List of Test cricket umpires
This is a list of cricket umpires
who have officiated at least one Test match
. The number of Tests that each has officiated is complete to 3 August 2010. Current members of the current Elite Panel of ICC Umpires, appointed by the International Cricket Council
to officiate in Test matches and One Day Internationals, are shown in bold. Current members of the International Panel of Umpires and Referees
, who may also be called upon to officiate in Test matches in busy cricketing years, are marked with a dagger (†).
|Len Braund
Kingdom of England||3||1926||1929
|Bruce Bricknell||
New Zealand||1||1982||1982
|E. G. Brook||
New Zealand||1||1951||1951
|Tom Brooks
|J. M. A. Brown||
New Zealand||2||1963||1964
|Steve Bucknor
West Indies Cricket Board||128||1989||2009
|Lloyd Budd
Kingdom of England||4||1976||1978
|Syd Buller
Kingdom of England||33||1956||1969
|T. W. Burgess||
New Zealand||1||1933||1933
|Perry Burke||
West Indies Cricket Board||6||1954||1960
|Sam Burke||
West Indies Cricket Board||3||1935||1953
|D. C. Burns||
New Zealand||1||1964||1964
|Robert Burrows
Kingdom of England||1||1926||1926
|William Butler||
New Zealand||2||1930||1932
|Harry Butt
Kingdom of England||6||1921||1926
|Dooland Buultjens||
Sri Lanka||3||1984||1986
|Richard Callaway
|John Carlin
Kingdom of England||4||1905||1909
|Robert Carpenter
Kingdom of England||2||1886||1888
|H. B. Cassie||
New Zealand||1||1964||1964
|K. H. Cave||
New Zealand||6||1930||1933
|Arthur Chester
Kingdom of England||1||1896||1896
|Frank Chester
Kingdom of England||48||1924||1955
|Harry Chidgey
Kingdom of England||1||1926||1926
|S. R. Chinu||
|Habib Choudhury||
|Leslie Clark||
New Zealand||2||1956||1956
|C. Clements
Kingdom of England||1||1893||1893
|P. Coady
|Thomas Cobcroft
|Arthur Cocks
|C. M. P. Coetzee||
South Africa||3||1970||1970
|R. Cole||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1962||1962
|Tom Nicholas Cole||
|Alfred Coleman
Kingdom of England||2||1947||1947
|J. C. Collings||
South Africa||9||1931||1936
|Dal Collins||
South Africa||10||1949||1962
|Jack Collins
|Stanley Collins||
South Africa||1||1954||1954
|David Constant
Kingdom of England||36||1971||1988
|Ernest Cooke
Kingdom of England||1||1948||1948
|George Cooper||
|B. C. Cooray
Sri Lanka||21||1992||2001
|C. D. Coote||
South Africa||1||1953||1953
|Bill Copeland
|D. E. A. Copps||
New Zealand||13||1965||1977
|Sam Cosstick
|V. J. Costello||
South Africa||6||1957||1965
|George Coulthard
|Doug Cowie
New Zealand||22||1995||2002
|Jack Cowie
New Zealand||3||1956||1959
|Tony Crafter
|Jack Crapp
Kingdom of England||4||1964||1965
|William Creese||
South Africa||1||1902||1902
|Bob Crockett
|Peter Cronin
|Clyde Cumberbatch||
West Indies Cricket Board||12||1981||1995
|William Curran
|R. G. Currie||
New Zealand||2||1953||1955
|Aleem Dar
|J. Da Silva||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1948||1948
|Daud Khan||
|Dai Davies||
Kingdom of England||22||1947||1958
|Emrys Davies
Kingdom of England||9||1956||1959
|Owen Davies||
West Indies Cricket Board||3||1962||1965
|Steve Davis
|Asoka de Silva||
Sri Lanka||46||2000||
|C. R. Deare
South Africa||1||1889||1889
|Charles Dench
Kingdom of England||1||1909||1909
|D. D. Desai||
|Wilf Diedricks||
South Africa||1||1992||1992
|Billy Doctrove
West Indies Cricket Board||29||2000||
|Arthur Dolphin
Kingdom of England||6||1933||1937
|Dara Dotiwalla||
|George Edward Downs
|Henry Draper
Kingdom of England||1||1893||1893
|James Draper||
South Africa||5||1964||1970
|D. T. Drew||
South Africa||3||1950||1954
|Barry Dudleston
Kingdom of England||2||1991||1992
|Douglas Dumbleton||
New Zealand||2||1963||1964
|Clyde Duncan†||
West Indies Cricket Board||2||1991||1994
|Steve Dunne
New Zealand||39||1989||2002
|Colin Egar
|Dave Elder
|Charlie Elliott
Kingdom of England||42||1957||1974
|Ted Elliott
|Harry Elliott
Kingdom of England||7||1950||1953
|Herbert Elphinstone
|Peter Enright
|Marais Erasmus
South Africa || 2 || 2010 ||
|David Evans
Kingdom of England||9||1981||1985
|Ric Evans
|Tom Ewart||
West Indies Cricket Board||7||1948||1958
|Arthur Fagg
Kingdom of England||18||1967||1975
|Frank Farrands
Kingdom of England||7||1884||1888
|Desmond Fell
South Africa||1||1961||1961
|Alane Felsinger||
Sri Lanka||1||1986||1986
|Herbi Felsinger||
Sri Lanka||6||1982||1986
|Feroze Butt||
|Isaac Fisher
|Tom Flynn
|J. T. Forrester||
New Zealand||2||1932||1933
|Campbell Foster||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1948||1948
|K. T. Francis
Sri Lanka||25||1982||1999
|Dick French
|Walter French
|Bharaib Ganguli||
|Santosh Ganguli||
|W. R. C. Gardiner||
New Zealand||9||1974||1980
|Clement Garing
|Johnny Gayle||
West Indies Cricket Board||3||1972||1986
|Nadeem Ghauri
|Jibon Ghosh||
|Sunit Ghosh||
|G. D. Gibbon||
South Africa||1||1962||1962
|Wing Gillette||
West Indies Cricket Board||5||1948||1958
|Gunther Goldman||
South Africa||2||1967||1970
|Gerry Gomez
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1965||1965
|Fred Goodall
New Zealand||24||1965||1988
|Nelson Gooneratne||
Sri Lanka||1||1985||1985
|Quintin Goosen||
|I. Gopalakrishnan||
|Ralph Gosein
West Indies Cricket Board||25||1965||1978
|Madhav Gothoskar||
|Ian Gould
Kingdom of England||14||2008||
|H. W. Gourlay||
New Zealand||1||1946||1946
|Kenneth Grant||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1930||1930
|Laurie Gray
Kingdom of England||2||1955||1963
|Luke Greenwood
Kingdom of England||1||1882||1882
|F. W. Grey||
South Africa||10||1910||1922
|Victor Guillen||
West Indies Cricket Board||2||1935||1948
|Ram Gupta||
|M. Y. Gupte||
|W. J. C. Gwynne||
New Zealand||3||1956||1966
|Darrell Hair
|John Hampshire
Kingdom of England||21||1989||2002
|William Hannah
|SN Hanumantha Rao||
|Joe Hardstaff Sr.||
Kingdom of England||21||1928||1935
|Krishna Hariharan
|Daryl Harper
|JC Harris||
New Zealand||4||1952||1956
|SL Harris||
South Africa||4||1910||1923
|JV Hart-Davis||
South Africa||4||1948||1950
|Mick Harvey
|John Hastie||
New Zealand||7||1974||1981
|William Hearne
Kingdom of England||4||1893||1902
|Frank Hearne
South Africa||6||1899||1906
|George Hele
|B Henderson||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1948||1948
|John Hickson
Kingdom of England||1||1889||1889
|Arthur Hide
Kingdom of England||1||1899||1889
|John Higgins
Kingdom of England||1||1934||1934
|Ian Higginson||
New Zealand||1||1983||1983
|Allen Hill
Kingdom of England||1||1890||1890
|Tony Hill
New Zealand||18||2001||
|RDR Hill||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1930||1930
|Joe Hills||
Kingdom of England||1||1947||1947
|Bill Hitch
Kingdom of England||4||1933||1935
|George Hodges
|John Holder
Kingdom of England||11||1988||2001
|Ian Howell
South Africa||9||2001||2007
|Col Hoy
|Idris Beg||
|Ikram Rabbani||
|Ray Isherwood
|Stuart Ishmael||
West Indies Cricket Board||2||1971||1974
|Bertice Jacelon||
West Indies Cricket Board||2||1962||1962
|Arani Jayaprakash
|Albert Jelley||
New Zealand||1||1956||1956
|Arthur Jenkins
|Arthur Jepson
Kingdom of England||4||1966||1969
|Brian Jerling
South Africa||4||2006||2006
|C John||
West Indies Cricket Board||2||1953||1953
|Mel Johnson
|LC Johnston||
New Zealand||1||1963||1963
|Alfred Jones||
|Cortez Jordan
West Indies Cricket Board||22||1953||1974
|Bapu Joshi||
|Kantilal Kanjee
|Khalid Aziz||
|Khizer Hayat
|Hayward Kidson||
South Africa||11||1961||1967
|Albert King||
South Africa||3||1931||1931
|Christopher King||
New Zealand||3||1993||1997
|Len King||
|David Kinsella||
New Zealand||3||1981||1983
|Cecil Kippins||
West Indies Cricket Board||10||1958||1973
|Swaroop Kishen
|Mervyn Kitchen
Kingdom of England||20||1990||2000
|Enos Knibbs||
West Indies Cricket Board||2||1930||1930
|Rudi Koertzen
South Africa||108||1992||2010
|SB Kulkarni||
|SV Kumaraswamy||
|James Laing||
|Barry Lambson||
South Africa||5||1992||1995
|John Langridge
Kingdom of England||7||1960||1963
|A. G. Laver||
South Africa||10||1921||1928
|J. Leaney||
South Africa||1||1892||1892
|Reg Ledwidge
|Frank Lee
Kingdom of England||29||1949||1962
|Eric Lee Kow||
West Indies Cricket Board||9||1953||1960
|Karl Liebenberg||
South Africa||9||1992||1995
|James Lillywhite (jnr)
Kingdom of England||6||1882||1899
|Nigel Llong
Kingdom of England||8||2008||2009
|Sandy Lloyd||
West Indies Cricket Board||3||1958||1960
|Jeremy Lloyds
Kingdom of England||5||2004||2005
|ECA MacKintosh||
New Zealand||8||1964||1973
|Alan Mackley
|Mahboob Shah
|Mahbubur Rahman||
|BV Malan||
South Africa||6||1950||1957
|Wesley Malcolm||
West Indies Cricket Board||2||1978||1983
|Neil Mallender
Kingdom of England||3||2003||2004
|AM Mamsa||
|Peter Manuel||
Sri Lanka||11||1993||2002
|Wilhelm Marais||
South Africa||5||1956||1958
|Bruce Martin
|WT Martin||
New Zealand||15||1963||1973
|Masood Salahuddin||
|Okey McCabe||
South Africa||1||1953||1953
|Peter McConnell
|Rodger McHarg||
New Zealand||3||1986||1991
|Mel McInnes
|J McLellan||
New Zealand||3||1951||1955
|JH McMenamin||
South Africa||4||1956||1958
|Tony McQuillan
|Patrick McShane
|Rajan Mehra||
|Badge Menzies||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1954||1954
|Barrie Meyer
Kingdom of England||26||1978||1993
|Mian Mohammad Aslam||
|Audley Miller
Kingdom of England||2||1896||1896
|Arthur Millward
Kingdom of England||2||1907||1921
|Cyril Mitchley
South Africa||26||1992||2000
|Mohammad Aslam
|Mohammad Ghouse
|Mohammad Gulzar Mir||
|Mohammad Nazir
|Mohammad Yunus||
|Sadique Mohammed||
West Indies Cricket Board||3||1981||1986
|Balkrishna Mohoni||
|Josh Monaghan||
|Robert Monteith||
New Zealand||6||1974||1979
|OR Montgomery||
New Zealand||1||1947||1947
|George Morris||
New Zealand||4||1985||1987
|Arthur Morton
Kingdom of England||1||1928||1928
|John Moss
Kingdom of England||11||1902||1921
|Munawar Hussain||
|Murawwat Hussain||
|Thomas Mycroft
Kingdom of England||2||1899||1902
|Noshirvan Nagarwala||
|M. V. Nagendra||
|M. M. Naidu||
|Dattatraya Naik||
|A. L. Narasimhan||
|David Narine||
West Indies Cricket Board||3||1983||1985
|Eddie Nicholls
West Indies Cricket Board||17||1997||2001
|Max O’Connell||
|Thomas Oates
Kingdom of England||5||1928||1930
|Buddy Oldfield
Kingdom of England||2||1960||1962
|Dave Orchard
South Africa||44||1995||2004
|James Orr
|Donald Oslear
Kingdom of England||5||1980||1984
|ES Page||
South Africa||1||1928||1928
|WP Page||
New Zealand||1||1932||1932
|Ken Palmer
Kingdom of England||22||1978||1994
|Roy Palmer
Kingdom of England||2||1992||1993
|Sambhu Pan||
|Peter Parker
|Frederick Parris
Kingdom of England||1||1909||1909
|Stanton Parris
West Indies Cricket Board||5||1974||1983
|G Parry||
South Africa||2||1962||1962
|WR Parry
Kingdom of England||5||1928||1930
|K Parthasarathy||
|Jamshed Patel||
|Frederick Payne||
South Africa||1||1954||1954
|John Payne
|Cleophas Paynter||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1977||1977
|Terry Pearce||
New Zealand||3||1952||1956
|MF Pengelly||
New Zealand||4||1946||1952
|Camillus Perera||
Sri Lanka||1||1986||1986
|Jim Phillips
|William Phillips
Kingdom of England||2||1921||1921
|Eddie Phillipson
Kingdom of England||12||1958||1965
|Nigel Plews
Kingdom of England||11||1988||1995
|Selliah Ponnadurai||
Sri Lanka||3||1985||1993
|Fred Price
Kingdom of England||8||1964||1967
|Terry Prue
|Charles Pullin
Kingdom of England||10||1884||1893
|Ram Punjabi||
|Qamaruddin Butt||
|Dave Quested||
New Zealand||5||1995||2001
|Amjad Qureshi||
|SK Raghunatha Rao||
|V Rajagopal||
|TA Ramachandran||
|Kasturi Ramaswami||
|VK Ramaswamy||
|SR Ramchandra Rao||
|Steve Randell
|RS Rathore||
|Asad Rauf
|Henry Rawlinson
|Courtenay Reece||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1935||1935
|Bill Reeves
Kingdom of England||5||1924||1939
|Curtis Reid
|J Reid||
South Africa||1||1923||1923
|Pilloo Reporter||
|Judah Reuben||
|Albert Rhodes
Kingdom of England||8||1963||1973
|Joseph Richards
|Walter Richards
Kingdom of England||10||1899||1912
|Arthur Richardson||
|Charles Richardson
Kingdom of England||2||1902||1902
|Jackie Roberts||
West Indies Cricket Board||2||1960||1962
|Emmott Robinson
Kingdom of England||1||1938||1938
|Ian Robinson
|Toby Rollox||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1953||1953
|WJ Routledge||
South Africa||2||1935||1936
|Lou Rowan
|Joseph Rowbotham
Kingdom of England||1||1884||1884
|Samar Roy||
|WB Ryan||
South Africa||2||1930||1931
|Khwaja Saeed||
|Said Ahmed Shah||
|Saleem Badar||
|TM Samarasinghe||
