Reptiles of Pakistan
Order Crocodilians

- Family Crocodylidae (crocodiles) - 1 species
- Crocodylus palustris (Mugger Crocodile, Indian Crocodile, Indus Crocodile or Marsh Crocodile)
- Family GavialidaeGavialidaeGavialidae is a family of reptiles within the order Crocodilia. Gavialidae consists of only one surviving species, the gharial , which is native to India. Many extinct species are also known...
(gharials) - 1 species- Gavialis gangeticus (Indian Gavial or Gharial)
Suborder Lacertilia


- Family AgamidaeAgamidaeAgamids, lizards of the family Agamidae, include more than 300 species in Africa, Asia, Australia, and a few in Southern Europe. Many species are commonly called dragons or dragon lizards. Phylogenetically they may be sister to the Iguanidae, and have a similar appearance. Agamids usually have...
(agamas) - 22 species- Brachysaura minorBrachysaura minorHardwicke's Bloodsucker is an Agamid lizard found in Pakistan and India. It is the only species, monotypic of, the genus Brachysaura.-References:...
(Hardwicke's Bloodsucker) - Calotes versicolorCalotes versicolorThe Oriental Garden Lizard, Eastern Garden Lizard or Changeable Lizard is an agamid lizard found widely distributed in Asia. It has also been introduced in many other parts of the world...
(Oriental Garden Lizard, Eastern Garden Lizard or Changeable Lizard) - Japalura kumaonensisJapalura kumaonensisThe Kumaon Mountain Lizard Japalura kumaonensis is an agamid lizard found in North India , Pakistan, Nepal and parts of China .-References:...
(Kumaon Mountain Lizard) - Laudakia agrorensisLaudakia agrorensisThe Agror Agama is an agamid lizard found in Afghanistan, India and Pakistan.-References:...
(Agror Agama) - Laudakia badakhshanaLaudakia badakhshanaThe Badakhshana Rock Agama is an agamid lizard found in NE Afghanistan, N Pakistan, Kashmir, China , SE Turkmenistan, eastward through Tajikistan to W Kyrgyzstan....
(Badakhshana Rock Agama) - Laudakia caucasiaLaudakia caucasiaThe Caucasian agama is a species of agamid lizard found in the Caucasus, E/S Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Dagestan , E Turkey, Iraq, N Iran, Afghanistan, NW Pakistan and parts of Kashmir.-Description:...
(Caucasian Agama) - Laudakia himalayanaLaudakia himalayanaThe Himalayan agama is an agamid lizard found in Central Asia and South Asia.-Description:Head much depressed; snout slightly longer than diameter of orbit; nostril lateral, below the canthus rostralis, slightly tubular...
(Himalayan Agama) - Laudakia melanuraLaudakia melanuraThe Black Agama is an agamid lizard found in Iran, Pakistan, India nasiri: Toba Kakar Range, Balochistan and Pakistan at elevations of 2300 to 2400 m above sea level....
(Black Agama) - Laudakia fusca (Yellow-headed Rock Agama)
- Laudakia nupta (Large-scaled Rock Agama) - 2 subspecies
- Laudakia n. fusca
- Laudakia n. nupta
- Laudakia tuberculataLaudakia tuberculataThe Kashmir Rock Agama is a species of agamid lizard found in N Pakistan, India , Nepal , Afghanistan, and China .-Description:...
(Kashmir Rock Agama) - Phrynocephalus clarkorum (Clark's Toad-headed Agama)
- Phrynocephalus euptilopusPhrynocephalus euptilopusAlcock's toad-headed agama Phrynocephalus euptilopus is a species of agamid lizard found in Pakistan , Afghanistan and possibly in parts of India.Type locality: Darband , Northern Baluchistan....
(Alcock's Toad-headed Agama) - Phrynocephalus luteoguttatusPhrynocephalus luteoguttatusYellow-speckled toad-headed agama Phrynocephalus luteoguttatus is a species of agamid lizard found in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and possibly in India.Type locality: between Nushki and Helmand ....
(Yellow-speckled Toad-headed Agama) - Phrynocephalus maculatus (Blacktail Toadhead Agama)
- Phrynocephalus ornatus (Ornate Toadhead Agama)
- Phrynocephalus scutellatus (Gray Toadhead Agama)
- Trapelus agilisTrapelus agilisThe Brilliant ground agama Trapelus agilis is a species of agama found in Central Asia and South Asia.-Distribution:Iran, Pakistan, India , Russia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China, Iraq and Afghanistan *Race khuzistanensis: Type locality: Iran, Khuzistan Province,...
pakistanensis (Brilliant Ground Agama) - Trapelus rubrigularis (Red-throated Agama)
- Trapelus ruderatus (Horn-scaled Agama or Baluch Ground Agama)
- Uromastyx asmussi (Iranian Mastigure)
- Uromastyx hardwickiiUromastyx hardwickiiHardwicke's or Indian spiny-tailed lizard is a species of agamid lizard found patchily distributed in the Thar desert, Kutch and surrounding arid zones in India and Pakistan. These lizards are mainly herbivorous are live in numbers in some areas. These lizards are found in loose clusters and...
