Isabella Parasole
Isabella Parasole was an Italian
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

 engraver on wood of the late-Mannerist and early-Baroque
The Baroque is a period and the style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and music...


She was born and active in Rome
Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in . The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.Rome's history spans two and a half...

. She married the engraver Leonardo Norsini
Leonardo Parasole
Leonardo Parasole was an Italian engraver on wood of the late-Mannerist and early-Baroque periods.He was born and active in Rome. He married the engraver Isabella Parasole, and discarded his original last name, Norsini or Norcino, and took his wife's more distinguished last name...

, who took his wife's more distinguished last name. Her sister, Geronima Parasole, was also an engraver and made a woodcut of Antonio Tempesta
Antonio Tempesta
Antonio Tempesta was an Italian painter and engraver, a point of connection between Baroque Rome and the culture of Antwerp. He was born and trained in Florence and painted in a variety of styles, influenced to some degree by "Contra-Maniera" or Counter-Mannerism...

's Battle of the Centaurs. Isabella executed several cuts of plants for an herbal, published under the direction of Federico Cesi
Federico Cesi
Federico Angelo Cesi was an Italian scientist, naturalist, and founder of the Accademia dei Lincei. On his father's death in 1630, he became briefly lord of Acquasparta.- Biography :...

, of Acquasparta
Acquasparta is a town and comune in the province of Terni . It is located on a hill above the Naia Valley and the river of the same name, facing the Monti Martani mountain range....

. She published a book on the methods of working lace and embroidery, with ornamental cuts, which she engraved from her own designs. She was working at Rome about 1600, and died there in her 50th year.
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