List of apricot diseases
Bacterial diseases
Bacterial diseases |
Bacterial canker and blast | Pseudomonas syringae Pseudomonas syringae Pseudomonas syringae is a rod shaped, Gram-negative bacterium with polar flagella. It is a plant pathogen which can infect a wide range of plant species, and exists as over 50 different pathovars, all of which are available to legitimate researches via international culture collections such as the... pv. syringae |
Bacterial spot | Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni = X. campestris Xanthomonas campestris Xanthomonas campestris is a bacterial species that causes a variety of plant diseases. Available from the NCPPB,and other international Culture collections such as ICMP, ATCC, and LMG in a purified form, it is used in the commercial production of a high-molecular-weight polysaccharide - xanthan... pv. pruni |
Crown gall | Agrobacterium tumefaciens Agrobacterium tumefaciens Agrobacterium tumefaciens is the causal agent of crown gall disease in over 140 species of dicot. It is a rod shaped, Gram negative soil bacterium... |
Fungal diseases
Fungal diseases |
Alternaria spot and fruit rot | Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata has been recorded causing leaf spot and other diseases on over 380 host species. It is opportunistic pathogen on numerous hosts causing leaf spots, rots and blights on many plant parts... |
Armillaria crown and root rot (shoestring crown and root rot) | Armillaria mellea Armillaria mellea Armillaria mellea is a plant pathogen and a species of Honey fungus. It causes Armillaria root rot in many plant species. The mushrooms are edible but some people may be intolerant to them. The fungus produces mushrooms around the base of trees it has infected... Rhizomorpha subcorticalis Rhizomorpha subcorticalis Rhizomorpha subcorticalis is a fungus that is a plant pathogen that causes root rot in several species, including strawberries and avocado.- External links :* *... [anamorph] |
Brown rot blossom and twig blight and fruit rot | Monilinia fructicola Monilinia fructicola Monilinia fructicola is a species of fungus in the order Helotiales. A plant pathogen, it is the causal agent of brown rot of stone fruits.-Stone Fruit :... Monilinia laxa Monilinia laxa Monilinia laxa is a plant pathogen, which is the causal agent of brown rot of stone fruits. - External links :* *... |
Ceratocystis canker | Ceratocystis fimbriata Ceratocystis fimbriata Ceratocystis fimbriata is a fungus and a plant pathogen, attacking such plants as the sweet potato and the tapping panels of the Para rubber tree .- External links :* *... |
Cytospora canker | Cytospora leucostoma Leucostoma persoonii Leucostoma persoonii Leucostoma persoonii is a plant pathogen, which causes perennial canker .- External links :* *... [teleomorph] |
Dematophora root rot | Rosellinia necatrix Rosellinia necatrix Rosellinia necatrix is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Dematophora necatrix [anamorph] |
Eutypa dieback | Eutypa lata Cytosporina spp. [anamorph] |
Green fruit rot | Botrytis cinerea Botrytis cinerea Botrytis cinerea is a necrotrophic fungus that affects many plant species, although its most notable hosts may be wine grapes. In viticulture, it is commonly known as botrytis bunch rot; in horticulture, it is usually called grey mould or gray mold.The fungus gives rise to two different kinds of... Botryotinia fuckeliana Botrytis cinerea Botrytis cinerea is a necrotrophic fungus that affects many plant species, although its most notable hosts may be wine grapes. In viticulture, it is commonly known as botrytis bunch rot; in horticulture, it is usually called grey mould or gray mold.The fungus gives rise to two different kinds of... [teleomorph] Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a plant pathogenic fungus and can cause a disease called white mold if conditions are correct. S. sclerotiorum can also be known as cottony rot, watery soft rot, stem rot, drop, crown rot and blossom blight... |
Leaf spot | Phyllosticta circumscissa Phyllosticta circumscissa Phyllosticta circumscissa is a plant pathogen.- External links :**... |
