List of Singapore reptiles
There are about 108 species of reptiles in Singapore
Singapore , officially the Republic of Singapore, is a Southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, north of the equator. An island country made up of 63 islands, it is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to its north and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the...

. Most of them are small or rarely seen. But there are a few which are large or prominent. The largest reptiles which can be found in Singapore are the Estuarine Crocodile and the Reticulated Python
Reticulated Python
Python reticulatus, also known as the reticulated python is a species of python found in Southeast Asia. Adults can grow to over 8.7 m in length but normally grow to an average of 3-6 m . They are the world's longest snakes and longest reptile, but are not the most heavily built...

. The ones most commonly seen in urban areas are the house geckos (typically called house lizard by the lay-person) and the Changeable Lizard
Calotes versicolor
The Oriental Garden Lizard, Eastern Garden Lizard or Changeable Lizard is an agamid lizard found widely distributed in Asia. It has also been introduced in many other parts of the world...

. The introduced Changeable Lizard has pushed the local Green Crested Lizard
Bronchocela cristatella
Bronchocela cristatella, also known as the Green Crested Lizard, is an agamid lizard found in Southeast Asia: Malaysia , Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines , South Thailand, South Myanmar , and India .-Description:This species is a bright green lizard, sometimes possessing a blue tint...

 into forested areas.

In gardens and parks, one can often see Common Sun Skinks
Mabuya multifasciata
The East Indian Brown Mabuya , also known as Many-lined Sun Skink, Many-striped Skink, Common Sun Skink or as "golden skink", is a species of skink....

, the introduced Red-eared Slider
Red-eared slider
The red-eared slider is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of pond slider. It is the most popular pet turtle in the United States and also popular in the rest of the world...

s and Flying Lizards.

Water Monitor
Water monitor
The Water monitor, is a large species of monitor lizard capable of growing to in length, with the average size of most adults at long. Maximum weight of Varanus salvator can be over , but most are half that size. Their body is muscular with a long, powerful, laterally compressed tail...

s are common in rivers and mangrove. One other monitor that can be found in Singapore is the Clouded Monitor, which is a forest species. It is smaller than the Malayan Water Monitor, has slit nostrils and is paler in colour. In 2008, the Dumeril's Monitor was rediscovered in the swamp forest of Singapore. This goes to show that there can still be surprises in the forests of Singapore.

Equatorial Spitting Cobra
Equatorial Spitting Cobra
Equatorial Spitting Cobra is a front-fanged and also a venomous snake species. These snakes can accurately spit a powerful neurotoxic venom into the eyes which can cause temporary blindness. It preys on rats and frogs, and is active day and night....

s can still be found in desolated urban areas of Singapore. The bigger King Cobra
King Cobra
The king cobra is the world's longest venomous snake, with a length up to 5.6 m . This species, which preys chiefly on other snakes, is found predominantly in forests from India through Southeast Asia to the Philippines and Indonesia...

 is much rarer. The closely related Banded Krait sometimes show up as road kills. There are also 2 coral snake and 9 sea snake species.

Family Crocodylidae (Crocodiles)

  • Estuarine Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) - Sungei Buloh

Family Cheloniidae
Cheloniidae is a family of turtles belonging to the sea turtle superfamily Chelonioidea.-Extant genera:*Genus Caretta**Loggerhead sea turtle *Genus Chelonia**Green sea turtle *Genus Eretmochelys...

 (Sea Turtles)

  • Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta)
  • Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) - Singapore Straits
  • Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) - Singapore Straits

Family Dermochelyidae
Dermochelyidae is a family of turtles which has eight extinct and one extant genera.-Classification of known genera:*Subfamily Desmatochelyinae** Corochelys ** Desmatochelys *Subfamily Allopleuroninae ** Allopleuron ** Eosphargis...

 (Leatherback Turtle)

  • Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) - Vagrant

Family Trionychidae
Trionychidae is a taxonomic family which comprises a number of turtle genera commonly known as softshells. They are also sometimes called pancake turtles. Softshells consist of some of the world's largest fresh water turtles, though many can adapt to living in highly brackish areas. Members of this...

