Jaerock Lee
Jaerock Lee is a Christian author and the senior pastor of the Manmin Central Church
in Seoul
. Manmin means ‘all creation; all the nations; all the people.’ So, he says, the ministry of Manmin is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and to all the people of God’s creation. In 2004, Lee formed a global Christian television network to spread the Gospel all over the world. The station entitled GCN launched in October 2005, and its programs are aired through Christian channels like Enlace and TBN Russia.
His books are translated in many languages. Major Christian newspapers like Christian Post, Christian Today, Charisma Magazine, Kookmin Ilbo and secular media like CNN, Korea Times and Korea Herald featured Lee's ministries.
His members claimed that he has an ability to heal through prayer, including curing diseases like AIDS
and leukemia
. Medical doctors attempt to prove the divine healing cases through the prayer of Lee with medical data. He claims to have 120,000 members throughout the world in 9,000 member churches.
Lee is currently president of The United Holiness Church of Korea, chairman of United Holiness Theological Seminary, and the permanent president of the World Christianity Revival Mission Association.
Manmin Central church has the largest number of churches in Korea.
The church is actively involved in community service. It has established "The Relief Committee" that regularly provides living expenses and scholarships to the elderly living in solitude and youths who find themselves as heads of households. For the elderly in collaboration with government offices, the church operates "Manmin Welfare Town", a welfare institution. Other welfare institutions include "Joint Weddings" for disabled couples "Mission House" to assist foreigners living and working in South Korea, "Medical Mission", a group of medical professionals among Manmin members, visits social welfare institutions from time to time and offers free medical examinations. "The Edification and Welfare Mission" visits youth detention centers and prisons to worship together with inmates and presents them with gifts. And the church has made a special cooperation in The Festival for the Unity of the Young and the Elderly that was held at the Jung-gu Assembly Hall, Seoul in December 2009.
In 1995, Lee preached about the secret of church revival to the 1,000 pastors in Korea.
In 1997, his church choir participated in Choir Festival in commemoration of FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company)'s 22nd anniversary together with Yoido Full Gospel church and Youngrak church etc. He expanded his missionary works to USA, Japan, South America and Africa and the number of church members were growing up explosively. But He was ejected from the Christian Council of Korea in April 1999 over heretical claims; in response, Lee claims that these claims came from the neighboring pastors' jealousy over the rapid growth of his church and their misunderstanding about Lee who preached the spiritual realm written in the Bible. On June 2004, Korean Presbyterian Churches Union has published a book named Orthodoxy and Heresy contradicting the CCK's 1999 claims; the book states: "Our union have clarified that Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee is pastoring with faithful doctrines based on the pure Gospel."
In 1999, Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation
, a South Korean television broadcaster, aired a documentary critical of Jaerock Lee, which program had to air counterdefense report of the church later according to the court ruling; in response, 300 Manmin Central Church members invaded the television station, attacking security guards and breaking into the station control room to cut the power, while another 1,500 organised a sit-down protest in a nearby street; 600 riot police were needed to restore order. The station had previous been prevented by court order from airing a story on Lee's sex life. MBC filed a lawsuit against the church and 61 people involved in the attack, seeking damages of ₩
2.7 billion; the Seoul Southern District Court granted damages in the amount of ₩696 million in November 2000 against the church and some of the participants in the attack, but threw out the case against Lee himself.
He plans to build the world's largest church.
Lee told in the interview with Wolgan Joongang Magazine, "I have been invited to hold crusades by more than 100 nations, even by the presidents of several countries, but I can go only to a nation that God allows."
, including Jehoash Myanza Nkangi, the minister of Justice, Samuel Rubunda, a presidential aide of religion, members of the National Assembly, and the mayor of Kampala, welcomed Lee at the airport. They told Lee "Uganda is dealing with overwhelming spiritual and social problems and desperately needs the message of Christ". Leaders of the Korean Missionary Association in Uganda have accused him of being a cult leader, pointing to an alleged July 1998 statement by Lee that he was "sinless and exempted from dying". In response, a spokesman of Lee's church stated. Dr. Jaerock Lee has not only been living in the protection of God by fully abiding in the Word of God, but is always teaching his church members to become sanctified and live a godly life in which Satan cannot bring any accusation against them and death has no power over them in God's protection. This teaching of his was wrongfully fabricated by some people who had impure schemes against him. Thousands of Ugandans came to Nakibubo Stadium for the rally, and many responded by professing faith in Christ, and others were allegedly cured of physical and spiritual ailments when Lee prayed for them. The event was broadcast on the government television station, which reaches 3 million people in Kampala
. Bishop Grivas Musisi, Chairman of the Uganda United Crusade Organizing Committee, claimed in a CNN interview that "I have seen many people getting healed through the power that the science cannot explain, namely through supernatural power in this crusade. This is certainly signs and wonders that can come from God only." CNN
correspondent Yusuf Kalyango Jr. reported that Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee proved to many Uganda people that he is a man of God by manifesting the works of spiritual power that prove that the Bible is true in Nakibubo Stadium. His mission in Uganda was for the people of Uganda to enter New Jerusalem before God.
In October, 2000, Lee visited Pakistan to preach the gospel and more than 100,000 people attended the largest Christian evangelistic event ever held in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
In 2001, Lee conducted Kenya Healing Crusade, ASSIST News Service reported.
