Gerhard Stäbler
Gerhard Stäbler is a German contemporary composer
In 1968 he enrolled in the composition program at the Nordwestdeutsche Musikakademie in Detmold
and continued his education at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen
, where he studied with Nicolaus A. Huber
(composition) and Gerd Zacher
(organ). The "Cornelius Cardew Memorial Prize" (1982) was the first in a series of awards, prizes, commissions and scholarships he received. From the onset of his career until today, Gerhard Stäbler has not only been active as a composer, but also involved in political and organizational arenas. The New Music festival "Aktive Musik" was initiated by Stäbler, who also served as the artistic director of the 1995 World Music Days of the ISCM in the Ruhr Valley. A third vital point of his activities lies in teaching: during workshops and seminars Stäbler has worked with many young international composers. He was a composer-in-residence and visiting professor throughout North and South America as well as in the Middle and Far East. Stäbler's music often transcends the conventional framework (and therefore the audiences expectations), be it through the use of gestures or movement in space, through lighting and olfactory stimulation, or an active integration of the audience- it is very important to him to stimulate the imagination, to sensitize the ears and other perceptory organs towards unexpected perceptoral and thought processes. This is also the origin of his interest in the interaction between composition and improvisation, which feeds off of the unique tension between performers during the pre-formed yet open musical moment - as to be seen in the graphical score Red on black (1986). By the same token his music is always characterized by extremely contemplated development, and contains elaborate constructs that don't impede the direct musical statement. Especially since the 1990s Stäbler has created Work-"groups" that shed a musical light on different aspects of a thematic complex (e.g. the compositions surrounding CassandraComplex). In some cases works that stand autonomously can be performed simultaneously. Stäbler repeatedly causes the listener to critically reflect upon the music, without his music having to be overtly political: the shriek of a crow is musically interpreted in its possible implications (in old myths or as harbinger of doom) in Karas. Krähen (1994/95). The music doesn't just exploit its own symbolism, but always points towards our individual actions in this world we live in.
2006 included an extensive Composer Portrait by the Saarland Radio within the festival "Mouvement – Music of the 21st Century" in May, in Saarbrücken
, and was followed by the world premiere of the first chamber opera, Afternoon Sun in the Past Fall, in the South Korean capital, Seoul
. The end of October brought Düsseldorf
premieres of Night Pieces I-IV for Piano Quintet and Voices, which refer to Robert Schumann
's eponymous Piano Pieces, op. 23. The world premiere of TSUKI, SUBARU, a Concert for the Japanese Mouthharp Sho and Orchestra, was presented in Duisburg
at the end of January 2007.
For 2007, Stäbler accepted invitations to present his compositional work in various concerts and master classes, in Greece, England, Austria, Australia, and in numerous German provinces.
!? Musical Essay about the limits of options for electronic or mechanic keyboard (accordion) (2001). Premiere Cologne 2003; Duration about 11´. Published by http://www.earport.de
...Abschiede... Kassandra-study for violin, viola and cello (1993). Premiere Ravensburg 1993; Duration 20´30´´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
AFTERNOON SUN Chamber opera for baritone, violin, viola, cello, and tape on texts by Constantine P. Cavafy (1863–1933). Premiere Seoul 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
...am Grunde der Moldau wandern die Steine... Polka poétique
Version for ensemble (1996). Premiere Middletown (USA) 1996; Duration 3´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Also version for two keyboards (piano-, harpsichord-, accordion duo or piano and harpsichord/ accordion or electronic keyboards) with a percussionist.
AMTRACKS Audioassemblage for seven vocalists (2004). Duration about 24´. Published by http://www.earport.de
and on the eyes black sleep of night for piccolo flute, oboe and clarinet (b) (2007). Published by http://www.earport.de
[APPARAT] for mixed choir, clarinet, accordion, double bass, and percussion (3-6 players) (1994–95). Premiere Donaueschingen 1995; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
- auf dem Seil, auf scharf gespanntem Seil - for flute, violin, trombone, and piano (1987–88). Premiere Essen 1988; Duration 8´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
AugenTanz Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
auf dem wasser, ein gesicht for koto solo (2005) (cooperation with Kunsu Shim).
Premiere Caracas 2005. Published by http://www.earport.de
Ausnahme.Zustand Musical discourse about the disease of automation for orchestra (1997–98). Premiere Frankfurt 1998; Duration 25´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
beats for string quartet and percussion (1998). Premiere Saarbrücken 1998; Duration 11´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Belfast Breakfast Songs for female or male vocalist (1996). Premiere Duisburg 1996; Duration 5-6´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Beppu Thoughts on Three Haikus by Matsuo Basho (1644–1694) for trumpet and percussion (also for trombone or tuba and percussion) (1994). Premiere Akiyoshidai 1994; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
bittersüß Bagatelle for guitar and glass (1994). Premiere Sydney 1997; Duration 4´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Black Tiger Tango for accordion (2006). Premiere Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg-Hau 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
blütenlos Monody for soprano, flute, violin, cello, piano or accordion (2004)
Premiere Düsseldorf 2004; Duration about 9´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Bridges Music to Paul Celan's poem 'Fernen' for mezzo-soprano and accordion (1996–97)
Premiere Warszaw 1997; Duration 12´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Brüche Music for dance theatre (2005). Premiere Düsseldorf 2005; Duration about 65´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Burning Minds for 12 voices (1997). Premiere Münster 1998; Duration 12´. Published by http://www.earport.de
CAGE-MIX Arrangement with animal voices (1973–74). Premiere Essen 1974; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
California Dreams for accordion solo (1986)
1. Lullaby (poisoned)
2. Shooting Stars
3. Soul Trap
4. Crack of Dawn
Premiere Trossingen 1986; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Cassandra Music for percussion and tape based on "Kassandra", written by Birgit Scherzer (1996). Premiere Saarbrücken 1997; Duration 25-35´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for percussion, voice(s) ad lib. and tape. Premiere New York 1997. Published by http://www.earport.de
Cassandra-Complex Music theatre work following "Kassandra", written by Christa Wolf for voices, choir and orchestra (1994). Libretto: Hanns-Werner Heister. Kassandra (soprano), Kassandra-voice (alto), Myrine/Polyxena (soprano), Marpessa (mezzo-soprano), Penthesilea (mezzo-soprano), Hekuba (alto), Aineas/Anchises (baritone); Panthoos/Paris (tenor), Achill/Eumelos (tenor), Priamos/Agamemnon (bass), Hektor (baritone); choir, orchestra.
Premiere Saarbrücken 2002; Duration about 2h. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
CO - wie Kobalt Music for solo double bass and large orchestra (1989–90). Premiere Donaueschingen 1991; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
· COUNTDOWN A FoyerPerformance. Private. Public. (2007)
Dämpfe, fünfmalige Kammermusik (1968–70)
1. "Farben von Stille" (with scarce voice and cello). For two actors and audience, in cooperation with WAH Schulz. Premiere Detmold 1969; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
2. "Geruchsmusik", theatrical music including the smells of onions, coffee and spices. Premiere Detmold 1969; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
3. "Fuge mit einer Quintparallele." For harpsichord. Premiere Essen 1970; 1´. Published by http://www.earport.de
4. "Geblasenes" for two male performers and fair trumpet. Premiere Detmold 1969; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
5. "NED". Commonalities - ad hoc made by Gerhard F./ Max E./ WAH. Bodily, with voice, instrumental; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
Dalí Música magica para piano (1995–96). Premiere Duisburg 1997; Duration 25-30´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
dark elegance for percussion band with three players (2005); Duration about 5´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Das Sichere ist nicht sicher Spiral rondo for flute, bassoon, horn, violin, cello, double bass, two percussionists, and tape (1982). Premiere Mönchengladbach 1983; Duration 22´. Published by http://www.earport.de
...day by day... for two percussion soloists, three female voices and orchestra (2003/2004). Premiere Munich 2004. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
dazzling dawn for soprano and ensemble (2005). Premiere Hannover 2005; 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Den Müllfahrern von San Francisco An acronym containing acoustical reminiscences of a journey for ensemble (1989–90). Premiere Witten 1990; Duration 13´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Version for seven players by Michael Oesterle. Premiere Oslo 1996. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Den Toten von Sabra und Chatila for mezzo-soprano or alto (or baritone or bass), flute, oboe, clarinet, and piano (1982). Text: Poems written by the Palestinian poet Tawfiq Ziad (1982). Premiere Salzburg 1982. Published by http://www.earport.de
New version for flute, oboe, clarinet, trombone, and piano (1988); Duration 10´.
