Message from Space
is a film directed by Kinji Fukasaku
. Released in 1978, the film is seen by many critics as a Japanese mockbuster
of Star Wars
The film was produced by Toei
and cost $6 million dollars, the most expensive movie made in Japan up to that date. Shotaro Ishinomori
, a famous science fiction
artist and pop culture figure, co-wrote the script and helped design the overall look of the film.
The survivors of the population of Jilutia, wearing robes and crowns of woven leaves, are destitute on the dark and barren surface of the planet. Kido - the leader of the Jilutians - sends out eight Leyabe seeds (which resemble walnuts that can glow orange). Each one will find its way to a chosen individual to help liberate Jilutia from the Gavanas. His granddaughter Princess Emeralida and the warrior Urrocco follow the seeds to rendevouz with the chosen recipients, travelling in a spacecraft styled like an ocean-going galleon with sails.
The scene then cuts to the interior of the Gavana fortress, within the command center. Emperor Rockseia is present with his subordinates, who point out that a spacecraft is escaping Jilutia. The Emperor understands this is a mission to gather allies against the Gavanas, but is contemptuous of the Julitians finding anyone willing to oppose his power. Nevertheless his old mother the Dowager Empress Dark, who moves about in a motorized throne-wheelchair, warns Emperor Rockseia of the Leyabe seeds and their power. As such the Gavanas attack and pursue the Jilutian space-galleon as it flees the planet, first with anti-aircraft fire and then by a Gavanas' spacecraft-carrier.
In the meantime, space hotrodders (called 'roughriders') Shiro and Aaron are shown racing each other in their spacecraft through an asteroid belt. They are spotted by the young rich woman Mayah, who is being chauffered in another spacecraft. She wishes for her pilots to pursue the duo; they decline but a close call with the roughriders damages their spacecraft. The chauffers radio the police. Patrolman Fox, in his spacecraft, comes into the situation and begins to pursue the duo in his spacecraft.
Shiro and Aaron fly downwards to their planet Milazeria in a game of chicken, followed by Patrolman Fox. After pulling up from the planet's surface at the last possible moment, Shiro and Aaron then continue the chase with risky stunt-flying through rocky canyons and tunnels. Patrolman Fox's ship ultimately crashes after colliding with the rocks around them. Shiro and Aaron's spacecraft also have hard landings, and their spacecraft are ultimately damaged. When they examine their spacecraft, however, they both find Leyabe seeds inside their engine compartments. They are mystified as to what the seeds are, and how they got there.
The story then switches to the Milazeria military base. A drinking General Garuda has ordered a rocket to launch the remains of his faithful robot servant Beba-1 for an outer space burial-at-sea. Beba-1 served Garuda for over 30 years, nevertheless the robot has been forcibly de-activated by the military because they declared the robot obsolete. Garuda's subordinates, as well as his commanding officer, are deeply shocked that Garuda would use a valuable rocket for this purpose. After a heated confrontation via video link with his superior officer, Garuda exits the military in a you're-fired/no-I-quit situation. He is joined by his new robot servant Beba-2, who supplies him with a hat and fur-frilled cape that the robot obtained for him in the thrift store. As they leave the base, Gardua expresses his disillusionment towards the military as an institution.
The story then cuts to the inside of a busy tavern on Milazeria with dancing girls, gambling, and alcohol. Garuda is drinking heavily at the bar, to the chagrin of Beba-2. Beba-2 points out, that ultimately they have to find someplace for Garuda to sleep. Garuda is served one last drink of neat spirits, but when he takes the glass there is a Leyabe seed inside it. Neither Garuda nor the bartender know what the seed is, or how it got there.
Within the tavern, nasty brutish gangster Big Sam is gambling and losing. He is out of money, so he shakes down the wimpy, cowardly and high-strung Jack, to pay up what Jack owes Big Sam. Jack in turn pressures Shiro and Aaron, who are working in the tavern's kitchen. Big Sam loaned Jack money, who loaned it out again to Shiro and Aaron who used it to repair their spacecraft and are working off the debt. Nevertheless Big Sam's threats put them all in danger. An exasperated Jack takes a bite out of a large tomato, only to crunch his teeth against a third Leyabe seed at the core of the tomato. Aaron and Shiro recognize the seed as the same as their seeds, but none of them have any idea what the seeds are or how this seed got into a tomato.
Their financial predicament is soon resolved when Mayah appears. We learn she is a fellow roughrider pilot and acquantance of Shiro and Aaron, who introduce her to Jack. Mayah`s damaged spaceship has caused her to disembark on Milazeria. Shiro and Aaron, aware of Mayah`s wealth, ask Mayah to help them out of their financial conundrum. She agrees, but only if they take her to a quarantined section of the asteroid belt which has 'fireflies' so she can see them (earlier the fireflies were introduced as being a radioactive phenomenon). Shiro and Aaron are willing but Jack is horrified at the magnitude of the offense they are committing by entering the forbidden area (he announces that it's a three-year jail term for simply entering the area). Jack warns Aaron and Shiro that Mayah is going to be nothing but trouble.
Nevertheless the four of them, in three spacecraft, travel towards the asteroid belt with Mayah flying her previously chauffered spacecraft. They are again pursued by Patrolman Fox, but they evade him. They reach the section of the asteroid belt where there are fireflies. They don oxygen masks (but not space suits) and 'swim' outside their spacecraft in a spacewalk. Mayah finds that the firefiles evaporate in her hand once she catches them, leaving behind an ashen smudge.
They then spot the inert wreckage of the Jilutian space galleon that Emeralida and Urroco fled Julitia in. They forget the space fireflies and go to investigate the wreck. Inside its hull, they find the unconscious Emeralida and Urrocco inside. The four of them, examinng the spacecraft and its technology, speculate the spacecraft must be alien and from another galaxy. Nevertheless, the Gavanas' spacecraft-carrier spots the Julitian galleon as well, and launches fighters that attack the galleon with energy beams. The explosions rouse Emeralida and Urrocco. The six of them quickly flee the galleon and escape in the original three spacecraft as the fighters continue their attack. Finally the Gavanas' space-carrier launches missiles; one of them collides with the space galleon and destroys it in an explosion.
Patrolman Fox's ship then shows up on the scene. As he meanders through the asteroids he suddenly comes upon the massive Gavanas' spacecraft. Flying at high speed, he is unable to maneuver away from such a large ship on such short notice. His spacecraft collides with the space-carrier's massive hull. Patrolman Fox and his spacecraft are destroyed in an explosion.
The five survivors return to Shiro and Aaron's home on Milazeria, which is an isolated mobile-home type of building out in the desert. It is night, and swarms of police spacecraft are in the sky, alerted to danger due to the destruction of Patrolman Fox's spacecraft.
Inside, Jack is in a high state of agitation, loudly fearing the trouble that he has gotten into. He blames Emeralida and Urrocco, expecting them to pay him off with money for his trouble. Emeralida is demure at first, but as Jack continues to harass her and Mayah (who tries to defend Emeralida and Urrocco), Emeralia grabs Jack's arm and throws him judo-style. A fight ensues with Jack, Shiro and Aaron on one side, and Urrocco on the other. As they tussle, their three Leyabe seeds fall to the floor. Emeralida sees them and immediately recognizes that Shiro, Jack and Aaron have been chosen by the Leyabe seeds. She advises Urrocco not to harm those who will be helping them. She tears her silk robe and offers the piece of fabric (which contains her royal crest) to Aaron as a bandage, who is bleeding from the fight.
In the back of the building, Garuda is sleeping off his drunken state, but is awoken by the excitement. Beba-2 warns him, that the owners of the building have come back, so they continue to hide as the fight progresses. As Emeralida notes the three Leyabe seeds, Garuda also pulls out his own seed and examines it once again.
Urrocco is incredulous that the ignoble trio have been selected by the Leyabe seeds, nevertheless Emeralida is convinced. At that point Garuda and Beba-2 come out from the back. Gardua apologetically admits he wandered in drunk, and shows Emeralida his seed as well.
Emeralida explains the situation, in flashback and voiceover: Jilitua was invaded by the Gavanas, who proceed to massacre the population; the Jilutians fought valiantly to the end but were crushed by the superior forces of the Gavanas. Still, none of the Jilutians were willing to go over to the Gavanas either. Emeralida points out that the Leyabe have divinely selected the eight to liberate their planet.
