Scouting in Vermont
Scouting in Vermont has a long history, from the 1907 to the present day, serving thousands of youth in programs that suit the environment in which they live.
Sir Francis Vane was London Commissioner of Scouts in Baden Powell's organisation and also became President of the British Boy Scouts.
By March 1910 the Boy Scouts in Vermont had expanded to such a degree that the girls of nearby Thetford became interested. These girls along with William Chauncy Langdon, Dr. Luther Gulick and Charlotte Vedder Gulick formed the Camp Fire Girls which became the sister organization of the Boy Scouts of America on March 17, 1910. The Camp Fire Girls preceded the Girl Scouts of America by 2 years.
The original group of boys that made up Troop #1 were Charles Booth, George Booth, Gerald Brock, Carl Burgess, Earl Burgess, Dr.Stanton Burgess, Raymond Cave, William Cheeney, Clarence Geake, James Grearson, Walter Grearson, Douglas Inglis, Harry Kent, George Murray, Milton Rollins, Craig Rollins (or Ronald Cragg?), Cecil Watt and Dr.Wallace Watt.
Dr. Wallace Watt moved to Clinton County Michigan to attend college and remained there as a scout leader for his entire life. He received the Silver Beaver Award in 1981 and in 1985 a 75 year Diamond Jubilee service pin from the Boy Scouts of America. Upon his death his widow donated his Barre, Vermont Troop 1 artifacts to the Paine-Gillam-Scott Museum in St. Johns, Michigan. Dr. Watt wrote in 1985 that "Their brigade leader was a young stone cutter named Billy Milne, who returned to his native Scotland for a visit. There he heard of the new scouting movement. Milne returned by way of London, met the founder of scouting--Sir Robert Baden-Powell and became entranced with the idea. He came back to the Boys's Brigade with a handbook, neckerchiefs, cloth badges and enthusiasm about what the Scouts did in first aid, mapping, bandaging, all kinds of activities and all kinds of coping.
Milne got us together on October 24, 1909 and asked if we would like to become scouts and we voted we did." Watt, 14 and his 12 year old brother both joined.
The earliest Vermont BSA scouting certificate is in the Aldrich Library archive belonged to Douglas Inglis, and is dated November 14, 1910. In 1941 he wrote the following:
"I will remember the summer of 1909 when Mr. William F. Milne, an intimate friend of our family went to visit his old home in Scotland and came back all enthused with the idea of the Boys Brigade, Sir Baden Powell's organization in Great Britain.
Mr. Milne ("Billy" to one and all who knew him) started at once with his idea and by the latter part of the summer of 1909 had formed a troop of Boy Scouts with about a dozen boys from the Sunday School Class of the First Baptist Church, Barre, Vermont, Mr. James Grearson, teacher. I was one of the first to receive my Scout Certificate.
All honor to the memory of William F. Milne, who started this wonderful movement for boys and who gave unstintingly of his time and energy to make it grow to the fine organization it is today."
The Assistant Scout Master was Harry L. Kent, and on December 27, 1940 wrote the following account:
"In response to several requests from people in this community interested in Scouting I am going to try and give a brief account of the organization as it first originated her in Barre in the year 1909.
As I now recall a group of boys from our First Baptist Church headed by a young man just over from the "old country" and already interested in scouting as it was than known in England, decided to form a troup and in the month of October of the year 1909 we organized such a troup, with this young man William Foster Milne as our leader. Our meetings were held regularly and well attended by about twelve to fourteen members. This number grew steadily and our troup increased both in interest and in numbers. From time to time we would put on public exhibitions in order to advance the idea of scout activities and in this way the scouting movement grew in our city so that in a short time other troups in several churches were formed. Up to this time, as I now recall, we had no recognition from any general headquarters here in America, all our material having comefrom England upon the written request of the above mentioned Mr. Milne.