Published by http://www.earport.de
]DESIRES[ for soprano and percussion quartet (2004). Premiere Hombroich/Neuss 2004; Duration about 13´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Die bange Nacht Illegal song from the fascist time for voice and piano (1983)
Premiere Essen 1983; Duration 4´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Die Nacht sitzt am Tisch for B-flat clarinet and bass clarinet with balls of glass, buckets and voice, smells, and synthesizer or cassette recorder (1992). Text: Oswaldo de Camargo. Premiere Wiesbaden 1993; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Die Reise for clarinet, trumpet, trombone, cello, piano, drums and tape (2001–2002). Premiere Amsterdam 2002; Duration 22´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Die Spieldose Comics for Kalle and Martin. Performance with a small horizontal bar, asymmetrical bars, percussion, music box, tape, video, and light (1984–85). Text: Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826–1889). Premiere Essen 1985; Duration 50´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Drei Lieder zu Gedichten von Gert Udo Jerns for voice (with small drum) and piano (1979–82)
1. Sicherheit!
2. ... und die Ideen sind bereits wieder in den Köpfen ...
3. Worte könnten Perlen sein.
Premiere Essen 1983; Duration 6´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Dreizehn for 11, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53 ... players (1997). Premiere Mußbach (Neustadt/Pfalz) 1997; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
drüber... for eight active shouters, cello, synthesizer, and tape (1972–73). Premiere Essen 1973; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.earport.de
dry leaves for accordion solo (2002). Premiere Salzburg 2003; Duration about 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Dynamik - Eigendynamik Bagatelle for tenor, flute, cello, and organ (1990–91). Premiere Duisburg 1991; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
EarPlugs I & II Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
eilig.dressiert for three identical instruments or instruments in identical register (2000). Published by http://www.earport.de
el camino - una fiesta - el camino? for accordion solo and ensemble or orchestra (2007). Premiere Graz 2007. Published by http://www.earport.de
elements acute (plus) for choir, chamber orchestra and electronic sounds (2004/2006). Premiere Duisburg 2006; Duration about 14´. Published by http://www.earport.de
elements (edged) - Fragment for CD/tape (1999). Premiere Duisburg 1999; Duration 8´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Endstation ZASPA Music for a dance theatre directed by Avi Kaiser for Tape (2001–2002). Premiere Gdańsk (Poland) 2002. Published by http://www.earport.de
energy·light·dream for soprano, large orchestra, orchestra in distance with baritone and tape based on a text by Heiner Müller (2000). Premiere Vockerode 2000; Duration 30´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Essentiellement. musikTanz - tanzMusik Improvisation-Project with Christine Brunel, Avi Kaiser and Kunsu Shim (2001). Premiere Essen 2001; Duration 60´. Published by http://www.earport.de
estratto for solo bassoon with harmonica ad lib. (1998). Premiere Weingarten 1998; Duration 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Exit. Performance for 5-9 actors created by Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim for the installation Notstand by Magdalena Jetelová (2006). Premiere Duisburg 2006; Duration about 14´. Published by http://www.earport.de
fallen, fallen ... und liegen und fallen Songs for poems written by Paul Celan for soprano (or mezzo-soprano or alto), accordion, tuba, and tape (1988–89). Premiere Dresden 1989; Duration 35´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Fallzeit for one or two percussionists (1997). Premiere Schreyahn 1997; Duration 6´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Fantasia g-moll (J. S. Bach) Transcription for three-manual organ (1980). Premiere Essen 1980; Duration 15´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Fantasia - ut, ré, mi, fa, sol, la (John Bull, composed c. 1610). Transcription for organ and male voice (1980). Premiere Essen 1980; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
FootPrints I & II Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
...for Kavafis... Elegy for six solo singers or mixed choir of six voices, accompanied by a bass drum (hanging) (2000). Elegy based on the vita of the Greek poet Konstantinos Kavafis. Premiere Mülheim, Ruhr 2001; Duration indeterminate (not less than 18´) Published by http://www.earport.de
Für später: jetzt Children's song for mezzo-soprano (or baritone) and piano (1982)
Text: Poem 'Gehschule für meinen Sohn' written by Josef Reding.. Premiere Essen 1983; Duration 2´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for mixed choir a capella (1986).
Verlag Ars Musica, Wilhelmshaven.
... fürs Vaterland:... Three songs, poems from the Shih-ching, and by Erich Mühsam and Bertolt Brecht. For instrumental ensemble, voice and speaking chorus (1981–82)
Premiere London 1982; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.earport.de
frictions (unlimited) - Fragment for CD/tape (1999). Premiere Duisburg 1999; Duration 3´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Fund.Stücke – Ein Vabanque Spiel. Performance (2008). Premiere Schwaz 2008
futuressence 1 for trombone, percussion and accordion (1998). Premiere Düsseldorf 1998; Duration 27´. Published by http://www.earport.de
futuressencexxx Music Theatre in collaboration wirh the composer Kunsu Shim (2000)
Premiere San Francisco 2000. Published by http://www.earport.de
Gehörsmassage for active audience (1973). Premiere Essen 1973; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
geRÜCHt Aroma performance (1998). Premiere Chicago 1998; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
Gift.Gelb for electrified accordion and E-Bass (2002). Premiere Utrecht 2002; Vers. 1 = 19´ - Vers. 2 = 14´. Published by http://www.earport.de
golder than gold for ensemble with indeterminate instruments (2007). Published by http://www.earport.de
greifbar nah for organ and tape (1985). Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
HAI! for solo tuba with nearby instruments (1991). Premiere Dortmund 1991; Duration 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
HandStreiche Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
HarbourMarks for sirens, horns, brass ensemble(s), and percussion groups (1998)
Premiere Duisburg 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
Hart auf hart Music for improvising, calculative ensemble(s) (1986). Graphic score.
Premiere Essen 1986; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
Heiß for organ (1988). Published by http://www.earport.de
Hitlerchoräle IV - VI (from Bertolt Brecht) for choir and electronic organ (ad lib.) (1980)
- "Sieh, wie er dir schon schwanket ..."
- "Ein große Hilf was uns sein Maul ..."
- "Ein strenger Herr ist unser Herr ..."
Premiere Essen 1983; Duration 15´. Published by http://www.earport.de
hyacinth - liquids. scents for a percussionist (1997). Premiere Berlin 1997; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
if not, winter for renaissance recorder and 13 strings koto (2006/07). Published by http://www.earport.de
... im Spalier ... musical thoughts on fantasies by John Bull (1563–1628) and Don Carlo Gesualdo (c. 1560-1613) for brass quintet (1990). Premiere Detmold 1990; Duration 9´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
...ins Offene... Five songs for soprano, mezzosoprano, countertenor, tenor, baritone and bass (2008). Premiere Darmstadt 2008
Internet 1.1 for piano (1996). Premiere London 1996; 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 1.2 for accordion (1996–97). Premiere New York 1997; Duration 4´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 1.5 for piano (1996). Premiere Essen 1996; Duration 9´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 1.9 for piano (1996). Premiere Wiesbaden 1996; Duration 13´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 3.1 (Fragment) for mezzo-soprano (alto), clarinet and percussion (1995–97). Premiere Strasbourg 1998; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 3.2 for mezzo-soprano (alto), piano and percussion (1 player) (1995–96)
Premiere Oslo 1996; Duration 35´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Internet 4 (Adriatico) for piano(s) and percussion (1996–97). Premiere München 1998; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 4 (New York/Francesco Clemente) for 4 pianos (1997). Premiere Munich 1998; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
INTERNETx.../SCRAP for ensemble with optional instruments (2002/2003)
Premiere Rome 2003; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
INTERNETx2/SCRAP Duo for soprano and accordion/piano (2002/2003). Premiere Rome 2003; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
INTERNETx3/SCRAP Trio for bass-flute, violoncello and piano (2002/2005). Published by http://www.earport.de
INTERNETx4/SCRAP for four strings (2006). Premiere Düsseldorf 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
INTERNETx5/SCRAP for different instruments and in combination of other pieces (2002). Premiere Leipzig 2002; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
ITHAKA for Koto (and voice) (2003). Premiere Düsseldorf 2003. Published by http://www.earport.de
JC/NY for 3, 4, 5, or 7 performers with manipulators and audience (5. September 1992)
Premiere Lissabon 1992; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
Journal 9'1119 Music for flutes, percussion, tape, and scents (1996)
Premiere Saarbrücken 2002; 25´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Kalt·Erhitzt-Abgesang auf 113 Flügel Performance (1999/2000). Premiere Velbert Langenberg 2000. Published by http://www.earport.de
KARAS. KRÄHEN (1994–95). Version for tape. Premiere Essen 1995; 25´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for one vocalist, sho (accordion), double bass, percussion, and tape
Premiere Tokyo 1995. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for accordion and tape. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for choir and tape. Published by http://www.earport.de
katalekt for solo cello with special bow ad lib. (1998)
Premiere Weingarten 1998; Duration 25´. Published by http://www.earport.de