(Hardwick's Spiny-tailed Lizard or Indian Spiny-tailed Lizard)
- Brachysaura minor
- Family Chamaeleonidae (chameleons) - 1 species
- Chamaeleo zeylanicusChamaeleo zeylanicusThe Indian Chameleon, Chamaeleo zeylanicus is a species of chameleon found in Sri Lanka, India and other parts of South Asia. Like other chameleons, this species has a long tongue, feet that are shaped into bifid claspers, a prehensile tail, independent eye movement and the ability to change skin...
(Indian Chameleon or Ceylon Chameleon)
- Chamaeleo zeylanicus
- Family Gekkonidae (eyelid and lidless geckoes) - 33 species
- Agamura femoralis or Rhinogecko femoralis (De Witte's Gecko or Sharp-tailed Spider Gecko)
- Agamura persicaAgamura persicaAgamura persica , commonly known Persian Spider Gecko, hails from semi-desert regions of Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan where temperatures range from extreme summer day highs to extreme winter night lows...
persica (Persian Spider Gecko) - Asiocolotes depressus (Pigmy Flat Gecko or Low Lying Gecko)
- Bunopus tuberculatus (Baluch Rock Gecko)
- Crossobamon eversmanni (Baluchistan Sand Gecko or Comb-toed Gecko) - 2 subspecies
- Crossobamon e. eversmanni or Crossobamon maynardi
- Crossobamon e. lumsdenii
- Crossobamon orientalisCrossobamon orientalisSind Gecko Crossobamon orientalis is a species of gecko found in Pakistan and India .Type locality: Rohri and Shikarpur District, Upper Sind.-References:...
(Sind Gecko) - Cyrtodactylus walliCyrtodactylus walliCyrtodactylus walli is a species of gecko found in Pakistan.Type locality: Chitral.-References:* Das, I. 1994 The reptiles of South Asia: checklist and distributional summary. Hamadryad 19: 15-40...
(Chitral Gecko or Swat Stone Gecko) - Cyrtopodium agamuroides (Nikolsky Spider Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium baturensis (Batura thin-toed Gecko or Batura Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium dattanensis (Khan's Bow-fingered Gecko or Hazara Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium fortmunroi (Fort Munro Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium indusoani (Soan Sakaser Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium kachhensis (Kutch Gecko) - 2 subspecies
- Cyrtopodium k. ingoldbyi (Ingoldby's Stone Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium k. kachhensis (Warty Rock Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium mintoni (Minton's Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium montiumsalsorum (Salt Range Rock Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium rhodocaudus (Red-tailed Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium rohtasfortai (Rohtas Fort Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium scaber (Keeled Rock Gecko)
- Cyrtopodium watsoni (Quetta Rock Gecko)
- Eublepharis macularius (Leopard Gecko)
- Hemidactylus brookiiHemidactylus brookiiBrook's House Gecko Hemidactylus brookii is a widespread species of gecko.-Description:Snout somewhat longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, nearly twice the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; ear-opening small, oval, vertical, about one third the diameter of the eye;...
brookii (Brook's House Gecko or Spotted Indian House Gecko) - Hemidactylus flaviviridisHemidactylus flaviviridisHemidactylus flaviviridis is a species of gecko. Its common name is Yellow-bellied House Gecko.-Distribution:Egypt ; Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Nepal; Pakistan, India/Bengal, Socotra Island ; N Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, EritreaType locality: Insel Massaua,...
(Yellow-bellied House Gecko) - Hemidactylus frenatus (Pacific House Gecko or South Asian Waif Gecko)
- Hemidactylus leschenaultii (Leschenault's Leaf-toed Gecko or Bark Gecko)
- Hemidactylus persicusHemidactylus persicusPersian Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidactylus persicus is a species of gecko found in West Asia.-Description:Snout rather acuminate, as long as the distance between the eye and the upper border of the ear-opening, 1.3 the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; interorbital space very narrow; upper eyelid...
