Metal Sonic
is a fictional character
and a recurring antagonist
in the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series. In the series, Metal Sonic is an evil identical robot
ic duplicate of Sonic the Hedgehog
, created by the series antagonist
Dr. Robotnik, and is able to match Sonic's every move and even surpass his namesake speed.
Metal Sonic was created by Kazuyuki Hoshino
(Sonic Team USA Art Director). Being a robot, Metal Sonic has no gender; however, he is referred to as being male
, since he is a robot based on a male character, as well as having seemingly masculine programming. According to official polls, Metal Sonic is the most popular villain in the series, and the second most wanted character for future appearances, beaten only by Shadow the Hedgehog
. His appearance is a robotic version of Sonic's original design. Although he is a robotic replica, he claims to be the real Sonic.
. He is considered the successor of the robot known as Silver Sonic, who originally made an appearance in both Sonic the Hedgehog 2 games. In this game, he is created and controlled by Dr. Eggman
and is sent back in time
to change the past so that Eggman can rule the future. Later, he kidnaps Amy Rose
, who had been following Sonic. In Act III of the Stardust Speedway Zone, Eggman forces Sonic to race Metal Sonic in order to rescue Amy Rose. If the player managed to win the race, Metal Sonic would slam into the closing gate and explode. With his new creation smashed to pieces, Eggman would escape to the Metallic Madness Zone, allowing the player to rescue Amy.
Metal Sonic's second major appearance was in Knuckles' Chaotix
, where he attempts to absorb the Chaos Rings' powers to wreak havoc in Newtrogic High Zone. However, he is defeated by the Chaotix before he succeeds. This occasion also featured a massive, red Sonic-like robot that is speculated to be Metal Sonic, but lacks a transformation sequence to directly indicate as such.
Metal Sonic was the second to last boss in Sonic Triple Trouble
, and had a "true" fight instead of the race previously held in Sonic CD. Metal Sonic also made appearances in Sonic Drift 2 and Sonic R
as a playable racer. In the former, he raced in his "Blue Devil" vehicle, and the latter had him using his engines. In Sonic the Fighters
, he was the second to last boss where he used the moves of all previously encountered characters within the game, in addition to his own. If the player is playing as Sonic and has not lost a single round up to this point, Super Sonic can be secretly unlocked during his fight. Metal Sonic was also supposed to appear in the cancelled title Sonic X-Treme
Metal Sonic then made two cameo appearance
s in Sonic Adventure
. One was in Amy Rose
's flashback to the events in Sonic CD, and the other one inside a tube in one of Dr. Eggman's hideouts, opposite of another Sonic robot.
His next appearance was as an unlockable multiplayer character in Sonic Adventure 2
, and subsequently a standard multiplayer character in the GameCube
, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. He can project a black shield to protect himself from the attacks of other characters, but has no special attacks of his own. An Action Replay
code allows the player to use him in single player stages and Chao Gardens. After that, he appeared as an opponent in Sonic Pinball Party
' s Story Mode. He then appeared as a reward for getting all of the Emblems in the GameCube and PC remake of Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. The player could then play time trials as Metal Sonic in Sonic's stages. Metal Sonic essentially acted as an alternate skin
for Sonic. In the trial mode menu screen, he fills the slot that is used by Super Sonic in "Adventure" mode.
His canonical return to the games was as the main antagonist in Sonic Heroes
, where he transformed himself into Neo Metal Sonic. Neo Metal Sonic has elf-like shoes, shoulder blades, gauntlets, body armor, a large spike at the top of his back jet, a cape (which actually protrudes out of the back of his waist, hence, a side-skirt), five longer than normal spikes on his head (as opposed to his regular three), a spiky belt, and white stripes similar to Shadow
's design. A common misconception is that Metal Sonic gained his upgrade and shape shifting abilities via the data of Chaos. This could however be incorrect, as Metal Sonic had impersonated Sonic in order to steal Froggy and Chocola and gain Chaos's data in the first place.
Past failures have made Metal Sonic more ambitious. After turning against Dr. Eggman and assuming his guise, he copies the physical data (and/or abilities) of teams Sonic, Rose, Dark, and Chaotix along with Chaos, and transforms into his ultimate form, Metal Madness, and finally Metal Overlord. After he is defeated by Team Sonic, Metal Sonic asks "It's no use, but why can't I defeat you?" after he reverts to his original form. Sonic then tells Metal Sonic that he'll accept any future rematches, and then Sonic races away. As he does so, Metal Sonic deactivates; he is last seen being picked up off the ground by Omega, who exchanges a glance with Shadow. It is only in this transformed state that Metal Sonic has shown the ability to talk; while in his normal form, he makes various beeps and electronic sounds. Although Metal Sonic's fate at the end of the game remains unrevealed, it is known that Eggman later obtains and reformats Metal Sonic to ensure future obedience.
In Sonic Riders
, E-10000R is said to be made using the same engine type that Metal Sonic was built with.
In Sonic Rivals
, Metal Sonic is the fifth playable character. In the story mode, he is reprogrammed into working for Eggman Nega ,trying to stop Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver from foiling Eggman Nega's plans. However, he is only playable once the game is beaten and does not have his own story. Metal Sonic (in various forms) also appears on 7 of the 150 collectible cards in the game.
Metal Sonic is also a playable character in the sequel, Sonic Rivals 2
, and for the first time in the series' history, has his own story mode. Metal Sonic is described as Eggman's pawn in the game's manual. This goes to the extent of Eggman sending Metal Sonic on relay missions and using him as a remote communication device. Metal Sonic tracks down Shadow (as instructed by Eggman) and partners with him for the course of the game. Together with the other playable characters, the two track down Eggman Nega, who is planning to release an interdimensional beast called the Ifrit into the world. Eggman Nega needs the seven Chaos Emeralds to open the portal to Ifrit's world, and though he hired Rouge the Bat
to collect six, the portal opens anyway. Despite the Ifrit possessing Sonic, Tails
, Knuckles
, and Rouge, it is still destroyed by Shadow and Metal Sonic along with Silver the Hedgehog and Espio the Chameleon. Shadow closes the portal to its world and is trapped inside with Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic then pulls himself open to reveal that the last emerald was sealed in his chassis, which explains why the portal opened in the first place. The two use Chaos Control
to return to their home world.
Sonic Rivals 2
also marks the first time that Metal Sonic has ever done heroic deeds in the series, although it is questionable as to whether or not he did this willingly, or was forced to due to Eggman's commands. It is also the first time that he is shown processing commands from Eggman in addition to his own commands. Regardless of his willingness, he teams up with Shadow to thwart Eggman Nega's plans for world domination. Metal Sonic also finds himself a new rival in the form of "Metal Sonic version 3.0", Eggman Nega's personal copy of Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic makes a brief cameo as a ball boy in Sega Superstars Tennis
. He also appeared in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
as a sticker.
Metal Sonic is a playable character in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
, Sonic Free Riders
and the upcoming Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
. He is also a downloadable character in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
Metal Sonic appears for a few seconds in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I
ending, hinting he could be in Episode II.
In Sonic Generations
, Metal Sonic's classic incarnation appears guarding a Chaos Emerald whom Classic Sonic must defeat him to obtain it.
Metal Sonic's offensive capabilities include being able to shield himself from attacks in the form of an impenatrable force field, known as the "Black Shield". He is also able to encase himself in a fireball and accelerate in a move similar to Super Sonic's powered dashes. As seen in Sonic the Fighters, Metal Sonic can fire a laser beam out of his torso intake, and fights using his sharp fingers in a stabbing motion.
