List of wireless community networks by region
South Africa
See also South African wireless community networksSouth African wireless community networks
South African wireless community networks are wireless networks that allow members to talk, send messages, share files and play games independent of the commercial landline and mobile telephone networks. Most of them use WiFi technology and many are wireless mesh networks...
- Wireless User Group South Africa — http://www.wug.za.net
- Johannesburg Area Wireless User Group — http://www.jawug.za.net
- Cape Town Wireless User Group — http://www.ctwug.za.net
- Durban, South Africa. Durban Wireless Community — http://www.dwc.za.net
- Potchefstroom Community Network — http://www.pcn.za.net
- Pretoria Wireless Project (Centurion) — http://www.pwp.za.net
- Pretoria Wireless User GroupPtawugPretoria Wireless Users Group is a South African wireless users group. It is non-profit community organization providing a Wireless community network in Pretoria, the capital of South Africa....
— http://www.ptawug.co.za - Stellenbosch Community Network — http://www.scn.za.net
- Wireless Africa, South Africa — Wireless Africa Wiki COIN Blog http://www.fmfi.org.za
- LinkNet, Macha, Zambia — Linknet Linknet Wiki Site
- AirJaldiAirjaldiAirJaldi is a social enterprise dedicated to the development of affordable broadband connectivity solutions for rural communities in developing countries...
Community Wireless Mesh Network, Dharamsala, H.P. — airjaldi.com
- Batam Wireless Internet Community (BWIC)BWICBWIC stands for Batam Wireless Internet Community. A non-profit organisation, BWIC has become a strong community on Batam Island, which helps people to get a low-cost internet connection. Wireless technology is the best solution to make its vision possible...
, Batam Island, Kepulauan Riau — bwic.blogspot.com/
- Nepal Wireless Networking ProjectNepal wireless networking projectNepal Wireless Networking Project is a social enterprise that provides Internet access, electronic commerce, education, telemedicine and other services to a number of remote villages in Nepal, using wireless technologies...
— nepalwireless.net
New South Wales, Australia
- Bathurst Wireless http://www.bathurstwireless.org
- Coffswifi.net http://wifidog.coffswifi.net
- Sydney Wireless Sydney — http://www.sydneywireless.com
Northern Territory, Australia
- The Mesh, Darwin — http://the-mesh.org
- Darwin Wireless, Darwin — http://www.darwinwireless.com
Queensland, Australia
- Darling Downs Wireless, Toowoomba — http://ddw.net.au
- Brismesh — Brisbane — http://brismesh.proboards.com/
- Townsville Community Wireless — http://townsville.wireless.org.au
- Cairns Wireless — http://cairns.wireless.org.au
- SuncoastMesh, Sunshine Coast http://www.suncoastmesh.org.au
South Australia
- Air-Stream Wireless Incorporated, Adelaide and surrounding areas — http://www.air-stream.org.au
Victoria, Australia
- Ballarat Wireless — http://www.ballaratwireless.net
- Bendigo Wireless — http://www.bendigowireless.net
- Melbourne WirelessMelbourne WirelessMelbourne Wireless is a non-profit project to develop a community wireless network in Melbourne and end recurrent telco fees. The project uses widely-available, license-free technology to create a free, locally-owned wireless backbone....
— http://www.melbournewireless.org.au - Geelong Wireless — http://geelong.wireless.org.au — Offline.
- Lara Wireless — http://larawireless.net/
Western Australia
- WAFreeNet, Perth — http://www.wafreenet.org
- E3, Perth — http://www.e3.com.au/
New Zealand
- Wireless Nelson Project — http://wirelessnelson.co.nz (No Longer a project. This has now formed into a business. Although there are free services for original members.
