Keri Lynn Pratt
Keri Lynn Pratt is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 actress of film
A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects...

 and television
Television is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that can be monochrome or colored, with accompanying sound...

. She is well known for her role of Missy Belknap on Jack & Bobby
Jack & Bobby
Jack & Bobby is an American television series that aired on The WB network. It featured two brothers, one of whom would become President of the United States, serving from 2041 to 2049...

or as Dee Vine in the film Drive Me Crazy
Drive Me Crazy
-Tracklisting:# " Crazy " - Britney Spears# "Unforgetful You" - Jars of Clay# "I Want It That Way " - Backstreet Boys# "It's All Been Done" - Barenaked Ladies# "Stranded" - Plumb...

, which was her debut role.

Pratt was a student at the Hampstead Dance Academy, and after graduation began her career at the Broadway Dance Center
Broadway Dance Center
Broadway Dance Center, located in the heart of Times Square in New York City, was founded in 1984 a "drop-in" dance training schools in the world, offering over 200 classes a week in Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Hip Hop, Theater and more...

. She has guest starred on such series as CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is an American crime drama television series, which premiered on CBS on October 6, 2000. The show was created by Anthony E. Zuiker and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer...

Season 1 Episode 22: Evaluation Day & Season 6 Episode 19: Spellbound as Anna Leah, ER
ER (TV series)
ER is an American medical drama television series created by novelist Michael Crichton that aired on NBC from September 19, 1994 to April 2, 2009. It was produced by Constant c Productions and Amblin Entertainment, in association with Warner Bros. Television...

, House
House (TV series)
House is an American television medical drama that debuted on the Fox network on November 16, 2004. The show's central character is Dr. Gregory House , an unconventional and misanthropic medical genius who heads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in...

Season 2 Episode 14: Sex Kills as Amy Errington, Bones
Bones (TV series)
Bones is an American crime drama television series that premiered on the Fox Network on September 13, 2005. The show is based on forensic anthropology and forensic archaeology, with each episode focusing on an FBI case file concerning the mystery behind human remains brought by FBI Special Agent...

Season 2 Episode 5:The Truth In The Lye as Chloe, Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars is an American television series created by Rob Thomas. The series premiered on September 22, 2004, during television network UPN's final two years, and ended on May 22, 2007, after a season on UPN's successor, The CW Television Network. Veronica Mars was produced by Warner Bros...

, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, Nip/Tuck
Nip/Tuck is an American drama series created by Ryan Murphy, which aired on FX in the United States. The series focuses on McNamara/Troy, a plastic surgery practice, and follows its founders, Sean McNamara and Christian Troy...

, 7th Heaven
7th Heaven
7th Heaven is an American family drama television series, created and produced by Brenda Hampton. The series premiered on August 26, 1996, on the WB, the first time that the network aired Monday night programming, and was originally broadcast from August 26, 1996 to May 13, 2007...

, That 70's Show, and Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina the Teenage Witch is a comic book series published by Archie Comics about the adventures of a teenage fictional character named Sabrina Spellman. The character was created by writer George Gladir and artist Dan DeCarlo. The comic's characters have also appeared in various other media...

. In 2006 she appeared in four episodes of the ABC show Brothers & Sisters, as an intern to Calista Flockhart
Calista Flockhart
Calista Kay Flockhart is an American actress who is primarily recognized for her work in television. She is best known for playing the title character in the Fox comedy-drama series Ally McBeal for which she won a Golden Globe Award...

 and Josh Hopkins
Josh Hopkins
William Joshua Hopkins is an American actor.-Career:Hopkins joined the fourth, and last season, of New York Undercover in 1998. In 1999 Hopkins starred in Alanis Morissette's "Unsent" music video...

's characters.

Pratt, who was born in Concord, New Hampshire
Concord, New Hampshire
The city of Concord is the capital of the state of New Hampshire in the United States. It is also the county seat of Merrimack County. As of the 2010 census, its population was 42,695....

, graduated from Pinkerton Academy
Pinkerton Academy
Pinkerton Academy is a secondary school in Derry, New Hampshire. It is the largest independent academy in the United States, serving roughly 3,600 students as the high school for the communities of Derry, Hampstead, Chester and sometimes Auburn...

 in Derry
Derry, New Hampshire
-Climate:-Demographics:As of the census of 2010, there were 33,109 people, 12,537 households, and 8,767 families residing in the town. The population density was 924.8 people per square mile . There were 13,277 housing units at an average density of 143.2/km²...

. She was Miss New Hampshire Teen USA
Miss New Hampshire Teen USA
The Miss New Hampshire Teen USA competition is the pageant that selects the representative for the state of New Hampshire in the Miss Teen USA pageant.In terms of number of placements New Hampshire is one of the least successful states...

 1994 and competed in the Miss Teen USA 1994
Miss Teen USA 1994
Miss Teen USA 1994, the 12th Miss Teen USA pageant, was televised live from the Mississippi Gulf Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Mississippi on 16 August 1994...