An addition to Metal Sonic's abilities is the technique to copy genetic data from others. First used in Sonic the Fighters , this usually results in him being able to use the abilities of the copied target. He is also shown to be able to shape shift into forms resembling others in a similar fashion to the T-1000
from the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day
. Whether his ability to shape shift was a one time deal remains to be seen. In Sonic Rivals he displays Chaos Control
for the second time (the first being in Sonic Heroes), and can also use Knuckles' strength and Silver's psychokinesis powers due to copying the other characters in the game (whether he retained these abilities and can use them in any future games is unknown).
Metal Sonic's copying ability has differed between games. In Sonic the Fighters, his move set was assembled from some of the other fighters in the game, but with a higher level of strength. He showed his real talents in Sonic Heroes where he could perfectly copy data and abilities and also morph into other forms. In Sonic Rivals, Metal Sonic could copy the signature move of the character he's facing (Sonic Boom, Chaos Control etc.) and some of his rival's attributes (strength/speed) were carried on to him.
Metal Sonic has a greater speech range compared to other robots built by Eggman, most of whom are mute or speak in monotone. His voice in Heroes was created by having the respective voice actors (English and Japanese) for Sonic record Metal's dialogue in a gruff tone and then applying further digital effects to these recordings. In most games released before Sonic Heroes however, Metal Sonic's voice is simply electronic noises, such as beeps (also seen in Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie
, although he actually manages to speak just before his death). Sonic City, a website owned and operated by SEGA Europe, explains that Metal Sonic did not have a voice until Sonic Heroes.
In Neo form, in Sonic Heroes, he demonstrated that he is able to shoot super powerful beams of lightning from his hand, as he shoots one into the sky and it comes back down, destroying the entire tower of the Final Fortress. He does not use this form in subsequent games.
In Metal Overlord/Metal Madness form he is able to shoot crystal beams from his torso, fire capture type missiles from his hands, explosion type missiles from his back, and shoot a large continuous stream of fire from his other hand. He also has the endurance or shielding to withstand any attack available in the game which is made against him by Team Super Sonic, except for a Team Blast. He also demonstrates enough physical strength to lift and throw an Egg Fleet battleship with one hand.
, Eggman Nega reveals that he has his own personal copy of Metal Sonic, called Metal Sonic version 3.0. Metal Sonic 3.0 is seen in the game's "Chaotic Inferno Zone" and competes against Shadow, Metal Sonic, Silver and Espio. After being defeated by Shadow and Metal Sonic in a Knockout Battle, Metal Sonic 3.0 attempts to impede them from defeating the Ifrit. However, it fails, and is not seen after the battle. Nothing of consequence happens to Metal Sonic 3.0 as it is last seen doing a losing animation.
Metal Sonic 3.0 looks exactly like Metal Sonic, but has a black and yellow color scheme reminiscent of Gemerl from Sonic Advance 3
. It is one of Metal Sonic's unlockable suits in the game (called "Mach 3.0"), and is unlocked by copying all of the characters' Signature Moves with Metal Sonic.
, although it is not a true Super Form. It is generally thought to be an enhanced form of Metal Sonic, but its actual status is unknown. Prior to the fight with it, Metal Sonic is seen badly damaged and flying off together with Eggman into the Chaos Ring, and out of nowhere the giant red robot appears. It attacks by attempting to crush the two player characters under its huge hands, and will revert to a chest-mounted laser cannon when its arms are destroyed. In the Bad Ending, this robot goes on to destroy Newtrogic High Zone.
-like form (something similar to a metallic Perfect Chaos) known as Metal Madness. Metal Madness resembled Metal Sonic slightly, with the same blue coloring and head spikes. It had two eyes, one on top of the other, its right hand converted into a flamethrower and its left could fire its fingers like missiles. It could also project its spines at enemies. The only spot where Metal Madness could be attacked was a spot on its torso, which changed color. If it was blue, speed could not attack it, if it was yellow, flight could not attack it, and if it was red, power could not attack it.
Team Rose, Team Chaotix and Team Dark fought Metal Madness, who then completed his transformation by sprouting a pair of wings, lengthening his claws and flying away into the sky. He had now become Metal Overlord. In addition to his other attacks, he could fire crystals, use Chaos Control to freeze time temporarily, and pick up Egg Fleet battleships to throw. He was quickly followed by Team Sonic, who used super transformation to pursue him. The heroes fought and defeated Metal Overlord, who tumbled down to the flagship, reverted back to Neo Metal Sonic and then reverted to his original form. The clouds begin to fade away into a clear blue sky when he fails to defeat the team, as Omega picks up his limb body.
's official Sonic publication, Sonic the Comic
, Metal Sonic was introduced in "The Sonic Terminator", an adaptation of Sonic CD. The robot, named Metallix ("the Metal Sonic" being a title in this continuity
), lured Sonic to the Miracle Planet, which Robotnik had cyber formed to be used as a power source for the robot, by capturing Amy Rose. Unable to defeat Metallix- whose bond with the planet meant that not even ramming it after running around the entire planet could do any damage-, Sonic was given the Time Stone by a time-travelling Sonic, enabling him to travel back in time to prevent the planet's cyberforming and thus erase Metallix from existence... and then go give the Time Stone to himself from the past. (How this time conundrum works at all has been debated, and even artist Richard Elson is confused by it)
Writer Nigel Kitching
's original name for the character was "Metallico"; Metallix was editor Richard Burton
's suggestion.
This brotherhood soon revealed itself when Knuckles was accidentally transported into the Special Zone and encountered Chaotix. Operating out of Robotnik's abandoned Egg Fortress in the Special Zone, the Brotherhood of Metallix — innumerable Metallixes identical to the original, ruled over by a giant red and gold Emperor — had been charged with producing the ultimate badnik version of Sonic, but had developed their own plans and goals. With the help of the turncoat Chaotix member, Nack the Weasel, the Brotherhood of Metallix captured the Omni-Viewer, Chaotix's sentient, space-time transporter. With Knuckles' help, Chaotix were able to retrieve the Omni-Viewer but the Metallix had still managed to create a "pirate copy" in order to travel through time and space. It appeared that the Brotherhood had been destroyed by a neural disruptor cannon, but they had in fact faked their deaths in order to continue their operations unhindered.
The reason for the change soon became apparent, as Sonic and Chaotix attempted to fix the time line by using the real Omni-Viewer - the Brotherhood of Metallix had traveled back in time to the point of Doctor Robotnik's creation, and removed from the fridge the rotten egg that would transform Ovi Kintobor into Ivo Robotnik. Kintobor never became Robotnik, and the Metallixes, created by Grimer alone, ruled the planet. Retrieving the egg, Sonic and Chaotix returned to Kintobor's lab and replaced it, and then, as Kintobor held it in his hand, Sonic yanked a cable to trip him up, triggering the chain of events that turned him into Doctor Robotnik. Despite the disturbing revelation that he was responsible for creating the greatest evil on Mobius, Sonic returned to the present with Chaotix, where the robots still held control of the Miracle Planet. Forced into an alliance with Doctor Robotnik, Sonic retrieved a device from the villain that deactivated all the Metallixes in a pitched final battle (Grimer having failed to foresee the need to develop such a plan when he created the Metallixes on his own).
-based Metallix and saying "This is my new idea".
