Homeodynamic agriculture
Homeodynamic agriculture is a farming methodology, currently used by over 400 farms, mostly in Italy and Greece, with a few more around the world. Developed in Italy in the late 1990s by Enzo Nastati, it was created from the same teachings of Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, architect, and esotericist. He gained initial recognition as a literary critic and cultural philosopher...

 that biodynamic agriculture
Biodynamic agriculture
Biodynamic agriculture is a method of organic farming that emphasizes the holistic development and interrelationships of the soil, plants and animals as a self-sustaining system. Biodynamic farming has much in common with other organic approaches, such as emphasizing the use of manures and composts...

 is based upon.

The homeodynamic method

Enzo Nastati (Trieste, Italy), developed the homeodynamic agriculture method in the late 90s based upon his study of biodynamic agriculture and other traditional agricultural knowledge. L'Albero della Vita Association, based in Trieste, Italy is continuing the work begun by Nastati through research, meetings and seminars.

The first step in understanding this method is to move beyond the traditional biodynamic method because the challenges facing the farmer today are far worse than they were at the beginning the twentieth century when biodynamics was originally developed, especially considering the deteriorating environmental conditions with the changing weather conditions and various kinds of pollution.

This new method of agriculture is a synthesis of biodynamics and homeopathy
Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine in which practitioners claim to treat patients using highly diluted preparations that are believed to cause healthy people to exhibit symptoms that are similar to those exhibited by the patient...

. The practice of homeodynamics has shown, in accordance with the homeopathic viewpoint, that it is possible to bring to plants and the soil the forces they need in the form of messages memorized and preserved in water.

The tools

The principles of homeodynamic agriculture originate in biodynamic agriculture; the tools of homeodynamic agriculture are:
  • A redesigned astronomical agricultural calendar.
  • Interventions to be performed during the Thirteen Holy Nights of Christmas.
  • Seed baths, to bring a new message to the seed, a message that the plant will accept if it is appropriate, without it being forced upon it (like with GMOs).
  • Preparations to be inserted under the root systems of perennial plants.
  • Preparations to stimulate the plants in their various needs and helping them adapt to changing equilibrium of the environment, including resistance to electromagnetic fields and issues related to GMOs.

Astronomical agriculture calendar

This is the fundamental reference point for determining the best time for sowing, transplanting, harvesting, cultivating the soil and, of course, to find the right time to apply the homeodynamic preparations.

Compared to the biodynamic calendars, the homeodynamic one presents a stronger aspect of freedom: in fact the astronomical calendar is no longer determined by the physical location of the planets in the sky, but is based directly on the rhythm of the flow of vital forces in the Earth.
This is allowed by the changed conditions of those living forces that occurred after 1999, and represents one of the most important "updates" in biodynamics.

The Thirteen Holy Nights

According to homeodynamic research, in this very particular time of the year, from December 24 to January 5, there is a descent of spiritual forces that allow plants to grow, flourish and bear fruit and seed in abundance in the following year. To enhance the dialogue between heaven and earth as much as possible, homeodynamics provides specific preparations to facilitate the flow of these life forces.

Seed Baths

The seed baths allow the farmer, who is aware of the agricultural calendar and its fundamentals, to overcome limitations when it is not possible to do necessary work at the optimal times. Through seed baths it is possible to bring forces to the seeds that they would normally receive from the planetary-zodiacal world if sowing were done at the ideal time according to the calendar. The seed bath can improve the germinating ability of the seed and the possibility of obtaining healthier, hardier and more vigorous plants, capable of higher production in both qualitative and quantitative terms (up to 200% increase from germination).

Interventions for perennial plants

For perennial plants, given the considerable length of their lives, in addition to the seed bath that is performed on the seed, the farmer can prepare mixtures of homeodynamic products in small glass flasks which, inserted under the plant, at the center of the root system, can provide over time the subtle forces that the plant needs to grow healthy, vigorously and productively.

Other applications

Many other homeodynamic products have been developed to help all types of farmers and gardeners in their various needs. There are specific homeodynamic products that can:
  • bio-stimulate the vital functions of the plant;
  • enhance composting;
  • stimulate the micro and macro element formation processes in the soil;
  • stimulate the purification processes in order to remove soil pollutants;
  • encourage adaptation to climatic and environmental stresses;
  • combat pests without poisons;

In addition, the creative use of the homeodynamic products and principles in concert with the Astronomical Agriculture Calendar is useful in the adaptation and improvement of seeds and the resulting plants. With the increasing environmental stresses now affecting the plant, seeds appear to be more receptive to the influences of biodynamic and homeodynamic preparations and are therefore able to produce offspring with the desirable traits determined by the particular homeodynamic techniques used, such as: increased adaptation to different environments and soil types, earlier or later flowering, higher food quality, increased disease and pest resistance, increased drought resistance, higher sugar content, increased oil content, color modification in flowers, increased essential oil and active principle content, increased vigor and yield, increased wood yield and gluten increase or reduction in cereal grains. As well through the use of homeodynamic techniques the farmer is able to significantly help modify and balance the soil so that it is most suitable for the crops to be grown or animals raised upon it.

See also

  • Agroecology
    Agroecology is the application of ecological principles to the production of food, fuel, fiber, and pharmaceuticals. The term encompasses a broad range of approaches, and is considered "a science, a movement, [and] a practice."...

  • Biodynamic agriculture
    Biodynamic agriculture
    Biodynamic agriculture is a method of organic farming that emphasizes the holistic development and interrelationships of the soil, plants and animals as a self-sustaining system. Biodynamic farming has much in common with other organic approaches, such as emphasizing the use of manures and composts...

  • Homeopathy
    Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine in which practitioners claim to treat patients using highly diluted preparations that are believed to cause healthy people to exhibit symptoms that are similar to those exhibited by the patient...

  • Sustainable agriculture
    Sustainable agriculture
    Sustainable agriculture is the practice of farming using principles of ecology, the study of relationships between organisms and their environment...

External links

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