Flow-based programming
In computer science
, flow-based programming (FBP) is a programming paradigm
that defines applications
as networks of "black box" processes, which exchange data across predefined connections by message passing
, where the connections are specified externally to the processes. These black box processes can be reconnected endlessly to form different applications without having to be changed internally. FBP is thus naturally component-oriented.
FBP is a particular form of dataflow programming based on bounded buffers, information packets with defined lifetimes, named ports, and separate definition of connections.
The processes communicate by means of fixed-capacity connections. A connection is attached to a process by means of a port
, which has a name agreed upon between the process code and the network definition. More than one process can execute the same piece of code. At any point in time, a given IP can only be "owned" by a single process, or be in transit between two processes. Port
s may either be simple, or array-type, as used e.g. for the input port of the Collate component described below. It is the combination of ports with asynchronous processes that allows many long-running primitive functions of data processing, such as Sort, Merge, Summarize, etc., to be supported in the form of software black box
Because FBP processes can continue executing as long they have data to work on and somewhere to put their output, FBP applications generally run in less elapsed time than conventional programs, and make optimal use of all the processors on a machine, with no special programming required to achieve this.
The network definition is usually diagrammatic, and is converted into a connection list in some lower-level language or notation. FBP is thus a visual programming language
at this level. More complex network definitions have a hierarchical structure, being built up from subnets with "sticky" connections.
FBP has much in common with the Linda
language in that it is, in Gelernter
and Carriero's terminology, a "coordination language": it is essentially language-independent. Indeed, given a scheduler written in a sufficiently low-level language, components written in different languages can be linked together in a single network. FBP thus lends itself to the concept of domain-specific languages or "mini-languages".
FBP exhibits "data coupling", described in the article on coupling
as the loosest type of coupling between components. The concept of loose coupling
is in turn related to that of Service-oriented architecture
s, and FBP fits a number of the criteria for such an architecture, albeit at a more fine-grained level than most examples of this architecture.
FBP promotes high-level, functional style of specifications that simplify reasoning about system behavior. An example of this is the distributed data flow
model for constructively specifying and analyzing the semantics of distributed multi-party protocols.
in the early 1970s, and an early implementation of this technology has been in continuous production use at a major Canadian bank since that time.
FBP at its inception was strongly influenced by some IBM simulation languages of the period, in particular GPSS
, but its roots go all the way back to Conway
's seminal paper on what he called coroutines.
FBP has undergone a number of name changes over the years: the original implementation was called AMPS (Advanced Modular Processing System), which (as of 2008) has been in continuous production use since the early 1970s at a major Canadian bank. A number of the basic concepts were put into the public domain by IBM, by means of a Technical Disclosure Bulletin in 1971, using a very general title. An article describing its concepts and experience using it was published in 1978 in the IBM Research
IBM Systems Journal under the name DSLM. A second implementation was done as a joint project of IBM Canada and IBM Japan, under the name "Data Flow Development Manager" (DFDM), and was briefly marketed in Japan in the late '80s under the name "Data Flow Programming Manager".
Generally the concepts were referred to within IBM as "Data Flow", but this term was felt to be too general, and eventually the name Flow-Based Programming was adopted, and a book with that title was published in 1994. The 2nd edition is now available, published by CreateSpace, a DBA
of On-Demand Publishing LLC, part of the Amazon.com
group of companies.
The late IBM architect, Wayne Stevens
, wrote several articles describing and supporting the FBP concept, and included material about it in several of his books.
As of 2009 several companies were marketing tools based on FBP concepts, among them: Trelliswerk LLC, Proto Software, Inc., InforSense, Accelrys, and open-source Kettle and Knime. IBM also sells a tool for general data transformation called DataStage
which combines FBP with parallel processing.
A, B and C are processes executing code components. O1, O2, and the two INs are ports connecting the connections M and N to their respective processes. It is permitted for processes B and C to be executing the same code, so each process must have its own set of working storage, control blocks, etc. Whether or not they do share code, B and C are free to use the same port names, as port names only have meaning within the components referencing them (and at the network level, of course).
M and N are what are often referred to as "bounded buffer
s", and have a fixed capacity in terms of the number of IPs that they can hold at any point in time.
The concept of ports is what allows the same component to be used at more than one place in the network. In combination with a parametrization capability, called Initial Information Packets (IIPs), ports provide FBP with a component reuse capability, making FBP a component-based
architecture. FBP thus exhibits what Nate Edwards
of IBM Research
has termed configurable modularity
Information Packets or IPs are allocated in what might be called "IP space" (just as Linda's tuples are allocated in "tuple space"), and have a well-defined lifetime until they are disposed of and their space is reclaimed - in FBP this must be an explicit action on the part of an owning process. IPs traveling across a given connection (actually it is their "handles" that travel) constitute a "stream", which is generated and consumed asynchronously - this concept thus has similarities to the lazy cons
concept described in the 1976 article by Friedman and Wise.