The four of them discuss the situation. Shiro and Aaron have no intention of getting involved in any war. Jack points out that Emeralida needs the Earth Forces, not them. Garuda essentially agrees, pointing out that Emeralida needs soldiers, and the others have niether capability nor intention to fight so it's a nonstarter. He hands Emeralida her seed back and leaves the building with Beba-2. Outside, Beba-2 sees the light of Beba-1's rocket, orbiting the planet. Beba-2 exhorts Garuda to help the Jilutians and states it's what Beba-1 would have wanted. Gardua patently refuses, saying he's not in the military anymore.
Inside, Urrocco exhorts Emeralida to find the other four warriors who would have received the Leyabe seeds and not waste any more time there. Mayah pushes Jack, Aaron and Shiro to man up and help the Jilutians. Jack, Shiro and Aaron have a private conference where Jack once more reminds them of their need for money to pay off Big Sam. Jack then tells Urrocco and Emeralida that he knows where the other Leyabe seed recients are: they are 'wolf-hunters', and Jack will bring Urrocco and Emeralida to them. Mayah is estatic.
The scene then cuts to the interior of another dwelling; present are Urrocco, Emeralia, Jack, and a wizened old crone. The old woman examines the Leyabe seed, and indicates wolf-hunters were there who had the same seeds. They debate what to do next. The old woman repeatedly discourages Emeralida from going out into the mountains during the night due to the danger. Urrocco agrees that Emeralida should remain and he will go out after the men. The old woman calls out someone named Hikiroku, to guide Jack and Urrocco. He is in a robe that conceals his face and hands; this individual does not speak but makes growling noises and moves with an unnatural gait. Before they leave, the old woman hands Jack and Urrocco cups of milky-colored liquor. However, she clandestinely pours a golden liquid from a flagon into the cup on her right, and then hands the doctored cup to Urrocco with her right hand. Urrocco unknowingly downs the liquor, with Jack likewise drinking his cup.
Out in the mountains, the three are walking in the darkness when Urrocco becomes dizzy and disoriented. Jack, who is behind Urrocco, grabs a large rock and hits Urrocco over the head. Urrocco goes down but is still conscious; he realizes he's been betrayed and Jack readily admits it. Urrocco begins to fight back successfully in spite of the effects of the drug; he draws his sword but the robed figure shoots Urrocco with an electric energy beam. Urrocco's inert body tumbles down a steep gulley. Jack demands the hooded figure pay up; the figure hands him a satchel. As Jack is putting it into the inside pocket of his jacket, he realizes the Leyabe seed is still in his pocket. He examines it for a moment, then hurls the seed off a precipice into the darkness.
Back in the dwelling, the robed figure returns. Emeralida wonders where Urrocco is, and the old woman cryptically points out he won't be coming back. She then orders Emeralida to pour Hikiroku a drink. She refuses, to the chagrin of the old woman. The old woman finally admits the truth: she paid a large sum of money to the others, for Emeralida to be the wife of her son. At that point Hikiroku pulls back his robe exposing first his hands and then his head - revealing himself to be a clawed, green-scaled lizard-man mutant. Emeralida is horrified. Indignant, the old woman lectures her on the prejudice and discrimination her son has suffered because he was born on Pluto (implying this is the reason he is a mutant) and is "ugly".
The old woman then exhorts her son to subjugate Emeralida. As he approaches her, she draws a knife to defend herself. The old woman hands the lizard-mutant an energy whip and he ultimately disarms Emeralida with it. As he continues to approache her, suddenly the walls of the dwelling burst open as Gavanas soldiers attack. They shoot Hikiroku the mutant with orange death-rays; he takes several direct hits and is incinerated into a burned-out mass lying on the floor. The old crone is horrified her son is dead. She too is shot by the death rays but only takes a few glancing hits; she likewise falls to the floor unresponsive but still alive. Emeralida tries to scramble away but she is shot by an stun gun that shoots electric blue energy and she falls unconscious. They take Emeralida and the old woman outside and are drawn upwards into the Gavanas' space carrier hovering overhead, via a tractor beam. Finally the space carrier zaps the dwelling with an lightning-energy beam and destroys it in an explosion, ending any doubt that the lizard-mutant is truly dead.
The explosion rouses Urrocco, who realizes that Emeralida has been captured by the Gavanas as he sees the ship in the sky. He calls out for her to come back as it flies away.
Back at Shiro and Aaron's house, the two of them are having a party with Jack and Mayah. Mayah, still thinking they're helping the Jilutians, is estatic as she dances around the room. Jack is also chipper and dancing, but Aaron and Shiro are silent and glum. Aaron in particular is testy and brittle. Mayah is unsure what is going on with Shiro and Aaron; then Urrocco returns to their dwelling, sword drawn and ready for blood. He tries to attack the men, but falls down unconscious, looking badly beaten.
They bandage his head and place him in bed. Mayah begins to confront Jack over what he did. Jack points out Shiro and Aaron were in on the deal too. Jack states the problem is 2 million light years away (the distance of the Andromeda galaxy to the Milky Way galaxy) and is remote. Shiro likewise states that the Leyabe seeds are just plain old nuts, and there is no divine power behind them. As Mayah continues to protest, Aaron angrily points out that his father was killed in the last war, whereas the spoiled Mayah's father grew rich profiteering from it. Aaron also states that he is no hero, he just wants to have a carefree life flying, he doesn`t need any wars to trouble him or anyone else to boss him around. He then hurls his Leyabe seed through a window, breaking the glass; Mayah is greatly upset but Aaron orders Shiro to do the same. He likewise tosses his through the broken window, albeit with some reluctance. Mayah yells "I hate you all!!" like a spoiled child and leaves in a huff.
Mayah flies away in her spacecraft. She hears a rattling behind the cockpit and finds an Leyabe seed glowing orange.
Back at the house, Aaron, Jack and Shiro are plagued by nightmares about the Gavanas killing Emeralida and the Jilutians. After they awake, Shiro and Jack's Leyabe seeds come back through the window into their hands, glowing orange, but Aaron`s seed has not returned. Mayah comes in showing her seed, and the three of them rejoice. Aaron is irate that his seed has not come back, and is in turmoil over his true feelings.
Back on Jilutia, the natives are fashioning weapons as the see the Gavana's space carrier has returned. Emeralida is brought into the Gavana`s base headquarters. Rockseia and Emeralida have a confrontation. Emeralida accosts Rockseia for the carnage he has inflicted. He responds by pointing out that he wanted Jilutia to remain fertile and rich, yet the Jilutians refused to surrender even though they knew they had no chance to win, and that brought their destruction and the desolation of Jilutia. Emeralida is defiant and states death is preferable to dishonor and surrender. After she is led away, they wheel in the old crone who they captured, who is on a gurney. They interface her mind to a thought probe, and see images of earth landscapes and wildlife. The old crone expresses longing to return to earth. They continue the mind probe in spite of the fact that it will probably kill the old woman in her weakened state. Rockseia admires the beauty of earth, and the old woman finally dies. Rockseia and his mother agree, that Earth should be their conquest. The Gavanas then ignite volcano-rockets that propel the entire planet of Julitia forward to Earth, creating earthquakes and storms on the planet`s surface.
Earth defenses detect the unidentified planet is approaching. A "space hieroglyphic" message is sent to Earth by the Gavanas, announcing that Earth must become a tributary planet of the Gavanas. In response Earth launches three space-carriers to intercept the Gavanas. A fierce space battle is fought as the space carriers attack the Gavanas' fortress. The pinnacle is the launch of wedge-shaped atomic-missiles. In spite of the massive explosions and damage - including the death of hapless Jilutian civilians caught as collateral damage - the Gavanas are not stopped; they in turn launch a counter-attack that destroys the Earth Forces' spacecraft. The planet Jilutia continues to advance to Earth.
On Earth, there is change of government over the defeat of the Earth forces. The new Chairman of Earth Council, Earnest Noguchi, is chauffered in a ROlls-Royce to find a slightly drunk General Garuda in a bar. It turns out that Noguchi and Garuda are old friends. Noguchi appeals to Garuda, to go to Rockseia as Earth's Special Envoy. Garuda has given Earth three days to execute an unconditional surrender. Garuda is asked to stall them so Earth can mount a better defence. Garuda refuses, lamenting the weakness and political nature of the peacetime military, and the loss of Beba-1. However, Garuda once again finds a Leyabe seed in his drink, this time glowing orange. When Garuda sees the seed, he realizes it is his fate to fight. He agrees to be the envoy.
