Hazel Ann Mendoza
Hazel Ann Mendoza is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

) is a Filipina
Filipino people
The Filipino people or Filipinos are an Austronesian ethnic group native to the islands of the Philippines. There are about 92 million Filipinos in the Philippines, and about 11 million living outside the Philippines ....

 actress who is a former Star Magic
Star Magic
Star Magic, Inc., , is ABS-CBN's training and management program for its contract talents. It was designed to assist young talent in the Philippines...

 talent. Her mother is a Filipino and her father, who has died, was Spanish
Spanish people
The Spanish are citizens of the Kingdom of Spain. Within Spain, there are also a number of vigorous nationalisms and regionalisms, reflecting the country's complex history....

, and her father is also the father of Nadia Montenegro. She became an artist of GMA Network
GMA Network
GMA Network is a major commercial television & radio network in the Philippines. GMA Network is owned by GMA Network, Inc. a publicly listed company...

 for half-year, but returned to ABS-CBN
ABS–CBN Corporation is a Philippine-based media conglomerate. It is the Philippines' largest media and entertainment conglomerate. The corporation was the merger of Alto Broadcasting System which at that time owned by James Lindenberg and Antonio Quirino, and the Chronicle Broadcasting Network ...

 just recently and was part of Television
Television is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that can be monochrome or colored, with accompanying sound...

Television program
A television program , also called television show, is a segment of content which is intended to be broadcast on television. It may be a one-time production or part of a periodically recurring series...

 Eva Fonda
Eva Fonda
Eva Fonda is a Filipino drama show on ABS-CBN that aired on December 1, 2008 and ended on February 6, 2009. Eva Fonda is a remake of a 1976 film of the same name starring Alma Moreno.-Plot summary:...


Hazel is now back on GMA-7 to be part of the Philippine remake of Endless Love
Endless Love (Philippine TV series)
Endless Love is a Philippine drama adaptation of the Korean drama Autumn in My Heart. It premiered on June 28, 2010 starring Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera as the ill-fated Johnny and Jenny, under the direction of Mac Alejandre.-Plot:...

together with Marian Rivera
Marian Rivera
Marian Rivera is a Filipina actress and occasional singer-dancer. Her first TV role came in 2005 via TAPE Inc.'s afternoon drama, Kung Mamahalin Mo Lang Ako in the lead that was aired in GMA Network. In 2007 she was cast for the title role in the Philippine remake of MariMar...

 and Dingdong Dantes
Dingdong Dantes
Jose Sixto Raphael Gonzalez Dantes III, popularly known as Dingdong Dantes, is a director/actor and model, born on August 2, 1980 in Quezon City, Philippines.- Early years :...



Mendoza studied in Adamson University
Adamson University
Adamson University is a private university Catholic university in Manila, Philippines, founded on June 30, 1932 by Greek immigrant George Lucas Adamson as the Adamson School of Industrial Chemistry...

 with the degree in Bachelor of Science in Education. In 2009 Mendoza was moved back to GMA Network
GMA Network
GMA Network is a major commercial television & radio network in the Philippines. GMA Network is owned by GMA Network, Inc. a publicly listed company...



Year Title Role
2010 Endless Love
Endless Love (Philippine TV series)
Endless Love is a Philippine drama adaptation of the Korean drama Autumn in My Heart. It premiered on June 28, 2010 starring Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera as the ill-fated Johnny and Jenny, under the direction of Mac Alejandre.-Plot:...

2009 Darna
Darna (2009 TV series)
Darna is a superhero Philippine drama adapted from Mars Ravelo's fictional superheroine of the same name; directed by Dominic Zapata and developed by Jun Lana. It is the third series based on the Darna graphic novels by Mars Ravelo...

Annaliza (guest role)
2010 Bantatay
Bantatay or The Guardian is a drama-comedy-fantasy series from GMA Network featuring Raymart Santiago, Gelli de Belen, Jennica Garcia and Carl Guevarra. The show premiered on September 20, 2010 replacing Langit Sa Piling Mo. The show also airs on GMA Pinoy TV worldwide which premiered two days...

