Lorentz-violating neutrino oscillations
Lorentz-violating neutrino oscillation refers to the quantum phenomenon of neutrino oscillations described in a framework that allows the breakdown of Lorentz invariance. Today, neutrino oscillation or change of one type of neutrino into another is an experimentally verified fact; however, the details of the underlying theory responsible for these processes remain an open issue and an active field of study. The conventional model of neutrino oscillations assumes that neutrinos are massive, which provides a successful description of a wide variety of experiments; however, there are a few oscillation signals that cannot be accommodated within this model, which motivates the study of other descriptions. In a theory with Lorentz violation neutrinos can oscillate with and without masses and many other novel effects described below appear. The generalization of the theory by incorporating Lorentz violation has shown to provide alternative scenarios to explain all the established experimental data through the construction of global models.
-preserving descriptions of neutrinos explain the phenomenon of oscillations by endowing these particles with mass. However, if Lorentz violation occurs, oscillations could be due to other mechanisms. The general framework for Lorentz violation is called the Standard-Model Extension
(SME). The neutrino sector of the SME provides a description of how Lorentz and CPT violation would affect neutrino propagation, interactions, and oscillations. This neutrino framework first appeared in
1997 as part of the general SME for Lorentz violation in particle physics, which is built from the operators of the Standard Model
. An isotropic limit of the SME,
including a discussion on Lorentz-violating neutrino oscillations, was presented in a 1999 publication. Full details of the general formalism for Lorentz and CPT symmetry in the neutrino sector appeared in a 2004 publication. This work presented the minimal SME (mSME) for the neutrino sector, which involves only renormalizable terms.
The Lorentz-violating contributions to the Lagrangian are built as observer Lorentz scalars by contracting standard field operators with controlling quantities called coefficients for Lorentz violation. These coefficients, arising from the spontaneous breaking of Lorentz symmetry, lead to non-standard effects that could be observed in current experiments. Tests of Lorentz symmetry attempt to measure these coefficients. A nonzero result would indicate Lorentz violation.
The construction of the neutrino sector of the SME includes the Lorentz-invariant terms of the standard neutrino massive model, Lorentz-violating terms that are even under CPT, and ones that are odd under CPT.
Since in field theory the breaking of CPT symmetry is accompanied by the breaking of Lorentz symmetry, the CPT-breaking terms are necessarily Lorentz breaking. It is reasonable to expect that Lorentz and CPT violation are suppressed at the Planck scale, so the coefficients for Lorentz violation are likely to be small. The interferometric nature of neutrino oscillation experiments, and also of neutral-meson systems, gives them exceptional sensitivity to such tiny effects. This holds promise for oscillation-based experiments to probe new physics and access regions of the SME coefficient space that are still untested.
and inversely proportional to the neutrino energy
. The mSME introduces dimension-three operators that lead to oscillation phases with no energy dependence. It also introduces dimension-four operators generating oscillation phases proportional to the energy. Standard oscillation amplitudes are controlled by three mixing angles
and one phase, all of which are constant. In the SME framework
, Lorentz violation can lead to energy-dependent mixing parameters.
When the whole SME
is considered and nonrenormalizable terms in the theory are not neglected, the energy dependence of the effective hamiltonian takes the form of an infinite series in powers of neutrino energy. The fast grow of elements in the hamiltonian could produce oscillation signals in short-baseline experiment, as in the puma model.
The unconventional energy dependence in the theory leads to other novel effects, including corrections to the dispersion relations that would make neutrinos move at velocities other than the speed of light. By this mechanism neutrinos could become faster-than-light
conflicts refer to null or positive oscillation signals for values of
that are not consistent with the Lorentz-invariant explanation. For example, KamLAND and SNO
observations require a mass-squared difference
to be consistent with the Lorentz-invariant phase proportional to
. Similarly, Super-Kamiokande
, K2K, and MINOS
observations of atmospheric-neutrino oscillations require a mass-squared difference
. Any neutrino-oscillation experiment must be consistent with either of
these two mass-squared differences for Lorentz invariance to hold. To date, this is the only class of signal for which there is positive evidence. The LSND
experiment observed oscillations leading to a mass-squared difference that is inconsistent with results from solar- and atmospheric-neutrino observations. The oscillation phase requires
. This anomaly can be understood in the presence of Lorentz violation.
background fields are coupled with the particle fields, periodic variations associated with these motions would be one of the signatures of Lorentz violation.
There are two categories of periodic variations:
. The breaking of invariance under rotations leads to the non-conservation of angular momentum, which allows a spin flip of the propagating neutrino that can oscillate into an antineutrino. Because of the lost of rotational symmetry coefficients responsible for this type of mixing always introduce direction dependence.
. Some subtle features arise. For example, although CPT invariance implies
, this relation can be satisfied even in the presence of CPT violation.
of Lorentz-violating neutrinos has shown to be very successful as an alternative description of all observed neutrino data. These global models are based on the SME and exhibit some of the key signals of Lorentz violation described in the previous section.
coefficients), instead of the six of the conventional massive model. One of the main characteristics of this model is that neutrinos are assumed to be massless. This simple model is compatible with solar, atmospheric, and long-baseline neutrino oscillation data. A novel feature of the bicycle model occurs at high energies, where the two SME
coefficients combine to create a direction-dependent pseudomass. This leads to maximal mixing and an oscillation phase proportional to
, as in the massive case.
All these criteria are satisfied by the tandem model, which looks like a simple extension of the bicycle. Nevertheless, it involves isotropic coefficients only, which means that there is no direction dependence. The extra term is a massive term that reproduces the
phase at low energies observed by KamLAND. It turns out that the tandem model is consistent with atmospheric, solar, reactor, and short-baseline data, including LSND
. Besides the consistency with all experimental data, the most remarkable feature of this model is the prediction of a low-energy excess in MiniBooNE
. When the tandem is applied to short-baseline accelerator experiments, it is consistent with the KARMEN
null result, due to the very short baseline. For MiniBooNE
, the tandem model predicted an oscillation signal at low energy that drops off very quickly. The MiniBooNE
results, released a year after the tandem model was published, did indeed show an unexplained excess at low energies. This excess cannot be understood within the standard massive-neutrino model, and the tandem remains one of the best candidates for its explanation.
that is inconsistent with the conventional massive model. This is a hybrid model that includes Lorentz violation and neutrino masses. One of the main differences between this model and the bicycle and tandem models described above is the incorporation of nonrenormalizable terms in the theory, which lead to powers of the energy greater than one. Nonetheless, all these models share the characteristic of having a mixed energy dependence that leads to energy-dependent mixing angles, a feature absent in the conventional massive model. At low energies, the mass term dominates and the mixing takes the tribimaximal
form, a widely used matrix postulated to describe neutrino mixing. This mixing added to the
dependence of the mass term guarantees agreement with solar and KamLAND data. At high energies, Lorentz-violating contributions take over making the contribution of neutrino masses to be negligible. A seesaw mechanism is triggered, similar to that in the bicycle model, making one of the eigenvalues proportional to
, which usually come with neutrino masses. This feature makes the model to mimic the effects of a mass term at high energies despite the fact that there are only non-negative powers of the energy. The energy dependence of the Lorentz-violating terms produce maximal
mixing, which makes the model consistent with atmospheric and accelerator data. The oscillation signal in MiniBooNE
appears because the oscillation phase responsible for the oscillation channel
grows rapidly with energy and the oscillation amplitude is large only for energies below 500 MeV. The combination of these two effects produces an oscillation signal in MiniBooNE
at low energies, in agreement with the data. Additionally, since the model includes a term associated to a CPT-odd Lorentz-violating operator, different probabilities appear for neutrinos and antineutrinos. Moreover, since the amplitude for
decreases for energies above 500 MeV, long-baseline experiments searching for nonzero
should measure different values depending on the energy, more precisely, MINOS experiment
should measure a value smaller than T2K experiment
according to the puma model, which agrees with current measurements.
that puts the effective hamiltonian in flavor basis
in the diagonal form
, (where the indices
denote the flavor and diagonal basis, respectively), then we can write the oscillation probability from a flavor state

