List of townlands in County Down
In Ireland
are divided into Civil Parish
es and Parishes are further divided into townland
s. The following is a list of townlands in County Down
, Northern Ireland
, Ardigon, Ardilea, Ardkeen, Ardkeeragh, Ardmeen, Ardminnan, Ardquin, Ardtanagh, Ardtole, Attical
, Audley's Acre, Audleystown, Aughintober, Aughnacaven, Aughnacloy
, Aughnadarragh, Aughnadrumman, Aughnafosker, Aughnagon, Aughnahoory, Aughnaloopy, Aughnaskeagh, Aughnavallog, Aughrim
, Balloo Lower, Ballooly, Balloolymore, Balloonigan
, Ballybarnes, Ballybeen
, Ballybeg, Ballyblack
, Ballyblack Little, Ballyblaugh, Ballyboghilbo, Ballyboley, Ballybranigan, Ballybrannagh Lower, Ballybrannagh Upper, Ballybredagh, Ballybrick, Ballybryan, Ballybunden and Kilmood, Ballybuttle, Ballycam, Ballycanal, Ballycarn, Ballycarngannon, Ballycastle, Ballyclander Lower, Ballyclander Upper, Ballycloghan, Ballycopeland, Ballycoshone Lower, Ballycoshone Upper, Ballycowan, Ballycran Beg, Ballycran More, Ballycreelly, Ballycreen, Ballycroghan, Ballycross, Ballycrune, Ballycruttle, Ballycullen, Ballyculter Lower, Ballyculter Upper, Ballycultra, Ballydargan
, Ballydavey, Ballydesland, Ballydollaghan, Ballydonety, Ballydonnell, Ballydoo, Ballydoonan, Ballydorn, Ballydown, Ballydrain, Ballydrumman, Ballydugan, Ballydulany, Ballydyan, Ballyedmond (townland), Ballyedmond Upper, Ballyedock Lower, Ballyedock Upper, Ballyedock or Carrstown, Ballyesborough, Ballyewry
, Ballygraffan, Ballygrainey, Ballygrangee, Ballygrot, Ballygunaghan, Ballyhackamore, Ballyhafry, Ballyhaft, Ballyhalbert
, Ballyhanwood, Ballyharry
, Ballyhaskin, Ballyhay
, Ballyhemlin, Ballyhenny, Ballyhenry
, Ballyhenry Island, Ballyhenry Major, Ballyhenry Minor, Ballyherly, Ballyholland Lower, Ballyholland Upper, Ballyholme, Ballyhomra, Ballyhornan
, Ballyhosset, Ballyhosset Milltown, Ballykeel, Ballykeel Artifinny, Ballykeel Edenagonnell, Ballykeel Lougherne, Ballykelly, Ballykilbeg, Ballykillare, Ballykine, Ballykine Lower, Ballykine Upper, Ballykinler Lower, Ballykinler Middle, Ballykinler Upper, Ballyknock, Ballyknockan, Ballyleidy, Ballylenagh, Ballylenaghan, Ballyleny, Ballylesson
, Ballylig, Ballylimp, Ballylintagh, Ballylisbredan, Ballylone Big, Ballylone Little, Ballylough, Ballyloughan, Ballyloughlin, Ballylucas
, Ballymacaratty Beg, Ballymacaratty More, Ballymacarn North, Ballymacarn South, Ballymacarron, Ballymacashen, Ballymacateer, Ballymacbredan, Ballymacbrennan, Ballimachoris, Ballymackilreiny, Ballymacmaine
, Ballymacnamee, Ballymaconaghy, Ballymaconnell, Ballymacormick, Ballymacreelly, Ballymacromwell, Ballymacruise, Ballymadeerfy, Ballymaganlis, Ballymagaraghan, Ballymagart, Ballymagaughey, Ballymagee, Ballymageogh, Ballymaghan, Ballymaghery, Ballymagin, Ballymaginaghy, Ballymaglaff, Ballymaglave North, Ballymaglave South, Ballymagreehan, Ballymakeonan, Ballymalady, Ballymarter, Ballymartin
, Ballymenagh, Ballyminetragh, Ballyministragh, Ballyminnish, Ballymiscaw, Ballymisert, Ballymoney, Ballymorran, Ballymote Lower, Ballymote Middle, Ballymote Upper, Ballymullan, Ballymurphy, Ballymurry, Ballynabragget, Ballynacraig, Ballynadrone, Ballynafern, Ballynafoy, Ballynagallagh, Ballynagappoge, Ballynagarrick
, Ballynagross, Ballynagross Lower, Ballynagross Upper, Ballynahatten, Ballynahatty
, Ballynahinch, Ballynamagna, Ballynanny, Ballynaris, Ballynaskeagh, Ballynavally, Ballyneddan, Ballyneddan Upper, Ballynester, Ballynewport, Ballynichol, Ballynoe
, Ballyskeagh High, Ballyskeagh Lower, Ballyspurge, Ballystockart, Ballystokes, Ballystrew, Ballysugagh, Ballytrim, Ballytrustan, Ballyurnanellan, Ballyvally, Ballyvange, Ballyvarley, Ballyvarnet, Ballyvaston, Ballyveagh Beg, Ballyveagh Beg Upper, Ballyveagh More, Ballyveagh More Upper, Ballyvester, Ballyvicknacally, Ballyviggis, Ballywaddan, Ballywallon, Ballywalter
, Ballyward, Ballywarren, Ballywatticock, Ballyweely, Ballywhiskin, Ballywhite, Ballywhollart, Ballywierd, Ballywilliam, Ballywillin, Ballywillwill, Ballywoodan, Ballyworfy
, Bessy's Island, Big Gull Rock, Bird Island, Bishops Court, Black Abbey
, Black Island, Black Islands, Black Rock, Blaris, Bleary, Bonecastle, Bootown, Boretree Island East, Boretree Island West, Boretree Rock North, Bottier, Bovennett, Brackenagh East, Brackenagh East Upper, Brackenagh West, Brackenagh West Upper, Bradock Island, Braniel
, Breda, Bresagh, Brickland, Bright, Broaghclogh or Murvaclogher, Broom Quarter, Burial Island, Burren
, Burrenbane, Burrenreagh, Bush Island, Buskhill
, Cabragh, Cahard, Calf Island, Cappagh, Carcullion, Cardy, Cargabane, Cargacreevy, Cargacroy, Cargagh, Cargygray, Carmeen, Carnacally, Carnacavill, Carnalbanagh West, Carnamuck, Carnany, Carnasure, Carnbane, Carnew, Carney Hill, Carnreagh, Carrickcrossan, Carrickdrumman, Carrickinab, Carrickmacstay, Carrickmaddyroe, Carrickmannan, Carricknadarriff, Carricknaveagh, Carrickrovaddy, Carrigenagh Upper, Carrigullian, Carrintaggart, Carr, Carrogs, Carrowbaghran, Carrowbane, Carrowcarlin, Carrowdressex, Carrownacaw, Carrowreagh, Carrowvanny, Carrstown or Ballyedock, Carryduff
, Carryreagh, Carsonstown, Caskum, Castleaverry, Castlebeg, Castleboy, Castle Espie, Castle Island, Castlemahon, Castlenavan, Castlereagh, Castleskreen, Castlevennon, Castleward, Castlewellan