Back on Milazeria, Shiro and Mayah are readying their spacecraft to deploy. A still-incapacitated Urrocco rouses himself to go out and find the other warriors; Shiro and Mayah drag him back to bed. Jack then drives up with news about Garuda - the drunken soldier they met - that he is now a general and envoy to Jilutia. The three of them decide to go to Jilutia as well; but Aaron continues to sulk and be angry. He stares at the crest torn from Emeralida's robes, in great turmoil over what his true feelings are towards Emeralida and the war against the Gavanas, and his still not having his Leyabe seed returned.
Shiro reaches out to Aaron, but this backfires and Shiro and Aaron have a violent fist fight. Their fight is interrupted when the Gavanas space carrier lauches a straifing attack with lighting beams, destroying their house. Jack is captured by the tractor beam and is sucked up into the space carrier. When Jack is captured, Aaron is galvanized to action and he tries to get into his spacecraft to go after Jack. After a further tussle with the other two trying to restrain him, Aaron finally finds his returned Leyabe seed sitting on the hull of his ship.
The remaining four of them fly towards Julita, with Mayah's ship now modified to carry Shiro and Aaron's ships mounted on it. However as they near Jilutia, Mayah's Leyabe seed explodes, causing an electrical malfunction on their spacecraft. They careen to a planet in the Bernard system, making a hard landing. They are confused why the Leyabe seeds interfered with their trip and crashed them on this planet.
However they spot someone on horseback, and realize it's a Gavanas warrior, albeit one without the metallic skin of the other warriors. Urrocco attacks him with his sword and the warrior defends himself. After some swordplay, Aaron notes that the warrior is wearing a Leyabe seed around his neck, and he realizes they are on the same mission. At a campfire, the Gavanas warrior introduces himself as Prince Hans, the rightful heir of the Gavanas' throne. He explains Rockseia killed his father the king and his mother, and usurped the throne for himself. Hans agrees to fight alongside the rest of them against Rockseia. Mayah realizes the Leyabe seed brought them there to rendevouz with Prince Hans.
Back in the Ganvana's headquarters, Rockseia and the Empress discuss what Earth's response will be at the deadline tomorrow, when Garuda arrives as the Earth envoy with Beba-2. Garuda is now wearing an elaborate, regal red uniform. After Garuda introduces himself and greets the Emperor and Empress, Rockseia brings in Jack. At first Jack acts tough, but when he sees Garuda he grovels at Garuda's feet for Garuda to save him. The Gavanas warriors have a hearty laugh at Jack's cowardice; although the Empress simply smirks and Rockseia remains tightlipped. To save face, Garuda picks a fight with a nearby warrior. Rockseia agrees they may fight a duel with dueling pistols, with only a single shot each. They are supposed to take ten steps, turn around and shoot. However as they advance, the warrior panics. He turns and shoots early, hitting Garuda's arm. Garuda nevertheless continues his ten paces, and turns. The warrior quakes in fear as Garuda aims at the defenseless warrior, but Garuda lowers his pistol without shooting. Nevertheless Rockseia shoots the warrior several times, killing him for the disgrace he brought on the Gavanas. He orders the corpse thrown out. Gardua gives a sales pitch, that the Earth Federation needs time to prepare the earth population for surrender lest they continue to fight, and compel the Gavanas to destroy they earth like they did to Jilutia, rather than capturing it intact. Garuda laughs as he sees through the pedestrian subterfuge to stall him. Nevertheless he destroys the moon with a single missile as an object lesson to the inhabitants of Earth. He does not give Garuda any more time; the deadline is still the next day. After Garuda leaves, the Empress notes he was a Leyabe-seed chosen one, and still fears what he might be capable of.
Garuda, Jack and Beba-2 leave Jilutia on a spacecraft, heading back to Earth. En route, Garuda is drinking whiskey and brooding. Finally, Garuda orders the spacecraft to turn around and head back to Jilutia. Garuda and Beba-2 then parachute to the surface of Jilutia, followed by Jack who decides to follow them via parachute as well.
In the meantime Prince Hans, Urrocco, Mayah, Shiro and Aaron fly towards Jilutia; with Shiro and Aaron's ships attached to Mayah's. Mayah flies in a 'chicken run' approach that Aaron and Shiro undertook near the start of the movie, heading directly downwards at high speed. To confuse the Gavanas' defenses, Shiro and Aaron separate their ships near the surface, and the three ships pull up before impact and continue to fly through a rocky canyon. The Gavanas, studying their radar, saw one target descending, then break into three targets before disappearing as the ships fly under the Gavanas' radar. The Gavanas decide it was a meteor that hit the surface and was destroyed. Shiro and Aaron then re-dock their spacecraft into Mayah's and they land.
Upon landing, Urrocco summons the Jilutian survivors, who are hiding in the hull of another space galleon. When the Jilutians come out, Urrocco and the others meet Jack, Garuda and Beba-2. They realize there are now six Leyabe warriors, but wonder who the other two might be.
In a meeting with the Jilutian chieftain Kido, he lays a wreath formed with eight additional Leyabe seeds on a pool of water. The wreath then shows a vision, as Kido explains: the only way to destroy the Gavana's base is via a series of underground tunnels, which lead to the reactor furnaces. If the reactor furnaces are destroyed, then the Gavanas' base will be destroyed too, and this is the only way to defeat them. Shiro and Aaron indicate that although the Gavanas' tunnel is 10 metres wide, their stunt-flying has made them skilled enough to fly their spacecraft to the reactor core. They also speculate that the Gavanas will never expect such a risky attack to be executed.
Nevertheless, all of them realize that destroying the reactor furnaces will destroy the entire planet of Jilutia. The Jilutians are resigned to this, and Kido indicates the space galleon can take their women and children to safety. Urrocco is deeply horrified and enraged by the notion that Jilutia will be destroyed, and the Jilutians are accepting of it. He runs away from the meeting, in great distress.
Later, Beba-2 is on sentry duty, patrolling with a long musket. He too finds a Leyabe seed glowing orange. He rejoices that he too has been recruited as a brave warrior, and his companions celebrate with him. However the happiness is short-lived, as Gavanas warriors appear and demand they surrender. The Jilutians begin to resist and begin to be cut down. Garuda forcefully insists the Jilutians lay down their weapons, and they are captured.
The captives are led back into the Gavanas' base. Emeralia and her grandfather are reunited. Rockseia is not present but appears as a giant hologram, towering over them. He announces that he knows all about their plans, because one of them is a traitor. He also demands they surrender, and that no harm will come to them if they do. Kido is still defiant. Rockseia belittles him and announces that they will die; their own traitor will execute them. He then calls in Urrocco.
Urrocco comes in and is handed a rifle to execute them; he is the traitor. Emeralia cannot believe Urrocco has done this. He angrily explains that their situation was hopeless from the start, that they should have subjugated themselves, and now they would go as far as destroy the very planet where they live. He lifts his rifle and aims at them. However, the Leyabe seeds that the seven have, all begin to glow orange. Urrocco is moved by this, and he turns and shoots at the hologram of Rockseia, hitting Gavanas warriors who happen to be stationed behind the hologram. They fire back at Urrocco and pandemonium ensues; the Jilutains rise up against their captors, grab rifles and begin a firefight. Prince Hans also draws his sword and begins to engage the Gavanas warriors, who likewise draw their swords in defense.
Urrocco is mortally wounded by the Gavanas` fire. Bleeding but still conscious, he is held up by his fellow Jilutians. However there is now a glowing Leyabe seed in his wreath. Emeralida shows it to him, and she confirms that he is the eighth Leyabe warrior. Kido announces that this means they cannot lose. Urrocco then dies.
Beba-2 loses a forearm when it is shot off. Prince Hans directs the Jilutians to evacuate in their ship; Aaron, Shiro and Mayah likewise escape. Prince Hans fights his way deeper into the fortress; whenever his sword makes mortal impact with a Gavanas' warrior it surges with energy. He sees the Empress; he pursues her but she blocks her retreat with a barred door.