- Marlborough Wireless Project — http://www.marlwifi.org.nz
- Yobbo Wireless Community — http://yobbo.co.nz/wireless.htm
- Computer Clubhouse 274 Community Wireless — http://www.clubhouse274.org.nz
- Funkfeuer, Vienna, Graz, Bad Ischl — http://www.funkfeuer.at
- LZB-Net, Hofkichen — http://www.lanzenberg.at
- Funkfeuer Wels, Wels — http://wels.funkfeuer.at
- Funkfeuer Linz, Linz — http://linz.funkfeuer.at
- Funkfeuer Traunviertel, Traunviertel in OÖ — http://traunviertel.funkfeuer.at
- ReseauCitoyen, Brussels — http://www.reseaucitoyen.be/wiki
- WirelessAntwerpen, Antwerp — http://www.wirelessantwerpen.be
- WirelessBelgie, Belgium — http://www.wirelessbelgie.be
- WirelessGent, Belgium — http://www.wirelessgent.be
- WirelessBrussel, Belgium — http://www.wirelessbrussel.be
- WirelessLeuven, Belgium — http://www.wirelessleuven.be
- WirelessBrugge, Belgium — http://www.wirelessbrugge.be
- WirelessBlankenberge, Belgium — http://www.wirelessblankenberge.be
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- wireless.ba, United wireless communities in Bosnia — http://www.wireless.ba
- wireless.rs.ba, United wireless communities in Republic of Srpska — http://www.wireless.rs.ba
- saWireless, Sarajevo — http://sa.wireless.ba
- Viwa net, Visoko — http://vi.wireless.ba
- NEON Solucije, Kalesija — http://www.neon.ba
- BLwireless, Banjaluka — http://www.blwireless.net
- BDB@wireless, Banja Luka — http://www.bdb.rs.ba
- mo-wireless, Mostar — http://mo.wireless.ba
- LPwireless, LP — http://www.lpwireless.net
- BNWireless, Bijeljina, http://www.bnwireless.net
- NeumWIRELESS, Neum — http://www.neumwireless.org
Czech Republic
Almost all community networks in Czech Republic have peering between each other.Mother of all community networks in Czech Republic:
- CZFree.Net, Czech Republic — http://www.czfree.net/
Neutral czFree eXchange (NFX) members:
- Czela.net, Čelákovice, Czech Republic http://www.czela.net
- HKFree.org, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic http://www.hkfree.org
- KLFree.Net, Kladno, Czech Republic http://www.klfree.net
- LBCFree.net, Liberec, Czech Republic http://www.lbcfree.net
- PilsFree.net, Plzeň, Czech Republic http://www.pilsfree.net
- UNHFree.net, Unhošť, Czech Republic http://www.unhfree.net
- KHnet.info, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic http://www.khnet.info
- mh2net, Mnichovo Hradiště, Czech Republic http://www.mh2net.cz
- Evkanet, Ostrava, Czech Republic http://www.evkanet.net
- CZF-Praha, Prague, Czech Republic http://www.czf-praha.net
- Krivonet, Křivoklátsko, Czech Republic http://www.krivonet.info/
- JM-Net, Prague, Czech Republic http://www.jmnet.cz/
- SLFree.Net, Slavičín, Czech Republic http://www.slfree.net/
Other important Czech community networks:
- Gavanet, Varnsdorf, Czech Republic http://www.gavanet.org
- AirDump.Net, ACzW, Czech &mdash Wireless Community
- NobodyNet, Holýšov, Czech Republic http://www.nobody-network.net
- PVFree.Net, Prostějov, Czech Republic http://www.pvfree.net
- Svobodna Praha, Praha-východ. Praha - Benice, Uhříněves, Kolovraty, Nedvězí, Lipany, Křeslice, Pitkovice, Královice, Nupaky, Újezd, Čestlice, Průhonice, Říčany http://www.svobodna-praha.net
List of almost all CZFree-compatible community networks by regions (in Czech language):
- http://wiki.pvfree.net/index.php/Podobne_site_v_CR
- Croatian Wireless Association, — http://www.hrfreenet.hr/
- VGWireless, Velika Gorica — http://www.vgwireless.hr/
- RiWireless, Rijeka — http://www.riwireless.net/
- Dugave Wireless, Dugave, Zagreb — http://www.dugave.net/
- PUWireless, Pula, Zagreb — http://www.pulawireless.hr/
- BSWireless, Baška, Krk — http://www.bswireless.net/
- BKWireless, Bakar — http://www.bkwireless.com/
- DJWireless, Đakovo — http://www.djw.hr/
- KAWireless, Karlovac — http://www.kawireless.hr/
- VRWireless, Vrbovec — http://www.vrw.hr/
- ZBWireless, Zabok — http://www.zabok-wireless.hr/
- ZDWIreless, Zadar — http://www.zdwireless.hr/
- WirelessKZ, Krizevci — http://www.wirelesskz.net/
- ZGWireless, Zagreb — http://www.zgwireless.net/
- Međimurje Wireless, Čakovec — http://www.mwireless.hr/
- Extreme Wireless, Varaždin — http://www.extremewifi.hr/
