Life With Bonnie
Life with Bonnie is an ABC
television sitcom that originally aired from 2002 to 2004. The show outlined the life of character Bonnie Malloy, who juggled her personal life and a TV talk show position. The series was created by Bonnie Hunt and Don Lake, and produced by Miss Hunt's company, Bob & Alice Productions, in association with Touchstone Television, Inc. The show had fair ratings in the first season but struggled in the second, causing ABC to cancel it. Life With Bonnie was also shown on Living TV during ABC's airings.
American Broadcasting Company
The American Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcasting television network. Created in 1943 from the former NBC Blue radio network, ABC is owned by The Walt Disney Company and is part of Disney-ABC Television Group. Its first broadcast on television was in 1948...
television sitcom that originally aired from 2002 to 2004. The show outlined the life of character Bonnie Malloy, who juggled her personal life and a TV talk show position. The series was created by Bonnie Hunt and Don Lake, and produced by Miss Hunt's company, Bob & Alice Productions, in association with Touchstone Television, Inc. The show had fair ratings in the first season but struggled in the second, causing ABC to cancel it. Life With Bonnie was also shown on Living TV during ABC's airings.
- Bonnie HuntBonnie HuntBonnie Lynne Hunt is an American actress, comedian, writer, director, television producer and daytime television host.- Early life :...
as Bonnie Malloy - Bonnie is the mother of 2 children (3 in season 1), loving wife, and host of a local TC talk show. Bonnie tries to maintain a public image of the perfect wife and mother, but in reality her life is chaotic.
- Mark DerwinMark DerwinMark Derwin is an American television and soap opera actor. Derwin is known for his role as George Juergens on The Secret Life of the American Teenager.-Biography:...
as Mark Malloy – Mark, a doctor, is Bonnie's husband and the father of her children. He looks on as she tries to balance her hectic life. Mark is much less concerned about what other people think than Bonnie is, which causes problems on occasion. He has a generally more professional demeanour, and sometimes doesn't understand why Bonnie continues to put up with annoying people in her life.
- Charlie StewartCharlie StewartCharlie Stewart is an American actor. He has appeared in many popular TV shows but his role is usually small. Charlie Stewart is most notably known for his role as Bob in The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and guest starred on its sequel The Suite Life on Deck in Flowers and Chocolate...
as Charlie Malloy – Charlie is Bonnie's son. Charlie shares most of his scenes with his friend Frankie. His role is small and usually unscripted although he adds priceless comedy to the show.
- Samantha Browne-WaltersSamantha Browne-WaltersSamantha Browne-Walters is an American teen actress. She played the role of Samantha Malloy on the ABC comedy series Life with Bonnie starring Bonnie Hunt. Other roles include Vera in the award winning short film Pâté and appearances on the NBC series Third Watch. She now lives in New...
as Samantha Malloy (Season 1) - Samantha played Bonnie's eldest child, yet another ingredient in Bonnie's hectic life. She was removed from the cast when season 2 started, without one mention of her whereabouts or fate.
- Marianne MuellerleileMarianne Muellerleile-Life and career:Muellerleile was born in St. Louis, Missouri, the daughter of Margaret and Cecil E. Muellerleile, an oil company executive....
as Gloria – Gloria is Bonnie's live-in housekeeper/nanny. It was stated in the show that she was only intended to stay there until Charlie started school, but despite the fact that she actually provided little help, they couldn't let her leave because they had grown attached to her.
- David Alan GrierDavid Alan GrierDavid Alan Grier , also known as "D.A.G." , is an American actor and comedian known for his work on the sketch comedy television show In Living Color.-Early life:...
as David Bellows – David is the producer of the "Morning Chicago" show. David is most often seen yelling and frantically rushing to get things for the show in order while pushing his lectern around the studio.
- Anthony Russell as Tony Russo – Tony plays Bonnie's affable piano player on the "Morning Chicago" show. Bonnie’s housekeeper Gloria has a crush on Tony.
- Holly WortellHolly WortellHolly Wortell is an American comedic actress and longtime friend of Bonnie Hunt. She has been a regular on each of Hunt's sitcoms , all three times playing a vain, promiscuous character named "Holly"...
as Holly – Holly is Bonnie's make-up artist on the "Morning Chicago" show. She often gives advice on Bonnie’s marriage issues and seems to date many men.
- Chris Barnes as Marv – Marv is the cue-card guy on the "Morning Chicago" show. Marv is very protective of Holly, who does not return his interest.
- Frankie Ryan ManriquezFrankie Ryan ManriquezFrankie Ryan Manriquez is an American former actor. He is best known for his role as Wayne in Higglytown Heroes and William in That's So Raven....
as Frankie – Frankie is Charlie's best friend and spends most of his time at the Malloy home. He contributes many funny anecdotes about his screwed-up family.
Guest stars
- Rip TaylorRip TaylorCharles Elmer "Rip" Taylor, Jr. is an American actor and comedian.-Early life:Taylor was born in Washington, D.C., the son of Elizabeth, a waitress, and Charles Elmer Taylor, Sr., a musician. As a young man, Taylor served in the Korean War while in the U.S...
(as "Rappin' Rip" in four episodes) - Tom HanksTom HanksThomas Jeffrey "Tom" Hanks is an American actor, producer, writer, and director. Hanks worked in television and family-friendly comedies, gaining wide notice in 1988's Big, before achieving success as a dramatic actor in several notable roles, including Andrew Beckett in Philadelphia, the title...
