Minamimorokata District, Kagoshima
Minamimorokata was a district
Districts of Japan
The was most recently used as an administrative unit in Japan between 1878 and 1921 and is roughly equivalent to the county of the United States, ranking at the level below prefecture and above city, town or village. As of 2008, cities belong directly to prefectures and are independent from...

 of Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

 located in Kagoshima Prefecture
Kagoshima Prefecture
is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyushu. The capital is the city of Kagoshima.- Geography :Kagoshima Prefecture is located at the southwest tip of Kyushu and includes a chain of islands stretching further to the southwest for a few hundred kilometers...

. In 1883, when Miyazaki Prefecture
Miyazaki Prefecture
is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyushu. The capital is the city of Miyazaki.- History :Historically, after the Meiji Restoration, Hyūga Province was renamed Miyazaki Prefecture....

 was split from Kagoshima Prefecture, the district was formed when Morokata District was split between two prefectures. The area in Miyazaki Prefecture became Kitamorokata District
Kitamorokata District, Miyazaki
Kitamorokata is a district located in Miyazaki, Japan.As of the Miyakonojō merger but with 2003 population statistics, the district has an estimated population of 26,752 and a density of 243 persons per km²...

, and the area in Kagoshima Prefecture became Minamimorokata.
The district was originally part of Hyuga Province
Hyuga Province
was an old province of Japan on the east coast of Kyūshū, corresponding to the modern Miyazaki Prefecture. It was sometimes called or . Hyūga bordered on Bungo, Higo, Ōsumi, and Satsuma Province.The ancient capital was near Saito.-Historical record:...

. Their language is mostly related to the Morokata accent and their accent is the United accent which is spoken in city of Miyakonojō
Miyakonojo, Miyazaki
is a city located in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan.The city was founded on April 1, 1924. On January 1, 2006 the towns of Takajō, Takazaki, Yamada and Yamanokuchi merged into the city. As of 2008, the city has an estimated population of 169,384 and a population density of 259 per km²...



Until the abolition of the Han system
Abolition of the han system
The was an act, in 1871, of the new Meiji government of the Empire of Japan to replace the traditional feudal domain system and to introduce centralized government authority . This process marked the culmination of the Meiji Restoration in that all daimyo were required to return their authority...

, the district was Morokata District in Hyuga Province
Hyuga Province
was an old province of Japan on the east coast of Kyūshū, corresponding to the modern Miyazaki Prefecture. It was sometimes called or . Hyūga bordered on Bungo, Higo, Ōsumi, and Satsuma Province.The ancient capital was near Saito.-Historical record:...

  • November 14, 1871 Miyakonojō Prefecture was formed (Morokata District, Miyakonojō Prefecture).
  • January 15, 1873 Miyakonojō and Mimitsu Prefectures merged to form Miyazaki Prefecture (Morokata District, Miyazaki Prefecture).
  • August 21, 1876 Miyazaki Prefecture merged into Kagoshima Prefecture (Morokata District, Kagoshima Prefecture).
  • May 9, 1883 Miyazaki Prefecture
    Miyazaki Prefecture
    is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyushu. The capital is the city of Miyazaki.- History :Historically, after the Meiji Restoration, Hyūga Province was renamed Miyazaki Prefecture....

     reestablished, splitting Morokata District into Kitamorokata District, Miyazaki Prefecture and Minamimorokata District, Kagoshima Prefecture.
  • April 1, 1897 Merged with Higashisoo District to form Soo District
    Soo District, Kagoshima
    is a district located in Kagoshima Prefecture. As of October 1, 2008, the district has an estimated Population of 14,713 and a Density of 146 persons/km². The total area is 100.82 km². The district has one town*Ōsaki-History:...

     and merged into Ōsumi Province
    Osumi Province
    was an old province of Japan in the area that is today the eastern part of Kagoshima Prefecture. It was sometimes called . Ōsumi bordered on Hyūga and Satsuma Provinces.Osumi's ancient capital was near modern Kokubu...


Municipalities within the district

  • Higashishibushi (became the town of Shibushi, now the city of Shibushi
    Shibushi, Kagoshima
    is a city located in Kagoshima, Japan.The city was founded on January 1, 2006 from the merger of the former town of Shibushi with the towns of Ariake and Matsuyama, all from Soo District....

  • Nishishibushi (became Ariake
    Ariake, Kagoshima
    was a town located in Soo District, Kagoshima, Japan.On January 1, 2006 Ariake was merged with the towns of Shibushi and Matsuyama, all from Soo District, to form the new city of Shibushi and no longer exists as an independent municipality....

    , now part of Shibushi)
  • Tsukino (currently Tsukino, Ōsumi, city of Soo
    Soo, Kagoshima
    is a city located in North East part of Kagoshima, Japan. It is near Miyakonojo, Miyazaki.As of 2011 the city has an estimated population of 38,647, with a population density of 99 persons per km². This is down from the 2006 population data, which was an estimated population of 43,752 and a...

  • Matsuyama (became Matsuyama
    Matsuyama, Kagoshima
    was a town located in Soo District, Kagoshima, Japan.On January 1, 2006 Matsuyama was merged with the towns of Shibushi and Ariake, all from Soo District, to form the new city of Shibushi and no longer exists as an independent municipality....

    , now part of Shibushi)
  • Ōsaki (currently the town of Ōsaki
    Osaki, Kagoshima
    is a town located in Soo District, Kagoshima, Japan.As of 2008, the town has an estimated population of 15,406. The total area is 100.82 km².Osaki is the birthplace of star baseball player Kosuke Fukudome.-External links:*...

    • Nogata (currently Nogata, Ōsaki; Aratani, Ōsumi, Soo
      Soo District, Kagoshima
      is a district located in Kagoshima Prefecture. As of October 1, 2008, the district has an estimated Population of 14,713 and a Density of 146 persons/km². The total area is 100.82 km². The district has one town*Ōsaki-History:...

      ; Yamashige, Ariake, Shibushi)
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