After Doctor Robotnik is defeated and is taken away by the Drakon Empire, he returns with the new Knuckles Metallix. Sonic is taken captive and forced to stand trial against the Drakon Empire after claims of killing one of their kind (a giant robot sentinal destroyed itself in the Aquatic Ruin Zone in the earlier comics after discovering his kind had left Mobius). The Drakon Empire made him stand trial by fighting the Knuckles Metallix in a duel to prove his innocence. After a hard fight the Metallix is crushed under a door and Sonic escapes back to Mobius. Robotnik is later shown to have multiple Knuckles Metallixes in his base on Flickies' Island, but they were never activated, and Grimer used a single Knuckles Metallix to capture Sonic and extract the location of the missing Dr. Robotnik. None of these Metallixes were ever seen again.
Metal Sonic's first appearance in the Sonic the Hedgehog
comics was during the Sonic CD adaptation, albeit he debuted under the name of "Mecha Sonic". Here, he raced Sonic, like in the game, as part of Dr. Robotnik's trap, but was destroyed at the end of the issue. Metal Sonic would later return in the special Knuckles' Chaotix adaptation issue. Here, he would be transformed into a giant red version of himself by an item known as a Power Gem, before being destroyed by a similarly empowered Knuckles the Echidna.
Metal Sonic's next appearance was in a story where he would ambush Sonic and Tails (just one issue after Sonic defeated Silver Sonic II). He had rebuilt himself, using the power gem that had empowered him as a power source, and boasted a new design that included an arm cannon. After kidnapping Tails, Metal Sonic made Sonic race for his friend's life towards the Mt. Mobius volcano. However, ultimately, it was Sonic's concern for Tails that showed Metal Sonic that he was wrong, and ultimately saved the two of them from the erupting volcano at the cost of his own life, even insisting that Sonic and Tails abandon him and flee saying that it would 'doom us all' if they did not escape, similar to the events depicted in the anime
A new Metal Sonic created from scratch by Dr. Robotnik appeared as part of a storyline involving a 3-way battle between himself, Shadow, and Sonic. Also featured in the battle was Shadow's robotic ally Isaac. This Metal Sonic would also appear at an abandoned laboratory formerly occupied by GUN. He had a brief battle with Shadow, but both combatants were disabled when a weapon Metal Sonic tried to use malfunctioned and exploded. He was then carried off by Mecha some time before she was betrayed by A.D.A.M. and destroyed. Metal Sonic later reappeared and captured Sonic, allowing Eggman to place a remote control device in the Hedgehog's ear. Unfortunately, this plan was thwarted by the teamwork of Knuckles and Tails, who stunned Sonic and then destroyed the device. Metal Sonic then arrived with Dr. Robotnik in an attempt to finish off the heroes, but was defeated.
One hundred "Metal Sonic Troopers" appeared following Sally Acorn's annulled wedding to Anti-Antoine, having been created by Rotor and Uncle Chuck as a special defense force to replace Sonic after his disappearance at the hands of the Xorda. Their appearance was based on Neo Metal Sonic from Sonic Heroes
. They ended up going berserk and destroying part of Eggman's base before moving on and ravaging Knothole, injuring Hope Kintobor in the process before being stopped by the combined efforts of Sonic, Shadow the Hedgehog
, and Knuckles the Echidna. This group was also one of the few whom Eggman felt jealous of, as they came closer to destroying Sonic and the Freedom Fighters than he ever had.
as Sonic's main rival. In the film, Metal Sonic has been programmed with all of Sonic's memories and feelings; the two share a mental link and are able to experience everything the other sees and feels, both physically and emotionally.
Metal Sonic meets his demise at the end of the movie, where Sonic attempts to save him from a lava
pit but Knuckles holds him back expecting Metal Sonic to drag him under the lava. Sonic still stretches his hand out to Metal Sonic, but the robot slaps his hand away and gives himself up stating "There is only one Sonic," and finally melts. At the very last couple minutes of the movie, Dr. Eggman's CD with Sonic's data on it is also destroyed by his own turtle missile.
Metal Sonic has never made an appearance in any of the Sonic television series. However, there was a robotic Sonic piloted by a rat in the episode "Pseudo-Sonic" from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
. Metal Sonic was also among the various candidates fans believed to have the red eyes seen at the end of the canceled Sonic the Hedgehog
TV series, before it was revealed by the creator that they were Ixis Naugus'.
2009 for $17.
A 10" action figure of Metal Sonic has been released by Jazwares. There has been much complaint from Sonic fans about the figure's joints, particularly the hip joints. There is no word yet from the company on whether this issue has been addressed.
An action figure two pack entitled "Eggman's Revenge" has been released by Jazwares. The set includes a 3 3/4" Metal Sonic figure and a 4" Dr. Eggman figure. It retails for $17.
A set of six 2" figurines
is in the works at First 4 Figures and portrays Sonic and company in their classic appearances. Metal Sonic is included as part of the set. The set retails for $24 and will be released in May, 2011..
A mini statue of Metal Sonic will be released by First 4 Figures in June 2011. The statue will be a limited edition of 1,500 pieces world wide and will retail for about $155.
staff writer Chris Buffa ranked Metal Sonic thirteenth on a February 2009 list of the top 25 video game robots, citing his ability to transform and calling him Robotnik's "greatest creation." In contrast, a review of Sonic CD for PC by IGN
's Tal Blevins referred to him as "a Sonic cyborg twin just to piss you off."
Fictional character
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...
and a recurring antagonist
An antagonist is a character, group of characters, or institution, that represents the opposition against which the protagonist must contend...
in the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series. In the series, Metal Sonic is an evil identical robot
A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by remote control. In practice a robot is usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by computer and electronic programming. Robots can be autonomous, semi-autonomous or...
ic duplicate of Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog (character)
, trademarked Sonic The Hedgehog, is a video game character and the main protagonist of the Sonic video game series released by Sega, as well as in numerous spin-off comics, cartoons, and a feature film. The first game was released on June 23, 1991, to provide Sega with a mascot to rival Nintendo's...
, created by the series antagonist
An antagonist is a character, group of characters, or institution, that represents the opposition against which the protagonist must contend...
Dr. Robotnik, and is able to match Sonic's every move and even surpass his namesake speed.
Metal Sonic was created by Kazuyuki Hoshino
Kazuyuki Hoshino
Kazuyuki Hoshino is a notable Sonic Team artist. His first role involved working with Sega of Japan on Sonic CD as a character/sprite, special-stage, and visual designer. He is notable for creating Metal Sonic and Amy Rose....
(Sonic Team USA Art Director). Being a robot, Metal Sonic has no gender; however, he is referred to as being male
Male refers to the biological sex of an organism, or part of an organism, which produces small mobile gametes, called spermatozoa. Each spermatozoon can fuse with a larger female gamete or ovum, in the process of fertilization...
, since he is a robot based on a male character, as well as having seemingly masculine programming. According to official polls, Metal Sonic is the most popular villain in the series, and the second most wanted character for future appearances, beaten only by Shadow the Hedgehog
Shadow the Hedgehog
is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Shadow is an artificially-created life form. His trademark hover shoes propel him at extreme speeds that rival those of Sonic, and with a Chaos Emerald he has the ability to distort time and space using "Chaos Control." Often referred to as being...
. His appearance is a robotic version of Sonic's original design. Although he is a robotic replica, he claims to be the real Sonic.
Game history
The first appearance of Metal Sonic was in Sonic the Hedgehog CDSonic the Hedgehog CD
, or Sonic CD, is a critically acclaimed 1993 platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, developed by Sonic Team for the Mega-CD/Sega CD. It marked the first official appearance of the characters Metal Sonic and Amy Rose...