Sri Lanka||7||1992||1993
|Narayan Sane||
|Douglas Sang Hue
West Indies Cricket Board||31||1962||1981
|B Satyaji Rao
|C Saunders||
South Africa||1||1928||1928
|John Scott
|George Searcy
|Shakeel Khan||
|Shakoor Rana
|Har Sharma||
|Raman Sharma||
|George Sharp
Kingdom of England||15||1996||2002
|Suresh Shastri
|Bill Sheahan
|David Shepherd
Kingdom of England||92||1985||2005
|Mordecai Sherwin
Kingdom of England||1||1899||1899
|Dick Shortt||
New Zealand||9||1959||1973
|GL Sickler||
South Africa||7||1938||1948
|Gamini Silva
Sri Lanka||3||2000||2005
|Prasad Sinha||
|MS Sivasankariah||
|Jack Smart
Kingdom of England||4||1946||1947
|Douglas Smith||
Kingdom of England||1||1914||1914
|Tiger Smith
Kingdom of England||8||1933||1939
|Frank Smith
Kingdom of England||5||1902||1910
|Bill Smyth
|A Soames||
South Africa||2||1899||1902
|Tom Spencer
Kingdom of England||17||1954||1978
|HH Stephenson
Kingdom of England||1||1880||1880
|Alfred Street
Kingdom of England||7||1912||1926
|James Street
Kingdom of England||1||1890||1890
|MG Subramaniam||
|John Swift
|Tariq Ata||
|Frank Tarrant
|Simon Taufel
|Richard Benjamin Terry
|CN Thomas||
South Africa||1||1892||1892
|George Thompson
Kingdom of England||2||1923||1923
|Bob Thoms
Kingdom of England||2||1880||1882
|Russell Tiffin
|Col Timmins
|Eric Tindill
New Zealand||1||1959||1959
|Valentine Titchmarsh
Kingdom of England||3||1899||1905
|SB Tonkinson||
New Zealand||2||1951||1955
|Jack Tooher
|Richard Torrance||
New Zealand||1||1933||1933
|Les Townsend
|Norman Townsend
|GB Treadwell||
South Africa||4||1927||1930
|Rod Tucker
|Umar Khan||
|Srinivas Venkataraghavan||
|Gustave Verheyen||
South Africa||1||1928||1928
|PW Vidanagamage||
Sri Lanka||4||1984||1987
|Mysore Vijayasarathi||
|V Vikramraju||
|B Vine||
New Zealand||1||1952||1952
|CF Vyfhuis||
West Indies Cricket Board||6||1974||1978
|Billy Wade
South Africa||1||1970||1970
|Walker Wainwright
Kingdom of England||1||1923||1923
|Harold Walcott||
West Indies Cricket Board||4||1948||1958
|Fanny Walden
Kingdom of England||11||1934||1939
|Edward Ward||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1935||1935
|Albert Warner||
South Africa||2||1970||1970
|John Warner||
South Africa||2||1962||1965
|Robert Warton
Kingdom of England||2||1889||1889
|Evan Watkin
New Zealand||2||1998||1999
|George Watson
|George Webb||
Kingdom of England||3||1912||1912
|Andrew Weekes||
West Indies Cricket Board||4||1983||1990
|Don Weser
|John West||
Kingdom of England||1||1886||1886
|John Edward West||
Kingdom of England||1||1905||1905
|William West
Kingdom of England||9||1896||1912
|Archibald White
Kingdom of England||8||1899||1912
|Alan Whitehead||
Kingdom of England||5||1982||1987
|Rex Whitehead
|Bill Whitridge
|Udaya Wickramasinghe
Sri Lanka||3||1987||1997
|Tyron Wijewardene
Sri Lanka||4||2001||2005
|Peter Willey
Kingdom of England||25||1996||2003
|A. P. Williams
|G Williams||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1958||1958
|K Woods||
West Indies Cricket Board||1||1954||1954
|Steve Woodward
New Zealand||24||1979||1991
|Claud Woolley
Kingdom of England||1||1948||1948
|Ron Wright
|Arthur Wyeth
|Ted Wykes
|Hugo Yarnold
Kingdom of England||3||1967||1968
|Sailor Young
Kingdom of England||3||1924||1926
|W. A. Young
Umpire (cricket)
In cricket, an umpire is a person who has the authority to make judgements on the cricket field, according to the Laws of Cricket...
who have officiated at least one Test match
Test cricket
Test cricket is the longest form of the sport of cricket. Test matches are played between national representative teams with "Test status", as determined by the International Cricket Council , with four innings played between two teams of 11 players over a period of up to a maximum five days...
. The number of Tests that each has officiated is complete to 3 August 2010. Current members of the current Elite Panel of ICC Umpires, appointed by the International Cricket Council
International Cricket Council
The International Cricket Council is the international governing body of cricket. It was founded as the Imperial Cricket Conference in 1909 by representatives from England, Australia and South Africa, renamed the International Cricket Conference in 1965, and took up its current name in 1989.The...
to officiate in Test matches and One Day Internationals, are shown in bold. Current members of the International Panel of Umpires and Referees
International Panel of Umpires and Referees
The International Panel of ICC Umpires was established by the ICC in 1994 following trial in 1992/3, to ensure that one neutral umpire would stand in every Test match. It is made up of officials nominated from each of the ten Test playing cricket boards...
, who may also be called upon to officiate in Test matches in busy cricketing years, are marked with a dagger (†).
Umpire | Country | Tests | From | To |
Ellis Achong Ellis Achong Ellis Edgar Achong was a sportsman from Trinidad and Tobago in the West Indies. He played cricket for the West Indies and was the first person of Chinese descent to play in a Test match... |
![]() |
1 | 1954 | 1954 |
H. V. Adams | ![]() |
2 | 1921 | 1928 |
Akhtar Hussain | ![]() |
3 | 1959 | 1969 |
Javed Akhtar Javed Akhtar (cricketer) Javed Akhtar is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1962. An off spinner, he had success at first-class level, taking his wickets at an average of 18.17, but struggled in his only Test, failing to take a wicket.He later became an umpire, standing in 18 Tests and 40 ODIs from... |
![]() |
18 | 1980 | 1998 |
A. F. M. Akhtaruddin | ![]() |
2 | 2001 | 2002 |
Brian Aldridge Brian Aldridge Brian Aldridge is a retired professional cricket player and professional cricket umpire, and the National Umpiring Manager for New Zealand cricket. He was one of the umpires in the 1992 Cricket World Cup final between England and Pakistan.-References:... |
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26 | 1986 | 1995 |
Bill Alley Bill Alley William Edward Alley was a cricketer who played 400 first-class matches for New South Wales, Somerset and a Commonwealth XI.... |
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10 | 1974 | 1981 |
George Allsop | ![]() |
1 | 1896 | 1896 |
Amanullah Khan | ![]() |
13 | 1975 | 1987 |
Amiesh Saheba Amiesh Saheba Amiesh Maheshbhai Saheba is an Indian cricket umpire and former cricketer. He played as a batsman for Gujarat.... † |
![]() |
3 | 2008 | 2009 |
Ignatius Anandappa | ![]() |
3 | 1992 | 1993 |
W. P. Anderson | ![]() |
2 | 1961 | 1961 |
Basil Anthony | ![]() |
1 | 1983 | 1983 |
David Archer David Archer (umpire) David Myrton Archer was a West Indian cricketer and umpire. He played first-class cricket for the Windward Islands but is most well known for standing in 28 Test matches between 1981 and 1992.... |
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28 | 1981 | 1992 |
Philip Argall Philip Argall Philip Argall was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired 7 Test matches between Australia and England... |
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7 | 1902 | 1908 |
Henry Armstrong Henry Armstrong (umpire) Henry James Armstrong was an Australian cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match in 1931 between Australia and the West Indies at Sydney on 27 February to 4 March 1931. In this match, in which the West Indies gained their first win over Australia, he was partnered by Walter... |
![]() |
1 | 1931 | 1931 |
Bill Ashdown Bill Ashdown William Henry Ashdown was an English cricketer, and one of only a handful of players who played first-class cricket before the First World War and after the Second World War.Ashdown was born in Bromley, Kent... |
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3 | 1949 | 1950 |
Richard Ashman Richard Ashman Richard Gerald Alfred Ashman was a South African cricket umpire. His umpiring career commenced in 1935 when he officiated in the second South Africa vs. Australia Test at Johannesburg in December... |
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14 | 1935 | 1950 |
Alfred Atfield Alfred Atfield Alfred John Atfield was a first class cricketer and test match umpire . Born in Kent in 1868, he made 8 first class appearances for Gloucestershire, London County, M.C.C., Natal and Transvaal as a right-handed batsman and right arm medium bowler with modest returns. He umpired 8 test matches in... |
![]() |
8 | 1910 | 1914 |
Athar Zaidi | ![]() |
8 | 1990 | 2002 |
G. Ayling | ![]() |
1 | 1956 | 1956 |
Jack Badley | ![]() |
1 | 1930 | 1930 |
Robin Bailhache Robin Bailhache Robin Carl Bailhache, , is a former Australian Test cricket match umpire.He umpired 27 Test matches between 1974 and 1988. His first match was between Australia and England at Brisbane on 29 November to 4 December 1974, won by Australia by 166 runs with Jeff Thomson taking 9 wickets... |
![]() |
27 | 1974 | 1988 |
Charles Bain | ![]() |
1 | 1965 | 1965 |
Herbert Baldwin | ![]() |
9 | 1946 | 1953 |
Sunil Banerjee | ![]() |
1 | 1964 | 1964 |
Charles Bannerman Charles Bannerman Charles Bannerman was an Australian Test cricketer, a right-hand batsman, who played domestic cricket for New South Wales.... |
![]() |
12 | 1887 | 1902 |
Shyam Bansal | ![]() |
6 | 1993 | 2001 |
Kevan Barbour Kevan Barbour Kevan Christopher Barbour is an international cricket umpire from Zimbabwe. Previous roles have included being president, chairman and provincial manager of the Manicaland Cricket Association.... † |
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|4 | 1999 | 2001 |
Lloyd Barker Lloyd Barker Lloyd Hamilton Barker is a cricket umpire who officiated in 29 Tests and 37 One Day Internationals from 1984 to 1997. Barker's first Test as umpire was the Third Test between West Indies and Australia in 1984... |
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29 | 1984 | 1997 |
Andrew Barlow Andrew Barlow Andrew Nicholas Barlow was a cricket Test match umpire.Barlow was born at Newport, Victoria. He umpired eleven Test matches between 1931 and 1951... |
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11 | 1931 | 1951 |
Dick Barlow Dick Barlow Richard Gorton Barlow was a cricketer who played for Lancashire and England... |
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1 | 1899 | 1899 |
Thomas Bartley Thomas Bartley (cricket umpire) Thomas Bartley was a test match umpire . Bartley represented Cheshire in the Minor Counties and played in the Lancashire League but made his most notable contribution to cricket as an umpire. He stood in first class cricket from 1948 to 1960 and officiated in 6 home tests against Pakistan, South... |
![]() |
6 | 1954 | 1956 |
L. M. Baxter | ![]() |
4 | 1964 | 1966 |
George Beet snr. | ![]() |
1 | 1946 | 1946 |
Mark Benson Mark Benson Mark Richard Benson is a former International cricketer and a retired ICC Elite Panel cricket umpire - he played for England in one Test match and one One Day International in 1986.... |
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27 | 2004 | 2009 |
Billy Bestwick Billy Bestwick William Bestwick was an English cricketer who played for Derbyshire between 1898 and 1926. He was a demon medium-fast bowler who took over 1400 wickets for the county, including 10 in one innings... |
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3 | 1929 | 1930 |
Gordon Beves | ![]() |
1 | 1896 | 1896 |
S. K. Bhattacharya | ![]() |
2 | 1964 | 1969 |
Harold "Dickie" Bird | ![]() |
66 | 1973 | 1996 |
Jack Birkenshaw Jack Birkenshaw Jack Birkenshaw, MBE was an English cricketer, who later stood as an umpire and worked as a coach... |
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2 | 1986 | 1988 |
A. Birkett | ![]() |
2 | 1957 | 1958 |
J. G. Blackman | ![]() |
1 | 1935 | 1935 |
George Borwick | ![]() |
24 | 1931 | 1948 |
S. R. Bose | ![]() |
1 | 1983 | 1983 |
Billy Bowden Billy Bowden Brent Fraser "Billy" Bowden is an international cricket umpire from New Zealand. He was a player until he began to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and took up umpiring... |
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61 | 2000 |
|Len Braund
Len Braund
Leonard Charles Braund, born October 18, 1875, at Clewer, Berkshire, and died December 23, 1955, Putney Common, London, was a cricketer who played for Surrey, Somerset and England....

