Xiang ShaoYu
Shao Yu is one of the main characters of the animated series, Qin's Moon. He is from a royal family of a tribe of Chu, and is a brilliant military strategist. He acts both as a brother and rival to Tian Ming.


Based on his background described by the TV series, Qin's Moon
Qin's Moon
Qin's Moon , aka The Legend of Swordsman is a CG Chinese animated TV series. The story is based on a novel of the same name and is China's first 3D wuxia Animation. The title means "the bright moon of Qin", quoted from a famous poem. Here it also contains the names of the two heroes...

he is from a royal tribe of Chu, and is quite proud of what his tribe is. He is shown constantly praising his tribe's military prowess to Jing Tianming. He and Tianming treat each other as brothers and as rivals. He is quite cheerful, and strives to become a good leader.


He is shown to have a superb martial arts skill when fighting assassins and also, when training with his men. He defeated Tian Ming in a short duel and is a brilliant strategist.


In Qin's Moon
Qin's Moon
Qin's Moon , aka The Legend of Swordsman is a CG Chinese animated TV series. The story is based on a novel of the same name and is China's first 3D wuxia Animation. The title means "the bright moon of Qin", quoted from a famous poem. Here it also contains the names of the two heroes...

, he descended from the royal line of the tribe of Xiang Yu. His father is dead, leaving him a will that has yet to be known.


He first appears training with his men, in a small house. After seeing a firework signal, he quickly investigated the problem, only to find Tianming roasting chickens. Not soon after, they were all attacked by an assassin and were saved by the timely intervention of Ge Nie
Ge Nie
Ge Nie is one of the main protagonists in the Chinese television series, Qin's Moon. His age is approximately 30, and his clothes consist of white and gray robes.-Background:Before Qin's Moon began, he was an assassin for Qin in his early years....

. He and his tribe took Tian Ming and his uncle along with them, before being attacked by the Grey Wolf Assassin. Though he managed to stab a sword, right through the assassin's chest, Grey Wolf escaped, leaving them with a weakened Ge Nie.

Yue-Er finally appeared and took them to Mohist grounds where they treated the Sword Saint's wounds. Shao Yu then told Jing Tianming that he was leaving, and was shown quite upset when Tianming, at first, refused to say goodbye.

External links

  • http://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&u=http://baike.baidu.com/view/798911.htm&ei=mW0HS8O3LYS2swPvnJjACQ&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CAkQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drelated:www.qinsmoon.com/%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hs%3D8TN%26sa%3DX
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