Rulers of the Akan state of Manya Krobo

List of Rulers of the Manya Krobo State

Tenure Incumbent Notes
c.1500 Foundation of Manya Krobo state
Konor (Rulers)
Odumasi Dynasty
1835 to 1867 Odonkor Azu, Konor
1867 to 1892 Sakitey I, Konor
1892 to 1939 Sir Emmanuel Mate Kole I, Konor
1939 to 1990 Mate Kole II, Konor
1990 to 1999 Interregnum
An interregnum is a period of discontinuity or "gap" in a government, organization, or social order...

1999 to present Sakitey II, Konor

See also

  • Dangme
  • Ghana
    Ghana , officially the Republic of Ghana, is a country located in West Africa. It is bordered by Côte d'Ivoire to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea to the south...

  • Gold Coast
    Gold Coast (British colony)
    The Gold Coast was a British colony on the Gulf of Guinea in west Africa that became the independent nation of Ghana in 1957.-Overview:The first Europeans to arrive at the coast were the Portuguese in 1471. They encountered a variety of African kingdoms, some of which controlled substantial...

  • Lists of office-holders
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