- OSWireless, Osijek — http://www.webart.hr/oswireless
- ZNET, Zagreb — http://www.znetonline.net/
- WiFiHR, Zagreb - Vrbovec — NETWORK http://www.wifihr.net/ COMMUNITY http://www.wifihr.org
- Ludbreg Wireless, Ludbreg — IRC: ludbreg.dyndns.ws:6667 WEB: http://ludbreg.dyndns.ws
- DIIRWB, Djurslands International Institute of Rural Wireless Broadband — http://www.diirwb.net/
- Fédération France Wireless — http://www.wireless-fr.org/
- Freifunk Augsburg, wireless community in Augsburg, Germany — http://augsburg.freifunk.net/
- Freifunk.net, Berlin a.o., Germany — http://www.freifunk.net/
- Freifunk Bochum, Bochum, Germany — http://freifunk.das-labor.org/
- Freifunk Brandenburg, Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany — http://www.freifunk-brb.de
- Förderverein Bürgernetz Dresden e.V., Dresden, Germany — http://www.fbn-dd.de/
- Freifunk Halle, wireless community in Halle, Germany — http://halle.freifunk.net/
- Freifunk Koeln, wireless community in Cologne, Germany — http://www.freifunk-koeln.de
- Freifunk Leipzig, wireless community in Leipzig, Germany — http://leipzig.freifunk.net/
- Freifunk Moers, Freifunk in Moers, Germany — http://dasinter.net/ffmoers/
- Freifunk Oldenburg, Freifunk in OldenburgOldenburgOldenburg is an independent city in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is situated in the western part of the state between the cities of Bremen and Groningen, Netherlands, at the Hunte river. It has a population of 160,279 which makes it the fourth biggest city in Lower Saxony after Hanover, Braunschweig...
, Germany — http://freifunk-ol.de/ - OpenNet Initiative, Rostock, Germany — http://www.opennet-initiative.de/
- Freifunk Potsdam, wireless community in Potsdam, Germany — http://www.freifunk-potsdam.de/
- Freifunk-Ruhrstadt.de, Zone of the Ruhrstadt, Germany — http://www.freifunk-ruhrstadt.de/
- Freifunk Weimar, wireless community in Weimar, Germany — http://wireless.subsignal.org/
- Wireless Networks AssociationWireless Networks AssociationOfficially founded in 2009, but with activity since 2003, WNA or Wireless Networks Association is the non-profit association formed from users/members of Thessaloniki's Wireless Community Networks, a grassroots wireless community, taking advantage of new, state of the art wireless technologies, to...
, National — http://www.wna.gr/ - Athens Wireless Metropolitan NetworkAthens Wireless Metropolitan NetworkStarted in 2002 in Athens Greece, Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network is a grassroots wireless community, taking advantage of new, state of the art wireless technologies, to connect people and services. The network comprises 1120 backbone nodes and more than 2900 client computers connect to it...
, Athens — http://www.awmn.net/ - Cyclades Wireless Network, Cyclades — http://cywn.dyndns.org/
- Heraklion Student Wireless NetworkHeraklion Student Wireless NetworkHeraklion Student Wireless Network is a city-wide, non-profit wireless community network in Heraklion, Crete. It is run and maintained by the users of the network, who at the beginning of the network's existence were exclusively members of the academic community of the University of Crete...
, Heraklion — http://wireless.uoc.gr/ - Patras Wireless NetworkPatras Wireless NetworkPatras Wireless Network is, historically, the first city-wide, wireless community network in Greece. It is run and maintained by the users of the network...
, Patras — http://www.patraswireless.net/ - Wireless Agrinio Network, Agrinio http://www.wiran.gr/
- Patras Wireless Metropolitan NetworkPatras wireless metropolitan networkPatras Wireless Metropolitan Network is a free , open wifi network community of individuals who all share the same hobby; building and managing wireless networks. Currently PWMN is the dominant wireless network community in Patras, Greece...
, Patras Patras Wirless Metropolitan Network - WANA, Amalias http://www.wana.gr/
- Imathias Wireless Metropolitan Network, Imathia http://www.iwmn.net/
- Wireless Network of Korinth, Korinthia http://wnk.awmn.net/
- Messinia Wireless Network, Messina http://kalamata.homelinux.com/
- IrishWAN, All-Ireland community radio project — http://www.irishwan.ie.
