List of Bulletman enemies
The Black Rat
A superstrong and durable criminal in a black rat costume, who is feared by many criminals. In All-American Comics #2 he was thrown into a vat of molten steel in a fight with Bulletman and apparently killed.The Black Spider
Only appearing in Bulletman #1. A masked criminal boss with a pet venomous spider, Suzy, who is trying to murder people who sent him to jail, and nearly succeeds in killing Seargent Kent after kidnapping him. It is revealed he is Jules Rey, a Frenchman who was sent to prison, went blind, and made friends with the spiders who crawled through the walls. However he is killed.The Comedian
Graves, the Butler to a wealthy comedian, who sends death threatThreat
Threat of force in public international law is a situation between states described by British lawyer Ian Brownlie as:The 1969 Vienna convention on the Law of Treaties notes in its preamble that both the threat and the use of force are prohibited...
s to him, causing Bulletman and Bulletgirl to be called. He kidnaps the man, causing the Flying Detectives to search the house, before finally finding a hidden passage. They get through, but find traps in there, however they get through. Some skeletal hands seize Bulletgirl's throat from behind, preventing her from speaking, and drag her away without Bulletman noticing. They finally meet each other again. They find the Comedian tied to a pole and gagged in a room. They are told two sheets of glass containing acid
An acid is a substance which reacts with a base. Commonly, acids can be identified as tasting sour, reacting with metals such as calcium, and bases like sodium carbonate. Aqueous acids have a pH of less than 7, where an acid of lower pH is typically stronger, and turn blue litmus paper red...
block their way. Bulletman breaks a small hole in the glass, then he and Bulletgirl remain in the air until the acid has run out. They then free the man, and chase a masked villain. Finally they capture and unmask him, revealing himself to be the Butler.
A criminal who is a genius in mechanics. He is defeated by Bulletman, but returns in Bulletman #12 with a robot and robot dog. However he is beaten again.Dr. Mood
Only appearing in Bulletman #1. A bald ugly-faced Nazi spy with a monocle who kidnaps and murders an AdmiralAdmiral
Admiral is the rank, or part of the name of the ranks, of the highest naval officers. It is usually considered a full admiral and above vice admiral and below admiral of the fleet . It is usually abbreviated to "Adm" or "ADM"...
, then tries to engineer an invasion of New York with a hidden tank battalion, and become Dictator of America while Hitler rules Europe. His men captured Bulletgirl after knocking her out by running over her with a tank. They tied her hands and tried to lower her into a fiery pit. However the tank battalion was defeated, Bulletman rescued Bulletgirl, and Mood was jailed.
Doctor Riddle
A hunchbacked criminal who leaves riddles in connection to his crimes. First appeared in Bulletman #6. in his first appearance he causes crimes around the city, beginning with the murder of a millionaire, and leaves riddles for clues to them, like 'What has 18 legs and catches flies?' Answer: A baseball team which he tries to rob. His final plan is to convert an new Observatory telescope to burn all the inhabitants of Boston to death, but which will leave gold intact. However, Bulletman and Bulletgirl have solved an earlier riddle and leave a riddle for him, then reveals the answers are his fists and knocks Doctor Riddle of a building, although it is later revealed he survived. He later teamed up with the second Weeper in Mary Marvel #8, and succeeded in capturing Bulletgirl and Mary by luring them to an asylum. The Weeper saw Bulletgirl outside, but Riddle said that was part of his plan. First the Weeper went into another room with a straitjacket while Riddle waited for Bulletgirl. Bulletgirl knocked Riddle over, not noticing the Weeper moving towards her. The Weeper placed the straitjacket on her from behind just after she decided to look for him. Then with Riddle's help she was tied to a chair and gagged. The two villains then tell Bulletgirl they know that Mary is here also. Mary was lured in when she decided to look for Bulletgirl and stopped from speaking with a hose. While binding and gagging her, the Weeper talked about how he wept for Mary. The two villains carried the two heroines into a cell which they made airtight, and left. Bulletgirl was able to remove Mary's gag with her helmet, allowing her to transform into Mary MarvelMary Marvel
Mary Marvel is a fictional character, a comic book superheroine, originally published by Fawcett Comics and now owned by DC Comics. Created by Otto Binder and Marc Swayze, she first appeared in Captain Marvel Adventures #18 in...
