Jin Tianming
Tian Ming is one of the main protagonists of the Chinese television series, Qin's Moon
Qin's Moon
Qin's Moon , aka The Legend of Swordsman is a CG Chinese animated TV series. The story is based on a novel of the same name and is China's first 3D wuxia Animation. The title means "the bright moon of Qin", quoted from a famous poem. Here it also contains the names of the two heroes...

. His age is approximately 12, and his clothes are nothing more than simple peasant or street kid garments. He was originally the son of a yet unknown swordsman. Stricken by a curse at a very young age, he was taken on a journey with Ge Nie
Ge Nie
Ge Nie is one of the main protagonists in the Chinese television series, Qin's Moon. His age is approximately 30, and his clothes consist of white and gray robes.-Background:Before Qin's Moon began, he was an assassin for Qin in his early years....

, in order to find a cure. Throughout his journey, he encounters many friends and foes, and ultimately matures into something greater than a swordsman.

Season 1

Tianming is introduced as a 12 or 13 year old boy who follows around a calm and powerful swordsman named Ge Nie. They journey together and Ge Nie is considered by Tianming as 'Uncle'. They first encounter 300 heavy armored soldiers and Ge Nie shows off his sword skills causing Tianming to be in awe and wanting to be as strong as his Uncle. But due to Ge Nie being injured in the fight, Tianming attempts to find someone to help his Uncle. On the journey of finding help he ends up meeting Xiang ShaoYu who becomes his 'Big Brother', Gao Yue who Tianmign falls for and starts to truly care for her, and Duanmu Rong who is a sister-like figure to Gao Yue and an intelligent medic who saves Ge Nie. Duanmu Rong,Gao Yue and Master Ban (a character Tianming has a playful relationship with) is all from the renowned Mohist School.


Tianming is a bright and cheerful boy, at the age of 12 or 13.
He is playful and mischievous though protective of his friends.
He has a crush on Gao Yue (Yue`Er), a girl under the care of Mohists, though he thinks
that her big sister, Duanmu Rong
Duanmu Rong
Duanmu Rong is one of the main protagonists in the Chinese animated series, Qin's Moon.She makes her official debut in the third episode of season 1. Although, she is portrayed as a cold and emotionless character, she shows some sisterly affection to Yue-Er...

, is a cold person who's face is
'stiff as a board'. He treats Ge Nie
Ge Nie
Ge Nie is one of the main protagonists in the Chinese television series, Qin's Moon. His age is approximately 30, and his clothes consist of white and gray robes.-Background:Before Qin's Moon began, he was an assassin for Qin in his early years....

 as his father, and aspires to become a
swordsman just like him. He also has a continuous rivalry with Xiang ShaoYu
Xiang ShaoYu
Shao Yu is one of the main characters of the animated series, Qin's Moon. He is from a royal family of a tribe of Chu, and is a brilliant military strategist. He acts both as a brother and rival to Tian Ming.-Personality:...

and a playful relationship
with Master Ban. He has a 'passionate' love for food and immediately
goes berserk if someone eats his food or destroys it. Although quite shallow in certain aspects, his loyalty, braveness and innocence stand out as some of his more positive traits. Perhaps the most driving aspect of his character, is his belief that his father will return to him one day, thus motivating him to become one of the most famous swordsmen in the world.


He was originally the son of an unknown swordsman. His parents were killed while he was young, and he was adopted by an elderly family. Soon after, an inferno killed his adoptive
parents, and he wandered around as a street boy. One month before the series began, he was found by Ge Nie
Ge Nie
Ge Nie is one of the main protagonists in the Chinese television series, Qin's Moon. His age is approximately 30, and his clothes consist of white and gray robes.-Background:Before Qin's Moon began, he was an assassin for Qin in his early years....

, who took him under his wing. It is later revealed that he was struck with the Yin and Yang curse for a long time and that causes him insanity, thus motivating Ge Nie to find a person to cure him.

Martial Arts Abilities and Skills

His first martial art skill is learned in Season 3 from Manager Ding. The skill is called 'Knife of Dismembering Cows'. Even though the skill involves the usage of a knife and Tianming wants to learn sword techniques. He was persuaded by Manager Ding's legendary cooking of food. The negotiation of Tianming having to learn the technique before eating the food is what caused Tianming to learn the skill. He was able to defeat 8 men with the skill except with usage of the Anti-War Weapon (a sword).

Other skills or martial arts being used before Season 3 was already self taught and learnt before the series started.

External links

  • http://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&u=http://baike.baidu.com/view/798911.htm&ei=mW0HS8O3LYS2swPvnJjACQ&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CAkQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drelated:www.qinsmoon.com/%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hs%3D8TN%26sa%3DX
  • http://japanese.china.org.cn/english/MATERIAL/199156.htm
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