. The play shows parts of two days in the lives of four desperate Chicago real estate agents who are prepared to engage in any number of unethical, illegal acts—from lies and flattery to bribery
, threats, intimidation and burglary
—to sell undesirable real estate
to unwitting prospective buyers. The play draws partly on Mamet's experiences in a Chicago real estate office, where he worked briefly in the late 1960s.
Cop couldn't find his fucking couch in the living room.
Or me lying in the... Let me tell ya... Lying in bed the next day, she brought me cafe au lait, she gives me a cigarette. My balls feel like concrete. Eh?
You ever take a dump, made you feel you'd just slept for twelve hours?
Then I'm over the fucking top and you owe me a Cadillac. And I don't want any fucking shit and I don't give a shit.
Patel?!?! Ravadahm Patel?!?! How am I going to make a living on these deadbeat wogs?! Where'd you get this from, a morgue? What's the fuckin' point in any case!? What's the point? I gotta argue with you? I gotta knock heads with the cops? I'm busting my balls to sell you dirt to fucking deadbeats, I come back, you can't even manage to keep the contracts safe. I got to go out and close them again. What the fuck am I wasting my time... Fuck this shit!
Patel? Fuck you. Fuckin' Shiva handed him a million dollars, told him sign the deal, he wouldn't sign. And Vishnu, too into the bargain.
How fucked up you are!
I find out whose fuckin' cousin you are, I'm gonna go to him and figure out a way to have your ass, FUCK YOU!
You cheated on your wife? You did it, live with it. You fuck little girls, so be it. There's an absolute morality? May be. And then what?