are the eigenvalues. For the conventional massive model
In the SME formalism
, the neutrino sector is described by a 6-component vector with three active left-handed neutrinos and three right-handed antineutrinos. The effective Lorentz-violating Hamiltonian is a
matrix, with the two
diagonal blocks describing neutrino–neutrino and antineutrino–antineutrino mixing, respectively. The
off-diagonal blocks lead to neutrino–antineutrino
oscillations. The explicit form of this Hamiltonian matrix is given by
The indices of this effective Hamiltonian take the six values
, for neutrinos and antineutrinos. The lowercase indices indicate neutrinos (
), and the barred lowercase indices indicate antineutrinos (
The first term is diagonal and can be removed because it does not contribute to oscillations; however, it can play an important role in the stability of the theory. The second term is the standard massive-neutrino Hamiltonian. The third term is the Lorentz-violating contribution. It involves four types of coefficients for Lorentz violation. The coefficients
are of dimension one and zero, respectively. These coefficients are responsible for the mixing of left-handed neutrinos, leading to Lorentz-violating neutrino–neutrino oscillations. Similarly, the coefficients
mix right-handed antineutrinos, leading to Lorentz-violating antineutrino–antineutrino oscillations. Notice that these coefficients are
matrices having both spacetime (Greek) and flavor indices (Roman). The off-diagonal block involves the dimension-zero coefficients,
, and the dimension-one coefficients,
. These lead to neutrino–antineutrino oscillations. All spacetime indices are properly contracted forming observer Lorentz scalars. The four-momentum shows explicitly that the direction of propagation couples to the mSME coefficients, generating the periodic variations and compass asymmetries described in the previous section. Finally, note that coefficients with an odd number of spacetime indices are contracted with operators that break CPT. It follows that the
- and
-type coefficients are CPT-odd. By similar reasoning, the
- and
-type coefficients are CPT-even.
, is small, and neutrino masses can be neglected because they are not responsible for oscillations. In these cases, the possibility exists of attributing observed oscillations to Lorentz violation, even if the neutrinos are massive. This limit of the theory is sometimes called the short-baseline approximation. Caution is necessary in this point, because, in short-baseline experiments, masses can become relevant if the energies are sufficiently low.
An analysis of this limit, presenting experimentally accessible coefficients for Lorentz violation, first appeared in a 2004 publication. Neglecting neutrino masses, the neutrino Hamiltonian becomes