In September, 2001, Lee visited the Philippines to lead the Church Leaders Conference and Healing Crusade and Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo sent her special advisor, Secretary Agelito M. Sarimento with her welcoming address at the opening ceremony. In a written statement, Arroyo said, "Let me commend your organization, under the spiritual guidance of Rev. Dr. Lee Jae-Rock, for its continuing commitment in preaching the five-fold gospel to both believers and unbelievers all over the world. In this ever-modernizing environment, we Christians should help share to all peoples of the world our Lord Jesus Christ's good news." From Sept. 27-29, 2001, Luneta Park in Manila, Philippines, was packed with close to a million people and various kinds of diseases such as cancer, AIDS, diabetes, polio, and blindness were healed through Lee prayers, a spokesman of the Lee's church claimed.
On July 26–27, 2002, Lee led Honduras evangelistic meetings and an estimated 120,000 persons attended meetings in Olympic Stadium in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Many testified to being saved and healed of various diseases. The event was broadcast on national and local television as well as on the Internet. A book entitled Global Christianity in the Twentieth Century, published in June, 2008 by Augsburg Fortress, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S., which is widely known as the official publishing house of academic works and seminary textbooks for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA), featured photographs and relevant information from ‘The 2002 Honduras Church Leaders' Conference and Crusade with Dr. Jaerock Lee.’, reported the church's newspaper.
The 2002 Healing Festival with Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee took place at Marina Beach , Chennai, and during the four days of the festival more than three million people gathered. This monumental festival is widely considered to have made a profound impact on Christian history. At the festival attended mostly by Hindus, Rev. Dr. Lee movingly testified to messages - e.g., "Why Is Jesus Our Only Savior?" - which were based entirely on the evangelical teachings of the gospel.
When Rev. Dr. Lee prayed for the sick from the pulpit during the festival, in the midst of the fiery and explosive work of the Holy Spirit a number of people experienced and testified to their healing. This scene of miracles was also broadcast live on India's four television channels, and there were other countless people watching the Festival on TV who received healing and converted to Christianity.
In 2003, a government official arranged for a Christian prayer and healing "festival" at the Dubai Handicapped Club. Lee spoke and performed a healing ceremony for 100 persons, including nationals, with various disabilities, reported US Department of State in the International Religious Freedom Report 2004.
In October 2004, Lee visited Germany to lead The 2004 German United Crusade and the event was broadcast through Classics TV in UK, CNL in Kazakhstan, RTVA in Spain, TKV in Russia etc. The attendees' number was the biggest in German Christian history.
In November, 2003, Lee visited Russia to lead "2003 Russia Miracle Healing Festival" at "SKK" indoor Olympic Stadium in St. Petersburg, Russia, which event was a part of the 300th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg and preached gospel and healing message on the theme, "God the Creator," based on Genesis 1:1. Each night of 12~14, November, 2003, the stadium was filled with 25,000 people to experience the ministry of the Reverend Jae-Rock Lee. “We’re very excited about the long-terms results taking place after the crusade,” said Rev. Igor Nikitin, president of the Association of Christian Churches in Russia.
In December, 2004, Lee visited Lima, Peru for a Christian crusade and Peruvian president Alejandro Toledo
invited Lee to the presidential palace and requested him prayer for the economic development and administration of the country. And in the next year, in October, 2005, Peruvian vice president David Waisman
visited Manmin Central church to deliver the congratulatory message for the church's 23rd anniversary.
In December 2005, Lee was denied permission to enter Egypt
; he arrived at Cairo International Airport
on a Korean Airlines flight with 20 of his members. He was scheduled to have Christian event in Cairo together with Egyptian Christian organization in the season of Christmas.
invited Dr. Jaerock Lee and his group to the presidential palace to have confabulation and he requested Dr. Lee's prayer for the stability and peace of the DR Congo.
In July 2006, Lee went to the United States
to lead a three-day "Salvation Miracles Revival Crusade" at New York City
's Madison Square Garden
, "It's a movement to transform and change the heart of the dark part of New York City, New Jersey and Connecticut - and especially New York," said Ricardo Reyes, chairman of the crusade. Local Korean American
ministers organised protests in response, calling it a "satanic movement". Major League Baseball
player David Wright, third baseman
for the New York Mets
, was tricked into doing a commercial for Lee's crusade; Wright agreed to appear on camera and offer an endorsement because he believed that the event had already been approved by the Mets, but in fact, the advertisement, which featured unauthorised uses of the Mets' logo, was being put together by a reporter who misused his press credentials to gain access to Wright and film him. After the misuse came to light, broadcasting of the advertisement ceased, and Wright publicly apologised. The crusade, which was also endorsed by New York
senator Rubén Díaz and New York City Council
man Hiram Monserrate
, attracted large numbers of Latino
s and other members of immigrant groups
The crusade, which was also endorsed by New York
senator Rubén Díaz and New York City Council
man Hiram Monserrate
, and the head of the National Religious Broadcasters, one of the country's most influential evangelical groups, attracted large numbers of Latino
s and other members of immigrant groups
. Mr. Juan Sanchez, an attendee of the crusade and semi-paralyzed gunshot victim, told, "Today, when the pastor prayed, I felt my leg becoming straight. And my lower back - the pain is gone. I can walk normally. Now I've got more faith in my heart and my body and my soul, too."