Mayah, Shiro and Aaron go outside the fortress and return to their ships, which are under guard. They engage the Gavanas' warriors first with rifle fire and, when they enter the ship, with a laser turrent manned by Shiro. Mayah then launches the spacecraft.
They advance towards the fortress; Aaron and Shiro deploy their ships. A firefight ensues; the trio straif the fortress while the fortress returns anti-aircraft fire. The Gavanas also launch their fighters and engage the three of them in a dogfight. Nevertheless the trio's stunt flying skills and sharp maneuvers enable them to evade the Gavanas' fire.
The Jilutians storm the space galleon which is occupied and guarded by the Gavanas, including Emeralida who fights with a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other. While under fire, the Jilutians manage to seize control of the galleon and work to start its reactor.
Meanwhile Prince Hans continues to fight and advance, dispatching the Gavanas warriors who oppose him single-handedly. Ultimately he reaches the throne room in the pinnacle of a tower, where he meets Rockseia. Rockseia draws two blades. Hans confronts Rockseia over his crimes, and attacks him. Their fight is fierce, with their blades sparking when they make contact. Hans ultimately stabs Rockseia in the forehead; the energy from Hans' sword surges into Rockseia. The impact of the sword and surge of energy throws Rockseia through the window of his tower, his body falling to the main hall below where it crashes through the ceiling; the Empress witnesses it. When Rockseia`s body hits the floor, it explodes.
Shiro and Aaron are flying their ships over Jilutia and they see the entrance to the reactor tunnel open, seemingly trigged by Rockseia's death. They enter the tunnel, followed by the Gavana's fighters who continue to attack. Eventually the Gavana's fighters are destroyed when they cannot navigate through the tunnels successfully. When they reach the reactor, the duo first disable it to stop it from spinning with an energy beam, and then destroy it with a torpedo. The reactor explodes; Aaron and Shiro are able to fly to the surface and escape as the fortress and the entire planet begin to erupt.
There is chaos at the space galleon: the Jilutians are trying to start its reactor, and load the women and children onto the spacecraft while under fire from the Gavanas and during massive earthquakes and eruptions as Jilutia disintegrates. Eventually they are able to start the reactor. General Garuda, Beba-2, Jack, Prince Hans, Emeralida and all the Jilutians are able to board and are ready to launch the spacecraft. However Emeralida realizes her grandfather Kido did not board, and through a porthole she sees him still standing on the surface. Stoically, he tells her that he will be part of Jilutia's death, and that she ought not to weep for him. He charges her to find another planet where the Jilutians can have a peaceful civilization. A crevasse opens beneath him and he is swallowed up and dies.
The space galleon then launches and is joined in flight by Mayah, Shiro and Aaron. As they escape Jilutia, the trio and the Jilutians realize to their horror that they are being pursued by the Gavanas' space carrier. The trio launch a suicide attack against the carrier, flying into it (they fly into the bay that launches the Gavanas' fighters and missiles). The collison causes the space carrier to explode and crash in flames. This is followed by the detonation of the entire planet.
Nevertheless Shiro, Aaron and Mayah awake on board the space galleon. They are surprised they are still alive. Emeralida explains it's a miracle of the Leyabe seeds. The Jilutians then go off to find a new planet and restart their civilization.
acquired Message from Space for U.S. distribution, at a US$1 million cost; according to company personnel, "[it] can't keep 'em from lining up at the box office. It's a Jap Star Wars! It'll clean up." In the words of studio executive Steven Bach
, "The only thing it cleaned up was the red inkwell."
. For instance Janet Maslin, in a November 17, 1978 New York Times review wrote, "Nothing looks right in Message From Space", and went on to disparage the plot, dialogue, characters, and special effects. Message From Space also made the category of "Dog of the Week" on the Sneak Previews
TV movie review program, hosted by Gene Siskel
& Roger Ebert
Nevertheless the movie enjoys acclaim from fans of cult movies and science fiction
. The eclectic movie site movierapture.com wrote, "As bad as Message from Space is, it is, without a doubt, entertaining. In fact, it is wonderfully fun." Cult movie website The Spinning Image stated, "Special effects are your typical Japanese model spaceships, optical laser fire and cel animation sequences rather than the groundbreaking work achieved by I.L.M.. However, only a curmudgeonly Asian cinema-phobe would deny they are often beautiful to behold and achieve a certain grandeur on the big screen or watched on DVD. " The 1970s science fiction fansite space1970.blogspot.com wrote, "Fast-paced, absurd and fun, Message From Space is a giddily insane interstellar samurai fantasy, loaded with space dogfights, laser battles, swordplay and explosions. The miniature effects are extraordinarily well-crafted, and the production design is lavish." The website AllRovi (formerly allmovie.com) writes that the film is "Unfairly slagged as a cheap rip-off of Star Wars", and adds "this science fiction/adventure film from Japan's Toei Studios makes up for its shortcomings with a devil-may-care energy reminiscent of '40s-era serials."
Kinji Fukasaku
was a Japanese film actor, screenwriter, and best known as a celebrated and innovative filmmaker. He was born in Mito, Ibaraki, Japan, and died in Tokyo, from prostate cancer...
. Released in 1978, the film is seen by many critics as a Japanese mockbuster
A mockbuster is a film created with the apparent intention of piggy-backing on the publicity of a major film with a similar title or theme and are often made with a low budget. Often these films are created to be released direct-to-video at the same time as the mainstream film reaches theaters or...
of Star Wars
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, originally released as Star Wars, is a 1977 American epic space opera film, written and directed by George Lucas. It is the first of six films released in the Star Wars saga: two subsequent films complete the original trilogy, while a prequel trilogy completes the...
The film was produced by Toei
Toei or Tōei may refer to:* Tōei, Aichi, Japan* Toei Company, Japanese film and television production company** Toei Animation, their animation subsidiary...
and cost $6 million dollars, the most expensive movie made in Japan up to that date. Shotaro Ishinomori
Shotaro Ishinomori
was a Japanese manga artist who became an influential figure in manga, anime, and tokusatsu, creating several immensely popular long-running series such as Cyborg 009 and Himitsu Sentai Goranger, what would go on to become part of the Super Sentai series, and the Kamen Rider Series...
, a famous science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...
Manga is the Japanese word for "comics" and consists of comics and print cartoons . In the West, the term "manga" has been appropriated to refer specifically to comics created in Japan, or by Japanese authors, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th...
artist and pop culture figure, co-wrote the script and helped design the overall look of the film.
The peaceful planet of Jilutia in the Andromeda galaxy, has been conquered by the steel-skinned warriors the Gavanas. The Gavanas have appropriated Jilutia and turned the planet into a military fortress.The survivors of the population of Jilutia, wearing robes and crowns of woven leaves, are destitute on the dark and barren surface of the planet. Kido - the leader of the Jilutians - sends out eight Leyabe seeds (which resemble walnuts that can glow orange). Each one will find its way to a chosen individual to help liberate Jilutia from the Gavanas. His granddaughter Princess Emeralida and the warrior Urrocco follow the seeds to rendevouz with the chosen recipients, travelling in a spacecraft styled like an ocean-going galleon with sails.
The scene then cuts to the interior of the Gavana fortress, within the command center. Emperor Rockseia is present with his subordinates, who point out that a spacecraft is escaping Jilutia. The Emperor understands this is a mission to gather allies against the Gavanas, but is contemptuous of the Julitians finding anyone willing to oppose his power. Nevertheless his old mother the Dowager Empress Dark, who moves about in a motorized throne-wheelchair, warns Emperor Rockseia of the Leyabe seeds and their power. As such the Gavanas attack and pursue the Jilutian space-galleon as it flees the planet, first with anti-aircraft fire and then by a Gavanas' spacecraft-carrier.
In the meantime, space hotrodders (called 'roughriders') Shiro and Aaron are shown racing each other in their spacecraft through an asteroid belt. They are spotted by the young rich woman Mayah, who is being chauffered in another spacecraft. She wishes for her pilots to pursue the duo; they decline but a close call with the roughriders damages their spacecraft. The chauffers radio the police. Patrolman Fox, in his spacecraft, comes into the situation and begins to pursue the duo in his spacecraft.