, Cattogs, Cavan, Chanderies Islands, Chapel Island, Cherryvalley, Church Ballee, Church Quarter, Churn Rock, Clanmagher & Commons, Clanmaghery, Claragh, Clare, Clarkill, Clay, Cleomack, Clogher, Cloghram, Cloghskelt, Cloghy
, Clonachullion, Clonallan Glebe, Clonta Fleece, Clontaghnaglar, Clontanagullion, Clontonakelly, Clonvaraghan, Clough
, Cluntagh, Cock Mountain, Commonreagh, Commons, Commons of Clanmaghery, Conlig
, Conly Island, Cookstown, Coolnacran, Coolsallagh, Coney Island, Coniamstown, Coose, Copeland Island
, Corbally, Corbet
, Corcreaghan, Corcreeny, Corgary, Cornreany, Corporation, Corrog, Cotton, Craigaroddan, Craigarusky, Craigavad, Craigaveagh Rock, Craigboy, Craignasasonagh, Craigogantlet, Cranfield, Creeghduff, Creevy, Creevyargon, Creevybeg, Creevycarnonan, Creevyloughgare, Creevytenant, Cregagh
Croan, Crolly's Quarter, Cronstown, Cross, Crossan, Crossgar
, Cross Island
, Crossnacreevy, Crossnamuckley, Culcavy, Cullintraw, Cullion, Cumber, Cumran, Cunningburn
, Derryoge, Dillin, Dodd's Island, Donaghcloney
, Donaghaguy, Dooey, Dooghary, Dooglen, Dree, Drennan
, Drin, Dromara
, Dromore
, Dromorebrague, Drumaconnell East, Drumadoney, Drumadonnell, Drumahoe, Drumaghadone, Drumaghlis, Drumaknockan, Drumalig, Drumanaghan or Drumulcaw, Drumanakelly, Drumanaquoile, Drumaness
, Drumantine, Drumaran, Drumardan, Drumardan Quarter, Drumaroad, Drumatihugh, Drumawhy, Drumbane, Drumbeg
, Drumbo
, Drumbonniff, Drumbroneth, Drumcaw, Drumcro, Drumcro and Drumo, Drumdreenagh, Drumee, Drumena, Drumfad, Drumgath, Drumgavlin, Drumgiven, Drumgooland, Drumgreenagh, Drumhirk, Drumhorc, Drumindoney, Drumkeeragh, Drumlee, Drumlin, Drumlough
, Drummanlane, Drummanmore, Drummiller, Drummond Island, Drumnabreeze, Drumnaconagher, Drumnaferry, Drumnagally, Drumnahare, Drumnascamph, Drumnavaddy, Drumneth, Drumo and Drumcro, Drumra, Drumreagh, Drumreagh Upper, Drumsallagh, Drumsesk, Drumskee, Drumsnade, Drumulcaw or Drumanaghan, Duck Rock, Dunbeg Lower, Dundrine, Dundrinne, Dundrum
, Duneight, Dunevly, Dunlady, Dunmore, Dunnaman, Dunnanelly, Dunnanew, Dunnaval
, Dunnyneill Islands, Dunover, Dunsfort, Dunsy Island, Dunturk
, Grange, Grangee, Grangewalls, Grangicam, Gransha, Great Minnis's Island, Greenan, Greencastle
, Greengraves, Green Island, Greenisland Rock, Greenoge, Gregorlough, Grey Abbey
, Groomsport
, Growell, Guineways, Gull Rock, Guiness, Guns Island
, Hillsborough
, Hogstown, Hollymount, Holywood
, Horse Island
, Kilkinamurry, Killaghy, Killaney, Killard Lower, Killarn, Killavees, Killeen, Killinakin, Killinchy, Killinchy in the Woods, Killinure
, Killough
, Killowen Mountains, Killydressy, Killynether, Killysavan, Killysorrell, Killyvolgan, Kilmacrew, Kilminioge, Kilmood and Ballybunden, Kilmore, Kilnatierny, Kilpike, Kiltarriff, Kinallen
, Kinghill, Kircassock, Kircubbin
, Kirkistown, Kirkland and Toy, Knock
, Knockbarragh, Knockbreckan, Knockgorm, Knockinelder, Knocknagoney, Knocknagore, Knocknanarny, Knocksticken
, Legamaddy, Legananny
, Leggygowan, Legmore, Leitrim
, Leitrim Upper, Lenaderg
, Lenish, Leode, Lessans, Letalian, Levallyclanone, Levallyreagh, Leveroge, Light House Island, Linden's Lump, Lisadian, Lisbane, Lisbarnet, Lisboy, Lisdalgan, Lisdoonan, Lisinaw, Lisleen, Lismaine, Lismore, Lisnabrague, Lisnabreeny Lisnacree, Lisnacreevy, Lisnacroppan, Lisnafiffy, Lisnagade, Lisnagonnell, Lisnamaul, Lisnamore, Lisnamulligan, Lisnaree, Lisnasallagh, Lisnashanker, Lisnasharragh, Lisnasliggan, Lisnastrean, Lisnasure, Lisnatierny, Lisnatrunk, Lisnavaghrog, Lisnaward, Lisnisk, Lisnode, Lisnoe, Lisoid, Lisowen, Lissara, Lissize, Listooder, Listullycurran, Little Minnis's Island, Long Island, Longlands, Loughadian, Loughans, Loughdoo, Loughkeelan, Loughmoney, Loughriscouse, Lurgananare, Lurganbane, Lurgancahone, Lurgancanty, Lurganconray, Lurganreagh, Lurgantamry, Lurganville
, Lythe Rock
, Magheracranmoney, Magheradartin, Magheradrool, Magherageery, Magherahinch, Magheraknock, Magheralagan, Magherally, Magheralone, Magheramayo, Magheramurphy, Magherana, Magherasaul, Magherascouse, Magheratimpany, Maghereagh, Maghery, Mahee Island, Marlfield, Marl Island, Marshallstown, Mayo, Maze
, Mealough, Meenan, Mew Island, Midge, Milecross, Miller Hill, Milltown Minnis's Island & Little, Moneycarragh, Moneydorragh Beg, Moneydorragh More Upper, Moneygore, Moneylane, Moneymore, Moneynabane, Moneyreagh
, Moneyscalp, Moneyslane
, Monlough, Monree, Mount Alexander, Mount Stewart
, Mourne Mountains East, Mourne Mountains Middle, Mourne Mountains West, Mourne Park or Ballyrogan, Moyad, Moyallen, Moybrick Lower, Moybrick Upper, Moydalgan, Moygannon, Moymore, Mullabrack, Mullafernaghan, Mullagh, Mullaghdrin, Mullaghmore, Mullartown, Multihogy, Murlough Lower, Murlough Upper, Murvaclogher or Broaghclogh
, Narrow Water, Near Craiglee Rock, Newcastle
, Newtown, Newtown Upper, Nunsquarter
, Portloughan, Pound Island, Priest Town
, Reagh Island, Reillys Trench, Ringawaddy, Ringbane, Ringcreevy, Ringdufferin, Ringfad, Ringhaddy
, Ringmackilroy, Ringneill, Ringolish, Ringreagh, Risk, Roddans, Roe Island, Rolly Island, Rosemount, Ross, Rossconor, Rossglass, Rosstrevor, Rosstrevor Mountains, Round Island, Rough Island, Rowreagh, Russell's Quarter, Russell's Quarter South