(Persian Leaf-toed Gecko) - Hemidactylus triedrusHemidactylus triedrusTermite Hill Gecko Hemidactylus triedrus is a species of gecko found in South Asia.-Description:Head large, oviform; snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, 1.4 times the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; ear-opening large, suboval, oblique, measuring about half...
triedus (Termite Hill Gecko or Bloched Gecko) - Hemidactylus turcicusHemidactylus turcicusMediterranean House Gecko, or more commonly Turkish Gecko as it is represented in its Latin name Hemidactylus turcicus is a species of gecko. They are nocturnal and insectivorous, rarely exceeding in length, have large, lidless eyes with elliptical pupils, and yellow- or tan-colored skin with...
turcicus (Mediterranean House Gecko) - Ptyodactylus homolepis (Pakistan Fan-fingered Gecko) - 2 subspecies
- Ptyodactylus h. homolepis
- Ptyodactylus h. socotranus
- Teratolepis fasciataTeratolepis fasciataThe Carrot-tail Viper Gecko is a species of gecko found in India and Pakistan.-Description:Body somewhat depressed; limbs rather long and slender. Head covered with polygonal flat scales...
(Carrot-tail Viper Gecko or Sindh Ground Gecko) - Teratoscincus microlepis (Small-scaled Wonder Gecko or Baluch Plate-tailed Gecko)
- Teratoscincus scincus (Turkestan Plate-tailed Gecko or Common Wonder Gecko or Frog-eyed Gecko)
- Tropiocolotes helenae (Banded Dwarf Gecko)
- Tropiocolotes persica (Persian Sand Gecko or Persian Pygmy Gecko)
- Family LacertidaeLacertidaeLacertidae is the family of the wall lizards, true lizards, or sometimes simply lacertas, which are native to Europe, Africa, and Asia. The group includes the genus Lacerta, which contains some of the most commonly seen lizard species in Europe...
(sand lizards, wall lizards and true lizards) - 12 species- Acanthodactylus cantorisAcanthodactylus cantorisIndian Fringe-fingered Lizard is a species of lizard found in India and Southeast Asia.-Description:Snout acutely pointed. Four supraoculars; subocular not reaching the lip; temporal scales keeled; front edge of the ear usually rather feebly, but distinctly, denticulated...
(Indian Fringe-fingered Lizard) - 2 subspecies- Acanthodactylus c. blanfordii (Mekran Fringe-fingered Lizard)
- Acanthodactylus c. cantoris (Indian Fringe-fingered Lizard)
- Acanthodactylus micropholis (Yellow-tailed Sand Lizard)
- Eremias acutirostris (Reticulate Desert Lacerta)
- Eremias fasciata (Yellow-headed Desert Lacerta)
- Eremias scripta (Caspian Desert Lacerta)
- Eremias velox persica (Persian Steppe Lacerta)
- Mesalina brevirostris (Sort-nosed Desert Lacerta)
- Mesalina guttulataMesalina guttulataSmall-spotted Lizard, is a species of lizard. It is found in the following countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sinai, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran , India, S. Turkmenistan, N. Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan,...
(Small-spotted Lizard or Long-tailed Desert Lacerta) - Ophisops elegansOphisops elegansSnake-eyed Lizard is a species of lizard found in the Mediterranean region and Central Asia.-Description:Head moderate, feebly depressed...
(Elegant Snake-eyed Lizard) - 2 subspecies - Ophisops e. elegans (Elegant Snake-eyed Lizard)
- Acanthodactylus cantoris
- Ophisops jerdoniiOphisops jerdoniiJerdon's Snake-Eye is a species of lizard which is distributed in east Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.-Description:...
(Jerdon's Snake-Eye d Lizard or Punjab Snake-eyed Lizard) - Ophisops microlepisOphisops microlepisOphisops microlepis is a species of lizard found in parts of India.-Distribution and description:Head much depressed; snout long; loreal region concave; upper labials projecting, angular...
(Indian Snake-eyed Lizard) - Scapteira aporosceles (Chagai Desert Lacerta)
- Family Scincidae (skinks) - 15 species
Ablepharus grayanusThe Minor Snake-eyed Skink is a species of skink. It can be found in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the mountain regions of the eastern former Soviet central Asia, and possibly Kyrgyzstan.-References:...
(Minor Snake-eyed Skink) - Ablepharus pannonicus (Asian Snake-eyed Skink)
- Chalcides ocellatusChalcides ocellatusChalcides ocellatus, or Ocellated Skink is a species of skink found in Greece, southern Italy, Malta, and parts of northern Africa....
(Ocellated Skink) - Eumeces schneiderii zarudnyi (Schneider's Skink, Berber skink or Zarudny's Skink)
- Eurylepis indothalensis (Thal skink)
- Eurylepis taeniolatusEurylepis taeniolatusAlpine Punjab Skink Eurylepis taeniolatus is a species of skink found in Central Asia and West Asia.- Description :Eurylepis taeniolatus Blyth 1854 is the type species of the genus Eurylepis....