Phytophthora crown and root rot | Phytophthora cactorum Phytophthora cactorum Phytophthora cactorum is a plant pathogen that causes root rot on rhododendron and many other species.- External links :* *... Phytophthora cambivora Phytophthora cambivora Phytophthora cambivora is a plant pathogen that causes Ink disease in European Chestnut trees . Ink disease, also caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi, is thought to have been present in Europe since the 18th century and causes chestnut trees to wilt and die, major epidemics occurred during the 19th... Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora cinnamomi is a soil-borne water mould that produces an infection which causes a condition in plants called root rot or dieback. The plant pathogen is one of the world's most invasive species and is present in over 70 countries from around the world.- Life cycle and effects on plants :P... Phytophthora citricola Phytophthora citricola Phytophthora citricola is a plant pathogen. It was first described by Sawada in 1927 when it was isolated from orange trees in present-day Taiwan. It has since been found causing disease on a wide variety of plants and is considered to be cosmopolitan.... Phytophthora dreschsleri Phytophthora drechsleri Phytophthora drechsleri is a plant pathogen.- External links :**... Phytophthora megasperma Phytophthora megasperma Phytophthora megasperma is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Phytophthora syringae Phytophthora syringae Phytophthora syringae is a plant pathogen.- External links :**... |
Phytophthora pruning wound canker | Phytophthora syringae Phytophthora syringae Phytophthora syringae is a plant pathogen.- External links :**... |
Powdery mildew | Podosphaera clandestina Oidium Oidium This article is about a type of fungal spore. For the ascomycete genus, see Oidium . For the fungus that causes powdery mildew on grapes, see Uncinula necator.... sp. [anamorph] Sphaerotheca pannosa [anamorph] |
Replant problems | Fungi and others (see under Miscellaneous Disorders) |
Rhizopus fruit rot | Rhizopus arrhizus Rhizopus arrhizus Rhizopus arrhizus is a fungus of the family Mucoraceae, characterized by sporangiophores that arise from nodes at the point where the rhizoids are formed and by a hemispherical columella... Rhizopus circinans Rhizopus circinans Rhizopus circinans is a plant pathogen.- External links :... Rhizopus stolonifer |
Ripe fruit rot | Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger is a fungus and one of the most common species of the genus Aspergillus. It causes a disease called black mold on certain fruits and vegetables such as grapes, onions, and peanuts, and is a common contaminant of food... Cladosporium Cladosporium Cladosporium is a genus of fungi including some of the most common indoor and outdoor molds. Species produce olive-green to brown or black colonies, and have dark-pigmented conidia that are formed in simple or branching chains.... spp. Mucor Mucor Mucor is a microbial genus of about 3000 species of moulds commonly found in soil, digestive systems, plant surfaces, and rotten vegetable matter.-Description:... spp. Penicillium expansum Penicillium expansum Penicillium expansum is a plant pathogen. It is a blue-colored mold responsible for the postharvest decay of stored apples. This mold also produces the carcinogenic metabolite patulin.- External links :* *... Penicillium italicum Penicillium italicum Penicillium italicum is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... |
Scab | Cladosporium carpophilum Venturia carpophila Venturia carpophila Venturia carpophila is a species of fungus in the Venturiaceae family. A plant pathogen, it causes freckle, black spot, peach scab or black scab of peach. It has a cosmopolitan distribution. The species was described as new to science in 1961 by the Australian mycologist Eileen E. Fisher.... [teleomorph] |
Shot hole | Wilsonomyces carpophilus Stigmina carpophila Stigmina carpophila Stigmina carpophila is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... |
Silver leaf | Chondrostereum purpureum Chondrostereum purpureum Silver leaf is a fungal disease of trees caused by the fungus plant pathogen Chondrostereum purpureum. It attacks most species of the rose family Rosaceae, particularly the genus Prunus. The disease is progressive and often fatal. The common name is taken from the progressive silvering of leaves on... |