Saul Quarter, Scady Rocks, Scarva
, Scrabo, Scrib, Seafin, Seaforde Demesne, Seavaghan, Shamrock Island, Shankill, Shanrod, Shark Island, Sheelah's Island, Sheepland Beg, Shones, Shooters Island, Simmy Island, Skeagh, Sketrick Island, Skillyscolban, Slanes, Slatady, Slievenaboley, Slievenagriddle, Slievenalargy, Slievenisky, Sloanstown, Small Park, South Island, South Sheelah's Island, Spittle Ballee, Spittle Quarter, Springvale, Stang, Stinking Rock, Stirk Isle, Strand, Strangford Lower, Struell, Swan Island, Swan Rock
, Tieveshilly, Tirfergus, Tirkelly, Tirygory, Tobercorran, Tobermoney, Tollumgrange Lower, Tollymore, Tollymore Park, Tonaghmore, Town Parks, Town Parks of Donaghadee, Toy and Kirkland, Trasnagh Island, Trooperfield, Tullindoney, Tullinespick, Tullinisky, Tullintanvally, Tullyboard, Tullycarn, Tullycarnet, Tullyconnaught, Tullycross, Tullyear, Tullygarvan, Tullyherron, Tullyhubbert, Tullyloob, Tullymally, Tullynacrew, Tullynagardy, Tullynakill, Tullyorier, Tullytramon, Tullywasnacunagh, Tyrella North
Ireland is an island to the northwest of continental Europe. It is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island on Earth...
A county is a jurisdiction of local government in certain modern nations. Historically in mainland Europe, the original French term, comté, and its equivalents in other languages denoted a jurisdiction under the sovereignty of a count A county is a jurisdiction of local government in certain...
are divided into Civil Parish
A parish is a territorial unit historically under the pastoral care and clerical jurisdiction of one parish priest, who might be assisted in his pastoral duties by a curate or curates - also priests but not the parish priest - from a more or less central parish church with its associated organization...
es and Parishes are further divided into townland
A townland or bally is a small geographical division of land used in Ireland. The townland system is of Gaelic origin—most townlands are believed to pre-date the Norman invasion and most have names derived from the Irish language...
s. The following is a list of townlands in County Down
County Down
-Cities:*Belfast *Newry -Large towns:*Dundonald*Newtownards*Bangor-Medium towns:...
, Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom. Situated in the north-east of the island of Ireland, it shares a border with the Republic of Ireland to the south and west...
Acre McCricket, Aghacullion, Aghandunvarran, Aghavilly, Aghlisnafin, Aghnaleck, Aghnamoira, Aghnatrisk, Aghyoghill, Angus Rock, Annacloy, Annadorn, Annaghanoon, Annaghbane, Annaghmakeonan, Annahunshigo, Ardaghy, Ardarragh, Ardbrin, Ardgeehan, ArdglassArdglass
Ardglass is a coastal village in County Down, Northern Ireland and still a relatively important fishing harbour. It is situated on the B1 Ardglass to Downpatrick road, about 11 kilometres to the south east of Downpatrick, in the Lecale peninsula on the Irish Sea. It had a population of 1,668...
, Ardigon, Ardilea, Ardkeen, Ardkeeragh, Ardmeen, Ardminnan, Ardquin, Ardtanagh, Ardtole, Attical
Attical or Atticall is a small village and townland in the Mourne Mountains of County Down, Northern Ireland. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 153 people. It lies within the Newry and Mourne District Council area....
, Audley's Acre, Audleystown, Aughintober, Aughnacaven, Aughnacloy
Aughnacloy, County Down
Aughnacloy is the name of a townland in County Down, Northern Ireland....
, Aughnadarragh, Aughnadrumman, Aughnafosker, Aughnagon, Aughnahoory, Aughnaloopy, Aughnaskeagh, Aughnavallog, Aughrim
Backaderry - Balloonigan
Backaderry, Backnamullagh, Ballaghanery, Ballaghanery Upper, Ballaghbeg, Balleevy, Balleny, County Down, Balliggan, Ballinarry, Ballincurry, Ballincurry Upper, Ballindoalty, Ballindoalty Upper, Ballinlare, Ballinran, Ballinran Upper, Ballintaggart, Ballintine, Ballintlieve, Ballintogher, Ballintur, Ballintur Upper, BallooBalloo, County Down
Balloo is a small village and townland near Killinchy in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is 5 miles south of Comber on the A22 road to Downpatrick. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 159 people...
, Balloo Lower, Ballooly, Balloolymore, Balloonigan
Ballyadam - Ballyewry
Ballyadam, Ballyagherty, Ballyaghlis, Ballyagholy, Ballyalgan, Ballyalicock, Ballyalloly, Ballyaltikilligan, Ballyalton (Newtownards South), Ballyalton (Raholp), Ballyardel, Ballyatwood, Ballyaughian, BallybannanBallybannan
Ballybannon is a townland on the outskirts of the village of Annsborough close to the town of Castlewellan, County Down, Northern Ireland. The area contains some of the most majestic views of the Mourne Mountains. The townland covers the road, Ballybannon and some houses on the adjoining Wateresk...
, Ballybarnes, Ballybeen
Ballybeen , also known as Ballybeen Housing Estate, is the second largest housing estate in Northern Ireland. It is within the townland of Ballybeen and Carrowreagh all inside the town of Dundonald on the outskirts of east Belfast — between the Newtownards Road and Comber Road. Started in 1963, and...