|Bruce Bricknell||

|E. G. Brook||

|Tom Brooks
Tom Brooks
Thomas Francis Brooks OAM was an Australian Test cricket match umpire who was born in Paddington, New South Wales...

|J. M. A. Brown||

|Steve Bucknor
Steve Bucknor
The Honourable Stephen Anthony Bucknor OJ, also known as Steve Bucknor, is a former international cricket umpire. He was born in Montego Bay, Jamaica, on 31 May 1946. He became a high school mathematics teacher and sports coach, before becoming an international football referee and a cricket umpire...

|Lloyd Budd
Lloyd Budd
William Lloyd Budd was a first class cricketer and umpire. Born in Hampshire on October 25 1913, he played 60 first-class games for his native county as a right arm fast medium bowler and right-handed lower order batsman from 1934 to 1946. He took 64 wickets and scored 941 runs...

|Syd Buller
Syd Buller
John Sydney Buller, MBE was an English first-class cricketer, and notable international cricket umpire....

|T. W. Burgess||

|Perry Burke||

|Sam Burke||

|D. C. Burns||

|Robert Burrows
Robert Burrows
Robert Dixon Burrows was a first class cricketer who played for Worcestershire CCC between 1899 and 1919, he also umpired one test match and set a world record in 1911 when he sent a bail spinning 67 yards and 6 inches when he bowled Huddleston at Old Trafford.He bowled right arm fast medium and...

|William Butler||

|Harry Butt
Harry Butt
Henry Rigden Butt was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Sussex County Cricket Club and the Marylebone Cricket Club between 1890 and 1912. Butt also played three Test matches for England on their tour to South Africa in 1895-96...

|Dooland Buultjens||

|Richard Callaway
Richard Callaway (umpire)
Richard Callaway was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired 3 Test matches between Australia and England in the 1901/02 season....

|John Carlin
John Carlin (umpire)
John Carlin was a first class cricketer and test umpire . Born in Nottinghamshire in 1861, he played 76 first class matches for Nottinghamshire as a wicket keeper and left-handed batsman between 1887 and 1901. He took 101 catches, completed 39 stumpings and scored 1577 runs with a best of 85. He...

|Robert Carpenter
Robert Carpenter (cricketer)
Robert Pearson Carpenter was a noted English cricketer and umpire.A right-handed batsman and occasional wicket-keeper, he played for Cambridgeshire during its brief period as a first-class county in the 1850s and 1860s, as well as for the United All-England Eleven...

|H. B. Cassie||

|K. H. Cave||

|Arthur Chester
Arthur Chester
Arthur Chester was a first class cricketer and test umpire . Born in 1851 in Kingston-upon-Thames, he played 17 matches for Surrey as a right-handed batsman between 1872 and 1883, scoring 272 runs with a best of 54 not out. He umpired the England v Australia test at Old Trafford in 1896. He died in...

|Frank Chester
Frank Chester (umpire)
Frank Chester was an English first-class cricketer and notable international cricket umpire.Chester was an all-rounder, a left-handed middle-order batsman and a slow left-arm bowler, who played 55 first-class matches for county side Worcestershire as a teenager from 1912 to 1914...

|Harry Chidgey
Harry Chidgey
Harry Chidgey was a first-class cricketer and test match umpire . Born in Somerset in 1879, he played 99 first-class matches for Somerset as a wicket keeper and right-handed batsman between 1900 and 1921. He took 135 catches, completed 55 stumpings and scored 717 runs with a best of 45. He...

|S. R. Chinu||

|Habib Choudhury||

|Leslie Clark||

|C. Clements
C. Clements
C. Clements was a test match umpire . He stood in the England v Australia test at Old Trafford, Manchester in 1893....

|P. Coady
P. Coady
P. Coady umpired one Test cricket match played between Australia and England in Melbourne on 2–4 January 1879. The match, which was won by Australia by 10 wickets, was notable for the first Test match hat-trick, achieved by Fred Spofforth of Australia. Coady's colleague was George Coulthard....