(Alpine Punjab Skink or Yellow-bellied Mole Skink) - Eutropis dissimilis (Striped Grass Mabuya or Striped Grass Skink)
- Eutropis macularia (Bronze Mabuya, Bronze Grass Skink)
- Ophiomorus blanfordi (Makran Sand Swimmer)
- Ophiomorus brevipes (Short-toed Sand Swimmer)
- Ophiomorus raithmaiOphiomorus raithmaiOphiomorus raithmai is a species of skink found in India and Pakistan.-References:* Anderson,S.C. & Leviton,A.E. 1966 A review of the genus Ophiomorus , with descriptions of three new forms. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 33 : 499-534...
(Indus Sand Swimmer) - Ophiomorus tridactylusOphiomorus tridactylusThree-toed Snake Skink is a species of skink found in sandy desert areas of South Asia and is also called the Indian Sandswimmer for their habit of moving just under the sand.-Description:...
(Three-toed Snake Skink or Indian Sandswimmer) - Scincella ladacensisScincella ladacensisLadakh Ground Skink Scincella ladacensis is a species of skink.Distribution:China [Scincella ladacensis ladacensis]N Pakistan, W Himalaya India W Nepal-External links:...
- 2 subspecies- Scincella l. ladacensis (Ladak Ground Skink)
- Scincella l. himalayana (Himalayan Ground Skink)
- Family VaranidaeVaranidaeVaranidae is a group of lizards of the superfamily Varanoidea. The family is a group of carnivorous lizards which includes the largest living lizard, the Komodo dragon, and the crocodile monitor. Varanidae contains the living genus Varanus and a number of extinct taxa...
(monitor lizards) - 2 species- Varanus flavescens (Yellow Monitor)
- Varanus griseusVaranus griseusThe Desert Monitor, Varanus griseus, is a species of monitor lizard of the order Squamata found living throughout North Africa and western Asia. Varanus griseus is divided into three distinct subspecies: Varanus griseus griseus , Varanus griseus caspius , and Varanus griseus koniecznyi...
- 2 subspecies- Varanus g. caspius (Eastern Desert Monitor)
- Varanus g. koniecznyi (Thar Desert Monitor)
Suborder Serpentes

- Family Boidae (boas) - 2 species
- Eryx johniiEryx johniiEryx johnii is a non-venomous boa species found in Iran, Pakistan and India. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Description:Adults rarely exceed two feet in length , although they sometimes reach 3 feet . Adapted to burrowing, the head is wedge-shaped with narrow nostrils and very small eyes...
johnii (Indian Sand Boa or Red Sand Boa) - Eryx tataricusEryx tataricusEryx tataricus, known commonly as the Tartar sand boa, is a species of snake in the Boidae family. It is found throughout the Middle and Far East....
speciosus (Tartar Sand Boa) - Gongylophis conicusGongylophis conicusGongylophis conicus is a non-venomous boa species found in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. No subspecies are currently recognized. -Description:...
or Eryx conicus (Rough-scaled Sand Boa)
- Eryx johnii
- Family Colubridae (colubrids) - 32 species
- Amphiesma platycepsAmphiesma platycepsThe Himalayan keelback is a species of grass snake found in South Asia.It is known from India along the sub-Himalayan region, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan and China between 1000 to 3600 m elevation.-Description:...
- Amphiesma sielboldii
- Amphiesma stolata stolata
- Boiga trigonataBoiga trigonataThe Indian gamma Snake or common cat snake is a species of rear-fanged colubrid found in South Asia.-Description:B. trigonata has anterior palatine and mandibular teeth scarcely larger than the posterior. Its eyes are as long as the distance from its nostril; the rostral is broader than deep with...
– 2 subspecies- Boiga t. melanocephala
- Boiga t. trigonata
- Coluber fasciolatus
- Coluber kareliniColuber kareliniSpotted Desert Racer Coluber karelini is a species of snake found in West Asia and Central Asia.-Distribution:Pakistan, Iran , Afghanistan, S Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kashmir....
– 2 subspecies- Coluber k. karelini
- Coluber k. mintonorum
- Coluber ravergeiri ravergeiri
- Coluber rhodorachisColuber rhodorachisBraid Snake or Jan's Cliff Racer Coluber rhodorachis is a species of snake found in Central Asia.-Distribution:Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Sudan?, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Chad, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Iraq, Iran , Afghanistan, W Pakistan, Yemen, S...