Verticillium wilt | Verticillium dahliae Verticillium dahliae Verticillium dahliae is a fungal plant pathogen. It causes verticillium wilt in many plant species, causing leaves to curl and discolor. It may cause death in some plants.- External links :* *... |
Wood rots (pathogenicity has not been proven for these fungi) | Cerrena unicolor Cerrena unicolor Cerrena unicolor, commonly known as the mossy maze polypore, is a species of fungus in the genus Cerrena . This saprobic fungus causes a white rot.-Description:... Coprinus Coprinus Coprinus is a small genus of mushrooms consisting of Coprinus comatus and several of its close relatives. Until 2001, Coprinus was a large genus consisting of all agaric species in which the lamellae autodigested to release their spores... spp. Coriolopsis gallica Coriolopsis gallica Coriolopsis gallica is a fungus found growing on decaying wood. It has not been associated to any plant disease, therefore it is not considered pathogenic... Daedaleopsis confragosa Daedaleopsis confragosa Daedaleopsis confragosa is a plant pathogen, causing a white rot of various dead hardwoods and conifers. It is commonly known as the thin walled maze polypore, or the blushing bracket. It is found all year and is common in the United Kingdom.- External links :* * * by Robert Sasata,... Dendrophora albobadia Dendrophora erumpens Dendrophora erumpens Dendrophora erumpens is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Fomes fomentarius Fomes fomentarius Fomes fomentarius is a species of fungal plant pathogen found in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America... Fomitopsis cajanderi Fomitopsis cajanderi Fomitopsis cajanderi is a widely distributed bracket fungus. Commonly known as the rosy conk due to its rose-colored pore surface, it causes a disease called a brown pocket rot in various tree species.- External links :* synonyms... Fomitopsis pinicola Fomitopsis pinicola Fomitopsis pinicola, in English sometimes known as Red Banded Polypore, is a polypore mushroom of the genus Fomitopsis. The species is common throughout the temperate Northern hemisphere. An alternative binomial name is Fomes pinicola.... Fomitopsis rosea Fomitopsis rosea Fomitopsis rosea is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Ganoderma applanatum Ganoderma applanatum Ganoderma applanatum is a bracket fungus with a cosmopolitan distribution.The spore bodies are up to 30-40 cm across, hard, woody-textured, and... Ganoderma lucidum Gloeophyllum sepiarium Gloeophyllum sepiarium Gloeophyllum sepiarium is a wood decay fungus that causes a brown rot. Gloeophyllum sepiarium grow in thin, dark brown/green brackets on coniferous trees. Fruiting bodies can be seen throughout the year, but it sporulates in late summer to autumn... Gloeophyllum trabeum Gloeophyllum trabeum Gloeophyllum trabeum is a plant fungal pathogen.- External links :* *... Gloeoporus dichrous Gloeoporus dichrous Gloeoporus dichrous is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Grandinia granulosa Hyphodontia aspera Hyphodontia aspera Hyphodontia aspera is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Heterobasidion annosum Heterobasidion annosum Heterobasidion annosum is a basidiomycete fungus in the family Bondarzewiaceae. It is considered to be the most economically important forest pathogen in the Northern Hemisphere. Heterobasidion annosum is widespread in forests in the United States and is responsible for the loss of one billion U.S.... (unconfirmed) Hyphodermella corrugata Hyphodermella corrugata Hyphodermella corrugata is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Inonotus dryophilus Inonotus dryophilus Inonotus dryophilus is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Irpex lacteus Irpex lacteus Irpex lacteus is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Laetiporus sulphureus Laetiporus sulphureus Laetiporus sulphureus is a species of bracket fungus found in Europe and North America. Its common names are sulphur polypore, sulphur shelf, and chicken