 (Softshell Turtles)

  • Malayan Softshell Turtle (Amyda cartilaginea)
  • Forest Softshell Turtle (Dogania subplana)
  • Asian Giant Softshell Turtle (Pelochelys cantorii
    Pelochelys cantorii
    The Cantor's giant softshell turtle or Asian giant softshell turtle is a species of fresh water turtle. The turtle has a broad head and small eyes close to the tip of its snout. The carapace is smooth and olive colored...

    ) - Indeterminate
  • Chinese Softshell Turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) - Introduced

Family Geoemydidae
Geoemydidae is the largest and most diverse family in the order Testudines with about 70 species. It includes the Eurasian pond and river turtles and Neotropical wood turtles.-Characteristics:...

 (Asian Terrapins)

  • Painted Terrapin (Callagur borneoensis) - Indeterminate
  • Malayan Box Terrapin (Cuora amboinensis
    Cuora amboinensis
    The Amboina box turtle , or southeast Asian box turtle is a species of Asian box turtle.It is found in the Nicobar Islands, eastern India , Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, central and southern Vietnam, West Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines , Indonesia The Amboina box turtle (Cuora...

  • Asian Leaf Terrapin (Cyclemys dentata)
  • Spiny Terrapin (Heosemys spinosa)
  • Malayan Flat-shelled Terrapin (Notochelys platynota
    Notochelys platynota
    The Malayan flat-shelled turtle Notochelys platynota is a species of turtle found in Southeast Asia.-Distribution:Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, West Malaysia, Indonesia , Vietnam, Singapore....

  • Malayan Giant Terrapin (Orlitia borneensis) - Status unknown
  • Black Marsh Terrapin (Siebenrockiella crassicollis
    Siebenrockiella crassicollis
    Siebenrockiella crassicollis are freshwater turtles endemic to Southeast Asia...

    ) - Introduced?

Family Emydidae
Emydidae, commonly called the pond turtles or marsh turtles, is a family of turtles. Previously, several species of Asian box turtle were classified in the family. However, revised taxonomy has separated them to a different family. Now, Emydidae, with the exception of two species of pond turtle,...

 (American Terrapins)

  • North Antillean Slider (Trachemys decussate) - Introduced
  • Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) - Introduced

Family Gekkonidae (Geckos)

  • Fox-faced Gecko (Aeluroscalabotes felinus
    Aeluroscalabotes felinus
    The cat gecko, Aeluroscalabotes felinus, is a species of gecko found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia and Thailand. It is the only species within the genus Aeluroscalabotes, and the only genus found within the taxonomic Subfamily Aeluroscalabotinae...

  • Kendall's Rock Gecko (Cnemaspis kendallii)
  • Frilly Gecko (Cosymbotes craspedotus)
  • Flat-tailed Gecko (Cosymbotes platyurus)
  • Peter's Forest Gecko (Cyrtodactylus consobrinus)
  • Marbled Forest Gecko (Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus)
  • Four-clawed Gecko (Gehyra mutilata
    Gehyra mutilata
    The four-clawed gecko is a wide-ranging lizard that is probably native to Southeast Asia. It has made its way to several areas of the world including Sri Lanka, Indochina, and many of the U.S. Pacific Islands...

  • Tokay Gecko (Gekko gecko)
  • Spotted House Gecko (Gekko monarchus)
  • Large Forest Gecko (Gekko smithii
    Gekko smithii
    Smith's Green-eyed Gecko or Large Forest Gecko is a species of gecko found in Asia.-Description:One of the biggest geckos...

  • Brooke's House Gecko (Hemidactylus brookii
    Hemidactylus brookii
    Brook's House Gecko Hemidactylus brookii is a widespread species of gecko.-Description:Snout somewhat longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, nearly twice the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; ear-opening small, oval, vertical, about one third the diameter of the eye;...

    ) - Indeterminate
  • Common House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus)
  • Indo-Pacific Gecko (Hemidactylus garnotii
    Hemidactylus garnotii
    Indo-Pacific Gecko, Garnot's House Gecko or Fox Gecko Hemidactylus garnotii is a species of gecko found in India, the Philippines, Southeast Asia, Australia, and throughout Polynesia. Adults are about 4 to 5 inches long, seen as dark gray or brown with light markings in daylight and a pale,...