IPs are usually structured chunks of data - some IPs, however, may not contain any real data, but are used simply as signals. An example of this is "bracket IPs", which can be used to group data IPs into sequential patterns within a stream, called "substreams". Substreams may in turn be nested. IPs may also be chained together to form "IP trees", which travel through the network as single objects.
The system of connections and processes described above can be "ramified" to any size. During the development of an application, monitoring processes may be added between pairs of processes, processes may be "exploded" to subnets, or simulations of processes may be replaced by the real process logic. FBP therefore lends itself to rapid prototyping
This is really an assembly line
image of data processing: the IPs travelling through a network of processes may be thought of as widgets travelling from station to station in an assembly line. "Machines" may easily be reconnected, taken off line for repair, replaced, and so on. Oddly enough, this image is very similar to that of unit record equipment
that was used to process data before the days of computers, except that decks of cards had to be hand-carried from one machine to another.
Implementations of FBP may be non-preemptive or preemptive - the earlier implementations tended to be non-preemptive (mainframe and C language), whereas the latest Java implementation (see below) uses Java Thread class and is preemptive.
retired from IBM, these concepts were implemented first in C++
, using green threads
(this version is currently undergoing conversion to fiber
s), then in Java
, starting from a base developed by John Cowan - this implementation is available as Open Source on SourceForge
. A C# implementation is also available at the same site. Both of these implementations use threads, so they make optimum use of all the processors on the machine running the application.
A diagramming tool, called "DrawFBP", is also available at that site - it can also be run via JWS
- see the Flow-Based Programming web site.
, is to write a program which accepts lines of text and generates output lines of a different length, without splitting any of the words in the text (we assume no word is longer than the size of the output lines).
In conventional logic, the programmer rapidly discovers that neither the input nor the output structures can be used to drive the call hierarchy of control flow
. In FBP, on the other hand, the problem description itself suggests a solution:
Here is the most natural solution in FBP (there is no single "correct" solution in FBP, but this seems like a natural fit):
As mentioned above, Initial Information Packets (IIPs) can be used to specify parametric information such as the desired output record length (required by the rightmost two components), or file names. IIPs are data chunks associated with a port in the network definition which become "normal" IPs when a "receive" is issued for the relevant port.
In FBP, a reusable component (Collate), based on the unit record
idea of a Collator, makes writing this type of application much easier as Collate merges the two streams and inserts bracket IPs to indicate grouping levels, significantly simplifying the downstream logic. Suppose that one stream ("masters" in this case) consists of IPs with key values of 1, 2 and 3, and the second stream IPs ("details") have key values of 11, 12, 21, 31, 32, 33 and 41, where the first digit corresponds to the master key values. Using bracket characters to represent "bracket" IPs, the collated output stream will be as follows:
( m1 d11 d12 ) ( m2 d21 ) ( m3 d31 d32 d33 ) (d41)
As there was no master with a value of 4, the last group consists of a single detail (plus brackets).
The structure of the above stream can be described succinctly using a BNF
-like notation such as
{ ( [m] d* ) }*
Collate is a reusable black box which only needs to know where the control fields are in its incoming IPs (even this is not strictly necessary as transformer processes can be inserted upstream to place the control fields in standard locations), and can in fact be generalized to any number of input streams, and any depth of bracket nesting. Collate uses an array-type port for input, allowing a variable number of input streams.
In this general schematic, requests (transactions) coming from users enter the diagram at the upper left, and responses are returned at the lower left. The "back ends" (on the right side) communicate with systems at other sites, e.g. using CORBA
, MQSeries, etc. The cross-connections represent requests that do not need to go to the back ends, or requests that have to cycle through the network more than once before being returned to the user.
As different requests may use different back-ends, and may require differing amounts of time for the back-ends (if used) to process them, provision must be made to relate returned data to the appropriate requesting transactions, e.g. hash tables or caches.
The above diagram is schematic in the sense that the final application may contain many more processes: processes may be inserted between other processes to manage caches, display connection traffic, monitor throughput, etc. Also the blocks in the diagram may represent "subnets" - small networks with one or more open connections.
FBP and JSP share the concept of treating a program (or some components) as a parser of an input stream. The FBP book contains a discussion of how the concept of push-down automata may be used to design components (Chapter 23). It describes how a stack
of controlling IPs may be used to control nested substreams in an FBP data stream.
An FBP component can be regarded as a function transforming its input stream(s) into its output stream(s). These functions are then combined to make more complex transformations, as shown here:
If we label streams, as shown, with lower case letters, then the above diagram can be represented succinctly as follows:
c = G(F(a),F(b));
Just as in functional notation F can be used twice because it only works with values, and therefore has no side effects, in FBP two instances of a given component may be running concurrently with each other, and therefore FBP components must not have side-effects either. Functional notation could clearly be used to represent at least a part of an FBP network.