In spite of the local Korean American ministers protest and accusation, the crusade was successful and New York State Senator Ruben Diaz proclaimed the recognition of Dr. Lee's ministry on behalf of the State of New York. And Harvey Thomas, chairman of the Federation of European Broadcasters (FEB), said "We are different, but as children of God we need to be united in Christ Jesus." After attending the crusade, Mr. Thomas said, "I've never heard such a biblical message like Dr. Lee's -- and the performance of Manmin ministry is so fantastic and holy."
Frank Wright, the president of the National Religious Broadcasters, expressed his opinions on the crusade. "Rev. Lee's message is very spiritual yet very easy to understand. It was amazing to see so many people being healed through his prayer." Dr. David Waisman, a Peruvian congressman, said, "I was touched. Rev. Lee is seeking to overcome evil with goodness. Through the power of God, the mute came to speak." The crusade was transmitted on television to 200 countries.
In May, 2007, the mayor of the city of Cusco, Peru requested Rev. Jaerock Lee to pray for Machupicchu to be selected as one of the new 7 wonders of the world in 21st century, and the civil workers of Cusco city received his prayer real-time through Internet live-broadcast.
In September 2009, Lee visited Israel
. While there, he held a crusade, the "International Multi-Cultural Festival", at the International Convention Center
in Jerusalem. The event drew roughly 3,000 attendees from 36 countries to rally for peace in the Middle East; among the crowd was Israeli minister of tourism
Stas Misezhnikov
and Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat. Lee, who already visited Israel in June in preparation for the event and met, amongst others, with Defense Minister Ehud Barak
, announced that his choice to hold the convention in Jerusalem is an expression of solidarity with the Jewish people, the State of Israel and its leaders. Dr. Jaerock Lee expressed thanks to the support of Government of Israel and Municipality of Jerusalem. A spokesperson for countermissionary organisation Jewish Israel speculated that Lee's visit was connected to the planned launch of a Russian-language evangelical television station. The largest Christian evangelical organisation in the country publicly disassociated itself from him, stating to the Jerusalem Post that they did not endorse his ministry; The association of Israeli pastors established for the growth of Israeli churches and the union of pastors organized the event, CNS reported. When asked about what he wanted to achieve on his “crusade to Jerusalem,” he said he “wants to preach about Jesus Christ, the savior, who was born in this land.” Lee proclaimed Jesus Christ is our Messiah. During a speech, Lee claimed that the swine influenza epidemic
there would go away after he prayed that night. On Sep 7, 2009, the Jesursalem Post reported that "The near-blind discarded their glasses and claimed crystal-clear sight. The crippled cast aside canes and vacated wheelchairs to stumble and leap in joy. One woman shouted she had been cured of cancer of the womb, and another of tuberculosis." when Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed for the healing. Johnny Kim, the director of Lee's church TV station stated that "Dr. Lee obeys God, and God has blessed [him] with these powers. He is not different than any other man, only in his devotion." Kim went on to claim that Lee did not consider himself divine. Lee visited Bethlehem in the 2007 Christmas and preached the message about "Why Only Jesus Christ Is Savior" based upon the Bible.
The festival was broadcast to 220 nations in 8 different languages by simultaneous interpretation through TV broadcasters including TBN and DayStar, Enlace, CNL etc.
On Sunday, March 21, 2010, Dr. Frank Wright, Ph.D., President/CEO of NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) which is an international association of Christian communicators with more than 1500 member organizations, representing millions of viewers, listeners, and readers, attended the Sunday Morning and Evening Services at Manmin Central Church.
In October 2010, Dr. Lee led entitled "2010 Korean Culture Festival" or "Estonia Miracle Healing Crusade 2010" in ``Saku Suurhall’’ the biggest arena of Estonia, and claimed that it brought the most people to this arena in the Christian history of Estonia. Prior to Dr. Lee’s preaching, the performance team of Manmin Central Church presented a top class Christian performance and glorified God. It was followed by Dr. Lee’s sermon entitled ``God the Creator’’ and "The Reason Why Only Jesus Christ is our Savior". In his message he emphasized that the believers who accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior should cast away sins and become sanctified. When he prayed for the sick, many people were healed of various diseases including epilepsy and cancers and they came up to the stage to testify to their healings, reported Korea Times. Mrs. Alina Aivazova, wife of Dr. Leonid Chernovetskyi, Mayor of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine attended this crusade and was healed of arthritis and spondylitis, and testified that the pain over her whole body disappeared, Christian Daily News reported. This crusade was broadcast to 220 countries via aired TV, Cable TV and the Internet.
In ‘Heaven(1)’, Lee discusses about the different places of heaven: Paradise, the First Kingdom of Heaven, the Second Kingdom of Heaven, the Third Kingdom of Heaven, New Jerusalem and the rewards given according to each one’s measure of faith. On this earth when you are filled with sadness, you moan, writes Lee. In heaven, however, there is no need for moaning because there will not be any diseases or concerns. There will only be eternal happiness.
The Indonesian translation of 'Heaven' and 'Hell' have been listed as a bestseller in Indonesia.
In the book “Spirit, Soul and Body", Lee deals with the question “What did God, who existed all by Himself before all eternity, look like?”
The Korean version of “Spirit, Soul and Body (1)” has been a bestseller in the religion section of Kyobo Bookstore, one of the largest bookshops in Korea.