– 3 subspecies- Coluber r. kashmirensis
- Coluber r. ladacensis
- Coluber r. rhodorachis
- Coluber ventromaculatusColuber ventromaculatusThe Glossy-bellied Racer or Hardwicke's Rat Snake or Gray's rat snake is a species of rat-snake or Racer.-Distribution:...
– 3 subspecies- Coluber v. bengalensis
- Coluber v. indusai
- Coluber v. ventromaculatus
- Enhydris pakistanica
- Lycodon aulicusLycodon aulicusThe Indian wolf snake is a species of nonvenomous snake found in South Asia and Southeast Asia. Early naturalists have suggested its resemblance to the venomous common krait as an instance of Batesian mimicry.-Description:...
aulicus - Lycodon striatusLycodon striatusThe northern wolf snake Lycodon striatus is a species of nonvenomous colubrid snake.-Geographic range:It is found in Sri Lanka, NW India , Pakistan, S Turkmenistan , W Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, E/NE Iran, and Afghanistan....
– 2 subspecies- Lycodon s. bicolor
- Lycodon s. striatus
- Lycodon travancoricusLycodon travancoricusThe Travancore wolf snake is a species of colubrid snake.-Distribution:It is found in Pakistan and India .-Description:...
- Lytorhynchus maynardi
- Lytorhynchus paradoxusLytorhynchus paradoxusSind Longnose Sand Snake is a species of snake found in the desert areas of Pakistan and India .-Description:Maxillary teeth 6 to 9 posterior much longer than anterior; mandibular teeth subequal...
- Lytorhynchus ridgewayi
- Natrix tessellata tessellate
- Oligodon arnensisOligodon arnensisCommon kukri snake or Banded kukri Oligodon arnensis is a species of nonvenomous snakefound in Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan and Nepal.-Description:The following description is from Boulenger and Smith ....
- Oligodon taeniolatusOligodon taeniolatusStreaked Kukri Snake is a species of nonvenomous snake found in Asia. Also known as the Variegated Kukri or the Russell's Kukri.-References:...
- Psammophis condanarusPsammophis condanarusSand Snake Psammophis condanarus is a species of snake found in northern India, Pakistan and Nepal.-Description:Rostral as deep as broad, visible from above; nasal divided or semidivided; internasals rather more than half the length of the prefrontals; frontal very narrow, as long as or longer than...
condanarus - Psammophis leithiiPsammophis leithiiPakistan Sand Racer or Leith's Sand Snake Psammophis leithii is a species of snake found in Pakistan, Afghanistan and western India .-Description:...
- Psammophis lineolatus
- Psammophis schokariPsammophis schokariSchokari Sand Racer is a species of snake found in parts of Asia and Africa.-Distribution:NW India, Afghanistan , Pakistan, S Turkmenistan, Western Sahara ?, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Sinai, Israel, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Syria,...
- Pseudocyclophis persica
- Ptyas mucosusPtyas mucosusDhaman or Oriental Ratsnake Ptyas mucosus is a common species of colubrid snake found in parts of South and Southeast Asia. Growing to nearly two metres, they are large snakes and their colour varies from pale browns in dry regions to nearly black in moist forest areas...
- Sibynophis sagittariusSibynophis sagittariusSibynophis sagittarius is a species of snake found in C/NE India, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan.-References:* Cantor, T. 1839 Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1839: 49....
- Spalerosophis arenariusSpalerosophis arenariusThe red spotted royal snake or red-spotted diadem snake is a species of colubrine snake.-Geographic range:It is found in India and Pakistan .-Description:...
- Spalerosophis diademaSpalerosophis diademaThe diadem snake is a species of large colubrine snake.-Geographic range:It is found in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Western Pakistan, Northern India,...
– 2 subspecies- Spalerosophis d. diadema
- Spalerosophis d. schirazianus
- Telescopus rhinopoma
- Xenochrophis cerasogasterXenochrophis cerasogasterPainted Keelback Xenochrophis cerasogaster is a species of Colubrid snake found in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and India . This snake is also called the "Dark Bellied Marsh Snake."...
- Xenochrophis piscatorXenochrophis piscatorThe Chequered Keelback or Asiatic Water Snake is a common species of non-venomous snake found in Asia.-Description:...
piscator - Xenochrophis sanctijohannisXenochrophis sanctijohannisSt. John's Keelback Xenochrophis sanctijohannis is a species of snake found in Pakistan and India .-References:* George Albert Boulenger 1890 The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma. Reptilia and Batrachia]]. Taylor and Francis, London, xviii, 541 pp....
- Amphiesma platyceps
- Family ElapidaeElapidaeElapidae is a family of venomous snakes found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, terrestrially in Asia, Australia, Africa, North America and South America and aquatically in the Pacific and Indian Oceans...