The question then arises whether FBP components can themselves be expressed using functional notation. W.H. Burge showed how stream expressions can be developed using a recursive, applicative style of programming, but this work was in terms of (streams of) atomic values. In FBP, it is necessary to be able to describe and process structured data chunks (FBP IPs). In the FBP book, a notation is added for accessing the fields of an IP, and an operator, called the "mini-constructor" (μ), based on a similar function in the Vienna Definition Language, for creating an IP from a set of (perhaps modified) field values and identifiers.
Furthermore, most applicative systems assume that all the data is available in memory at the same time, whereas FBP applications need to be able to process long-running streams of data while still using finite resources. Friedman and Wise suggested a way to do this by adding the concept of "lazy cons"
to Burge's work. This removed the requirement that both of the arguments of "cons" be available at the same instant of time. "Lazy cons" does not actually build a stream until both of its arguments are realized - before that it simply records a "promise" to do this. This allows a stream to be dynamically realized from the front, but with an unrealized back end. The end of the stream stays unrealized until the very end of the process, while the beginning is an ever-lengthening sequence of items.
In the FBP book (Chapter 24), these ideas are combined to allow the expression of some quite complex component logic using applicative notation.
s. The difference between the two techniques is illustrated by the Linda "school of piranhas" load balancing technique - in FBP, this requires an extra "load balancer" component which routes requests to the component in a list which has the smallest number of IPs waiting to be processed. Clearly FBP and Linda are closely related, and one could easily be used to simulate the other.
can be described as a semi-autonomous unit comprising both information and behaviour. Objects communicate by means of "method calls", which are essentially subroutine calls, done indirectly via the class to which the receiving object belongs. The object's internal data can only be accessed by means of method calls, so this is a form of information hiding
or "encapsulation". Encapsulation, however, predates OOP - David Parnas
wrote one of the seminal articles on it in the early 70s - and is a basic concept in computing. Encapsulation is the very essence of an FBP component, which may be thought of as a black box
, performing some conversion of its input data into its output data. In FBP, part of the specification of a component is the data formats and stream structures that it can accept, and those it will generate. This constitutes a form of design by contract
. In addition, the data in an IP can only be accessed directly by the currently owning process. Encapsulation can also be implemented at the network level, by having outer processes protect inner ones.
A paper by C. Ellis and S. Gibbs distinguishes between active object
s and passive objects. Passive objects comprise information and behaviour, as stated above, but they cannot determine the timing of this behaviour. Active objects on the other hand can do this. In their article Ellis and Gibbs state that active objects have much more potential for the development of maintainable systems than do passive objects. An FBP application can be viewed as a combination of these two types of object, where FBP processes would correspond to active objects, while IPs would correspond to passive objects.
Chapter 25 of the FBP book goes into more detail on the relationship between FBP and OOP
Computer science
Computer science or computing science is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems...
, flow-based programming (FBP) is a programming paradigm
Programming paradigm
A programming paradigm is a fundamental style of computer programming. Paradigms differ in the concepts and abstractions used to represent the elements of a program and the steps that compose a computation A programming paradigm is a fundamental style of computer programming. (Compare with a...
that defines applications
Application software
Application software, also known as an application or an "app", is computer software designed to help the user to perform specific tasks. Examples include enterprise software, accounting software, office suites, graphics software and media players. Many application programs deal principally with...
as networks of "black box" processes, which exchange data across predefined connections by message passing
Message passing
Message passing in computer science is a form of communication used in parallel computing, object-oriented programming, and interprocess communication. In this model, processes or objects can send and receive messages to other processes...
, where the connections are specified externally to the processes. These black box processes can be reconnected endlessly to form different applications without having to be changed internally. FBP is thus naturally component-oriented.
FBP is a particular form of dataflow programming based on bounded buffers, information packets with defined lifetimes, named ports, and separate definition of connections.
The FBP development approach views an application not as a single, sequential, process, which starts at a point in time, and then does one thing at a time until it is finished, but as a network of asynchronous processes communicating by means of streams of structured data chunks, called "information packets" (IPs). In this view, the focus is on the application data and the transformations applied to it to produce the desired outputs. The network is defined externally to the processes, as a list of connections which is interpreted by a piece of software, usually called the "scheduler".The processes communicate by means of fixed-capacity connections. A connection is attached to a process by means of a port
Computer port (software)
In computer programming, port has a wide range of meanings.A software port is a virtual/logical data connection that can be used by programs to exchange data directly, instead of going through a file or other temporary storage location...
, which has a name agreed upon between the process code and the network definition. More than one process can execute the same piece of code. At any point in time, a given IP can only be "owned" by a single process, or be in transit between two processes. Port
Computer port (software)
In computer programming, port has a wide range of meanings.A software port is a virtual/logical data connection that can be used by programs to exchange data directly, instead of going through a file or other temporary storage location...
s may either be simple, or array-type, as used e.g. for the input port of the Collate component described below. It is the combination of ports with asynchronous processes that allows many long-running primitive functions of data processing, such as Sort, Merge, Summarize, etc., to be supported in the form of software black box
Black box
A black box is a device, object, or system whose inner workings are unknown; only the input, transfer, and output are known characteristics.The term black box can also refer to:-In science and technology:*Black box theory, a philosophical theory...
