List of schools in Colombia
- Colegio Cristo Rey
- Colegio Femenino Indígena María Auxiliadora
- Colegio Indígena wayu Casa del Conocimiento
- Colegio Indígena Casa del Conocimiento
- Colegio nocturno Alvernia
- Colegio Villa Carmen
MedellínMedellínMedellín , officially the Municipio de Medellín or Municipality of Medellín, is the second largest city in Colombia. It is in the Aburrá Valley, one of the more northerly of the Andes in South America. It has a population of 2.3 million...
- colegio de putas las paisas
- Colegio Salesiano El Sufragio
- Colegio Bethlemitas
- Colegio Gimnasio Internacional de Medellín
- Colegio De La Salle
- Colegio Alemán (German School)
- Colegio Aspen Gimnasio Los Alcazares
- Colegio Calasanz
- Colegio Calazans Femenino
- Colegio Colombo Britanico
- Colegio Panamericano Colombo Sueco
- Colegio Jesus Maria
- Colegio Maria Auxiliadora
- Colegio Maria Mazzarello
- Colegio Colombo Frances
- Colegio Corazonista
- Colegio de La Compañía de María
- Colegio de la Presentación
- Colegio del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
- Colegio Fontan
- Colegio Gimnasio Los Pinares
- Colegio La Inmaculada Medelíin
- Colegio Liceo Cristo Rey
- Colegio Lonardo Da Vinci
- Colegio Lord College
- Colegio Montessori
- Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola
- Colegio San José de Las Vegas
- Colegio San Jose de La Salle
- Colegio Gimnasio Los Cedros
- Colegio Padre Manyanet
- Colegio Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Chinquinquira +
- Colegio San Juan Bosco
- Colegio UPB
- Centro Educacional Don Bosco (CEDBOS)
- Instituto San Carlos
- Instituto Musical Diego Echavarria Misas
- Instituto Salesiano Pedro Justo Berrio
- Escuela Normal Superior Antioqueña
- Escuela Normal Superior de Medellin
- Liceo simon bolivar
- Liceo Salazar y Herrera
- Liceo Consejo de Medellin
- INEM José Félix de Restrepo
- The Columbus School (Member of SACS)
BarranquillaBarranquillaBarranquilla is an industrial port city and municipality located in northern Colombia, near the Caribbean Sea. The capital of the Atlántico Department, it is the largest industrial city and port in the Colombian Caribbean region with a population of 1,148,506 as of 2005, which makes it Colombia's...
- Colegio Alemán
- Colegio Britanico Internacional (British International College)
- Colegio de Barranquilla (CODEBA).
- Lyndon B Johnson (Lyndon B.Johnson School)
- Colegio San José (CSJB)
- Colegio Marymount (Marymount School)
- Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
- Colegio San Miguel del Rosario
- Colegio Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
- Colegio Altamira International SchoolColegio Altamira International SchoolThe ALTAMIRA "INTERNATIONAL" SCHOOL, located in Barranquilla, Colombia, is a private, non-sectarian, non-profit coeducational U.S. college preparatory school open to the enrollment of Colombians,North Americans and children of other countries. Even thought you must paid a illegal and force...
(Altamira International School) - Colegio Parrish (Karl C. Parrish School)
- Corporación Educativa American SchoolCorporación Educativa American SchoolCorporación Educativa American School, one of the top ranking educational institutions in Colombia, is a private, non-denominational bilingual school located in the city of Barranquilla. The American School, as it is usually referred to by its students and the school community, is fully accredited...
- Colegio Cristiano El-ShaddaiColegio Cristiano El-ShaddaiColegio Cristiano El Shaddai is a private bilingual toddlers-through-secondary education inclusive school, located in the north of Colombia, in the city of Barranquilla. It is accredited by the Colombian Ministry of National Education and certified by the European Foundation for Quality Management...