“My Father Will Give to You in My Name” is a compilation of messages and Lee claims that this book will enable the reader to understand "the law of the spiritual realm" on receiving answers from God.
Manmin Central Church
Manmin Central Church is a Protestant Christian church founded in South Korea in 1982 by Jaerock Lee. Manmin means ‘all creation; all the nations; all the people.’ In 2004, Lee formed a global Christian television network to spread the Gospel all over the world...
in Seoul
Seoul , officially the Seoul Special City, is the capital and largest metropolis of South Korea. A megacity with a population of over 10 million, it is the largest city proper in the OECD developed world...
. Manmin means ‘all creation; all the nations; all the people.’ So, he says, the ministry of Manmin is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and to all the people of God’s creation. In 2004, Lee formed a global Christian television network to spread the Gospel all over the world. The station entitled GCN launched in October 2005, and its programs are aired through Christian channels like Enlace and TBN Russia.
His books are translated in many languages. Major Christian newspapers like Christian Post, Christian Today, Charisma Magazine, Kookmin Ilbo and secular media like CNN, Korea Times and Korea Herald featured Lee's ministries.
His members claimed that he has an ability to heal through prayer, including curing diseases like AIDS
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus...
and leukemia
Leukemia or leukaemia is a type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of immature white blood cells called "blasts". Leukemia is a broad term covering a spectrum of diseases...
. Medical doctors attempt to prove the divine healing cases through the prayer of Lee with medical data. He claims to have 120,000 members throughout the world in 9,000 member churches.
Lee is currently president of The United Holiness Church of Korea, chairman of United Holiness Theological Seminary, and the permanent president of the World Christianity Revival Mission Association.
Manmin Central church has the largest number of churches in Korea.
Early life
Before he converted, he had been sick for 7 years just after he got married and everyone abandoned him. Lee attempted to commit suicide several times, but one day his elder sister took him to a Korean healing evangelist, after which he claims his illnesses disappeared. Lee told "It was an undoubtable miracle". In the book "Tasting Eternal Life Before Death", he claims he will always pursue God's grace and subject himself to God's will.Founding Church
He founded Manmin Central Church in July 1982 with just 13 members. The number of registered members continued to increase rapidly and passed 3,000 within 5 years of the founding. In this period, many church organizations such as Prayer Warriors' Mission, Volunteers' Mission, Choirs, and Performing Arts Committee have been organized. He says the secrets of the revival of his church that, first, the pastors and churches need to be loved by God. Only when the pastors and members keep and obey the Word of God, the churches can get revival. Secondly, pastors have to receive the power of God through prayers. He claims that he could drive away Satan and the devil once he and his members prayed aloud, as written in the Bible.The church is actively involved in community service. It has established "The Relief Committee" that regularly provides living expenses and scholarships to the elderly living in solitude and youths who find themselves as heads of households. For the elderly in collaboration with government offices, the church operates "Manmin Welfare Town", a welfare institution. Other welfare institutions include "Joint Weddings" for disabled couples "Mission House" to assist foreigners living and working in South Korea, "Medical Mission", a group of medical professionals among Manmin members, visits social welfare institutions from time to time and offers free medical examinations. "The Edification and Welfare Mission" visits youth detention centers and prisons to worship together with inmates and presents them with gifts. And the church has made a special cooperation in The Festival for the Unity of the Young and the Elderly that was held at the Jung-gu Assembly Hall, Seoul in December 2009.
Challenges and responses
In 1990's while his church has witnessed a drastic increase in the number of church members in and outside of Korea and he confronted many obstacles and challenges. Lee himself was separated from the Church of Holiness in May 1990, which turned into a blessing, he believes, and the church was able to establish a new denomination. In 1993 his church was selected as one of the “World's Top 50 Churches” by the Christian World magazine (US). And he took the lead for the Korean churches union and national evangelization by cooperating Korean Christian activities like World Holification Crusade in 1992 in Yeoido. As well as, Lee's official website reads, he worked as Chairman of '94 The Holy Spirit Seoul Explo Crusade', Manager of arranging committee of '95 Peace Unification Congress for the 50th anniversary of Independence Day of Korea', Chairman of '97 The Holy Spirit Evangelism Congress for National Unification', Vice-president of '2002 World Cup Mission Team', Chairman of Korean Christian Association, Chairman of World Evangelization Central Association, President of National Evangelism Campaign Center, and President of Evangelization Council for Prosecutory Officials.In 1995, Lee preached about the secret of church revival to the 1,000 pastors in Korea.
In 1997, his church choir participated in Choir Festival in commemoration of FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company)'s 22nd anniversary together with Yoido Full Gospel church and Youngrak church etc. He expanded his missionary works to USA, Japan, South America and Africa and the number of church members were growing up explosively. But He was ejected from the Christian Council of Korea in April 1999 over heretical claims; in response, Lee claims that these claims came from the neighboring pastors' jealousy over the rapid growth of his church and their misunderstanding about Lee who preached the spiritual realm written in the Bible. On June 2004, Korean Presbyterian Churches Union has published a book named Orthodoxy and Heresy contradicting the CCK's 1999 claims; the book states: "Our union have clarified that Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee is pastoring with faithful doctrines based on the pure Gospel."
In 1999, Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation
Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation
Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC (Hangul : 문화방송주식회사, Munhwa Bangsong Jushikoesa) is one of four major national South Korean television and radio networks. Munhwa is the Korean word for "culture". Its flagship terrestrial television...