Because FBP processes can continue executing as long they have data to work on and somewhere to put their output, FBP applications generally run in less elapsed time than conventional programs, and make optimal use of all the processors on a machine, with no special programming required to achieve this.
The network definition is usually diagrammatic, and is converted into a connection list in some lower-level language or notation. FBP is thus a visual programming language
Visual programming language
In computing, a visual programming language is any programming language that lets users create programs by manipulating program elements graphically rather than by specifying them textually. A VPL allows programming with visual expressions, spatial arrangements of text and graphic symbols, used...
at this level. More complex network definitions have a hierarchical structure, being built up from subnets with "sticky" connections.
FBP has much in common with the Linda
Linda (coordination language)
In computer science, Linda is a model of coordination and communication among several parallel processes operating upon objects stored in and retrieved from shared, virtual, associative memory...
language in that it is, in Gelernter
David Gelernter
David Hillel Gelernter is a professor of computer science at Yale University. In the 1980s, he made seminal contributions to the field of parallel computation, specifically the tuple space coordination model, as embodied by the Linda programming system...
and Carriero's terminology, a "coordination language": it is essentially language-independent. Indeed, given a scheduler written in a sufficiently low-level language, components written in different languages can be linked together in a single network. FBP thus lends itself to the concept of domain-specific languages or "mini-languages".
FBP exhibits "data coupling", described in the article on coupling
Coupling (computer science)
In computer science, coupling or dependency is the degree to which each program module relies on each one of the other modules.Coupling is usually contrasted with cohesion. Low coupling often correlates with high cohesion, and vice versa...
as the loosest type of coupling between components. The concept of loose coupling
Loose coupling
In computing and systems design a loosely coupled system is one where each of its components has, or makes use of, little or no knowledge of the definitions of other separate components. The notion was introduced into organizational studies by Karl Weick...
is in turn related to that of Service-oriented architecture
Service-oriented architecture
In software engineering, a Service-Oriented Architecture is a set of principles and methodologies for designing and developing software in the form of interoperable services. These services are well-defined business functionalities that are built as software components that can be reused for...
s, and FBP fits a number of the criteria for such an architecture, albeit at a more fine-grained level than most examples of this architecture.
FBP promotes high-level, functional style of specifications that simplify reasoning about system behavior. An example of this is the distributed data flow
Distributed data flow
Distributed data flow refers to a set of events in a distributed application or protocol that satisfies the following informal properties:* Asynchronous, non-blocking, and one-way...
model for constructively specifying and analyzing the semantics of distributed multi-party protocols.
FBP was invented by J. Paul MorrisonJohn Paul Morrison
John Paul Morrison is a British-born Canadian computer programmer, and the inventor of flow-based programming . He is the author of the books Flow-Based Programming: A New Approach to Application Development and Flow-Based Programming, 2nd Edition: A New Approach to Application Development...
in the early 1970s, and an early implementation of this technology has been in continuous production use at a major Canadian bank since that time.
FBP at its inception was strongly influenced by some IBM simulation languages of the period, in particular GPSS
General Purpose Simulation System is a discrete time simulation language, where a simulation clock advances in discrete steps...
, but its roots go all the way back to Conway
Melvin Conway
Melvin Edward Conway was an early computer scientist, computer programmer, and hacker who coined what's now known as Conway's Law: "Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations."Apart from the above,...
's seminal paper on what he called coroutines.
FBP has undergone a number of name changes over the years: the original implementation was called AMPS (Advanced Modular Processing System), which (as of 2008) has been in continuous production use since the early 1970s at a major Canadian bank. A number of the basic concepts were put into the public domain by IBM, by means of a Technical Disclosure Bulletin in 1971, using a very general title. An article describing its concepts and experience using it was published in 1978 in the IBM Research
IBM Research
IBM Research, a division of IBM, is a research and advanced development organization and currently consists of eight locations throughout the world and hundreds of projects....
IBM Systems Journal under the name DSLM. A second implementation was done as a joint project of IBM Canada and IBM Japan, under the name "Data Flow Development Manager" (DFDM), and was briefly marketed in Japan in the late '80s under the name "Data Flow Programming Manager".
Generally the concepts were referred to within IBM as "Data Flow", but this term was felt to be too general, and eventually the name Flow-Based Programming was adopted, and a book with that title was published in 1994. The 2nd edition is now available, published by CreateSpace, a DBA
Doing business as
The phrase "doing business as" is a legal term used in the United States, meaning that the trade name, or fictitious business name, under which the business or operation is conducted and presented to the world is not the legal name of the legal person who actually own it and are responsible for it...
of On-Demand Publishing LLC, part of the Amazon.com
Amazon.com, Inc. is a multinational electronic commerce company headquartered in Seattle, Washington, United States. It is the world's largest online retailer. Amazon has separate websites for the following countries: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, and...
group of companies.