Shiro and Aaron fly downwards to their planet Milazeria in a game of chicken, followed by Patrolman Fox. After pulling up from the planet's surface at the last possible moment, Shiro and Aaron then continue the chase with risky stunt-flying through rocky canyons and tunnels. Patrolman Fox's ship ultimately crashes after colliding with the rocks around them. Shiro and Aaron's spacecraft also have hard landings, and their spacecraft are ultimately damaged. When they examine their spacecraft, however, they both find Leyabe seeds inside their engine compartments. They are mystified as to what the seeds are, and how they got there.
The story then switches to the Milazeria military base. A drinking General Garuda has ordered a rocket to launch the remains of his faithful robot servant Beba-1 for an outer space burial-at-sea. Beba-1 served Garuda for over 30 years, nevertheless the robot has been forcibly de-activated by the military because they declared the robot obsolete. Garuda's subordinates, as well as his commanding officer, are deeply shocked that Garuda would use a valuable rocket for this purpose. After a heated confrontation via video link with his superior officer, Garuda exits the military in a you're-fired/no-I-quit situation. He is joined by his new robot servant Beba-2, who supplies him with a hat and fur-frilled cape that the robot obtained for him in the thrift store. As they leave the base, Gardua expresses his disillusionment towards the military as an institution.
The story then cuts to the inside of a busy tavern on Milazeria with dancing girls, gambling, and alcohol. Garuda is drinking heavily at the bar, to the chagrin of Beba-2. Beba-2 points out, that ultimately they have to find someplace for Garuda to sleep. Garuda is served one last drink of neat spirits, but when he takes the glass there is a Leyabe seed inside it. Neither Garuda nor the bartender know what the seed is, or how it got there.
Within the tavern, nasty brutish gangster Big Sam is gambling and losing. He is out of money, so he shakes down the wimpy, cowardly and high-strung Jack, to pay up what Jack owes Big Sam. Jack in turn pressures Shiro and Aaron, who are working in the tavern's kitchen. Big Sam loaned Jack money, who loaned it out again to Shiro and Aaron who used it to repair their spacecraft and are working off the debt. Nevertheless Big Sam's threats put them all in danger. An exasperated Jack takes a bite out of a large tomato, only to crunch his teeth against a third Leyabe seed at the core of the tomato. Aaron and Shiro recognize the seed as the same as their seeds, but none of them have any idea what the seeds are or how this seed got into a tomato.
Their financial predicament is soon resolved when Mayah appears. We learn she is a fellow roughrider pilot and acquantance of Shiro and Aaron, who introduce her to Jack. Mayah`s damaged spaceship has caused her to disembark on Milazeria. Shiro and Aaron, aware of Mayah`s wealth, ask Mayah to help them out of their financial conundrum. She agrees, but only if they take her to a quarantined section of the asteroid belt which has 'fireflies' so she can see them (earlier the fireflies were introduced as being a radioactive phenomenon). Shiro and Aaron are willing but Jack is horrified at the magnitude of the offense they are committing by entering the forbidden area (he announces that it's a three-year jail term for simply entering the area). Jack warns Aaron and Shiro that Mayah is going to be nothing but trouble.
Nevertheless the four of them, in three spacecraft, travel towards the asteroid belt with Mayah flying her previously chauffered spacecraft. They are again pursued by Patrolman Fox, but they evade him. They reach the section of the asteroid belt where there are fireflies. They don oxygen masks (but not space suits) and 'swim' outside their spacecraft in a spacewalk. Mayah finds that the firefiles evaporate in her hand once she catches them, leaving behind an ashen smudge.
They then spot the inert wreckage of the Jilutian space galleon that Emeralida and Urroco fled Julitia in. They forget the space fireflies and go to investigate the wreck. Inside its hull, they find the unconscious Emeralida and Urrocco inside. The four of them, examinng the spacecraft and its technology, speculate the spacecraft must be alien and from another galaxy. Nevertheless, the Gavanas' spacecraft-carrier spots the Julitian galleon as well, and launches fighters that attack the galleon with energy beams. The explosions rouse Emeralida and Urrocco. The six of them quickly flee the galleon and escape in the original three spacecraft as the fighters continue their attack. Finally the Gavanas' space-carrier launches missiles; one of them collides with the space galleon and destroys it in an explosion.
Patrolman Fox's ship then shows up on the scene. As he meanders through the asteroids he suddenly comes upon the massive Gavanas' spacecraft. Flying at high speed, he is unable to maneuver away from such a large ship on such short notice. His spacecraft collides with the space-carrier's massive hull. Patrolman Fox and his spacecraft are destroyed in an explosion.
The five survivors return to Shiro and Aaron's home on Milazeria, which is an isolated mobile-home type of building out in the desert. It is night, and swarms of police spacecraft are in the sky, alerted to danger due to the destruction of Patrolman Fox's spacecraft.
Inside, Jack is in a high state of agitation, loudly fearing the trouble that he has gotten into. He blames Emeralida and Urrocco, expecting them to pay him off with money for his trouble. Emeralida is demure at first, but as Jack continues to harass her and Mayah (who tries to defend Emeralida and Urrocco), Emeralia grabs Jack's arm and throws him judo-style. A fight ensues with Jack, Shiro and Aaron on one side, and Urrocco on the other. As they tussle, their three Leyabe seeds fall to the floor. Emeralida sees them and immediately recognizes that Shiro, Jack and Aaron have been chosen by the Leyabe seeds. She advises Urrocco not to harm those who will be helping them. She tears her silk robe and offers the piece of fabric (which contains her royal crest) to Aaron as a bandage, who is bleeding from the fight.
In the back of the building, Garuda is sleeping off his drunken state, but is awoken by the excitement. Beba-2 warns him, that the owners of the building have come back, so they continue to hide as the fight progresses. As Emeralida notes the three Leyabe seeds, Garuda also pulls out his own seed and examines it once again.
Urrocco is incredulous that the ignoble trio have been selected by the Leyabe seeds, nevertheless Emeralida is convinced. At that point Garuda and Beba-2 come out from the back. Gardua apologetically admits he wandered in drunk, and shows Emeralida his seed as well.
Emeralida explains the situation, in flashback and voiceover: Jilitua was invaded by the Gavanas, who proceed to massacre the population; the Jilutians fought valiantly to the end but were crushed by the superior forces of the Gavanas. Still, none of the Jilutians were willing to go over to the Gavanas either. Emeralida points out that the Leyabe have divinely selected the eight to liberate their planet.
The four of them discuss the situation. Shiro and Aaron have no intention of getting involved in any war. Jack points out that Emeralida needs the Earth Forces, not them. Garuda essentially agrees, pointing out that Emeralida needs soldiers, and the others have niether capability nor intention to fight so it's a nonstarter. He hands Emeralida her seed back and leaves the building with Beba-2. Outside, Beba-2 sees the light of Beba-1's rocket, orbiting the planet. Beba-2 exhorts Garuda to help the Jilutians and states it's what Beba-1 would have wanted. Gardua patently refuses, saying he's not in the military anymore.
Inside, Urrocco exhorts Emeralida to find the other four warriors who would have received the Leyabe seeds and not waste any more time there. Mayah pushes Jack, Aaron and Shiro to man up and help the Jilutians. Jack, Shiro and Aaron have a private conference where Jack once more reminds them of their need for money to pay off Big Sam. Jack then tells Urrocco and Emeralida that he knows where the other Leyabe seed recients are: they are 'wolf-hunters', and Jack will bring Urrocco and Emeralida to them. Mayah is estatic.
The scene then cuts to the interior of another dwelling; present are Urrocco, Emeralia, Jack, and a wizened old crone. The old woman examines the Leyabe seed, and indicates wolf-hunters were there who had the same seeds. They debate what to do next. The old woman repeatedly discourages Emeralida from going out into the mountains during the night due to the danger. Urrocco agrees that Emeralida should remain and he will go out after the men. The old woman calls out someone named Hikiroku, to guide Jack and Urrocco. He is in a robe that conceals his face and hands; this individual does not speak but makes growling noises and moves with an unnatural gait. Before they leave, the old woman hands Jack and Urrocco cups of milky-colored liquor. However, she clandestinely pours a golden liquid from a flagon into the cup on her right, and then hands the doctored cup to Urrocco with her right hand. Urrocco unknowingly downs the liquor, with Jack likewise drinking his cup.