As time went on and the local merchants in particular noticed our progress and at once became interested. So much so that one of them, The Homer Fitts Co. put a large traverse sled on exhibition and also as a prize for any scout troup obtaining the greatest number of votes. Our troup went after this prize and came out victorious.
Time went on and finally we were able to have our certificates, etc. direct from headquarters in New York. I have here before me a certificate showing where I was officially taken into the Scout brotherhood on Oct. 31, 1911, about 2 years after we had already been doing scouting but not under any official American headquarters. During all this period I was the assistant scoutmaster to our troup.
In the winter of 1911 the Y.M.C.A. of this state held a boys conference at Ludlow and our troup was one of he largest to send delegates, or should have said had the largest number of scout delegates present, nearly all our troup attending.
Among our members now living are Mr. Douglas Inglis of Worcester, Mass., Mr. Raymand Cave of Watertown Mass., Dr. Stanton Burgess of Boston Mass., Mr. George Murry of Quincy Mass.,Mr. Ronald Cragg, last known address in Pennsylvania, James Grearson Sr. of this city, Mr. William Cheeney of Northfield, Vt. Other members of our troups I now recall their names ere Carl and Earl Burgess, brothers of the above mentioned doctor. Charles and Geo. Booth, Clarence Geake, and Mr. Walter Grearson deceased brother of the above Mr. Grearson.
Many happy memories are brought to my mind as I write these few lines and it hardly seems possibe that nearly 32 years have passed since we were lads and enjoying the great out of doors, hiking, pitching tents, building fires and camping. As the old saying "Those were the happy days" and may god grant that scouting today may mean as much to the lads now as it did to us then. May Scouting be the uppermost in the minds of our youth of today."
Vermont's honorable Governor Deane C. Davis was an early junior member of Barre, Vermont's Troop #1. In his autobiography he wrote the following:
"A beautiful Rock of Ages monument in front of the Baptist church on Washington Street in Barre now records the formation of that troop as the first in the country. This was before the Boy Scouts were charted by the United States Congress, so Billy Milne was free to run he troop according to his own rules. Fortunately, I was permitted to join even though I was only nine. The minimum age for Boy Scouts was set at twelve soon after. The Boy Scout movement was dedicated to teaching boys of immature years the basic principles of good conduct, good citizenship, crafts, the skills of outdoor life and self discipline. It has been a great force for good in the past in this country, and Billy Milne was a born leader. He understood boys, and we admired, respected and loved him. In the basement of the Baptist church, he taught us the meaning of citizenship, patriotism, moral conduct, and the proper attitude toward others.
Billy Milne also taught us the methods and fun of outdoor camping. He took us on overnight trips and taught us about the woods, the trees, the sun, the sky, and the interrelationship of these things to each other and to God's plan. Shortly after the Barre Baptist Boy Scout Troop was organized, legislation was passed in Congress to establish the Boy Scouts of America on a national basis and to provide a formal method of granting charters to individual clubs around the country. At that time or shortly therafter, a troop was formed in my own church, the Hedding Methodist church in Barre, and I joined that troop."
Junior Scouts existed in the British Boy Scouts (BBS) in 1909 and in Barre, Vermont for boys under age 11. This junior scout concept was later mirrored in Baden Powell’s organization as Wolf Cubs or Cubs in 1916. The BSA started Cub Scouting in 1930.
There is a complete Vermont Junior Scout uniform which dates to this 1909-1910 period. It is all hand stitched with a hand embroidered patch which reads "Junior Scout". It is probably the oldest American Boy Scout uniform that exists.
Founded on March 17, 1910, in Thetford, Vermont, by Dr. Luther Gulick and his wife Charlotte Vedder Gulick. Camp Fire Girls, as it was known at the time, was created as the sister organization to the Boy Scouts of America.
The First Baptist Church of Barre also had a very early Camp Fire Girls organization around the same time the Thetford organization started.
Founded in Savannah, Georgia, on March 12, 1912 by Juliette Gordon Low.
