Hitomi Nabatame
is a Japanese voice actress. She is affiliated with Ken Production
. When voicing adult games
, she is known as , , , or . She also sings opening themes for Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu
under the name Miran Himemiya and Chocolate Rockers.
Ken Production
Ken Production is a Japanese voice talent management agency founded by veteran voice actors Kenji Utsumi on June 1, 1984.-Represented voice actors:*Ayumi Fujimura*Kei Hayami*Akiko Hiramatsu*Hyo-sei*Minoru Inaba...
. When voicing adult games
An or Ero-ga is a Japanese video or computer game that features erotic content, usually in the form of anime-style artwork. Eroge originated from galge, but unlike galge, they feature erotic/pornographic content.-History:...
, she is known as , , , or . She also sings opening themes for Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu
is a Japanese light novel series by Yūsaku Igarashi, with illustrations by Shaa. The series originally started serialization in volume thirty of MediaWorks' now-defunct light novel magazine Dengeki hp on June 18, 2004. One more chapter was published until the first bound novel of the series was...
under the name Miran Himemiya and Chocolate Rockers.
- Akira Tōdō in Special ASpecial A, also known as Special A or S.A, is a shōjo manga by Maki Minami. The series started serialization in the bimonthly magazine The Hana to Yume in 2003, and moved to the biweekly magazine Hana to Yume in 2004, after running for four chapters...
- Amu Tranfa in SoltyReiSoltyReiis a Japanese anime series by Gonzo and AIC combining attributes of drama and sci-fi, about the inhabitants of a city where an Aurora prevents aerial travel...
- Angela Takatsukasa in Asu no Yoichi!Asu no Yoichi!is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yū Minamoto. It has been serialized in Monthly Shōnen Champion since October 2006 with last volume to be released on March 8, 2011. The manga is licensed and released in Chinese by Sharp Point Press...
- April in Coyote Ragtime ShowCoyote Ragtime Showis an anime series directed by Takuya Nonaka and produced by ufotable, which first aired in Japan on July 3, 2006. The storyline consists of the adventures of a group of space-faring fugitives in search of a treasure....
- Arcueid Brunestud in Shingetsutan Tsukihime
- Ayane Shido in Baldr Force EXE Resolution
- Ayumi Shibata in Hell Girl
- Cindy Campbell in Shinryaku! Ika Musume
- Cindy Campbell in Shinryaku!? Ika Musume
- Dorm Supervisor in Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
- Eriko Torii in Maria-sama ga MiteruMaria-sama ga Miteru, often shortened to , is a series of Japanese light novels written by Oyuki Konno and illustrated by Reine Hibiki. The series focuses on a group of teenage girls attending Lillian Catholic school for girls in Tokyo, Japan. Its storyline largely revolves around the lives and close relationships of...
- Eriko Takahashi in High School GirlsHigh School Girlsis a comedy manga series, created by Towa Oshima, which was originally serialized in Futabasha's Weekly Manga Action magazine from 2001, and then subsequently Comic High! from 2004....
- Feena Fam Earthlight in Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na -Crescent Love-
- Kagura in Prism ArkPrism Arkis a Japanese erotic video game and the sequel of Prism Heart developed by Pajamas Soft. Its first release was on August 25, 2006. This work contains adult-only content of a sexual nature....
- Kanade Jinguji in Best Student Council
- Kanade Sakurai in Candy BoyCandy Boyis an eight minute original net animation produced by Anime International Company, and directed by Takafumi Hoshikawa. Since November 22, 2007, the ONA is available through streaming on the Cho! animelo audiovisual website and the Nico Nico Douga online video service. This was followed by a...
- Kan-u Unchou in Battle Vixens
- Kate Scott in Trinity BloodTrinity Bloodis a series of Japanese light novels written by Sunao Yoshida with illustrations by Thores Shibamoto and originally serialized in The Sneaker. Set 900 years after an apocalyptic war between humans and vampires, the series focuses on the on-going cold war between the Vatican, the human government,...
- Kei Kishimoto in GantzGantzis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiroya Oku. Gantz tells the story of Kei Kurono and his friend Masaru Kato who die in a train accident and become part of a semi-posthumous "game" in which they and several other recently deceased people are forced to hunt down and kill aliens...
- Kiri Kikyou in Canvas 2: Niji Iro no Sketch
- Liru in Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? PokānRenkin 3-kyu Magical ? Pokanis an anime series that tells the story of the everyday life of four princesses from the Makai who are oblivious to the happenings in everyday life in the human world. The name of the anime is often shortened to Magipoka...