The late IBM architect, Wayne Stevens
Wayne Stevens
Wayne P. Stevens was an American software engineer, consultant, author, pioneer, and advocate of the practical application of software methods and tools.- Life & Work :...
, wrote several articles describing and supporting the FBP concept, and included material about it in several of his books.
As of 2009 several companies were marketing tools based on FBP concepts, among them: Trelliswerk LLC, Proto Software, Inc., InforSense, Accelrys, and open-source Kettle and Knime. IBM also sells a tool for general data transformation called DataStage
IBM InfoSphere DataStage is an ETL tool and part of the IBM Information Platforms Solutions suite and IBM InfoSphere. It uses a graphical notation to construct data integration solutions and is available in various versions such as the Server Edition and the Enterprise Edition.DataStage originated...
which combines FBP with parallel processing.
The following diagram shows the major entities of an FBP diagram (apart from the Information Packets). Such a diagram can be converted directly into a list of connections, which can then be executed by an appropriate engine (software or hardware).
M and N are what are often referred to as "bounded buffer
Circular buffer
A circular buffer, cyclic buffer or ring buffer is a data structure that uses a single, fixed-size buffer as if it were connected end-to-end.This structure lends itself easily to buffering data streams.-Uses:...
s", and have a fixed capacity in terms of the number of IPs that they can hold at any point in time.
The concept of ports is what allows the same component to be used at more than one place in the network. In combination with a parametrization capability, called Initial Information Packets (IIPs), ports provide FBP with a component reuse capability, making FBP a component-based
Component-based software engineering
Component-based software engineering is a branch of software engineering that emphasizes the separation of concerns in respect of the wide-ranging functionality available throughout a given software system...
architecture. FBP thus exhibits what Nate Edwards
Nate Edwards
Nathen P. Edwards is a former IBM hardware architect, retired in 1997. He did his military service from 1942 to 1946, as a LTJG, Deck, USNR, Pacific, Chief Radio Technician, followed by Stanford University, where he gained an MS EE in 1949....
of IBM Research
IBM Research
IBM Research, a division of IBM, is a research and advanced development organization and currently consists of eight locations throughout the world and hundreds of projects....
has termed configurable modularity
Configurable modularity
Configurable modularity is a term coined by Raoul de Campo of IBM Research and later expanded on by Nate Edwards of the same organization, denoting the ability to reuse independent components by changing their interconnections, but not their internals. In Edwards' view this characterizes all...
Information Packets or IPs are allocated in what might be called "IP space" (just as Linda's tuples are allocated in "tuple space"), and have a well-defined lifetime until they are disposed of and their space is reclaimed - in FBP this must be an explicit action on the part of an owning process. IPs traveling across a given connection (actually it is their "handles" that travel) constitute a "stream", which is generated and consumed asynchronously - this concept thus has similarities to the lazy cons
Lazy evaluation
In programming language theory, lazy evaluation or call-by-need is an evaluation strategy which delays the evaluation of an expression until the value of this is actually required and which also avoids repeated evaluations...
concept described in the 1976 article by Friedman and Wise.
IPs are usually structured chunks of data - some IPs, however, may not contain any real data, but are used simply as signals. An example of this is "bracket IPs", which can be used to group data IPs into sequential patterns within a stream, called "substreams". Substreams may in turn be nested. IPs may also be chained together to form "IP trees", which travel through the network as single objects.
The system of connections and processes described above can be "ramified" to any size. During the development of an application, monitoring processes may be added between pairs of processes, processes may be "exploded" to subnets, or simulations of processes may be replaced by the real process logic. FBP therefore lends itself to rapid prototyping
Software prototyping
*Software prototyping, refers to the activity of creating prototypes of software applications, i.e., incomplete versions of the software program being developed...
This is really an assembly line
Assembly line
An assembly line is a manufacturing process in which parts are added to a product in a sequential manner using optimally planned logistics to create a finished product much faster than with handcrafting-type methods...
image of data processing: the IPs travelling through a network of processes may be thought of as widgets travelling from station to station in an assembly line. "Machines" may easily be reconnected, taken off line for repair, replaced, and so on. Oddly enough, this image is very similar to that of unit record equipment
Unit record equipment
Before the advent of electronic computers, data processing was performed using electromechanical devices called unit record equipment, electric accounting machines or tabulating machines. Unit record machines were as ubiquitous in industry and government in the first half of the twentieth century...
that was used to process data before the days of computers, except that decks of cards had to be hand-carried from one machine to another.
Implementations of FBP may be non-preemptive or preemptive - the earlier implementations tended to be non-preemptive (mainframe and C language), whereas the latest Java implementation (see below) uses Java Thread class and is preemptive.
After Paul MorrisonJohn Paul Morrison
John Paul Morrison is a British-born Canadian computer programmer, and the inventor of flow-based programming . He is the author of the books Flow-Based Programming: A New Approach to Application Development and Flow-Based Programming, 2nd Edition: A New Approach to Application Development...
retired from IBM, these concepts were implemented first in C++
C++ is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, compiled, general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as an intermediate-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell...