    ) - Indeterminate
  • Dwarf Gecko (Hemiphyllodactylus typus
    Hemiphyllodactylus typus
    The Indopacific Tree Gecko or Common Dwarf Gecko Hemiphyllodactylus typus is a species of gecko found in South Asia and islands in the Indian Ocean.-Distribution:India , Nicobar Islands, Sri Lanka,...

  • Mourning Gecko (Lepidodactylus lugubris
    Lepidodactylus lugubris
    The Mourning Gecko or Common Smooth-Scaled Gecko is a species of gecko. This small , nocturnal gecko feeds on small insects and flower nectar. This species is notable because it is parthenogenic, and there are no remaining males that have been found...

  • Brown's Flap-legged Gecko (Luperosaurus browni) - Pulau Tekong
  • Horsfield's Flying Gecko (Ptychozoon horsfieldii) - Indeterminate
  • Kuhl's Flying Gecko (Ptychozoon kuhli
    Ptychozoon kuhli
    Kuhl's Flying Gecko is a species of gecko which has adaptations to its skin, including flaps on either side of its body, webbed feet, and a flattened tail to allow it to glide over short distances. These geckos have a remarkable camouflage. The flaps of skin along their sides help them blend...


Family Agamidae
Agamids, lizards of the family Agamidae, include more than 300 species in Africa, Asia, Australia, and a few in Southern Europe. Many species are commonly called dragons or dragon lizards. Phylogenetically they may be sister to the Iguanidae, and have a similar appearance. Agamids usually have...


  • Earless Agamid (Aphaniotis fusca)
  • Green Crested Lizard (Bronchocela cristatella
    Bronchocela cristatella
    Bronchocela cristatella, also known as the Green Crested Lizard, is an agamid lizard found in Southeast Asia: Malaysia , Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines , South Thailand, South Myanmar , and India .-Description:This species is a bright green lizard, sometimes possessing a blue tint...

  • Changeable Lizard (Calotes versicolor
    Calotes versicolor
    The Oriental Garden Lizard, Eastern Garden Lizard or Changeable Lizard is an agamid lizard found widely distributed in Asia. It has also been introduced in many other parts of the world...

    ) - Introduced
  • Fimbriate Flying Lizard (Draco fimbriatus) - Indeterminate
  • Spotted Flying Lizard (Draco maculatus
    Draco maculatus
    Draco maculatus is an agamid flying lizard capable of gliding from tree to tree found in parts of Southeast Asia. It is commonly named the Spotted Flying Dragon.-Description:...

    ) - Indeterminate
  • Black-bearded Flying Lizard (Draco melanopogon
    Draco melanopogon
    Draco melanopogon is an agamid flying lizard found in South-east Asia.-External links:*...

  • Five-banded Flying Lizard (Draco quinquefasciatus)
  • Common Gliding Lizard (Draco sumatranus
    Common Gliding Lizard
    The Common Gliding Lizard is a lizard with elongated ribs and skin flaps on the sides of its body. When opened, these skin flaps allow it to glide between tree trunks. It is primarily a tree dweller, except that the females come down to the forest floor to lay eggs. The body length is of about...


Family Scincidae (Skinks)

  • Olive Tree Skink (Dasia olivacea
    Dasia olivacea
    Olive Dasia or Olive Tree Skink Dasia olivacea is a species of skink.-Distribution:India: Nicobar Islands, Philippine I, Natuna I, Singapore,...

    ) - Central Catchment/Pulau Ubin
  • Brown Tree Skink (Dasia grisea)
  • Mangrove Skink (Emoia atrocostata) - mangrove
  • Common Sun Skink (Eutropis multifasciata) - gardens/forests
  • Striped Sun Skink (Eutropis rugifera)
  • Striped Tree Skink (Lipinia vittigera)
  • Garden Supple Skink (Lygosoma bowringii
    Lygosoma bowringii
    Christmas Island Grass-skink or Bowring's Supple Skink Lygosoma bowringii is a species of skink found in Southeast Asia.-Distribution:West Malaysia, Pulau Tioman, Johor: Pulau Besar, Pulau Sibu; India ,...

    ) - gardens/forests

Family Varanidae
Varanidae is a group of lizards of the superfamily Varanoidea. The family is a group of carnivorous lizards which includes the largest living lizard, the Komodo dragon, and the crocodile monitor. Varanidae contains the living genus Varanus and a number of extinct taxa...

