Hollington Tong
Jack C.K.Teng was a Chinese educator, writer, politician, diplomat
A diplomat is a person appointed by a state to conduct diplomacy with another state or international organization. The main functions of diplomats revolve around the representation and protection of the interests and nationals of the sending state, as well as the promotion of information and...

 and Olympic pioneer. Jiangsu Jiangyin County, a former National Yingshih University President, China National Amateur Athletic Federation and Chinese Olympic Committee Chairman, the Ministry of Education Viceminister, the central (design) assessment, chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, the Ministry of Civil Ministers. He's best known as the Chairman of the Chinese Olympic Committee
Chinese Olympic Committee
Chinese Olympic Committee represents the People's Republic of China in international affairs related to the Olympic Movement.-Timeline concerning Olympic recognition:...

 during the huge win honor for China, the 17th World Games in Rome, the first time on Chinese athletes to win an Olympic medal.


Jack C.K.Teng was born on 7 September 1912 in Jiangyin County, Jiangsu Province, to a wealthy and dominant family. In 1933, Jack C.K.Teng graduated from the National Jinan University
Jinan University
Jinan University is a public research and comprehensive university based in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China. It is one of the oldest universities established on mainland China tracing back to the Qing Empire...

 (Bachelor of Law). Jack C.K.Teng worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China.

In 1934, Jack C.K.Teng was sent to the United States as an assistant consulate. Jack C.K.Teng also studied at the University of Washington, Seattle, and graduated BA in 1936. In 1936, Jack C.K.Teng was transferred to the embassy of China to Panama
Panama , officially the Republic of Panama , is the southernmost country of Central America. Situated on the isthmus connecting North and South America, it is bordered by Costa Rica to the northwest, Colombia to the southeast, the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. The...


In March 1949, Jack C.K.Teng was pointed the President
Presidents of Zhejiang University
-Qiushi Academy - Zhejiang Advanced College period:-National 3rd Sun Yat-sen University - National Chekiang University period :Chekiang University or National Chekiang University is also known as the University of Chekiang...

 of National Yingshi University
Yingshi University
Yingshi University , was a defunct university of Zhejiang Province, China.-Brief history:At beginning, the university was a war-period university during the Second Sino-Japanese War...

 (a root of current comprehensive Zhejiang University
Zhejiang University
Zhejiang University , sometimes referred to as Zheda, is a national university in China. Founded in 1897, Zhejiang University is one of China's oldest institutions of higher education...

). In 1949, Jack C.K.Teng went to Taiwan
Taiwan , also known, especially in the past, as Formosa , is the largest island of the same-named island group of East Asia in the western Pacific Ocean and located off the southeastern coast of mainland China. The island forms over 99% of the current territory of the Republic of China following...

. From March 1961 to 5 December 1969, Jack C.K.Teng was the Vice-minister of the Ministry of Education (Republic of China)
Ministry of Education (Republic of China)
The Ministry of Education of the Republic of China is responsible for incorporating educational policies and managing public schools throughout the Free Area of the Republic of China. The ministry is a cabinet level governmental body of the Executive Yuan...

. In 14 April 1977, Jack C.K.Teng became the Minister of Personnel of the Examination Yuan
Examination Yuan
The Examination Yuan is in charge of validating the qualification of civil servants in the Republic of China . It is one of the five government branches of the ROC government...


From December 1957 to September 1962, Jack C.K.Teng was the Chairman of Chinese Olympic Committee.

Jack C.K.Teng died on 3 January 1999 in Taipei
Taipei City is the capital of the Republic of China and the central city of the largest metropolitan area of Taiwan. Situated at the northern tip of the island, Taipei is located on the Tamsui River, and is about 25 km southwest of Keelung, its port on the Pacific Ocean...

, Taiwan.

Works by Jack C.K. Teng

  • Boy Scouts World Scout Leaders Meeting of the Far East Seventh President of speech Quantikuaiyi / 1970.New Zealand

In Chinese:
  • 旅美見聞錄 1936.草就 1940.問世
  • 現代國際問題 1942.
  • 菲律賓社會中心教育的推行 1954.1.
  • 本省教育今後的動向 1954.1.
  • 本屆師範教育運動週勉辭 1954.4.
  • 西班牙政治 1957.
  • 西班牙之復興 1957.6.
  • 土耳其中興紀實 1957.
  • 亞洲教育首長會議代表團報告 1962.
  • 歐行紀感 1964.8.19 歐洲
  • 國際青年會議側記 1964.8.23-9.1 法國格蘭諾堡
  • 人生道上 1965.8.8 於衣索比亞亞的斯亞貝巴
  • 參加世界教師組織聯合會14届報告 1965.7.1
  • 參加世界各國教育首長會議報告1965.9.8伊朗
  • 參加國際童子軍教育廿届會議報告 1965.9.26
  • 教育政策 1967.
  • 中法教育基金委員會中國代表團工作報告 1967.
  • 景印江陰縣誌 1968.1.朱佛定、鄧傳楷等纂著
  • 空中教學之發展與展望8電視及衛星教學 1969.
  • 中非農業技術合作的現況與前瞻 1971.
  • 全國人事會報閉幕典禮講詞1978./79./81./83.
  • 教育改革論文集 1980.
  • 行政院人事行政局24次擴大人事會報講詞
  • 行政院人事行政局25次擴大人事會報致詞 1980.7.於復興山莊No.5卷
  • 中國人事行政學會成立卅週年慶祝大會暨第廿一次會員大會頌詞 1981.4.No.63卷
  • 向中常會報告當前銓敘工作 1981.11.
  • 童子軍生活教育的完美性 1981.12.27
  • 有容乃大 1982.
  • 中國童子軍創始70年紀念感言 1982.2.25
  • 源遠流長 1983.2.1 於臺北市木柵溝子口
  • 中國國民黨聯合孫總理紀念周報告當前銓敘業務概況 1983.3.7
  • 懷念戴運軌先生的風範 1983.4.
  • 文章華國 1983.5.臺北市木柵溝子口山邊
  • 公務人員內升外舉之我見 1983.7.
  • 童子軍教育與世界大同 1983.10.25
  • 訪紐西蘭記趣 1984.8.
  • 銓敘部工作報告 1984.
  • 追懷盛德 1986.3.
  • 經國先生睿智天縱 1988.1.
  • 中華民國之教育 1988.
  • 實施九年國民教育感言 1988.9.
  • 承先啟後 1989.4.臺北市
  • 居仁由義 1991.春月
  • 棠棣之華
  • 孔子學說與近代教育思想
  • 徐庭瑤先生八秩大慶書文詩畫牋

  • Extra links

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