, a South Korean television broadcaster, aired a documentary critical of Jaerock Lee, which program had to air counterdefense report of the church later according to the court ruling; in response, 300 Manmin Central Church members invaded the television station, attacking security guards and breaking into the station control room to cut the power, while another 1,500 organised a sit-down protest in a nearby street; 600 riot police were needed to restore order. The station had previous been prevented by court order from airing a story on Lee's sex life. MBC filed a lawsuit against the church and 61 people involved in the attack, seeking damages of ₩
South Korean won
The won is the currency of South Korea. A single won is divided into 100 jeon, the monetary subunit. The jeon is no longer used for everyday transactions, and appears only in foreign exchange rates...
2.7 billion; the Seoul Southern District Court granted damages in the amount of ₩696 million in November 2000 against the church and some of the participants in the attack, but threw out the case against Lee himself.
He plans to build the world's largest church.
Lee works to bring Gospel even to the most remote corners of the world. He has conducted world-wide missionary works in the United States, Russia, the Philippines, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Pakistan, Argentina, Honduras, India, Russia, Germany, Peru, DR Congo, USA, Israel and Estonia.Lee told in the interview with Wolgan Joongang Magazine, "I have been invited to hold crusades by more than 100 nations, even by the presidents of several countries, but I can go only to a nation that God allows."
2000 to 2005
In July, 2000, Lee visited Uganda to lead the Uganda United Crusade. Representatives of Ugandan President Yoweri MuseveniYoweri Museveni
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is a Ugandan politician and statesman. He has been President of Uganda since 26 January 1986.Museveni was involved in the war that deposed Idi Amin Dada, ending his rule in 1979, and in the rebellion that subsequently led to the demise of the Milton Obote regime in 1985...
, including Jehoash Myanza Nkangi, the minister of Justice, Samuel Rubunda, a presidential aide of religion, members of the National Assembly, and the mayor of Kampala, welcomed Lee at the airport. They told Lee "Uganda is dealing with overwhelming spiritual and social problems and desperately needs the message of Christ". Leaders of the Korean Missionary Association in Uganda have accused him of being a cult leader, pointing to an alleged July 1998 statement by Lee that he was "sinless and exempted from dying". In response, a spokesman of Lee's church stated. Dr. Jaerock Lee has not only been living in the protection of God by fully abiding in the Word of God, but is always teaching his church members to become sanctified and live a godly life in which Satan cannot bring any accusation against them and death has no power over them in God's protection. This teaching of his was wrongfully fabricated by some people who had impure schemes against him. Thousands of Ugandans came to Nakibubo Stadium for the rally, and many responded by professing faith in Christ, and others were allegedly cured of physical and spiritual ailments when Lee prayed for them. The event was broadcast on the government television station, which reaches 3 million people in Kampala
Kampala is the largest city and capital of Uganda. The city is divided into five boroughs that oversee local planning: Kampala Central Division, Kawempe Division, Makindye Division, Nakawa Division and Lubaga Division. The city is coterminous with Kampala District.-History: of Buganda, had chosen...
. Bishop Grivas Musisi, Chairman of the Uganda United Crusade Organizing Committee, claimed in a CNN interview that "I have seen many people getting healed through the power that the science cannot explain, namely through supernatural power in this crusade. This is certainly signs and wonders that can come from God only." CNN
Cable News Network is a U.S. cable news channel founded in 1980 by Ted Turner. Upon its launch, CNN was the first channel to provide 24-hour television news coverage, and the first all-news television channel in the United States...
correspondent Yusuf Kalyango Jr. reported that Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee proved to many Uganda people that he is a man of God by manifesting the works of spiritual power that prove that the Bible is true in Nakibubo Stadium. His mission in Uganda was for the people of Uganda to enter New Jerusalem before God.
In October, 2000, Lee visited Pakistan to preach the gospel and more than 100,000 people attended the largest Christian evangelistic event ever held in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
In 2001, Lee conducted Kenya Healing Crusade, ASSIST News Service reported.
In September, 2001, Lee visited the Philippines to lead the Church Leaders Conference and Healing Crusade and Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo sent her special advisor, Secretary Agelito M. Sarimento with her welcoming address at the opening ceremony. In a written statement, Arroyo said, "Let me commend your organization, under the spiritual guidance of Rev. Dr. Lee Jae-Rock, for its continuing commitment in preaching the five-fold gospel to both believers and unbelievers all over the world. In this ever-modernizing environment, we Christians should help share to all peoples of the world our Lord Jesus Christ's good news." From Sept. 27-29, 2001, Luneta Park in Manila, Philippines, was packed with close to a million people and various kinds of diseases such as cancer, AIDS, diabetes, polio, and blindness were healed through Lee prayers, a spokesman of the Lee's church claimed.
On July 26–27, 2002, Lee led Honduras evangelistic meetings and an estimated 120,000 persons attended meetings in Olympic Stadium in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Many testified to being saved and healed of various diseases. The event was broadcast on national and local television as well as on the Internet. A book entitled Global Christianity in the Twentieth Century, published in June, 2008 by Augsburg Fortress, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S., which is widely known as the official publishing house of academic works and seminary textbooks for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is a mainline Protestant denomination headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. The ELCA officially came into existence on January 1, 1988, by the merging of three churches. As of December 31, 2009, it had 4,543,037 baptized members, with 2,527,941 of them...