KopfFüßler for two performers with an electrified accordion (2002)
Premiere Karlsruhe 2002. Published by http://www.earport.de
kollaps Performance on texts by Raoul Hausmann, Isang and Hirato Renkichi (2005)
Premiere Essen 2005; Duration about 8´. Published by http://www.earport.de
kopflos Kassandra-study for flute, B-flat clarinet, violin, cello, piano, and percussion (1993). Premiere Schreyahn November 1993; Duration 22´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Krusten/Crusts for solo cello (1998). Premiere London 1998; Duration 5´. Published by http://www.earport.de
KYBELE Kassandra-study for 3 percussionists and percussion ensemble ad lib. (1993)
Premiere Köln 1995; 7´, 11´, 13´, 17´, 19´, 23´. Published by http://www.earport.de
...leaving the gold... for voice, piano and five CD player (2004)
Premiere Duisburg 2004; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Letzte Dinge Concert action based on a libretto by Hermann Schneider and Alexander Wagner inspired by Paul Auster´s novel "In the country of last things". For three voices, percussion and tape (2007). Published by http://www.earport.de
]LIFE[ for sho, hichiriki and glass-chimes (2004) Premiere Tokio 2004; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
LuftMarsch for two air-activated keyboards (2001). Premiere Mülheim, Ruhr 2001; Duration 11´. Published by http://www.earport.de
LUFTSPIEGELUNGEN – Ein Spiel für Sieben for trumpet, trombone, two percussions, piano, e-guitar and cello (2008). Premiere Schwaz 2008
Luna Electroacoustic music for an exhibition (1998). Premiere Sheffield 1998; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
m·sks·m U-Turn for three wind players, drums and piano (2001). Premiere Chiasso 2002. Published by http://www.earport.de
Madame la Peste Musictheatre in four scenes for singers, dancer, choir and orchestra (Libretto: Matthias Kaiser following Bruno Jasienski, Edgar Allan Poe and Claude Debussy) (2001). Premiere Duisburg 2002; Duration about 2h. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
MetalSeasons for solo violin, trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba, 4 percussionists, and flying objects (ad lib.) (1998–99)
MetalSeasons can be combined with the performance of [APPARAT]. Premiere Duisburg 1999; Duration 30´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Mit wachen Sinnen for choir and mouth drums (1987). Text: Angela Jackson. Premiere Chicago 1985; Duration 5´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Moon'scape for flute and guitar (1996). Premiere New York 1997; Duration 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
MO-PED for organ and motorcycle (1970–71). Premiere Essen 1973; Duration 45´. Published by http://www.earport.de
MundStücke Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
NACHMITTAGSSONNE Chamber opera for baritone, violin, viola, cello and tape based on writings by Konstantinos Kavafis (2005). Published by http://www.earport.de
NACHTSTÜCK I for flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, viola, cello, and tape (ad. lib.) (2005). Premiere Saarbrücken 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for string quartet and tape (2006). Premiere Düsseldorf 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
NACHTSTÜCK II for oboe, clarinet, bassoon, double-bass and chimes (2005). Premiere Freiburg 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for piano and string quartet (2006). Premiere Düsseldorf 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
NACHTSTÜCK III for voice, piano and tape (2006) Premiere Düsseldorf 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
NACHTSTÜCK IV for piano and string quartet (2006). Premiere Duisburg 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
NasenTraum Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
news 1 Projected performance with or without performers (1995). Premiere Sheffield 1995. Published by http://www.earport.de
news 2 Performance for 11 vocalists and projections (ad lib.) (1995–96). Duration 44´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Nicht Traum. Traum Performance - essay for one performer (1994). Premiere Darmstadt 1994; Duration 60´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Notebook for viola und orchestra or ensemble (1996–2000). Premiere Duisburg 2002; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
ohne Netz und doppelten Boden for ensemble (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration 12´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Oktober for flute, violin and (5-stringed) double bass (1989). Premiere Berlin 1990; Duration 8´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
O Muro for soprano, percussion, metal, wood, glass, and ice (with four-track tape) (1992). Premiere Essen 1993; Duration 35´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
open sky (1) for chamber orchestra (1999). Premiere Werneck 1999; Duration 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Palast des Schweigens. Kassandra-study for sho (1992–93). Premiere Tokyo 1994; Duration 33´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
PAPIER · WORT · TOD · SPUR for vocal ensemble (2007). A vertical music and a hommage to Roberto Juarroz (1925–1995). Premiere Kassel 2007. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
pièces chaudes for 4-hand piano (2005). Premiere Essen 2005; Duration about 13´. Published by http://www.earport.de. Version for 2-hand piano (2005). Published by http://www.earport.de
Plateau for ensemble (clarinet, bass clarinet, soprano saxophone, baritone saxophone, French horn, tuba, accordion with music from a cassette recorder or a CD player, mandolin and string quartet) (2002). Published by http://www.ricordi.de
playmanic for one or two player piano(s) or a grand piano with a player piano (1998–99)
Premiere Cologne 2000; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Poetic Arcs for ensemble (1996). Premiere Apeldoorn 1997; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.earport.de
purple rugs for sho (accordion), clarinet, saxophone, violin, viola, cello, and marimba (2005). Premiere Luxembourg 2005; Duration about 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for sho (accordion), clarinet, violin, viola, cello and marimba (2005); Duration about 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Rachengold Secret score for a vocalist, a glass of water and a large stopwatch (ad lib.) (1992). Premiere Chicago 1993; Indeterminate duration.
Radierung for solo oboe (1995). Premiere Belfast 1996; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
...remember... Music for a dance theatre (2006) (Co-composition with Kunsu Shim)
Premiere Duisburg 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
Roots for voices, flute, violin, cello and piano (2006). Premiere Weimar 2006. (Co-Composition with Péter Köszeghy)
Rosenkranz Secret score for a vocalist (1995). Premiere Essen 1996; Duration indeterminate
]ROSES[ for soprano and percussion quartet (2004). Premiere Raketenstation / Neuss 2004; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
RUCHlos Aroma performance (1998). Premiere Chicago 1998; Duration indeterminate. EarPort
Ruck- VERSCHie/oBEN Zuck- Orchestral pieces (one wedged into the other) with obbligato accordion (1986–88). Premiere Essen 1989; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Sappho-Trilogie I-III for soprano, choir, splitted orchestra and electronics (2006–2008). Each Part of the trilogy can also be performed separated. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Schatten wilder Schmerzen Music for Orchestra (1984–85). Version with soloists premiere Essen 1985; Duration 22´. Published by http://www.earport.de
... schloß die Augen, vor Glück ... Kassandra-study for solo guitar (1993). Premiere Essen 1994; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Schmerzprobe Kassandra-study for solo viola (1993). Premiere Brighton 1993; Duration 18 - 20´. Published by http://www.earport.de
schwerkraft(los) for 3 percussions, accordion and clarinet (2006) (Co-Composition with Kunsu Shim); Duration about 15´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Secrets Succession of songs based on poems written by Wolf Wondratschek for alto (mezzo-soprano), baritone and piano (1998). Premiere Ludwigslust 1998; Duration 12´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Seven Three Music for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1996). Premiere Munich 1996; Duration 16-35´. Published by http://www.earport.de
spatial ayres for soprano, ensemble and tape on a text written by Heiner Müller (2000). Premiere Vockerode 2000; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Simultaneous performance with Strafkolonie possible.
Spectre for sho solo (2004–05). Premiere Duisburg 2005; Duration 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Speed for one (or even more) groups of 3 vocalists (1997). Premiere Wuppertal 1997; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
Spices (1) for dance, ensemble, tape, and scents (2001). Premiere Mönchengladbach 2001; Duration 19´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Spices (2) for violin, cello and percussion (2001). Premiere Oslo 2001; Duration 15´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Spices (3) for three drums and tape (2001)
Premiere Düsseldorf 2001; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Spices (4) for accordion, tape and spices (2001)
Premiere Tokyo 2002; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.earport.de
SPICES (1PLUS) for dance, chamber orchestra, tape, smells and vocal interventions (2001–04). Premiere Olympia / Washington 2004. Published by http://www.earport.de
SPICES (1ULTRA) for choir, accordion, piano, percussion, string orchestra, electronic sounds, smells and theatrical actions (2004). Premiere Herrenberg 2005. Published by http://www.earport.de
SpringLight for tape (1998). Premiere Saarbrücken 1998; Duration 13´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Spuren Music for saxophone quartet (1995). Premiere Évreux 1996; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
STEPS for one step-dancing pianist (2003). Published by http://www.earport.de
Strafkolonie for baritone and percussion based on a Kafka transcription by Heiner Müller (2000). Premiere Vockerode 2000; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de Simultaneous performance with spatial ayres possible.