(kraits and cobras) - 4 species- Bungarus caeruleus (Common Krait)
- Bungarus sindanusBungarus sindanusThe Sind krait is a species of krait, a venomous elapid snake found in Asia. Three subspecies are recognized.-Distribution:The geographic ranges of the subspecies in Pakistan and India are as follows:...
(Sind Krait) – 2 subspecies- Bungarus s. razai (Northern Punjab Krait)
- Bungarus s. sindanus (Sind Krait)
- Naja naja (Indian Cobra or Spectacled Cobra)
- Naja oxianaNaja oxianaNaja oxiana or the Central Asian Cobra is a species of venomous snake found in Central Asia.-Distribution:It is found in Afghanistan, NE Iran, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, SW Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The type locality is Transcaspia....
(Central Asian Cobra or Oxus Cobra)
- Family Hydrophiidae (sea snakes) - 14 species
- Astrotia stokesiiAstrotia stokesiiCommonly known as Stokes' seasnake, Astrotia stokesii is a large species of sea snake found in tropical Indo-Pacific oceanic waters.-Description:...
(Stokes' Sea Snake) - Enhydrina schistosaEnhydrina schistosaBeaked seasnake is a species of sea snake.-Description:...
(Beaked Sea Snake, Hook-nosed Sea Snake, Common Sea Snake or Valakadyn Sea Snake) - Hydrophis caerulescensHydrophis caerulescensThe Dwarf Seasnake is a species of sea snake.-Anatomy:Diagnostic Characters.- Scales on thickest part of body quadrangular or hexagonal in shape, feebly imbricate or juxtaposed; 14-18 maxillary teeth behind front fangs; 2 anterior tempo-rals; scales in 31-43 rows on the neck, 38-54 around midbody...
(Dwarf Seasnake or Many-toothed Sea Snake) - Hydrophis cyanocinctusHydrophis cyanocinctusAnnulated Sea Snake Hydrophis cyanocinctus is a species of sea snake.-Description:Head moderate; eye shorter than its distance from the mouth in the adult...
(Annulated Sea Snake or Blue-banded Sea Snake) - Hydrophis fasciatusHydrophis fasciatusStriped Sea Snake Hydrophis fasciatus is a species of sea snake.-Anatomy:Head small, body long and slender anteriorly; scales on thickest part of body subquadrangular or hexagonal in shape, juxtaposed or slightly imbricate; 5-6 maxillary teeth behind fangs; 2 anterior temporals; body scales in...
(Striped Sea Snake) - Hydrophis lapemoidesHydrophis lapemoidesPersian Gulf Sea Snake Hydrophis lapemoides is a species of sea snake.-Distribution:Indian Ocean, Persian Gulfcoasts off Bahrain, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia , Singapore, Thailand...
(Persian Gulf Sea Snake) - Hydrophis mamillaris (Bombay Sea Snake)
- Hydrophis ornatusHydrophis ornatusOrnate Reef seasnake Hydrophis ornatus is a species of sea snake.-Bibliography:* Bussarawitt,S.; Rasmussen, A.R. & Andersen, M. 1989 A preliminary study on sea snakes from Phuket Harbor, Phuket Island, Thailand. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc., Bangkok 37 : 209-225* Mittleman, M. B...
(Ornate Reef Seasnake) - Hydrophis spiralisHydrophis spiralisYellow Sea Snake Hydrophis spiralis is a species of sea snake.-Anatomy:This is perhaps the longest species of seasnake .Diagnostic Characters- Scales on thickest part of body with rounded or pointed tips, imbricate; 6-7 maxillary teeth behind fangs; normally 1 anterior temporal; 6-8 upper labials;...
(Yellow Sea Snake) - Lapemis curtusLapemis curtusThe Shaw's Sea Snake is a species of sea snake.Distribution:Persian Gulf Indian Ocean South China Sea north to the coasts of Fujian and Shandong...
(Shaw's Sea Snake) - Microcephalophis cantorisMicrocephalophis cantorisMicrocephalophis cantoris is a species of sea snake.Diagnostic Characters- Head small, body long and slender anteriorly; scales on thickest part of body juxtaposed; 5-6 maxillary teeth behind fangs; 23-25 scale rows around neck, 41-48 around thickest part of body ; ventrals divided by a...
(Cantor's Small-headed Sea Snake) - Microcephalophis gracilisMicrocephalophis gracilisThe Graceful Small-headed Sea Snake or Slender Sea Snake Microcephalophis gracilis is a species of sea snake.-Diagnostic Characters:...