 (Monitor Lizards)

  • Clouded Monitor (Varanus bengalensis nebulosus) - Forests
  • Dumeril's Monitor (Varanus dumerili
    Dumeril's monitor
    Dumeril's monitor is a member of the Varanidae family found in Southeast Asia. It is found in southern Burma and north of the Isthmus of Kra to Kanchanaburi Province in Thailand. Varanus dumerilii is also found in peninsular Malaysia, throughout Borneo, Sumatra, Riou and other smaller islands of...

    ) - Swamp forests
  • Malayan Water Monitor (Varanus salvator) - Rivers, mangroves, coasts

Family Typhlopidae
The Typhlopidae are a family of blind snakes. They are found mostly in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and all mainland Australia and various islands. The rostral scale overhangs the mouth to form a shovel like burrowing structure. They live underground in burrows, and since...

 (Blind Snakes)

  • Brahminy Blind Snake (Ramphotyphlops braminus
    Ramphotyphlops braminus
    Ramphotyphlops braminus is a harmless blind snake species found mostly in Africa and Asia, but has been introduced in many other parts of the world. Completely fossorial, they are often mistaken for earthworms, except that they are not segmented. The specific name is a Latinized form of the word...

  • Striped Blind Snake (Ramphotyphlops lineatus
    Ramphotyphlops lineatus
    Ramphotyphlops lineatus is a species of snake in the Typhlopidae family....

    ) - Indeterminate
  • White-belled Blind Snake (Typhlops muelleri)

Family Cylindrophiidae (Asian Pipe Snakes)

  • Red-tailed Pipe Snake (Cylindrophis ruffus)

Family Pythonidae (Pythons)

  • Malaysian Blood Python (Python brongersmai
    Python curtus brongersmai
    Python curtus brongersmai, a subspecies python, is a non-venomous snake found on the Malay Peninsula.-Description:Adults generally grow to 137-182 cm in length, with females usually a little longer than males, and usually weigh 5.4–9 kg ; much more than other snakes of similar length.The...

    ) - Extinct
  • Reticulated Python (Broghammerus reticulatus)

Family Colubridae (Colubrids)

  • Speckle-headed Whip Snake (Ahaetulla fasciolata)
  • Malayan Whip Snake (Ahaetula mycterizans)
  • Oriental Whip Snake (Ahaetulla prasina
    Ahaetulla prasina
    Ahaetulla prasina, commonly known as the Asian vine snake or the Oriental whipsnake, is a widespread species of tree snake found in South Asia and Southeast Asia.-Description:...

  • Dog-toothed Cat Snake (Boiga cynodon
    Boiga cynodon
    The dog-toothed cat snake is a nocturnal species of rear-fanged colubrid snake.-Geographic range:*Indonesia ;...

  • Mangrove Snake (Boiga dendrophila
    Boiga dendrophila
    The gold-ringed cat snake or mangrove snake is a species of rear-fanged colubrid. It is one of the biggest cat snake species, averaging 6-8 feet in length...

  • White-spotted Cat Snake (Boiga drapiezii
    Boiga drapiezii
    The white-spotted cat snake is a long and slender rear-fanged colubrid that is common throughout its range. The epithet is in honor of the Belgian naturalist Drapiez.-Description:...

    ) - Swamp forests
  • Jasper Cat Snake (Boiga jaspidea
    Boiga jaspidea
    The jasper cat snake is a small and slender species of rear-fanged colubrid that is uncommon throughout its range.-Description:...

    ) - Central Catchment/Pulau Tekong
  • Red-bellied Reed Snake (Calamaria albiventer) - Indeterminate
  • Gimlett's Reed Snake (Calamaria gimletti) - Indeterminate
  • Variable Reed Snake (Calamaria lumbricoidea)
  • Pink-headed Reed Snake (Calamaria schlegeli)
  • Paradise Tree Snake (Chrysopelea paradisi
    Chrysopelea paradisi
    Paradise Tree Snake or Paradise Flying Snake Chrysopelea paradisi is a species of snake found in Asia. It can, like all species of its genus Chrysopelea, glide by stretching the body into a flattened strip using its ribs. It is mostly found in moist forests and can cover a horizontal distance of...