, Ballybeg, Ballyblack
Ballyblack is an area of rural townland in the Ards Peninsula, approximately 6 miles South East from Newtownards. The area falls into greenbelt. The presence of drumlins gives the landscape a bumpy texture with hills often compared to the curves of a basket of eggs. The drumlins also make this an...
, Ballyblack Little, Ballyblaugh, Ballyboghilbo, Ballyboley, Ballybranigan, Ballybrannagh Lower, Ballybrannagh Upper, Ballybredagh, Ballybrick, Ballybryan, Ballybunden and Kilmood, Ballybuttle, Ballycam, Ballycanal, Ballycarn, Ballycarngannon, Ballycastle, Ballyclander Lower, Ballyclander Upper, Ballycloghan, Ballycopeland, Ballycoshone Lower, Ballycoshone Upper, Ballycowan, Ballycran Beg, Ballycran More, Ballycreelly, Ballycreen, Ballycroghan, Ballycross, Ballycrune, Ballycruttle, Ballycullen, Ballyculter Lower, Ballyculter Upper, Ballycultra, Ballydargan
Ballydargan is a townland five miles south of Downpatrick, County Down, Northern Ireland. Ballydargan is in the parish of Bright.-External links:*...
, Ballydavey, Ballydesland, Ballydollaghan, Ballydonety, Ballydonnell, Ballydoo, Ballydoonan, Ballydorn, Ballydown, Ballydrain, Ballydrumman, Ballydugan, Ballydulany, Ballydyan, Ballyedmond (townland), Ballyedmond Upper, Ballyedock Lower, Ballyedock Upper, Ballyedock or Carrstown, Ballyesborough, Ballyewry
Ballyferis - Ballylucas
Ballyferis, Ballyfinragh, Ballyfotherly, Ballyfounder, Ballyfrench, Ballyfrenis, Ballygalget, Ballygallum, Ballygally, Ballygarvan, Ballygarvigan, Ballygeegan, Ballygelagh, Ballygilbert, Ballyginny, Ballyglighorn, Ballygorian Beg, Ballygorian More, Ballygoskin, BallygowanBallygowan
Ballygowan is a village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is within the Borough of Ards. The town of Comber is a short distance to the north-east, the town of Saintfield to the south, and the city of Belfast a further distance to the north-west. It had a population of 2,671 people...
, Ballygraffan, Ballygrainey, Ballygrangee, Ballygrot, Ballygunaghan, Ballyhackamore, Ballyhafry, Ballyhaft, Ballyhalbert
Ballyhalbert is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is on the east coast of the Ards Peninsula between Ballywalter and Portavogie. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 447 people...
, Ballyhanwood, Ballyharry
Ballyharry is an area of archaeological sites on Islandmagee, in County Antrim, Northern Ireland, where a number of well preserved Neolithic house sites have been investigated.-1996 and 2003 Investigations:...
, Ballyhaskin, Ballyhay
Ballyhay is a townland near Donaghadee in County Down, Northern Ireland.Ballyhay is a rural farming community with much land used for arable and pasture farming...
, Ballyhemlin, Ballyhenny, Ballyhenry
Ballyhenry may refer to* A place in Newtownabbey in Northern Ireland* Ballyhenry, County Tipperary in Ireland...
, Ballyhenry Island, Ballyhenry Major, Ballyhenry Minor, Ballyherly, Ballyholland Lower, Ballyholland Upper, Ballyholme, Ballyhomra, Ballyhornan
Ballyhornan is a village and townland in eastern County Down, Northern Ireland, located along the coast of the Irish Sea. It is located less than 10 miles from Downpatrick, County Down, and it is near the site of the former RAF Bishopscourt installation...
, Ballyhosset, Ballyhosset Milltown, Ballykeel, Ballykeel Artifinny, Ballykeel Edenagonnell, Ballykeel Lougherne, Ballykelly, Ballykilbeg, Ballykillare, Ballykine, Ballykine Lower, Ballykine Upper, Ballykinler Lower, Ballykinler Middle, Ballykinler Upper, Ballyknock, Ballyknockan, Ballyleidy, Ballylenagh, Ballylenaghan, Ballyleny, Ballylesson
Ballylesson is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 108 people. The village lies within the Lagan Valley Regional Park and the Lisburn City Council area.- Places of interest :...
, Ballylig, Ballylimp, Ballylintagh, Ballylisbredan, Ballylone Big, Ballylone Little, Ballylough, Ballyloughan, Ballyloughlin, Ballylucas
Ballymacanallen - Ballynoe
Ballymacanallen, Ballymacanally, Ballymacaramery, BallymacarrettBallymacarrett
Ballymacarrett or Ballymacarret is the name of both a townland and electoral ward in Belfast. The townland is in County Down and the electoral ward is part of the Pottinger district electoral area of Belfast City Council....
, Ballymacaratty Beg, Ballymacaratty More, Ballymacarn North, Ballymacarn South, Ballymacarron, Ballymacashen, Ballymacateer, Ballymacbredan, Ballymacbrennan, Ballimachoris, Ballymackilreiny, Ballymacmaine
Ballymacmaine is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. it is between Dollingstown and Magheralin, on the A3 route from Lurgan to Moira. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 57 people...
, Ballymacnamee, Ballymaconaghy, Ballymaconnell, Ballymacormick, Ballymacreelly, Ballymacromwell, Ballymacruise, Ballymadeerfy, Ballymaganlis, Ballymagaraghan, Ballymagart, Ballymagaughey, Ballymagee, Ballymageogh, Ballymaghan, Ballymaghery, Ballymagin, Ballymaginaghy, Ballymaglaff, Ballymaglave North, Ballymaglave South, Ballymagreehan, Ballymakeonan, Ballymalady, Ballymarter, Ballymartin
Ballymartin is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 414 people. It lies within the Newry and Mourne District Council area.Ballymartin is also a townsland in Borris Parish, County Carlow....
, Ballymenagh, Ballyminetragh, Ballyministragh, Ballyminnish, Ballymiscaw, Ballymisert, Ballymoney, Ballymorran, Ballymote Lower, Ballymote Middle, Ballymote Upper, Ballymullan, Ballymurphy, Ballymurry, Ballynabragget, Ballynacraig, Ballynadrone, Ballynafern, Ballynafoy, Ballynagallagh, Ballynagappoge, Ballynagarrick
Ballynagarrick is a townland situated outside Gilford, County Down, Northern Ireland. The literal translation of the name means town of the rocks, and indeed in bygone days two quarries were situated on the small townland.2...