(ELCA), featured photographs and relevant information from ‘The 2002 Honduras Church Leaders' Conference and Crusade with Dr. Jaerock Lee.’, reported the church's newspaper.
The 2002 Healing Festival with Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee took place at Marina Beach , Chennai, and during the four days of the festival more than three million people gathered. This monumental festival is widely considered to have made a profound impact on Christian history. At the festival attended mostly by Hindus, Rev. Dr. Lee movingly testified to messages - e.g., "Why Is Jesus Our Only Savior?" - which were based entirely on the evangelical teachings of the gospel.
When Rev. Dr. Lee prayed for the sick from the pulpit during the festival, in the midst of the fiery and explosive work of the Holy Spirit a number of people experienced and testified to their healing. This scene of miracles was also broadcast live on India's four television channels, and there were other countless people watching the Festival on TV who received healing and converted to Christianity.
In 2003, a government official arranged for a Christian prayer and healing "festival" at the Dubai Handicapped Club. Lee spoke and performed a healing ceremony for 100 persons, including nationals, with various disabilities, reported US Department of State in the International Religious Freedom Report 2004.
In October 2004, Lee visited Germany to lead The 2004 German United Crusade and the event was broadcast through Classics TV in UK, CNL in Kazakhstan, RTVA in Spain, TKV in Russia etc. The attendees' number was the biggest in German Christian history.
In November, 2003, Lee visited Russia to lead "2003 Russia Miracle Healing Festival" at "SKK" indoor Olympic Stadium in St. Petersburg, Russia, which event was a part of the 300th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg and preached gospel and healing message on the theme, "God the Creator," based on Genesis 1:1. Each night of 12~14, November, 2003, the stadium was filled with 25,000 people to experience the ministry of the Reverend Jae-Rock Lee. “We’re very excited about the long-terms results taking place after the crusade,” said Rev. Igor Nikitin, president of the Association of Christian Churches in Russia.
In December, 2004, Lee visited Lima, Peru for a Christian crusade and Peruvian president Alejandro Toledo
Alejandro Toledo
Alejandro Celestino Toledo Manrique is a politician who was President of Peru from 2001 to 2006. He was elected in April 2001, defeating former President Alan García...
invited Lee to the presidential palace and requested him prayer for the economic development and administration of the country. And in the next year, in October, 2005, Peruvian vice president David Waisman
David Waisman
-Early life:Waisman is Jewish; he and his father left Romania in 1935 and came to Lima, where he made a meager living selling cloth and blankets door to door. Waisman joined his father on horseback as he peddled merchandise in small villages...
visited Manmin Central church to deliver the congratulatory message for the church's 23rd anniversary.
In December 2005, Lee was denied permission to enter Egypt
Egypt , officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, Arabic: , is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the Muslim world...
; he arrived at Cairo International Airport
Cairo International Airport
Cairo International Airport is the busiest airport in Egypt and the primary hub for Star Alliance member EgyptAir. The airport is located to the north-east of the city around from the business area of the city.The airport is administered by the Egyptian Holding Co...
on a Korean Airlines flight with 20 of his members. He was scheduled to have Christian event in Cairo together with Egyptian Christian organization in the season of Christmas.
2006 to 2010
In February, 2006, Lee visited Kinshasa, DR Congo and led miracle healing festival. Before the beginning of the crusade, DR Congolese president Joseph KabilaJoseph Kabila
Joseph Kabila Kabange is a Congolese politician who has been President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo since January 2001. He took office ten days after the assassination of his father, President Laurent-Désiré Kabila...
invited Dr. Jaerock Lee and his group to the presidential palace to have confabulation and he requested Dr. Lee's prayer for the stability and peace of the DR Congo.
In July 2006, Lee went to the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
to lead a three-day "Salvation Miracles Revival Crusade" at New York City
New York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...
's Madison Square Garden
Madison Square Garden
Madison Square Garden, often abbreviated as MSG and known colloquially as The Garden, is a multi-purpose indoor arena in the New York City borough of Manhattan and located at 8th Avenue, between 31st and 33rd Streets, situated on top of Pennsylvania Station.Opened on February 11, 1968, it is the...
, "It's a movement to transform and change the heart of the dark part of New York City, New Jersey and Connecticut - and especially New York," said Ricardo Reyes, chairman of the crusade. Local Korean American
Korean American
Korean Americans are Americans of Korean descent, mostly from South Korea, with a small minority from North Korea...
ministers organised protests in response, calling it a "satanic movement". Major League Baseball
Major League Baseball
Major League Baseball is the highest level of professional baseball in the United States and Canada, consisting of teams that play in the National League and the American League...
player David Wright, third baseman
Third baseman
A third baseman, abbreviated 3B, is the player in baseball whose responsibility is to defend the area nearest to third base — the third of four bases a baserunner must touch in succession to score a run...
for the New York Mets
New York Mets
The New York Mets are a professional baseball team based in the borough of Queens in New York City, New York. They belong to Major League Baseball's National League East Division. One of baseball's first expansion teams, the Mets were founded in 1962 to replace New York's departed National League...