- Ninux.org, Rome, IT — http://www.ninux.org/
- eigenNet, Pisa, IT — http://www.eigenlab.org/
- NECO, Vietri di Potenza (PZ), IT — http://www.progettoneco.org
- Luna, Trento, Rovereto, Riva del Garda (TN) , IT — http://www.futur3.it/rete-luna/
- Skopje Wireless Community, Skopje http://www.skopjewifi.com
- Macedonian Wireless Community, Macedonia http://www.wifimacedonia.net
- Wireless LeidenWireless Leiden-History:The Wireless Leiden Foundation set up a Wi-Fi wireless network in Leiden, the Netherlands, only with the help of volunteers, with some financial support by sponsors. The network is maintained completely by volunteers....
, Leiden, Netherlands — http://www.wirelessleiden.nl/en/ and http://wiki.wirelessleiden.nl/ (Wiki in dutch)
- Movimento Wireless Português — http://wireless.com.pt/
- nazamesh.net— (merged with Unimos — http://unimos.net)
- Unimos — http://unimos.net
- MVNet Wireless wiki http://moitasvenda.net/wireless, Moitas VendaMoitas VendaMoitas Venda is a parish in the municipality of Alcanena with 6.70 kilometers m² and 854 inhabitants .-External links:* *...
, PortugalPortugalPortugal , officially the Portuguese Republic is a country situated in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal is the westernmost country of Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the West and South and by Spain to the North and East. The Atlantic archipelagos of the...
- BG Wireless, Belgrade — http://www.bgwireless.net
- NS Wireless, Novi Sad — http://www.nswireless.org
- VAWireless, Valjevo — http://www.vawireless.rs
- Uzice bez zice, wireless community, Uzice — http://wireless.uzice.net
- SuWireless, Subotica — http://www.suwireless.org
- WirelessAR, Arandjelovac — http://www.arandjelovcani.com
- Kruševac Open, Kruševac — http://www.krusevacopen.net
- Titel Mreza, Titel — http://www.titelskibreg.org
Projects have the same underlying network, people working on them overlap and are generally cooperative, but they differ in priorities, target population and (slightly) philosophy.- kiberpipa.net, Ljubljana — http://kiberpipa.net (technical and DIY approach)
- wlan ljubljanaWlan ljubljanaStarted in beginning of 2009 the wlan ljubljana open wireless network of Ljubljana aims to connect Ljubljana's public, artistic and cultural, production, educational, research and all other interested spaces and individuals into an autonomous and independent wireless network above Ljubljana, in...
, LjubljanaLjubljanaLjubljana is the capital of Slovenia and its largest city. It is the centre of the City Municipality of Ljubljana. It is located in the centre of the country in the Ljubljana Basin, and is a mid-sized city of some 270,000 inhabitants...
— http://wlan-lj.net (meshing for general population)
- RedLibreRedLibreRedLibre is a non profit project where a group of people, entities, administrations and companies interested in building a free data network to be able to provide data and share resources among other uses....
— http://www.redlibre.net/ - Guifi.netGuifi.netguifi.net is a free, open and neutral, mostly wireless telecommunications community network, with over 21.400 nodes, of which more than 14.000 are operational, about 18.400 km of wireless links. The majority of these nodes are located in Catalonia but the network is growing in other parts of the...
— http://www.guifi.net
United Kingdom
- Neoeon, Holderness & Humber, UK — http://www.neoeon.com/
- piertopier.net, Brighton, UK — http://www.piertopier.net/
- Bristol Wireless, Bristol, UK — http://www.bristolwireless.net/
- Kings Hill Wireless, Kings Hill, Kent, UK — http://www.kingshill.quickanet.com/
- QuickaNet Broadband, United Kingdom, UK — http://www.quickanet.com/
- Cambridge Matrix, Cambridge, UK — http://www.cambridgematrix.co.uk/
- Arwain.net, Cardiff, UK — http://www.arwain.net/ This link no longer relates to WLAN
- South Witham Broadband, Lincolnshire, UK — http://wireless.southwitham.net/
- Wireless wirelan, London, UK — http://www.wirelesswirelan.co.uk/ this is a dead link
- Consume the Net, London, UK — http://consume.net/
- free2air, London, UK — http://www.free2air.org/
- gmap, London, UK — http://londonist.com/2007/05/free_wifi_in_lo.php/
- Lancaster Mesh, Lancaster, UK — http://www.lancastermesh.co.uk/
- Manchester Wireless, Manchester, UK — http://www.manchesterwireless.net/
- TottonWireless.net, Totton, UK — http://tottonwireless.net/
- Boundless, DeptfordDeptfordDeptford is a district of south London, England, located on the south bank of the River Thames. It is named after a ford of the River Ravensbourne, and from the mid 16th century to the late 19th was home to Deptford Dockyard, the first of the Royal Navy Dockyards.Deptford and the docks are...