, Ballynagross, Ballynagross Lower, Ballynagross Upper, Ballynahatten, Ballynahatty
Ballynahatty, County Down
Ballynahatty is small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It lies on the southern edge of Belfast. It contains the Giants Ring, a henge monument, consisting of a circular enclosure, 200m in diameter, surrounded with a 4m high earthwork bank with five entrances, and a small...
, Ballynahinch, Ballynamagna, Ballynanny, Ballynaris, Ballynaskeagh, Ballynavally, Ballyneddan, Ballyneddan Upper, Ballynester, Ballynewport, Ballynichol, Ballynoe
Ballynoe is a small settlement and townland south of Downpatrick in County Down, Northern Ireland. The main feature of note is Ballynoe Stone Circle, a large circle of over 50 closely spaced upright stones, surrounding a mound which, when excavated, was found to contain two cists in which cremated...
Ballyobegan - Ballyworfy
Ballyobegan, Ballyoran, Ballyorgan, Ballyphilip, Ballyplunt, Ballyquintin, Ballyrainey, Ballyrawer, Ballyreagh, Ballyree, Ballyregan, Ballyrenan, Ballyrickard, Ballyridley, Ballyrobert, Ballyrogan, Ballyrogan or Mourne, Ballyrolly, Ballyroney, Ballyrush, Ballyrushboy, Ballyrusley, Ballyrussell, Ballysallagh, Ballysallagh Major, Ballysallagh Minor, Ballysheil, BallyskeaghBallyskeagh
Ballyskeagh is a small village and townland near Lambeg in County Down, Northern Ireland. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 186 people. It lies within the Lagan Valley Regional Park and the Lisburn City Council area.- Places of interest :...
, Ballyskeagh High, Ballyskeagh Lower, Ballyspurge, Ballystockart, Ballystokes, Ballystrew, Ballysugagh, Ballytrim, Ballytrustan, Ballyurnanellan, Ballyvally, Ballyvange, Ballyvarley, Ballyvarnet, Ballyvaston, Ballyveagh Beg, Ballyveagh Beg Upper, Ballyveagh More, Ballyveagh More Upper, Ballyvester, Ballyvicknacally, Ballyviggis, Ballywaddan, Ballywallon, Ballywalter
Ballywalter is a village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is on the east coast of the Ards Peninsula between Donaghadee and Ballyhalbert...
, Ballyward, Ballywarren, Ballywatticock, Ballyweely, Ballywhiskin, Ballywhite, Ballywhollart, Ballywierd, Ballywilliam, Ballywillin, Ballywillwill, Ballywoodan, Ballyworfy
Bangor Bog - Buskhill
Bangor Bog, Banoge, Barnamaghery, Barnboy, Barnmeen, Bavan, Beardy Rocks, Begny, Benagh, Benagh Lower, Benagh Upper, BenrawBenraw
Benraw is a townland two miles north of Leitrim, County Down, Northern Ireland and six miles from Castlewellan. It is set in the middle of the Dromara Hills and Slieve Croob. It has an average population of 50 people. It contains two roads: the Whitehill Road and the Benraw Road. It is in the...
, Bessy's Island, Big Gull Rock, Bird Island, Bishops Court, Black Abbey
Black Abbey
The Black Abbey of Kilkenny, Ireland, is a Catholic priory of the Dominican Order, dedicated to the Holy and Undivided Trinity. Black Abbey was established in 1225 as one of the first houses of the Dominican Order in Ireland....
, Black Island, Black Islands, Black Rock, Blaris, Bleary, Bonecastle, Bootown, Boretree Island East, Boretree Island West, Boretree Rock North, Bottier, Bovennett, Brackenagh East, Brackenagh East Upper, Brackenagh West, Brackenagh West Upper, Bradock Island, Braniel
Braniel, is a large housing estate in East Belfast, Northern Ireland. Two small estates, Roddens and Glenview are located in the area, and are often referred to the Braniel. It is a predominantly Protestant area, with the majority of residents being loyalist or unionist...
, Breda, Bresagh, Brickland, Bright, Broaghclogh or Murvaclogher, Broom Quarter, Burial Island, Burren
Burren, County Down
Burren is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is near Newry and Warrenpoint.- Places of interest :Burren Heritage Centre is a converted national school at the foot of the Mourne Mountains, telling the story of the area....
, Burrenbane, Burrenreagh, Bush Island, Buskhill
CabraCabra, County Down
Cabra is a village in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is in the parish of Clonduff and is situated approximately two miles from Hilltown and Rathfriland. Cabra is a small settlement with approximately 200 occupants. It has two churchs and one primary school....
, Cabragh, Cahard, Calf Island, Cappagh, Carcullion, Cardy, Cargabane, Cargacreevy, Cargacroy, Cargagh, Cargygray, Carmeen, Carnacally, Carnacavill, Carnalbanagh West, Carnamuck, Carnany, Carnasure, Carnbane, Carnew, Carney Hill, Carnreagh, Carrickcrossan, Carrickdrumman, Carrickinab, Carrickmacstay, Carrickmaddyroe, Carrickmannan, Carricknadarriff, Carricknaveagh, Carrickrovaddy, Carrigenagh Upper, Carrigullian, Carrintaggart, Carr, Carrogs, Carrowbaghran, Carrowbane, Carrowcarlin, Carrowdressex, Carrownacaw, Carrowreagh, Carrowvanny, Carrstown or Ballyedock, Carryduff
Carryduff is a small town and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland, about south of Belfast city centre. It had a population of 6,595 people in the 2001 Census....
, Carryreagh, Carsonstown, Caskum, Castleaverry, Castlebeg, Castleboy, Castle Espie, Castle Island, Castlemahon, Castlenavan, Castlereagh, Castleskreen, Castlevennon, Castleward, Castlewellan
Castlewellan is a village in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is beside Castlewellan Lake and Slievenaslat mountain, southwest of Downpatrick. It lies between the Mourne Mountains and Slieve Croob. It had a population of 2,392 people in the 2001 Census....
, Cattogs, Cavan, Chanderies Islands, Chapel Island, Cherryvalley, Church Ballee, Church Quarter, Churn Rock, Clanmagher & Commons, Clanmaghery, Claragh, Clare, Clarkill, Clay, Cleomack, Clogher, Cloghram, Cloghskelt, Cloghy
Cloghy or Cloughy is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland, on the east coast of the Ards Peninsula. It had a population of 752 people in the 2001 Census. It lies within the Borough of Ards.-Places of interest:...
, Clonachullion, Clonallan Glebe, Clonta Fleece, Clontaghnaglar, Clontanagullion, Clontonakelly, Clonvaraghan, Clough
Clough is a village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It sits about 3 miles from Dundrum on the A2 road between Newcastle and Belfast. It had a population of 255 people in the 2001 Census...