In appropriate cases, the oscillation amplitude can be expanded in the form

This approximation is valid if the baseline
is short compared to the oscillation length given by
. Since
varies with energy, the term short baseline really depends on both
. At leading order, the oscillation probability becomes

Remarkably, this mSME framework for short-baseline neutrino experiments, when applied to the LSND
anomaly, leads to values of order
. These numbers are in the range of what one might expect from quantum-gravity effects. Data analysis has been performed using the LSND
, and IceCube
experiments to set limits on the coefficients
. These results, along with experimental results in other sectors of the SME
, are summarized in the Data Tables for Lorentz and CPT violation.
is not small, neutrino masses dominate the oscillation effects. In these cases, Lorentz violation can be introduced as a perturbative effect in the form

is the standard massive-neutrino Hamiltonian, and
contains the Lorentz-breaking mSME terms. This limit of the general theory was introduced in a 2009 publication, and includes both neutrinos and antineutrinos in the
Hamiltonian formalism (1). In this work, the oscillation probability takes the form

is the standard expression. One of the results is that, at leading order, neutrino and antineutrino oscillations are decoupled from one another. This means neutrino–antineutrino oscillations are a second-order effect.
In the two-flavor limit, the first-order correction introduced by Lorentz violation to atmospheric neutrinos takes the simple form