- Colegio Americano de Barranquilla
- Instituto San jose
- Colegio J. Vender Murphy
- St.Francis International College
- Colegio Colón
CartagenaCartagena, ColombiaCartagena de Indias , is a large Caribbean beach resort city on the northern coast of Colombia in the Caribbean Coast Region and capital of Bolívar Department...
- Colegio Salesiano San Pedro Claver
- Colegio de la Salle Cartagena
- Colegio Biffi ( Congregación De Hermanas Franciscanas Misioneras De Marìa Auxiliadora)
- Colegio Eucarístico de Santa Teresa [Hermanas Mercedarias del Sanrisimo Sacramento del Altar]
- Corporación Colegio Latinoamericano
- Gimnasio Cartagena de Indias (Miembro ASPAEN)
- Colegio Montessori de Cartagena
- Colegio Jorge Washington (Miembro de la SACS)
- Colegio Británico de Cartagena (Miembro IB)
- Gimnasio Cartagena (Miembro ASPAEN)
- Gimnasio Altair de Cartagena
- Cartagena International School
- Centro de Enseñanza Precoz Nuevo Mundo
- Ciudad Escolar Comfenalco (Caja de Compensación Familiar de Fenalco)
- Colegio Seminario de Cartagena (Eudistas)
- Colegio La Nueva Esperanza
- Colegio de La Esperanza
- INEM José Manuel Rodríguez Torices
- Colegio El Carmelo de Cartagena
- Colegio La Presentación (Hermanas dominicas de la presentación)
- Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (Hermanas Franciscanas)
- Institución educativa Nuestra Señora del Carmen (Inenscar)
- Colegio La Anunciación
- Institución Educativa Juan José Nieto
- Institución Educativa Soledad Acosta de Samper (IESAS)
- Institución Educativa San Francisco de Asis (IESFA)
- Colegio Militar El Pinar de Canadá
- Colegio Militar Fernández Bustamantes (COLMIFEBU)
- Colegio Militar Almirante Colón (COMIALCO)
- Colegio Mixto La Popa
- Colegio Naval Militar Abolsure (Cooabolsure
- Institución Educativa de Promoción Social de Cartagena
Puerto BoyacáPuerto BoyacáPuerto Boyacá is a Colombian river-port town and municipality by the Magdalena River in the Boyacá Department, where is also considered a Special Handling Zone due to its port status. Its main industries are oil exploration and processing...
- Colegio Departamental San Pedro Claver
- Colegio Santa Teresita
ManizalesManizalesManizales is a city and municipality in central Colombia, capital of Department of Caldas and part of the region of Colombian Coffee-Growers Axis, near the Nevado del Ruiz volcano....
- Colegio Franciscano Agustín Gemelli
- Colegio Granadino
- Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora
- Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Rosario
YopalYopalYopal is a municipality and capital city of the department of Casanare in Colombia.- Geographic information :*Population: 84 293 inhabitants*Elevation: 350 m*Extensión: 2,771 km²*Distance from Bogotá: 387 km*Median temperature: 26 °C-External links:...
- Collegio Gimnasio de los Llanos
- Institución Educativa Centro Social La Presentación
ValleduparValleduparValledupar is a city and municipality in northeastern Colombia. It is the capital of Cesar Department and was founded in 1550 by the Spanish conquistador Hernando de Santana. Its name, Valle de Upar , was established in honor of the Amerindian cacique who ruled the valley; Cacique Upar...
- CASD Simón Bolívar
- Colegio Gimnasio del NorteColegio Gimnasio del NorteThe Colegio Gimnasio del Norte, is a private school located in the Colombian city of Valledupar, department of Cesar. After the Fundación Colegio Bilingüe de Valledupar, is the city's best school, and is the department's best school. It was founded in 1982....