Out in the mountains, the three are walking in the darkness when Urrocco becomes dizzy and disoriented. Jack, who is behind Urrocco, grabs a large rock and hits Urrocco over the head. Urrocco goes down but is still conscious; he realizes he's been betrayed and Jack readily admits it. Urrocco begins to fight back successfully in spite of the effects of the drug; he draws his sword but the robed figure shoots Urrocco with an electric energy beam. Urrocco's inert body tumbles down a steep gulley. Jack demands the hooded figure pay up; the figure hands him a satchel. As Jack is putting it into the inside pocket of his jacket, he realizes the Leyabe seed is still in his pocket. He examines it for a moment, then hurls the seed off a precipice into the darkness.
Back in the dwelling, the robed figure returns. Emeralida wonders where Urrocco is, and the old woman cryptically points out he won't be coming back. She then orders Emeralida to pour Hikiroku a drink. She refuses, to the chagrin of the old woman. The old woman finally admits the truth: she paid a large sum of money to the others, for Emeralida to be the wife of her son. At that point Hikiroku pulls back his robe exposing first his hands and then his head - revealing himself to be a clawed, green-scaled lizard-man mutant. Emeralida is horrified. Indignant, the old woman lectures her on the prejudice and discrimination her son has suffered because he was born on Pluto (implying this is the reason he is a mutant) and is "ugly".
The old woman then exhorts her son to subjugate Emeralida. As he approaches her, she draws a knife to defend herself. The old woman hands the lizard-mutant an energy whip and he ultimately disarms Emeralida with it. As he continues to approache her, suddenly the walls of the dwelling burst open as Gavanas soldiers attack. They shoot Hikiroku the mutant with orange death-rays; he takes several direct hits and is incinerated into a burned-out mass lying on the floor. The old crone is horrified her son is dead. She too is shot by the death rays but only takes a few glancing hits; she likewise falls to the floor unresponsive but still alive. Emeralida tries to scramble away but she is shot by an stun gun that shoots electric blue energy and she falls unconscious. They take Emeralida and the old woman outside and are drawn upwards into the Gavanas' space carrier hovering overhead, via a tractor beam. Finally the space carrier zaps the dwelling with an lightning-energy beam and destroys it in an explosion, ending any doubt that the lizard-mutant is truly dead.
The explosion rouses Urrocco, who realizes that Emeralida has been captured by the Gavanas as he sees the ship in the sky. He calls out for her to come back as it flies away.
Back at Shiro and Aaron's house, the two of them are having a party with Jack and Mayah. Mayah, still thinking they're helping the Jilutians, is estatic as she dances around the room. Jack is also chipper and dancing, but Aaron and Shiro are silent and glum. Aaron in particular is testy and brittle. Mayah is unsure what is going on with Shiro and Aaron; then Urrocco returns to their dwelling, sword drawn and ready for blood. He tries to attack the men, but falls down unconscious, looking badly beaten.
They bandage his head and place him in bed. Mayah begins to confront Jack over what he did. Jack points out Shiro and Aaron were in on the deal too. Jack states the problem is 2 million light years away (the distance of the Andromeda galaxy to the Milky Way galaxy) and is remote. Shiro likewise states that the Leyabe seeds are just plain old nuts, and there is no divine power behind them. As Mayah continues to protest, Aaron angrily points out that his father was killed in the last war, whereas the spoiled Mayah's father grew rich profiteering from it. Aaron also states that he is no hero, he just wants to have a carefree life flying, he doesn`t need any wars to trouble him or anyone else to boss him around. He then hurls his Leyabe seed through a window, breaking the glass; Mayah is greatly upset but Aaron orders Shiro to do the same. He likewise tosses his through the broken window, albeit with some reluctance. Mayah yells "I hate you all!!" like a spoiled child and leaves in a huff.
Mayah flies away in her spacecraft. She hears a rattling behind the cockpit and finds an Leyabe seed glowing orange.
Back at the house, Aaron, Jack and Shiro are plagued by nightmares about the Gavanas killing Emeralida and the Jilutians. After they awake, Shiro and Jack's Leyabe seeds come back through the window into their hands, glowing orange, but Aaron`s seed has not returned. Mayah comes in showing her seed, and the three of them rejoice. Aaron is irate that his seed has not come back, and is in turmoil over his true feelings.
Back on Jilutia, the natives are fashioning weapons as the see the Gavana's space carrier has returned. Emeralida is brought into the Gavana`s base headquarters. Rockseia and Emeralida have a confrontation. Emeralida accosts Rockseia for the carnage he has inflicted. He responds by pointing out that he wanted Jilutia to remain fertile and rich, yet the Jilutians refused to surrender even though they knew they had no chance to win, and that brought their destruction and the desolation of Jilutia. Emeralida is defiant and states death is preferable to dishonor and surrender. After she is led away, they wheel in the old crone who they captured, who is on a gurney. They interface her mind to a thought probe, and see images of earth landscapes and wildlife. The old crone expresses longing to return to earth. They continue the mind probe in spite of the fact that it will probably kill the old woman in her weakened state. Rockseia admires the beauty of earth, and the old woman finally dies. Rockseia and his mother agree, that Earth should be their conquest. The Gavanas then ignite volcano-rockets that propel the entire planet of Julitia forward to Earth, creating earthquakes and storms on the planet`s surface.
Earth defenses detect the unidentified planet is approaching. A "space hieroglyphic" message is sent to Earth by the Gavanas, announcing that Earth must become a tributary planet of the Gavanas. In response Earth launches three space-carriers to intercept the Gavanas. A fierce space battle is fought as the space carriers attack the Gavanas' fortress. The pinnacle is the launch of wedge-shaped atomic-missiles. In spite of the massive explosions and damage - including the death of hapless Jilutian civilians caught as collateral damage - the Gavanas are not stopped; they in turn launch a counter-attack that destroys the Earth Forces' spacecraft. The planet Jilutia continues to advance to Earth.
On Earth, there is change of government over the defeat of the Earth forces. The new Chairman of Earth Council, Earnest Noguchi, is chauffered in a ROlls-Royce to find a slightly drunk General Garuda in a bar. It turns out that Noguchi and Garuda are old friends. Noguchi appeals to Garuda, to go to Rockseia as Earth's Special Envoy. Garuda has given Earth three days to execute an unconditional surrender. Garuda is asked to stall them so Earth can mount a better defence. Garuda refuses, lamenting the weakness and political nature of the peacetime military, and the loss of Beba-1. However, Garuda once again finds a Leyabe seed in his drink, this time glowing orange. When Garuda sees the seed, he realizes it is his fate to fight. He agrees to be the envoy.
Back on Milazeria, Shiro and Mayah are readying their spacecraft to deploy. A still-incapacitated Urrocco rouses himself to go out and find the other warriors; Shiro and Mayah drag him back to bed. Jack then drives up with news about Garuda - the drunken soldier they met - that he is now a general and envoy to Jilutia. The three of them decide to go to Jilutia as well; but Aaron continues to sulk and be angry. He stares at the crest torn from Emeralida's robes, in great turmoil over what his true feelings are towards Emeralida and the war against the Gavanas, and his still not having his Leyabe seed returned.
Shiro reaches out to Aaron, but this backfires and Shiro and Aaron have a violent fist fight. Their fight is interrupted when the Gavanas space carrier lauches a straifing attack with lighting beams, destroying their house. Jack is captured by the tractor beam and is sucked up into the space carrier. When Jack is captured, Aaron is galvanized to action and he tries to get into his spacecraft to go after Jack. After a further tussle with the other two trying to restrain him, Aaron finally finds his returned Leyabe seed sitting on the hull of his ship.
The remaining four of them fly towards Julita, with Mayah's ship now modified to carry Shiro and Aaron's ships mounted on it. However as they near Jilutia, Mayah's Leyabe seed explodes, causing an electrical malfunction on their spacecraft. They careen to a planet in the Bernard system, making a hard landing. They are confused why the Leyabe seeds interfered with their trip and crashed them on this planet.
However they spot someone on horseback, and realize it's a Gavanas warrior, albeit one without the metallic skin of the other warriors. Urrocco attacks him with his sword and the warrior defends himself. After some swordplay, Aaron notes that the warrior is wearing a Leyabe seed around his neck, and he realizes they are on the same mission. At a campfire, the Gavanas warrior introduces himself as Prince Hans, the rightful heir of the Gavanas' throne. He explains Rockseia killed his father the king and his mother, and usurped the throne for himself. Hans agrees to fight alongside the rest of them against Rockseia. Mayah realizes the Leyabe seed brought them there to rendevouz with Prince Hans.