This expression shows how the baseline of the experiment can enhance the effects of the mSME coefficients in
This perturbative framework can be applied to most of the long-baseline experiments. It is also applicable in some short-baseline experiments with low-energy neutrinos. An analysis has been done in the case of several long-baseline experiments (DUSEL, ICARUS, K2K, MINOS
, NOvA
, T2K
, and T2KK), showing highly sensitivities to the coefficients for Lorentz violation. Data analysis has been performed using the far detector of the MINOS experiment
to set limits on the coefficients
. These results are summarized in the Data Tables for Lorentz and CPT violation.
Conventional LorentzLorentz
Lorentz is a name derived from the Roman surname, Laurentius, which mean "from Laurentum". It is the German form of Laurence.Lorentz may refer to:- Literature :* Friedrich Lorentz, author of works on the Pomeranian language...
-preserving descriptions of neutrinos explain the phenomenon of oscillations by endowing these particles with mass. However, if Lorentz violation occurs, oscillations could be due to other mechanisms. The general framework for Lorentz violation is called the Standard-Model Extension
Standard-Model Extension
Standard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
(SME). The neutrino sector of the SME provides a description of how Lorentz and CPT violation would affect neutrino propagation, interactions, and oscillations. This neutrino framework first appeared in
1997 as part of the general SME for Lorentz violation in particle physics, which is built from the operators of the Standard Model
Standard Model
The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory concerning the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear interactions, which mediate the dynamics of the known subatomic particles. Developed throughout the mid to late 20th century, the current formulation was finalized in the mid 1970s upon...
. An isotropic limit of the SME,
including a discussion on Lorentz-violating neutrino oscillations, was presented in a 1999 publication. Full details of the general formalism for Lorentz and CPT symmetry in the neutrino sector appeared in a 2004 publication. This work presented the minimal SME (mSME) for the neutrino sector, which involves only renormalizable terms.
The Lorentz-violating contributions to the Lagrangian are built as observer Lorentz scalars by contracting standard field operators with controlling quantities called coefficients for Lorentz violation. These coefficients, arising from the spontaneous breaking of Lorentz symmetry, lead to non-standard effects that could be observed in current experiments. Tests of Lorentz symmetry attempt to measure these coefficients. A nonzero result would indicate Lorentz violation.
The construction of the neutrino sector of the SME includes the Lorentz-invariant terms of the standard neutrino massive model, Lorentz-violating terms that are even under CPT, and ones that are odd under CPT.
Since in field theory the breaking of CPT symmetry is accompanied by the breaking of Lorentz symmetry, the CPT-breaking terms are necessarily Lorentz breaking. It is reasonable to expect that Lorentz and CPT violation are suppressed at the Planck scale, so the coefficients for Lorentz violation are likely to be small. The interferometric nature of neutrino oscillation experiments, and also of neutral-meson systems, gives them exceptional sensitivity to such tiny effects. This holds promise for oscillation-based experiments to probe new physics and access regions of the SME coefficient space that are still untested.
General predictions
Current experimental results indicate that neutrinos do indeed oscillate. These oscillations have a variety of possible implications, including the existence of neutrino masses, and the presence of several types of Lorentz violation. In the following, each category of Lorentz breaking is outlined.Spectral anomalies
In the standard Lorentz-invariant description of massive-neutrinos, the oscillation phase is proportional to the baseline

and one phase, all of which are constant. In the SME framework
Standard-Model Extension
Standard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
, Lorentz violation can lead to energy-dependent mixing parameters.
When the whole SME
Standard-Model Extension
Standard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
is considered and nonrenormalizable terms in the theory are not neglected, the energy dependence of the effective hamiltonian takes the form of an infinite series in powers of neutrino energy. The fast grow of elements in the hamiltonian could produce oscillation signals in short-baseline experiment, as in the puma model.
The unconventional energy dependence in the theory leads to other novel effects, including corrections to the dispersion relations that would make neutrinos move at velocities other than the speed of light. By this mechanism neutrinos could become faster-than-light
Faster-than-light communications and travel refer to the propagation of information or matter faster than the speed of light....
L - E conflicts

"Snö" is a song by Iranian-Swedish singer-songwriter Laleh recorded with the London Symphony Orchestra for the film Arn - The Knight Templar. It was released on December 19, 2007 as her ninth single and was later placed on her third studio album, Me and Simon...
observations require a mass-squared difference

Super-Kamiokande is a neutrino observatory which is under Mount Kamioka near the city of Hida, Gifu Prefecture, Japan...
, K2K, and MINOS
MINOS is a particle physics experiment designed to study the phenomena of neutrino oscillations, first discovered by a Super-Kamiokande experiment in 1998...
observations of atmospheric-neutrino oscillations require a mass-squared difference

these two mass-squared differences for Lorentz invariance to hold. To date, this is the only class of signal for which there is positive evidence. The LSND
The Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector was a scintillation counter at Los Alamos National Laboratory that measured the number of neutrinos being produced by an accelerator neutrino source...
experiment observed oscillations leading to a mass-squared difference that is inconsistent with results from solar- and atmospheric-neutrino observations. The oscillation phase requires