, using green threads
Green threads
In computer programming, green threads are threads that are scheduled by a virtual machine instead of natively by the underlying operating system...
(this version is currently undergoing conversion to fiber
Fiber (computer science)
In computer science, a fiber is a particularly lightweight thread of execution.Like threads, fibers share address space. However, fibers use co-operative multitasking while threads use pre-emptive multitasking. Threads often depend on the kernel's thread scheduler to preempt a busy thread and...
s), then in Java
Java (programming language)
Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities...
, starting from a base developed by John Cowan - this implementation is available as Open Source on SourceForge
SourceForge Enterprise Edition is a collaborative revision control and software development management system. It provides a front-end to a range of software development lifecycle services and integrates with a number of free software / open source software applications .While originally itself...
. A C# implementation is also available at the same site. Both of these implementations use threads, so they make optimum use of all the processors on the machine running the application.
A diagramming tool, called "DrawFBP", is also available at that site - it can also be run via JWS
Java Web Start
In computing, Java Web Start is a framework developed by Sun Microsystems that allows users to start application software for the Java Platform directly from the Internet using a web browser....
- see the Flow-Based Programming web site.
"Telegram Problem"
FBP components often form complementary pairs. This example uses two such pairs. The problem described seems very simple as described in words, but in fact is surprisingly hard to do using conventional procedural logic. The task, called the "Telegram Problem", originally described by Peter NaurPeter Naur
Peter Naur is a Danish pioneer in computer science and Turing award winner. His last name is the N in the BNF notation , used in the description of the syntax for most programming languages...
, is to write a program which accepts lines of text and generates output lines of a different length, without splitting any of the words in the text (we assume no word is longer than the size of the output lines).
In conventional logic, the programmer rapidly discovers that neither the input nor the output structures can be used to drive the call hierarchy of control flow
Control flow
In computer science, control flow refers to the order in which the individual statements, instructions, or function calls of an imperative or a declarative program are executed or evaluated....
. In FBP, on the other hand, the problem description itself suggests a solution:
- "words" are mentioned explicitly in the description of the problem, so it is reasonable for the designer to treat words as information packets (IPs)
- in FBP there is no single call hierarchy, so the programmer is not tempted to force a subpattern of the solution to be the top level.
Here is the most natural solution in FBP (there is no single "correct" solution in FBP, but this seems like a natural fit):

Batch update
This type of program involves passing a file of "details" (changes, adds and deletes) against a "master file", and producing (at least) an updated master file, and one or more reports. Update programs are generally quite hard to code using synchronous, procedural code, as two (sometimes more) input streams have to be kept synchronized, even though there may be masters without corresponding details, or vice versa.
Unit record equipment
Before the advent of electronic computers, data processing was performed using electromechanical devices called unit record equipment, electric accounting machines or tabulating machines. Unit record machines were as ubiquitous in industry and government in the first half of the twentieth century...
idea of a Collator, makes writing this type of application much easier as Collate merges the two streams and inserts bracket IPs to indicate grouping levels, significantly simplifying the downstream logic. Suppose that one stream ("masters" in this case) consists of IPs with key values of 1, 2 and 3, and the second stream IPs ("details") have key values of 11, 12, 21, 31, 32, 33 and 41, where the first digit corresponds to the master key values. Using bracket characters to represent "bracket" IPs, the collated output stream will be as follows:
( m1 d11 d12 ) ( m2 d21 ) ( m3 d31 d32 d33 ) (d41)
As there was no master with a value of 4, the last group consists of a single detail (plus brackets).
The structure of the above stream can be described succinctly using a BNF
Backus–Naur form
In computer science, BNF is a notation technique for context-free grammars, often used to describe the syntax of languages used in computing, such as computer programming languages, document formats, instruction sets and communication protocols.It is applied wherever exact descriptions of...
-like notation such as
{ ( [m] d* ) }*
Collate is a reusable black box which only needs to know where the control fields are in its incoming IPs (even this is not strictly necessary as transformer processes can be inserted upstream to place the control fields in standard locations), and can in fact be generalized to any number of input streams, and any depth of bracket nesting. Collate uses an array-type port for input, allowing a variable number of input streams.
Simple interactive network

Chorba , ciorbă , shurpa , shorpo , or sorpa is one of various kinds of soup or stew found in national cuisines across Middle East...
, MQSeries, etc. The cross-connections represent requests that do not need to go to the back ends, or requests that have to cycle through the network more than once before being returned to the user.
As different requests may use different back-ends, and may require differing amounts of time for the back-ends (if used) to process them, provision must be made to relate returned data to the appropriate requesting transactions, e.g. hash tables or caches.
The above diagram is schematic in the sense that the final application may contain many more processes: processes may be inserted between other processes to manage caches, display connection traffic, monitor throughput, etc. Also the blocks in the diagram may represent "subnets" - small networks with one or more open connections.