  • Twin-barred Tree Snake (Chrysopelea pelias)
  • Common Malayan Racer (Coelognathus flavolineatus)
  • Copperhead Racer (Coelognathus radiatus) - Indeterminate
  • Striped Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis caudolineatus)
  • Blue Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis cyanochloris
    Dendrelaphis cyanochloris
    Wall's Bronzeback or Dendrelaphis cyanochloris is a species of snake found in Southeast Asia.-Distribution:India , Bangladesh, Myanmar, S. Thailand, West Malaysia .Type locality: Eastern Himalaya, Assam, Nicobars, Myanmar-References:* Das, I...

    ) - Bukit Timah
  • Elegant Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis formosus)
  • Haas' Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis haasi) - Central Catchment
  • Red-necked Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis kopsteini)
  • Painted Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis pictus
    Dendrelaphis pictus
    Painted Bronzeback Dendrelaphis pictus is a species of snake found in Southeast Asia and India.-Description:In the Painted Bronzeback the maxillary teeth number from 23 to 26, the eye is as long as the distance between the nostril and eye. The rostral scale is more broad than deep, and is visible...

  • Malayan Bridle Snake (Dryocalamus subannulatus)
  • Keel-bellied Whip Snake (Dryophiops rubescens)
  • Orange-bellied Ringneck (Gongylosoma baliodeira)
  • Rainbow Tree Snake (Gonyophis margaritatus) - Indeterminate
  • Red-tailed Racer (Gonyosoma oxycephalum
    Gonyosoma oxycephalum
    The Red-tailed Green Ratsnake is a species of snake found in Southeast Asia. It is a thin snake with powerful and rough scales on its belly, ideal for climbing and moving in trees...

  • Tricoloured Ringneck (Liopeltis tricolor)
  • House Wolf Snake (Lycodon capucinus
    Lycodon capucinus
    Lycodon capucinus also known as the common wolf snake is a species of colubrid snake, which is found in the Indo-Australian Archipelago.-Distribution:...

  • Banded Wolf Snake (Lycodon subcinctus)
  • Brown Kukri Snake (Oligodon purpurascens)
  • Striped Kukri Snake (Oligodon octolineatus)
  • Barred Kukri Snake (Oligodon signatus)
  • Striped Racer (Orthriophis taeniurus
    Beauty rat snake
    The Beauty Rat Snake is a species of long, slender, semi-arboreal snakes that are native to Asia. Their average length is about 5-7 feet, with an unofficial record of slightly under 10 ft...

    ) - Indeterminate
  • Dwarf Reed Snake (Pseudorabdion longiceps)
  • Keeled Rat Snake (Ptyas carinata)
  • White-bellied Rat Snake (Ptyas fusca)
  • Indochinese Rat Snake (Ptyas korros
    Ptyas korros
    Chinese Ratsnake or Indo-Chinese Rat Snake is a species of snake found in Southeast Asia.-Description:Snout obtuse, projecting; eye very large...

  • Banded Rat Snake (Ptyas mucosa) - Indeterminate
  • Black-headed Collared Snake (Sibynophis melanocephalus)
  • Malaysian Brown Snake (Xenelaphis hexagonotus)

Family Homalopsidae
Homalopsinae is a subfamily of Colubridae which contains some 10 genera and about 4 dozen species. They are typically stout-bodied water snakes, and all are mildly venomous. The genus Brachyorrhos may belong elsewhere...

 (Mud Snakes)

  • Keel-bellied Water Snake (Bitia hydroides
    Bitia hydroides
    The keel-bellied water snake is a marine homalopsine snake. It belongs to the monotypic genus Bitia.-Dentition:Bitia hydroides is noted for its unusual dentition. In all other snakes, any enlarged teeth are located on the dentary or maxilla, with the inner, palatine teeth of the upper jaw being...

    ) - Indeterminate
  • Cantor's Water Snake (Cantoria violacea
    Cantoria violacea
    Cantoria violacea, commonly known as Cantor's Water Snake, is a species of snake found in tropical Asia.-Description:Frontal a little longer than broad, shorter than its distance from the end o£ the snout or than the parietals; eye between four shields, a preocular, a supraocular, a postocular, and...

