List of state leaders in 1170s BC
1180s BC state leaders - Events of 1170s BC
1170s BC
-Events and trends:* 1178 BC, April 16—A solar eclipse occurs. This may have marked the return of Odysseus, legendary King of Ithaca, to his kingdom after the Trojan War. He discovers a number of suitors competing to marry his wife Penelope, whom they believe to be a widow, in order to succeed him...

 - 1160s BC state leaders - State leaders by year


  • Egypt
    Egypt , officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, Arabic: , is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the Muslim world...

    (Twentieth Dynasty
    Twentieth dynasty of Egypt
    The Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth Dynasties of ancient Egypt are often combined under the group title, New Kingdom. This dynasty is considered to be the last one of the New Kingdom of Egypt, and was followed by the Third Intermediate Period....

    • Ramesses III
      Ramesses III
      Usimare Ramesses III was the second Pharaoh of the Twentieth Dynasty and is considered to be the last great New Kingdom king to wield any substantial authority over Egypt. He was the son of Setnakhte and Queen Tiy-Merenese. Ramesses III is believed to have reigned from March 1186 to April 1155 BCE...

      , Pharaoh of Egypt (1186 BC
      1180s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1186 BC—End of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt, start of the Twentieth Dynasty.* 1184 BC—April 24, the traditional date of the fall of Troy....

       – 1155 BC
      1150s BC
      -Events and trends:*1159 BC—The Hekla 3 eruption triggers an 18-year period of climatic worsening. *1154 BC—Death of King Menelaus of Sparta .*1154 BC—Suicide of exiled Queen Helen of Sparta at Rhodes. ....



  • China
    • Shang dynasty
      Shang Dynasty
      The Shang Dynasty or Yin Dynasty was, according to traditional sources, the second Chinese dynasty, after the Xia. They ruled in the northeastern regions of the area known as "China proper" in the Yellow River valley...

       (1600 BC – 1046 BC)
  • Gojoseon
    Gojoseon was an ancient Korean kingdom. Go , meaning "ancient," distinguishes it from the later Joseon Dynasty; Joseon, as it is called in contemporaneous writings, is also romanized as Chosŏn....

    Korea ) is an East Asian geographic region that is currently divided into two separate sovereign states — North Korea and South Korea. Located on the Korean Peninsula, Korea is bordered by the People's Republic of China to the northwest, Russia to the northeast, and is separated from Japan to the...

    ) (legendary)
    • Guhol, Korean monarch (1181 BC
      1180s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1186 BC—End of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt, start of the Twentieth Dynasty.* 1184 BC—April 24, the traditional date of the fall of Troy....

       – 1174 BC
      1170s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1178 BC, April 16—A solar eclipse occurs. This may have marked the return of Odysseus, legendary King of Ithaca, to his kingdom after the Trojan War. He discovers a number of suitors competing to marry his wife Penelope, whom they believe to be a widow, in order to succeed him...

    • Yeoru, Korean monarch (1174 BC – 1169 BC
      1160s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1166 BC—The start of the Discordian calendar and within Discordianism the date of Curse of Greyface.* 1162 BC—The statue of Marduk is taken from Babylon by Elamite conquerors....

  • India (legendary)
    • Subrata
      Subrata , also Subroto, is a common name in India, especially among Bengali people. The name is also somewhat common in Indonesia, as many people have Sanskrit derived names there as well Subrata (Hindi: सबराता, Bengali: সুব্রত), also Subroto, is a common name in India, especially among Bengali...

      , King of Magadha
      Legendary Kings of Magadha
      The Magadha empire was established very likely by semi-mythical king Jarasandha who was, as it stated in the Puranas, a son of Brihadratha, one of the descendants of eponymical Puru. Jarasandha appears in the Mahabharatha as the "Magadhan Emperor who rules all India" and meets with an unceremonious...

       (1210 BC
      1200s BC
      -Events and trends:*1204 BC—Theseus, legendary King of Athens, is deposed after a reign of 30 years and succeeded by Menestheus, great-grandson of Erichthonius II of Athens and second cousin of Theseus' father Aegeus. Menestheus is reportedly assisted by Castor and Polydeuces of Sparta, who want to...