. He is considered the successor of the robot known as Silver Sonic, who originally made an appearance in both Sonic the Hedgehog 2 games. In this game, he is created and controlled by Dr. Eggman
Doctor Eggman
, also known by his alias , is a fictional video game character, the main antagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog series created by Sega. Dr. Eggman is a rotund, mad scientist with an IQ of 300 who plans to conquer the world in order to build his Eggman Empire and is the archenemy of Sonic the Hedgehog...
and is sent back in time
Time travel
Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space. Time travel could hypothetically involve moving backward in time to a moment earlier than the starting point, or forward to the future of that point without the...
to change the past so that Eggman can rule the future. Later, he kidnaps Amy Rose
Amy Rose
, known earlier as Rosy the Rascal, is a video game character who appears in most of the Sonic the Hedgehog series of video games developed by Sega's Sonic Team, debuting in Sonic CD as the third recurring protagonist. Amy Rose was created by Kazuyuki Hoshino and based on one of Kenji Terada's...
, who had been following Sonic. In Act III of the Stardust Speedway Zone, Eggman forces Sonic to race Metal Sonic in order to rescue Amy Rose. If the player managed to win the race, Metal Sonic would slam into the closing gate and explode. With his new creation smashed to pieces, Eggman would escape to the Metallic Madness Zone, allowing the player to rescue Amy.
Metal Sonic's second major appearance was in Knuckles' Chaotix
Knuckles' Chaotix
Knuckles' Chaotix, is a platform game spin-off to the Sonic the Hedgehog series, developed by Sonic Team, and published by Sega for the Sega 32X. The game was released in North America in March 1995, in Japan on April 21, 1995 and finally in Europe in May 1995. The game's only re-release since then...
, where he attempts to absorb the Chaos Rings' powers to wreak havoc in Newtrogic High Zone. However, he is defeated by the Chaotix before he succeeds. This occasion also featured a massive, red Sonic-like robot that is speculated to be Metal Sonic, but lacks a transformation sequence to directly indicate as such.
Metal Sonic was the second to last boss in Sonic Triple Trouble
Sonic Triple Trouble
Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble is a platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, for the Sega Game Gear. It was developed by Aspect and published by Sega in 1994. It is the sequel to Sonic Chaos, which was the first Sonic & Tails game in Japan...
, and had a "true" fight instead of the race previously held in Sonic CD. Metal Sonic also made appearances in Sonic Drift 2 and Sonic R
Sonic R
Sonic R is a racing game developed by Traveller's Tales and Sonic Team for the Sega Saturn and PC, the latter version being ported to the GameCube and the PlayStation 2 in Sonic Gems Collection. It features characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog series...
as a playable racer. In the former, he raced in his "Blue Devil" vehicle, and the latter had him using his engines. In Sonic the Fighters
Sonic the Fighters
Sonic the Fighters is a fighting game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. The game's original Japanese title, Sonic The Fighters, is used in North American and European releases of Sonic Gems Collection.-Plot:...
, he was the second to last boss where he used the moves of all previously encountered characters within the game, in addition to his own. If the player is playing as Sonic and has not lost a single round up to this point, Super Sonic can be secretly unlocked during his fight. Metal Sonic was also supposed to appear in the cancelled title Sonic X-Treme
Sonic X-treme
Sonic X-treme is a canceled platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Early version were considered for several systems until ending up as being developed by Sega for the Sega Saturn, with the intended release being around Christmas of 1996. However, after getting stuck in development...
Metal Sonic then made two cameo appearance
Cameo appearance
A cameo role or cameo appearance is a brief appearance of a known person in a work of the performing arts, such as plays, films, video games and television...
s in Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure
is a 1999 platform video game developed by Sonic Team and released on December 23, 1998, in Japan by Sega for the Dreamcast. One of its development titles was Sonic RPG...
. One was in Amy Rose
Amy Rose
, known earlier as Rosy the Rascal, is a video game character who appears in most of the Sonic the Hedgehog series of video games developed by Sega's Sonic Team, debuting in Sonic CD as the third recurring protagonist. Amy Rose was created by Kazuyuki Hoshino and based on one of Kenji Terada's...
's flashback to the events in Sonic CD, and the other one inside a tube in one of Dr. Eggman's hideouts, opposite of another Sonic robot.
His next appearance was as an unlockable multiplayer character in Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure 2 is a platform game developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega for the Dreamcast video game console. It was released in North America on June 19, 2001 and in Japan on June 23, 2001 to mark the 10th anniversary of the release of the first Sonic the Hedgehog game. It is the sequel...
, and subsequently a standard multiplayer character in the GameCube
Nintendo GameCube
The , officially abbreviated to NGC in Japan and GCN in other regions, is a sixth generation video game console released by Nintendo on September 15, 2001 in Japan, November 18, 2001 in North America, May 3, 2002 in Europe, and May 17, 2002 in Australia...
Enhanced remake
A video game remake is a game closely adapted from an earlier title, usually for the purpose of modernizing a game for newer hardware and contemporary audiences. Typically, a remake shares essentially the same title, fundamental gameplay concepts, and story elements of the original game...
, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. He can project a black shield to protect himself from the attacks of other characters, but has no special attacks of his own. An Action Replay
Action Replay
Action Replay is the brand name of a series of video game cheating devices created by Datel. As of 2010, Action Replays are currently available for some of the current major gaming platforms which include the Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, PlayStation 2, and the PlayStation Portable, and many older...
code allows the player to use him in single player stages and Chao Gardens. After that, he appeared as an opponent in Sonic Pinball Party
Sonic Pinball Party
Sonic Pinball Party is a video game released for Game Boy Advance in 2003. It is a celebration of sorts for Sonic Team featuring many references to its previous games, mostly Sonic.-Story:...
Skin (computing)
In computing, a skin is a custom graphical appearance achieved by the use of a graphical user interface that can be applied to specific software and websites to suit the purpose, topic, or tastes of different users....
for Sonic. In the trial mode menu screen, he fills the slot that is used by Super Sonic in "Adventure" mode.
His canonical return to the games was as the main antagonist in Sonic Heroes
Sonic Heroes
is a 2004 platforming single-player/multiplayer video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team USA. It is the first multiplatform title in the Sonic series, developed for Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox and released in Japan in December 2003, in North America in...
, where he transformed himself into Neo Metal Sonic. Neo Metal Sonic has elf-like shoes, shoulder blades, gauntlets, body armor, a large spike at the top of his back jet, a cape (which actually protrudes out of the back of his waist, hence, a side-skirt), five longer than normal spikes on his head (as opposed to his regular three), a spiky belt, and white stripes similar to Shadow
Shadow the Hedgehog
is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Shadow is an artificially-created life form. His trademark hover shoes propel him at extreme speeds that rival those of Sonic, and with a Chaos Emerald he has the ability to distort time and space using "Chaos Control." Often referred to as being...
's design. A common misconception is that Metal Sonic gained his upgrade and shape shifting abilities via the data of Chaos. This could however be incorrect, as Metal Sonic had impersonated Sonic in order to steal Froggy and Chocola and gain Chaos's data in the first place.