, Cluntagh, Cock Mountain, Commonreagh, Commons, Commons of Clanmaghery, Conlig
Conlig is a village and townland about halfway between Bangor and Newtownards in County Down, Northern Ireland.-Mining:The area includes extant ancient copper mines. Weapons forged with the copper from this mine have been found across Europe, and was traded for tin from Cornwall during the Bronze...
, Conly Island, Cookstown, Coolnacran, Coolsallagh, Coney Island, Coniamstown, Coose, Copeland Island
Copeland Islands
The Copeland Islands is a group of three islands in the north Irish Sea, north of Donaghadee, County Down, Northern Ireland consisting of Lighthouse, Mew and Copeland Island.-Area of Special Scientific Interest :...
, Corbally, Corbet
Corbet is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland, near Banbridge. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 95 people. It lies within the Banbridge District....
, Corcreaghan, Corcreeny, Corgary, Cornreany, Corporation, Corrog, Cotton, Craigaroddan, Craigarusky, Craigavad, Craigaveagh Rock, Craigboy, Craignasasonagh, Craigogantlet, Cranfield, Creeghduff, Creevy, Creevyargon, Creevybeg, Creevycarnonan, Creevyloughgare, Creevytenant, Cregagh
Cregagh is an area southeast of Belfast in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is the name of a townland and has been adopted as the name of an electoral ward of the Borough of Castlereagh. The area is centred on the Cregagh Road. The Woodstock/Cregagh Road is a continuous arterial route in the...
Croan, Crolly's Quarter, Cronstown, Cross, Crossan, Crossgar
Crossgar is a village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is about 15 miles south of Belfast – between Saintfield and Downpatrick. Crossgar had a population of 1,539 people in the 2001 Census.- History :...
, Cross Island
Cross Island
Cross Island is an uninhabited island located in Mumbai harbour, India, between the coast at Dockyard Road, and Elephanta Island. The island is host to an oil refinery and several large gas holders....
, Crossnacreevy, Crossnamuckley, Culcavy, Cullintraw, Cullion, Cumber, Cumran, Cunningburn
Darragh Island, Dead Mans Island, Deehommed, Demesne, Demesne of Down, Derry, Derryboy, Derrycraw, Derrydrummuck, Derrydrummult, Derrylough, DerryneillDerryneill
Derryneill is a small townland near to Leitrim, County Down, Northern Ireland and Ballyward. Derryneill is mainly made up of small rocky drumlins....
, Derryoge, Dillin, Dodd's Island, Donaghcloney
Donaghcloney or Donacloney is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It lies on the River Lagan between Lurgan, Dromore and Banbridge. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 972.-Linen industry:...
, Donaghaguy, Dooey, Dooghary, Dooglen, Dree, Drennan
Drennan is a surname of Irish origin and is derived from the Gaelic Ó Draighnáin....
, Drin, Dromara
Dromara is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It lies to the southwest of Ballynahinch on the northern slopes of Slieve Croob, with the River Lagan flowing through it. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 597 people....
, Dromore
Dromore, County Down
Dromore is a small market town in the Banbridge District of County Down, Northern Ireland. It is south-west of Belfast, on the A1 Belfast – Dublin road. The 2001 Census recorded a population of 4,968 people....
, Dromorebrague, Drumaconnell East, Drumadoney, Drumadonnell, Drumahoe, Drumaghadone, Drumaghlis, Drumaknockan, Drumalig, Drumanaghan or Drumulcaw, Drumanakelly, Drumanaquoile, Drumaness
Drumaness is a village and townland in the Down District Council area of County Down, Northern Ireland. It is 5 kilometres south of Ballynahinch, beside the main A24 Belfast to Newcastle road. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 1,280 people.- Demography :The population of Drumaness on...
, Drumantine, Drumaran, Drumardan, Drumardan Quarter, Drumaroad, Drumatihugh, Drumawhy, Drumbane, Drumbeg
Drumbeg is a small village and townland on the south bank of the River Lagan in County Down, Northern Ireland. The village is within the Lisburn City Council area and forms part of the suburban fringe of Belfast.-Places of interest:...
, Drumbo
Drumbo is a small village and townland in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. It lies about south of Belfast city centre, east of Lisburn and west of Carryduff. The 2001 Census recorded the village's population as being 408....
, Drumbonniff, Drumbroneth, Drumcaw, Drumcro, Drumcro and Drumo, Drumdreenagh, Drumee, Drumena, Drumfad, Drumgath, Drumgavlin, Drumgiven, Drumgooland, Drumgreenagh, Drumhirk, Drumhorc, Drumindoney, Drumkeeragh, Drumlee, Drumlin, Drumlough
Drumlough is a village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland, south of Hillsborough and east of Dromore. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 96 people. It is situated in the Lisburn City Council area...
, Drummanlane, Drummanmore, Drummiller, Drummond Island, Drumnabreeze, Drumnaconagher, Drumnaferry, Drumnagally, Drumnahare, Drumnascamph, Drumnavaddy, Drumneth, Drumo and Drumcro, Drumra, Drumreagh, Drumreagh Upper, Drumsallagh, Drumsesk, Drumskee, Drumsnade, Drumulcaw or Drumanaghan, Duck Rock, Dunbeg Lower, Dundrine, Dundrinne, Dundrum
Dundrum, County Down
Dundrum is a village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is beside Dundrum Bay, about 4 miles outside Newcastle on the A2 road. The town is best known for its ruined Norman castle. It had a population of 1,065 people in the 2001 Census....
, Duneight, Dunevly, Dunlady, Dunmore, Dunnaman, Dunnanelly, Dunnanew, Dunnaval
Dunnaval is a small village and townland near Kilkeel in County Down, Northern Ireland. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 147 people. It lies within the Newry and Mourne District Council area.- See also :*List of villages in Northern Ireland...
, Dunnyneill Islands, Dunover, Dunsfort, Dunsy Island, Dunturk
Echlinville, Edenagarry, Edenballycoggill, Edendarriff, Edenderry, Edenmore, Edenordinary, Edenslate, Edenticullo, Edentiroory, Edentrillick, Edentrumly, Ednego, Enagh, ErenaghF
Farranfad, Fedany, Feney, Ferryquarter, Finnabrogue, Finnis, Fish Quarter, FofannybaneG
Gabbock Island, Galwally, Ganaway, Gargarry, Gartross, Garvaghy, Gibb's Island, Gilnahirk, Glaskerbeg East, Glaskermore, Glasdrumman, Glasdrumman Upper, Glass Moss, Glastry, Glebe, Glenloughan, Glovet, Gordonall, Gores Island, Gortgrib, Gortnamony, Goward, Grallaghgreenan, GranaghGranagh
Granagh is a small village in County Limerick, Ireland located close to the N20 between Croom and Charleville...