, free Bulletgirl, and break open a cell wall. The two superheroines found a riddle in the asylum and deciphered it, showing the duo were planning to rob a plane carrying gold bullion, and one of them would wait on the ground as the gold would be dropped. Mary Marvel flies after the plane after Riddle has knocked out the two pilots. Dr Riddle is able to escape from the plane by parachute as Mary saves the plane, and knock out Bulletgirl by landing on her just as she has met Weeper II, but Mary Marvel then captures him and Bulletgirl gets the Weeper.
The Dome
A criminal who is on trial for murdering someone and stealing a jewel necklace. He pretends to be insane by making paper dolls and acting happy, so is taken to an asylum. While some doctors are examining him, he uses his abnormally strong head to break out by ramming a guard and breaking open the walls. Sergeant Kent, his daughter and Jim are unable to stop the Dome, but Jim and Susan then hange to Bulletman and Bulletgirl. Theer Dome jumps of a cliff but lands on his head and survives. He then tells his men they must find a mama dollDoll
A doll is a model of a human being, often used as a toy for children. Dolls have traditionally been used in magic and religious rituals throughout the world, and traditional dolls made of materials like clay and wood are found in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe. The earliest documented dolls...
in a blue dress. He starts taking the dolls and tearing their heads off, leading to the story title of The Doll Killers. When a man says he will call the police, he is shot dead. Bulletman puts an ad in the paper of a second-hand doll, calling himself Namtellub, Bulletman backwards. When the men rush in, they are met by Bulletgirl, who changes into her outfit before Bulletman appears. However, Bulletman's blow does not match the Dome, who matches their heads, knocking the helmet off and stuns Bulletman. He then knocks Bulletgirl out with a wood plank from behind. Their hands are tied and they are each placed on chairs, with nooses around their necks attached to a chandelier
A chandelier is a branched decorative ceiling-mounted light fixture with two or more arms bearing lights. Chandeliers are often ornate, containing dozens of lamps and complex arrays of glass or crystal prisms to illuminate a room with refracted light...
. If one gets of the chair, they will hang the other. The Dome leaves, saying they have given him an idea, but Bulletman sees the chandelier does not look so strong. At his plan they jump together, and the chandelier breaks. They recover their helmets and fly after the Dome. Bulletman realises he has gone to a Second-hand store. The Dome smashes open many dolls, and when the Flying Detectives enter he charges at Bulletman, but he dodges making the Dome hit an iron pole. He beats him up and the clerk hits him with a doll which breaks open, revealing a diamond necklace. He hid it in there when he was trapped by the Police, but forgot to mark it.
The Engraver
Only appearing in Bulletman #6. Disguised as a Swami he apparently gives money away to people, however they are forgeries, as the flying detectives discover after attending a performance. The 'Swami' takes the real change for the money and gives forgeries. They attack him, but he escapes by removing his Swami outfit then giving them false information. They track him down by analysing the ink and going somewhere which has ordered a lot of the ink type, but are captured after Bulletgirl tries to save a falling crook, but is hit on the head with an ink bottle, and when Bulletman sees if she is all right he is seized, and they both have their hands tied while the Engraver tries to kill them by filling the room with gas. Bulletman frees himself on glass shards, breaks open a window for air as Bulletgirl has nearly been overcome, then frees Bulletgirl. They track the Engraver to a floating casinoCasino
In modern English, a casino is a facility which houses and accommodates certain types of gambling activities. Casinos are most commonly built near or combined with hotels, restaurants, retail shopping, cruise ships or other tourist attractions...
, as Bulletman releases they were bound with sailor's knots, both the thugs are killed, and the Engraver later falls to his death in a furnace after trippng over.
