Elias Bassalygo bound
be a
-ary code of length
, i.e. a subset of
. Let
be the rate of
be the relative distance.
be the Hamming Ball of radius
centered at
. Let
be the volume of the Hamming ball of radius
. It is obvious that the volume of a Hamming Ball is translation invariant, i.e. irrelevant with position of \boldsymbol{y}. In particular, 
With large enough
, the rate
and the relative distance
satisfies the Elias-Bassalygo bound: 
is the q-ary entropy function
To prove the Elias–Bassalygo bound, we'll need the following Lemma:
Lemma 1: Given a q-ary code,
, there exists a Hamming ball of radius
with at least
codewords in it.
Proof of Lemma 1: We prove Lemma 1 using probability method. Let's random pick a received word
. The expected size of overlapped region between
and the Hamming ball centered at
with radius
is (uniform) randomly selected. Since this is the expected value of the size, there must exist at least one
such that
, otherwise the expectation must be smaller than this value.
Now we prove the Elias–Bassalygo bound.
By Lemma 1, there exists a Hamming ball with
codewords such that

By Johnson Bound Johnson bound, we have
. Thus,

The second inequality follows from lower bound on the volume of a Hamming ball:

Putting in
gives the second inequality.
Therefore we have


With large enough

is the q-ary entropy function
is a function related with Johnson bound
To prove the Elias–Bassalygo bound, we'll need the following Lemma:
Lemma 1: Given a q-ary code,

Proof of Lemma 1: We prove Lemma 1 using probability method. Let's random pick a received word

Now we prove the Elias–Bassalygo bound.

By Lemma 1, there exists a Hamming ball with

By Johnson Bound Johnson bound, we have

The second inequality follows from lower bound on the volume of a Hamming ball:

Putting in

Therefore we have
See also
- Singleton boundSingleton boundIn coding theory, the Singleton bound, named after Richard Collom Singleton, is a relatively crude bound on the size of a block code C with block length n, size r and minimum distance d.-Statement of the Bound:...
- Hamming boundHamming boundIn mathematics and computer science, in the field of coding theory, the Hamming bound is a limit on the parameters of an arbitrary block code: it is also known as the sphere-packing bound or the volume bound from an interpretation in terms of packing balls in the Hamming metric into the space of...
- Plotkin boundPlotkin boundIn the mathematics of coding theory, the Plotkin bound, named after Morris Plotkin, is a bound on the maximum possible number of codewords in binary codes of given length n and given minimum distance d.- Statement of the bound :...
- Gilbert–Varshamov bound
- Johnson bound