João Mouzinho de Albuquerque
João Mouzinho de Albuquerque (Leiria
Leiria is a city in Leiria Municipality in the Centro Region, Portugal. It is the capital of Leiria District. The city proper has 50,200 inhabitants and the entire municipality has nearly 120,000...

, February 21, 1797 – Portalegre, August 8, 1881) was a Portuguese
Portugal , officially the Portuguese Republic is a country situated in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal is the westernmost country of Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the West and South and by Spain to the North and East. The Atlantic archipelagos of the...

A writer is a person who produces literature, such as novels, short stories, plays, screenplays, poetry, or other literary art. Skilled writers are able to use language to portray ideas and images....

 and administrator.


João Mouzinho de Albuquerque was born in Leiria on February 21, 1797, son of João Pedro Mouzinho de Albuquerque
João Pedro Mouzinho de Albuquerque
João Pedro Mouzinho de Albuquerque was a Portuguese nobleman.-Life:A son of Pedro Mamede Mouzinho de Albuquerque and second wife Maria Micaela Tavares de Mesquita, he was baptized at the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora, Lisbon, on June 4, 1736, his godfather being Dom Diogo de Noronha, 3rd...

 (1736–1802) and dona
Don (honorific)
Don, from Latin dominus, is an honorific in Spanish , Portuguese , and Italian . The female equivalent is Doña , Dona , and Donna , abbreviated "Dª" or simply "D."-Usage:...

 Luísa da Silva Gutiérrez de Ataíde (1763–18??), both from noble families. His father was a Fidalgo
Fidalgo , from Galician and Portuguese filho de algo—sometimes translated into English as "son of somebody" or "son of some "—is a traditional title used in Portugal to refer to a member of the titled or untitled nobility...

A knight was a member of a class of lower nobility in the High Middle Ages.By the Late Middle Ages, the rank had become associated with the ideals of chivalry, a code of conduct for the perfect courtly Christian warrior....

 of the Royal House and possessed two estates in Chelas. His mother was the daughter of Luís da Silva de Ataíde, a senior-guard of the Leiria pine forest and Lord of Casa do Terreiro.

He was Moço-Fidalgo
Fidalgo , from Galician and Portuguese filho de algo—sometimes translated into English as "son of somebody" or "son of some "—is a traditional title used in Portugal to refer to a member of the titled or untitled nobility...

 of the Royal Household
Royal Household
A Royal Household in ancient and medieval monarchies formed the basis for the general government of the country as well as providing for the needs of the sovereign and his relations....

, Bachelor
Bachelor's degree
A bachelor's degree is usually an academic degree awarded for an undergraduate course or major that generally lasts for three or four years, but can range anywhere from two to six years depending on the region of the world...

 in Law
Law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior, wherever possible. It shapes politics, economics and society in numerous ways and serves as a social mediator of relations between people. Contract law regulates everything from buying a bus...

 from the University of Coimbra in 1820, Purveyor of the Casa da Moeda de Portugal
Casa da Moeda de Portugal
The Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda , is the Portuguese mint and national press, owned by the Portuguese Government and administratively subordinated to the Portuguese Ministry of Finance.-History:...

, Administrator-General of the House of Braganza
House of Braganza
The Most Serene House of Braganza , an important Portuguese noble family, ruled the Kingdom of Portugal and its colonial Empire, from 1640 to 1910...

, etc.

He was the last holder of the Prazo of São Domingos, in Castelo de Vide, which he sold after 1834.

He married his niece Luísa Paula Mouzinho de Albuquerque (Cabanas Estate, São Brás da Romeira, Santarém
Santarém, Portugal
Santarém is a city in the Santarém Municipality in Portugal. The city itself has a population of 28,760 and the entire municipality has 64,124 inhabitants.It is the capital of Santarém District....

, January 4, 1820 – at her old house at the Violeiros Street, Portalegre, January 17, 1907) and had an only son:
  • Pedro Mouzinho de Albuquerque, who died young, unmarried and without issue

Published works

  • Reflexões Sobre a Agricultura Pública, Leiria, 1854
  • Juízo Crítico Sobre os Actos da Administração Finda com a Morte de S. M. a Senhora Dona Maria II, Lisboa, 1854
  • Memória Sobre a Moeda Portuguesa, etc, Elvas, 1862
  • O Deficit, nas Origens, etc, Lisboa, 1867

External links

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