchin-like Alienizer that Abrella rescues from the prison Doggie sent him to and equipped with Hyper Muscle Gear to help him invade the Deka Base. He managed to take down Deka Master, but is deleted by the assembled Dekarangers. Uniga is the base model for the powerful Igaroids, and even performed the same sword attack. UniIga is deleted by Deka Break.: Crab-like Alienizer that Abrella breaks out from the prison Doggie sent him to and equipped with Hyper Muscle Gear to help him invade the Deka Base. Ganymede is deleted by Deka Blue and Deka Green.: She is one of the Alienizers that Abrella rescues from the prison Doggie has sent her to and is equipped with Hyper Muscle Gear to help him invade the Deka Base. Sukira is deleted by Deka Yellow and Deka Pink.: Giant mechanoid from Planet Chigukade. He picked up a restaurant that the Magirangers and Umeko are in and began eating it. Was captured by the Dekarangers' mecha, only to be eliminated by his partner Babon.
: The machine monster that Meteus is attempting to find and control. It grows by consuming matter and electricity, and resembles a large metal pinecone with a mouth and a slew of metal tentacles. It is destroyed by Deka Base Robo.: Monstrous alien beasts that feed on the metal of meteors to increase in size. Two known creatures are brought to Earth by Nikareda. The first is used to eat Monten, so Nikareda can impersonate him and direct a meteor to Earth. Though the first Browgoul is killed by Super Deka Ranger Robo, its power is transferred to the just hatched younger sibling who overpowers Super Deka Ranger Robo before willing the meteor back on its course to Earth. With Nikareda dead, Abrella decided to take advantage and breed the Browgoul himself after Earth's destruction. But the meteor is successively destroyed and the second Browgoul is ultimately destroyed by Deka Wing Cannon, energized by Deka Ranger Robo, Deka Bike Robo and Deka Base Robo in an All-Star Ultimate Buster.Heavy Industrial Machines
The Heavy Industrial Machines (怪重機 Kaijūki) are robots usually provided by Abrella himself, either the owners pilot them to fight the Deka Rangers' robots, or use them as a distraction with help from a Batsuroid. This is a grand departure from the other Sentai series, and is comparable to the situation in Bioman. In that case, there are no monsters-of-the-week, having instead five and later three recurring human-sized commanders that would pilot different giant-sized robots-of-the-week. While "Kaiju (怪獣 kaijū)" is usually taken to mean "mysterious beast" (="Mysterious Monster"), the characters for "Kaijuuki" are "heavy industrial machine".- Destroyed by Dekaranger Robo. series
- : Piloted by Hell-Heaven. Destroyed by Pat Striker equipped with the Judgment Sword.
- : Rebuilt version with Kevakler transferring his data into the robot's OS, becoming its AI. Destroyed by Dekaranger Robo.
- : Second rebuild, piloted by a Batusroid. Destroyed by Dekaranger Robo.
- : Third rebuild, once again piloted by a Batsuroid, and yet another to fall victim to Dekaranger Robo.
- : Fourth rebuild, piloted by Faraway. Defeated by Knight Chaser, later by Dekabike Robo.
- : Upgraded version, controlled by Heimel. Destroyed by Dekabike Robo and Dekaranger Robo for good.: Piloted by Dagoneil. Destroyed by Dekaranger Robo. Later rebuilt and piloted by Shriogar. Destroyed for good by Dekawing Robo. series
- : Piloted by Sheik. Destroyed by Dekaranger Robo.
- : Rebuild, piloted by Jinche. Destroyed by Dekabase Robo for good. series
- : Piloted by a Batsuroid. Destroyed by Dekaranger Robo.
- : Rebuild, piloted by Gordom. Destroyed by Dekabike Robo. series
- : Piloted by a Batusroid. Defeated by Dekaranger Robo and eaten by Gigas.
- : Rebuild, piloted by Biz Gore. Destroyed by Dekaranger Robo.
- : Third version, piloted by Jackyl. Destroyed by Super Dekaranger Robo.
- : Final version, piloted by Ganjuba. Destroyed by Deka Base Robo. series
- : Piloted by a Batusroid. Destroyed by Dekabase Robo.
- : Rebuild, piloted by Agent Abrella. Destroyed once again by Dekabase Robo.: Piloted by Succubus, then Blitz. Destroyed by Riding Dekaranger Robo. It is later rebuilt and piloted by Balipen. Destroyed for good by Dekaranger Robo.: Piloted by Vorga. Destroyed by Dekaranger Robo Full Blast Custom. series
- : Piloted by Byoui. Destroyed by Dekabike Robo. Later rebuilt, and piloted by Sanoa. What happens to the machine after Sanoa is captured is unknown.
- : Upgraded version, piloted by a Batusroid. Stopped and confiscated by the Dekarangers, after PAT Wing #5 crashed through its cockpit section. Unit was later on used in a sting operation against Sukekonoian Mashu. series
- : Piloted by Durden. Destroyed by Super Dekaranger Robo. Later rebuilt and piloted by Deecho. Destroyed for good by Dekawing Robo.
- : Final rebuild, piloted by Jingi. Destroyed by Dekawing Cannon for good. series
- : Piloted by a Batusroid. Destroyed by Dekabike Robo.
- : Rebuild, piloted by Miime. Destroyed by Dekawing Robo for good.: Piloted by Kazakku. Destroyed by the teamwork of Super Dekaranger Robo and KillerAbaren'oh. series
- : Piloted by a Batusroid. Destroyed by Super Dekaranger Robo.
- : Rebuild, piloted by Raja Namunan. Destroyed by Dekawing Cannon for good.: Piloted by Gineek. Destroyed by Dekawing Cannon. Later rebuilt and piloted by Jellyfis. Destroyed for good by Super Dekaranger Robo.: Created by Haimaru where most of its body aside from the power core and head is created from the parts of six previous machines. It is composed of the Chest from Fan Crusher (episode 2), legs from Shinobi Shadow 1 (episode 9), arms from Terrible Terror 1 (episode 13), tail from Devil Capture 2 (episode 4), shoulder parts from Million Missile 1 (episode 34), and the Boosters from God Pounder 1 (episode 23). Powered by the Haimaru Reactor, a dangerous reactor created by Haimaru. It is able to overwhelm Dekaranger Robo and Super Dekaranger Robo. After Swan is safely able to deactivate the reactor, the Dekarangers destroyed Frankensaurus with the Dekawing Cannon.: One model is Abrella's personal machine, though he had Angol pilot it for him. By the command "Transform, Abretrailer!", it can change from its trailer-drill mode into . Destroyed by Dekawing Cannon & Dekabike Robo, but not before it destroyed Dekaranger Robo first. The next model was piloted by Apollos/Agent X and Babon. Agent X's goal was to use this mecha to destroy all love on the planet, but he required Miyuki's Flower of Heaven to do so. When Apotrex was about to blow up the planet, Dekawing Cannon and MagiLegend blasted it out of space, and it was destroyed with the combined mecha attack of MagiKing, Dekarnger Robo, Travelion and Dekabike Robo.