(as himself in the episode "What If?") - Robin WilliamsRobin WilliamsRobin McLaurin Williams is an American actor and comedian. Rising to fame with his role as the alien Mork in the TV series Mork and Mindy, and later stand-up comedy work, Williams has performed in many feature films since 1980. He won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance...
(as Kevin Powalski in the episode "Psychic") - David DuchovnyDavid DuchovnyDavid William Duchovny is an American actor, writer and director. He has won Golden Globe awards for his work as FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder on The X-Files and as Hank Moody on Californication.-Early life:...
(as Johnny Volcano in 2 episodes) - Carl ReinerCarl ReinerCarl Reiner is an American actor, film director, producer, writer and comedian. He has won nine Emmy Awards and one Grammy Award during this career...
(as "Mr. Portinbody" in 3 episodes) - Teri GarrTeri Garr-Early life:Garr was born in Lakewood, Ohio in 1947. Her father, Eddie Garr , was a vaudeville performer, comedian and actor whose career peaked when he briefly took over the lead role in the Broadway drama Tobacco Road...
(as "Mrs. Portinbody" in the episode "Buy the Book") - Martin MullMartin MullMartin Mull is an American actor who has starred in his own television sitcom and acted in prominent films. He is also a comedian, painter, and recording artist...
(as "Le Nord" in 2 episodes (and yes, his name is pronounced "Le Nord")) - The Smothers Brothers (as contractors in the episode "Everything Old is New Again")
- Jonathan WintersJonathan Winters-Early life:Winters was born in Bellbrook, Ohio, the son of Alice Kilgore , a radio personality, and Jonathan Harshman Winters II, an investment broker. He is a descendant of Valentine Winters, founder of the Winters National Bank in Dayton, Ohio...
(as a writer with multiple personalities) - Jack LaLanneJack LaLanneFrancois Henri "Jack" LaLanne was an American fitness, exercise, and nutritional expert and motivational speaker who is sometimes called "the godfather of fitness" and the "first fitness superhero." He described himself as being a "sugarholic" and a "junk food junkie" until he was 15...
(as himself) - Morgan YorkMorgan YorkMorgan Elizabeth York is an American actress, best known for her role as Kim Baker in Cheaper by the Dozen and Cheaper by the Dozen 2, and also her recent role as Sarah in Hannah Montana.- Career :...
(as Christine Harris in the episode "Dare To Be Different")
Season 1: 2002-2003
Episode # | Episode title | Original airdate |
1-1 | "Pilot" | September 17, 2002 |
1-2 | "Weather or Not" | September 24, 2002 |
1-3 | "Dream" | October 1, 2002 |
1-4 | "Don't Act Your Age, Just Act" | October 8, 2002 |
1-5 | "Duets" | October 15, 2002 |
1-6 | "Is It Just Us?" | October 22, 2002 |
1-7 | "A Day in the Life" | October 29, 2002 |
1-8 | "Happy Day" | November 5, 2002 |
1-9 | "Money Plus Marlens Makes Four" | November 12, 2002 |
1-10 | "Partly Sunny" | November 19, 2003 |
1-11 | "What If?" | November 26, 2003 |
1-12 | "Christmastime in the City" | December 12, 2003 |
1-13 | "Okay, Thanks" | December 17, 2003 |
1-14 | "Deuce is Wild" | January 8, 2003 |
1-15 | "Assaulted Nuts" | January 14, 2003 |
1-16 | "Psychic" | February 4, 2003 |
1-17 | "The Graduate" | February 11, 2003 |
1-18 | "Buy This Book" | February 18, 2003 |
1-19 | "In Need of Assistants" | March 11, 2003 |
1-20 | "Stealing Home" | March 18, 2003 |
1-21 | "Ding, Ding, Ding Went the Truth" | March 25, 2003 |
1-22 | "Till Next Time" | March 25, 2003 |
Season 2: 2003-2004
Episode # | Episode title | Original airdate |
2-1 | "Ironing Out Your Differences" | September 26, 2003 |
2-2 | "Pontiac Bonnie-Ville" | October 3, 2003 |
2-3 | "Everything Old Is New Again" | October 10, 2003 |
2-4 | "No Matter Where You Go, There You Are" | October 17, 2003 |
2-5 | "Boyhood to Womanhood" | October 24, 2003 |
2-6 | "The Merry Ole Land of Oz" | October 31, 2003 |
2-7 | "Places, Stat!" | November 4, 2003 |
2-8 | "Queer Eye for the Straight Lie" | November 14, 2003 |
2-9 | "Boomerang" | November 21, 2003 |
2-10 | "Food for Thought" | December 5, 2003 |
2-11 | "It's a Wonderful Job" | December 12, 2003 |
2-12 | "Trifecta, Try Friendship" | January 9, 2004 |
2-13 | "Live and Let Live" | January 23, 2004 |
2-14 | "Space Heaters" | January 30, 2004 |
2-15 | "Dare to Be Different" | February 13, 2004 |
2-16 | "Nightshift" | February 20, 2004 |
2-17 | "Act Natural" | February 27, 2004 |
2-18 | "Therabeautic" | March 5, 2004 |
2-19 | "Striking a Match" | March 19, 2004 |
2-20 | "Don't Stress, Express" | March 26, 2004 |
2-21 | " Nip, Tuck and Roll" | April 2, 2004 |
2-22 | "Father and Son: A Table for Two" | April 9, 2004 |