Royal Household
A Royal Household in ancient and medieval monarchies formed the basis for the general government of the country as well as providing for the needs of the sovereign and his relations.
In the modern period, royal households have evolved into entities which are variously differentiated from national governments.
In the modern period, royal households have evolved into entities which are variously differentiated from national governments.
The royal households of such of European monarchies have a continuous history since medieval times.Germany
- 1. Supreme Officers of the Court (Oberste Hofchargen) - honorary functions
- 1.1. The Grand Chamberlain (Oberst-Kämmerer)
- 1.2. The Grand Cup-Bearer(Oberst-Schenk)
- 1.3. The Grand Steward (Oberst-Truchseß)
- 1.4. The Grand Marshal (Oberst-Marschall)
- 1.5. The Grand Master of the Hunt (Oberst-Jägermeister)
- 2. Chief Officers of the Household (Oberhofchargen)
- 2.0. The Premier Marshal of the Household (Oberhof- und Hausmarschall, i. e. chief executive officer of the court)
- 2.1. The Premier Master of Ceremonies (Ober-Zeremonienmeister)
- 2.2. The Premier Master of the Robes (Ober-Gewandkämmerer)
- 2.3. The Premier Cellerer (Ober-Mundschenk)
- 2.4. The Premier Master of the Horses and Mews (Ober-Stallmeister)
- 2.5. The Premier Master of the Hunt (Ober-Jägermeister)
- 2.6. The Premier Captain of the Palace Guard (Ober-Schloßhauptmann)
- 2.7. The Premier Master of the Kitchen (Ober-Küchenmeister)
- 2.8. The Superintendent general of the Theatres (Generalintendant der Schauspiele)
Mannheim (Electors Palatinate)
- The Grand Master of the Household (Obristhofmeister)
- Stewards (Truchsesse)
- The Master of the Music (Hofkapellmeister)
- The Scientist of the Court (Librarian, Masters of the Collections)
- The Artists of the Court
- The medical staff
- The Grand Chamberlain (Obristkämmerer)
- Court's Chamberlains (Hofkämmerer)
- Life Offices
- The Grand Marshal of the Household (Obristhofmarschall)
- The Master of the Larder
- The Master of The Cellar
- The Master of the Tablecloth
- The Master of the Silver and China
- The Master of Kitchen
- The Master of the Pastry
- The Grand Master of the Mews (Obriststallmeister)
- Court's Fourriers
- The Grand Master of the Hunt (Obristjägermeister)
- The Superintendent of the Court's Music