- Lucia Nahashi in Venus Versus VirusVenus Versus Virusis a Japanese manga series created by Atsushi Suzumi which was first serialized on June 27, 2005 in MediaWorks' shōnen manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao!...
(Drama CD) - Margery Daw in Shakugan no ShanaShakugan no Shana, also known simply as Shana, is a Japanese light novel series written by Yashichiro Takahashi, with illustrations by Noizi Ito. The series includes 25 novels released between November 2002 and October 2011 published by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint...
- Margery Daw in Shakugan no Shana SecondShakugan no Shana, also known simply as Shana, is a Japanese light novel series written by Yashichiro Takahashi, with illustrations by Noizi Ito. The series includes 25 novels released between November 2002 and October 2011 published by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint...
- Margery Daw in Shakugan no Shana III FinalShakugan no Shana, also known simply as Shana, is a Japanese light novel series written by Yashichiro Takahashi, with illustrations by Noizi Ito. The series includes 25 novels released between November 2002 and October 2011 published by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint...
- Matsuri in Rocket GirlsRocket Girlsis a light novel written by Hōsuke Nojiri. Set in the Solomon Islands, it follows the exploits of high-school girl Yukari Morita, who is pressed into service as an astronaut by the Solomon Space Association when it is unable to build a rocket that can lift the weight of an adult male.Rocket Girls...
- Mei Mei in Nagasarete AirantōNagasarete Airantois a Japanese manga series created by Japanese author Takeshi Fujishiro. It was first serialized in the manga magazine Monthly Shōnen Gangan in January 2002, published by Square Enix. Eighteen volumes have been released in Japan as of March 2011. A few years later, a couple of drama CDs were...
- Miki Onimaru in Muteki Kanban MusumeMuteki Kanban Musumeis a manga series by Jun Sadogawa, and a televised anime series based on it and directed by Nobuo Tomizawa. The English edition of the manga is referred to as Noodle Fighter Miki, while the anime is referred to as Ramen Fighter Miki...
- Mikoto Suō in School RumbleSchool Rumbleis a Japanese Shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Jin Kobayashi. First serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine from October 22, 2002 to July 23, 2008, all 345 chapters were later collected in 22 tankōbon volumes by Kodansha. Shōnen Magazine Special published a sequel, School Rumble Z,...
- Misa Anehara in Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou
- Misao Nanjō in Pani Poni Dash!Pani Poni Dash!, also known as through its anime adaptation , is a Japanese manga series that uses parody, frequently referencing Japanese and American pop-culture in many ways...
- Miyabi in Macademi WasshoiMagician's Academyis a Japanese light novel series by Ichirō Sakaki, with illustrations by Blade. Nine volumes were published between January 24, 2003 and August 30, 2007; there is also a series of five illustrated short stories called Macademi Radical. A manga adaptation by Blade was serialized in Enterbrain's...
- Momoko Orizuka in Kenkō Zenrakei Suieibu UmishōKenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umishois a manga series written and illustrated by Mitsuru Hattori, which has been serialized in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine from issue 33 of 2005 to issue 21-22 of 2008...
- Nanao Ise in BleachBleach (manga)is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Noriaki "Tite" Kubo. Bleach follows the adventures of Ichigo Kurosaki after he obtains the powers of a —a death personification similar to the Grim Reaper—from another Soul Reaper, Rukia Kuchiki...
- Nobue Itoh in Strawberry MarshmallowStrawberry Marshmallowis a Japanese manga series by Barasui about the adventures of four elementary school girls and their older sister-figure. It began serialization in ASCII Media Works' manga magazine Dengeki Daioh in 2002. In 2005, the series was adapted into an anime series and a PlayStation 2 video game. Three...
- Oka Hayasaka in Buso RenkinBuso Renkinis a manga series written and drawn by Nobuhiro Watsuki, the creator of Rurouni Kenshin. Buso Renkin was serialized in Shueisha's shōnen magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from June 2003 to 2005, ending at 80 chapters. The individual chapters were collected by Shueisha into ten tankōbon volumes which were...
- Rimururu in Samurai Spirits Zero (Zero Special)
- Rina Tachibana in Mushi-UtaMushi-Utais a light novel series by Kyouhei Iwai, with illustrations by Ruroo. There is also a short story light novel series called Mushi-Uta bug that is serialized in The Sneaker magazine. A manga adaptation by Seijuro Miz is serialized in Shōnen Ace magazine...
- Ruko Ayase in Nogizaka Haruka no HimitsuNogizaka Haruka no Himitsuis a Japanese light novel series by Yūsaku Igarashi, with illustrations by Shaa. The series originally started serialization in volume thirty of MediaWorks' now-defunct light novel magazine Dengeki hp on June 18, 2004. One more chapter was published until the first bound novel of the series was...