The Fat Fiend
Only appearing in Bulletman #6. An overweight murderor who commits brutal murders and has enormous strength and durability, but a hatred of being called fat, poisoning two boys who call him this with a quarter dipped in poision. Captures Bulletgirl after yanking of her helmet and tries to poision her, but she is rescued by Bulletman after he finds her helmet and realises she has been captured who fights the Fat Fiend but stops to help Bulletgirl, however while trying to escape the Fat Fiend trips over her helmet and is captured.Invisible Man
Only appearing in All-American Comics #2. A criminal who discovers a way to become invisible and commits crimes. However Bulletman and Bulletgirl discover his hideout in a cave and capture him.Man of the Ages
Only appearing in Americas Greatest Comics Issue #3. About a million years ago a criminal is thrown into the chasm of death, though he claims he will live for as long as evil does. In 1942 a man at a Zoo releases the lions. Jim Barr hears this and changes into Bulletman, who stops the lions but the Man fires a gun at him, releasing blue poison gas, that would have killed an ordinary man, but only knocks Bulletman out. The Man of the Ages then goes to a dam, kills a workman, and meets Bulletman again. This time Bulletman uses a spanner to knock the gun from his hand. The Man of the Ages has his head hit with enough force to split the skull of an Ox and pretends to be unconscious. When Bulletman goes to him he is hit with both feet and knocked out. The Man of the Ages then goes to get enough dynamite to blow up the dam and kill the people in the town below. Bulletgirl finds the dead workman and wakes up Bulletman, who orders her to use the whistle to warn the people, who start moving to higher ground. The Man of the Ages hears the whistle and tries to work harder with the dynamite, but is knocked into the water by Bulletman, who says he may return in a future age.The Man who was dressed to kill
Only appearing in Bulletman #6. A criminal who uses deadly gadgets disguised as ordinary things, a hidden poision dart shooter and an electrocuting cane. He commits crimes and murders, but is captured by Bulletman and Bulletgirl, although he nearly kills Bulletgirl with his poison, and she is only saved by Bulletman inventing an antidote from analyzing it's use on an earlier vicitm. While trying to escape he is shot by Seargent Kent and killed. However he later returns.'Midas' Malone
Only appearing in Bulletman #4. A greedy criminal who after engineering a jailbreak with the aid of henchmen disguised as or who are guards takes refuge in a castle and captures Bulletman with a silent cannon fired by compressed air that knocks his helmet off, throws him in a dungeon, then causes a crime spree. Bulletgirl rescues her partner after she sees and follows one of the gang causing Bulletman's helmet and Bulletman causes the air cannon to explode in the face of 'the greediest man in AmericaUnited States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
.' Midas is either killed or jailed.
The Mocker
Only appearing in Bulletman #6. An Actor who mocks a stage performer before finally killing him. However he is caught by the Flying Detectives.Mr Ego
Only appearing in Bulletman #8. An egotistic criminal mastermind who performs crimes around the city after revealing their location to the police and hates anybody else acting like they are commanding him. He plans to capture Bulletman after kidnapping a Millionaire's son by givin him a poisoned sweet, then having his men dress up as ambulance drivers. He captures Bulletman using an electromagnet that gets his helmet off, then binds and gags him and leaves to commit a crime, leaving one of his henchmen to shoot him. However Bulletgirl rescues him, revealing she taped her helmet on with adhesive tape to get past the electromagnet. He then tries to rob a train of platinum by turning a tank of water into powerful acid then using a bomb to send it onto the train. The Flying Detectives attack his gang so he shoots them and tries to escape on a handcar. However he does not notice a train and is thrown of a bridge into the waters below, where he probably drowns.The Murder Prophet
A criminal who makes prophecys of doom, then fulfills them. First appears in Bulletman #6 where he tells his prophecys to a crooked newspaper editor. When Bulletman goes after him he throws Bulletgirl of a building to delay him. Apparently killed in Bulletman #7 when a radio in the Revenge Syndicate's base short-circuited and caused a fire.The Revenge Syndicate
A villain team which appeared only once in Bulletman #7 (September 16, 1942). The Revenge Syndicate was started by the Murder Prophet and joined by the Weeper and the Black Rat. At first they were at odds with each one wanting to be the chief of the group. The Weeper came up with the idea that they roll dice to see who would be chief, the person with the highest roll would go first; the person with the second highest would go second; and the person with the third highest would go third.The Murder Prophet won the first roll. His plan was to rob an art museum, by pretending to be visitors, with the aid of the Black Rat emerging from the sewer with a machine gun. Bulletman and Bulletgirl stopped them, but they escaped.
The Weeper went second. His plan was for the Murder Prophet to pretend to be a psychic at a charity carnival after kidnapping the real one. The Murder Prophet told a superstituous rich woman who was running the carnival to move her money so it would not be stolen. They were going to steal the money while it was being moved and even steal the car. Bulletman and Bulletgirl stopped them after realising their plot. They lifted the car they were in and threw it in the lake. The Black Rat was thrown in also while trying to escape with the loot, but was revived by the cold water, and saved the Murder Prophet and the Weeper.
The three realized that Bulletman had thwarted their plans prior and they needed to eliminate him if they ever wanted to succeed. The Black Rat met several criminals, who agreed to pay $100,000 if he got rid of Bulletman.
The Black Rat went third. His plan was to send out a radio broadcast to lure Bulletman to an abandon shack. They set up a dummy of the Black Rat. Bulletman and Bulletgirl went inside the shack. The Revenge Sundicate went inside and beat up Bulletman. To their surprise Bulletman had set up a dummy of his own. Bulletman and Bulletgirl beat them up and a fire was started when the radio was broken which possibly killed them as nobody got out.