Back in the Ganvana's headquarters, Rockseia and the Empress discuss what Earth's response will be at the deadline tomorrow, when Garuda arrives as the Earth envoy with Beba-2. Garuda is now wearing an elaborate, regal red uniform. After Garuda introduces himself and greets the Emperor and Empress, Rockseia brings in Jack. At first Jack acts tough, but when he sees Garuda he grovels at Garuda's feet for Garuda to save him. The Gavanas warriors have a hearty laugh at Jack's cowardice; although the Empress simply smirks and Rockseia remains tightlipped. To save face, Garuda picks a fight with a nearby warrior. Rockseia agrees they may fight a duel with dueling pistols, with only a single shot each. They are supposed to take ten steps, turn around and shoot. However as they advance, the warrior panics. He turns and shoots early, hitting Garuda's arm. Garuda nevertheless continues his ten paces, and turns. The warrior quakes in fear as Garuda aims at the defenseless warrior, but Garuda lowers his pistol without shooting. Nevertheless Rockseia shoots the warrior several times, killing him for the disgrace he brought on the Gavanas. He orders the corpse thrown out. Gardua gives a sales pitch, that the Earth Federation needs time to prepare the earth population for surrender lest they continue to fight, and compel the Gavanas to destroy they earth like they did to Jilutia, rather than capturing it intact. Garuda laughs as he sees through the pedestrian subterfuge to stall him. Nevertheless he destroys the moon with a single missile as an object lesson to the inhabitants of Earth. He does not give Garuda any more time; the deadline is still the next day. After Garuda leaves, the Empress notes he was a Leyabe-seed chosen one, and still fears what he might be capable of.
Garuda, Jack and Beba-2 leave Jilutia on a spacecraft, heading back to Earth. En route, Garuda is drinking whiskey and brooding. Finally, Garuda orders the spacecraft to turn around and head back to Jilutia. Garuda and Beba-2 then parachute to the surface of Jilutia, followed by Jack who decides to follow them via parachute as well.
In the meantime Prince Hans, Urrocco, Mayah, Shiro and Aaron fly towards Jilutia; with Shiro and Aaron's ships attached to Mayah's. Mayah flies in a 'chicken run' approach that Aaron and Shiro undertook near the start of the movie, heading directly downwards at high speed. To confuse the Gavanas' defenses, Shiro and Aaron separate their ships near the surface, and the three ships pull up before impact and continue to fly through a rocky canyon. The Gavanas, studying their radar, saw one target descending, then break into three targets before disappearing as the ships fly under the Gavanas' radar. The Gavanas decide it was a meteor that hit the surface and was destroyed. Shiro and Aaron then re-dock their spacecraft into Mayah's and they land.
Upon landing, Urrocco summons the Jilutian survivors, who are hiding in the hull of another space galleon. When the Jilutians come out, Urrocco and the others meet Jack, Garuda and Beba-2. They realize there are now six Leyabe warriors, but wonder who the other two might be.
In a meeting with the Jilutian chieftain Kido, he lays a wreath formed with eight additional Leyabe seeds on a pool of water. The wreath then shows a vision, as Kido explains: the only way to destroy the Gavana's base is via a series of underground tunnels, which lead to the reactor furnaces. If the reactor furnaces are destroyed, then the Gavanas' base will be destroyed too, and this is the only way to defeat them. Shiro and Aaron indicate that although the Gavanas' tunnel is 10 metres wide, their stunt-flying has made them skilled enough to fly their spacecraft to the reactor core. They also speculate that the Gavanas will never expect such a risky attack to be executed.
Nevertheless, all of them realize that destroying the reactor furnaces will destroy the entire planet of Jilutia. The Jilutians are resigned to this, and Kido indicates the space galleon can take their women and children to safety. Urrocco is deeply horrified and enraged by the notion that Jilutia will be destroyed, and the Jilutians are accepting of it. He runs away from the meeting, in great distress.
Later, Beba-2 is on sentry duty, patrolling with a long musket. He too finds a Leyabe seed glowing orange. He rejoices that he too has been recruited as a brave warrior, and his companions celebrate with him. However the happiness is short-lived, as Gavanas warriors appear and demand they surrender. The Jilutians begin to resist and begin to be cut down. Garuda forcefully insists the Jilutians lay down their weapons, and they are captured.
The captives are led back into the Gavanas' base. Emeralia and her grandfather are reunited. Rockseia is not present but appears as a giant hologram, towering over them. He announces that he knows all about their plans, because one of them is a traitor. He also demands they surrender, and that no harm will come to them if they do. Kido is still defiant. Rockseia belittles him and announces that they will die; their own traitor will execute them. He then calls in Urrocco.
Urrocco comes in and is handed a rifle to execute them; he is the traitor. Emeralia cannot believe Urrocco has done this. He angrily explains that their situation was hopeless from the start, that they should have subjugated themselves, and now they would go as far as destroy the very planet where they live. He lifts his rifle and aims at them. However, the Leyabe seeds that the seven have, all begin to glow orange. Urrocco is moved by this, and he turns and shoots at the hologram of Rockseia, hitting Gavanas warriors who happen to be stationed behind the hologram. They fire back at Urrocco and pandemonium ensues; the Jilutains rise up against their captors, grab rifles and begin a firefight. Prince Hans also draws his sword and begins to engage the Gavanas warriors, who likewise draw their swords in defense.
Urrocco is mortally wounded by the Gavanas` fire. Bleeding but still conscious, he is held up by his fellow Jilutians. However there is now a glowing Leyabe seed in his wreath. Emeralida shows it to him, and she confirms that he is the eighth Leyabe warrior. Kido announces that this means they cannot lose. Urrocco then dies.
Beba-2 loses a forearm when it is shot off. Prince Hans directs the Jilutians to evacuate in their ship; Aaron, Shiro and Mayah likewise escape. Prince Hans fights his way deeper into the fortress; whenever his sword makes mortal impact with a Gavanas' warrior it surges with energy. He sees the Empress; he pursues her but she blocks her retreat with a barred door.
Mayah, Shiro and Aaron go outside the fortress and return to their ships, which are under guard. They engage the Gavanas' warriors first with rifle fire and, when they enter the ship, with a laser turrent manned by Shiro. Mayah then launches the spacecraft.
They advance towards the fortress; Aaron and Shiro deploy their ships. A firefight ensues; the trio straif the fortress while the fortress returns anti-aircraft fire. The Gavanas also launch their fighters and engage the three of them in a dogfight. Nevertheless the trio's stunt flying skills and sharp maneuvers enable them to evade the Gavanas' fire.
The Jilutians storm the space galleon which is occupied and guarded by the Gavanas, including Emeralida who fights with a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other. While under fire, the Jilutians manage to seize control of the galleon and work to start its reactor.
Meanwhile Prince Hans continues to fight and advance, dispatching the Gavanas warriors who oppose him single-handedly. Ultimately he reaches the throne room in the pinnacle of a tower, where he meets Rockseia. Rockseia draws two blades. Hans confronts Rockseia over his crimes, and attacks him. Their fight is fierce, with their blades sparking when they make contact. Hans ultimately stabs Rockseia in the forehead; the energy from Hans' sword surges into Rockseia. The impact of the sword and surge of energy throws Rockseia through the window of his tower, his body falling to the main hall below where it crashes through the ceiling; the Empress witnesses it. When Rockseia`s body hits the floor, it explodes.
Shiro and Aaron are flying their ships over Jilutia and they see the entrance to the reactor tunnel open, seemingly trigged by Rockseia's death. They enter the tunnel, followed by the Gavana's fighters who continue to attack. Eventually the Gavana's fighters are destroyed when they cannot navigate through the tunnels successfully. When they reach the reactor, the duo first disable it to stop it from spinning with an energy beam, and then destroy it with a torpedo. The reactor explodes; Aaron and Shiro are able to fly to the surface and escape as the fortress and the entire planet begin to erupt.