|Thomas Cobcroft
Thomas Cobcroft
Leslie Thomas Cobcroft was a first-class cricketer in Australia and New Zealand, and Test match umpire in New Zealand.Cobcroft was born in Muswellbrook, New South Wales, Australia. He became a solicitor....

|Arthur Cocks
Arthur Cocks
Arthur F. Cocks was an Australian cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match between Australia and England at Adelaide on 2–8 February 1951. Australia won comfortably with Arthur Morris scoring 206, Jim Burke scoring a century in his first Test, and Bill Johnston taking 7 wickets. Cocks'...

|C. M. P. Coetzee||

|R. Cole||

|Tom Nicholas Cole||

|Alfred Coleman
Alfred Coleman
Charles Alfred Richard Coleman was a first class cricketer and test match umpire . Born in Gumley, Leicestershire in 1906, he played 114 first class matches for Leicestershire between 1926 and 1935 as a right arm fast medium bowler and middle order batsman. He took 100 wickets and scored 2403...

|J. C. Collings||

|Dal Collins||

|Jack Collins
Jack Collins (umpire)
John Richard Collins, was an Australian cricket Test match umpire.He umpired five Test matches between 1972 and 1975. His first match was between Australia and Pakistan at Melbourne on 29 December 1972 to 3 January 1973, won by Australia by 92 runs with Ian Redpath, Greg Chappell, Paul Sheahan,...

|Stanley Collins||

|David Constant
David Constant
David John Constant played 61 first-class cricket matches from 1961 to 1968 for Kent and Leicestershire...

|Ernest Cooke
Ernest Cooke
Ernest Cooke was a test match umpire . Born in 1899 he joined the Nottinghamshire ground staff but did not make a first class appearance. He turned to umpiring in 1936 and stood in the Ashes test at Trent Bridge in 1948. He retired from the first class list in 1956 and died the following year in...

|George Cooper||

|B. C. Cooray
B. C. Cooray
Bulathsinghalage Cyril Cooray , was an international cricket umpire from Sri Lanka. He officiated in 21 Test matches and 48 ODI's.-External links:...

|C. D. Coote||

|Bill Copeland
Bill Copeland
William John Copeland, was an Australian Test cricket match umpire, from Warrnambool, Victoria....

|D. E. A. Copps||

|Sam Cosstick
Sam Cosstick
Samuel Cosstick was an important figure in developing cricket in Victoria in its formative years.-Biography:Cosstick was born at Croydon, Surrey, England. He was attracted to Victoria by the gold fever of the early 1850s and joined the Melbourne Cricket Club on arrival...

|V. J. Costello||

|George Coulthard
George Coulthard
George Coulthard was a star Australian rules footballer who played for Carlton. He was also a notable cricketer who played for the Melbourne Cricket Club and briefly for Australia. As a cricketer he played only six first-class matches, five for Victoria and a Test match for Australia...

|Doug Cowie
Doug Cowie (umpire)
Douglas Bruce Cowie , was a New Zealander who umpired in international cricket. He officiated at New Zealand first-class level for over two decades, before a 10 years spell in international cricket which saw him officiate in 22 Tests and 71 ODIs. He umpired in the 1999 World Cup in...

|Jack Cowie
Jack Cowie
John Cowie OBE was a New Zealand cricketer who played in nine Tests from 1937 to 1949. His Test opportunities were restricted by New Zealand's limited programme, and his cricket career was interrupted by World War II from 1939 to 1945...

|Tony Crafter
Tony Crafter
Anthony Ronald Crafter, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire.He umpired 33 Test matches between 1979 and 1992, the highest number by an Australian umpire to that time...

|Jack Crapp
Jack Crapp
John "Jack" Frederick Crapp was an English cricketer, who played first-class cricket for Gloucestershire between 1936 and 1956, and played for England on tour in the winter of 1948-49....

|William Creese||

|Bob Crockett
Bob Crockett
Robert Maxwell Crockett , was an Australian Test match umpire.Crockett umpired a total of 32 Test matches, the highest number by an Australian umpire until passed by Tony Crafter in his last match in 1992...

|Peter Cronin
Peter Cronin
Peter Michael Cronin, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire, from South Australia.He umpired 1 Test match in 1980 between Australia and England at Melbourne on 1 February to 6 February 1980, won by Australia by 8 wickets, with Greg Chappell scoring a century and Dennis Lillee taking 11...

|Clyde Cumberbatch||

|William Curran
William Curran
William Gregory Curran was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired two Test matches, making his debut in the match between Australia and South Africa, the first match between these nations in Australia, played at Sydney on 9 December to 14 December 1910...

|R. G. Currie||

|Aleem Dar
Aleem Dar
Aleem Sarwar Dar is a retired Pakistani first-class cricketer and a member of the ICC Elite umpire panel. He won three consecutive ICC Umpire of the Year awards 2009, 2010 and 2011, after being nominated twice in 2005 and 2006. Aleem Dar and Simon Taufel are the only umpires to have received the...

|J. Da Silva||

|Daud Khan||

|Dai Davies||

|Emrys Davies
Emrys Davies
David Emrys Davies was a Glamorgan cricketer and in his later years a Test cricket umpire.Davies was born in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, Wales. His first class career for Glamorgan lasted for thirty one years, from 1924 till 1954...

|Owen Davies||

|Steve Davis
Steve Davis (umpire)
Stephen James Davis, , is a current Australian Test cricket match umpire, from South Australia. He was appointed to the Elite Panel of ICC Umpires in April 2008.-Umpiring career:...

|Asoka de Silva||

|C. R. Deare
C. R. Deare
Charles Russel Deare was a South African who umpired one Test match in South Africa.Deare was born in Port Elizabeth in South Africa's Cape Province....

|Charles Dench
Charles Dench
Charles Edward Dench was a first class cricketer and test match umpire . Born in 1873, he played 91 matches for Nottinghamshire as a right-handed batsman and right arm medium bowler between 1897 and 1902. He scored 2660 runs with a best of 88 and took 78 wickets, including a haul of 7 for 28. He...

|D. D. Desai||

|Wilf Diedricks||

|Billy Doctrove
Billy Doctrove
Billy Raymond Doctrove is a former international football referee, but is best known as an international cricket umpire.- Career as a FIFA referee :...

|Arthur Dolphin
Arthur Dolphin
Arthur Dolphin was an English first-class cricketer, who kept wicket for Yorkshire County Cricket Club between 1905 and 1927...

|Dara Dotiwalla||

|George Edward Downs
George Edward Downs
George Edward Downs was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match between Australia and England in Adelaide on 24 March to 28 March 1892, standing with Bill Whitridge, also in his only Test match...

|Henry Draper
Henry Draper (umpire)
Henry Draper was a test match umpire , standing in the 1893 Ashes test at the Oval. Born in Kent in 1847, he died in 1896....

|James Draper||

|D. T. Drew||

|Barry Dudleston
Barry Dudleston
Barry Dudleston is a former first-class cricketer and umpire. He was a right-handed batsman and occasional wicketkeeper who played cricket for Rhodesia, Gloucestershire and Leicestershire. By the end of his career of 295 first-class games he had made 14,747 runs at 32.48, with 32 hundreds and 241...

|Douglas Dumbleton||

|Clyde Duncan†||

|Steve Dunne
Steve Dunne (cricket umpire)
Robert Stephen Dunne was a New Zealand cricket umpire. He was the first umpire to stand in 100 ODIs.Steve Dunne was born in Dunedin, Otago. He is married with two sons...

|Colin Egar
Colin Egar
Colin John "Col" Egar was an Australian Test cricket umpire.Born in Malvern, South Australia, Egar umpired 29 Test matches between 1960 and 1969.- First-class debut :...

|Dave Elder
Dave Elder
David Alexander Elder – 22 April 1954 at Deepdene, Victoria) was a cricket Test match umpire....

|Charlie Elliott
Charlie Elliott
Charles Standish 'Charlie' Elliott MBE was an English footballer, a first-class cricketer who played for Derbyshire between 1932 and 1953 and an international cricket umpire.Elliott was born in Bolsover, Derbyshire...

|Ted Elliott
Ted Elliott (umpire)
Edward Hudspith Elliott was a Victorian First-class cricketer and Test match umpire....

|Harry Elliott
Harry Elliott
Harry Elliott was an English cricketer who kept wicket for Derbyshire from 1920 to 1947 and for England between 1927 and 1934 and was an international Test umpire....

|Herbert Elphinstone
Herbert Elphinstone
Herbert Alfred Rhys Elphinston Herbert Alfred Rhys (Herb) Elphinston Herbert Alfred Rhys (Herb) Elphinston (25 February 1905 at Sydney, New South Wales – 8 July 1966 at Sydney, New South Wales, was an Australian Test Cricket Umpires. Wife: Miriam. Daughters Joan, Rhonda and Lynne.He umpired ten...

|Peter Enright
Peter Enright
Peter Robert Enright, was an Australian cricket Test match umpire.He umpired three Test matches between 1972 and 1974. His first match was between Australia and Pakistan at Melbourne on 29 December 1972 to 3 January 1973, won by Australia by 92 runs with Ian Redpath, Greg Chappell, Paul Sheahan,...

|Marais Erasmus
Marais Erasmus
Marais Erasmus, , is a current South African cricket umpire from Cape Province and member of the ICC Elite Umpire Panel....

|David Evans
David Evans (umpire)
David Gwilym Lloyd Evans, born at Lambeth, London on 27 July 1933 and died at Cwmpengraig, Drefach, Llandysul, Dyfed on 25 March 1990, was a cricketer who played as wicketkeeper for Glamorgan from 1956 to 1969 and then became a first-class umpire from 1971, standing in nine Tests from 1981 to...

|Ric Evans
Ric Evans
Richard James Evans, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire, from Western Australia.He umpired 3 Test matches between 1989 and 1990. His first match was between Australia and the West Indies at Adelaide on 3 February to 7 February 1989, a drawn match on a batting pitch too good for a result...

|Tom Ewart||

|Arthur Fagg
Arthur Fagg
Arthur Edward Fagg was an English cricketer, who played for Kent and England....

|Frank Farrands
Frank Farrands
Frank Henry Farrands was a first class cricketer and test match umpire . A right-handed roundarm fast bowler, he took 128 wickets for Marylebone Cricket Club , Nottinghamshire and others in just 30 matches at an average of 15. He umpired in first class cricket from 1868 to 1900, standing in 7...

|Desmond Fell
Desmond Fell
Desmond Robert Fell was a South African cricketer who played first-class cricket in for Natal either side of the Second World War, later becoming an umpire...

|Alane Felsinger||

|Herbi Felsinger||

|Feroze Butt||

|Isaac Fisher
Isaac Fisher
Isaac Alfred Fisher was an umpire in one Test match in Australia.Fisher was born in Adelaide, South Australia. He was an umpire in first-class cricket from February 1884 to October 1897...