- Ryōko Yakushiji in Yakushiji Ryōko no Kaiki JikenboYakushiji Ryoko no Kaiki Jikenbois a series that consist of the TV anime, manga and light novels created by Yoshiki Tanaka and illustrated by Narumi Kakinouchi. Two Drama CDs had also been released prior to the anime adaptation with different seiyū from the CD and the TV version....
- Saiko Tagaya in Nodame CantabileNodame Cantabileis a manga by Tomoko Ninomiya. It was serialized in Japan by Kodansha in the magazine Kiss from July 2001 to October 2009 and collected in 23 tankōbon volumes. A two-volume sequel, called Nodame Cantabile: Opera Chapter, which began serialization in the 10 December 2009 issue of Kiss, was released...
- Saori Bajina/Saori Makishima in Ore no Imoto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai
- Sasha Jobson in BlassreiterBlassreiteris a 2008 Japanese anime from the animation studio Gonzo and the multimedia studio Nitro+. The title is pseudo-German and literally means "Pale Rider"...
- Sayaka in Natsu no Arashi!Natsu no Arashi!is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Jin Kobayashi, who is known for his previous work School Rumble. The manga started serialization in Square Enix's Gangan Wing shōnen manga magazine on August 25, 2006, and seven bound volumes have been released in Japan as of March 2010...
- Sena Aoi in Chaos;HeadChaos;Head, stylized as ChäoS;HEAd, is a Japanese visual novel developed by 5pb. and Nitroplus that was released on April 25, 2008 for the PC. A port of the game, named , for the Xbox 360 console was released on February 26, 2009. The game is described by the development team as a...
- Shirakawa in Elfen LiedElfen Liedis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Lynn Okamoto. A thirteen-episode anime television series adaptation was produced by the studio ARMS and broadcast on TV Tokyo from July to October 2004. The anime was later licensed in North America on DVD by ADV Films...
- Shizuma Hanazono in Strawberry Panic!Strawberry Panic!is a series of Japanese fictional illustrated short stories written by Sakurako Kimino, which focus on a group of teenage girls attending three affiliated all-girl schools on Astraea Hill. A common theme throughout the stories is the intimate lesbian relationships between the characters...
- Sonken Chuubou in Kōtetsu Sangokushi
- Uzume in SekireiSekireiis a Japanese manga series by Sakurako Gokurakuin. The manga began serialization in the seinen magazine Young Gangan published by Square Enix in December 2004 and the first tankōbon was released on June 25, 2005, with ten volumes available in Japan as of June 25, 2010...
- Yukiji Katsura in Hayate the Combat ButlerHayate the Combat Butleris a Japanese manga series, written and illustrated by Kenjiro Hata, about a boy who starts a new job as a butler and the events he experiences with his employer. Shogakukan have released 29 volumes in Japan. The English edition of the series has been licensed by Viz Media for distribution in North...
- Yuma Tonami in To Heart 2
- Yumiko Nakagawa in Futari wa Pretty CureFutari wa Pretty CurePretty Cure, known in Japan as , is a Japanese magical girl anime series, part of the Pretty Cure metaseries produced by Toei Animation and broadcast across Japan by Animax, TV Asahi and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation. The series is watched mostly by elementary and secondary students in Japan; it...
- Yuuna Miyama in MaburahoMaburahois a romantic school comedy light novel series written by Toshihiko Tsukiji, illustrated by Eeji Komatsu and serialized in Gekkan Dragon Magazine...
- Sena Aoi in Chaos;HeadChaos;Head, stylized as ChäoS;HEAd, is a Japanese visual novel developed by 5pb. and Nitroplus that was released on April 25, 2008 for the PC. A port of the game, named , for the Xbox 360 console was released on February 26, 2009. The game is described by the development team as a...
- Sena Aoi in Chaos;Head NoahChaos;Head, stylized as ChäoS;HEAd, is a Japanese visual novel developed by 5pb. and Nitroplus that was released on April 25, 2008 for the PC. A port of the game, named , for the Xbox 360 console was released on February 26, 2009. The game is described by the development team as a...
- Sena Aoi in Chaos;Head Love Chu Chu!Chaos;Head Love Chu Chu!is a romantic comedy visual novel developed and produced by 5pb. and Nitroplus for the Xbox 360. It was released on March 25, 2010. This is the two companies' third time collaborating together after Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate. The game is described by the development team as a .-Main characters:The...
- Bazett Fraga McRemitz in Fate/Tiger ColosseumFate/tiger colosseumis a 3D fighting game based on the eroge Fate/stay night, released for the PlayStation Portable by Capcom and cavia, inc. in cooperation with TYPE MOON...