Past failures have made Metal Sonic more ambitious. After turning against Dr. Eggman and assuming his guise, he copies the physical data (and/or abilities) of teams Sonic, Rose, Dark, and Chaotix along with Chaos, and transforms into his ultimate form, Metal Madness, and finally Metal Overlord. After he is defeated by Team Sonic, Metal Sonic asks "It's no use, but why can't I defeat you?" after he reverts to his original form. Sonic then tells Metal Sonic that he'll accept any future rematches, and then Sonic races away. As he does so, Metal Sonic deactivates; he is last seen being picked up off the ground by Omega, who exchanges a glance with Shadow. It is only in this transformed state that Metal Sonic has shown the ability to talk; while in his normal form, he makes various beeps and electronic sounds. Although Metal Sonic's fate at the end of the game remains unrevealed, it is known that Eggman later obtains and reformats Metal Sonic to ensure future obedience.
In Sonic Riders
Sonic Riders
is a video game spin-off produced by Sega and developed by Sonic Team in cooperation with NowPro, for the Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox and PC. It is the fourth racing game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, preceded by Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2 and Sonic R.The game was released to start...
, E-10000R is said to be made using the same engine type that Metal Sonic was built with.
In Sonic Rivals
Sonic Rivals
Sonic Rivals is a game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series in late 2006. It is the first Sonic game developed by a Canadian company, Backbone Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation Portable...
, Metal Sonic is the fifth playable character. In the story mode, he is reprogrammed into working for Eggman Nega ,trying to stop Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver from foiling Eggman Nega's plans. However, he is only playable once the game is beaten and does not have his own story. Metal Sonic (in various forms) also appears on 7 of the 150 collectible cards in the game.
Metal Sonic is also a playable character in the sequel, Sonic Rivals 2
Sonic Rivals 2
Sonic Rivals 2 is the sequel to Sonic Rivals. The game was developed by Backbone Entertainment and supervised by Sega Studio USA, exclusively for the PlayStation Portable handheld videogame console. Sonic Rivals 2 was released on November 13, 2007 in North America...
, and for the first time in the series' history, has his own story mode. Metal Sonic is described as Eggman's pawn in the game's manual. This goes to the extent of Eggman sending Metal Sonic on relay missions and using him as a remote communication device. Metal Sonic tracks down Shadow (as instructed by Eggman) and partners with him for the course of the game. Together with the other playable characters, the two track down Eggman Nega, who is planning to release an interdimensional beast called the Ifrit into the world. Eggman Nega needs the seven Chaos Emeralds to open the portal to Ifrit's world, and though he hired Rouge the Bat
Rouge the Bat
is a character in the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series, who is a determined treasure hunter and part-time government agent who plans to make all the gems and treasures of the world hers. Her main jewel obsessions are the Master Emerald and Chaos Emeralds...
to collect six, the portal opens anyway. Despite the Ifrit possessing Sonic, Tails
Miles "Tails" Prower
, better known by his nickname , is a character, as well as the main deuteragonist in the Sonic the Hedgehog series of video games, comics, animated series and film released by Sega....
, Knuckles
Knuckles the Echidna
Knuckles the Echidna is a video game character of the Sonic the Hedgehog game series, including spin-off games and comics. His first appearance was in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, released in 1994 to introduce a new rival for Sonic. He was presented as an antagonist who was tricked by Dr. Eggman into...
, and Rouge, it is still destroyed by Shadow and Metal Sonic along with Silver the Hedgehog and Espio the Chameleon. Shadow closes the portal to its world and is trapped inside with Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic then pulls himself open to reveal that the last emerald was sealed in his chassis, which explains why the portal opened in the first place. The two use Chaos Control
Chaos Control
Chaos Control is a rail shooter developed by Infogrames and published by Philips Interactive Media for the CD-i, Macintosh, SEGA Saturn and PlayStation in 1995. The game may be recognised by its cutscenes, which are rendered in a style reminiscent of anime.-Gameplay:Chaos Control is a sci-fi themed...
to return to their home world.
Sonic Rivals 2
Sonic Rivals 2
Sonic Rivals 2 is the sequel to Sonic Rivals. The game was developed by Backbone Entertainment and supervised by Sega Studio USA, exclusively for the PlayStation Portable handheld videogame console. Sonic Rivals 2 was released on November 13, 2007 in North America...
also marks the first time that Metal Sonic has ever done heroic deeds in the series, although it is questionable as to whether or not he did this willingly, or was forced to due to Eggman's commands. It is also the first time that he is shown processing commands from Eggman in addition to his own commands. Regardless of his willingness, he teams up with Shadow to thwart Eggman Nega's plans for world domination. Metal Sonic also finds himself a new rival in the form of "Metal Sonic version 3.0", Eggman Nega's personal copy of Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic makes a brief cameo as a ball boy in Sega Superstars Tennis
Sega Superstars Tennis
Sega Superstars Tennis is a tennis video game developed by Sumo Digital and published by Sega. The game was released on March 17, 2008 in Europe, on March 18, 2008 in North America, and on March 27, 2008 in Australia. The game includes 16 playable characters and 10 courts from Sega franchises...
. He also appeared in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl, known in Japan as , often abbreviated as SSBB or simply as Brawl, is the third installment in the Super Smash Bros. series of crossover fighting games, developed by an ad hoc development team consisting of Sora, Game Arts and staff from other developers, and published by...
as a sticker.
Metal Sonic is a playable character in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
is a 2009 sports video game developed by Sega. It was published by Nintendo for Japan and by Sega for North America and Europe. The game is officially licensed by the International Olympic Committee through exclusive license International Sports Multimedia...
, Sonic Free Riders
Sonic Free Riders
is a motion controlled racing video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is the third installment in the Sonic Riders series, following Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. The game utilizes Microsoft's Kinect peripheral...
and the upcoming Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
is a 2011 sports video game developed by Sega Japan. It was published by Nintendo for Japan and by Sega for North America, Europe, and all other regions. The game is officially licensed by the International Olympic Committee through exclusive licensee International Sports Multimedia...
. He is also a downloadable character in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing is a racing game in the Sega Superstars series produced for Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo DS and Microsoft Windows, featuring characters from many Sega franchises. It is being published by Sega and developed by Sumo Digital...
Metal Sonic appears for a few seconds in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4
is an episodic platform video game and a sequel in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. The game was developed by Dimps alongside members of Sonic Team and is intended to be inspired by and similar to the original Sonic the Hedgehog titles on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis.Episode I was released in October...
ending, hinting he could be in Episode II.
In Sonic Generations
Sonic Generations
is a 2011 platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, produced by Sonic Team for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows and Nintendo 3DS...
, Metal Sonic's classic incarnation appears guarding a Chaos Emerald whom Classic Sonic must defeat him to obtain it.
Metal Sonic's engine enables him to hover slightly above the ground while moving at higher speeds. As a duplicate of Sonic, Metal Sonic can match or even exceed Sonic's speed. He generally has better acceleration compared to other characters, but this is countered by his poor braking ability. Although he possesses many of Sonic's abilities including the homing attack, he is capable of higher and longer jumps than his rival, as well as incredible physical strength and endurance.Metal Sonic's offensive capabilities include being able to shield himself from attacks in the form of an impenatrable force field, known as the "Black Shield". He is also able to encase himself in a fireball and accelerate in a move similar to Super Sonic's powered dashes. As seen in Sonic the Fighters, Metal Sonic can fire a laser beam out of his torso intake, and fights using his sharp fingers in a stabbing motion.
An addition to Metal Sonic's abilities is the technique to copy genetic data from others. First used in Sonic the Fighters , this usually results in him being able to use the abilities of the copied target. He is also shown to be able to shape shift into forms resembling others in a similar fashion to the T-1000
The T-1000 is a fictional nanomorph mimetic poly-alloy assassin and the main antagonist in Terminator 2: Judgment Day controlled by the series main antagonist Skynet. The T-1000 is portrayed primarily by Robert Patrick; however, being a shape-shifter, the T-1000 is played by other actors in some...
from the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a 1991 science fiction action film directed by James Cameron and written by Cameron and William Wisher Jr.. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Robert Patrick, and Edward Furlong...