- Colegio Hispanoamericano
- Colegio María Montessori
- Colegio Nacional Loperena
- Colegio Parroquial El Carmelo
- Colegio Sagrada Familia
- Colegio Santafé
- Fundación Colegio Bilingüe de ValleduparFundación Colegio Bilingüe de ValleduparThe Fundacion Colegio Bilingue de Valledupar or Bilingual School of Valledupar is a bilingual school located in the Colombian northern city of Valledupar, Cesar founded in 1979 as a foundation. The School offers an academic program that includes nursery, middle school and high school in both...
IníridaIníridaInírida may refer to:*Inírida, the capital city and a municipality of the Guainía Department in Colombia;*Inírida River, major tributary of the Guaviare River in the Guainía Department in Colombia;...
- Colegio Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento
- Instituto de Bachillerato Agropecuario Custodio García Rovira
Organizados En Orden De Prestigio:- Colegio Comfamiliar Los Lagos (Este Colegio Es Campestre, El Mejor Colegio Del Huila, Uno De Lo Mejores De Colombia Y Entre Los Tres Mejores Colegios Del Pais En InfraEstructura Inagurado El 28 De Enero Del 2011)
- Colegio Cooperativo Campestre
- Colegio Gimnasio La Fragua
- Colegio Gimnasio Yumana
- Colegio Colombus American School
- Colegio Cooperativo Salesiano San Medardo
- Colegio Comfamiliar Del Huila (Primera Infancia)
- Colegio Claretiano
- Colegio Humanistico
- Colegio Colombo Ingles Del Huila
- Liceo Femenino Santa Librada
- Colegio La Presntacion
- Colegio Maria Auxiliadora
- Colegio Oliverio Lara Bonilla
- INEM Julian Motta Salas
- Colegio Promocion Social
- Colegio Rafael Pombo
- Instituto Tecnico Superior
CúcutaCúcutaCúcuta is a Colombian city, capital of Norte de Santander, in the northeast of the country. Due to its proximity to the Colombian-Venezuelan border, Cúcuta is an important commercial center. The city has the constitutional category of Special District. It is located at the most active...
- Colegio Calasanz
- Colegio Gimnasio Los Almendros
- Colegio El Carmen Teresiano
- Colegio Santa Teresa
- Colegio Santo Angel de la Guarda
- Colegio Salesiano Clasico
Colegio GI School (Gimnasio Inglès)- Colegio Americano De Armenia
- Colegio Franciscano San Luis Rey
- Colegio Inem Jose Celestino Mutis
- Colegio Instituto Tecnico Industrial
- Colegio San Francisco Solano
PereiraPereira, ColombiaPereira is the capital city of the Colombian department of Risaralda. It stands in the center of the western region of the country, located in a small valley that descends from a part of the western Andes mountain chain. Its strategic location in the coffee producing area makes the city an urban...
list of the best schools in pereira
- carenalga
- Liceo Pino Verde
- Colegio Diocesano
- Colegio Americano
- Colegio Calasanz
- Colegio De la Salle Pereira
- Colegio del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus: Bethlemitas
- Colegio Salesiano San Juan Bosco
- Fundación Liceo Inglés
- Liceo Francés de Pereira
- Liceo panamericano pereira
- colegio monseñor baltazar alvares restrepo
- colegio franciscanas
- colegio mountfauçon
ProvidenciaProvidencia IslandIsla de Providencia or Old Providence is a mountainous Caribbean island. Though it is closer to Nicaragua, it is part of the Archipelago of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina, a department of Colombia, lying midway between Costa Rica and Jamaica...
- Institución Educativa Colegio Nacionalizado Mixto de Providencia
- Institución Educativa Junín
BucaramangaBucaramangaBucaramanga is a Colombian city, and capital city of the department of Santander, Colombia. Bucaramanga has the fifth largest city economy and sixth largest population in Colombia, with 1,212,656 people in its metropolitan area...