...strike the ear... for sringquartet (1987–88). Premiere Düsseldorf 1988; Duration 13´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
suchen nach ... Experiments with historical material (1976–80) - "Ihr habt es gelitten und duldet es noch!" for piano 4 hands (1978). Premiere Düsseldorf 1978; Duration 5´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Sünde.Fall.Beil. Royal opera in five acts based on "Catherine Howard", written by Alexandre Dumas père (1990–91). Libretto: Andreas F. J. Lechner. Suzette/Hofdame (soprano), King Henry (baritone), Lord of Edelholz (tenor), De Miette/Mr. Lederer/first minister/first courtier (baritone), doctor/second minister/second courtier/ executioner (tenor), Anna/princess Margarete/Mrs. Klubatschek (alto), Mr. Domini/third courtier/crocodile (baritone), cardinal/judge/fourth courtier (baritone), bodyguard (baritone), royal dwarf (speaker); orchestra, tape.. Premiere München 1992 (Munich Biennale
); Duration about 2 h. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Supreme Particles "R111" Sound material for an interactive environment in four rooms and website for the project "connected cities" in the Lindenbrauerei Hamm. Collaboration with Michael Saup, Gideon May, Anne Niemetz, Steffen Ruyl Cramer, Bodo Lensch, and Gerhard Stäbler (1999). Premiere Unna 1999. Published by http://www.earport.de
Tap for organ pedal (1998). Duration indeterminate. Premiere Kassel 2007. Published by http://www.earport.de
Time for Tomorrow Music for 25 futuristic theatre pieces for trombone, percussion and 8-track tape (1998). Premiere Munich 1999; Duration 80´. Published by http://www.earport.de
TIME.OUT Instrumental theater for two female vocalists, clarinet, trombone, cello, accordion, tape and video referring to Agnes Martin´s "Parable of the Equal Hearts" (2003). Premiere Dresden 2003. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
TIMESCAPE for drum-solo and orchestra (2001). Premiere Essen 2002; Duration 15´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Tinguely for four percussionists, accordion, live-electronics and audience (2006) (Co-Composition with Kunsu Shim); Duration about 20´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Total for piano solo (1986). Premiere Dortmund 1988; Duration 4´30´´ or 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
TRAMA/GEWEBE for mixed choir (1997). Premiere Bottrop 1999; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.earport.de
TRAUM 1/9/92 for saxophone, cello, piano, and ensemble (1992). Premiere Duisburg 1993; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Saxophone-, cello- and piano parts are to be performed solo as well as in a trio- or duo combination. Even the ensemble part could be performed without soli.
triumPF Kassandra-study for brass ensemble (1993–94). Premiere Akiyoshidai 1994; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
TSUKI. SUBARU for sho solo and orchestra (2005/06). Premiere Duisburg 2007. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
twilights - protocols for tape Poems by Ernesto Cardenal and texts out of "NEWSWEEK" between August 1 and 8, 1983. Produced at the Computer Center of Stanford University/California, latest mix in the electronic studio at the Folkwang Hochschule Essen (1983). Premiere Mülheim/Ruhr 1984; Duration 24´. Can be combined with the performance of windows. Published by http://www.earport.de
Übungen der Annäherung Trio for clarinet(s) or saxophone(s), percussion and piano (2007)
Uferlinen - Shorelines Music for puppet theatre written by Felix Mirbt for percussion and tape (2000). Premiere Oberhausen 2000; Duration 80´. Published by http://www.earport.de
¿una línea? Music for 3-5 voices with percussion- and key instruments (ad lib.)
or 3-5 voices, percussion and piano (Harmonium or accordion) (2007–2008)
Ungaretti-Lieder for mezzo-soprano or alto (or baritone) and percussion (1990)
Premiere Wiesbaden 1990; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Unstern! Sinistre (Franz Liszt) Transcription for ensemble (1996). Premiere Apeldoorn 1997. Published by http://www.earport.de
]upon dry land[ for percussion and piano (2005). Premiere Rheinsberg 2007. Published by http://www.earport.de
...und in diesem Blau eine Ahnung von Grün... for soprano, soprano-saxophone, trombone and big orchestra (2005/06). Premiere Saarbrücken 2006; Duration 20-25´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
...unter Glas vergessen... for sho and violin (2004–05). Premiere Rethymnon 2005; Duration about 9´. Published by http://www.earport.de
...vanishing into silence... for cello solo and ensemble (flute, clarinet (B), horn, trumpet (C), trombone and double-bass (2002–03). Published by http://www.ricordi.de
verRUCHt Aroma performance (1998). Premiere Chicago 1998; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
[VOIX(TIME)] Multimedia project in collaboration with the composers Suyeon Hong, Vadim Karasikov, Ernst-August Klötzke, Jeffrey Kowalkowski, Michael Maierhof, Michael Oesterle, Kunsu Shim, Amnon Wolman, and the video-artists Heiko Daxl, Harmut Jahn, Veit-Lup (1996–98). Premiere Darmstadt 1998. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Vom Grund bis zum Scheitel. Dal fondo alla cima for solo double bass (1991–92)
Premiere Mexiko City 1993; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.earport.de
vom Wasser comment to a Leonardo da Vinci text for soprano and CD/tape (1999)
Premiere Duisburg 1999; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Von Branntwein und Finsternissen Piano ballad for times characterized by forces of nature (should be performed with stretched head and harmonica) (1992)
Premiere London Almeida Theatre 1992; Duration 2´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Warnung mit Liebeslied for harp, accordion and glass percussion (1986)
Premiere Essen 1986; 12´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Wasser. Zeichen for soprano solo, orchestra, aleatoric ensemble, voices and electronic sounds (2006/07). Premiere Duisburg 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
Wenn der Fluß zum Meer wird Music for a dance theatre (2005). Premiere Krefeld 2005. Published by http://www.earport.de
white spaces for voice and stringquartet (2002). Premiere Leipzig 2004; Duration about 33´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Windows - Elegies for chamber ensemble: clarinet, trombone, trumpet, bassoon, percussion, accordion, piano, violin, and double bass (1983). Premiere Mülheim/Ruhr 1984; Duration 16´. Different versions exist: one for solo flute and tom-toms (ad lib.) (Premiere Berlin 1985), for guitar (Premiere Düsseldorf 1985), for piano (Premiere Köln 1985), and for organ (Premiere Chicago 1985). Windows can be combined with the performance of twilights. Published by http://www.earport.de
Winkelzüge Music for flute quartet, various instruments ad. lib. (1995)
Premiere Amsterdam 1996; 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Winter, Blumen for voice solo or violin solo (with scordatura), solo viola (with scordatura), solo cello, solo trombone, tuba solo, bass-clarinet solo or double bass solo with accessoires (1995). Version for violin solo premiere Essen 1996; Duration 20´.
Version for cello solo premiere Weimar 1998; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Wirbelsäulenflöte An isometric poem based on the text "spine flute" by Vladimir Mayakovsky for piano, bass clarinet, voices, one player-director, and three objects by Thomas Rother, a sculptor from Essen (objects can be replaced by percussion) (1984)
Premiere Essen 1984; Duration 14´. Published by http://www.earport.de
]with what eyes?[ Sappho-fragments for violin, horn and organ (2004). Published by http://www.earport.de
WOLKEN.BILDER. Music for orchestrion 109, constructed by Waldkirch/Baden (1997).
Premiere Magdeburg 1997; Duration 6´30´´. Published by http://www.earport.de
X for catches (1994). Conception for numerous performers, solo performance and performance accompanying other music possible. Premiere Belo Horizonte (Brazil) 1995; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
XEN(I)ON for five bass clarinets and some foreign elements (1994). Duration 8´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Xmess for voices, instruments, kitsch and action (2002). Premiere Düsseldorf 2002. Published by http://www.earport.de
XXL-Great! for mixed choir (2001). Premiere Düsseldorf 2002; Duration 19´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Zeichnung for recorders (1995). Premiere Akiyoshidai 1996; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Zeitsprünge for accordion and percussion (1990). Premiere 1990 Digne-les-Bains; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
A composer is a person who creates music, either by musical notation or oral tradition, for interpretation and performance, or through direct manipulation of sonic material through electronic media...
In 1968 he enrolled in the composition program at the Nordwestdeutsche Musikakademie in Detmold
Detmold is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, with a population of about 74,000. It was the capital of the small Principality of Lippe from 1468 until 1918 and then of the Free State of Lippe until 1947...
and continued his education at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen
- Origin of the name :In German-speaking countries, the name of the city Essen often causes confusion as to its origins, because it is commonly known as the German infinitive of the verb for the act of eating, and/or the German noun for food. Although scholars still dispute the interpretation of...
, where he studied with Nicolaus A. Huber
Nicolaus A. Huber
Nicolaus A. Huber is a German composer.From 1958 to 1962 Huber studied music education at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München and subsequently composition with Franz Xaver Lehner and Günter Bialas. He pursued his education further with Josef Anton Riedl, Karlheinz Stockhausen and, above...
(composition) and Gerd Zacher
Gerd Zacher
Gerd Zacher is a German composer, organist, and writer on music. He specializes in contemporary compositions, many of which feature extended techniques, and are written in graphic or verbal scores...