. Whether his ability to shape shift was a one time deal remains to be seen. In Sonic Rivals he displays Chaos Control
Chaos Control
Chaos Control is a rail shooter developed by Infogrames and published by Philips Interactive Media for the CD-i, Macintosh, SEGA Saturn and PlayStation in 1995. The game may be recognised by its cutscenes, which are rendered in a style reminiscent of anime.-Gameplay:Chaos Control is a sci-fi themed...
for the second time (the first being in Sonic Heroes), and can also use Knuckles' strength and Silver's psychokinesis powers due to copying the other characters in the game (whether he retained these abilities and can use them in any future games is unknown).
Metal Sonic's copying ability has differed between games. In Sonic the Fighters, his move set was assembled from some of the other fighters in the game, but with a higher level of strength. He showed his real talents in Sonic Heroes where he could perfectly copy data and abilities and also morph into other forms. In Sonic Rivals, Metal Sonic could copy the signature move of the character he's facing (Sonic Boom, Chaos Control etc.) and some of his rival's attributes (strength/speed) were carried on to him.
Metal Sonic has a greater speech range compared to other robots built by Eggman, most of whom are mute or speak in monotone. His voice in Heroes was created by having the respective voice actors (English and Japanese) for Sonic record Metal's dialogue in a gruff tone and then applying further digital effects to these recordings. In most games released before Sonic Heroes however, Metal Sonic's voice is simply electronic noises, such as beeps (also seen in Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie is a two-episode OVA film series based on Sega's best-selling franchise Sonic the Hedgehog....
, although he actually manages to speak just before his death). Sonic City, a website owned and operated by SEGA Europe, explains that Metal Sonic did not have a voice until Sonic Heroes.
In Neo form, in Sonic Heroes, he demonstrated that he is able to shoot super powerful beams of lightning from his hand, as he shoots one into the sky and it comes back down, destroying the entire tower of the Final Fortress. He does not use this form in subsequent games.
In Metal Overlord/Metal Madness form he is able to shoot crystal beams from his torso, fire capture type missiles from his hands, explosion type missiles from his back, and shoot a large continuous stream of fire from his other hand. He also has the endurance or shielding to withstand any attack available in the game which is made against him by Team Super Sonic, except for a Team Blast. He also demonstrates enough physical strength to lift and throw an Egg Fleet battleship with one hand.
Sonic Rivals 2
In Sonic Rivals 2Sonic Rivals 2
Sonic Rivals 2 is the sequel to Sonic Rivals. The game was developed by Backbone Entertainment and supervised by Sega Studio USA, exclusively for the PlayStation Portable handheld videogame console. Sonic Rivals 2 was released on November 13, 2007 in North America...
, Eggman Nega reveals that he has his own personal copy of Metal Sonic, called Metal Sonic version 3.0. Metal Sonic 3.0 is seen in the game's "Chaotic Inferno Zone" and competes against Shadow, Metal Sonic, Silver and Espio. After being defeated by Shadow and Metal Sonic in a Knockout Battle, Metal Sonic 3.0 attempts to impede them from defeating the Ifrit. However, it fails, and is not seen after the battle. Nothing of consequence happens to Metal Sonic 3.0 as it is last seen doing a losing animation.
Metal Sonic 3.0 looks exactly like Metal Sonic, but has a black and yellow color scheme reminiscent of Gemerl from Sonic Advance 3
Sonic Advance 3
is a platform game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, developed by Dimps, Sega and Sonic Team and published by THQ for the Game Boy Advance and the final installment of the Sonic Advance series. It was first released in North America on June 7, 2004, later in Japan on June 17, 2004 and then in...
. It is one of Metal Sonic's unlockable suits in the game (called "Mach 3.0"), and is unlocked by copying all of the characters' Signature Moves with Metal Sonic.
While Metal Sonic has never used super transformation, he has had a variety of powered-up forms in the games.Knuckles' Chaotix
An un-named giant red Sonic-like robot (referred to as 'Metal Sonic Kai' in some areas) appears at the end of Knuckles' ChaotixKnuckles' Chaotix
Knuckles' Chaotix, is a platform game spin-off to the Sonic the Hedgehog series, developed by Sonic Team, and published by Sega for the Sega 32X. The game was released in North America in March 1995, in Japan on April 21, 1995 and finally in Europe in May 1995. The game's only re-release since then...
, although it is not a true Super Form. It is generally thought to be an enhanced form of Metal Sonic, but its actual status is unknown. Prior to the fight with it, Metal Sonic is seen badly damaged and flying off together with Eggman into the Chaos Ring, and out of nowhere the giant red robot appears. It attacks by attempting to crush the two player characters under its huge hands, and will revert to a chest-mounted laser cannon when its arms are destroyed. In the Bad Ending, this robot goes on to destroy Newtrogic High Zone.
Sonic Heroes
At the climax of Sonic Heroes, Metal Sonic (in his Neo Metal Sonic form) sends a bolt of lightning to the sky which destroys a large section of Eggman's flagship, creating a powerful vortex. The vortex sucks up several of Eggman's robot parts, which Metal Sonic absorbs. He then transforms into a giant, robotic dragonDragon
A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern...
-like form (something similar to a metallic Perfect Chaos) known as Metal Madness. Metal Madness resembled Metal Sonic slightly, with the same blue coloring and head spikes. It had two eyes, one on top of the other, its right hand converted into a flamethrower and its left could fire its fingers like missiles. It could also project its spines at enemies. The only spot where Metal Madness could be attacked was a spot on its torso, which changed color. If it was blue, speed could not attack it, if it was yellow, flight could not attack it, and if it was red, power could not attack it.
Team Rose, Team Chaotix and Team Dark fought Metal Madness, who then completed his transformation by sprouting a pair of wings, lengthening his claws and flying away into the sky. He had now become Metal Overlord. In addition to his other attacks, he could fire crystals, use Chaos Control to freeze time temporarily, and pick up Egg Fleet battleships to throw. He was quickly followed by Team Sonic, who used super transformation to pursue him. The heroes fought and defeated Metal Overlord, who tumbled down to the flagship, reverted back to Neo Metal Sonic and then reverted to his original form. The clouds begin to fade away into a clear blue sky when he fails to defeat the team, as Omega picks up his limb body.
Sonic the Comic
In the United KingdomUnited Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...
's official Sonic publication, Sonic the Comic
Sonic the Comic
Sonic the Comic, known to its many readers as STC, was a UK children's comic published fortnightly by Fleetway Editions between 1993 and 2002...
, Metal Sonic was introduced in "The Sonic Terminator", an adaptation of Sonic CD. The robot, named Metallix ("the Metal Sonic" being a title in this continuity
Continuity (fiction)
In fiction, continuity is consistency of the characteristics of persons, plot, objects, places and events seen by the reader or viewer over some period of time...
), lured Sonic to the Miracle Planet, which Robotnik had cyber formed to be used as a power source for the robot, by capturing Amy Rose. Unable to defeat Metallix- whose bond with the planet meant that not even ramming it after running around the entire planet could do any damage-, Sonic was given the Time Stone by a time-travelling Sonic, enabling him to travel back in time to prevent the planet's cyberforming and thus erase Metallix from existence... and then go give the Time Stone to himself from the past. (How this time conundrum works at all has been debated, and even artist Richard Elson is confused by it)
Writer Nigel Kitching
Nigel Kitching
Nigel Kitching is an illustrator and writer in comics and in books.He is best known for his work in British comics, especially Sonic the Comic.-References:*-External links:***-Interviews:*...