|Tom Flynn
Tom Flynn
Thomas Flynn was a cricket Test match umpire. He umpired 4 Test matches, making his debut in the match between Australia and England in Melbourne on 1 January to 6 January 1892, standing with Jim Phillips...

|J. T. Forrester||

|Campbell Foster||

|K. T. Francis
K. T. Francis
K. T. Francis, full name Kandiah Thirugnansampandapillai Francis , is a former cricket umpire. Francis officiated in 25 Tests and 56 One Day Internationals between 1982 and 1999, mostly in his own country...

|Dick French
Dick French
Richard Allan French, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire.He umpired 19 Test matches between 1977 and 1987...

|Walter French
Walter French
----Walter G French was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired two Test matches in 1931 between Australia and the West Indies. He made his debut in the second Test match played at Sydney on 1 January to 5 January 1931, won by Australia by an innings with Bill Ponsford scoring 183...

|Bharaib Ganguli||

|Santosh Ganguli||

|W. R. C. Gardiner||

|Clement Garing
Clement Garing
Clement Garing was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match, between Australia and England, played at Melbourne on 1 January to 8 January 1925...

|Johnny Gayle||

|Nadeem Ghauri
Nadeem Ghauri
Mohammad Nadeem Ghauri is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test and 6 ODIs in 1990.He had the unfortunate record of scoring neither a run nor taking a wicket in his Test career....

|Jibon Ghosh||

|Sunit Ghosh||

|G. D. Gibbon||

|Wing Gillette||

|Gunther Goldman||

|Gerry Gomez
Gerry Gomez
Gerry Ethridge Gomez was a West Indian cricketer who played 29 Tests for the West Indies between 1939 and 1954, scoring 1,243 runs and taking 58 wickets. He captained in one match for the West Indies when England toured in 1947/8.Gomez was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad...

|Fred Goodall
Fred Goodall
Frederick Robert Goodall is a former international cricket umpire from New Zealand who officiated in 24 Tests and 15 one-day internationals between 1965 and 1988...

|Nelson Gooneratne||

|Quintin Goosen||

|I. Gopalakrishnan||

|Ralph Gosein
Ralph Gosein
Ralph Godfrey Gosein was a West Indian cricket umpire. He umpired 25 Test matches between 1965 and 1978.Gosein was born in Trinidad and educated at Fatima College. He began umpiring in 1954, having been encouraged to do so by his work colleague at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Eric Lee Kow...

|Madhav Gothoskar||

|Ian Gould
Ian Gould
Ian James Gould is an ICC Elite Panel cricket umpire and a former English cricketer. He is also chairman of English football club Burnham FC.-Player:...

|H. W. Gourlay||

|Kenneth Grant||

|Laurie Gray
Laurie Gray
Lawrence Herbert Gray was a first class cricketer and test match umpire . Born in Tottenham in 1915, he played 219 matches for Middlesex as a right arm fast medium bowler between 1934 and 1951. He took 637 wickets at 25.13 with a best of 8 for 59. He took 5 wickets in an innings 26 times and 10...

|Luke Greenwood
Luke Greenwood
Luke Greenwood was an English first-class cricketer, who played 48 matches for Yorkshire County Cricket Club from 1861 to 1874...

|F. W. Grey||

|Victor Guillen||

|Ram Gupta||

|M. Y. Gupte||

|W. J. C. Gwynne||

|Darrell Hair
Darrell Hair
Darrell Bruce Hair is an Australian former Test match cricket umpire, from New South Wales. He stood on the Emirates International panel of umpires from 2002 to 2003, before he, along with fellow Australian Simon Taufel, and New Zealander Billy Bowden, was appointed to the ICC Elite umpire panel...

|John Hampshire
John Hampshire
John Harry Hampshire John Harry Hampshire John Harry Hampshire (born 10 February 1941, Thurnscoe (near Barnsley, Yorkshire) better known as Jack Hampshire, is a former English cricketer, who played eight Tests and three ODIs for England between 1969 and 1975. He played first-class cricket for...

|William Hannah
William Hannah
William Hannah was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired 4 Test matches, involving Australia, two against England and two against South Africa. His first match, at Sydney on 13 December to 19 December 1907 was a close affair, won by Australia by 2 wickets after they were 7 wickets down with 90...

|SN Hanumantha Rao||

|Joe Hardstaff Sr.||

|Krishna Hariharan
Krishna Hariharan
Krishna Hariharan is an Indian Test cricket umpire.Harihan became a first-class cricket umpire in 1991. He stood as an umpire in 34 One-day Internationals between 1997 and 2006, but only 2 Test matches...

|Daryl Harper
Daryl Harper
Daryl John Harper, is an Australian cricket umpire, who was a Test umpire between 1998 and 2011. He was a member of the Elite Panel of ICC Umpires from 2002 until 2011 when the ICC announced that Harper was being stood down at the termination of his contract in July 2011...

|JC Harris||

|SL Harris||

|JV Hart-Davis||

|Mick Harvey
Mick Harvey (umpire)
Clarence Edgar Harvey, , is a former first-class cricketer and Australian Test cricket umpire. He was the brother of Test batsmen Merv and Neil Harvey....

|John Hastie||

|William Hearne
William Hearn (umpire)
William Hearn was a first class cricketer and Test umpire. Born in Hertfordshire in 1849, he played 41 games for the Marylebone Cricket Club between 1878 and 1891 as a right-handed batsman, scoring 806 runs with a best of 91. He umpired four Ashes Tests between 1893 and 1902.-References:...

|Frank Hearne
Frank Hearne
Frank Hearne was a cricketer.One of the few men to play Test cricket for more than one country, he played for both England and South Africa....

|George Hele
George Hele
George Alfred Hele was a cricket Test match umpire.-Biography:Hele was born in 1891 to Andrew William Hele and Elizabeth Ann Hele, née Patterson...

|B Henderson||

|John Hickson
John Hickson (cricketer)
John Arnold Einem Hickson was an English first-class cricketer and who umpired one Test match in South Africa in 1889....

|Arthur Hide
Arthur Hide
Arthur Bollard Hide was a first class cricketer and test match umpire . Born in Eastbourne in 1860, he played 115 games for Sussex as a left arm medium pace bowler between 1882 and 1890. He took 403 wickets at 19.19 with a best of 7 for 44. He took 5 wickets in an innings on 20 occasions. He then...

|John Higgins
John Higgins (cricketer)
John Bernard Higgins was an English cricketer and umpire. As a player, he made 121 first-class appearances between 1912 and 1930, having earlier played in the Minor Counties Championship for Staffordshire...

|Ian Higginson||

|Allen Hill
Allen Hill
Allen Hill played in the first-ever cricket Test, taking the first wicket. Hill also went on to umpire in the Test match played at Lord's in 1890....

|Tony Hill
Tony Hill (umpire)
Anthony Lloyd Hill , commonly known as Tony Hill, is an international cricket umpire from New Zealand. He is currently a member of the Elite Panel of ICC Umpires....

|RDR Hill||

|Joe Hills||

|Bill Hitch
Bill Hitch
John William "Bill" Hitch, born Radcliffe, Greater Manchester, on 7 May 1886, and died at Cardiff on 7 July 1965, was a cricketer who played for Surrey and England....

|George Hodges
George Hodges (umpire)
George James Hodges was a Test match umpire. He officiated in one match between Australia and England in Melbourne on 21 March 1885 to 25 March 1885, comfortably won by England by an innings and 98 runs...

|John Holder
John Holder
John Wakefield Holder is an English former professional cricketer and first-class and Test umpire.As a player for Hampshire County Cricket Club Holder was a brisk right arm medium pace bowler. In the 1970 season Holder took 55 wickets at 23.27 runs. His best bowling figures were 6 for 49 and 7...

|Ian Howell
Ian Howell
Ian Lester Howell is a South African cricket umpire. As a player he played first-class cricket for Border and Eastern Province in South Africa. A left-hand batsman and a left-arm medium bowler he played 119 first-class games scoring 3767 runs with 5 hundreds and 13 fifties and a batting average of...

|Col Hoy
Col Hoy
Colin Hoy , was an Australian cricket Test match umpire, the first Queenslander to be appointed....

|Idris Beg||

|Ikram Rabbani||

|Ray Isherwood
Ray Isherwood
Raymond Charles Isherwood, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire, from Victoria.He umpired 3 Test matches between 1984 and 1985. His first match was between Australia and the West Indies at Sydney on 30 December 1984 to 2 January 1985, won by Australia by an innings and 55 runs, upsetting...

|Stuart Ishmael||

|Bertice Jacelon||

|Arani Jayaprakash
Arani Jayaprakash
Arani Velayudham Jayaprakash is an Indian former first-class cricketer and Test cricket umpire.-Cricketer:...

|Albert Jelley||

|Arthur Jenkins
Arthur Jenkins (umpire)
Arthur George Jenkins was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match, the first between Australia and the West Indies, played at Adelaide on 12 December to 16 December 1930. The match was comfortably won by Australia by 10 wickets. Jenkins' colleague was George Hele.-External links:...

|Arthur Jepson
Arthur Jepson
Arthur Jepson was an English first-class cricketer who played for Nottinghamshire before becoming an umpire. In addition to cricket he was also an accomplished football goalkeeper who played over 100 games in the Football League before turning his hand to management.-Cricket career:Jepson, a...

|Brian Jerling
Brian Jerling
Brian George Jerling , is a South African Test and ODI umpire. He first officiated in a game in October 2000, in a game between South Africa and New Zealand. He has since umpired in over 50 ODI games. Jerling has been umpire in only 4 Test matches, all coming in 2006.-International Umpiring...

|C John||

|Mel Johnson
Mel Johnson
Melville William Johnson is an Australian Test cricket match umpire who accumulated a ten-year career total of 67 first-class matches between 1978 and 1988....

|LC Johnston||

|Alfred Jones||

|Cortez Jordan
Cortez Jordan
Hugh Cortez Jordan was a Test cricket umpire between 1953 and 1974. In total, he oversaw 22 Test matches, all in the Caribbean and involving the West Indies team....

|Bapu Joshi||

|Kantilal Kanjee
Kantilal Kanjee
Kantilal Kanjee is a Zimbabwean former first-class and Test cricket umpire.Kanjee was born in Salisbury and is of Asian descent. He umpired first-class matches in Rhodesia from 1972. At the time, Rhodesian teams took part in the South African domestic first-class competition, the Currie Cup...

|Khalid Aziz||

|Khizer Hayat
Khizer Hayat
Khizer Hayat is a Pakistani former cricket player and umpire. Hayat played ten years of first-class cricket before taking up umpiring, retiring having officiated in 34 Tests and 55 One Day International matches.-Biography:...

