Keith Hamilton Cobb


He is best known for his roles as the ruthless Nietzschean mercenaryTyr Anasazi in the science-fiction series Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda
Andromeda (TV series)
Andromeda is a Canadian-American science fiction television series, based on unused material by the late Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, developed by Robert Hewitt Wolfe, and produced by Roddenberry's widow, Majel Barrett Roddenberry. It starred Kevin Sorbo as High Guard Captain Dylan Hunt...

from 2000 to 2002, and as Noah Keefer on All My Children
All My Children
All My Children is an American television soap opera that aired on ABC from January 5, 1970 to September 23, 2011. Created by Agnes Nixon, All My Children is set in Pine Valley, Pennsylvania, a fictitious suburb of Philadelphia. The show features Susan Lucci as Erica Kane, one of daytime's most...

from 1994 to 1996. He also appeared in two episodes of the Beastmaster
BeastMaster (TV series)
BeastMaster is a Canadian television series that aired from 1999 to 2002. It was loosely based on a 1982 MGM movie The Beastmaster. The series aired for three complete seasons...

television series in 1999.

Cobb was born in North Tarrytown, New York; he graduated from New York University
New York University
New York University is a private, nonsectarian research university based in New York City. NYU's main campus is situated in the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan...

's Tisch School of the Arts in 1987. A classically trained actor, he appeared in a number of Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon"...

 productions in the New York area before breaking into television in the mid 1990s. One of his first movies was the 1995 Daniel Robert Cohn film Eyes Beyond Seeing
Eyes Beyond Seeing
Eyes Beyond Seeing is a 1995 religious Drama film. Many scenes were filmed at the Kings Park Psychiatric Center on Long Island.-Plot:An enigmatic, homeless mental patient who claims to be the second coming of Jesus Christ has recently been once again committed. He begins to suffer asylum life...

in which he plays a mental patient who claims to be Jesus Christ.

In 1999, Cobb played briefly in the Beastmaster
BeastMaster (TV series)
BeastMaster is a Canadian television series that aired from 1999 to 2002. It was loosely based on a 1982 MGM movie The Beastmaster. The series aired for three complete seasons...

television series, portraying a character very similar to his Tyr Anasazi character from Andromeda
Andromeda (TV series)
Andromeda is a Canadian-American science fiction television series, based on unused material by the late Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, developed by Robert Hewitt Wolfe, and produced by Roddenberry's widow, Majel Barrett Roddenberry. It starred Kevin Sorbo as High Guard Captain Dylan Hunt...

. Cobb is a very muscular and fearsome looking actor who appears to fit the warrior's role, but has never played the "big dumb guy;" rather his characters are best described as thoughtful philosophical warriors.

In 1996, Cobb was named on People
People (magazine)
In 1998, the magazine introduced a version targeted at teens called Teen People. However, on July 27, 2006, the company announced it would shut down publication of Teen People immediately. The last issue to be released was scheduled for September 2006. Subscribers to this magazine received...

 magazine's annual "50 most beautiful people" list.

He left the Andromeda TV series after its third season, citing dissatisfaction over the development of his character.

Film and television credits

Year Title Role Notes
1995 Eyes Beyond Seeing
Eyes Beyond Seeing
Eyes Beyond Seeing is a 1995 religious Drama film. Many scenes were filmed at the Kings Park Psychiatric Center on Long Island.-Plot:An enigmatic, homeless mental patient who claims to be the second coming of Jesus Christ has recently been once again committed. He begins to suffer asylum life...

1990 Astonished Simon
1989 Cold Light of Day Billy uncredited

Year Title Role Notes
1989 The American Experience Felix Flashback sequence

Talk shows
Year Title Role Notes
2003 Soap Talk
Soap Talk
Soap Talk was a television talk show on SOAPnet hosted by Lisa Rinna and Ty Treadway. It debuted in 2002 and ended in 2006. The reason for the show's cancellation was due to SOAPnet expanding their programming away from a soap opera-related focus to expand their network's ratings and declining...

