Ghost Chasers (Movie Park Germany)
Ghost Chasers is a steel
Steel roller coaster
A steel roller coaster is a roller coaster that is defined by having a track made of steel. Steel coasters have earned immense popularity in the past 50 years throughout the world...

 wild mouse
Wild Mouse roller coaster
A Wild Mouse roller coaster is a type of roller coaster characterized by small cars that seat four people or fewer and ride on top of the track, taking tight, flat turns at modest speeds, yet producing high lateral G-forces...

 roller coaster
Roller coaster
The roller coaster is a popular amusement ride developed for amusement parks and modern theme parks. LaMarcus Adna Thompson patented the first coasters on January 20, 1885...

 in the Nickland section of Movie Park Germany
Movie Park Germany
thumb|Movie Park Germanythumb|[[Bermuda Triangle]] - Alien Encounterthumb|The Old Westthumb|[[Hollywood]] FilmmuseumThe Movie Park Germany is a theme park with real movie studios in Bottrop-Kirchhellen. It consists of 6 areas based on the topic "fascination film".The park was opened in June 1996 as...

. The original ride opened in 2000 as Tom and Jerry's Mouse in the House, before the name was changed in 2005 to Mad Manor. The ride has been known as Ghost Chasers since 2008.
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