|Hayward Kidson||

|Albert King||

|Christopher King||

|Len King||

|David Kinsella||

|Cecil Kippins||

|Swaroop Kishen
Swaroop Kishen
Swaroop Kishen Reu was an Indian Test cricket umpire. His name is sometimes spelled "Swarup Kishan".He was born in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. He played cricket as a wicketkeeper batsman at Delhi University...

|Mervyn Kitchen
Mervyn Kitchen
Mervyn John Kitchen , is a former English first-class cricketer and international umpire. In his playing days he was a left-handed batsman for Somerset County Cricket Club, making 15,230 runs in his 354 first-class games between 1960 and 1979...

|Enos Knibbs||

|Rudi Koertzen
Rudi Koertzen
Rudolf Eric Koertzen otherwise known as Rudi Koertzen is a former international cricket umpire. His name is pronounced in English....

|SB Kulkarni||

|SV Kumaraswamy||

|James Laing||

|Barry Lambson||

|John Langridge
John Langridge
John George Langridge was a cricketer who played for Sussex. His obituary in Wisden called him "one of the best English cricketers of the 20th century never to play a Test match"....

|A. G. Laver||

|J. Leaney||

|Reg Ledwidge
Reg Ledwidge
Reginald Ross Ledwidge, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire.He umpired three test matches between 1975 and 1977...

|Frank Lee
Frank Lee (cricketer)
Frank Stanley Lee, born at St. John's Wood on July 24, 1905 and died in Westminster on March 30, 1982 was an English first-class cricketer and an umpire who officiated in Test matches....

|Eric Lee Kow||

|Karl Liebenberg||

|James Lillywhite (jnr)
James Lillywhite
James Lillywhite was a first-class and Test cricketer and umpire. He was the first ever captain of the English cricket team in a Test match, captaining 2 Tests against Australia in 1876-77, losing the first, but winning the second.Lillywhite was born in Westhampnett in Sussex, the son of a...

|Nigel Llong
Nigel Llong
Nigel James Llong was a cricketer with Kent. He made his debut in 1990 and won his county cap in 1993. He was a left hand bat and off spin bowler. Llong has since become an umpire, officiating his maiden first class match in June 2000.-Umpiring career:Llong was appointed to the ECB's panel of...

|Sandy Lloyd||

|Jeremy Lloyds
Jeremy Lloyds
Jeremy William Lloyds is an English cricket umpire.-Early life:Lloyds was educated at Blundell's School.Lloyds in the late 1970s, while playing county cricket in Somerset, played rugby union for Taunton R.F.C...

|ECA MacKintosh||

|Alan Mackley
Alan Mackley
Alan E Mackley, Alan E Mackley, Alan E Mackley, (born 1913; died 1982 at Perth, Western Australia was the first Australian cricket Test match umpire from Western Australia.He umpired one Test match between Australia and England at Adelaide on 25 January to 30 January 1963, a match drawn with...

|Mahboob Shah
Mahboob Shah
Syed Mahboob Ali Shah is a former Pakistani first-class cricketer and Test cricket umpire.Mahboob Shah was born in Delhi. Before becoming an umpire, he played in 14 first-class matches for Baluchistan, Central Zone, Karachi Whites, Karachi C, Quetta and Karachi University between 1954/55 and...

|Mahbubur Rahman||

|BV Malan||

|Wesley Malcolm||

|Neil Mallender
Neil Mallender
Neil Mallender is a former English cricketer. A right-arm fast-medium bowler and a right-hand lower order batsman who improved as his career progressed, Mallender played first-class cricket in England for Northamptonshire , and for Somerset...

|AM Mamsa||

|Peter Manuel||

|Wilhelm Marais||

|Bruce Martin
Bruce Martin (umpire)
Bruce Edward Martin, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire, from South Australia.He umpired one Test match in 1985 between Australia and New Zealand at Sydney on 30 December 1984 to 2 January 1985, won by Australia by 4 wickets in a come-from-behind effort led by David Boon and Wayne...

|WT Martin||

|Masood Salahuddin||

|Okey McCabe||

|Peter McConnell
Peter McConnell (umpire)
Peter John McConnell, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire, from Western Australia.He umpired 22 Test matches between 1983 and 1992...

|Rodger McHarg||

|Mel McInnes
Mel McInnes
Melville James "Mel" McInnes was an Australian cricket Test match umpire.He umpired 16 Test matches between 1951 and 1959...

|J McLellan||

|JH McMenamin||

|Tony McQuillan
Tony McQuillan
Anthony John McQuillan, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire, from Queensland..He umpired one Test match in 1993 between Australia and New Zealand at Perth on 12 November to 16 November 1993, a match drawn through Australia’s”unaccountable dithering”...

|Patrick McShane
Patrick McShane
Patrick George McShane was an Australian cricketer who played in 3 Test matches between 1885 and 1888....

|Rajan Mehra||

|Badge Menzies||

|Barrie Meyer
Barrie Meyer
Barrie John Meyer in Bournemouth is a former English footballer and cricketer, and later a cricket umpire.Meyer played football for Bristol Rovers in 139 league matches, scoring 60 goals. He also played for Plymouth, Newport County, Bristol City and Hereford United. In the summer, he worked as a...

|Mian Mohammad Aslam||

|Audley Miller
Audley Miller
Audley Montague Miller was an amateur cricketer who played one Test match for England, and stood as a Test umpire in two matches....

|Arthur Millward
Arthur Millward
Arthur Millward was a first class cricketer and test match umpire . Born in Kidderminster in 1858 he played one match for the North of England, scoring an unbeaten 19 in his only innings, and stood in 2 Test matches, the England v South Africa game at Lord's in 1907 and the Ashes match at...

|Cyril Mitchley
Cyril Mitchley
Cyril John Mitchley is a former South African first-class and Test cricket umpire. After a short playing career for Transvaal as a wicket-keeper, he became an umpire, culminating with him becoming a Test cricket umpire. Between 1992 and 2000, he stood in 26 Test matches and 61 One Day...

|Mohammad Aslam
Mohammad Aslam (Pakistani cricketer)
Mohammad Aslam Khokhar was a Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1954. He played in 45 first class matches and in doing so scored the first ever century in first class cricket in Pakistan. He also umpired 3 Tests in the 1970s. He was born in Lahore, Punjab and died in a Lahore hospital...

|Mohammad Ghouse
Mohammad Ghouse
Mohammad Ghouse is a former cricket umpire known for umpiring test matches. He is the former Chairman of Tamil Nadu Cricket Association and The President of Tamil Nadu Umpires Guild and Match Referee.- Early life :...

|Mohammad Gulzar Mir||

|Mohammad Nazir
Mohammad Nazir
Mohammad Nazir is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 14 Tests and 4 One Day International matches from 1969 to 1984 and became a cricket umpire after he retired from professional cricket....

|Mohammad Yunus||

|Sadique Mohammed||

|Balkrishna Mohoni||

|Josh Monaghan||

|Robert Monteith||

|OR Montgomery||

|George Morris||

|Arthur Morton
Arthur Morton (cricketer, born 1883)
Arthur Morton was an English cricketer who played first class cricket for Derbyshire and MCC between 1903 and 1926. He made over 10,000 runs and took nearly 1000 wickets.Morton was born at Mellor, Derbyshire...

|John Moss
John Moss (cricket)
John Moss was a first class cricketer and test match umpire . Born in Clifton, Nottingham in 1864, he played one match for Nottinghamshire in 1892 and stood in 12 test matches from his first, the England v Australia test at Old Trafford in 1902 to his last, between the same teams, at the Oval in...

|Munawar Hussain||

|Murawwat Hussain||

|Thomas Mycroft
Thomas Mycroft
Thomas Mycroft was an English cricketer who played for Derbyshire and MCC between 1877 and 1887.Mycroft was born in Brimington, Derbyshire, the son of George Mycroft and his second wife Elizabeth Lowcock. His father was an ironstone and coal miner who kept the Red Lion public house at Brimington....

|Noshirvan Nagarwala||

|M. V. Nagendra||

|M. M. Naidu||

|Dattatraya Naik||

|A. L. Narasimhan||

|David Narine||

|Eddie Nicholls
Eddie Nicholls
Edward Albert Nicholls is an international Test and One Day International cricket umpire. Nicholls officiated in 17 Tests from 1997 to 2001 and 46 ODIs from 1995 to 2005...

|Max O’Connell||

|Thomas Oates
Thomas Oates
Thomas William Oates was a first class cricketer and test match umpire . Born in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire in 1875 he played 434 matches for London County and Nottinghamshire as a wicket keeper and right-handed batsman. He took 758 catches and completed 235 stumpings and scored 5976 runs with a...

|Buddy Oldfield
Buddy Oldfield
Norman 'Buddy' Oldfield was an English cricketer and umpire who played in one Test in 1939 and later umpired in two others. Between 1935 and 1939 he played first-class cricket for Lancashire, before the Second World War interrupted and ended a promising start to his Test career...

|Dave Orchard
Dave Orchard
David Lynton Orchard is South African former first-class cricketer, and former international umpire who stood in 44 Tests and 107 ODI.Orchard was born in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa...

|James Orr
James Orr (umpire)
James Patrick Orr was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match in 1931 between Australia and the West Indies at the Brisbane Exhibition Ground on 16 January to 20 January 1931...

|Donald Oslear
Donald Oslear
Donald Osmund Oslear, known as Don Oslear, is a retired test match cricket umpire from England. He was born in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, England, in 1929 and joined the first class panel at the age of 45 without any first class playing experience. He stood in five Test matches between 1980 and...

|ES Page||

|WP Page||

|Ken Palmer
Ken Palmer
Ken Palmer is an English former cricketer and umpire, who played in one Test in 1965, and umpired twenty two Tests and twenty three ODIs from 1977 to 2001.-Life and career:...

|Roy Palmer
Roy Palmer (cricketer)
Roy Palmer, born at Devizes, Wiltshire, on 12 July 1942, was a cricketer who had a relatively short first-class career as a player with Somerset from 1965 to 1970 and a much longer career as a first-class umpire, standing in two Test matches in 1992 and 1993....

|Sambhu Pan||

|Peter Parker
Peter Parker (umpire)
Peter Douglas Parker, known affectionately as 'Porky' or 'Spiderpig', , is an Australian Test cricket match umpire. He has been a member of the International Panel of ICC Umpires since April 2003....

|Frederick Parris
Frederick Parris
Frederick Parris was a first-class cricketer and Test match umpire.Parris was born in Ringmer, Sussex and played 105 games for Sussex between 1890 and 1901 as a right-arm slow-medium bowler and left-handed batsman. He took 291 wickets at a bowling average of 25.90, with best bowling of 8-28...

