National Progressive Front
The National Progressive Front , established in 1972, is a coalition
A coalition is a pact or treaty among individuals or groups, during which they cooperate in joint action, each in their own self-interest, joining forces together for a common cause. This alliance may be temporary or a matter of convenience. A coalition thus differs from a more formal covenant...

 of political parties
Political Parties
Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy is a book by sociologist Robert Michels, published in 1911 , and first introducing the concept of iron law of oligarchy...

 in Syria
Syria , officially the Syrian Arab Republic , is a country in Western Asia, bordering Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the West, Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, and Israel to the southwest....

 that support the socialist and Arab nationalist
Arab nationalism
Arab nationalism is a nationalist ideology celebrating the glories of Arab civilization, the language and literature of the Arabs, calling for rejuvenation and political union in the Arab world...

 orientation of the government and accept the "leading role in society" of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party, (the biggest party in the NPF).

The Front was established by Syrian president Hafiz al-Asad to provide for a limited degree of participation in government by political parties other than the ruling Ba'ath Party. Its constitution provides that the Ba'ath Party controls 50% plus one of the votes on its executive committee. A number of seats in the People's Council of Syria
People's Council of Syria
The People's Council -External links:* official government website...

 are reserved for members of NPF parties other than the Ba'ath Party. These minor parties
Political Parties
Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy is a book by sociologist Robert Michels, published in 1911 , and first introducing the concept of iron law of oligarchy...

 are legally required to accept the leadership of the Ba'ath Party. The non-Ba'athist parties in the Progressive Front, for example, are not allowed to canvass for supporters in the army or the student body which are "reserved exclusively for the Ba'ath."

From 1972 to date, only parties participating in the NPF have been legally permitted to operate in Syria. There is currently considerable discussion in Syria regarding a proposed new law which will allow political parties to be formed more generally: it is as yet unclear whether the parties to be licensed under this law would be required to join the NPF. Traditionally, the parties of the NPF are socialist and/or Arab nationalist in orientation, but in 2005 the Syrian Social Nationalist Party
Syrian Social Nationalist Party
The Syrian Social Nationalist Party , is a secular nationalist political party in Lebanon and Syria. It advocates the establishment of a Syrian nation state spanning the Fertile Crescent, including present day Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, the Palestinian Territories, Israel, Cyprus, Kuwait,...

 was formally legalized and joined the front as the first non-Socialist, non-Arab nationalist party admitted to the NPF. Some have suggested this may allow toleration of broader ideological viewpoints within Syrian politics, but ethnically-based (Kurdish and Assyrian) movements continue to be repressed, and a strict ban on religious and right-wing parties is still enforced.

The NPF is composed of eleven political parties:
  • Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party (Article 8 of the Constitution of Syria
    Constitution of Syria
    The Constitution of Syria delineates the basic function of that state's government. Among other things, it determines Syria's character to be Arab, Socialist and republican...

     states that "the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party leads the state and society"),
  • Arab Socialist Movement
    Arab Socialist Movement
    The Arab Socialist Movement is a political party in Syria.It is an Arab socialist party, with roots in the peasant movement. It traces its roots back to the 1930s radical anti-feudal group led by Akram al-Hawrani, which merged with the Ba'th Party in 1953, only to withdraw again in 1963. It is...

  • Arab Socialist Union
    Arab Socialist Union (Syria)
    The Arab Socialist Union Party of Syria is a Nasserist political party in Syria. ASU is led by Safwan al-Qudsi. The party was formed in 1973, following a split from the original ASU....

  • Syrian Communist Party
    Syrian Communist Party (Bakdash)
    The Syrian Communist Party is a political party in Syria. The party emerged out of a split in the Syrian Communist Party in 1986, as formed by the anti-Perestroika faction led by Khalid Bakdash...

     (Khalid Bakdash
    Khalid Bakdash
    Khalid Bakdash was the leader of the Syrian Communist Party from 1936 until his death. In 1954 Bakdash became the first member of a communist party to be elected to an Arab parliament. He has since been called the "dean of Arab communism."-Early life:Bakdash was a Damascus native of Kurdish origin...

  • Syrian Communist Party (Yusuf Faisal faction)
  • Social Democratic Unionists
    Social Democratic Unionists
    The Social Democratic Unionists is a political party in Syria. It is part of the National Progressive Front of legally licenced parties which support the socialist and Arab nationalist orientation of the government and accept the leadership of the Ba'th Party. In the 22 April 2007 People's Council...

  • Socialist Unionists
    Socialist Unionists
    The Socialist Unionists is a Nasserist political party in Syria. The party was founded in 1961, through a split in the Baath Party. It is part of the National Progressive Front of legally permitted parties which support the socialist and Arab nationalist orientation of the government and accept...

  • Syrian Social Nationalist Party
    Syrian Social Nationalist Party
    The Syrian Social Nationalist Party , is a secular nationalist political party in Lebanon and Syria. It advocates the establishment of a Syrian nation state spanning the Fertile Crescent, including present day Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, the Palestinian Territories, Israel, Cyprus, Kuwait,...

  • Democratic Socialist Unionist Party
    Democratic Socialist Unionist Party
    The Democratic Socialist Unionist Party is a political party in Syria. It is part of the National Progressive Front of legally licenced parties which support the socialist and Arab nationalist orientation of the government and accept the leadership of the Ba'th Party. In the 22 April 2007 People's...

  • Arabic Democratic Unionist Party
    Arabic Democratic Unionist Party
    The Arabic Democratic Unionist Party ) is a political party in Syria. It is part of the National Progressive Front of legally licenced parties which support the socialist and Arab nationalist orientation of the government and accept the leadership of the Ba'th Party. In the 22 April 2007 People's...

  • National Vow Movement
    National Vow Movement
    The National Vow Movement ) is a nationalist political party in Syria. It is part of the National Progressive Front of legally licenced parties which support the socialist and Arab nationalist orientation of the government and accept the leadership of the Ba'th Party. In the 22 April 2007 People's...

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