  • Dog-faced Water Snake (Cerberus rynchops
    Cerberus rynchops
    New Guinea bockadam or Dog-faced Water Snake Cerberus rynchops is a species of a Colubrid snake found in coastal waters of Asia and Australia....

  • Rainbow Water Snake (Enhydris enhydris
    Enhydris enhydris
    The Rainbow Water Snake, Enhydris enhydris, is a species of snake.-Distribution:SE China, Indonesia ;, Bangladesh; Cambodia; C/E India; Laos;...

  • Crab-eating Water Snake (Fordonia leucobalia
    Fordonia leucobalia
    The aquatic snake Fordonia leucobalia is known by the common names crab-eating water snake and white-bellied mangrove snake. It is a common resident of mangrove swamps and tropical tidal wetlands from Southeast Asia to the coasts of Northern Australia.Individual F. leucobalia reach up to a meter in...

  • Yellow-lipped Water Snake (Gerarda prevostiana)
  • Puff-faced Water Snake (Homalopsis buccata
    Homalopsis buccata
    Puff-faced Water Snake or Masked Water Snake is a species of snake found in Asia.-Description:Inter nasals smaller than prefrontals; frontal often broken up into small shields, a little broader or sometimes narrower than the supraocular; parietals short; loreal present, sometimes divided; one or...


Family Natricidae
Natricinae is a subfamily of the colubrid family of snakes which contains 28 genera. Members of this subfamily include many very common snake species, such as the European Grass Snakes, and the North American Water Snakes.- Genera :...

 (Keelbacks and Mock Vipers)

  • Peter's Keelback (Amphiesma petersii) - Indeterminate
  • Blue-necked Keelback (Macropisthodon rhodomelas)
  • Painted Mock Viper (Psammodynastes pictus
    Psammodynastes pictus
    Painted Mock Viper is a species of snake.Distribution: Indonesia ;Brunei Darussalam; Pulau Bangka, Pulau Belitung, Malaysia ; Singapore....

  • Red-necked Keelback (Rhabdophis subminiatus
    Rhabdophis subminiatus
    The red-necked keelback is a species of snake.-Description:The snake has a greenish hue with red and yellow regions near the head. It grows to 70 to 90 cm in length.-Venom:...

    ) - Indeterminate
  • Southern Chequered Keelback (Xenochrophis flavipunctatus
    Xenochrophis flavipunctatus
    The Yellow-Spotted Keelback or Xenochrophis flavipunctatus is a species of snake.-Distribution:India, Thailand, China, West Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia Race schnurrenbergeri: Nepal...

    ) - Introduced?
  • Spotted Keelback (Xenochrophis maculatus)
  • Triangle Keelback (Xenochrophis trianguligerus
    Xenochrophis trianguligerus
    The Triangle Keelback is a species of snake.Distribution: Brunei Darussalam, Burma , Cambodia, India , Indonesia , Laos, Malaysia ,...

  • Striped Keelback (Xenochrophis vittatus
    Xenochrophis vittatus
    Striped Keelback Xenochrophis vittatus is a species of snake found mainly in Indonesia ; and Singapore .Terra typica: “America” .-Ecology:...

    ) - Introduced

Family Pareatidae
Pareatinae is a small subfamily of the Colubridae family of snakes. It encompasses a mere 3 genera, which include snakes that eat snails....

 (Slug-eating Snakes)

  • White-spotted Slug Snake (Pareas margaritophorus) - Introduced

Family Elapidae
Elapidae is a family of venomous snakes found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, terrestrially in Asia, Australia, Africa, North America and South America and aquatically in the Pacific and Indian Oceans...

 (Cobras, Coral Snakes, Kraits, Sea Snakes)

  • Malayan Krait (Bungarus candidus
    Bungarus candidus
    Bungarus candidus, commonly known as the Malayan krait or blue krait, is a species of krait, a venomous elapid snake.-Geographic range:It is found in southeast Asia from Indochina south to Java and Bali-Description:...

    ) - Indeterminate
  • Banded Krait (Bungarus fasciatus
    Bungarus fasciatus
    The Banded krait is a species of genus Bungarus found in Indian Sub-continent, North Asia and Southeast Asia. It is one of the largest kraits with a maximum length up to .- Description :B...