, London, UK — http://boundless.coop/ - WLAN ORG UK, original ww promoting site — http://www.wlan.org.uk/
- Airzone Broadband, Essex, UK — http://www.airzone.net/
- SOWNSouthampton Open Wireless NetworkThe Southampton Open Wireless Network is a non-profit student led community wireless network based in Southampton, UK. Funded by the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, SOWN aims to be a research and development group for wireless technology...
, Southampton, UK — http://www.sown.org.uk/ - RHBMesh North Yorkshire, UK - http://rhbmesh.net
- WiFi Foundation, London, UK - http://www.wififoundation.org/
- http://www.europeopen.net/ — List of some free wireless networks in Europe - Right now site is not active]
Sorted roughly from North to South:
- Myrtletown.net, Humboldt County, CA
- NoCatNet, Sonoma County, CA
- Free the Net SF, San Francisco, CA - using low-cost mesh repeaters by MerakiMerakiMeraki is a cloud networking company that provides hardware and software for building large scale wired and wireless networks. These networks are used by businesses, schools, and other organizations that need wireless access points, multi-site wired networks, or both. It uses a centralized...
- SFLan, San Francisco, CA
- Palo Alto Freenet, Palo Alto, CA
- SoCalFreeNet, San Diego, CA
District of Columbia
- Project Byzantium - Live distribution of Linux designed for setting up mesh nodes and hosting services for wireless mesh networks.
- Champaign-Urbana Community Wireless NetworkChampaign-Urbana Community Wireless NetworkThe Champaign-Urbana Community Wireless Network is a special project of the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center . Started in 2000 by a group of developers wishing to take advantage of under-utilized Internet links purchased for public use , it began a partnership with UCIMC in 2004, gaining...
(CUWiN), Champaign-Urbana, IL - Wireless Community Networks, Chicago, IL
- DetroitCONNECTED, Detroit, MI
- Detroit Wireless Project, Metropolitan Detroit, MI
- Hillsdale CoolCities, Hillsdale, MI
New York
- NYCwirelessNYCwirelessNYCwireless is a non-profit organization that advocates for and enables the growth of free, public wireless networks. The organization was formed in 2001, and is primarily focused in New York City and surrounding areas...
, New York City, NY - Public Internet Project, New York City, NY
- Buffalo Wireless Community Wireless Network in Buffalo, NY
- Personal TelcoPersonal TelcoThe Personal Telco Project is a wireless community network project in Portland, Oregon. It was founded by Adam Shand in November 2000 after he read a Slashdot article about the Consume The Net project in London....
, Portland, OR - NetEquality, Portland, OR - sells MerakiMerakiMeraki is a cloud networking company that provides hardware and software for building large scale wired and wireless networks. These networks are used by businesses, schools, and other organizations that need wireless access points, multi-site wired networks, or both. It uses a centralized...
- PhillyMesh, Philadelphia, PA
- Wireless Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
- Pittsburgh's Wireless Community, Pittsburgh, PA
- Austin Wireless, Austin, TX
- DFWFreeNet, Dallas, TX
- Technology-for-All Wireless, Houston, TX
- Virginia WiFi Company, statewide umbrella
- Richmond Free Wireless, Richmond, VA
British Columbia
- British Columbia Wireless Network Society, British ColumbiaBritish ColumbiaBritish Columbia is the westernmost of Canada's provinces and is known for its natural beauty, as reflected in its Latin motto, Splendor sine occasu . Its name was chosen by Queen Victoria in 1858...
, Canada — http://www.bcwireless.net
- Saskatchewan! Connected, ReginaRegina, SaskatchewanRegina is the capital city of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. The city is the second-largest in the province and a cultural and commercial centre for southern Saskatchewan. It is governed by Regina City Council. Regina is the cathedral city of the Roman Catholic and Romanian Orthodox...