Himself Episode dated 11 August 2003

Year Title Role Notes
2007 CSI: Miami
CSI: Miami
CSI: Miami is an American police procedural television series, which premiered on September 23, 2002 on CBS. The series is a spin-off of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation....

Oscar's Lawyer Episode: "Inside Out"
2006 Noah's Arc
Noah's Arc (TV series)
Noah's Arc is an American cable television dramedy. The series, which predominantly features gay black and Latino characters, focused on many socially relevant issues, including same sex dating, same-sex marriage, same-sex parenthood, HIV and AIDS awareness, infidelity, promiscuity, homophobia, gay...

Quincy Episodes: "Desperado"
"Excuses for Bad Behavior"
"Give It Up"
"Under Pressure"
"Baby Can I Hold You"
"Say It Loud"
2003–2005 The Young and the Restless
The Young and the Restless
The Young and the Restless is an American television soap opera created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell for CBS. The show is set in a fictional Wisconsin town called Genoa City, which is unlike and unrelated to the real life village of the same name, Genoa City, Wisconsin...

Damon Porter 139 episodes
2003 The Twilight Zone
The Twilight Zone
The Twilight Zone is an American television anthology series created by Rod Serling. Each episode is a mixture of self-contained drama, psychological thriller, fantasy, science fiction, suspense, or horror, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist...

Commander Skyles Episode: "Cold Fusion"
2003 One on One
One on One (TV series)
One on One is an American sitcom that aired on the now-defunct UPN from its September 3, 2001 premiere until May 15, 2006. The series stars Flex Alexander as a single sportscaster, who becomes a full-time dad when his ex-wife decides to accept a job out of the country and his teenage daughter...

Clay Episode: "I Know What You Did Last Thursday"
2003 Andromeda
Andromeda (TV series)
Andromeda is a Canadian-American science fiction television series, based on unused material by the late Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, developed by Robert Hewitt Wolfe, and produced by Roddenberry's widow, Majel Barrett Roddenberry. It starred Kevin Sorbo as High Guard Captain Dylan Hunt...

Tyr Anasazi 68 episodes
1999–2000 BeastMaster
BeastMaster (TV series)
BeastMaster is a Canadian television series that aired from 1999 to 2002. It was loosely based on a 1982 MGM movie The Beastmaster. The series aired for three complete seasons...

Akile / Akili's Father 2 episodes: "Obsession"
1999 Suddenly Susan
Suddenly Susan
Suddenly Susan is an American sitcom that was broadcast on NBC from 1996 to 2000. The show takes place at The Gate, a fictitious magazine which is based in San Francisco. Among the magazine's employees is Susan Keane , who always has been cared for by someone else...

Dr. Michael Karpe Episode: "Vicki Moves In"
1999 Total Recall 2070
Total Recall 2070
Total Recall 2070 is a science fiction television series first broadcast in 1999 on the Canadian television channel CHCH-TV and later the same year on the American Showtime channel. It was later syndicated in the United States with some editing to remove scenes of nudity, violence and strong...

Dilah Unknown number of episodes
1997 Boston Common
Boston Common (TV series)
Boston Common is a television sitcom that ran on NBC from 1996–1997. It starred Anthony Clark and took place in the city of Boston. It was one of the 10 highest rated shows in its first season as it ranked 8th in the yearly ratings and was viewed by an average of 14.96 million households per episode...

Lucas Episode: "To Bare Is Human"
1995 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is an American television sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990 to May 20, 1996. The show stars Will Smith as a fictionalized version of himself, a street-smart teenager from West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his aunt and uncle in their...

Royce #1 Episode: "As the Will Turns"
1995–1996 All My Children
All My Children
All My Children is an American television soap opera that aired on ABC from January 5, 1970 to September 23, 2011. Created by Agnes Nixon, All My Children is set in Pine Valley, Pennsylvania, a fictitious suburb of Philadelphia. The show features Susan Lucci as Erica Kane, one of daytime's most...

Noah Keefer 22 episodes

External links

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