(organ). The "Cornelius Cardew Memorial Prize" (1982) was the first in a series of awards, prizes, commissions and scholarships he received. From the onset of his career until today, Gerhard Stäbler has not only been active as a composer, but also involved in political and organizational arenas. The New Music festival "Aktive Musik" was initiated by Stäbler, who also served as the artistic director of the 1995 World Music Days of the ISCM in the Ruhr Valley. A third vital point of his activities lies in teaching: during workshops and seminars Stäbler has worked with many young international composers. He was a composer-in-residence and visiting professor throughout North and South America as well as in the Middle and Far East. Stäbler's music often transcends the conventional framework (and therefore the audiences expectations), be it through the use of gestures or movement in space, through lighting and olfactory stimulation, or an active integration of the audience- it is very important to him to stimulate the imagination, to sensitize the ears and other perceptory organs towards unexpected perceptoral and thought processes. This is also the origin of his interest in the interaction between composition and improvisation, which feeds off of the unique tension between performers during the pre-formed yet open musical moment - as to be seen in the graphical score Red on black (1986). By the same token his music is always characterized by extremely contemplated development, and contains elaborate constructs that don't impede the direct musical statement. Especially since the 1990s Stäbler has created Work-"groups" that shed a musical light on different aspects of a thematic complex (e.g. the compositions surrounding CassandraComplex). In some cases works that stand autonomously can be performed simultaneously. Stäbler repeatedly causes the listener to critically reflect upon the music, without his music having to be overtly political: the shriek of a crow is musically interpreted in its possible implications (in old myths or as harbinger of doom) in Karas. Krähen (1994/95). The music doesn't just exploit its own symbolism, but always points towards our individual actions in this world we live in.
2006 included an extensive Composer Portrait by the Saarland Radio within the festival "Mouvement – Music of the 21st Century" in May, in Saarbrücken
Saarbrücken is the capital of the state of Saarland in Germany. The city is situated at the heart of a metropolitan area that borders on the west on Dillingen and to the north-east on Neunkirchen, where most of the people of the Saarland live....
, and was followed by the world premiere of the first chamber opera, Afternoon Sun in the Past Fall, in the South Korean capital, Seoul
Seoul , officially the Seoul Special City, is the capital and largest metropolis of South Korea. A megacity with a population of over 10 million, it is the largest city proper in the OECD developed world...
. The end of October brought Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf is the capital city of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia and centre of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region.Düsseldorf is an important international business and financial centre and renowned for its fashion and trade fairs. Located centrally within the European Megalopolis, the...
premieres of Night Pieces I-IV for Piano Quintet and Voices, which refer to Robert Schumann
Robert Schumann
Robert Schumann, sometimes known as Robert Alexander Schumann, was a German composer, aesthete and influential music critic. He is regarded as one of the greatest and most representative composers of the Romantic era....
's eponymous Piano Pieces, op. 23. The world premiere of TSUKI, SUBARU, a Concert for the Japanese Mouthharp Sho and Orchestra, was presented in Duisburg
- History :A legend recorded by Johannes Aventinus holds that Duisburg, was built by the eponymous Tuisto, mythical progenitor of Germans, ca. 2395 BC...
at the end of January 2007.
For 2007, Stäbler accepted invitations to present his compositional work in various concerts and master classes, in Greece, England, Austria, Australia, and in numerous German provinces.
WORKS by Gerhard Stäbler!? Musical Essay about the limits of options for electronic or mechanic keyboard (accordion) (2001). Premiere Cologne 2003; Duration about 11´. Published by http://www.earport.de
...Abschiede... Kassandra-study for violin, viola and cello (1993). Premiere Ravensburg 1993; Duration 20´30´´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
AFTERNOON SUN Chamber opera for baritone, violin, viola, cello, and tape on texts by Constantine P. Cavafy (1863–1933). Premiere Seoul 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
...am Grunde der Moldau wandern die Steine... Polka poétique
Version for ensemble (1996). Premiere Middletown (USA) 1996; Duration 3´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Also version for two keyboards (piano-, harpsichord-, accordion duo or piano and harpsichord/ accordion or electronic keyboards) with a percussionist.
AMTRACKS Audioassemblage for seven vocalists (2004). Duration about 24´. Published by http://www.earport.de
and on the eyes black sleep of night for piccolo flute, oboe and clarinet (b) (2007). Published by http://www.earport.de
[APPARAT] for mixed choir, clarinet, accordion, double bass, and percussion (3-6 players) (1994–95). Premiere Donaueschingen 1995; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
- auf dem Seil, auf scharf gespanntem Seil - for flute, violin, trombone, and piano (1987–88). Premiere Essen 1988; Duration 8´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
AugenTanz Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
auf dem wasser, ein gesicht for koto solo (2005) (cooperation with Kunsu Shim).
Premiere Caracas 2005. Published by http://www.earport.de
Ausnahme.Zustand Musical discourse about the disease of automation for orchestra (1997–98). Premiere Frankfurt 1998; Duration 25´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
beats for string quartet and percussion (1998). Premiere Saarbrücken 1998; Duration 11´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Belfast Breakfast Songs for female or male vocalist (1996). Premiere Duisburg 1996; Duration 5-6´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Beppu Thoughts on Three Haikus by Matsuo Basho (1644–1694) for trumpet and percussion (also for trombone or tuba and percussion) (1994). Premiere Akiyoshidai 1994; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
bittersüß Bagatelle for guitar and glass (1994). Premiere Sydney 1997; Duration 4´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Black Tiger Tango for accordion (2006). Premiere Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg-Hau 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
blütenlos Monody for soprano, flute, violin, cello, piano or accordion (2004)
Premiere Düsseldorf 2004; Duration about 9´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Bridges Music to Paul Celan's poem 'Fernen' for mezzo-soprano and accordion (1996–97)
Premiere Warszaw 1997; Duration 12´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Brüche Music for dance theatre (2005). Premiere Düsseldorf 2005; Duration about 65´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Burning Minds for 12 voices (1997). Premiere Münster 1998; Duration 12´. Published by http://www.earport.de
CAGE-MIX Arrangement with animal voices (1973–74). Premiere Essen 1974; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
California Dreams for accordion solo (1986)
1. Lullaby (poisoned)
2. Shooting Stars
3. Soul Trap
4. Crack of Dawn
Premiere Trossingen 1986; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Cassandra Music for percussion and tape based on "Kassandra", written by Birgit Scherzer (1996). Premiere Saarbrücken 1997; Duration 25-35´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for percussion, voice(s) ad lib. and tape. Premiere New York 1997. Published by http://www.earport.de
Cassandra-Complex Music theatre work following "Kassandra", written by Christa Wolf for voices, choir and orchestra (1994). Libretto: Hanns-Werner Heister. Kassandra (soprano), Kassandra-voice (alto), Myrine/Polyxena (soprano), Marpessa (mezzo-soprano), Penthesilea (mezzo-soprano), Hekuba (alto), Aineas/Anchises (baritone); Panthoos/Paris (tenor), Achill/Eumelos (tenor), Priamos/Agamemnon (bass), Hektor (baritone); choir, orchestra.
Premiere Saarbrücken 2002; Duration about 2h. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
CO - wie Kobalt Music for solo double bass and large orchestra (1989–90). Premiere Donaueschingen 1991; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
· COUNTDOWN A FoyerPerformance. Private. Public. (2007)
Dämpfe, fünfmalige Kammermusik (1968–70)
1. "Farben von Stille" (with scarce voice and cello). For two actors and audience, in cooperation with WAH Schulz. Premiere Detmold 1969; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
2. "Geruchsmusik", theatrical music including the smells of onions, coffee and spices. Premiere Detmold 1969; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
3. "Fuge mit einer Quintparallele." For harpsichord. Premiere Essen 1970; 1´. Published by http://www.earport.de
4. "Geblasenes" for two male performers and fair trumpet. Premiere Detmold 1969; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
5. "NED". Commonalities - ad hoc made by Gerhard F./ Max E./ WAH. Bodily, with voice, instrumental; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
Dalí Música magica para piano (1995–96). Premiere Duisburg 1997; Duration 25-30´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
dark elegance for percussion band with three players (2005); Duration about 5´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Das Sichere ist nicht sicher Spiral rondo for flute, bassoon, horn, violin, cello, double bass, two percussionists, and tape (1982). Premiere Mönchengladbach 1983; Duration 22´. Published by http://www.earport.de
...day by day... for two percussion soloists, three female voices and orchestra (2003/2004). Premiere Munich 2004. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
dazzling dawn for soprano and ensemble (2005). Premiere Hannover 2005; 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Den Müllfahrern von San Francisco An acronym containing acoustical reminiscences of a journey for ensemble (1989–90). Premiere Witten 1990; Duration 13´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Version for seven players by Michael Oesterle. Premiere Oslo 1996. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Den Toten von Sabra und Chatila for mezzo-soprano or alto (or baritone or bass), flute, oboe, clarinet, and piano (1982). Text: Poems written by the Palestinian poet Tawfiq Ziad (1982). Premiere Salzburg 1982. Published by http://www.earport.de
New version for flute, oboe, clarinet, trombone, and piano (1988); Duration 10´.