mushroom. Its fruit bodies grow as striking golden-yellow shelf-like structures on tree trunks and branches... Oxyporus corticola Oxyporus corticola Oxyporus corticola is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Oxyporus latemarginatus Oxyporus latemarginatus Oxyporus latemarginatus is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Oxyporus populinus Oxyporus populinus Oxyporus populinus is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Perenniporia fraxinophila Perenniporia fraxinophila Perenniporia fraxinophila is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Perenniporia medulla-panis Perenniporia medulla-panis Perenniporia medulla-panis is a plant pathogen.-References:* *... Phellinus ferreus Phellinus ferreus Phellinus ferreus is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Phellinus ferruginosus Phellinus gilvus Phellinus gilvus Phellinus gilvus is a plant pathogen.- External links :* *... Phellinus igniarius Phellinus igniarius Phellinus igniarius is a plant pathogen.- External links :*** by Diane Pleninger and Tom Volk-References:* Phellinus igniarius, Iqmik, used by native Americans with tobacco—by Diane Pleninger and Tom Volk... Phellinus pomaceus Phellinus pomaceus Phellinus pomaceus is a plant pathogen particularly common on Prunus species. It is not aggressively pathogenic but can cause considerable decay in trees suffering from other stress factors.- External links :* *... Pholiota Pholiota Pholiota is a genus of small to fleshy mushrooms in the family Strophariaceae. The genus has a widespread distribution, especially in temperate regions, and contains about 150 species.... spp. Pholiota varius Pycnoporus cinnabarinus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus is a plant pathogen. Its fruiting body is a bright orange shelf fungus. It is common in many areas and is widely distributed throughout the world.- External links :* * - References :... Schizophyllum commune Schizophyllum commune Schizophyllum commune is a very common species of mushroom in the genus Schizophyllum. It is the world's most widely distributed mushroom, occurring on every continent except Antarctica.... Stereum Stereum Stereum is type genus of the Stereaceae family of fungi, in the Russulales order. Until recently, the genus was classified in the Corticiaceae family, of the Corticiales order. However, it was given its own family as a result of the split-up of the Corticiales. Common names for species of this... spp. Trametes elegans Trametes hirsuta Trametes hirsuta Trametes hirsuta is a plant pathogen. It is found on dead wood of deciduous trees, especially beechwood. It is found all year round and persists due to its leathery nature.- External links :* *... Trametes versicolor Trametes versicolor Trametes versicolor — formerly known as Coriolus versicolor and Polyporus versicolor — is an extremely common polypore mushroom which can be found throughout the world. Versicolor means 'of several colours' and it is true that this mushroom is found in a wide variety of different colours. T... |
Nematodes, parasitic
Nematodes, parasitic |
Dagger | Xiphinema americanum Xiphinema americanum Xiphinema americanum is a plant pathogenic nematode. It is one of many species that belongs to the genus Xiphinema. It was first described by N. A. Cobb in 1913, who found it on both sides of the United States on the roots of grass, corn, and citrus trees. Not only is Xiphinema americanum known to... Xiphinema rivesi Xiphinema rivesi Xiphinema rivesi is a plant pathogenic nematode.- External links :*... |
Lesion | Pratylenchus vulnus Pratylenchus vulnus Pratylenchus vulnus is a plant pathogenic nematode.- External links :*... |
Ring | Criconemella xenoplax |
Root-knot | Meloidogyne arenaria Meloidogyne arenaria Meloidogyne arenaria is a plant pathogenic nematode.- External links :*... Meloidogyne incognita Meloidogyne incognita The Meloidogyne incognita is a nematode, a type of roundworm, in the family Heteroderidae. It is an important plant parasite classified in parasitology as a root-knot nematode, as it prefers to attack the root of its host plant.... Meloidogyne javanica Meloidogyne javanica Meloidogyne javanica is a plant pathogenic nematode. It is one of the tropical Root-knot Nematodes and a major agricultural pest in many countries. Meloidogyne javanica reproduces by obligatory mitotic parthenogenesis .- External links :*... |