The 50th Anniversary was celebrated at a Senior Girl Scout Roundup held at Button Bay in Vergennes, Vermont in 1962. The U.S. Postal Service set up a temporary post office with a special postal stamp and cancellation for the occasion. Thousands of Girl Scouts came to the international Roundup. A reunion is planned for the centennial of Girl Scouting in September 2012 in Vergennes.
Norman Rockwell moved here and created his most important artwork in Arlington, VT from 1939–1953
Clearly, Vermont is the historical hub for scouting in America as no other state can make these historic claims!
from July 27 to August 3, 1962, with 9,000 girls in attendance.
, all of the state of Vermont
is located in the Green Mountain Councilhttp://www.scoutingvermont.org/default.aspx. The Green Mountain Council is divided into four Districts based upon geographical area. These four Districts provide the program for the thousands of Scouts and Units served throughout the Council.
It's Boy Scout Camp is the Mount Norris Scout Reservation and Cub Scout Camp is Camp Sunrise in Benson Vermont. The council is divided into the following districts:
In 2007 there were five districts in the Green Mountain Council. The Three Rivers District has replaced the Land of Champs and the Maple Leaf Districts.
Order of the Arrow – Ajapeu Lodge #351
Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts throughout Vermont are currently raising money to fund their programs through the sale of popcorn. Annual Popcorn sale is underway
The first known troop in Vermont was in Wilder in 1918.http://www.girlscoutsvt.org/about.php
Hampshire and Vermont. See Scouting in New Hampshire
for full information.
Headquarters: Bedford, New Hampshire
Website: http://www.girlscoutsgwm.org/
Vermont service centers:
Vermont camps:
1990, this was a camp for blind and visually impaired children.
In 1907 William Foster Milne (9-23-1885-2-29-1920), a stonecutter immigrated to Barre, Vermont from Aberdeen, Scotland, where he had been active in the early scouting movement. He is referred as the "First Scoutmaster in America" by Sir Francis Fletcher Vane.Sir Francis Vane was London Commissioner of Scouts in Baden Powell's organisation and also became President of the British Boy Scouts.
In 1909 "Billy" Milne learned of a small group of boys at the First Baptist Church in Barre, who were already members of the Boys Brigade, he offered them an alternative to their routine of marching and drills. By re-organizing into a new "Boy Scout Club" (Troop #1 in the United States) these scouts learned first aid, new outdoor skills and being helpful to others. "Billy" Milne went back to his native Scotland and brought back the books and materials he needed along with a British Charter.1910
By 1910 Barre's Troop #1 joined the Boy Scouts of America.By March 1910 the Boy Scouts in Vermont had expanded to such a degree that the girls of nearby Thetford became interested. These girls along with William Chauncy Langdon, Dr. Luther Gulick and Charlotte Vedder Gulick formed the Camp Fire Girls which became the sister organization of the Boy Scouts of America on March 17, 1910. The Camp Fire Girls preceded the Girl Scouts of America by 2 years.
The original group of boys that made up Troop #1 were Charles Booth, George Booth, Gerald Brock, Carl Burgess, Earl Burgess, Dr.Stanton Burgess, Raymond Cave, William Cheeney, Clarence Geake, James Grearson, Walter Grearson, Douglas Inglis, Harry Kent, George Murray, Milton Rollins, Craig Rollins (or Ronald Cragg?), Cecil Watt and Dr.Wallace Watt.
Dr. Wallace Watt moved to Clinton County Michigan to attend college and remained there as a scout leader for his entire life. He received the Silver Beaver Award in 1981 and in 1985 a 75 year Diamond Jubilee service pin from the Boy Scouts of America. Upon his death his widow donated his Barre, Vermont Troop 1 artifacts to the Paine-Gillam-Scott Museum in St. Johns, Michigan. Dr. Watt wrote in 1985 that "Their brigade leader was a young stone cutter named Billy Milne, who returned to his native Scotland for a visit. There he heard of the new scouting movement. Milne returned by way of London, met the founder of scouting--Sir Robert Baden-Powell and became entranced with the idea. He came back to the Boys's Brigade with a handbook, neckerchiefs, cloth badges and enthusiasm about what the Scouts did in first aid, mapping, bandaging, all kinds of activities and all kinds of coping.