- Colegio Adventista Libertad
- Colegio Agustiniano
- Colegio Alfred Nobel
- Colegio Bilingüe Divino Niño
- Colegio Caldas
- Colegio Colombianitos Del Mañana
- Colegio Comfenalco
- Colegio El Inem
- Colegio El Pilar
- Colegio El Saleciano
- Colegio Glenn Domann
- Colegio Harvard
- Colegio La Merced
- Colegio La Nacional De Comercio
- Colegio La Normal
- Colegio La Presentación
- Colegio La Quinta Del Puente
- Colegio La Salle
- Colegio Lisceo Patria
- Colegio Maria Goretiu
- Colegio Nuestra Señora de Fatima (de la policia)
- Colegio Nuevo Cambridge
- Colegio Panamericano
- Colegio Principe De Asturias
- Colegio Principe San Carlos
- Colegio San Luis Beltran Del Lago
- Colegio San Patricio
- Colegio San Pedro Claver
- Colegio San Sebastian
- Colegio Santa Ana
- Colegio Santa Teresita
- Colegio Santander
- Fundación Colegio UIS
- Gimnasio Aspaen Cantillana
- Gimnasio Aspaen Saucara
- Gimnasio Jaibana
- Gimnasio Piedemonte
- Gimnsaio San Diego
IbaguéIbaguéIbagué is the capital of the department of Tolima in Colombia. It is situated 1,285 m above sea level, on the eastern slopes of the Cordillera Central between the Chipalo and Combeima rivers, tributaries of the Coello River...
- Colegio Champagnat
- Corporación Colegio San Bonifacio de las Lanzas
- Colegio Franciscano Jimenez De Cisneros
CaliCalìCalì, also written in English as Cali, is an Italian surname, widespread mainly in the Ionian side of Sicily.For the surname Calì is assumed the origin of the Greek word kalos , or from its Sanskrit root kali, "time."The surname refers to:...
- Colegio Instituto Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (Insa)
- Colegio trilingüe Montessori
- Centro Educativo Etievan Colegio desencuentros
- Colegio Alemán
- Colegio Bennet
- Colegio Berchmans
- Colegio Bilingue Diana Oese
- Colegio Bilingue Lauretta Bender
- Colegio Bolivar
- Colegio Colombo Britanico
- Colegio del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus: Bethlemitas
- Colegio Franciscano de Pío XII
- Colegio Freinet
- Colegio Inglés de Los Andes
- Colegio Lacordaire
- Colegio León de Greiff
- Colegio Manchester st Michael
- Colegio San Luis Gonzaga de Cali
- Colegio Santa Maria Stella Maris
- Liceo Benalcazar
- Liceo de Los Andes
- Liceo Frances ingrid betancourt
- Liceo Montessori
- Liceo Tacuri (solo para indigenas)
YumboYumboYumbo is a small, industrial city and municipality located in western Colombia. It is located in the Valle del Cauca department, just north of Cali...
- Liceo Comercial de chocolatina Yumbo or also known as Institucion Educativa Alberto Mendoza Mayor
MitúMitúMitú is the capital city of the department of Vaupés in Colombia. The town of Mitu is the most remote Capital of Department in Colombia.In November, 1998 an estimated 1,900 FARC guerrilla members of the Eastern Bloc of the FARC-EP tried to take over the town by force, against 120 National Police...
- Colegio Departamental Inaya
- Escuela Normal Superior Indígena María Reina (exclusivo para indigenas)
Puerto CarreñoPuerto CarreñoPuerto Carreño is the departmental capital, and a municipality, of the department of Vichada in the llanos of Colombia.-History:In 1913 the Colombian government created the province of Vichada and it was decided that its capital should be at the convergence of the Orinoco and Meta rivers where...
- Colelegio Antonia Santos de Cazuarito
- Colegio Comercial José Eustasio RiveraJosé Eustasio RiveraJosé Eustasio Rivera Salas was a Colombian lawyer and poet primarily known for his national epic The Vortex.-Early life:...
- Escuela Normal Federico Lleras Acosta