Viral diseases
includes uncharacterized graft-transmissible pathogens [GTP] Viral diseases |
Bare twig and unfruitfulness | genus Nepovirus Nepovirus Nepoviruses or nematode transmitted polyhedral viruses, are a genus of plant viruses of the family Secoviridae and subfamily Comovirinae... , Strawberry latent ringspot virus Strawberry latent ringspot virus Strawberry latent ringspot virus is a plant pathogenic virus in an Unassigned family. Its entry in the ICTV database indicates this virus is a Sadwavirus but current literature indicates that it may be a Cheravirus.-References:... genus Tobamovirus Tobamovirus The genus Tobamovirus contains viruses with a positive sense RNA genome that infect plants. The most common tobamovirus is probably tobacco mosaic virus, which infects tobacco and other plants including potato, tomato, and squash. The name Tobamovirus comes from the host and symptoms: Toba for... , Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus is a plant pathogenic virus.In Europe this virus disease is found since 1965–1975. Watermelon and melon are also susceptible to this virus.Symptoms:... |
Line pattern & Necrotic ring spot | genus Ilarvirus Ilarvirus Ilarvirus is a genus of viruses.-External links:*... , Prunus necrotic ringspot virus Prunus necrotic ringspot virus Prunus necrotic ringspot virus is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Bromoviridae. It is known to attack cherry trees among others. In the cherry tree it results in lower yields, and if concurrent with cherry leaf roll virus, results in a rapid decline.-External links:**... (PNRSV) |
Peach mosaic | genus Trichovirus Trichovirus Trichovirus is a non-enveloped plant pathogenic virus. It is transmitted by mites of the family Eriophyidae, requiring a helper virus for transmission. It is infectious to a number of angiosperm species.-External links:*... , Cherry mottle leaf virus Cherry mottle leaf virus Cherry mottle leaf virus is a plant pathogenic virus causing leaf rot.-External links:**... (CMLV) |
Plum pox (= Sharka) | genus Potyvirus Potyvirus Potyviruses infect plants and belong to the family Potyviridae. The genus is named after the type virus - Potato Virus Y.The Potyvirus, like the Begomoviruses, have ~30% of the currently known plant viruses and have at least 180 definitive and possible members... , Plum pox virus (PPV) |
Prunus stem pitting | genus Nepovirus Nepovirus Nepoviruses or nematode transmitted polyhedral viruses, are a genus of plant viruses of the family Secoviridae and subfamily Comovirinae... , Tomato ringspot virus Tomato ringspot virus Tomato ringspot virus is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Comoviridae. It affects tomatoes.-External links:* Descriptions of Plant Viruses: **... (ToRSV) |
Pseudopox | genus Trichovirus Trichovirus Trichovirus is a non-enveloped plant pathogenic virus. It is transmitted by mites of the family Eriophyidae, requiring a helper virus for transmission. It is infectious to a number of angiosperm species.-External links:*... , Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) |
Viral gummosis | genus Ilarvirus Ilarvirus Ilarvirus is a genus of viruses.-External links:*... , Prune dwarf virus Prune dwarf virus Prune dwarf virus is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Bromoviridae.-External links:**... (PDV) |
Graft-transmissible pathogens [GTP]
Graft-transmissible pathogens [GTP] |
Asteroid spot (= Peach asteroid spot) |
Cherry mottle leaf |
Chlorotic leaf mottle |
Deformation mosaic (associated with an isometric particle) |
Moorpark mottle |
Peach yellow mottle |
Pucker leaf |
Ring pox (= Spur cherry?) |
Stone pitting |
Phytoplasmal diseases
Phytoplasmal diseases |
Chlorotic leaf roll (= Apple proliferation) | Witches' broom |
Miscellaneous diseases or disorders
Miscellaneous diseases or disorders |
Apricot gumboil | Unknown etiology (nontransmissible) |
Replant problems | Bacteria, fungi, nematodes, viruses, nutrients, toxins and environmental conditions (?) |