Milne got us together on October 24, 1909 and asked if we would like to become scouts and we voted we did." Watt, 14 and his 12 year old brother both joined.
The earliest Vermont BSA scouting certificate is in the Aldrich Library archive belonged to Douglas Inglis, and is dated November 14, 1910. In 1941 he wrote the following:
"I will remember the summer of 1909 when Mr. William F. Milne, an intimate friend of our family went to visit his old home in Scotland and came back all enthused with the idea of the Boys Brigade, Sir Baden Powell's organization in Great Britain.
Mr. Milne ("Billy" to one and all who knew him) started at once with his idea and by the latter part of the summer of 1909 had formed a troop of Boy Scouts with about a dozen boys from the Sunday School Class of the First Baptist Church, Barre, Vermont, Mr. James Grearson, teacher. I was one of the first to receive my Scout Certificate.
All honor to the memory of William F. Milne, who started this wonderful movement for boys and who gave unstintingly of his time and energy to make it grow to the fine organization it is today."
The Assistant Scout Master was Harry L. Kent, and on December 27, 1940 wrote the following account:
"In response to several requests from people in this community interested in Scouting I am going to try and give a brief account of the organization as it first originated her in Barre in the year 1909.
As I now recall a group of boys from our First Baptist Church headed by a young man just over from the "old country" and already interested in scouting as it was than known in England, decided to form a troup and in the month of October of the year 1909 we organized such a troup, with this young man William Foster Milne as our leader. Our meetings were held regularly and well attended by about twelve to fourteen members. This number grew steadily and our troup increased both in interest and in numbers. From time to time we would put on public exhibitions in order to advance the idea of scout activities and in this way the scouting movement grew in our city so that in a short time other troups in several churches were formed. Up to this time, as I now recall, we had no recognition from any general headquarters here in America, all our material having comefrom England upon the written request of the above mentioned Mr. Milne.
As time went on and the local merchants in particular noticed our progress and at once became interested. So much so that one of them, The Homer Fitts Co. put a large traverse sled on exhibition and also as a prize for any scout troup obtaining the greatest number of votes. Our troup went after this prize and came out victorious.
Time went on and finally we were able to have our certificates, etc. direct from headquarters in New York. I have here before me a certificate showing where I was officially taken into the Scout brotherhood on Oct. 31, 1911, about 2 years after we had already been doing scouting but not under any official American headquarters. During all this period I was the assistant scoutmaster to our troup.
In the winter of 1911 the Y.M.C.A. of this state held a boys conference at Ludlow and our troup was one of he largest to send delegates, or should have said had the largest number of scout delegates present, nearly all our troup attending.
Among our members now living are Mr. Douglas Inglis of Worcester, Mass., Mr. Raymand Cave of Watertown Mass., Dr. Stanton Burgess of Boston Mass., Mr. George Murry of Quincy Mass.,Mr. Ronald Cragg, last known address in Pennsylvania, James Grearson Sr. of this city, Mr. William Cheeney of Northfield, Vt. Other members of our troups I now recall their names ere Carl and Earl Burgess, brothers of the above mentioned doctor. Charles and Geo. Booth, Clarence Geake, and Mr. Walter Grearson deceased brother of the above Mr. Grearson.
Many happy memories are brought to my mind as I write these few lines and it hardly seems possibe that nearly 32 years have passed since we were lads and enjoying the great out of doors, hiking, pitching tents, building fires and camping. As the old saying "Those were the happy days" and may god grant that scouting today may mean as much to the lads now as it did to us then. May Scouting be the uppermost in the minds of our youth of today."