In July 2008, Pratt was cast as Kristy in the 2009 film I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (film)
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell is a 2009 American comedy film loosely based on the work and persona of writer Tucker Max, who co-wrote the screenplay. In an interview with Shave Magazine Max explained that the film is not "a direct recount or retelling. It says it is based on true events because it...


On July 25, 2010, it was revealed in the press room of Comic Con, that Pratt will be playing Cat Grant
Cat Grant
Catherine "Cat" Jane Grant is a fictional DC Comics character appearing in Superman comics. She first appeared in Adventures of Superman #424 as a gossip columnist for the Daily Planet...

 in the 10th season of Smallville
Smallville is the hometown of Superman in comic books published by DC Comics. While growing up in Smallville, the young Clark Kent attended Smallville High with best friends Lana Lang, Chloe Sullivan and Pete Ross...



Year Title Role Notes
1999 Drive Me Crazy
Drive Me Crazy
-Tracklisting:# " Crazy " - Britney Spears# "Unforgetful You" - Jars of Clay# "I Want It That Way " - Backstreet Boys# "It's All Been Done" - Barenaked Ladies# "Stranded" - Plumb...

Dee Vine
2000 Wirey Spindell First Date
2000 Lisa Stockwell
2001 America's Sweethearts
America's Sweethearts
America's Sweethearts is a 2001 romantic comedy film, directed by Joe Roth, starring Julia Roberts, Billy Crystal, John Cusack, and Catherine Zeta-Jones. The film also stars Keri Lynn Pratt, Hank Azaria, Stanley Tucci, Seth Green, Alan Arkin, and Christopher Walken, and features a cameo appearance...

Leaf Weidmann
2001 Cruel Intentions 2
Cruel Intentions 2
Cruel Intentions 2 is the 2000 American comedy-drama prequel to Cruel Intentions and was released direct-to-video. It was written and directed by Roger Kumble, who was also responsible for the first film. The film stars Robin Dunne, Sarah Thompson, Amy Adams, and Keri Lynn Pratt...

Cherie Claymon
2002 Dead Above Ground Kelly 'Kel' Britton
2002 Debbie
2004 Fat Albert
Fat Albert
Fat Albert may refer to:* Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, a cartoon show* Fat Albert , a 1973 comedy album by Bill Cosby* Fat Albert , a 2004 live-action film...

2006 Katie
2009 Blonde Secretary
2009 I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (film)
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell is a 2009 American comedy film loosely based on the work and persona of writer Tucker Max, who co-wrote the screenplay. In an interview with Shave Magazine Max explained that the film is not "a direct recount or retelling. It says it is based on true events because it...

2011 Bad Actress Topanga Pillage
2011 Heather Completed
2011 Dorfman Leeann Dorfman Completed
2011 FDR: American Badass! Marietta Buford Post-production
2012 Hell a nd Mr. Fudge Sara Fudge Post-production

Year Title Role Notes
2000 Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (TV series)
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch is an American sitcom based on the Archie comic book series of the same name.The show stars Melissa Joan Hart as Sabrina Spellman, a teenager with magical powers, who lives with her aunts Hilda and Zelda , and their magical talking cat Salem...

Lynn Episode: "House of Pi's"
2000 ER
ER (TV series)
ER is an American medical drama television series created by novelist Michael Crichton that aired on NBC from September 19, 1994 to April 2, 2009. It was produced by Constant c Productions and Amblin Entertainment, in association with Warner Bros. Television...

Audrey Hoffman, Miss Skokie Episode: "Benton Backwards"
2000 Cruel Intentions 2
Cruel Intentions 2
Cruel Intentions 2 is the 2000 American comedy-drama prequel to Cruel Intentions and was released direct-to-video. It was written and directed by Roger Kumble, who was also responsible for the first film. The film stars Robin Dunne, Sarah Thompson, Amy Adams, and Keri Lynn Pratt...

Cherie Claymon Video
2001 That '70s Show
That '70s Show
That '70s Show is an American television period sitcom that centers on the lives of a group of teenage friends living in the fictional suburban town of Point Place, Wisconsin, from May 17, 1976, to December 31, 1979...

Tiffany Episode: "The Trials of M. Kelso"
2001 Going to California Elisabeth Beamis Episode: "The Big Padoodle"
2001 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is an American crime drama television series, which premiered on CBS on October 6, 2000. The show was created by Anthony E. Zuiker and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer...

Anna Leah Episode: "Evaluation Day"
2002 Class of '06 Patty TV movie
2002 Maybe It's Me
Maybe It's Me (TV series)
Maybe It's Me is an American television comedy series that aired on The WB Network. It first aired on October 5, 2001 and ended on May 3, 2002...

Kimberly Fitch Episode: "The Quahog Festival Episode"
2002 They Shoot Divas, Don't They? Jenny TV movie
2003 Samantha Episode: "Miss American Pipe"
2003 Nip/Tuck
Nip/Tuck is an American drama series created by Ryan Murphy, which aired on FX in the United States. The series focuses on McNamara/Troy, a plastic surgery practice, and follows its founders, Sean McNamara and Christian Troy...