, was tricked into doing a commercial for Lee's crusade; Wright agreed to appear on camera and offer an endorsement because he believed that the event had already been approved by the Mets, but in fact, the advertisement, which featured unauthorised uses of the Mets' logo, was being put together by a reporter who misused his press credentials to gain access to Wright and film him. After the misuse came to light, broadcasting of the advertisement ceased, and Wright publicly apologised. The crusade, which was also endorsed by New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...
senator Rubén Díaz and New York City Council
New York City Council
The New York City Council is the lawmaking body of the City of New York. It has 51 members from 51 council districts throughout the five boroughs. The Council serves as a check against the mayor in a "strong" mayor-council government model. The council monitors performance of city agencies and...
man Hiram Monserrate
Hiram Monserrate
Hiram Monserrate is a former member of the New York State Senate. He represented the 13th District which includes the Queens neighborhoods of Jackson Heights, Corona, East Elmhurst, Elmhurst and Woodside...
, attracted large numbers of Latino
The demonyms Latino and Latina , are defined in English language dictionaries as:* "a person of Latin-American descent."* "A Latin American."* "A person of Hispanic, especially Latin-American, descent, often one living in the United States."...
s and other members of immigrant groups
Immigration to the United States
Immigration to the United States has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of the history of the United States. The economic, social, and political aspects of immigration have caused controversy regarding ethnicity, economic benefits, jobs for non-immigrants,...
The crusade, which was also endorsed by New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...
senator Rubén Díaz and New York City Council
New York City Council
The New York City Council is the lawmaking body of the City of New York. It has 51 members from 51 council districts throughout the five boroughs. The Council serves as a check against the mayor in a "strong" mayor-council government model. The council monitors performance of city agencies and...
man Hiram Monserrate
Hiram Monserrate
Hiram Monserrate is a former member of the New York State Senate. He represented the 13th District which includes the Queens neighborhoods of Jackson Heights, Corona, East Elmhurst, Elmhurst and Woodside...
, and the head of the National Religious Broadcasters, one of the country's most influential evangelical groups, attracted large numbers of Latino
The demonyms Latino and Latina , are defined in English language dictionaries as:* "a person of Latin-American descent."* "A Latin American."* "A person of Hispanic, especially Latin-American, descent, often one living in the United States."...
s and other members of immigrant groups
Immigration to the United States
Immigration to the United States has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of the history of the United States. The economic, social, and political aspects of immigration have caused controversy regarding ethnicity, economic benefits, jobs for non-immigrants,...
. Mr. Juan Sanchez, an attendee of the crusade and semi-paralyzed gunshot victim, told, "Today, when the pastor prayed, I felt my leg becoming straight. And my lower back - the pain is gone. I can walk normally. Now I've got more faith in my heart and my body and my soul, too."
In spite of the local Korean American ministers protest and accusation, the crusade was successful and New York State Senator Ruben Diaz proclaimed the recognition of Dr. Lee's ministry on behalf of the State of New York. And Harvey Thomas, chairman of the Federation of European Broadcasters (FEB), said "We are different, but as children of God we need to be united in Christ Jesus." After attending the crusade, Mr. Thomas said, "I've never heard such a biblical message like Dr. Lee's -- and the performance of Manmin ministry is so fantastic and holy."
Frank Wright, the president of the National Religious Broadcasters, expressed his opinions on the crusade. "Rev. Lee's message is very spiritual yet very easy to understand. It was amazing to see so many people being healed through his prayer." Dr. David Waisman, a Peruvian congressman, said, "I was touched. Rev. Lee is seeking to overcome evil with goodness. Through the power of God, the mute came to speak." The crusade was transmitted on television to 200 countries.
In May, 2007, the mayor of the city of Cusco, Peru requested Rev. Jaerock Lee to pray for Machupicchu to be selected as one of the new 7 wonders of the world in 21st century, and the civil workers of Cusco city received his prayer real-time through Internet live-broadcast.
In September 2009, Lee visited Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...
. While there, he held a crusade, the "International Multi-Cultural Festival", at the International Convention Center
International Convention Center (Jerusalem)
The International Convention Centre , commonly known as Binyenei HaUma , is a concert hall and conventional center in Giv'at Ram in Jerusalem, Israel. It is the largest convention center in the Middle East...
in Jerusalem. The event drew roughly 3,000 attendees from 36 countries to rally for peace in the Middle East; among the crowd was Israeli minister of tourism
Tourism Minister of Israel
The Tourism Minister of Israel is the political head of the Israeli Ministry of Tourism and a relatively minor position in the Israeli cabinet. The position is currently held by Stas Misezhnikov of Yisrael Beiteinu....
Stas Misezhnikov
Stas Misezhnikov
Stas Misezhnikov is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Yisrael Beiteinu and as the country's Minister of Tourism.-Biography:...
and Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat. Lee, who already visited Israel in June in preparation for the event and met, amongst others, with Defense Minister Ehud Barak
Ehud Barak
Ehud Barak is an Israeli politician who served as Prime Minister from 1999 until 2001. He was leader of the Labor Party until January 2011 and holds the posts of Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister in Binyamin Netanyahu's government....