       – 1150 BC
      1140s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1149 BC—The First Trojan War* 1147 BC—Demophon, legendary King of Athens and veteran of the Trojan War, dies after a reign of 33 years and is succeeded by his son Oxyntes....



  • Athens
    Athens , is the capital and largest city of Greece. Athens dominates the Attica region and is one of the world's oldest cities, as its recorded history spans around 3,400 years. Classical Athens was a powerful city-state...

    • Demophon
      Demophon (King of Athens)
      Demophon was a king of Athens, according to Pindar, son of Theseus and Phaedra, brother of Acamas. Some say that Demophon's mother was Iope, daughter of Iphicles. He fought in the Trojan War and was among those who entered the city in the Trojan Horse...

      , King of Athens
      King of Athens
      Before the Athenian democracy, the tyrants, and the Archons, the city-state of Athens was ruled by kings. Most of these are probably mythical or only semi-historical...

       (1181 BC
      1180s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1186 BC—End of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt, start of the Twentieth Dynasty.* 1184 BC—April 24, the traditional date of the fall of Troy....

       – 1147 BC
      1140s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1149 BC—The First Trojan War* 1147 BC—Demophon, legendary King of Athens and veteran of the Trojan War, dies after a reign of 33 years and is succeeded by his son Oxyntes....

  • Ireland (legendary)
    • Sírna Sáeglach, High King of Ireland (1181 BC – 1031 BC
      1030s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1039 BC—Neferkare Amenemnisu, king of Egypt, dies.* 1031 BC—Shalmaneser II becomes King of Assyria* c. 1030 BC—The Belknap Volcano Erupts in The State of Oregon....

      ) (According to the Annals of the Four Masters
      Annals of the Four Masters
      The Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland or the Annals of the Four Masters are a chronicle of medieval Irish history...

  • Alba Longa
    Alba Longa
    Alba Longa – in Italian sources occasionally written Albalonga – was an ancient city of Latium in central Italy southeast of Rome in the Alban Hills. Founder and head of the Latin League, it was destroyed by Rome around the middle of the 7th century BC. In legend, Romulus and Remus, founders of...

    • Ascanius
      Ascanius is the son of the Trojan hero Aeneas and a legendary king of Alba Longa. He is a character of Roman mythology, and has a divine lineage, being the son of Aeneas, who is son of Venus and the hero Anchises, a relative of Priam; thus Ascanius has divine ascendents by both parents, being...

      , King of Alba Longa
      Latin kings of Alba Longa
      The Latin kings of Alba Longa, also referred to as the Latin kings of Rome or Alban kings of Rome, are a series of legendary kings of Latium ruling mainly from Alba Longa. In the mythic tradition of the founding of Rome, they fill the 400-year gap between the settlement of Aeneas in Italy and the...

       (1179 BC
      1170s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1178 BC, April 16—A solar eclipse occurs. This may have marked the return of Odysseus, legendary King of Ithaca, to his kingdom after the Trojan War. He discovers a number of suitors competing to marry his wife Penelope, whom they believe to be a widow, in order to succeed him...

       - 1141 BC
      1140s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1149 BC—The First Trojan War* 1147 BC—Demophon, legendary King of Athens and veteran of the Trojan War, dies after a reign of 33 years and is succeeded by his son Oxyntes....


Middle East

  • Assyria
    Assyria was a Semitic Akkadian kingdom, extant as a nation state from the mid–23rd century BC to 608 BC centred on the Upper Tigris river, in northern Mesopotamia , that came to rule regional empires a number of times through history. It was named for its original capital, the ancient city of Assur...

    • Ninurta-apal-Ekur
      Ninurta-apal-Ekur, meaning “Ninurta is the heir of the Ekur,” was a King of Assyria in the early 12th Century BC who usurped the throne and styled himself king of the universe and priest of the gods Enlil and Ninurta...