Jackson Structured Programming (JSP)
This methodology assumes that a program must be structured as a single procedural hierarchy of subroutines. Its starting point is to describe the application as a set of "main lines", based on the input and output data structures. One of these "main lines" is then chosen to drive the whole program, and the others are required to be "inverted" to turn them into subroutines (hence the name "Jackson inversion"). This sometimes results in what is called a "clash", requiring the program to be split into multiple programs or coroutines. When using FBP, this inversion process is not required, as every FBP component can be considered a separate "main line".FBP and JSP share the concept of treating a program (or some components) as a parser of an input stream. The FBP book contains a discussion of how the concept of push-down automata may be used to design components (Chapter 23). It describes how a stack
Stack (data structure)
In computer science, a stack is a last in, first out abstract data type and linear data structure. A stack can have any abstract data type as an element, but is characterized by only three fundamental operations: push, pop and stack top. The push operation adds a new item to the top of the stack,...
of controlling IPs may be used to control nested substreams in an FBP data stream.
Applicative programming
W.B. Ackerman defines an applicative language as one which does all of its processing by means of operators applied to values. The earliest known applicative language was LISP.An FBP component can be regarded as a function transforming its input stream(s) into its output stream(s). These functions are then combined to make more complex transformations, as shown here:

c = G(F(a),F(b));
Just as in functional notation F can be used twice because it only works with values, and therefore has no side effects, in FBP two instances of a given component may be running concurrently with each other, and therefore FBP components must not have side-effects either. Functional notation could clearly be used to represent at least a part of an FBP network.
The question then arises whether FBP components can themselves be expressed using functional notation. W.H. Burge showed how stream expressions can be developed using a recursive, applicative style of programming, but this work was in terms of (streams of) atomic values. In FBP, it is necessary to be able to describe and process structured data chunks (FBP IPs). In the FBP book, a notation is added for accessing the fields of an IP, and an operator, called the "mini-constructor" (μ), based on a similar function in the Vienna Definition Language, for creating an IP from a set of (perhaps modified) field values and identifiers.
Furthermore, most applicative systems assume that all the data is available in memory at the same time, whereas FBP applications need to be able to process long-running streams of data while still using finite resources. Friedman and Wise suggested a way to do this by adding the concept of "lazy cons"
Lazy evaluation
In programming language theory, lazy evaluation or call-by-need is an evaluation strategy which delays the evaluation of an expression until the value of this is actually required and which also avoids repeated evaluations...
to Burge's work. This removed the requirement that both of the arguments of "cons" be available at the same instant of time. "Lazy cons" does not actually build a stream until both of its arguments are realized - before that it simply records a "promise" to do this. This allows a stream to be dynamically realized from the front, but with an unrealized back end. The end of the stream stays unrealized until the very end of the process, while the beginning is an ever-lengthening sequence of items.
In the FBP book (Chapter 24), these ideas are combined to allow the expression of some quite complex component logic using applicative notation.
Many of the concepts in FBP seem to have been discovered independently in different systems over the years. Linda, mentioned above, is one such. Chapter 26 of the FBP book goes into some detail about similarities and differences, but probably the major difference is that, in Linda, data is accessed associatively, whereas in FBP, IPs arriving at a particular input port are retrieved sequentially. FBP's IPs are very similar to Linda's tupleTuple
In mathematics and computer science, a tuple is an ordered list of elements. In set theory, an n-tuple is a sequence of n elements, where n is a positive integer. There is also one 0-tuple, an empty sequence. An n-tuple is defined inductively using the construction of an ordered pair...
s. The difference between the two techniques is illustrated by the Linda "school of piranhas" load balancing technique - in FBP, this requires an extra "load balancer" component which routes requests to the component in a list which has the smallest number of IPs waiting to be processed. Clearly FBP and Linda are closely related, and one could easily be used to simulate the other.
Object-oriented programming
An object in OOPObject-oriented programming
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm using "objects" – data structures consisting of data fields and methods together with their interactions – to design applications and computer programs. Programming techniques may include features such as data abstraction,...
can be described as a semi-autonomous unit comprising both information and behaviour. Objects communicate by means of "method calls", which are essentially subroutine calls, done indirectly via the class to which the receiving object belongs. The object's internal data can only be accessed by means of method calls, so this is a form of information hiding
Information hiding
In computer science, information hiding is the principle of segregation of the design decisions in a computer program that are most likely to change, thus protecting other parts of the program from extensive modification if the design decision is changed...
or "encapsulation". Encapsulation, however, predates OOP - David Parnas
David Parnas
David Lorge Parnas is a Canadian early pioneer of software engineering, who developed the concept of information hiding in modular programming, which is an important element of object-oriented programming today. He is also noted for his advocacy of precise documentation.- Biography :Parnas earned...
wrote one of the seminal articles on it in the early 70s - and is a basic concept in computing. Encapsulation is the very essence of an FBP component, which may be thought of as a black box
Black box
A black box is a device, object, or system whose inner workings are unknown; only the input, transfer, and output are known characteristics.The term black box can also refer to:-In science and technology:*Black box theory, a philosophical theory...
