Org 21465
Org 21465 is a synthetic neuroactive steroid
Neuroactive steroid
Neuroactive steroids rapidly alter neuronal excitability through interaction with neurotransmitter-gated ion channels. In addition, these steroids may also exert effects on gene expression via intracellular steroid hormone receptors...

, with sedative
A sedative or tranquilizer is a substance that induces sedation by reducing irritability or excitement....

 effects resulting from its action as a GABAA receptor positive modulator. It is similar to related drugs such as Org 20599
Org 20599
Org 20599 is a synthetic neuroactive steroid, with sedative effects resulting from its action as a GABAA receptor positive modulator. It was developed for use as an anaesthetic agent but was never marketed for this purpose, although it is still used in scientific research....

, and was similarly developed as an improved alternative to other sedative steroids such as althesin
Alfaxolone/alfadolone is a short acting intravenous anaesthetic agent, now withdrawn from the market due to severe drug reactions. It is composed of a mixture of alfaxalone and alfadolone, two neurosteroids.Cremophor EL Alfaxolone/alfadolone (Althesin) is a short acting intravenous anaesthetic...

 and allopregnanolone
Allopregnanolone is a prototypic neurosteroid present in the blood and also the brain. It is a metabolite of progesterone and potent modulator of GABAA receptors...

, which despite its superior properties in some respects has not proved to offer enough advantages to be accepted into clinical use.
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