      , King of Assyria (1192 BC
      1190s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1197 BC—The beginning of first period by Sau Yung's concept of the I Ching and history.* 1194 BC—The beginning of the legendary Trojan War.* 1192 BC—Wu Ding king of Shang Dynasty died....

       – 1180 BC
      1170s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1178 BC, April 16—A solar eclipse occurs. This may have marked the return of Odysseus, legendary King of Ithaca, to his kingdom after the Trojan War. He discovers a number of suitors competing to marry his wife Penelope, whom they believe to be a widow, in order to succeed him...

    • Ashur-dan I
      Ashur-dan I
      Ashur-dan I was one of the longest-reigning Kings of Assyria, reigning for some 46 years according to the Assyrian King List. According to one of the short chronology of the middle Assyrian period, he reigned from 1179 BC to 1133 BC....

      , King of Assyria (1179 BC
      1170s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1178 BC, April 16—A solar eclipse occurs. This may have marked the return of Odysseus, legendary King of Ithaca, to his kingdom after the Trojan War. He discovers a number of suitors competing to marry his wife Penelope, whom they believe to be a widow, in order to succeed him...

       – 1133 BC
      1130s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1137 BC—Ramses VII begins his reign as the sixth ruler of the Twentieth dynasty of Egypt.* 1135 BC—Oxyntes, legendary King of Athens, dies after a reign of 12 years and is succeeded by his elder son Apheidas....

  • Babylon
    Babylon was an Akkadian city-state of ancient Mesopotamia, the remains of which are found in present-day Al Hillah, Babil Province, Iraq, about 85 kilometers south of Baghdad...

    The Kassites were an ancient Near Eastern people who gained control of Babylonia after the fall of the Old Babylonian Empire after ca. 1531 BC to ca. 1155 BC...

    • Melišipak
      Meli-Šipak II, more often rendered Melišiḫu in contemporary inscriptions, was a Kassite king of Babylon ca. 1186–1172 BC . His reign marks the critical synchronization point in the chronology of the Near East.-His provenance:...

      , King of Babylon (1185 BC
      1180s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1186 BC—End of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt, start of the Twentieth Dynasty.* 1184 BC—April 24, the traditional date of the fall of Troy....

       – 1170 BC
      1160s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1166 BC—The start of the Discordian calendar and within Discordianism the date of Curse of Greyface.* 1162 BC—The statue of Marduk is taken from Babylon by Elamite conquerors....

  • Elam
    Elam was an ancient civilization located in what is now southwest Iran. Elam was centered in the far west and the southwest of modern-day Iran, stretching from the lowlands of Khuzestan and Ilam Province, as well as a small part of southern Iraq...

    (Igehalkid Dynasty)
    • Shutruk-Nahhunte, Elamite King (c. 1185 BC
      1180s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1186 BC—End of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt, start of the Twentieth Dynasty.* 1184 BC—April 24, the traditional date of the fall of Troy....

       – c. 1155 BC
      1150s BC
      -Events and trends:*1159 BC—The Hekla 3 eruption triggers an 18-year period of climatic worsening. *1154 BC—Death of King Menelaus of Sparta .*1154 BC—Suicide of exiled Queen Helen of Sparta at Rhodes. ....

  • Hittite Empire
    The Hittites were a Bronze Age people of Anatolia.They established a kingdom centered at Hattusa in north-central Anatolia c. the 18th century BC. The Hittite empire reached its height c...

    • Suppiluliuma II
      Suppiluliuma II
      Suppiluliuma II, the son of Tudhaliya IV, was the last known king of the New Kingdom of the Hittite Empire, ruling ca. 1207–1178 BC , contemporary with Tukulti-Ninurta I of Assyria....

      , Hittite King (c. 1207 BC – 1178 BC
      1170s BC
      -Events and trends:* 1178 BC, April 16—A solar eclipse occurs. This may have marked the return of Odysseus, legendary King of Ithaca, to his kingdom after the Trojan War. He discovers a number of suitors competing to marry his wife Penelope, whom they believe to be a widow, in order to succeed him...

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