Vermont's honorable Governor Deane C. Davis was an early junior member of Barre, Vermont's Troop #1. In his autobiography he wrote the following:
"A beautiful Rock of Ages monument in front of the Baptist church on Washington Street in Barre now records the formation of that troop as the first in the country. This was before the Boy Scouts were charted by the United States Congress, so Billy Milne was free to run he troop according to his own rules. Fortunately, I was permitted to join even though I was only nine. The minimum age for Boy Scouts was set at twelve soon after. The Boy Scout movement was dedicated to teaching boys of immature years the basic principles of good conduct, good citizenship, crafts, the skills of outdoor life and self discipline. It has been a great force for good in the past in this country, and Billy Milne was a born leader. He understood boys, and we admired, respected and loved him. In the basement of the Baptist church, he taught us the meaning of citizenship, patriotism, moral conduct, and the proper attitude toward others.
Billy Milne also taught us the methods and fun of outdoor camping. He took us on overnight trips and taught us about the woods, the trees, the sun, the sky, and the interrelationship of these things to each other and to God's plan. Shortly after the Barre Baptist Boy Scout Troop was organized, legislation was passed in Congress to establish the Boy Scouts of America on a national basis and to provide a formal method of granting charters to individual clubs around the country. At that time or shortly therafter, a troop was formed in my own church, the Hedding Methodist church in Barre, and I joined that troop."
1910 Camp Iliam, Pownal
On September 10, 1910, S. F. Lester of Troy, New York, became the first person to hold the Scouting leadership position of Scoutmaster (commissioned by the BSA). He received certification from scouting headquarters in New York City. He led the first thirty scouts at Camp Ilium, a Y.M.C.A. encampment at Pownal, VT. This was the first Scouting encampment for Southern Vermont.JUNIOR BOY SCOUTS
Junior Scouts existed in the British Boy Scouts (BBS) in 1909 and in Barre, Vermont for boys under age 11. This junior scout concept was later mirrored in Baden Powell’s organization as Wolf Cubs or Cubs in 1916. The BSA started Cub Scouting in 1930.
There is a complete Vermont Junior Scout uniform which dates to this 1909-1910 period. It is all hand stitched with a hand embroidered patch which reads "Junior Scout". It is probably the oldest American Boy Scout uniform that exists.
Founded on March 17, 1910, in Thetford, Vermont, by Dr. Luther Gulick and his wife Charlotte Vedder Gulick. Camp Fire Girls, as it was known at the time, was created as the sister organization to the Boy Scouts of America.
The First Baptist Church of Barre also had a very early Camp Fire Girls organization around the same time the Thetford organization started.
Founded in Savannah, Georgia, on March 12, 1912 by Juliette Gordon Low.
The 50th Anniversary was celebrated at a Senior Girl Scout Roundup held at Button Bay in Vergennes, Vermont in 1962. The U.S. Postal Service set up a temporary post office with a special postal stamp and cancellation for the occasion. Thousands of Girl Scouts came to the international Roundup. A reunion is planned for the centennial of Girl Scouting in September 2012 in Vergennes.
Norman Rockwell moved here and created his most important artwork in Arlington, VT from 1939–1953
Clearly, Vermont is the historical hub for scouting in America as no other state can make these historic claims!
Recent history (1950–1990)
International Girl Scout gatherings named Senior Roundups were held every three years from 1956 until 1965. The third one was held at Button Bay, VermontButton Bay
Button Bay, previously known as Button Mould Bay or Buttonmold Bay, is an area of shallow water on the east shore of Lake Champlain, north of Arnold Bay. It is located in the town of Ferrisburgh , in Addison County...
from July 27 to August 3, 1962, with 9,000 girls in attendance.
Green Mountain Council
In the Boy Scouts of AmericaBoy Scouts of America
The Boy Scouts of America is one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, with over 4.5 million youth members in its age-related divisions...