Periodic variations
Laboratory experiments follow complicated trajectories as the Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun. Since the fixed SMEStandard-Model Extension
Standard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
background fields are coupled with the particle fields, periodic variations associated with these motions would be one of the signatures of Lorentz violation.
There are two categories of periodic variations:
- Sidereal variations: As the Earth rotates, the source and detector for any neutrino experiment will rotate along with it at a sidereal frequency of
. Since the 3-momentum of the neutrino beam is coupled to the SME
Standard-Model ExtensionStandard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
background fields, this can lead to sidereal variations in the observed oscillation probability data. Sidereal variations are among the most commonly sought signals in Lorentz tests in other sectors of the SMEStandard-Model ExtensionStandard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
. - Annual variations: Variations with a period of one year can arise due to the motion of the Earth around the Sun. The mechanism is the same as for sidereal variations, arising because the particle fields couple to the fixed SMEStandard-Model ExtensionStandard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
background fields. These effects, however, are challenging to resolve because they require the experiment to provide data for a comparable length of time. There are also boost effects that arise because the earth moves around the Sun at more than 30 kilometers per second. However, this is one ten thousandth of the speed of light, and means the boost effects are suppressed by four orders of magnitude relative to purely rotational effects.
Compass asymmetries
The breaking of rotation invariance can also lead to time-independent signals arising in the form of directional asymmetries at the location of the detector. This type of signal can cause differences in observed neutrino properties for neutrinos originating from different directions.Neutrino-antineutrino mixing
Some of the mSME coefficients lead to mixing between neutrinos and antineutrinos. These processes violate lepton-number conservation, but can readily be accommodated in the Lorentz-breaking SME frameworkStandard-Model Extension
Standard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
. The breaking of invariance under rotations leads to the non-conservation of angular momentum, which allows a spin flip of the propagating neutrino that can oscillate into an antineutrino. Because of the lost of rotational symmetry coefficients responsible for this type of mixing always introduce direction dependence.
Classic CPT tests
Since CPT violation implies Lorentz violation, traditional tests of CPT symmetry can also be used to search for deviations from Lorentz invariance. This test seeks evidence of

Global models of neutrino oscillations with Lorentz violation
Global models are descriptions of neutrino oscillations that are consistent with all the established experimental data: solar, reactor, accelerator, and atmospheric neutrinos. The general SME theoryStandard-Model Extension
Standard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
of Lorentz-violating neutrinos has shown to be very successful as an alternative description of all observed neutrino data. These global models are based on the SME and exhibit some of the key signals of Lorentz violation described in the previous section.
Bicycle model
The first phenomenological model using Lorentz-violating neutrinos was proposed by Kostelecky and Mewes in a 2004 paper. This so-called bicycle model exhibits direction dependence and only two parameters (two non-zero SMEStandard-Model Extension
Standard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
coefficients), instead of the six of the conventional massive model. One of the main characteristics of this model is that neutrinos are assumed to be massless. This simple model is compatible with solar, atmospheric, and long-baseline neutrino oscillation data. A novel feature of the bicycle model occurs at high energies, where the two SME
Standard-Model Extension
Standard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
coefficients combine to create a direction-dependent pseudomass. This leads to maximal mixing and an oscillation phase proportional to

Generalized bicycle model
The bicycle model is an example of a very simple and realistic model that can accommodate most of the observed data using massless neutrinos in the presence of Lorentz violation. In 2007, Barger, Marfatia, and Whisnant constructed a more general version of this model by including more parameters. In this paper, it is shown that a combined analysis of solar, reactor, and long-baseline experiments excluded the bicycle model and its generalization. Despite this, the bicycle served as starting point for more elaborate models.Tandem model
The tandem model is an extended version of the bicycle presented in 2006 by Katori, Kostelecky, and Tayloe. It is a hybrid model that includes Lorentz violation and also mass terms for a subset of neutrino flavors. It attempts to construct a realistic model by applying a number of desirable criteria. In particular, acceptable models for neutrino violation should:- be based on quantum field theory,
- involve only renormalizable terms,
- offer an acceptable description of the basic features of neutrino-oscillation data,
- have a mass scale
for seesaw compatibility,
- involve fewer parameters than the four used in the standard picture,
- have coefficients for Lorentz violation consistent with a Planck-scale suppression
, and
- accommodate the LSNDLSNDThe Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector was a scintillation counter at Los Alamos National Laboratory that measured the number of neutrinos being produced by an accelerator neutrino source...
All these criteria are satisfied by the tandem model, which looks like a simple extension of the bicycle. Nevertheless, it involves isotropic coefficients only, which means that there is no direction dependence. The extra term is a massive term that reproduces the

The Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector was a scintillation counter at Los Alamos National Laboratory that measured the number of neutrinos being produced by an accelerator neutrino source...
. Besides the consistency with all experimental data, the most remarkable feature of this model is the prediction of a low-energy excess in MiniBooNE
MiniBooNE is an experiment at Fermilab designed to observe neutrino oscillations . A neutrino beam consisting primarily of muon neutrinos is directed at a detector filled with 800 tons of mineral oil and lined with 1,280 photomultiplier tubes...
. When the tandem is applied to short-baseline accelerator experiments, it is consistent with the KARMEN
KARMEN , a detector associated with the ISIS synchrotron at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory...
null result, due to the very short baseline. For MiniBooNE
MiniBooNE is an experiment at Fermilab designed to observe neutrino oscillations . A neutrino beam consisting primarily of muon neutrinos is directed at a detector filled with 800 tons of mineral oil and lined with 1,280 photomultiplier tubes...
, the tandem model predicted an oscillation signal at low energy that drops off very quickly. The MiniBooNE
MiniBooNE is an experiment at Fermilab designed to observe neutrino oscillations . A neutrino beam consisting primarily of muon neutrinos is directed at a detector filled with 800 tons of mineral oil and lined with 1,280 photomultiplier tubes...
results, released a year after the tandem model was published, did indeed show an unexplained excess at low energies. This excess cannot be understood within the standard massive-neutrino model, and the tandem remains one of the best candidates for its explanation.
Puma model
The puma model was proposed by Diaz and Kostelecky in 2010 as a three-parameter model that exhibits consistency with all the established neutrino data (accelerator, atmospheric, reactor, and solar) and naturally describes the anomalous low-energy excess observed in MiniBooNEMiniBooNE
MiniBooNE is an experiment at Fermilab designed to observe neutrino oscillations . A neutrino beam consisting primarily of muon neutrinos is directed at a detector filled with 800 tons of mineral oil and lined with 1,280 photomultiplier tubes...
that is inconsistent with the conventional massive model. This is a hybrid model that includes Lorentz violation and neutrino masses. One of the main differences between this model and the bicycle and tandem models described above is the incorporation of nonrenormalizable terms in the theory, which lead to powers of the energy greater than one. Nonetheless, all these models share the characteristic of having a mixed energy dependence that leads to energy-dependent mixing angles, a feature absent in the conventional massive model. At low energies, the mass term dominates and the mixing takes the tribimaximal
Tribimaximal mixing
Tribimaximal mixing is a specific postulated form for the Pontecorvo–Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata lepton mixing matrix U. Tribimaximal mixing is defined by a particular choice of the matrix of moduli-squared of the elements of the PMNS matrix as follows:...
form, a widely used matrix postulated to describe neutrino mixing. This mixing added to the

MiniBooNE is an experiment at Fermilab designed to observe neutrino oscillations . A neutrino beam consisting primarily of muon neutrinos is directed at a detector filled with 800 tons of mineral oil and lined with 1,280 photomultiplier tubes...
appears because the oscillation phase responsible for the oscillation channel

MiniBooNE is an experiment at Fermilab designed to observe neutrino oscillations . A neutrino beam consisting primarily of muon neutrinos is directed at a detector filled with 800 tons of mineral oil and lined with 1,280 photomultiplier tubes...
at low energies, in agreement with the data. Additionally, since the model includes a term associated to a CPT-odd Lorentz-violating operator, different probabilities appear for neutrinos and antineutrinos. Moreover, since the amplitude for

MINOS is a particle physics experiment designed to study the phenomena of neutrino oscillations, first discovered by a Super-Kamiokande experiment in 1998...
should measure a value smaller than T2K experiment
T2K is a particle physics experiment that is a collaboration between several countries, including Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, the United States, and the United Kingdom...
according to the puma model, which agrees with current measurements.
Isotropic bicycle model
In 2011, Barger, Liao, Marfatia, and Whisnant studied general bicycle-type models (without neutrino masses) that can be constructed using the minimal SME that are isotropic (direction independent). Results show that long-baseline accelerator and atmospheric data can be described by these models in virtue of the Lorentz-violating seesaw mechanism; nevertheless, there is a tension between solar and KamLAND data. Given this incompatibility, the authors concluded that renormalizable models with massless neutrinos are excluded by the data.Theory
From a general model-independent point of view, neutrinos oscillate because the effective hamiltonian describing their propagation is not diagonal in flavor space and has a non-degenerate spectrum, in other words, the eigenstates of the hamiltonian are linear superpositions of the flavor eigenstates of the weak interaction and there are at least two different eigenvalues. If we find a transformation