Published by http://www.earport.de
]DESIRES[ for soprano and percussion quartet (2004). Premiere Hombroich/Neuss 2004; Duration about 13´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Die bange Nacht Illegal song from the fascist time for voice and piano (1983)
Premiere Essen 1983; Duration 4´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Die Nacht sitzt am Tisch for B-flat clarinet and bass clarinet with balls of glass, buckets and voice, smells, and synthesizer or cassette recorder (1992). Text: Oswaldo de Camargo. Premiere Wiesbaden 1993; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Die Reise for clarinet, trumpet, trombone, cello, piano, drums and tape (2001–2002). Premiere Amsterdam 2002; Duration 22´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Die Spieldose Comics for Kalle and Martin. Performance with a small horizontal bar, asymmetrical bars, percussion, music box, tape, video, and light (1984–85). Text: Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826–1889). Premiere Essen 1985; Duration 50´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Drei Lieder zu Gedichten von Gert Udo Jerns for voice (with small drum) and piano (1979–82)
1. Sicherheit!
2. ... und die Ideen sind bereits wieder in den Köpfen ...
3. Worte könnten Perlen sein.
Premiere Essen 1983; Duration 6´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Dreizehn for 11, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53 ... players (1997). Premiere Mußbach (Neustadt/Pfalz) 1997; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
drüber... for eight active shouters, cello, synthesizer, and tape (1972–73). Premiere Essen 1973; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.earport.de
dry leaves for accordion solo (2002). Premiere Salzburg 2003; Duration about 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Dynamik - Eigendynamik Bagatelle for tenor, flute, cello, and organ (1990–91). Premiere Duisburg 1991; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
EarPlugs I & II Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
eilig.dressiert for three identical instruments or instruments in identical register (2000). Published by http://www.earport.de
el camino - una fiesta - el camino? for accordion solo and ensemble or orchestra (2007). Premiere Graz 2007. Published by http://www.earport.de
elements acute (plus) for choir, chamber orchestra and electronic sounds (2004/2006). Premiere Duisburg 2006; Duration about 14´. Published by http://www.earport.de
elements (edged) - Fragment for CD/tape (1999). Premiere Duisburg 1999; Duration 8´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Endstation ZASPA Music for a dance theatre directed by Avi Kaiser for Tape (2001–2002). Premiere Gdańsk (Poland) 2002. Published by http://www.earport.de
energy·light·dream for soprano, large orchestra, orchestra in distance with baritone and tape based on a text by Heiner Müller (2000). Premiere Vockerode 2000; Duration 30´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Essentiellement. musikTanz - tanzMusik Improvisation-Project with Christine Brunel, Avi Kaiser and Kunsu Shim (2001). Premiere Essen 2001; Duration 60´. Published by http://www.earport.de
estratto for solo bassoon with harmonica ad lib. (1998). Premiere Weingarten 1998; Duration 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Exit. Performance for 5-9 actors created by Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim for the installation Notstand by Magdalena Jetelová (2006). Premiere Duisburg 2006; Duration about 14´. Published by http://www.earport.de
fallen, fallen ... und liegen und fallen Songs for poems written by Paul Celan for soprano (or mezzo-soprano or alto), accordion, tuba, and tape (1988–89). Premiere Dresden 1989; Duration 35´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Fallzeit for one or two percussionists (1997). Premiere Schreyahn 1997; Duration 6´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Fantasia g-moll (J. S. Bach) Transcription for three-manual organ (1980). Premiere Essen 1980; Duration 15´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Fantasia - ut, ré, mi, fa, sol, la (John Bull, composed c. 1610). Transcription for organ and male voice (1980). Premiere Essen 1980; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
FootPrints I & II Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
...for Kavafis... Elegy for six solo singers or mixed choir of six voices, accompanied by a bass drum (hanging) (2000). Elegy based on the vita of the Greek poet Konstantinos Kavafis. Premiere Mülheim, Ruhr 2001; Duration indeterminate (not less than 18´) Published by http://www.earport.de
Für später: jetzt Children's song for mezzo-soprano (or baritone) and piano (1982)
Text: Poem 'Gehschule für meinen Sohn' written by Josef Reding.. Premiere Essen 1983; Duration 2´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for mixed choir a capella (1986).
Verlag Ars Musica, Wilhelmshaven.
... fürs Vaterland:... Three songs, poems from the Shih-ching, and by Erich Mühsam and Bertolt Brecht. For instrumental ensemble, voice and speaking chorus (1981–82)
Premiere London 1982; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.earport.de
frictions (unlimited) - Fragment for CD/tape (1999). Premiere Duisburg 1999; Duration 3´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Fund.Stücke – Ein Vabanque Spiel. Performance (2008). Premiere Schwaz 2008
futuressence 1 for trombone, percussion and accordion (1998). Premiere Düsseldorf 1998; Duration 27´. Published by http://www.earport.de
futuressencexxx Music Theatre in collaboration wirh the composer Kunsu Shim (2000)
Premiere San Francisco 2000. Published by http://www.earport.de
Gehörsmassage for active audience (1973). Premiere Essen 1973; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
geRÜCHt Aroma performance (1998). Premiere Chicago 1998; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
Gift.Gelb for electrified accordion and E-Bass (2002). Premiere Utrecht 2002; Vers. 1 = 19´ - Vers. 2 = 14´. Published by http://www.earport.de
golder than gold for ensemble with indeterminate instruments (2007). Published by http://www.earport.de
greifbar nah for organ and tape (1985). Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
HAI! for solo tuba with nearby instruments (1991). Premiere Dortmund 1991; Duration 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
HandStreiche Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
HarbourMarks for sirens, horns, brass ensemble(s), and percussion groups (1998)
Premiere Duisburg 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
Hart auf hart Music for improvising, calculative ensemble(s) (1986). Graphic score.
Premiere Essen 1986; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
Heiß for organ (1988). Published by http://www.earport.de
Hitlerchoräle IV - VI (from Bertolt Brecht) for choir and electronic organ (ad lib.) (1980)
- "Sieh, wie er dir schon schwanket ..."
- "Ein große Hilf was uns sein Maul ..."
- "Ein strenger Herr ist unser Herr ..."