's original name for the character was "Metallico"; Metallix was editor Richard Burton
Richard Burton
Richard Burton, CBE was a Welsh actor. He was nominated seven times for an Academy Award, six of which were for Best Actor in a Leading Role , and was a recipient of BAFTA, Golden Globe and Tony Awards for Best Actor. Although never trained as an actor, Burton was, at one time, the highest-paid...
's suggestion.
Brotherhood of Metallix
A new model of Metallix, based on Mecha Sonic from Sonic and Knuckles, appeared during the comic's adaptation of Sonic and Knuckles, stealing the Master Emerald for Robotnik to use as the power core of his new Death Egg. Metallix drew power from the emerald and incapacitated Knuckles, but Sonic was able to destroy him by using the emerald's power to become Super Sonic. Before Super Sonic ripped him to pieces, the new Metallix revealed that he was part of an elite "brotherhood" of which the original Metallix had been but one member.This brotherhood soon revealed itself when Knuckles was accidentally transported into the Special Zone and encountered Chaotix. Operating out of Robotnik's abandoned Egg Fortress in the Special Zone, the Brotherhood of Metallix — innumerable Metallixes identical to the original, ruled over by a giant red and gold Emperor — had been charged with producing the ultimate badnik version of Sonic, but had developed their own plans and goals. With the help of the turncoat Chaotix member, Nack the Weasel, the Brotherhood of Metallix captured the Omni-Viewer, Chaotix's sentient, space-time transporter. With Knuckles' help, Chaotix were able to retrieve the Omni-Viewer but the Metallix had still managed to create a "pirate copy" in order to travel through time and space. It appeared that the Brotherhood had been destroyed by a neural disruptor cannon, but they had in fact faked their deaths in order to continue their operations unhindered.
Final battle
In their next move, the Brotherhood captured Grimer, Doctor Robotnik's chief scientist, who had created the Metallix design in the first place. They charged him with building the Alpha Device, a device that began to cyber form the Miracle Planet once again. Sonic's attempt to stop the plan apparently succeeded, but his ally, Porker Lewis, was trapped on the Miracle Planet when it vanished from Mobius orbit in its usual pattern. During that month, the Metallixes reasserted themselves, captured Porker and completed the cyber forming of the planet. A Metallix, disguised as Porker, was left to stand guard as the Metallixes departed into Mobius' past with their copy of the Omni-Viewer, and when they returned, they encountered Sonic and Chaotix, who had come to investigate. But then the terrifying truth became apparent - the Metallixes had changed history, and Mobius had become a city-planet, covered with filthy industry, where surviving Mobians lived underground.The reason for the change soon became apparent, as Sonic and Chaotix attempted to fix the time line by using the real Omni-Viewer - the Brotherhood of Metallix had traveled back in time to the point of Doctor Robotnik's creation, and removed from the fridge the rotten egg that would transform Ovi Kintobor into Ivo Robotnik. Kintobor never became Robotnik, and the Metallixes, created by Grimer alone, ruled the planet. Retrieving the egg, Sonic and Chaotix returned to Kintobor's lab and replaced it, and then, as Kintobor held it in his hand, Sonic yanked a cable to trip him up, triggering the chain of events that turned him into Doctor Robotnik. Despite the disturbing revelation that he was responsible for creating the greatest evil on Mobius, Sonic returned to the present with Chaotix, where the robots still held control of the Miracle Planet. Forced into an alliance with Doctor Robotnik, Sonic retrieved a device from the villain that deactivated all the Metallixes in a pitched final battle (Grimer having failed to foresee the need to develop such a plan when he created the Metallixes on his own).
Knuckles Metallix
The Knuckles Metallix first appeared in the final panel of the "Brotherhood of Metallix" story arc, as Grimer states that a Metallix version of Sonic was too unstable, presenting blueprints for a KnucklesKnuckles the Echidna
Knuckles the Echidna is a video game character of the Sonic the Hedgehog game series, including spin-off games and comics. His first appearance was in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, released in 1994 to introduce a new rival for Sonic. He was presented as an antagonist who was tricked by Dr. Eggman into...
-based Metallix and saying "This is my new idea".
After Doctor Robotnik is defeated and is taken away by the Drakon Empire, he returns with the new Knuckles Metallix. Sonic is taken captive and forced to stand trial against the Drakon Empire after claims of killing one of their kind (a giant robot sentinal destroyed itself in the Aquatic Ruin Zone in the earlier comics after discovering his kind had left Mobius). The Drakon Empire made him stand trial by fighting the Knuckles Metallix in a duel to prove his innocence. After a hard fight the Metallix is crushed under a door and Sonic escapes back to Mobius. Robotnik is later shown to have multiple Knuckles Metallixes in his base on Flickies' Island, but they were never activated, and Grimer used a single Knuckles Metallix to capture Sonic and extract the location of the missing Dr. Robotnik. None of these Metallixes were ever seen again.
Sonic the Hedgehog (comic)
See main article for information on other Sonic robots in the comics.Metal Sonic's first appearance in the Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)
Sonic the Hedgehog is an ongoing series of American comic books published by Archie Comics, featuring Sega's mascot video game character of the same name. The comic book series debuted in the United States as a 4 part mini-series published between November 1992 and February 1993...
comics was during the Sonic CD adaptation, albeit he debuted under the name of "Mecha Sonic". Here, he raced Sonic, like in the game, as part of Dr. Robotnik's trap, but was destroyed at the end of the issue. Metal Sonic would later return in the special Knuckles' Chaotix adaptation issue. Here, he would be transformed into a giant red version of himself by an item known as a Power Gem, before being destroyed by a similarly empowered Knuckles the Echidna.
Metal Sonic's next appearance was in a story where he would ambush Sonic and Tails (just one issue after Sonic defeated Silver Sonic II). He had rebuilt himself, using the power gem that had empowered him as a power source, and boasted a new design that included an arm cannon. After kidnapping Tails, Metal Sonic made Sonic race for his friend's life towards the Mt. Mobius volcano. However, ultimately, it was Sonic's concern for Tails that showed Metal Sonic that he was wrong, and ultimately saved the two of them from the erupting volcano at the cost of his own life, even insisting that Sonic and Tails abandon him and flee saying that it would 'doom us all' if they did not escape, similar to the events depicted in the anime
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie is a two-episode OVA film series based on Sega's best-selling franchise Sonic the Hedgehog....
A new Metal Sonic created from scratch by Dr. Robotnik appeared as part of a storyline involving a 3-way battle between himself, Shadow, and Sonic. Also featured in the battle was Shadow's robotic ally Isaac. This Metal Sonic would also appear at an abandoned laboratory formerly occupied by GUN. He had a brief battle with Shadow, but both combatants were disabled when a weapon Metal Sonic tried to use malfunctioned and exploded. He was then carried off by Mecha some time before she was betrayed by A.D.A.M. and destroyed. Metal Sonic later reappeared and captured Sonic, allowing Eggman to place a remote control device in the Hedgehog's ear. Unfortunately, this plan was thwarted by the teamwork of Knuckles and Tails, who stunned Sonic and then destroyed the device. Metal Sonic then arrived with Dr. Robotnik in an attempt to finish off the heroes, but was defeated.