In the SME formalism
Standard-Model Extension
Standard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
, the neutrino sector is described by a 6-component vector with three active left-handed neutrinos and three right-handed antineutrinos. The effective Lorentz-violating Hamiltonian is a

oscillations. The explicit form of this Hamiltonian matrix is given by

The indices of this effective Hamiltonian take the six values

The first term is diagonal and can be removed because it does not contribute to oscillations; however, it can play an important role in the stability of the theory. The second term is the standard massive-neutrino Hamiltonian. The third term is the Lorentz-violating contribution. It involves four types of coefficients for Lorentz violation. The coefficients

Negligible-mass description
For most short baseline neutrino experiments, the ratio of experimental baseline to neutrino energy,
An analysis of this limit, presenting experimentally accessible coefficients for Lorentz violation, first appeared in a 2004 publication. Neglecting neutrino masses, the neutrino Hamiltonian becomes

In appropriate cases, the oscillation amplitude can be expanded in the form

This approximation is valid if the baseline

Remarkably, this mSME framework for short-baseline neutrino experiments, when applied to the LSND
The Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector was a scintillation counter at Los Alamos National Laboratory that measured the number of neutrinos being produced by an accelerator neutrino source...
anomaly, leads to values of order

The Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector was a scintillation counter at Los Alamos National Laboratory that measured the number of neutrinos being produced by an accelerator neutrino source...
MINOS is a particle physics experiment designed to study the phenomena of neutrino oscillations, first discovered by a Super-Kamiokande experiment in 1998...
MiniBooNE is an experiment at Fermilab designed to observe neutrino oscillations . A neutrino beam consisting primarily of muon neutrinos is directed at a detector filled with 800 tons of mineral oil and lined with 1,280 photomultiplier tubes...
, and IceCube
experiments to set limits on the coefficients

Standard-Model Extension
Standard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
, are summarized in the Data Tables for Lorentz and CPT violation.
Perturbative Lorentz-violating description
For experiments where



In the two-flavor limit, the first-order correction introduced by Lorentz violation to atmospheric neutrinos takes the simple form

This expression shows how the baseline of the experiment can enhance the effects of the mSME coefficients in

This perturbative framework can be applied to most of the long-baseline experiments. It is also applicable in some short-baseline experiments with low-energy neutrinos. An analysis has been done in the case of several long-baseline experiments (DUSEL, ICARUS, K2K, MINOS
MINOS is a particle physics experiment designed to study the phenomena of neutrino oscillations, first discovered by a Super-Kamiokande experiment in 1998...
, NOvA
A nova is a cataclysmic nuclear explosion in a star caused by the accretion of hydrogen on to the surface of a white dwarf star, which ignites and starts nuclear fusion in a runaway manner...
Opera is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting. Opera incorporates many of the elements of spoken theatre, such as acting, scenery, and costumes and sometimes includes dance...
, T2K
T2K is a particle physics experiment that is a collaboration between several countries, including Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, the United States, and the United Kingdom...
, and T2KK), showing highly sensitivities to the coefficients for Lorentz violation. Data analysis has been performed using the far detector of the MINOS experiment
MINOS is a particle physics experiment designed to study the phenomena of neutrino oscillations, first discovered by a Super-Kamiokande experiment in 1998...
to set limits on the coefficients

See also
- Standard-Model ExtensionStandard-Model ExtensionStandard-Model Extension is an effective field theory that contains the Standard Model, General Relativity, and all possible operators that break Lorentz symmetry.Violations of this fundamental symmetry can be studied within this general framework...
- Antimatter Tests of Lorentz ViolationAntimatter tests of Lorentz violationHigh-precision experiments could revealsmall previously unseen differences between the behaviorof matter and antimatter.This prospect is appealing to physicists because it mayshow that nature is not Lorentz symmetric.- Introduction :...
- Neutrino oscillationNeutrino oscillationNeutrino oscillation is a quantum mechanical phenomenon predicted by Bruno Pontecorvowhereby a neutrino created with a specific lepton flavor can later be measured to have a different flavor. The probability of measuring a particular flavor for a neutrino varies periodically as it propagates...