/ Fate/Unlimited CodesFate/Unlimited CodesFate/unlimited codes is a fighting game planned by Cavia and developed by Eighting and published by Capcom. It is based on the visual novel Fate/stay night. It was released for the arcades in Japan on June 11, 2008 and for the PlayStation 2 in Japan on December 18, 2008... - Aya in Infinite UndiscoveryInfinite Undiscoveryis an action role-playing video game developed by tri-Ace and published by Square Enix exclusively for the Xbox 360. The game was released during September 2008 in Europe, Japan, and North America.-Gameplay:...
- Diol Twee, Eliza in OtomediusOtomediusis a side scrolling shooter by Konami which featured personification of space fighters from various Konami games. The main characters are mostly females, designed by Mine Yoshizaki, with a set of equipment resembling space fighters from side-scroller games by the same company like Gradius,...
- Atlas in Rockman ZX Advent
- Ai in Project Cerberus
- Candy Cane / Becky in Rumble Roses XXRumble Roses XXRumble Roses XX is a female Wrestling game that was developed by YUKE's Future Media Creators and Konami for the Xbox 360 and is the sequel to the PlayStation 2 game, Rumble Roses...
- Mono in Shadow of the ColossusShadow of the ColossusShadow of the Colossus, released in Japan as , is an action-adventure game published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 2. The game was released in North America and Japan in October 2005 and PAL territories in February 2006...
- Amy, Ashlotte Maedel in Soulcalibur IVSoulcalibur IVis the fourth installment in Namco's Soul series of fighting games. The game was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on July 29, 2008, in North America, on July 31, 2008, in Japan, Europe, and Australia, and on August 1, 2008, in the United Kingdom and New Zealand.The game is notable for...
- Amy in Soulcalibur: Broken DestinySoulcalibur: Broken DestinySoulcalibur: Broken Destiny is a fighting video game in the Soul series for PlayStation Portable . It was announced by Namco Bandai on April 28, 2009. It uses many of the features of Soulcalibur IV, including its character customization mode...
- Milly Killiet in Star Ocean: The First Departure
- Myuria Tionysis in Star Ocean: The Last HopeStar Ocean: The Last Hopeis an action role-playing video game developed by tri-Ace and Square Enix who also published the game, initially only for the Xbox 360, and the fourth installment in the Star Ocean series. Famitsu revealed that the battle system featured four party members, and was more team-oriented...
- Rhyme & Konishi in It's a Wonderful World
- Raquel Applegate in Wild Arms: The 4th Detonator
- Maria Torres in Trauma TeamTrauma TeamTrauma Team, known in Japan as is a video game for the Wii console. The game is part of the Trauma Center series by Atlus. The game was released on May 18, 2010 in North America....
- Elessa in Growlanser: Heritage of WarGrowlanser: Heritage of WarGrowlanser: Heritage of War is a SRPG for the PlayStation 2. It was developed by Career Soft, and published in Japan by Atlus in 2006...
- Saki Honjou in Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3is the third game in the Zettai Zetsumei Toshi series that follows Disaster Report and Raw Danger!. It was developed and published by Irem for the PSP on April 23, 2009. It was not released outside of Japan...
Drama CD
- Akatsuki Ayase in Rakka RyūsuiRakka Ryusuiis an on-going Japanese 4koma seinen manga written and illustrated by Ikki Sanada. The manga began beening serialized in Manga Time Kirara Max in 2006, six bound volume have published by Houbunsha to date...
- Kazusa Touma in White Album 2White Album 2is a duology of Japanese adult visual novels developed by the visual novel company Leaf for the Microsoft Windows PC, and is the sequel to Leaf's earlier visual novel, White Album. The first part of the series, named White Album 2: Introductory Chapter, was released on March 26, 2010...
- Gretia Dietrich in Kotonoha no Miko to Kotodama no Majo toKotonoha no Miko to Kotodama no Majo tois a Japanese yuri manga series written and illustrated by Miyabi Fujieda. It began serialization in 2004 in Sun Magazine's Yuri Shimai as . It moved to the magazine's successor Comic Yuri Hime in 2005 where it continued and concluded under its new title.-Plot:A witch named Reti, an architecture...
Drama CD - Eva Klein in Cyborg 009 Drama Album: Love Stories
External links
- Hitomi Nabatame at Ken ProductionKen ProductionKen Production is a Japanese voice talent management agency founded by veteran voice actors Kenji Utsumi on June 1, 1984.-Represented voice actors:*Ayumi Fujimura*Kei Hayami*Akiko Hiramatsu*Hyo-sei*Minoru Inaba...