One hundred "Metal Sonic Troopers" appeared following Sally Acorn's annulled wedding to Anti-Antoine, having been created by Rotor and Uncle Chuck as a special defense force to replace Sonic after his disappearance at the hands of the Xorda. Their appearance was based on Neo Metal Sonic from Sonic Heroes
Sonic Heroes
is a 2004 platforming single-player/multiplayer video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team USA. It is the first multiplatform title in the Sonic series, developed for Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox and released in Japan in December 2003, in North America in...
. They ended up going berserk and destroying part of Eggman's base before moving on and ravaging Knothole, injuring Hope Kintobor in the process before being stopped by the combined efforts of Sonic, Shadow the Hedgehog
Shadow the Hedgehog
is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Shadow is an artificially-created life form. His trademark hover shoes propel him at extreme speeds that rival those of Sonic, and with a Chaos Emerald he has the ability to distort time and space using "Chaos Control." Often referred to as being...
, and Knuckles the Echidna. This group was also one of the few whom Eggman felt jealous of, as they came closer to destroying Sonic and the Freedom Fighters than he ever had.
Metal Sonic starred in Sonic the Hedgehog: The MovieSonic the Hedgehog: The Movie
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie is a two-episode OVA film series based on Sega's best-selling franchise Sonic the Hedgehog....
as Sonic's main rival. In the film, Metal Sonic has been programmed with all of Sonic's memories and feelings; the two share a mental link and are able to experience everything the other sees and feels, both physically and emotionally.
Metal Sonic meets his demise at the end of the movie, where Sonic attempts to save him from a lava
Lava refers both to molten rock expelled by a volcano during an eruption and the resulting rock after solidification and cooling. This molten rock is formed in the interior of some planets, including Earth, and some of their satellites. When first erupted from a volcanic vent, lava is a liquid at...
pit but Knuckles holds him back expecting Metal Sonic to drag him under the lava. Sonic still stretches his hand out to Metal Sonic, but the robot slaps his hand away and gives himself up stating "There is only one Sonic," and finally melts. At the very last couple minutes of the movie, Dr. Eggman's CD with Sonic's data on it is also destroyed by his own turtle missile.
Metal Sonic has never made an appearance in any of the Sonic television series. However, there was a robotic Sonic piloted by a rat in the episode "Pseudo-Sonic" from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is an American animated series that was first broadcast in September 1993, and only for one season...
. Metal Sonic was also among the various candidates fans believed to have the red eyes seen at the end of the canceled Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series)
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Animated Series is an American animated series produced by DIC Entertainment with the partnership of Sega of America and was based on the Sonic the...
TV series, before it was revealed by the creator that they were Ixis Naugus'.
Voice actors
- In Sonic the Hedgehog: The MovieSonic the Hedgehog: The MovieSonic the Hedgehog: The Movie is a two-episode OVA film series based on Sega's best-selling franchise Sonic the Hedgehog....
, Metal Sonic was voiced by Gary Dehan. - In Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle), and Sonic RivalsSonic RivalsSonic Rivals is a game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series in late 2006. It is the first Sonic game developed by a Canadian company, Backbone Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation Portable...
, Metal Sonic has no voice-actor, although in Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut, the last character who was used in the game provides the theme voice for when accessing menus in the game. Since Metal Sonic does not speak a recognizable language in this game, Dr. Eggman's voice is used for the menu theme instead. - In Sonic HeroesSonic Heroesis a 2004 platforming single-player/multiplayer video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team USA. It is the first multiplatform title in the Sonic series, developed for Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox and released in Japan in December 2003, in North America in...
, Metal Sonic was played by Ryan Drummond (with some computer distortion effects added to his voice) in English, and Junichi KanemaruJunichi Kanemaru, also Junichi or Jun-ichi, is a Japanese voice actor from Yamanashi, Japan. He is affiliated with the talent management firm 81 Produce.He is most known for the roles of Hayato Kazami and Sonic the Hedgehog .Kanemaru came in eighth in the Seiyū Grand Prix in 1994, receiving 512 votes.He is also a...
in Japanese. - In Sonic Rivals 2Sonic Rivals 2Sonic Rivals 2 is the sequel to Sonic Rivals. The game was developed by Backbone Entertainment and supervised by Sega Studio USA, exclusively for the PlayStation Portable handheld videogame console. Sonic Rivals 2 was released on November 13, 2007 in North America...
, in addition to the aforementioned computer-generated sounds, Metal Sonic has a few solo lines, presented through a command line interface. Also, Dr. Eggman, voiced by Mike PollockMike PollockMichael B. "Mike" Pollock , sometimes credited as Herb Lawrence, is an American voice actor, famous for playing characters in anime dubs by 4Kids Entertainment. He has appeared as the narrator for 4Kids shows like Pokémon and some promos on the original Fox Box and 4Kids TV. He is also well-known...
, uses Metal Sonic as his personal loudspeaker, so Metal Sonic plays Eggman's recording like a megaphoneMegaphoneA megaphone, speaking-trumpet, bullhorn, blowhorn, or loud hailer is a portable, usually hand-held, cone-shaped horn used to amplify a person’s voice or other sounds towards a targeted direction. This is accomplished by channelling the sound through the megaphone, which also serves to match the...
. - In Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games,Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing and Sonic Free RidersSonic Free Ridersis a motion controlled racing video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is the third installment in the Sonic Riders series, following Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. The game utilizes Microsoft's Kinect peripheral...
, Metal Sonic was voiced entirely by a computer.
A Metal Sonic vinyl statue produced by Jazwares was distributed at Comic-ConComic-Con
Comic-Con, Comic Con or ComiCon may refer to any of the following Comic book conventions, none of them affiliated to any other:*San Diego Comic-Con International, annual fan convention in San Diego held since 1970, also known as Comic-Con or San Diego Comic-Con*Dallas Comic Con, annual fan...
2009 for $17.
A 10" action figure of Metal Sonic has been released by Jazwares. There has been much complaint from Sonic fans about the figure's joints, particularly the hip joints. There is no word yet from the company on whether this issue has been addressed.
An action figure two pack entitled "Eggman's Revenge" has been released by Jazwares. The set includes a 3 3/4" Metal Sonic figure and a 4" Dr. Eggman figure. It retails for $17.
A set of six 2" figurines
Figurines is an indie rock band from Denmark, formed in the mid-1990s. The band released their first EP, The Detour, in 2001 and their first full-length album, Shake a Mountain, in 2004. The band began to receive national attention in Denmark around the time of the full-length release, and began...
is in the works at First 4 Figures and portrays Sonic and company in their classic appearances. Metal Sonic is included as part of the set. The set retails for $24 and will be released in May, 2011..
A mini statue of Metal Sonic will be released by First 4 Figures in June 2011. The statue will be a limited edition of 1,500 pieces world wide and will retail for about $155.
Critical reception
GameDaily was a video game journalism website based in the United States. Launched in 1995 by entrepreneur Mark Friedler under the name Gigex and focused on free game demo downloads, The site changed its business model from a flat fee per download CDN distributed service network to an...
staff writer Chris Buffa ranked Metal Sonic thirteenth on a February 2009 list of the top 25 video game robots, citing his ability to transform and calling him Robotnik's "greatest creation." In contrast, a review of Sonic CD for PC by IGN
IGN is an entertainment website that focuses on video games, films, music and other media. IGN's main website comprises several specialty sites or "channels", each occupying a subdomain and covering a specific area of entertainment...
's Tal Blevins referred to him as "a Sonic cyborg twin just to piss you off."