|Stanton Parris
Stanton Parris
Stanton Elliot Parris, BSS was a West Indian Test cricket umpire. Parris officiated in five Tests and one ODI between 1974 and 1983. His first-class career carried through to 1990. He was an honorary life member of the Barbados Cricket Association. He was awarded the Barbados Service Star in the...

|G Parry||

|WR Parry
WR Parry
William Robert Parry was a test match umpire . Born in Bangor in 1890 he began umpiring Minor County matches in the 1920s after losing a leg in the Great War. Known for his idiosyncratic stance, as a result of his disability, he stood in 5 Test matches between 1928 and 1930 before withdrawing...

|K Parthasarathy||

|Jamshed Patel||

|Frederick Payne||

|John Payne
John Payne (umpire)
John William Payne was a Test match umpire. He officiated in one match between Australia and England in Sydney on 20 February 1885 to 24 February 1885, won by Australia by only six runs thanks to an 80 run tenth wicket partnership, and a 10 wicket bag by Fred Spofforth. Payne's colleague was Ted...

|Cleophas Paynter||

|Terry Pearce||

|MF Pengelly||

|Camillus Perera||

|Jim Phillips
Jim Phillips
James Phillips was a Victorian First-class cricketer and Test match umpire....

|William Phillips
William Phillips (umpire)
William Phillips was a first class cricketer and test match umpire. He was born in Manchester in 1876 and played 10 matches for Lancashire as a wicket keeper and right handed batsman, taking 17 catches and completing 2 stumpings. He umpired 2 Ashes tests in 1921 at Lord's and the Oval.-References:...

|Eddie Phillipson
Eddie Phillipson
William Edward Phillipson was an English first class cricketer who was born in Cheshire. He played for Lancashire for 15 years before becoming a Test cricket umpire.-External links:*...

|Nigel Plews
Nigel Plews
Nigel Trevor Plews was a cricket umpire, who stood in first class and international level matches. He was born in Nottingham....

|Selliah Ponnadurai||

|Fred Price
Fred Price
Wilfred Frederick Frank Price was a cricketer who played for Middlesex County Cricket Club from 1926 to 1947. Price also stood as an umpire from 1950 to 1967...

|Terry Prue
Terry Prue
Terry Arthur Prue, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire, from Western Australia.He umpired 9 Test matches between 1988 and 1994...

|Charles Pullin
Charles Pullin
Charles King Pullin was a test match umpire . Born in 1838 he stood in 10 tests between 1884 and 1893. He died in Bristol in 1894....

|Ram Punjabi||

|Qamaruddin Butt||

|Dave Quested||

|Amjad Qureshi||

|SK Raghunatha Rao||

|V Rajagopal||

|TA Ramachandran||

|Kasturi Ramaswami||

|VK Ramaswamy||

|SR Ramchandra Rao||

|Steve Randell
Steve Randell
Stephen Grant Randell, , is a former Australian Test cricket match umpire, the first to come from Tasmania....

|RS Rathore||

|Asad Rauf
Asad Rauf
Asad Rauf, in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, was a first class cricketer and is now a member of the Emirates ICC Elite Umpire Panel.- Playing Days :His career as a first-class cricket player lasted from 1977/78 to 1991/92...

|Henry Rawlinson
Henry Rawlinson (umpire)
Henry Rawlinson was a Test match umpire. He officiated in one match between Australia and England in Sydney on 28 January to 31 January 1887, won by England by 13 runs after scoring a paltry 45 runs in their first innings...

|Courtenay Reece||

|Bill Reeves
Bill Reeves
William 'Bill' Reeves was an English cricketer, who at the conclusion of his playing career became an umpire, officiating in five Test Matches.- Playing career :...

|Curtis Reid
Curtis Reid
Curtis Alexander Reid umpired the historic first Test match played between Australia and England in Melbourne on 15 March to 19 March 1877. His colleague was Richard Terry....

|J Reid||

|Pilloo Reporter||

|Judah Reuben||

|Albert Rhodes
Albert Rhodes
Albert Ennion Groucott "Dusty" Rhodes was an English cricketer who played first class cricket for Derbyshire and MCC between 1937 and 1954 and was also a Test match umpire.Rhodes was born at Tintwistle, Cheshire...

Riazuddin, also spelled as Riaz-Uddin, , is a renowned and prominent Pakistani theoretical physicist and an eminent scientist, specializing in high-energy physics and nuclear physics. Dr. Riazuddin is one of Pakistan's top scientists and is widely known theoretical physicists in Pakistan and abroad...

|Joseph Richards
Joseph Richards
Joseph Richards was an Australian cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match in 1931 between Australia and the West Indies at the Melbourne on 13 February to 14 January 1931, Australia taking just two days to win by an innings, with Don Bradman scoring 152 and Bert Ironmonger taking 11...

|Walter Richards
Walter Richards (umpire)
Walter Richards was an English first-class cricketer and Test match umpire.Richards was born in Balsall Heath in Worcestershire . A right-handed batsman, he played cricket for Warwickshire from 1883 until 1896...

|Arthur Richardson||

|Charles Richardson
Charles Richardson (umpire)
Charles Edward Richardson was an English cricketer and Test match umpire.Richardson was born in England. He played as a batsman and bowler in 14 matches for Leicestershire from 1875 to 1898, before it was a first-class county, including several with more the eleven Leicestershire players.He stood...

|Jackie Roberts||

|Emmott Robinson
Emmott Robinson
Emmott Robinson was an English first-class cricketer, who played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club from 1919 to 1931. He was awarded his county cap in 1920. Robinson was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm fast-medium pace.-Life and career:Robinson was born in Keighley, Yorkshire, England...

|Ian Robinson
Ian Robinson (cricket umpire)
Ian David Robinson , in Oxford, England, was a Zimbabwean cricket umpire who officiated in 28 Test Matches and 90 One Day Internationals. He had made his umpiring debut in Zimbabwe's inaugural Test, against India at Harare in 1992...

|Toby Rollox||

|WJ Routledge||

|Lou Rowan
Lou Rowan
Louis Patrick “Lou” Rowan , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire.He umpired 25 Test matches between 1963 and 1971. His first match was between Australian and England at Sydney on 11 January to 15 January 1963, when Alan Davidson took 9/79, and Bobby Simpson took 5/57 and made 91 and 36 not...

|Joseph Rowbotham
Joseph Rowbotham
Joseph Rowbotham was an English first-class cricketer, who played six matches for Yorkshire County Cricket Club, in their pre-county incarnation from 1861 and 1862, and 94 for them as a full county club from 1863 to 1876...

|Samar Roy||

|WB Ryan||

|Khwaja Saeed||

|Said Ahmed Shah||

|Saleem Badar||

|TM Samarasinghe||

|Narayan Sane||

|Douglas Sang Hue
Douglas Sang Hue
Douglas Sang Hue is a former West Indian cricket umpire. He was a small man, around 5'4" tall, of Chinese descent.Sang Hue umpired 31 Test matches in the West Indies between 1962 and 1981, mostly in the 1970s...

|B Satyaji Rao
B Satyaji Rao
Badami Satyaji Rao is an Indian former Test cricket umpire.He was born in Bangalore. He was an umpire in first-class cricket from 1956 to 1981...

|C Saunders||

|John Scott
John Scott (cricketer)
John Drake Scott was an Australian cricketer and Test match umpire. Scott played as a right-arm fast bowler and was also a useful lower-order right-handed batsman. He was the first man to dismiss Don Bradman in first-class cricket, in December 1927...

|George Searcy
George Searcy
George Henry Graff Searcy was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match between Australia and England in Adelaide on 11 January to 15 January 1895, standing with 'Dimboola' Jim Phillips...

|Shakeel Khan||

|Shakoor Rana
Shakoor Rana
Shakoor Rana was a Pakistani cricketer and umpire-Playing career:Shakoor Rana did not have a particularly distinguished playing career, making only 11 first class appearances and accumulating just 226 runs and 12 wickets...

|Har Sharma||

|Raman Sharma||

|George Sharp
George Sharp
George Sharp , in West Hartlepool, County Durham, England) is an English former first class cricketer who is currently a first class umpire.-Playing career:...

|Suresh Shastri
Suresh Shastri
Suresh Lalchand Shastri is an Indian cricket umpire. He has stood in two Test matches and 17 ODIs.- External links :...

|Bill Sheahan
Bill Sheahan
William Peter Sheahan, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire, from Victoria.He umpired two Test matches in the 1993/94 season...

|David Shepherd
David Shepherd (umpire)
David Robert Shepherd MBE was one of the cricket world's best-known umpires. He stood in 92 Test matches, the last of them in June 2005, and officiated in three World Cup finals.- Playing career :...

|Mordecai Sherwin
Mordecai Sherwin
Mordecai Sherwin was a professional footballer and cricketer who played in goal for Notts County and as a wicket-keeper for Nottinghamshire between 1878 and 1896....

|Dick Shortt||


|GL Sickler||

|Gamini Silva
Gamini Silva
Mangamuni Gamini Silva is a Sri Lankan first-class cricketer and Test cricket umpire.Silva was born in Colombo and became a policeman. He played 12 matches of first-class cricket for Police Sports Club in the Saravanamuttu Trophy in 1995/96...

|Prasad Sinha||

|MS Sivasankariah||

|Jack Smart
Jack Smart (umpire)
John Abbotts Smart was an English first-class cricketer and Test match umpire.Smart was born in Forest Hill near Marlborough in Wiltshire, into a cricketing family...

|Douglas Smith||

|Tiger Smith
Tiger Smith
Ernest James "Tiger" Smith was an English wicket-keeper who played in 11 Tests from 1911/1912 to 1914. In county cricket, he had a much longer career as the successor to Dick Lilley: he played for Warwickshire on a regular basis until 1930...

|Frank Smith
Frank Smith (umpire)
Frank Ernest Smith was a first-class cricketer who played 68 games, and later umpired....

|Bill Smyth
Bill Smyth
William Joseph Smyth AO was an Australian cricket Test match umpire.Smyth born at Maryborough, Victoria, took up umpiring in 1947 when injury ended his fast bowling career, and umpired four Test matches between 1962 and 1966...

|A Soames||

|Tom Spencer
Tom Spencer (cricketer)
Thomas William Spencer was a London born English first class cricketer and international umpire. He played 76 games for Kent before going on to officiate in 17 Test matches. Awarded the OBE in 1976 for services to cricket....

|HH Stephenson
HH Stephenson
Heathfield Harman "HH" Stephenson was a famous English cricketer during the game's roundarm era....

|Alfred Street
Alfred Street (cricket umpire)
Alfred Edward Street, born at Godalming, Surrey, on 7 July 1869 and died at Exmouth, Devon, on 18 February 1951, was a cricket player for Surrey and later a respected cricket umpire who stood in several Test matches between 1912 and 1926....