2008 Eva Fonda
Eva Fonda
Eva Fonda is a Filipino drama show on ABS-CBN that aired on December 1, 2008 and ended on February 6, 2009. Eva Fonda is a remake of a 1976 film of the same name starring Alma Moreno.-Plot summary:...

2008 Una Kang Naging Akin
Una Kang Naging Akin
"Una Kang Naging Akin" or When You Were Mine is a Philippine drama on GMA Network. This is the tenth instalment of Sine Novela. The original movie was released in 1991. The series stars Angelika dela Cruz, Wendell Ramos, and Maxene Magalona...

2007 La Vendetta
La Vendetta
La Vendetta is a Philippine suspense-thriller drama series for GMA Network. It began to air on October 29, and ended on January 18, 2008. The series is an experimental soap opera from as it is the first series in the Philippines to use the genre of suspense-thriller. It was aired with a one week...

Young Amanda
2007 Sine Novela
Sine Novela
Sine Novela is a Philippine daytime soap opera aired on GMA Network which showcases old classic movies from VIVA Films turned into a mini-series...

Kung Mahawi Man Ang Ulap
Kung Mahawi Man Ang Ulap
"Kung Mahawi Man Ang Ulap" or Through It All is a Philippine drama that aired on GMA Network under the wing of Sine Novela. This series was the third installment of Sine Novela. The original movie was released back in 1984 by Viva Films and stars Chrstopher De Leon, Hilda Coronel, Gloria Romero,...

Chona Acuesta
2007 Pedro Penduko at ang mga Engkantao
Pedro Penduko at ang mga Engkantao
Pedro Penduko at ang mga Engkantao is the fifth season of Komiks. and is the second installment of the Pedro Penduko comics series. In this story, Pedro will not be the only one who will fight the evil Kalagua...

2006 Maalala Mo Kaya:"Airport" Prima
2006 Love Spell: Charm & Crystal
Love Spell
This article is about a television show and not about the topic.Love Spell is a fantasy and romance-based program airing on ABS-CBN that tells a different love story each season with a new couple...

2006 Gulong ng Palad
Gulong ng Palad
Gulong ng Palad is a Philippine 50's radio drama series and 1980s soap opera hit...

2005 Qpids
Qpids is a Filipino reality love-team search which aired on the ABS-CBN network from May 23, 2005 to September 25, 2005. The show featured nine loveteams who competed through races and acting challenges. At the end of each challenge, the weakest loveteam was eliminated, until the final four...

2005 Saang Sulok Ng Langit
2003–2004 Basta't Kasama Kita
Basta't Kasama Kita
Basta't Kasama Kita was an ABS-CBN primetime series starring Robin Padilla and Judy Ann Santos. The show also aired worldwide on ABS-CBN's The Filipino Channel and on a two week delay on the International Channel in the United States.The TV series re-aired on PTV in 2005-2006 and in 2010-2011 it...

2002 Berks
Berks (TV series)
-Main Cast:Main Cast* Heart Evangelista as Gwyneth* John Prats as Javier Montelibano* Sarah Christophers as Pamela Sue* Karel Marquez as Penelope* Hazel Ann Mendoza as Brooke* Ketchup Eusebio as Ketchup...

2000 Pangako sa ’Yo
Pangako sa ’Yo
Pangako Sa ’Yo or The Promise was a primetime soap opera series produced and broadcast by the Philippine media network ABS-CBN. Dubbed as the first "Teleserye" on Philippine Television. It starred Kristine Hermosa and Jericho Rosales as the main characters...

Flerida Macaspac


Year Title Role
2004 Volta
Volta (film)
Volta is a 2004 action-adventure-comedy film starring Ai-Ai de las Alas as Volta. It was released under Star Cinema, ABS-CBN Film Productions. The story revolves around an ordinary woman who was given the power of electricity and used this gift for the common good by becoming a caped crusader...

Teenage Perla
2000 Anak
According to the Book of Numbers, during the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites, Anak was a well known figure, and a forefather of the Anakites who have been considered "strong and tall," they were also said to have been a mixed race of giant people, descendants of the Nephilim...

Young Carla

External links

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