HMS Severn (1813)
HMS Severn was a member of the , built between 1797 and 1814. The latter five of these were of an experimental nature, being built of Pitch Pine
Pitch Pine
The Pitch Pine, Pinus rigida, is a small-to-medium sized pine, native to eastern North America. This species occasionally hybridizes with other pine species such as Loblolly Pine , Shortleaf Pine , and Pond Pine The Pitch Pine, Pinus rigida, is a small-to-medium sized (6-30 meters or 20-100 feet)...

 instead of the usual oak
An oak is a tree or shrub in the genus Quercus , of which about 600 species exist. "Oak" may also appear in the names of species in related genera, notably Lithocarpus...

, then in short supply. The consequence of using this material was a considerably shortened lifespan compared to the oak-built prototype
A prototype is an early sample or model built to test a concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from.The word prototype derives from the Greek πρωτότυπον , "primitive form", neutral of πρωτότυπος , "original, primitive", from πρῶτος , "first" and τύπος ,...

. Nonetheless, the ships saw useful service; in January 1814 HMS Severn, whilst escorting a convoy
A convoy is a group of vehicles, typically motor vehicles or ships, traveling together for mutual support and protection. Often, a convoy is organized with armed defensive support, though it may also be used in a non-military sense, for example when driving through remote areas.-Age of Sail:Naval...

, was engaged in mid-Atlantic by the French commerce raiders Sultane and Etoile. Under the command of Captain Joseph Nourse, she escaped by dint of her superior sailing performance. She went on to serve along the American seaboard. In 1816 she played a vital part in the bombardment of Algiers
' is the capital and largest city of Algeria. According to the 1998 census, the population of the city proper was 1,519,570 and that of the urban agglomeration was 2,135,630. In 2009, the population was about 3,500,000...

and, between May 1817 and the time that she was sold off for breaking, July 1825, HMS Severn saw service, off the Kent and Sussex coasts, in the Royal Naval Coast Blockade for the Prevention of Smuggling. During this time (1817-1823) she was under the command of Captain William ('Flogging Joey') McCulloch, RN, scourge of the smugglers.
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