Only appearing in Bulletman #16. The Foreman for a new tunnel project reports to Mr Kaye, President of Acme Construction Co. that two more workers were crushed to death and the Workers are scared of going in. They are building the longest underwater tunnel in the World and if they don't finish Kaye is ruined. He suspects sabotage so reports it to the Police. As a former sandhog he makes sure his men get the best conditions and tools, so is suspicous about the deaths. All his money is tied up in this, he doesn't want the city go give the contract to another Worker. Meanwhile the Workers are planning on making a petition telling the City to turn it over to the Senesco Construction Co. However Barr stops them, telling them the Police have been alerted and will look around, which they agree to. Jim and Susan get into the elevator but the cable breaks, so they change to Bulletman and Bulletgirl. Bulletman tells Bulletgirl to fly around so they don't feel anything when it hits the bottom. Bulletman finds the cable broke too evenly, meaning somebody sabotaged it. Bulletgirl then hears a leak, and the Flying Detectives rush to find it before the whole tunnel is flooded and ruined. However one of the workers appears with a blowtorch and says he'll take care of them the way he took care of Barr and Kent in the elevator, not recognising their faces. Bulletman tells Bulletgirl to stay back as their helmets are of no value against fire. The man misses Bulletman and is knocked over, thpugh Bulletman loses his helmet. He tells Bulletgirl to find the emergency lock before the entre tunnel is flooded. She says she'll get his helmet, but as she finds the lock another Worker appears and knocks her out with a metal pipe, after which he starts tying her up, claiming she'll come to in time to drown when the entire tunnel is flooded. Bulletman hits the Worker who offers to talk, the Senesco Construction Co. paid him to cause the accidents, and the little Worker with the petition is really Senesco. As the water is still rising, Bulletman realises something must have happened to Bulletgirl. He finds her with her hands tied and her mouth gagged, and while untying her asks what happened. On finding out, he tells her it was Senesco, and activates the emergency lock so the metal doors seal of the water. He sees his helmet sinking in the mud, but Bulletgirl gets it. They go up with the Worker. At that moment Senesco is claiming Tom, Bulletman and Bulletgirl drowned down there, so they must petition the city. But one of the Workers asks what he means as Bulletman and Bulletgirl are there. Bulletgirl calls him Senesco, meaning the Workers begin to realise what happened, and Bulletman says Tom te Foreman will explain. As Tom confesses Senesco tries to escape along the pier, which Tom alerts the Flying Detectives to. Telling Bulletgirl to keep her eyes on Tom, Bulletman says he'll get Senesco, who says Bulletman is pretty good in the air, but asks to see how effective he is in the water. But Bulletman compares himself to a Pelican picking up poor fish in the water and captures Senesco, who is jailed. Months later the tunnel is dedicated to Bulletman and Bulletgirl, and Jim says he's sure in their absence they couldn't find anybody better to dedicate the tunnel to, while winking at the audience.Weeper
First appearing in Master Comics #23. The arch-foe of Bulletman and Bulletgirl, the Weeper is capable of the most brutal of murders, but sheds tears for his victims; he hates to see people happy but feels bad after he hurts them. The Weeper wears a blue opera cape, a top hat and carries a small walking stick and tear gas bombs. He also drives a hearse and is accompanied by his henchman, the Bittermen. After his death in unknown circumstances he was replaced by his son the Weeper II, first appearing in Mary Marvel #8. He was the only one to follow them into DC comics, where he teamed up with the Joker to steal jewels on Earth-S during King Kull's plan to wipe out humanity on all three Earths, but was defeated and jailed with help with Bulletman annd Bulletgirl.Unholy Three
1941, Master Comics #17. The cunning dwarf Nosey, Herbert the ape, and the hulking Brutus with the strength of 20 are the Unholy Three and under the command of J. Twiddley Fairchild, a long-hair professor type. They went up against Bulletman and Bulletgirl a couple of times. During a prison break, Fairchild is shot and killed (Master Comics 18, 1941) making the three just three.- Read Bulletman #1, feauturing the Black Spider and Doctor Mood.
- Read Bulletman #4, feauturing Midas Malone.
- Read Bulletman #7, feauturing the Revenge Syndicate.
- Read Mary Marvel #8, feauturing the first appearance of the second Weeper, at Fury Comics.
- Read Bulletman #16, feauturing Senesco.
- Read All-American Comics #2, feauturing the last appearance of the Black Rat, at Fury Comics.