, SaskatoonSaskatoonSaskatoon is a city in central Saskatchewan, Canada, on the South Saskatchewan River. Residents of the city of Saskatoon are called Saskatonians. The city is surrounded by the Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344....
, Prince AlbertPrince Albert, SaskatchewanPrince Albert is the third-largest city in Saskatchewan, Canada. It is situated in the centre of the province on the banks of the North Saskatchewan River. The city is known as the "Gateway to the North" because it is the last major centre along the route to the resources of northern Saskatchewan...
, and Moose Jaw, SaskatchewanSaskatchewanSaskatchewan is a prairie province in Canada, which has an area of . Saskatchewan is bordered on the west by Alberta, on the north by the Northwest Territories, on the east by Manitoba, and on the south by the U.S. states of Montana and North Dakota....
, CanadaCanadaCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
— http://www.ito.gov.sk.ca/wireless-internet/
- Toronto Hydro Telcom www.thtelecom.ca/ - large area in downtown Toronto effective 5 September 2006
- Wireless TorontoWireless TorontoWireless Toronto is a volunteer non-profit community wireless network in Toronto. Wireless Toronto began in 2005 and has been setting up no-cost public wireless Internet access around the Greater Toronto Area and exploring ways to use Wi-Fi technology to strengthen local community and...
— http://www.wirelesstoronto.ca - Wireless NomadWireless NomadWireless Nomad was a non-profit cooperative based in Toronto, Canada providing subscriber-owned home and business internet along with free Wi-Fi wireless Internet access the 85+ nodes, making it one of the largest free Wi-Fi networks in the country at the time...
, OntarioOntarioOntario is a province of Canada, located in east-central Canada. It is Canada's most populous province and second largest in total area. It is home to the nation's most populous city, Toronto, and the nation's capital, Ottawa....
and TorontoTorontoToronto is the provincial capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada. It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. A relatively modern city, Toronto's history dates back to the late-18th century, when its land was first purchased by the British monarchy from...
, CanadaCanadaCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
— http://wirelessnomad.com/ - Toronto Wireless Community Network — http://www.esoterraka.com/twcn/ (has ceased official operations)
- Île Sans FilÎle Sans FilÎle Sans Fil , or ISF, is a non-profit community wireless network that provides free public wireless Internet access to mobile users in public spaces throughout the island of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. They use open-source software and inexpensive off-the-shelf Wi-Fi hardware to share broadband...
, MontrealMontrealMontreal is a city in Canada. It is the largest city in the province of Quebec, the second-largest city in Canada and the seventh largest in North America...
, QuebecQuebecQuebec or is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level....
, CanadaCanadaCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
— http://www.ilesansfil.org/ - ZAP Bas-Saint-Laurent, Rimouski, QuebecQuebecQuebec or is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level....
, CanadaCanadaCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
— //http://zapbsl.org/ - ZAP Québec, QuébecQuebecQuebec or is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level....
, QuebecQuebecQuebec or is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level....
, CanadaCanadaCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
— http://www.zapquebec.org/ - ZAP SherbrookeZAP SherbrookeZAP Sherbrooke is a non-profit community wireless network which provides free wireless Internet access to mobile users in public spaces throughout the city of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. The network was built using Open-source software and inexpensive off-the-shelf Wi-Fi hardware to share...
, Sherbrooke, QuebecQuebecQuebec or is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level....
, CanadaCanadaCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
— http://www.zapsherbrooke.org/ - Centre du Québec Sans Fil, Drummondville, QuebecQuebecQuebec or is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level....
, CanadaCanadaCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
— http://centreduquebecsansfil.org/ - Montérégie Sans Fil, BrossardBrossard, QuebecBrossard is a suburban area, located on the south shore of the Saint Lawrence River, opposite the island and city of Montreal.Brossard is subdivided into many smaller sections. These sections are characterized by having street names that all begin with the same letter of the alphabet...
, QuebecQuebecQuebec or is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level....
, CanadaCanadaCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
— http://www.monteregiesansfil.org/ - Laval Sans Fil (Currently under construction), Laval, Quebec, Canada — http://lavalsansfil.org
- Ottawa-Gatineau WiFi, OttawaOttawaOttawa is the capital of Canada, the second largest city in the Province of Ontario, and the fourth largest city in the country. The city is located on the south bank of the Ottawa River in the eastern portion of Southern Ontario...