|James Street
James Street (umpire)
James Street was an English cricketer who played for Surrey between 1863 and 1878. A round arm fast bowler, he took 534 of his 540 first-class wickets for Surrey. Subsequently he became an umpire, appearing in that role between 1873 and 1899, but in only two matches before 1877...

|MG Subramaniam||

|John Swift
John Swift
John Sheddon Swift was a Victorian First-class cricketer and Test match umpire.He played three matches for Victoria as a right-hand batsman, scoring 65 runs at an average of 13.00 with a highest score of 28. He also kept wicket, taking two catches.Swift umpired 8 Test matches, and was the first...

|Tariq Ata||

|Frank Tarrant
Frank Tarrant
Frank Tarrant Frank Tarrant Frank Tarrant (in full Francis Alfred Tarrant (Melbourne, Australia, 11 December 1880 – 29 January 1951 in Melbourne) was an Australian all-rounder who played with great success for Middlesex in the County Championship in the years before World War I.His record is...

|Simon Taufel
Simon Taufel
Simon James Arthur Taufel, , is an Australian cricket umpire who is a member of the ICC Elite umpire panel...

|Richard Benjamin Terry
Richard Benjamin Terry
Richard Benjamin Terry umpired the historic first Test match played between Australia and England in Melbourne on 15 March to 19 March 1877. His colleague was Curtis Reid. He also umpired in the second Test match, played two weeks later in Melbourne, partnered by Sam Cosstick.As a player, Terry...

|CN Thomas||

|George Thompson
George Thompson (cricketer)
George Joseph Thompson was the mainstay of the Northamptonshire county cricket eleven for a long period encompassing both its days as a minor county and its earliest years in the County Championship....

|Bob Thoms
Bob Thoms
Robert Arthur "Bob" Thoms was a first-class cricket umpire who stood in two Test Matches, the first two played in England, in 1880 and 1882. His long umpiring career in first-class matches lasted from 1863 to 1900...

|Russell Tiffin
Russell Tiffin
Russell Blair Tiffin is a current international cricket umpire, and a former Test cricket umpire. He has been a member of the ICC International umpire panel since 1995. He became a member of the ICC Elite Panel in April 2001, but was demoted in February 2004 along with Asoka de Silva and Dave...

|Col Timmins
Col Timmins
Colin Douglas Timmins, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire, from Queensland.He umpired 4 Test matches between 1989 and 1993. His first match was between Australia and Sri Lanka at Brisbane on 8 December to 12 December 1989, a drawn match on which the bat dominated, Tom Moody and Mark...

|Eric Tindill
Eric Tindill
Eric William Thomas Tindill was a New Zealand sportsman. Tindill held a number of unique records: he was the oldest ever Test cricketer at the time of his death, the only person to play Tests for New Zealand in both cricket and rugby union , and the only person ever to play Tests in both sports,...

|Valentine Titchmarsh
Valentine Titchmarsh
Valentine Adolphus Titchmarsh was a first-class cricketer and Test match umpire. Born in 1853 in Hertfordshire, he played 8 matches for Marylebone Cricket Club and others between 1885 and 1891 as a right arm quick bowler and left handed batsman. His best haul, 5 for 69, came against Cambridge...

|SB Tonkinson||

|Jack Tooher
Jack Tooher
John Andrew Tooher was a First-class cricketer for New South Wales and an cricket Test match umpire....

|Richard Torrance||

|Les Townsend
Les Townsend
Leslie Hyde Townsend was an Australian cricket Test match umpire....

|Norman Townsend
Norman Townsend
Norman E. Townsend was an Australian cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match between Australia and Pakistan at Adelaide on 22 December to 27 December 1972, won by Australia by an innings with Ian Chappell scoring 196, Rod Marsh becoming the first Australian wicket-keeper to score a...

|GB Treadwell||

|Rod Tucker
Rod Tucker
Rodney James Tucker is a cricket umpire and member of the ICC Elite Umpire Panel. He was a cricketer who played briefly for New South Wales from 1985/86 to 1987/88, before moving to Tasmania who he played for from 1987/88 to 1998/99. He was also vice-captain of Tasmania from 1991/92 until 1995/96...

|Umar Khan||

|Srinivas Venkataraghavan||

|Gustave Verheyen||

|PW Vidanagamage||

|Mysore Vijayasarathi||

|V Vikramraju||

|B Vine||

|CF Vyfhuis||

|Billy Wade
Billy Wade (cricketer)
Walter Wareham 'Billy' Wade was a South African cricketer who played in 11 Tests in 1970. His brother, Herby, also played Test cricket for South Africa....

|Walker Wainwright
Walker Wainwright
Walker Wainwright was an English first-class cricketer, who played twenty four matches for Yorkshire County Cricket Club, and one for the MCC, between 1903 and 1905. He also umpired one Test match...

|Harold Walcott||

|Fanny Walden
Fanny Walden
Frederick Ingram "Fanny" Walden was an English professional footballer who played on the right-wing for Northampton Town, Tottenham Hotspur and at international level for England during the 1910s and 1920s...

|Edward Ward||

|Albert Warner||

|John Warner||

|Robert Warton
Robert Warton (umpire)
Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Gardner Warton umpired two Test matches in South Africa in 1889.Warton was born in Islington. He served in the British Army in Japan and South Africa. He organised the first cricket tour by an English representative team to South Africa in 1888-89...

|Evan Watkin
Evan Watkin
Evan Allan Watkin is a New Zealand One-day International and Test cricket umpire.Watkin was born in Te Aroha, Waikato.He has umpired 2 Test matches, both played by New Zealand in Wellington...

|George Watson
George Watson (umpire)
George Albert Watson was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired two Test matches, making his debut in the match between Australia and South Africa, played at Adelaide on 7 January to 13 January 1911...

|George Webb||

|Andrew Weekes||

|Don Weser
Don Weser
Donald Gordon Weser, , is a retired Australian Test cricket match umpire, from Western Australia.He umpired 3 Test matches between 1979 and 1980. His first match was between Australia and England at Sydney on 10 February to 14 February 1979, won by England by 9 wickets, thus retaining The Ashes...

|John West||

|John Edward West||

|William West
William West (umpire)
William Arthur John West was a first class cricketer and test match umpire . Born in Birmingham in 1863 he played 5 first class matches for MCC, scoring 182 runs at 26 with a highest score of 74 against Lancashire. A right arm quick bowler, he also took 5 wickets at just 20 apiece...

|Archibald White
Archibald White (umpire)
Archibald White was a Test match cricket umpire . He umpired 8 Test matches in all, from his first - the England v South Africa match at Johannesburg in February 1899 to his final outing in the England v South Africa test at the Oval in 1912....

|Alan Whitehead||

|Rex Whitehead
Rex Whitehead
Rex Vernon Whitehead, , was an Australian Test cricket match umpire, from Victoria.He umpired 4 Test matches between 1981 and 1982. His first match was between Australia and India at Sydney on 2 January to 4 January 1981, won by Australia by an innings and 4 runs, with Greg Chappell scoring 204...

|Bill Whitridge
Bill Whitridge
William Oswald Whitridge was an Australian Test Cricket umpire. Whitridge was also an administrator with the South Australian Cricket Association .-Biography:...

|Udaya Wickramasinghe
Udaya Wickramasinghe
Wickrama Arachchige Udaya Wickramasinghe was a Sri Lankan cricket umpire.Wickramasinghe was born in Matugama in Sri Lanka. He was educated at St Peter's College and Dharmapala College, and worked as an Immigration Officer in the Immigration Department in Sri Lanka.His cricket umpiring career...

|Tyron Wijewardene
Tyron Wijewardene
Tyron Hirantha Wijewardene , is a former Sri Lankan cricketer and current cricket umpire, elected to the International Panel of Umpires and Referees as Sri Lanka's second umpire....

|Peter Willey
Peter Willey
Peter Willey is a former English cricketer, who played as a right-handed batsman and right-arm offbreak bowler. In and out of the England team, he interrupted his international career for three years by taking part in the first of the England players' South African rebel tours in 1982...

|A. P. Williams
A. P. Williams
Alfred Percy Williams was an Australian cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match, between Australia and England, played at Sydney on 19 December to 27 December 1924...

|G Williams||

|K Woods||

|Steve Woodward
Steve Woodward
Stephen John Woodward is a New Zealand cricket umpire who stood in 24 Test matches.Born in New Zealand, his first Test match was the New Zealand v Pakistan test at Napier in 1979, while his last came in the New Zealand v Sri Lanka test at Wellington in 1991. He also stood in 30 one day...

|Claud Woolley
Claud Woolley
Claud Neville Woolley was an English cricketer who played first-class cricket for Gloucestershire and Northamptonshire. He also served as a first-class umpire and stood in one Test during the 1948 Ashes series...

|Ron Wright
Ron Wright
Ronald James John Wright was an Australian cricket test match umpire.He umpired 13 Test matches between 1948 and 1959...

|Arthur Wyeth
Arthur Wyeth
Arthur Edwin Wyeth was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match in 1931 between Australia and the West Indies at the Brisbane Exhibition Ground on 16 January to 20 January 1931...

|Ted Wykes
Ted Wykes
Edgar Frederick Wykes, OAM, was an Australian cricket Test match umpire. His family emigrated from the UK to Australia in 1925 as assisted immigrants....

|Hugo Yarnold
Hugo Yarnold
Henry Yarnold, known as Hugo, who was born at Worcester on 6 July 1917 and died in a road accident at Leamington Spa on 13 August 1974, was an English first-class cricketer who became a Test cricket umpire....

|Sailor Young
Sailor Young
Harding Isaac "Sailor" Young was a cricketer who played for Essex and England....

|W. A. Young
W. A. Young
W A Young was a cricket Test match umpire.He umpired one Test match, between Australia and England, played at Melbourne on 9 February to 13 February 1912 and won easily by England, following a record first-wicket partnership of 323 between Jack Hobbs and Wilfred Rhodes. Young’s colleague was Bob...

- The umpires for the 1st Test, South Africa v England, 1895-96 are unknown.
- The figures above do not include the occasions when an on-field umpire was replaced during a Test:
- Three umpires were used for the 2nd Test between South Africa and India at Durban in 2006-07. Mark Benson fell ill and was replaced on field by Ian Howell during the third day.http://content.cricinfo.com/rsavind/engine/match/249216.html
- Three umpires were used for the 2nd Test between India and Pakistan at Kolkata in 2007. Billy Doctrove fell ill and was replaced on field by Amiesh Saheba during the fourth day.http://content.cricinfo.com/statsguru/engine/match/297807.html
- Three umpires were used for the 2nd Test between New Zealand and India at Napier in 2008/9. Billy Doctrove fell ill and was replaced on field by Evan Watkin on the third day.http://content.cricinfo.com/nzvind2009/engine/current/match/386496.html