, all of the state of Vermont
Vermont is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States of America. The state ranks 43rd in land area, , and 45th in total area. Its population according to the 2010 census, 630,337, is the second smallest in the country, larger only than Wyoming. It is the only New England...
is located in the Green Mountain Councilhttp://www.scoutingvermont.org/default.aspx. The Green Mountain Council is divided into four Districts based upon geographical area. These four Districts provide the program for the thousands of Scouts and Units served throughout the Council.
It's Boy Scout Camp is the Mount Norris Scout Reservation and Cub Scout Camp is Camp Sunrise in Benson Vermont. The council is divided into the following districts:
In 2007 there were five districts in the Green Mountain Council. The Three Rivers District has replaced the Land of Champs and the Maple Leaf Districts.
Order of the Arrow – Ajapeu Lodge #351
Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts throughout Vermont are currently raising money to fund their programs through the sale of popcorn. Annual Popcorn sale is underway
Girl Scouting in Vermont
In January 2009 Girl Scouts of Swift Water Council which served New Hampshire and also southeastern Vermont for 50 years merged with the 48-year-old Girl Scout Council of Vermont.The first known troop in Vermont was in Wilder in 1918.http://www.girlscoutsvt.org/about.php
Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains
Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains serves 15,000 girls in NewHampshire and Vermont. See Scouting in New Hampshire
Scouting in New Hampshire
Scouting in New Hampshire has a long history, from the 1910s to the present day, serving thousands of youth in programs that suit the environment in which they live.- Early history :...
for full information.
Headquarters: Bedford, New Hampshire
Bedford, New Hampshire
-Demographics:As of the Census of 2000, there were 18,274 people, 6,251 households, and 5,125 families residing in the town. The population density was 556.6 people per square mile . There were 6,401 housing units at an average density of 195.0 per square mile...
Website: http://www.girlscoutsgwm.org/
Vermont service centers:
- WillistonWilliston, VermontWilliston is a town in Chittenden County, Vermont, United States. The population was 8,698 at the 2010 census, an increase of over 1,000 people since the 2000 census...
- ThetfordThetford, VermontThetford is a town in Orange County, Vermont, United States in the Connecticut River Valley. The population was 2,617 at the 2000 census. Villages within the town include East Thetford, North Thetford, Thetford Hill, Thetford Center, Rices Mills and Post Mills. The town office is in Thetford...
- RutlandRutland (town), VermontRutland is a town in Rutland County, Vermont, United States. The population was 4,054 at the 2010 census. Rutland completely surrounds the city of Rutland, which is incorporated separately from the town of Rutland.-History:...
Vermont camps:
- Camp Farnswoth is over 300 acres (1.2 km²) near ThetfordThetford, VermontThetford is a town in Orange County, Vermont, United States in the Connecticut River Valley. The population was 2,617 at the 2000 census. Villages within the town include East Thetford, North Thetford, Thetford Hill, Thetford Center, Rices Mills and Post Mills. The town office is in Thetford...
. It surrounds 50 acre (0.202343 km²) Lake Abenaki. It was started as a girls' camp in 1909 and became a Girl Scout camp in 1959. In 2009 its 100th anniversary was celebrated. - Camp Wapanacki is 350 acres (1.4 km²) by a 22 acre (0.08903092 km²) lake near HardwickHardwick, VermontHardwick is a town in Caledonia County, Vermont, United States. The population was 3,174 at the 2000 census.It contains the incorporated village of Hardwick and the unincorporated villages of East Hardwick and Mackville...
. Up until
1990, this was a camp for blind and visually impaired children.
- Twin Hills in RichmondRichmond, VermontRichmond is a town in Chittenden County, Vermont, United States. The 2000 census revealed a population of 4,090.Local students attend Mount Mansfield Union High School, Camel's Hump Middle School, And Richmond Elementary School. Mount Mansfield Union High is in the neighboring town of Jericho...
Scouting museums in Vermont
External links
- Green Mountain Council, Boy Scouts of America
- Girl Scout Council of Vermont