Duanmu Rong
Duanmu Rong is one of the main protagonists in the Chinese animated series, Qin's Moon
Qin's Moon
Qin's Moon , aka The Legend of Swordsman is a CG Chinese animated TV series. The story is based on a novel of the same name and is China's first 3D wuxia Animation. The title means "the bright moon of Qin", quoted from a famous poem. Here it also contains the names of the two heroes...

She makes her official debut in the third episode of season 1. Although, she is portrayed as a cold and emotionless character, she shows some sisterly affection to Yue-Er. Her age is 24.


Her first appearance is in the animated series, Qin's Moon
Qin's Moon
Qin's Moon , aka The Legend of Swordsman is a CG Chinese animated TV series. The story is based on a novel of the same name and is China's first 3D wuxia Animation. The title means "the bright moon of Qin", quoted from a famous poem. Here it also contains the names of the two heroes...

Her real name is Duanmu Rong, but is commonly referred to by Yue-Er as "Sister Rong".
Her background is currently unknown, as of episode 6.


Duanmu Rong's face is always in a stoical look, which has been described by Jin Tianming
Jin Tianming
Tian Ming is one of the main protagonists of the Chinese television series, Qin's Moon. His age is approximately 12, and his clothes are nothing more than simple peasant or street kid garments. He was originally the son of a yet unknown swordsman. Stricken by a curse at a very young age, he was...

 as 'stiff as a box'. She formerly refused to treat patients, who satisfied 1 or more of her 3 conditions, on who NOT to treat. Her personality gradually evolves into a more soft-hearted person, and she treats Yue-Er, like a little sister.

Her 3 Conditions are as follows:

1. 'Ge' should not be part of their name

2. They should not be working for the Qin Empire

3. They should not be swordsmen


She possesses unique medical talents, and is fluent in identifying various diseases and curses. Being a doctor has granted her the knowledge of a person's pressure points. In addition to her wide knowledge of medicine, she is proficient in martial arts and uses needles as her weapons.


She lived in a Mohist Medical Manor treating patients, one of them, an injured Ge Nie
Ge Nie
Ge Nie is one of the main protagonists in the Chinese television series, Qin's Moon. His age is approximately 30, and his clothes consist of white and gray robes.-Background:Before Qin's Moon began, he was an assassin for Qin in his early years....

. After healing him, she was saved from an assassination attempt by him. She then left with Yue-Er and the others in a carriage, promising to leave clues to Master Ban, to tell him where they were going. En-route, their carriage was attacked by a bird, and toppled over a cliff.

External links

  • http://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&u=http://space.tv.cctv.com/podcast/qsmy&ei=DacES8SCHYjcsgPc7Z3RCA&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CBYQ7gEwAw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcctv%2B8%2B%25E7%25A7%25A6%25E6%2597%25B6%25E6%2598%258E%25E6%259C%2588%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hs%3DSpw%26sa%3DG
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