Premiere Essen 1983; Duration 15´. Published by http://www.earport.de
hyacinth - liquids. scents for a percussionist (1997). Premiere Berlin 1997; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
if not, winter for renaissance recorder and 13 strings koto (2006/07). Published by http://www.earport.de
... im Spalier ... musical thoughts on fantasies by John Bull (1563–1628) and Don Carlo Gesualdo (c. 1560-1613) for brass quintet (1990). Premiere Detmold 1990; Duration 9´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
...ins Offene... Five songs for soprano, mezzosoprano, countertenor, tenor, baritone and bass (2008). Premiere Darmstadt 2008
Internet 1.1 for piano (1996). Premiere London 1996; 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 1.2 for accordion (1996–97). Premiere New York 1997; Duration 4´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 1.5 for piano (1996). Premiere Essen 1996; Duration 9´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 1.9 for piano (1996). Premiere Wiesbaden 1996; Duration 13´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 3.1 (Fragment) for mezzo-soprano (alto), clarinet and percussion (1995–97). Premiere Strasbourg 1998; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 3.2 for mezzo-soprano (alto), piano and percussion (1 player) (1995–96)
Premiere Oslo 1996; Duration 35´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Internet 4 (Adriatico) for piano(s) and percussion (1996–97). Premiere München 1998; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Internet 4 (New York/Francesco Clemente) for 4 pianos (1997). Premiere Munich 1998; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
INTERNETx.../SCRAP for ensemble with optional instruments (2002/2003)
Premiere Rome 2003; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
INTERNETx2/SCRAP Duo for soprano and accordion/piano (2002/2003). Premiere Rome 2003; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
INTERNETx3/SCRAP Trio for bass-flute, violoncello and piano (2002/2005). Published by http://www.earport.de
INTERNETx4/SCRAP for four strings (2006). Premiere Düsseldorf 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
INTERNETx5/SCRAP for different instruments and in combination of other pieces (2002). Premiere Leipzig 2002; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
ITHAKA for Koto (and voice) (2003). Premiere Düsseldorf 2003. Published by http://www.earport.de
JC/NY for 3, 4, 5, or 7 performers with manipulators and audience (5. September 1992)
Premiere Lissabon 1992; Indeterminate duration. Published by http://www.earport.de
Journal 9'1119 Music for flutes, percussion, tape, and scents (1996)
Premiere Saarbrücken 2002; 25´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Kalt·Erhitzt-Abgesang auf 113 Flügel Performance (1999/2000). Premiere Velbert Langenberg 2000. Published by http://www.earport.de
KARAS. KRÄHEN (1994–95). Version for tape. Premiere Essen 1995; 25´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for one vocalist, sho (accordion), double bass, percussion, and tape
Premiere Tokyo 1995. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for accordion and tape. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for choir and tape. Published by http://www.earport.de
katalekt for solo cello with special bow ad lib. (1998)
Premiere Weingarten 1998; Duration 25´. Published by http://www.earport.de
KopfFüßler for two performers with an electrified accordion (2002)
Premiere Karlsruhe 2002. Published by http://www.earport.de
kollaps Performance on texts by Raoul Hausmann, Isang and Hirato Renkichi (2005)
Premiere Essen 2005; Duration about 8´. Published by http://www.earport.de
kopflos Kassandra-study for flute, B-flat clarinet, violin, cello, piano, and percussion (1993). Premiere Schreyahn November 1993; Duration 22´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Krusten/Crusts for solo cello (1998). Premiere London 1998; Duration 5´. Published by http://www.earport.de
KYBELE Kassandra-study for 3 percussionists and percussion ensemble ad lib. (1993)
Premiere Köln 1995; 7´, 11´, 13´, 17´, 19´, 23´. Published by http://www.earport.de
...leaving the gold... for voice, piano and five CD player (2004)
Premiere Duisburg 2004; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Letzte Dinge Concert action based on a libretto by Hermann Schneider and Alexander Wagner inspired by Paul Auster´s novel "In the country of last things". For three voices, percussion and tape (2007). Published by http://www.earport.de
]LIFE[ for sho, hichiriki and glass-chimes (2004) Premiere Tokio 2004; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
LuftMarsch for two air-activated keyboards (2001). Premiere Mülheim, Ruhr 2001; Duration 11´. Published by http://www.earport.de
LUFTSPIEGELUNGEN – Ein Spiel für Sieben for trumpet, trombone, two percussions, piano, e-guitar and cello (2008). Premiere Schwaz 2008
Luna Electroacoustic music for an exhibition (1998). Premiere Sheffield 1998; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
m·sks·m U-Turn for three wind players, drums and piano (2001). Premiere Chiasso 2002. Published by http://www.earport.de
Madame la Peste Musictheatre in four scenes for singers, dancer, choir and orchestra (Libretto: Matthias Kaiser following Bruno Jasienski, Edgar Allan Poe and Claude Debussy) (2001). Premiere Duisburg 2002; Duration about 2h. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
MetalSeasons for solo violin, trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba, 4 percussionists, and flying objects (ad lib.) (1998–99)
MetalSeasons can be combined with the performance of [APPARAT]. Premiere Duisburg 1999; Duration 30´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Mit wachen Sinnen for choir and mouth drums (1987). Text: Angela Jackson. Premiere Chicago 1985; Duration 5´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Moon'scape for flute and guitar (1996). Premiere New York 1997; Duration 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
MO-PED for organ and motorcycle (1970–71). Premiere Essen 1973; Duration 45´. Published by http://www.earport.de
MundStücke Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
NACHMITTAGSSONNE Chamber opera for baritone, violin, viola, cello and tape based on writings by Konstantinos Kavafis (2005). Published by http://www.earport.de
NACHTSTÜCK I for flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, viola, cello, and tape (ad. lib.) (2005). Premiere Saarbrücken 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for string quartet and tape (2006). Premiere Düsseldorf 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
NACHTSTÜCK II for oboe, clarinet, bassoon, double-bass and chimes (2005). Premiere Freiburg 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for piano and string quartet (2006). Premiere Düsseldorf 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
NACHTSTÜCK III for voice, piano and tape (2006) Premiere Düsseldorf 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
NACHTSTÜCK IV for piano and string quartet (2006). Premiere Duisburg 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
NasenTraum Performances for lovers of music (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
news 1 Projected performance with or without performers (1995). Premiere Sheffield 1995. Published by http://www.earport.de
news 2 Performance for 11 vocalists and projections (ad lib.) (1995–96). Duration 44´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Nicht Traum. Traum Performance - essay for one performer (1994). Premiere Darmstadt 1994; Duration 60´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Notebook for viola und orchestra or ensemble (1996–2000). Premiere Duisburg 2002; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
ohne Netz und doppelten Boden for ensemble (1999). Premiere Dresden 1999; Duration 12´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Oktober for flute, violin and (5-stringed) double bass (1989). Premiere Berlin 1990; Duration 8´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
O Muro for soprano, percussion, metal, wood, glass, and ice (with four-track tape) (1992). Premiere Essen 1993; Duration 35´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
open sky (1) for chamber orchestra (1999). Premiere Werneck 1999; Duration 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Palast des Schweigens. Kassandra-study for sho (1992–93). Premiere Tokyo 1994; Duration 33´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
PAPIER · WORT · TOD · SPUR for vocal ensemble (2007). A vertical music and a hommage to Roberto Juarroz (1925–1995). Premiere Kassel 2007. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
pièces chaudes for 4-hand piano (2005). Premiere Essen 2005; Duration about 13´. Published by http://www.earport.de. Version for 2-hand piano (2005). Published by http://www.earport.de
Plateau for ensemble (clarinet, bass clarinet, soprano saxophone, baritone saxophone, French horn, tuba, accordion with music from a cassette recorder or a CD player, mandolin and string quartet) (2002). Published by http://www.ricordi.de
playmanic for one or two player piano(s) or a grand piano with a player piano (1998–99)
Premiere Cologne 2000; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Poetic Arcs for ensemble (1996). Premiere Apeldoorn 1997; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.earport.de
purple rugs for sho (accordion), clarinet, saxophone, violin, viola, cello, and marimba (2005). Premiere Luxembourg 2005; Duration about 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Version for sho (accordion), clarinet, violin, viola, cello and marimba (2005); Duration about 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Rachengold Secret score for a vocalist, a glass of water and a large stopwatch (ad lib.) (1992). Premiere Chicago 1993; Indeterminate duration.
Radierung for solo oboe (1995). Premiere Belfast 1996; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
...remember... Music for a dance theatre (2006) (Co-composition with Kunsu Shim)
Premiere Duisburg 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
Roots for voices, flute, violin, cello and piano (2006). Premiere Weimar 2006. (Co-Composition with Péter Köszeghy)
Rosenkranz Secret score for a vocalist (1995). Premiere Essen 1996; Duration indeterminate
]ROSES[ for soprano and percussion quartet (2004). Premiere Raketenstation / Neuss 2004; Duration about 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
RUCHlos Aroma performance (1998). Premiere Chicago 1998; Duration indeterminate. EarPort
Ruck- VERSCHie/oBEN Zuck- Orchestral pieces (one wedged into the other) with obbligato accordion (1986–88). Premiere Essen 1989; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Sappho-Trilogie I-III for soprano, choir, splitted orchestra and electronics (2006–2008). Each Part of the trilogy can also be performed separated. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Schatten wilder Schmerzen Music for Orchestra (1984–85). Version with soloists premiere Essen 1985; Duration 22´. Published by http://www.earport.de
... schloß die Augen, vor Glück ... Kassandra-study for solo guitar (1993). Premiere Essen 1994; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Schmerzprobe Kassandra-study for solo viola (1993). Premiere Brighton 1993; Duration 18 - 20´. Published by http://www.earport.de
schwerkraft(los) for 3 percussions, accordion and clarinet (2006) (Co-Composition with Kunsu Shim); Duration about 15´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Secrets Succession of songs based on poems written by Wolf Wondratschek for alto (mezzo-soprano), baritone and piano (1998). Premiere Ludwigslust 1998; Duration 12´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Seven Three Music for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1996). Premiere Munich 1996; Duration 16-35´. Published by http://www.earport.de
spatial ayres for soprano, ensemble and tape on a text written by Heiner Müller (2000). Premiere Vockerode 2000; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Simultaneous performance with Strafkolonie possible.
Spectre for sho solo (2004–05). Premiere Duisburg 2005; Duration 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Speed for one (or even more) groups of 3 vocalists (1997). Premiere Wuppertal 1997; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
Spices (1) for dance, ensemble, tape, and scents (2001). Premiere Mönchengladbach 2001; Duration 19´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Spices (2) for violin, cello and percussion (2001). Premiere Oslo 2001; Duration 15´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Spices (3) for three drums and tape (2001)
Premiere Düsseldorf 2001; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Spices (4) for accordion, tape and spices (2001)
Premiere Tokyo 2002; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.earport.de
SPICES (1PLUS) for dance, chamber orchestra, tape, smells and vocal interventions (2001–04). Premiere Olympia / Washington 2004. Published by http://www.earport.de
SPICES (1ULTRA) for choir, accordion, piano, percussion, string orchestra, electronic sounds, smells and theatrical actions (2004). Premiere Herrenberg 2005. Published by http://www.earport.de
SpringLight for tape (1998). Premiere Saarbrücken 1998; Duration 13´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Spuren Music for saxophone quartet (1995). Premiere Évreux 1996; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
STEPS for one step-dancing pianist (2003). Published by http://www.earport.de
Strafkolonie for baritone and percussion based on a Kafka transcription by Heiner Müller (2000). Premiere Vockerode 2000; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de Simultaneous performance with spatial ayres possible.