  • Blue Malayan Coral Snake (Calliophis bivirgatus
    Calliophis bivirgatus
    Calliophis bivirgatus, or Maticora bivirgata, commonly called the blue Malaysian coral snake is a venomous elapid snake. It was first described, as a new species in scientific literature, by Friedrich Boie in 1827.-Geographic range:...

  • Spotted Malayan Coral Snake (Calliophis gracilis) - Indeterminate
  • Banded Malayan Coral Snake (Calliophis intestinalis
    Calliophis intestinalis
    The Banded Malaysian Coral Snake Calliophis intestinalis is a species of venomous snake....

  • Equatorial Spitting Cobra (Naja sumatrana)
  • King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
  • Yellow-lipped Sea Krait (Laticauda colubrina
    Laticauda colubrina
    The colubrine sea krait, banded sea krait or yellow-lipped sea krait is a species of sea snake found in tropical Indo-Pacific oceanic waters....

  • Horned Sea Snake (Acalyptophis peronii
    Acalyptophis peronii
    The spiny-headed seasnake or horned seasnake, Acalyptophis peronii, is a species of sea snake. Like other members of the family, Hydrophiidae or Elapidae, it is venomous.-Description:...

  • Marbled Sea Snake (Aipysurus eydouxii
    Aipysurus eydouxii
    Spine-tailed Seasnake Aipysurus eydouxii is a species of sea snake.This species is found in Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, the South China Sea,the Gulf of Thailand, Indonesia, Peninsular Malaysia, Vietnam, and New Guinea....

  • Stoke's Sea Snake (Astrotia stokesii
    Astrotia stokesii
    Commonly known as Stokes' seasnake, Astrotia stokesii is a large species of sea snake found in tropical Indo-Pacific oceanic waters.-Description:...

  • Beaked Sea Snake (Enhydrina schistosa
    Enhydrina schistosa
    Beaked seasnake is a species of sea snake.-Description:...

  • Blue-banded Sea Snake (Hydrophis cyanocinctus
    Hydrophis cyanocinctus
    Annulated Sea Snake Hydrophis cyanocinctus is a species of sea snake.-Description:Head moderate; eye shorter than its distance from the mouth in the adult...

  • Striped Sea Snake (Hydrophis fasciatus
    Hydrophis fasciatus
    Striped Sea Snake Hydrophis fasciatus is a species of sea snake.-Anatomy:Head small, body long and slender anteriorly; scales on thickest part of body subquadrangular or hexagonal in shape, juxtaposed or slightly imbricate; 5-6 maxillary teeth behind fangs; 2 anterior temporals; body scales in...

  • Kloss' Sea Snake (Hydrophis klossi
    Hydrophis klossi
    Kloss' Sea Snake Hydrophis klossi is a species of sea snake.-Etymology and taxonomic history:The snake is named after Cecil Boden Kloss , director of the Raffles Museum in Singapore from 1923 to 1932.-Bibliography:...

  • Short Sea Snake (Lapemis curtus
    Lapemis curtus
    The Shaw's Sea Snake is a species of sea snake.Distribution:Persian Gulf Indian Ocean South China Sea north to the coasts of Fujian and Shandong...

  • Small-headed Sea Snake (Microcephalophis gracilis
    Microcephalophis gracilis
    The Graceful Small-headed Sea Snake or Slender Sea Snake Microcephalophis gracilis is a species of sea snake.-Diagnostic Characters:...

  • Yellow-bellied Sea Snake (Pelamis platurus)

Family Viperidae
The Crotalinae, commonly known as "pit vipers" or crotaline snakes, are a subfamily of venomous vipers found in Asia and the Americas. They are distinguished by the presence of a heat-sensing pit organ located between the eye and the nostril on either side of the head...


  • Mangrove Pit-viper (Cryptelytrops purpureomaculatus)
  • Hagen's Pit-viper (Parias hageni) - Indeterminate
  • Wagler's Pit-viper (Tropidolaemus wagleri
    Tropidolaemus wagleri
    Tropidolaemus wagleri is a venomous pitviper species native to southeast Asia. The epithet, wagleri, is in honor of German herpetologist Johann Georg Wagler. No subspecies are currently recognized...


See also

External links

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