Feliu Ventura
Feliu Ventura is a singer-songwriter
Singer-songwriters are musicians who write, compose and sing their own musical material including lyrics and melodies. As opposed to contemporary popular music singers who write their own songs, the term singer-songwriter describes a distinct form of artistry, closely associated with the...

 from the País Valencià.

Ventura's music is on the boundary between modern music styles and folk
Folk music
Folk music is an English term encompassing both traditional folk music and contemporary folk music. The term originated in the 19th century. Traditional folk music has been defined in several ways: as music transmitted by mouth, as music of the lower classes, and as music with unknown composers....

, with lyrics addressing political and youth issues. He has collaborated with guitar player and record producer Borja Penalba
Borja Penalba
Borja Penalba Catalá is a Composer, record producer, Arranger and Musician.He has worked with and for, among others, , Lluís Llach, , Obrint Pas, , Marc Parrot or . He also was a member of the valencian rock band Dropo...

, the band Obrint Pas
Obrint Pas
Obrint Pas is a musical group from Valencia, Spain. Their music is a mixture of rock, ska and reggae with dolçaina rhythms, a traditional Valencian instrument.-History:...

 and the Catalan singer-songwriter
Singer-songwriters are musicians who write, compose and sing their own musical material including lyrics and melodies. As opposed to contemporary popular music singers who write their own songs, the term singer-songwriter describes a distinct form of artistry, closely associated with the...

 Lluís Llach
Lluís Llach
Lluís Llach i Grande is a Catalan composer and songwriter.Though partially dependent on arrangers, like Manel Camp or Carles Cases in his early works, Llach's songwriting has largely evolved from the more basic early compositions to a vastly more complex harmonic and melodic writing...


In voting by the readers of the specialized magazine Enderrock, Ventura won the award for best singer-songwriter of 2006.


  • 1996 - L'única diferència (tape)
  • 2000 - Estels de tela (CD)
  • 2003 - Barricades de paper (CD)
  • 2005 - Que no s'apague la llum (CD/DVD)(Live Recording together with Lluís Llach
    Lluís Llach
    Lluís Llach i Grande is a Catalan composer and songwriter.Though partially dependent on arrangers, like Manel Camp or Carles Cases in his early works, Llach's songwriting has largely evolved from the more basic early compositions to a vastly more complex harmonic and melodic writing...

  • 2006 - Alfabets de futur (CD)
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