, performing some conversion of its input data into its output data. In FBP, part of the specification of a component is the data formats and stream structures that it can accept, and those it will generate. This constitutes a form of design by contract
Design by contract
Design by contract , also known as programming by contract and design-by-contract programming, is an approach to designing computer software...
. In addition, the data in an IP can only be accessed directly by the currently owning process. Encapsulation can also be implemented at the network level, by having outer processes protect inner ones.
A paper by C. Ellis and S. Gibbs distinguishes between active object
Active Object
The active object design pattern decouples method execution from method invocation that reside in their own thread of control. The goal is to introduce concurrency, by using asynchronous method invocation and a scheduler for handling requests....
s and passive objects. Passive objects comprise information and behaviour, as stated above, but they cannot determine the timing of this behaviour. Active objects on the other hand can do this. In their article Ellis and Gibbs state that active objects have much more potential for the development of maintainable systems than do passive objects. An FBP application can be viewed as a combination of these two types of object, where FBP processes would correspond to active objects, while IPs would correspond to passive objects.
Chapter 25 of the FBP book goes into more detail on the relationship between FBP and OOP
Object-oriented programming
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm using "objects" – data structures consisting of data fields and methods together with their interactions – to design applications and computer programs. Programming techniques may include features such as data abstraction,...
See also
- Active objectsActive objectsAn active object framework is a callback-based form of multitasking for computer systems. Specifically, it is a form of cooperative multitasking and is an important feature of the Symbian operating system....
- Actor modelActor modelIn computer science, the Actor model is a mathematical model of concurrent computation that treats "actors" as the universal primitives of concurrent digital computation: in response to a message that it receives, an actor can make local decisions, create more actors, send more messages, and...
- Communicating Sequential ProcessesCommunicating sequential processesIn computer science, Communicating Sequential Processes is a formal language for describing patterns of interaction in concurrent systems. It is a member of the family of mathematical theories of concurrency known as process algebras, or process calculi...
- Concurrent computingConcurrent computingConcurrent computing is a form of computing in which programs are designed as collections of interacting computational processes that may be executed in parallel...
- DataflowDataflowDataflow is a term used in computing, and may have various shades of meaning. It is closely related to message passing.-Software architecture:...
- Data flow diagramData flow diagramA data flow diagram is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system, modelling its process aspects. Often they are a preliminary step used to create an overview of the system which can later be elaborated...
- Dataflow programming
- FBD - Function Block Diagrams (a programming language in the IEC 61131 standard)IEC 61131IEC 61131 is an IEC standard for Programmable logic controllers . It was known as IEC 1131 before the change in numbering system by IEC.-Sections of IEC 61131:Standard IEC 61131 is divided into several parts :* Part 1: General information...
- Functional reactive programmingFunctional reactive programmingFunctional reactive programming is a programming paradigm for reactive programming using the building blocks of functional programmingThe key points of FRP are:* Input is viewed as a "behavior", or time-varying stream of events...
- Linda (coordination language)Linda (coordination language)In computer science, Linda is a model of coordination and communication among several parallel processes operating upon objects stored in and retrieved from shared, virtual, associative memory...
- MapReduceMapReduceMapReduce is a software framework introduced by Google in 2004 to support distributed computing on large data sets on clusters of computers. Parts of the framework are patented in some countries....
- Programming in the large and programming in the small
- Yahoo Pipes
External links
- expecco - Flow-Based Programming IDE
- Flow-Based Programming
- FBP on SourceForge : Open source framework for Java and C#
- Google group on Flow-Based Programming
- Wayne Stevens
- "The new old or The 'Return' to Concurrency" - (discussion on Lambda the Ultimate about FBP, UnixUnixUnix is a multitasking, multi-user computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna...
, Erlang, OmniMarkOmniMarkOmniMark is a fourth-generation programming language used mostly in the publishing industry. It is a proprietary software product of Stilo International.-Usage:...
, Monad shell, KamaeliaKamaeliaKamaelia is a free software/open source Python-based systems-development tool and concurrency framework produced by BBC Research.Kamaelia applications are produced by linking independent components together. These components communicate entirely through "inboxes" and "outboxes" largely removing...
, etc.) - "The right default: concurrent components with message passing" - (discussion on Lambda the Ultimate about approaches to structuring programs)
- Lily : Firefox add-on that allows users to mashup the web or the desktop, visualize and animate data, modify webpages, play music, or connect to world outside the computer
- Pypes : Python implementation of FBP based on Stackless PythonStackless PythonStackless Python, or Stackless, is a Python programming language interpreter, so named because it avoids depending on the C call stack for its own stack. The most prominent feature of Stackless is microthreads, which avoid much of the overhead associated with usual operating system threads...
, by Eric Gaumer - Constructibl.es : Javascript and HTML implementation of FBP by Seung Chan Lim
- U.S. Patent #5,204,965 (1993-04-20) S.B. Guthery, P.S. Barth, D.R. Barstow, "Data processing system using stream stores".