, Grange, Grangee, Grangewalls, Grangicam, Gransha, Great Minnis's Island, Greenan, Greencastle
Greencastle, County Down
Greencastle is a castle in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is a royal castle built in the 13th century. It was attacked and taken by Edward Bruce in 1316, attacked at least twice by the Irish in the later 14th century but still maintained as an English garrison in the 1590s...
, Greengraves, Green Island, Greenisland Rock, Greenoge, Gregorlough, Grey Abbey
Grey Abbey
Grey Abbey is a ruined Cistercian priory in the village of Greyabbey, County Down, Northern Ireland, currently maintained by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency...
, Groomsport
Groomsport is a village and townland two miles north east of Bangor in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is on the south shore of Belfast Lough and on the north coast of the Ards Peninsula...
, Growell, Guineways, Gull Rock, Guiness, Guns Island
Hare Island, Hen Island, Herdstown, HillhallHillhall
Hillhall is a townland and non-nucleated village in County Down, Northern Ireland, near Lisburn. In the 2001 Census it had a population of about one hundred people. It lies in the Lagan Valley Regional Park and the Lisburn City Council area...
, Hillsborough
Hillsborough, County Down
Hillsborough is a village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland, situated from the city of Belfast. It is within the Lisburn City Council area....
, Hogstown, Hollymount, Holywood
Holywood is a town in County Down, Northern Ireland. It lies on the shore of Belfast Lough, between Belfast and Bangor. Holywood Exchange and Belfast City Airport are nearby. The town hosts an annual jazz and blues festival.-Name:...
, Horse Island
Imdel, Inch, Islandacorr, Islandbane, Islandderry, Island Henry, Islandhill, Islandmore, Islandmoyle, Island Taggart, Isle McCricket, Isle O'VallaK
Kearney, Keentagh, Kernan, Kilbride, Kilbright, Kilbroney, Kilclief, Kildares Crew, Kilfeaghan, Kilfullert, KilkeelKilkeel
Kilkeel is a small town in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is the main fishing port on the Down coast, and its harbour houses one of the largest fishing fleets in Ireland. It had a population of 6,338 people according to the 2001 Census...
, Kilkinamurry, Killaghy, Killaney, Killard Lower, Killarn, Killavees, Killeen, Killinakin, Killinchy, Killinchy in the Woods, Killinure
Killinure is a townland in County Down, Northern Ireland, lying on the south-east border of Carryduff.It is approximately 770 acres in area, and still consists mostly of farmland, although since the 1990s, the housing developments of Carryduff have begun to encroach on its north-west corner .It...
, Killough
Killough is a village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It lies on the Irish Sea shore near Ardglass, five miles southeast of Downpatrick. It is notable for its sycamore-lined main street. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 845 people....
, Killowen Mountains, Killydressy, Killynether, Killysavan, Killysorrell, Killyvolgan, Kilmacrew, Kilminioge, Kilmood and Ballybunden, Kilmore, Kilnatierny, Kilpike, Kiltarriff, Kinallen
Kinallen is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is four miles from Dromore and two miles from Dromara.- Education :There is one school in the village, Fair Hill Primary School ....
, Kinghill, Kircassock, Kircubbin
Kircubbin, County Down
Kircubbin is a village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is on the shores of Strangford Lough, between Newtownards and Portaferry. The population is roughly 2,000. The village harbour contains leisure craft, yachts, and a sailing club...
, Kirkistown, Kirkland and Toy, Knock
Knock Mary") is a small town in County Mayo, Ireland whose notability derives from the Knock Shrine where it is claimed the Virgin Mary, together with St Joseph and St John the Evangelist, appeared in 1879....
, Knockbarragh, Knockbreckan, Knockgorm, Knockinelder, Knocknagoney, Knocknagore, Knocknanarny, Knocksticken
Lackan, Lagnagoppoge, Lappoges, Large Park, Largymore, Launches Little, LegacurryLegacurry
Legacurry is a small townland in County Down, Northern Ireland, near Lisburn. Locally significant buildings include Legacurry Presbyterian Church, built in 1848 and Legacurry Primary School built in 1925.-External links:*-See also:...
, Legamaddy, Legananny
Legananny is a townland north of Leitrim, County Down, Northern Ireland. It contains the ancient Legannany Dolmen which has stood for between 4000 and 4500 years. It is made up of three large stones standing upright with a very large stone sitting on top of them...
, Leggygowan, Legmore, Leitrim
Leitrim, County Down
Leitrim is a townland in County Down, Northern Ireland, near Castlewellan.There are two townlands called Leitrim in South Down, one is referred to as Upper Leitrim, the other, as Lower Leitrim. One being closer to Hilltown, the other approximately 6 miles from Castlewellan, near Dromara. It...
, Leitrim Upper, Lenaderg
Lenaderg is a townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It sits on the banks of the River Bann, about two miles from Banbridge and a half mile from the village of Lawrencetown. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 261 people. Lenaderg is within the District of Banbridge.Its name is derived...
, Lenish, Leode, Lessans, Letalian, Levallyclanone, Levallyreagh, Leveroge, Light House Island, Linden's Lump, Lisadian, Lisbane, Lisbarnet, Lisboy, Lisdalgan, Lisdoonan, Lisinaw, Lisleen, Lismaine, Lismore, Lisnabrague, Lisnabreeny Lisnacree, Lisnacreevy, Lisnacroppan, Lisnafiffy, Lisnagade, Lisnagonnell, Lisnamaul, Lisnamore, Lisnamulligan, Lisnaree, Lisnasallagh, Lisnashanker, Lisnasharragh, Lisnasliggan, Lisnastrean, Lisnasure, Lisnatierny, Lisnatrunk, Lisnavaghrog, Lisnaward, Lisnisk, Lisnode, Lisnoe, Lisoid, Lisowen, Lissara, Lissize, Listooder, Listullycurran, Little Minnis's Island, Long Island, Longlands, Loughadian, Loughans, Loughdoo, Loughkeelan, Loughmoney, Loughriscouse, Lurgananare, Lurganbane, Lurgancahone, Lurgancanty, Lurganconray, Lurganreagh, Lurgantamry, Lurganville
Lurganville is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 102 people. It is situated in the Lisburn City Council area. Locally significant buildings include St Colman’s Church, which is a listed building, and the Parochial House....
, Lythe Rock
Maddydrumbrist, Magherabeg, MagheraconluceMagheraconluce
Magheraconluce is a small village and townland near Annahilt in County Down, Northern Ireland. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 282 people. It is within the Lisburn City Council area.- References :*...