There is chaos at the space galleon: the Jilutians are trying to start its reactor, and load the women and children onto the spacecraft while under fire from the Gavanas and during massive earthquakes and eruptions as Jilutia disintegrates. Eventually they are able to start the reactor. General Garuda, Beba-2, Jack, Prince Hans, Emeralida and all the Jilutians are able to board and are ready to launch the spacecraft. However Emeralida realizes her grandfather Kido did not board, and through a porthole she sees him still standing on the surface. Stoically, he tells her that he will be part of Jilutia's death, and that she ought not to weep for him. He charges her to find another planet where the Jilutians can have a peaceful civilization. A crevasse opens beneath him and he is swallowed up and dies.
The space galleon then launches and is joined in flight by Mayah, Shiro and Aaron. As they escape Jilutia, the trio and the Jilutians realize to their horror that they are being pursued by the Gavanas' space carrier. The trio launch a suicide attack against the carrier, flying into it (they fly into the bay that launches the Gavanas' fighters and missiles). The collison causes the space carrier to explode and crash in flames. This is followed by the detonation of the entire planet.
Nevertheless Shiro, Aaron and Mayah awake on board the space galleon. They are surprised they are still alive. Emeralida explains it's a miracle of the Leyabe seeds. The Jilutians then go off to find a new planet and restart their civilization.
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as Shiro Hongo - Masazumi Okabe as Jack
- Isamu Shimizu as Beba-2, the robot
- Etsuko Shihomi as Emeralida
- Mikio Narita as Emperor Rockseia XII
- Hideyo AmamotoHideyo Amamotowas a prolific Japanese actor from the Wakamatsu ward of Kitakyūshū best known for portraying Dr. Shinigami in the original Kamen Rider series as well as many other characters in tokusatsu films and the Godzilla series. Amamoto also used the pseudonym of Eisei Amamoto for most of his career, Eisei...
(in drag) as Dark, the Empress Dowager - Makoto SatôMakoto SatōMakoto Satō was a Japanese documentary film director. Among his best-known films were Living On the River Agano and Self and Others....
as Urrocco - Junkichi Orimoto as Kido, Chieftain of the Jilutians
- Tetsuro TambaTetsuro Tambawas a Japanese actor.-Biography:Tamba is perhaps best known by Western audiences for his role as Tiger Tanaka in the 1967 James Bond film You Only Live Twice . By then, he had among other roles appeared in two films by director Masaki Kobayashi: Harakiri and Kwaidan...
as President Ernest Noguchi, Earth Federation - Noboru Mitani (in drag) as Kamesasa
- Masataka Naruse as Hikiroku
- Nenji KobayashiNenji Kobayashiis a Japanese actor. He won the award for best supporting actor at the 23rd Japan Academy Prize for Poppoya.-Filmography:* Captain Ultra * The Doberman Cop * Hokuriku Proxy War * Message from Space...
as Patrol Officer Fox - Thunder Sugiyama as Big Sam
- Harumi Sone as Lazarl
- Jerry ItoJerry Itowas a Japanese-American film and television actor, specializing in Japanese films throughout the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.Born as Gerald Tamekichi Itō, he was bilingual and spoke both Japanese and English fluently....
as Commander of the Earth Federation Forces - Hirohisa Nakata as Adjunct, Earth Federation Forces
- Shotaro Hayashi as Captain, Earth Federation Space Battleship
- Minken Karasawa as Engineer
- Seizo FukumotoSeizo Fukumotois a Japanese actor.Born February 3, 1943, he entered acting at age 15 in Kyoto, the capital of Japanese cinema. A specialist in film and television jidaigeki set in the Edo period, he most often plays a ronin, but in his hundreds of appearances he has taken nearly every role. His forte is...
as Guerilla Fighter - William RossWilliam Ross-Politicians:*William Ross, Baron Ross of Marnock , Secretary of State for Scotland in the 1960s*William Ross , merchant, ship builder and politician in Nova Scotia, Canada...
as Interstellar Ferrymaster - Charles Scawthorn as 1st Guard, Earth Federation Rocket Base (uncredited)
- Chris IsaakChris IsaakChristopher Joseph "Chris" Isaak is an American rock musician and occasional actor.-Early life:Isaak was born in Stockton, California, the son of Dorothy , a potato chip factory worker, and Joe Isaak, a forklift driver. Isaak's mother is Italian American, originating from Genoa...
as Bar Patron (uncredited) - Takayuki Akutagawa as Narrator, Japanese Version
- Norman RoseNorman RoseNorman Rose was an actor, film narrator and radio announcer whose velvety baritone was often called "the Voice of God" by colleagues...
as Narrator, US Version (uncredited) - Genzo WakayamaGenzo Wakayamais a Japanese seiyū and disc jockey from Ōdomari, Karafuto Prefecture. He moved to Sapporo, Hokkaido as a youth and graduated from Sapporo South High School. He is currently freelance....
as Voice of General Garuda, Japanese Version - Mari OkamotoMari Okamotois a Japanese actress and voice actress who is currently a member of the Mausu Promotion agency.- Biography :Despite being born in Tokyo, Okamoto was actually raised in Hirakata, Osaka, where she also spent her Elementary School years. In 1961, she made her deput for performing arts activities in...
as Voice of Mayah Long, Japanese Version - Machiko SogaMachiko Sogawas a Japanese voice actress and actress.- Life and career :Machiko had humble upbringings and was raised to be a singer, though her talents were with acting. She was “discovered” after doing a play in Tokyo Center...
as Voice of Beba, Japanese Version - Shōzō IizukaShozo Iizukais a male Japanese voice actor from Fukushima Prefecture who is affiliated with Sigma Seven. He graduated from the fine arts department of Nihon University....
as Voice of Big Sam, Japanese Version
United ArtistsUnited Artists
United Artists Corporation is an American film studio. The original studio of that name was founded in 1919 by D. W. Griffith, Charles Chaplin, Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks....
acquired Message from Space for U.S. distribution, at a US$1 million cost; according to company personnel, "[it] can't keep 'em from lining up at the box office. It's a Jap Star Wars! It'll clean up." In the words of studio executive Steven Bach
Steven Bach
Steven Bach was senior vice-president and head of worldwide productions for United Artists studios.In 1990, he was a member of the jury at the 40th Berlin International Film Festival....
, "The only thing it cleaned up was the red inkwell."
Message From Space does not enjoy mainstream critical acclaim in North AmericaNorth America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...
. For instance Janet Maslin, in a November 17, 1978 New York Times review wrote, "Nothing looks right in Message From Space", and went on to disparage the plot, dialogue, characters, and special effects. Message From Space also made the category of "Dog of the Week" on the Sneak Previews
Sneak Previews
Sneak Previews was an American film review show, running for over two decades on Public Broadcasting Service . It was created by WTTW, a PBS affiliate in Chicago, Illinois. It premiered on September 4, 1975 as a monthly local-only show called Opening Soon at a Theater Near You, and was renamed in...
TV movie review program, hosted by Gene Siskel
Gene Siskel
Eugene Kal "Gene" Siskel was an American film critic and journalist for the Chicago Tribune. Along with colleague Roger Ebert, he hosted the popular review show Siskel & Ebert At the Movies from 1975 until his death....
& Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert
Roger Joseph Ebert is an American film critic and screenwriter. He is the first film critic to win a Pulitzer Prize for Criticism.Ebert is known for his film review column and for the television programs Sneak Previews, At the Movies with Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert, and Siskel and Ebert and The...
Nevertheless the movie enjoys acclaim from fans of cult movies and science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...
. The eclectic movie site movierapture.com wrote, "As bad as Message from Space is, it is, without a doubt, entertaining. In fact, it is wonderfully fun." Cult movie website The Spinning Image stated, "Special effects are your typical Japanese model spaceships, optical laser fire and cel animation sequences rather than the groundbreaking work achieved by I.L.M.. However, only a curmudgeonly Asian cinema-phobe would deny they are often beautiful to behold and achieve a certain grandeur on the big screen or watched on DVD. " The 1970s science fiction fansite space1970.blogspot.com wrote, "Fast-paced, absurd and fun, Message From Space is a giddily insane interstellar samurai fantasy, loaded with space dogfights, laser battles, swordplay and explosions. The miniature effects are extraordinarily well-crafted, and the production design is lavish." The website AllRovi (formerly allmovie.com) writes that the film is "Unfairly slagged as a cheap rip-off of Star Wars", and adds "this science fiction/adventure film from Japan's Toei Studios makes up for its shortcomings with a devil-may-care energy reminiscent of '40s-era serials."