Dragon deities
In many campaign setting
Campaign setting
A campaign setting is usually a fictional world which serves as a setting for a role-playing game or wargame campaign. A campaign is a series of individual adventures, and a campaign setting is the world in which such adventures and campaigns take place...

s for the Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy role-playing game originally designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and first published in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. . The game has been published by Wizards of the Coast since 1997...

role-playing game
Role-playing game
A role-playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development...

, the fictional draconic pantheon of gods consists of the leader Io, as well as Aasterinian, Astilabor, Bahamut, Chronepsis, Faluzure, Garyx, Hlal, Lendys, Sardior, Tamara, and Tiamat. Other draconic gods may be present in different campaign settings.


Aasterinian is the dragon deity that serves as Io's messenger. She appears as a huge brass dragon who is always grinning. She is quick-witted, with a sharp tongue. She also has talons and breathes fire. Aasternian is on good relations with Garl Glittergold
Garl Glittergold
Garl Glittergold is the patron deity of gnomes in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, and a member of the game's default pantheon of deities. His symbol is a gold nugget.-Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition :...

, Fharlanghn
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and the default pantheon of deities for the third edition of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Fharlanghn, the Dweller on the Horizon, is the Oeridian god of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads. He is a well-known deity on the world of Oerth...

, Olidammara
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and the default pantheon of deities for the third edition of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, Olidammara is the god of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks. He is often called the Laughing Rogue.Olidammara is one of the more...

 and similar deities.


In the Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy role-playing game originally designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and first published in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. . The game has been published by Wizards of the Coast since 1997...

role-playing game, Astilabor (As-TIL-uh-bore) is the dragon
Dragon (Dungeons & Dragons)
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game , dragons are an iconic type of monstrous creature used as adversaries or, less commonly, allies of player characters...

 deity of hoards.

In the game, Astilabor represents the desire in all dragons to acquire wealth and power. However, she dislikes greed. She cannot abide thievery unless such an act is done in the name of building one's hoard. All of her followers are neutral in some aspect of their alignment. She discourages her clerics from becoming involved in draconic politics and seeks to reward dragons with unusually impressive hoards.


Chronepsis is the dragon deity of Fate, Death, and Judgment. His symbol is an unblinking draconic eye. Chronepsis is truly neutral in all things, dispassionate and unconcerned with the unfolding of events. He observes, but does not act except to guide the spirits of dragons into the afterlife. While he is a god of "eternal law," he cares nothing for justice, as Lendys does. Chronepsis never speaks or communicates. Chronepsis is said to know the future and how all things will end, but he will not reveal this knowledge to others.


Faluzure is the dragon deity of Energy Draining, Undeath, Decay, and Exhaustion. "Faluzure" is also sometimes spelled "Falazure". His symbol is a draconic skull. Faluzure is a wretched, creeping thing no longer able to fly, but he has a gravely terrible beauty nonetheless. He is vast and sleek, with silver-edged scales of midnight blue and vestigial wings; he may also appear as a handsome human or comely elf. He is a brilliant, gifted master of disguise, and lacks his sister Tiamat's recklessness. He requires a continuous stream of death to maintain his beauty and perfection; if he goes without death for too long, he becomes gaunt and skeletal.


Garyx is the dragon god of fire, destruction, and renewal. The deity was introduced in the Draconomicon supplement released in 1990 by TSR
TSR, Inc.
Blume and Gygax, the remaining owners, incorporated a new company called TSR Hobbies, Inc., with Blume and his father, Melvin Blume, owning the larger share. The former assets of the partnership were transferred to TSR Hobbies, Inc....


Garyx symbolizes the sheer power and destructive force of dragonkind. Some argue that Garyx is actually insane.


Garyx pays little or no attention to his clerics and worshipers, but they do not care. Some druids revere the renewing aspect of Garyx, knowing that devastation is necessary for rejuvenation to occur.


Hlal is the dragon deity of humor and storytelling. Her symbol is an open book, and her favored weapon is the short sword or claw.

Hlal enjoys sharing stories and songs with those who appreciate such things, regardless of the listener's race or background. She has little use for tyrants, and even less patience for cruelty or bullying. She teaches that one must be free of restraint, whether real or psychological, in order to freely express one's opinions.


Hlal's priests are often multiclassed cleric/bards, using music and poetry to spread their faith. Places of worship are usually simple shrines, which can be packed up and moved to the next town at a moment's notice.
The followers of Hlal share much in common with those of Olidammara, and many pay homage to both deities simultaneously. Both Hextor and Vecna are among her chief enemies, because of their portfolios.


Lendys is the dragon god of balance and justice. Unlike Chronepsis, who judges dragons after they die, Lendys metes out justice during a dragon's life.


The clerics and paladins of Lendys are justice-bringers, often serving as judges and arbiters for local communities.

Lendys's clergy get along well with worshippers of St. Cuthbert
Saint Cuthbert (Dungeons & Dragons)
In some versions of the Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game, Saint Cuthbert of the Cudgel is the combative deity of Wisdom, Dedication, and Zeal...

, and poorly with the followers of chaotic gods such as Kord, Olidammara
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and the default pantheon of deities for the third edition of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, Olidammara is the god of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks. He is often called the Laughing Rogue.Olidammara is one of the more...

, and Erythnul
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and the default pantheon of deities for the third edition of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, Erythnul is the Oeridian god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, and slaughter. He is known as the Many, and is worshipped by many gnoll,...



Sardior ˈsɑrdi.ɔr is the dragon deity of gem dragons and psionics. His symbol is a ruby with an inner glow.


Tamara is the dragon goddess of life, light, and mercy.

Tamara is the kindest and most benevolent of the draconic deities. Some mistake this quality for weakness, but such beings never make this mistake twice.

Tamara's clerics are healers, but also deliverers of death to those who try to escape it. They destroy all undead creatures they encounter, especially draconic undead.

Tamara is described as being an ally of Pelor
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Pelor is the god of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing. Pelor is also a prominent member of the third edition of the game's default pantheon, and is a popular choice among player character clerics because he...

 and an enemy of Falazure, Hextor
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and the default pantheon of deities for the third edition of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, Hextor is the Oeridian god of war, discord, massacres, conflict, fitness, and tyranny....

, Nerull
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, as well as in the game's default pantheon of deities, Nerull is the Flan god of death, darkness, murder, and the underworld. He is known as the Reaper, the Foe of All Good, the Hater of Life, and the Bringer of...

, and Erythnul
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and the default pantheon of deities for the third edition of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, Erythnul is the Oeridian god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, and slaughter. He is known as the Many, and is worshipped by many gnoll,...

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