...strike the ear... for sringquartet (1987–88). Premiere Düsseldorf 1988; Duration 13´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
suchen nach ... Experiments with historical material (1976–80) - "Ihr habt es gelitten und duldet es noch!" for piano 4 hands (1978). Premiere Düsseldorf 1978; Duration 5´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Sünde.Fall.Beil. Royal opera in five acts based on "Catherine Howard", written by Alexandre Dumas père (1990–91). Libretto: Andreas F. J. Lechner. Suzette/Hofdame (soprano), King Henry (baritone), Lord of Edelholz (tenor), De Miette/Mr. Lederer/first minister/first courtier (baritone), doctor/second minister/second courtier/ executioner (tenor), Anna/princess Margarete/Mrs. Klubatschek (alto), Mr. Domini/third courtier/crocodile (baritone), cardinal/judge/fourth courtier (baritone), bodyguard (baritone), royal dwarf (speaker); orchestra, tape.. Premiere München 1992 (Munich Biennale
Munich Biennale
The Munich Biennale is an opera festival in the city of Munich. The full German name is Internationales Festival für neues Musiktheater, literally: International Festival for New Music Theater. The biennial festival was created in 1988 by Hans Werner Henze and is held in even-numbered years over...
); Duration about 2 h. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Supreme Particles "R111" Sound material for an interactive environment in four rooms and website for the project "connected cities" in the Lindenbrauerei Hamm. Collaboration with Michael Saup, Gideon May, Anne Niemetz, Steffen Ruyl Cramer, Bodo Lensch, and Gerhard Stäbler (1999). Premiere Unna 1999. Published by http://www.earport.de
Tap for organ pedal (1998). Duration indeterminate. Premiere Kassel 2007. Published by http://www.earport.de
Time for Tomorrow Music for 25 futuristic theatre pieces for trombone, percussion and 8-track tape (1998). Premiere Munich 1999; Duration 80´. Published by http://www.earport.de
TIME.OUT Instrumental theater for two female vocalists, clarinet, trombone, cello, accordion, tape and video referring to Agnes Martin´s "Parable of the Equal Hearts" (2003). Premiere Dresden 2003. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
TIMESCAPE for drum-solo and orchestra (2001). Premiere Essen 2002; Duration 15´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Tinguely for four percussionists, accordion, live-electronics and audience (2006) (Co-Composition with Kunsu Shim); Duration about 20´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Total for piano solo (1986). Premiere Dortmund 1988; Duration 4´30´´ or 7´. Published by http://www.earport.de
TRAMA/GEWEBE for mixed choir (1997). Premiere Bottrop 1999; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.earport.de
TRAUM 1/9/92 for saxophone, cello, piano, and ensemble (1992). Premiere Duisburg 1993; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Saxophone-, cello- and piano parts are to be performed solo as well as in a trio- or duo combination. Even the ensemble part could be performed without soli.
triumPF Kassandra-study for brass ensemble (1993–94). Premiere Akiyoshidai 1994; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
TSUKI. SUBARU for sho solo and orchestra (2005/06). Premiere Duisburg 2007. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
twilights - protocols for tape Poems by Ernesto Cardenal and texts out of "NEWSWEEK" between August 1 and 8, 1983. Produced at the Computer Center of Stanford University/California, latest mix in the electronic studio at the Folkwang Hochschule Essen (1983). Premiere Mülheim/Ruhr 1984; Duration 24´. Can be combined with the performance of windows. Published by http://www.earport.de
Übungen der Annäherung Trio for clarinet(s) or saxophone(s), percussion and piano (2007)
Uferlinen - Shorelines Music for puppet theatre written by Felix Mirbt for percussion and tape (2000). Premiere Oberhausen 2000; Duration 80´. Published by http://www.earport.de
¿una línea? Music for 3-5 voices with percussion- and key instruments (ad lib.)
or 3-5 voices, percussion and piano (Harmonium or accordion) (2007–2008)
Ungaretti-Lieder for mezzo-soprano or alto (or baritone) and percussion (1990)
Premiere Wiesbaden 1990; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Unstern! Sinistre (Franz Liszt) Transcription for ensemble (1996). Premiere Apeldoorn 1997. Published by http://www.earport.de
]upon dry land[ for percussion and piano (2005). Premiere Rheinsberg 2007. Published by http://www.earport.de
...und in diesem Blau eine Ahnung von Grün... for soprano, soprano-saxophone, trombone and big orchestra (2005/06). Premiere Saarbrücken 2006; Duration 20-25´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
...unter Glas vergessen... for sho and violin (2004–05). Premiere Rethymnon 2005; Duration about 9´. Published by http://www.earport.de
...vanishing into silence... for cello solo and ensemble (flute, clarinet (B), horn, trumpet (C), trombone and double-bass (2002–03). Published by http://www.ricordi.de
verRUCHt Aroma performance (1998). Premiere Chicago 1998; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
[VOIX(TIME)] Multimedia project in collaboration with the composers Suyeon Hong, Vadim Karasikov, Ernst-August Klötzke, Jeffrey Kowalkowski, Michael Maierhof, Michael Oesterle, Kunsu Shim, Amnon Wolman, and the video-artists Heiko Daxl, Harmut Jahn, Veit-Lup (1996–98). Premiere Darmstadt 1998. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Vom Grund bis zum Scheitel. Dal fondo alla cima for solo double bass (1991–92)
Premiere Mexiko City 1993; Duration 18´. Published by http://www.earport.de
vom Wasser comment to a Leonardo da Vinci text for soprano and CD/tape (1999)
Premiere Duisburg 1999; Duration 10´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Von Branntwein und Finsternissen Piano ballad for times characterized by forces of nature (should be performed with stretched head and harmonica) (1992)
Premiere London Almeida Theatre 1992; Duration 2´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Warnung mit Liebeslied for harp, accordion and glass percussion (1986)
Premiere Essen 1986; 12´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Wasser. Zeichen for soprano solo, orchestra, aleatoric ensemble, voices and electronic sounds (2006/07). Premiere Duisburg 2006. Published by http://www.earport.de
Wenn der Fluß zum Meer wird Music for a dance theatre (2005). Premiere Krefeld 2005. Published by http://www.earport.de
white spaces for voice and stringquartet (2002). Premiere Leipzig 2004; Duration about 33´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Windows - Elegies for chamber ensemble: clarinet, trombone, trumpet, bassoon, percussion, accordion, piano, violin, and double bass (1983). Premiere Mülheim/Ruhr 1984; Duration 16´. Different versions exist: one for solo flute and tom-toms (ad lib.) (Premiere Berlin 1985), for guitar (Premiere Düsseldorf 1985), for piano (Premiere Köln 1985), and for organ (Premiere Chicago 1985). Windows can be combined with the performance of twilights. Published by http://www.earport.de
Winkelzüge Music for flute quartet, various instruments ad. lib. (1995)
Premiere Amsterdam 1996; 16´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Winter, Blumen for voice solo or violin solo (with scordatura), solo viola (with scordatura), solo cello, solo trombone, tuba solo, bass-clarinet solo or double bass solo with accessoires (1995). Version for violin solo premiere Essen 1996; Duration 20´.
Version for cello solo premiere Weimar 1998; Duration 20´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Wirbelsäulenflöte An isometric poem based on the text "spine flute" by Vladimir Mayakovsky for piano, bass clarinet, voices, one player-director, and three objects by Thomas Rother, a sculptor from Essen (objects can be replaced by percussion) (1984)
Premiere Essen 1984; Duration 14´. Published by http://www.earport.de
]with what eyes?[ Sappho-fragments for violin, horn and organ (2004). Published by http://www.earport.de
WOLKEN.BILDER. Music for orchestrion 109, constructed by Waldkirch/Baden (1997).
Premiere Magdeburg 1997; Duration 6´30´´. Published by http://www.earport.de
X for catches (1994). Conception for numerous performers, solo performance and performance accompanying other music possible. Premiere Belo Horizonte (Brazil) 1995; Duration indeterminate. Published by http://www.earport.de
XEN(I)ON for five bass clarinets and some foreign elements (1994). Duration 8´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Xmess for voices, instruments, kitsch and action (2002). Premiere Düsseldorf 2002. Published by http://www.earport.de
XXL-Great! for mixed choir (2001). Premiere Düsseldorf 2002; Duration 19´. Published by http://www.earport.de
Zeichnung for recorders (1995). Premiere Akiyoshidai 1996; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de
Zeitsprünge for accordion and percussion (1990). Premiere 1990 Digne-les-Bains; Duration 16´. Published by http://www.ricordi.de