Cara Fitzgerald Episode: "Montana/Sassy/Justice"
2003 Boston Public
Boston Public
Boston Public is an American drama television series created by David E. Kelley and broadcast on Fox. It centered on Winslow High School, a fictional public high school located in Boston, Massachusetts. The show was named for the real public school district in which it takes place...

Molly Sobel Episode: "Chapter Sixty-Eight"
2003 Joan of Arcadia
Joan of Arcadia
Joan of Arcadia is an American television fantasy/family drama telling the story of teenager Joan Girardi , who sees and speaks with God and performs tasks she is given. The series originally aired on Fridays, 8-9 p.m...

Brianna Matthews Episode: "Bringeth It On"
2004 7th Heaven
7th Heaven
7th Heaven is an American family drama television series, created and produced by Brenda Hampton. The series premiered on August 26, 1996, on the WB, the first time that the network aired Monday night programming, and was originally broadcast from August 26, 1996 to May 13, 2007...

Betsy Brewer Episode: "When Bad Conversations Happen to Good People"
Episode: "Healing Old Wounds"
2004–2005 Jack & Bobby
Jack & Bobby
Jack & Bobby is an American television series that aired on The WB network. It featured two brothers, one of whom would become President of the United States, serving from 2041 to 2049...

Missy Belknap 18 episodes
2005 Campus Confidential
Campus Confidential
Campus Confidential is a television comedy film starring Christy Carlson Romano, Keri Lynn Pratt and Katey Sagal, and directed by Melanie Mayron....

Cornelia Nixon TV movie
2005 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is an American police procedural television drama series set in New York City, where it is also primarily produced...

Lauren Westley Episode: "Rockabye"
2005 Stacked
Stacked is an American television sitcom that premiered on Fox on April 13, 2005. On May 18, 2006, Stacked was canceled, leaving five episodes unaired in the United States. The last episode aired on January 11, 2006...

Carrie Episode: "iPod"
2006 House
House (TV series)
House is an American television medical drama that debuted on the Fox network on November 16, 2004. The show's central character is Dr. Gregory House , an unconventional and misanthropic medical genius who heads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in...

Amy Errington Episode: "Sex Kills
Sex Kills
"Sex Kills" is the fourteenth episode of the second season of House, which premiered on the Fox network on March 7, 2006.This episode also features Hugh Laurie's Band From TV band-mate Greg Grunberg as a guest star.-Plot:...

2006 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is an American crime drama television series, which premiered on CBS on October 6, 2000. The show was created by Anthony E. Zuiker and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer...

Anna Leah Episode: "Spellbound"
2006 Bones
Bones (TV series)
Bones is an American crime drama television series that premiered on the Fox Network on September 13, 2005. The show is based on forensic anthropology and forensic archaeology, with each episode focusing on an FBI case file concerning the mystery behind human remains brought by FBI Special Agent...

Chloe Daniels Episode: "The Truth in the Lye"
2006 Brothers & Sisters Amber Trachtenberg 4 episodes
2006 Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars is an American television series created by Rob Thomas. The series premiered on September 22, 2004, during television network UPN's final two years, and ended on May 22, 2007, after a season on UPN's successor, The CW Television Network. Veronica Mars was produced by Warner Bros...

Hallie Piatt Episode: "My Big Fat Greek Rush Week"
Episode: "Lord of the Pi's"
2007 Crossing Jordan
Crossing Jordan
Crossing Jordan is an American television crime/drama series that aired on NBC from September 24, 2001 to May 16, 2007. It stars Jill Hennessy as Jordan Cavanaugh, M.D., a crime-solving forensic pathologist employed in the Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Medical Examiner's Office...

Lisa Price Episode: "In Sickness & in Health"
2008 CSI: NY
CSI: NY is an American police procedural television series that premiered on September 22, 2004, on CBS. The show follows the investigations of a team of NYPD forensic scientists and police officers as they unveil the circumstances behind mysterious and unusual deaths as well as other crimes...

Paula Tolomeo Episode: "Personal Foul"
2008 Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds is an American police procedural drama that premiered September 22, 2005, on CBS. The series follows a team of profilers from the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit based in Quantico, Virginia. The BAU is part of the FBI National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime...

Ashley Holden Episode: "52 Pickup"
2008 Commuter Confidential Daisy TV series
2009 Life on Mars
Life on Mars (TV series)
Life on Mars is a British television series broadcast on BBC One between January 2006 and April 2007. The series combines elements of science fiction and police procedural....

Leslie Episode: "Coffee, Tea, or Annie"
2009 Family Guy
Family Guy
Family Guy is an American animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Griffins, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Peter and Lois; their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie; and their anthropomorphic pet dog Brian...

Shovin' Buddy (voice, uncredited) Episode: "Peter's Progress
Peter's Progress
"Peter's Progress" is the sixteenth episode and the season finale of the seventh season of Family Guy. It originally aired on Fox in the United States on May 17, 2009...

2010 Daniella Episode: "Pink Chanel Suit"
2010–2011 Smallville
Smallville is the hometown of Superman in comic books published by DC Comics. While growing up in Smallville, the young Clark Kent attended Smallville High with best friends Lana Lang, Chloe Sullivan and Pete Ross...

Cat Grant 4 episodes

External links

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