(Graceful Small-headed Sea Snake or Slender Sea Snake) - Pelamis platurus (Yellow-bellied Sea Snake or Pelagic Sea Snake)
- Praescutata viperina (Viperine Sea Snake)
- Astrotia stokesii
- Family LeptotyphlopidaeLeptotyphlopidaeThe Leptotyphlopidae are a family of snakes found in North and South America, Africa, and Asia. All are fossorial and adapted to burrowing, feeding on ants and termites...
(thread snakes) - 2 species- Leptotyphlops blanfordii (Blanford's Worm Snake or Sind Thread Snake)
- Leptotyphlops macrorhynchusLeptotyphlops macrorhynchusLeptotyphlops macrorhynchus is a harmless blind snake species found in northern Africa and southwestern Asia. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Geographic range:Found in isolated populations across northern Africa and in southwestern Asia...
(Long-nosed Worm Snake or Beaked Thread Snake)
- Family Pythonidae (pythons) - 1 species
- Python molurus molurus (Indian Python, Black-tailed Python or Sind Python)
- Family TyphlopidaeTyphlopidaeThe Typhlopidae are a family of blind snakes. They are found mostly in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and all mainland Australia and various islands. The rostral scale overhangs the mouth to form a shovel like burrowing structure. They live underground in burrows, and since...
(blind snakes) - 5 species- Ramphotyphlops braminusRamphotyphlops braminusRamphotyphlops braminus is a harmless blind snake species found mostly in Africa and Asia, but has been introduced in many other parts of the world. Completely fossorial, they are often mistaken for earthworms, except that they are not segmented. The specific name is a Latinized form of the word...
(Brahminy Blind Snake) - Typhlops ahsanaiTyphlops ahsanaiTyphlops ahsanai, or Ahsan's blind snake, is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
(Ahsan's Blind Snake) - Typhlops porrectusTyphlops porrectusTyphlops porrectus is a harmless blind snake species found in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and northern Myanmar. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Geographic range:...
or Typhlops ductuliformes (Slender Worm Snake) - Typhlops madgemintonaiTyphlops madgemintonaiTyphlops madgemintonai, or Madge's blind snake, is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....
– 2 subspecies- Typhlops m. madgemintonai (Madge's Blind Snake)
- Typhlops m. shermanai (Sherman's Blind Snake)
- Ramphotyphlops braminus
- Family ViperidaeViperidaeThe Viperidae are a family of venomous snakes found all over the world, except in Antarctica, Australia, Ireland, Madagascar, Hawaii, various other isolated islands, and above the Arctic Circle. All have relatively long, hinged fangs that permit deep penetration and injection of venom. Four...
(vipers and pit vipers) - 7 species- Daboia russelii russelii (Daboia or Russell's Viper)
- Echis carinatusEchis carinatusEchis carinatus is a venomous viper species found in parts of the Middle East and Central Asia, and especially the Indian subcontinent. It is the smallest member of the Big Four snakes...
(Indian Saw-scaled Viper) - 3 subspecies- Echis c. astolaeEchis carinatus astolaeEchis carinatus astolae is a venomous viper subspecies endemic to Astola Island off the coast of Pakistan.-Description:The color pattern consists of a series of dark brown dorsal blotches on a whitish background, laterally 1-3 rows of dark brown spots with no light arcs. On the head, there is a...
(Astola Saw-scaled Viper) - Echis c. multisquamatusEchis carinatus multisquamatusEchis carinatus multisquamatus is a venomous viper subspecies found in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.-Description:Grows to 38-80 cm in length, but usually no more than 60 cm....
(Multiscale Saw-scaled Viper) - Echis c. sochurekiEchis carinatus sochurekiEchis carinatus sochureki is a venomous viper subspecies found in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and parts of the Arabian Peninsula.-Description:...
(Sochurek's Saw-scaled Viper)
- Echis c. astolae
- Echis pyramidumEchis pyramidumEchis pyramidum is a species of venomous viper found mainly in north-east Africa, but also in parts of the Arabian Peninsula. Three subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.-Description:...
(Northeast African Carpet Viper, Egyptian Saw-scaled Viper) - Eristicophis macmahonii (McMahon's Viper, Asian Sand Viper, Leaf-nosed Viper)
- Gloydius himalayanusGloydius himalayanusGloydius himalayanus is a venomous pitviper species found along the southern slopes of the Himalayas in Pakistan, India and Nepal. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Geographic range:...
(Himalayan Pit Viper) - Macrovipera lebetina obtusaMacrovipera lebetina obtusaMacrovipera lebetina obtusa is a venomous viper subspecies found between central Turkey and northern Pakistan .-Description:Distinguished by its higher scale counts—usually 170-175 ventrals and 25 midbody dorsal scales -- and relatively dark color pattern.-Geographic range:From central Turkey...