, Magheracranmoney, Magheradartin, Magheradrool, Magherageery, Magherahinch, Magheraknock, Magheralagan, Magherally, Magheralone, Magheramayo, Magheramurphy, Magherana, Magherasaul, Magherascouse, Magheratimpany, Maghereagh, Maghery, Mahee Island, Marlfield, Marl Island, Marshallstown, Mayo, Maze
Maze, County Down
Maze is an electoral ward in the Lisburn City Council area of Northern Ireland. It predominantly lies in County Down although its northwestern corner lies in County Antrim, the division being the River Lagan....
, Mealough, Meenan, Mew Island, Midge, Milecross, Miller Hill, Milltown Minnis's Island & Little, Moneycarragh, Moneydorragh Beg, Moneydorragh More Upper, Moneygore, Moneylane, Moneymore, Moneynabane, Moneyreagh
Moneyreagh or Moneyrea is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is just off the main road between Belfast and Ballygowan....
, Moneyscalp, Moneyslane
Moneyslane is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland, on the main route from Castlewellan to Banbridge. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 147. It lies within the District of Banbridge.-History:...
, Monlough, Monree, Mount Alexander, Mount Stewart
Mount Stewart
Mount Stewart is an 18th-century house and garden in County Down, Northern Ireland, owned by the National Trust. Situated on the east shore of Strangford Lough, a few miles outside the town of Newtownards and near Greyabbey, it was the home of the Vane-Tempest-Stewart family, Marquesses of...
, Mourne Mountains East, Mourne Mountains Middle, Mourne Mountains West, Mourne Park or Ballyrogan, Moyad, Moyallen, Moybrick Lower, Moybrick Upper, Moydalgan, Moygannon, Moymore, Mullabrack, Mullafernaghan, Mullagh, Mullaghdrin, Mullaghmore, Mullartown, Multihogy, Murlough Lower, Murlough Upper, Murvaclogher or Broaghclogh
Naghan is a city in and the capital of Naghan District, in Kiar County, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 4,928, in 1,210 families....
, Narrow Water, Near Craiglee Rock, Newcastle
Newcastle, County Down
Newcastle is a small town in County Down, Northern Ireland. It had a population of 7,444 people recorded in the 2001 Census. The seaside resort lies on the Irish Sea coast at the base of Slieve Donard, one of the Mourne Mountains, and is known for its sandy beach and the Royal County Down Golf Club...
, Newtown, Newtown Upper, Nunsquarter
Park & Large, Park & Small, Parson Hall, Parton Island, Pawle Island, Peggys Island, Phersons Island, Pig Island, Portavoe, PortavogiePortavogie
Portavogie is a village, townland and fishing port in County Down, Northern Ireland. It had a population of 1,594 people in the 2001 Census. It lies within the Borough of Ards and is the easternmost settlement in Ireland....
, Portloughan, Pound Island, Priest Town
Quarter Cormick, Quarterland, Quilly, QuoileR
Rademan, Raffrey, Raholp, Rainey Island, Raleagh, Ramharry Rock, Ratallagh, Rathcunningham, Rathgorman, Rathmullan Lower, Ravara, RavernetRavernet
Ravernet is a village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is on the Ravernet River, about 3km south of Lisburn and about 3km northeast of Hillsborough. Nearby is Sprucefield and the M1 motorway...
, Reagh Island, Reillys Trench, Ringawaddy, Ringbane, Ringcreevy, Ringdufferin, Ringfad, Ringhaddy
Ringhaddy is a townland on the shores of Strangford Lough, County Down, Northern Ireland.Ringhaddy is within the parish of Killinchy. It is the home of Ringhaddy Daffodils and Ringhaddy Cruising Club. The area has become very popular for diving, due to the sinking of The Alastor, a ship which sank...
, Ringmackilroy, Ringneill, Ringolish, Ringreagh, Risk, Roddans, Roe Island, Rolly Island, Rosemount, Ross, Rossconor, Rossglass, Rosstrevor, Rosstrevor Mountains, Round Island, Rough Island, Rowreagh, Russell's Quarter, Russell's Quarter South
Saintfield Parks, Saint John's Point, Salt Island, Salt Marsh Islands, Salt Rock, Sandy Island, SaulSaul, County Down
Saul is the name of a townland and civil parish in County Down, Northern Ireland.The townland lies to the east of Downpatrick and has strong links with Saint Patrick. It is claimed that when Saint Patrick came to Ireland in 432, strong currents swept his boat through the Strangford Lough tidal...
Saul Quarter, Scady Rocks, Scarva
Scarva is a small village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is at the boundary with County Armagh, which is marked by the Newry Canal. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 320....
, Scrabo, Scrib, Seafin, Seaforde Demesne, Seavaghan, Shamrock Island, Shankill, Shanrod, Shark Island, Sheelah's Island, Sheepland Beg, Shones, Shooters Island, Simmy Island, Skeagh, Sketrick Island, Skillyscolban, Slanes, Slatady, Slievenaboley, Slievenagriddle, Slievenalargy, Slievenisky, Sloanstown, Small Park, South Island, South Sheelah's Island, Spittle Ballee, Spittle Quarter, Springvale, Stang, Stinking Rock, Stirk Isle, Strand, Strangford Lower, Struell, Swan Island, Swan Rock
Swan Rock
Swan Rock is a low rock lying 1.5 nautical miles southwest of Cape Willems, off the west coast of Graham Land. The rock appears on an Argentine government chart of 1950...
Taghnabrick, Tamary, Tamnaharry, Tamnyveagh, Tannaghmore, Tara, Taughblane, Taughlummy, Taughrane, Teconnaught, Templepatrick, The Devils Jacks, The Point Park, Thomastown, Thompson's Island, TievenadarraghTievenadarragh
Tievenadarragh is a townland at Loughinisland, County Down, Northern Ireland. The townland contains the Loughinisland Churches, the remains of three ruined churches dating from the 13th to the 17th centuries. They are situated in a large graveyard on an island in Loughinisland Lake, now reached by...
, Tieveshilly, Tirfergus, Tirkelly, Tirygory, Tobercorran, Tobermoney, Tollumgrange Lower, Tollymore, Tollymore Park, Tonaghmore, Town Parks, Town Parks of Donaghadee, Toy and Kirkland, Trasnagh Island, Trooperfield, Tullindoney, Tullinespick, Tullinisky, Tullintanvally, Tullyboard, Tullycarn, Tullycarnet, Tullyconnaught, Tullycross, Tullyear, Tullygarvan, Tullyherron, Tullyhubbert, Tullyloob, Tullymally, Tullynacrew, Tullynagardy, Tullynakill, Tullyorier, Tullytramon, Tullywasnacunagh, Tyrella North