SKYSURFER Strike Force
Skysurfer Strike Force is an animated series that was featured on the BKN
Bohbot Kids Network was a syndicated animation block created and distributed by Bohbot Entertainment, an animation production company founded by Allen J...

 cartoon block and was produced by Ruby-Spears Productions and Ashi Productions. The show lasted two seasons (approximately 26 episodes total) in the mid 1990s. The first episode aired on September 10, 1995 and the last episode was on October 26, 1996. The show continued to run in reruns on the Sci Fi Channel
Syfy , formerly known as the Sci-Fi Channel and SCI FI, is an American cable television channel featuring science fiction, supernatural, fantasy, reality, paranormal, wrestling, and horror programming. Launched on September 24, 1992, it is part of the entertainment conglomerate NBCUniversal, a...

 in the 1999 through 2000. Digiview Entertainment has released sixteen episodes from the first and second seasons on DVD.

The show featured five heroes, named the Skysurfers, which protected the world from the vile Cybron and his bio-borgs. The Skysurfers used technologically advanced watches that transformed them from their casual clothing to their battle attire and weapons, similar to the Choujin Sentai Jetman
Choujin Sentai Jetman
was the fifteenth entry of the Super Sentai television series. Produced by the Toei Company and Bandai, the series aired on TV Asahi on February 15, 1991 to February 14, 1992, with a total of 51 episodes...

. During the transformations, their cars transform into rocket-powered surfboards that they can ride in the air.

Visually, the show bore a superficial resemblance to anime with its use of theatrical-quality animation for repeatedly shown transformation sequences
is the Japanese word for "transformation," literally meaning, "to change or transform the body." This word is primarily used in manga, anime, and tokusatsu dramas for when a character transforms into a superhero. usually have a "henshin call", a catchphrase which they recite when they transform...

, and numerous aspects of anime-like action, such as forced perspective
Forced perspective
Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture...

 and fast moving or flickering painted backgrounds during intense action.

For the second season the show's reedited opening and credits featured music by the Japanese all-girl rock group Super Junky Monkey
Super Junky Monkey
-Beginning:Super Junky Monkey was a Japanese all-girl rock group who performed and merged various styles and genres of music, including hardcore, heavy metal, rap, jazz, noise, and funk. Influences on the band members include Steve Vai, Jaco Pastorius, Madball, Pink Floyd and Mr...

. For the new opening, a hard-hitting heavy metal song called "Skysurfers!!" was played while a more jazz-themed selection entitled "I Call Myself Sliced Ice." played during the credits.

Series information

The story begins when a mysterious explosion causes the destruction of an artificial intelligence lab that kills scientist, Adam Hollister, he himself is framed for causing. His son, Jack, sets out to prove his father's innocence. He believes that someone else had caused the explosion, and had stolen an experimental computer brain from it. The man who stole the computer brain merged it with his own, turning him into the master criminal known as Cybron. To fight Cybron and his evil bio-borgs, Jack Hollister and his four friends become the Skysurfers.

The Skysurfers

  • Jack Hollister aka Skysurfer One - Born on July 9, 1974, Skysurfer One uses a beam saber as his signature weapon. He has amazing reasoning skills and when confronted with a situation replies "What if it is?".
  • Micky Flannigan aka Crazy Stunts - Born on June 18, 1976, Crazy Stunts uses two blaster pistols as his signature weapon. The pistols can also shoot out whip-like wires and are powered by small diamond
    In mineralogy, diamond is an allotrope of carbon, where the carbon atoms are arranged in a variation of the face-centered cubic crystal structure called a diamond lattice. Diamond is less stable than graphite, but the conversion rate from diamond to graphite is negligible at ambient conditions...

    s. Crazy Stunts is a "happenin' young dude" and often uses phrases like "Hey, dudes" and other current jargon.
  • Kimberley "Kim" Sakai aka Sliced Ice - Born on December 24, 1975, Sliced Ice uses a sword that can freeze things in its path as her signature weapon. She is also a scientist.
  • Nathan "Nate" James aka Air Enforcer - Born on March 31, 1974, Air Enforcer uses many rocket launchers, missiles and a wrist blaster as his signature weapons.
  • Brad Wright aka Soar Loser - Born on June 26, 1975, Soar Loser (a play on "Sore Loser") uses many small yellow boomerangs and one gigantic red boomerang as his signature weapons.

Cybron & the Bio-Borgs

  • Cybron - The man responsible for framing Adam Hollister and the creation of the bio-borgs. He's mean, conniving, and, with the computer brain he stole, super intelligent. He plans on ruling the world and plots his defeat of the Skysurfers. He cares for no one but his daughter, Cerina.
  • Cerina - Cybron's daughter, who shows signs that she is more than likely human. She has no powers and usually stays away from missions or battles. She seems to have a crush on Skysurfer One.
  • Replicon - A blue-skinned shapeshifter
    Shapeshifting is a common theme in mythology, folklore, and fairy tales. It is also found in epic poems, science fiction literature, fantasy literature, children's literature, Shakespearean comedy, ballet, film, television, comics, and video games...

     who turns parts of his body into automatic weapons.
  • Grenader - Basically a giant, walking grenade. He blows up when his pin is pulled and reassembles moments later. His usual function is demolition.
  • Lazerette - Cybron's only (clearly) female bio-borg, she can shoot laser beams from her eyes and mouth.
  • Noxious - Shoots toxic gasses from his arms.
  • Chronozoid - Can control time for a short time.
  • Dr. Five Eyes - Has eyes all over his body, one on his forehead can hypnotize
    Hypnosis is "a trance state characterized by extreme suggestibility, relaxation and heightened imagination."It is a mental state or imaginative role-enactment . It is usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction, which is commonly composed of a long series of preliminary...

    his victims.
  • Zachariah Easel - A talented artist that can bring any artwork to life.

Episode list

Season 1
  1. City of Terror
  2. Alien Attack
  3. Cyber-magic
  4. Death Paint
  5. Titan of Terror
  6. Time Storm
  7. Mountain of Fear
  8. Voodoo Master
  9. The Ancient City
  10. The Dogs of Doom
  11. Life Force
  12. Killer Ants
  13. Terror Toons

Season 2
  1. The Black Box
  2. Terror in the Jungle
  3. The Crawling Horror
  4. Crime City
  5. The Water Beast
  6. The Price of Freedom
  7. Two Minute Warning
  8. Island of Fear
  9. Diamonds of Death
  10. Attack of the Slitha Monsters (1)
  11. Attack of the Slitha Monsters (2)
  12. Sword of Power
  13. Danger in Space
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