(West-Asian Blunt-nosed Viper, Levant Blunt-nosed Viper) - Pseudocerastes persicus persicus (Persian Horned Viper, False Horned Viper)
Order Testudines

- Family CheloniidaeCheloniidaeCheloniidae is a family of turtles belonging to the sea turtle superfamily Chelonioidea.-Extant genera:*Genus Caretta**Loggerhead sea turtle *Genus Chelonia**Green sea turtle *Genus Eretmochelys...
(sea turtles) - 4 species- Chelonia mydas (Green 'Sea' Turtle)
- Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Sea Turtle)
- Eretmochelys imbricata bissa (Hawksbill Turtle)
- Lepidochelys olivacea (Olive Ridley Turtle)
- Family DermochelyidaeDermochelyidaeDermochelyidae is a family of turtles which has eight extinct and one extant genera.-Classification of known genera:*Subfamily Desmatochelyinae** Corochelys ** Desmatochelys *Subfamily Allopleuroninae ** Allopleuron ** Eosphargis...
(softshell sea turtles) - 1 species- Dermochelys coriacea (Leatherback 'Sea' Turtle or Leatherback)
- Family GeoemydidaeGeoemydidaeGeoemydidae is the largest and most diverse family in the order Testudines with about 70 species. It includes the Eurasian pond and river turtles and Neotropical wood turtles.-Characteristics:...
(Asian river turtles, Asian leaf turtleAsian Leaf TurtleThe Asian leaf turtle Cyclemys dentata is a species of turtle found in Southeast Asia. They are quite common in the pet trade with its carapace resembling that of a Cuora amboinensis hybrid.- Feeding :...
s, Asian box turtles and roofed turtles) - 4 species- Geoclemys hamiltoniiGeoclemys hamiltoniiThe black pond turtle , also known as the spotted pond turtle, is a species of turtle found in South Asia. It is also known as the Indian spotted turtle. It belongs to the monotypic genus Geoclemys.-Description:...
(Black Pond Turtle, Spotted Pond Turtle or Indian Spotted Turtle) - Hardella thurjiiHardella thurjiiThe Brahminy river turtle or Crowned river turtle is a species of turtle found in northern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh...
(Brahminy River Turtle or Crowned River Turtle) - Kachuga smithiiKachuga smithiiBrown roofed turtle, the is a species of the Geoemydidae family of turtles found in South Asia.-Description:Carapace much depressed, feebly keeled...
smithii (Brown-roofed Turtle) - Kachuga tectaKachuga tectaThe Indian roofed turtle, is a species of the Pangshura family of turtle found in the major rivers of South Asia.-Description:...
(Indian Roofed Turtle)
- Geoclemys hamiltonii
- Family Testudinidae (true tortoises) - 2 species
- Geochelone elegans (Indian Star Tortoise)
- Testudo horsfieldi horsfieldii (Afghan Tortoise, Horsfield's Tortoise or Central Asian Tortoise)
- Family TrionychidaeTrionychidaeTrionychidae is a taxonomic family which comprises a number of turtle genera commonly known as softshells. They are also sometimes called pancake turtles. Softshells consist of some of the world's largest fresh water turtles, though many can adapt to living in highly brackish areas. Members of this...
(softshell turtles) - 4 species- Aspideretes gangeticusAspideretes gangeticusThe Ganges softshell turtle Aspideretes gangeticus is a species of softshell turtle found in South Asia in rivers such as the Ganges, Indus and Mahanadi.-Description:...
indica (Ganges Soft-shelled Turtle) - Aspideretes hurumAspideretes hurumIndian peacock softshell turtle Aspideretes hurum is a species of turtle found in Nepal, India, Bangladesh , Pakistan Indian peacock softshell turtle Aspideretes hurum is a species of turtle found in Nepal, India, Bangladesh (in the Brahmaputra and Ganges rivers), Pakistan Indian peacock softshell...
(Peacock Soft-shelled Turtle) - Chitra indicaChitra indicaIndian narrow-headed softshell turtle Chitra indica is a species of turtle found in the major rivers of Pakistan and India.-Diagnostic characters:# Overall color: olive to deep olive-green;# Very complex midline carapacial pattern;...
(Narrow-headed Soft-shelled Turtle) - Lissemys punctataLissemys punctataIndian flapshell turtle is a fresh water species of turtle found in South Asia. The “Flap-shelled” name stems from the presence of femoral flaps that are located on the plastron. These flaps of skin serve the purpose of covering the limbs when they retract into the shell. It is unclear what...
andersoni (Indian Flap-shelled Turtle)
- Aspideretes gangeticus