, announced that his choice to hold the convention in Jerusalem is an expression of solidarity with the Jewish people, the State of Israel and its leaders. Dr. Jaerock Lee expressed thanks to the support of Government of Israel and Municipality of Jerusalem. A spokesperson for countermissionary organisation Jewish Israel speculated that Lee's visit was connected to the planned launch of a Russian-language evangelical television station. The largest Christian evangelical organisation in the country publicly disassociated itself from him, stating to the Jerusalem Post that they did not endorse his ministry; The association of Israeli pastors established for the growth of Israeli churches and the union of pastors organized the event, CNS reported. When asked about what he wanted to achieve on his “crusade to Jerusalem,” he said he “wants to preach about Jesus Christ, the savior, who was born in this land.” Lee proclaimed Jesus Christ is our Messiah. During a speech, Lee claimed that the swine influenza epidemic
2009 flu pandemic
The 2009 flu pandemic was an influenza pandemic, and the second of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus , albeit in a new version...
there would go away after he prayed that night. On Sep 7, 2009, the Jesursalem Post reported that "The near-blind discarded their glasses and claimed crystal-clear sight. The crippled cast aside canes and vacated wheelchairs to stumble and leap in joy. One woman shouted she had been cured of cancer of the womb, and another of tuberculosis." when Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed for the healing. Johnny Kim, the director of Lee's church TV station stated that "Dr. Lee obeys God, and God has blessed [him] with these powers. He is not different than any other man, only in his devotion." Kim went on to claim that Lee did not consider himself divine. Lee visited Bethlehem in the 2007 Christmas and preached the message about "Why Only Jesus Christ Is Savior" based upon the Bible.
The festival was broadcast to 220 nations in 8 different languages by simultaneous interpretation through TV broadcasters including TBN and DayStar, Enlace, CNL etc.
On Sunday, March 21, 2010, Dr. Frank Wright, Ph.D., President/CEO of NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) which is an international association of Christian communicators with more than 1500 member organizations, representing millions of viewers, listeners, and readers, attended the Sunday Morning and Evening Services at Manmin Central Church.
In October 2010, Dr. Lee led entitled "2010 Korean Culture Festival" or "Estonia Miracle Healing Crusade 2010" in ``Saku Suurhall’’ the biggest arena of Estonia, and claimed that it brought the most people to this arena in the Christian history of Estonia. Prior to Dr. Lee’s preaching, the performance team of Manmin Central Church presented a top class Christian performance and glorified God. It was followed by Dr. Lee’s sermon entitled ``God the Creator’’ and "The Reason Why Only Jesus Christ is our Savior". In his message he emphasized that the believers who accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior should cast away sins and become sanctified. When he prayed for the sick, many people were healed of various diseases including epilepsy and cancers and they came up to the stage to testify to their healings, reported Korea Times. Mrs. Alina Aivazova, wife of Dr. Leonid Chernovetskyi, Mayor of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine attended this crusade and was healed of arthritis and spondylitis, and testified that the pain over her whole body disappeared, Christian Daily News reported. This crusade was broadcast to 220 countries via aired TV, Cable TV and the Internet.
World Christian Doctors Network
Lee founded the World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN), which organizes the annual International Christian Medical Conference. The WCDN claims to medically analyze supposed healing cases performed by God. There are annual international conferences in Seoul; Chennai, India; Cebu City, the Philippines; Miami; Trondheim, Norway, Kiev, Rome and Brisbane.Books
His autobiography "My Life, My Faith" gives us a clear insight of how God intervenes in a person’s life to give him a blessing.In ‘Heaven(1)’, Lee discusses about the different places of heaven: Paradise, the First Kingdom of Heaven, the Second Kingdom of Heaven, the Third Kingdom of Heaven, New Jerusalem and the rewards given according to each one’s measure of faith. On this earth when you are filled with sadness, you moan, writes Lee. In heaven, however, there is no need for moaning because there will not be any diseases or concerns. There will only be eternal happiness.
The Indonesian translation of 'Heaven' and 'Hell' have been listed as a bestseller in Indonesia.
In the book “Spirit, Soul and Body", Lee deals with the question “What did God, who existed all by Himself before all eternity, look like?”
The Korean version of “Spirit, Soul and Body (1)” has been a bestseller in the religion section of Kyobo Bookstore, one of the largest bookshops in Korea.
“My Father Will Give to You in My Name” is a compilation of messages and Lee claims that this book will enable the reader to understand "the law of the spiritual realm" on receiving answers from God.
External links
- Photos from Lee's 2009 crusade in Israel, from the European Pressphoto AgencyEuropean Pressphoto AgencyEuropean Pressphoto Agency B.V. is an international news photo agency.Images from all parts of the world covering news, politics, sports, business, finance as well as arts, culture and entertainment are provided by a global network of over 400 professional photographers and included in the epa news...
- Another photo of the Israel crusade from ReutersReutersReuters is a news agency headquartered in New York City. Until 2008 the Reuters news agency formed part of a British independent company, Reuters Group plc, which was also a provider of financial market data...
- https://webgate.epa.eu//index.php?SEARCHMODE=NEW&LANGUAGE=english&WGSESSID=af7963730c0b53c61219b9dda11e9c47&TABLIGHTBOX=RESULT&SEARCHSHOWTAB=1&SEARCHTXT1=wcdn 7th International Christian Medical Conference held at the Conference Center of Hotel Sheraton in Rome, Italy from the European Pressphoto AgencyEuropean Pressphoto AgencyEuropean Pressphoto Agency B.V. is an international news photo agency.Images from all parts of the world covering news, politics, sports, business, finance as well as arts, culture and entertainment are provided by a global network of over 400 professional photographers and included in the epa news...