, OntarioOntarioOntario is a province of Canada, located in east-central Canada. It is Canada's most populous province and second largest in total area. It is home to the nation's most populous city, Toronto, and the nation's capital, Ottawa....
and GatineauGatineauGatineau is a city in western Quebec, Canada. It is the fourth largest city in the province. It is located on the northern banks of the Ottawa River, immediately across from Ottawa, Ontario, and together they form Canada's National Capital Region. Ottawa and Gatineau comprise a single Census...
, QuebecQuebecQuebec or is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level....
, CanadaCanadaCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
— http://www.ogwifi.ca/
New Brunswick
- Fred-eZone, Fredericton, New BrunswickNew BrunswickNew Brunswick is one of Canada's three Maritime provinces and is the only province in the federation that is constitutionally bilingual . The provincial capital is Fredericton and Saint John is the most populous city. Greater Moncton is the largest Census Metropolitan Area...
, CanadaCanadaCanada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
— http://www.fred-ezone.ca/
Nova Scotia
- Chebucto Community NetworkChebucto Community NetworkThe Chebucto Community Net is a Canadian FreeNet operating in Nova Scotia's Halifax Regional Municipality . It is registered as a non-profit society under Nova Scotia's Registry of Joint Stocks using the name Chebucto Community Net Society...
, Halifax Regional Municipality — http://www.chebuctowireless.ca/
- BuenosAiresLibre, Buenos Aires — http://www.buenosaireslibre.org
- Mendoza Wireless, Mendoza — http://www.mendozawireless.net.ar
- Proyecto Fernets, Córdoba — http://www.fernets.org.ar
- RosarioSinCables, Rosario — http://www.rosariosincables.net.ar
- LUGRo-Mesh, Rosario — http://www.lugro-mesh.org.ar
- Brasil Sem Fio, São Paulo — http://eclipse.ime.usp.br/wiki/index.php5/Brasil_Sem_Fio
- Rede Mesh Novo Hamburgo
- http://www.chilesincables.org/ The main wireless non-profit community project in Chile
- BogotaMesh, Bogotá — http://www.bogota-mesh.org
- Altred — http://www.altred.net
- MontevideoLibre, Montevideo — http://www.montevideolibre.org
SaltoLibre, Salto — http://www.saltolibre.info/ - Proyecto Aurora, Canelones — http://proyecto-aurora.blogspot.com/
- Inchalá, Tacuarembó — http://www.inchala.tacua.net/
- LuqueWireless, Luque — http://www.luquewireless.net
- WirelessPY, Asuncion — http://www.wirelesspy.org
See also
- Computer networkComputer networkA computer network, often simply referred to as a network, is a collection of hardware components and computers interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information....
- Metropolitan area networkMetropolitan area networkA metropolitan area network is a computer network that usually spans a city or a large campus. A MAN usually interconnects a number of local area networks using a high-capacity backbone technology, such as fiber-optical links, and provides up-link services to wide area networks and the...
- Wireless community networkWireless community networkWireless community networks or wireless community projects are the organizations that attempt to take a grassroots approach to providing a viable alternative to municipal wireless networks for consumers....
- Wireless mesh networkWireless mesh networkA wireless mesh network is a communications network made up of radio nodes organized in a mesh topology. Wireless mesh networks often consist of mesh clients, mesh routers and gateways.The mesh clients are often laptops, cell phones and other wireless devices while the mesh routers forward traffic...
- Wireless user groupWireless user groupA Wireless User Group is a Wireless community network run by enthusiasts. Most run off the shelf Wi-Fi hardware communicating in the license free ISM bands 2.4 GHz/5.8 GHz. Some do not provide Internet access, but are mainly used to participate in Internet games while avoiding data charges from...
External links
- Free Global Wireless Community Newswire
- OpenSpark, OpenWRT based wireless community network.
- Free WiFi in New York City: A growing list
- Cambridge Matrix, Open Standards mesh for community wireless services.
- FreeNetworks.org, umbrella organization
- RedLibre, a FreeNetworks like project in Spain
- Personal TelcoPersonal TelcoThe Personal Telco Project is a wireless community network project in Portland, Oregon. It was founded by Adam Shand in November 2000 after he read a Slashdot article about the Consume The Net project in London....
's list of Wireless Communities at personaltelco.net - Wireless Community Blog